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Prep for The Week Issue Number 1806 2 October 2015 1

Issue Number 1806 – 2 October 2015

Prep for the Week

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog and Commmendations Ski Trip News from the Boarding House Kingfishers, Lower, Middle and Upper School news Music events from this week Girls' and Boys' Sports Shakespeare Schools Festival Craft and Bakery Clubs Calendar Notices

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Follow us on Twitter:@CheltPrep

As well as opening our doors for the

Autumn Open Morning this Saturday, we've

also got lots of dates for your diary!

Don't forget the Ski Trip happening in March

- more info on page 3.

Parents of Kingfishers can sign up at

Reception this week for lunch in Week 6.

Remember, remember, 7 November!

Friends of The Prep will be holding a

fireworks display!

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents,

Saturday morning sees us using our Autumn Open Morning as an opportunity to introduce our own children to the skills of 'presentation'. Normally I am not a supporter of contrived Open Mornings but, in this case, when an opportunity for our own children presents itself, I am happy to embrace the possibilities.

Of course, the emphasis will be on those children in Year 8 who will act as guides for our visitors. This is an essential part of the Year 8 ‘job description’ and one which is very popular with all children. It is heartening to hear how much the children aspire to fulfill this role. As we will be actively encouraging our visitors to participate wherever possible, I am expecting many other children to be questioned about what they are doing and about life at The Prep in general.

The skill of presenting oneself is one of those skills described to me as ‘soft skills’. Not so long ago they were ‘life skills’. Whatever you wish to refer to them as, they are important and schools such as The Prep continually seek ways in which to develop them. Integral to this is our outstanding co-curricular programme as co-ordinated by Mr Perona-Wright and it is no surprise to me that it is so well employed. The co-curricular programme and the regular opportunities for sport, drama and music all serve to develop soft skills.

We try to complement these opportunities with regular trips and my only regret is that this attracts

additional costs. Nevertheless, we will continue to arrange these trips, and one which I would like to bring to your attention is our Ski Trip at the beginning of the 2016 Easter holidays. Ms Duggan and Mr Hall have included a brief explanation of the arrangements in this newsletter and I would like to add my endorsement. A skiing trip offers so much opportunity for a child to mature, as he or she spends a week enjoying him- or herself in the company of friends whilst being responsible for a plethora of belongings and, most importantly, enjoying and facing risk. Starting in the departure lounge where the child, probably for the first time ever, is responsible for a passport and for responding appropriately to the security arrangements, and continuing throughout the trip as the child strives to keep track of essential belongings: gloves, ski pass, goggles etc. Every child enjoys the thrill of that first taste of independence. Skiing also contains a degree of controlled risk in that sliding down mountains on skis is inherently dangerous. Understanding and overcoming this risk is a major triumph! If you wish to further invest in your child’s education, a school skiing holiday offers real returns.

It would not be Friday if I wasn’t writing about the car park. As I looked on helplessly as the inevitable queues formed this morning, I did some simple calculations. Approximately 100 parents are trying to drop children off into Kingfishers and Lower School. There is a maximum of 28 parking places in our playground at any one time. Whatever clever parking system I design, a queue is inevitable. Therefore, please use the spaces adjacent to the Sports Hall or next to the Estates building and please, please ‘kiss and go’ if your child is old enough, exiting back onto the Thirlestaine Road. Thank you.

Jon Whybrow

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Headmaster's CommendationsIzabella Sneyd

for overcoming fears and being part of a team

Ollie McGrath and Nastya Zinoveva for integrating with others and showing confidence in a new situation

Emily Lopez for always being an enthusiastic volunteer for demonstrations in Hockey

Hermione Lloyd-Horton and Denis Solovyev for "excellent English preps"

Ski Trip Year 5-8 Prep pupils are invited to join a Ski Trip! 19 - 26 March 2016Please be advised the cost will be £700-£1,000. We are currently looking into resorts, with intention to book over the next week. Once confirmed deposit payment will be required by October Half Term.

More information to come. If you might be interested, please see Ms Duggan in classroom 2D in Kingfishers, or email [email protected]

Emmiline Cyphus-Hocken 8James Dutton 8Tom de Quincey Adams 9Ben Goodale 9Abigail Hulett 11Rui Palmer 11Jack O'Connor 12Minette Tombleson 12Fionnuala Dowling-Membrado 13Anna Forde 13Hermione Lloyd-Horton 13Anabelle Wells 13

Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

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Boarding House

High Ropes

The Boarding House headed off to Cirencester recently, and enjoyed an

excellent day out at a high ropes course! There were lots of

team-building activities and climbing courses that involved taking yourself to

the edge of your comfort zone and putting your trust in others!

Although many of us were really scared, everyone overcame their fears and had

a fantastic afternoon!

Boarders’ Superstars

After a delicious BBQ lunch on the Headmaster’s Lawn, the Boarders enjoyed an exciting day of challenges in the pool and out on the field. Some of the activities required skill, whilst others needed the Boarders to be efficient decision-makers, tacticians and planners.

Starting in the pool, everyone competed in a range of fun activities that showcased the Boarders’ enthusiasm and their ability to work within a team. After a quick break, it was time for the outdoor races to commence in the gorgeous September sunshine! The races comprised of a series of crazy events involving dressing up, eggs and spoons and, of course, three legs!

The scores were tight throughout and everyone was keen to win; but despite this, it was lovely to see everyone helping one another, cheering and working as a team. At the end of the day, the Boarders were tired and ready to chill out in front of a movie, having enjoyed such a great day in the House.

What Sunday activities

have been going on in the

Boarding House?

"The scores were tight throughout and everyone was keen to win..."

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In Ms Duggan’s Maths class we have been ‘Secret Agents’

who have been cracking the codes!

The agents were finding all the different ways to make 6, 7, 8 and 9 by using their number bonds.

They used the magnifying glasses to check their


"I liked checking my answers with my magnifying glass." - Harry

"The magnifying glasses really helped us to check our answers." - Jack

"It was fun because I liked finding out all the answers." - Gennaro


We have also been using mirrors to help us learn our

doubles. We had great fun pulling faces in the mirrors first

and then got down to business!

"I found all the doubles up to 15 on my own!" - Seb

"I liked doubling because when you put your fingers in the

mirror they looked fake but they are actually the same as your

real fingers. I could count them all to work out the double." - Ollie

Dear Parents, Don’t forget to sign up next week for lunch with Kingfishers in Week 6!

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Your challenge - should you choose to accept it!We’ve designed some patterns of our own, can you find the lines of symmetry in them? Be careful:

some of our patterns are asymmetrical, so there are none to find!

Lower SchoolLower School parents are reminded that children are not allowed in their classrooms before 08.00. Staff need time to set up their resources for the day. You can wait with your child in the Middle Room if you arrive early. Thank you.

By EmmilineBy Harry By Lily

In Year 3 Maths we have been enjoying studying reflective symmetry.

We’ve created colourful symmetrical patterns on paper and used cubes too, and enjoyed using mirrors to check them. Here are some photos of us hard at work.

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Year 6 Polyphones Workshop

On Tuesday, Year 6 pupils were treated to a unique musical workshop: Polyphones! These unusual instruments are, to all intents and purposes, varying lengths of coloured drainpipe, tuned to a range of notes, which you hit with a rubber bat that looks like a table tennis paddle! Polyphones are relatively easy to learn, exciting to play and impressive to perform with.

Very much akin to ‘Junk Percussion’, this all inclusive workshop engaged the pupils in music, whether they learn an instrument or not. It encouraged valuable life skills such as working together, developing confidence and expressing yourself through music. In addition, the workshop covered key elements of musical theory: the topics discussed and put into action included melody, harmony, ensemble playing, rhythm and dynamics.

Middle School"When we all played together in the

end it sounded really harmonic!"

- Jamie

"It was difficult at the beginning, but I perservered and eventually I got the timing right." - Izabella

"I liked learning how to play the polyphones; the sound is unique and very different to the

guitar which I normally play." - Aidan.

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Work & Play

This week Upper School have been enjoying the glorious late September weather on the fields, as well as working hard as the term stretches in front of us. Exeat gave Year 7 and 8 a chance to get some rest and relaxation: now it’s very much down to business as pupils start thinking about independent learning skills to support work done in the classroom.

We’re aiming to make sure that our pupils make the best use of their time in prep and catch up with vocabulary and general revision should they have some time at the end. This way, they are targeting any areas which might need some extra support before we head into examinations next half term.

We have noticed this week in particular how settled and sensible Upper School are at present; there is a very purposeful and focused atmosphere, allowing Upper School pupils to really enjoy themselves at break and lunchtime!

We’ve also been taking some photos of life in Upper School and getting some quotes together for our display boards, which you can see on the wall in Day End. One example is:

“We have great new facilities this year in our Science and Technology Centre. Our teachers are helpful and always take the time to give us extra help if we need it. We have some of the best sports teams and teachers EVER. Upper School is amazing!”

Upper School

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Harvest Festival Thank you very much to those children who took part and sang in the service. The Kingfishers delighted us with their ‘Harvest Samba’, whilst Junior Choir confidently sang their song ‘I am the Earth’.

Finally, leading the way was Chamber and Chapel Choir with their version of ‘The Rose’, which was accompanied by a selection of pupils who formed a small ensemble.

Thank you also to the parents for supporting those children singing.


Pupils' Informal Concert

We enjoyed listening to pupils performing on a range of instruments including the piano, violin, flute, oboe and bassoon at the Pupils' Informal Concert this Tuesday.

It was wonderful to see such a range of pupils throughout the school from Year 3 through to Year 8, for many of whom this concert would have been their first time performing in front of an audience. Well done to you all!

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Girls' SportsThis week was tough for Prep girls, with a range of fixtures against a school which is double our size and has twice the number of teams that we do. Although many Prep teams suffered losses, most of the games were close and well fought, and enjoyable for both the players and supporters. Well done to all the girls for their continued excellent attitudes and sportsmanship.

Girls' Fixtures TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULTU10 A The Dragon 30 Sept 4 – 0 WONU10 B The Dragon 30 Sept 2 – 0 WONU11 A The Dragon 30 Sept 0 – 1 LOSTU11 B The Dragon 30 Sept 0 – 5 LOST1st VII The Dragon 30 Sept 0 – 2 LOST2nd VII The Dragon 30 Sept 1 – 2 LOST3rd VII The Dragon 30 Sept 2 – 5 LOST4th VII The Dragon 30 Sept 1 – 2 LOST5th VII The Dragon 30 Sept 1 – 2 LOST

Team of the Week – U10B

The Prep U10B teams played with determination on Wednesday. Their objective was to work on tackling and V-drives, which they have been developing in their Games sessions. During the first half, the girls worked well to tackle the opposition and had several opportunities to score in the D. The Dragon put up a good fight with excellent passes, which meant that the Prep girls had to work hard to regain possession. During the second half, the Prep team dominated the match with two goals scored in quick succession by the striker. This was thanks to everyone working well as a team. The defence had a quieter half, but managed to fend off an attempt at goal from The Dragon team.

We still need to make better use of the whole pitch and play out wide, but our defence certainly tried to ensure the ball was cleared out further from the goal. Well done girls, a great game.

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Boys' Sports

Boys' FixturesTEAM OPPONENT RESULT SCORE1st XV Pate's Grammar U13A Draw 22-222nd XV Pate's Grammar U13B Win 24-17U11A St Edward's U11A Win 25-0U11A Richard Pate U11A Win 20-0U11B St Edward's U11B Win 50-0U10A St Edward's U10A Win 35-30U10B St Edward's U10B Win 25-5U10B Richard Pate U10A Lost 10-30Colts Tigers St Edward's U11C Win 30-20

Result of the Week – Character!It has been said that sport reveals character and this is one of the huge benefits of rugby and why Prep boys play the game at this school. Winnie the Pooh famously told Piglet “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Similarly, we find that rugby manages to take Prep pupils out of their comfort zone and to put them in situations where they find out more about themselves than they knew possible.Wednesday afternoon saw example after example of Cheltenham Prep boys finding themselves under huge pressure and reaching deep down to find the determination to succeed. Firstly over to Pate's Grammar School where both the 1st and 2nd XVs turned losing positions around by half time against opposition teams who were not only playing well, but were much larger than our boys. At half time not one set of eyes dropped to the floor, not one set of shoulders dropped and both teams played like heroes in the second half. The 2nd XV turned round a 10 point deficit to win 24-17 whilst the 1st XV tied the game in the very last play of the match.Over at Beaudesert U9 Festival all our four teams also played well, but special mention goes to our B team squad who played in the A team competition of the festival. We are not supposed to keep the scores in festival matches, but being rather cheeky we have to commend the B team for beating two other schools' A teams!

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Boys' SportsU13 Football Fixture vs The New BeaconOver the Exeat Weekend, The Prep welcomed visitors from The New Beacon School, in order to have a return football fixture for last year’s visit that The Prep made to New Beacon.

The event started off with a warm-up fixture for the boys against the staff on the Exeat Friday, a close-fought encounter which ended 2-1 to the staff. My thanks to my colleagues for giving the boys some excellent match preparation.

On the Saturday evening, The Prep entertained the visitors with bowling and pizza in Cheltenham. This was a great chance for the boys to meet the opposition and for some of the Year 8s to catch up with those who played last year. The opponents then stayed a night in the excellent 5* accommodation facilities provided by Mr and Mrs Wells, as well as having the opportunity to watch the Rugby World Cup on TV.

In the morning, The New Beacon were re-joined by Cheltenham, this time on the fields, ready for the game. The ground staff had put together a pitch especially, along with some ‘home-made’ goals, which gave the occasion a real buzz.

The match was full of great moments, of which The New Beacon enjoyed the lion's share, but nevertheless, Prep players put up an excellent fight and did not give up until the final whistle had blown. Without wanting to excuse defeat, it must be remembered that The Prep team is made up of volunteers, who had six sessions of football prior to the match. In comparison, The New Beacon play football for the majority of this term before switching to rugby and have twice as many boys to choose from. That said, The New Beacon played some exquisite football and really did show The Prep how the beautiful game can be played at this level.

Special mention must go to Deji Adetona who captained The Prep side superbly and led by example on the pitch with a great performance and a well-taken goal, as well as Charlie Anton-Smith who in goal, as last year, saved the score-line from being considerably greater than it was.

I would like to thank the team for their performance on the pitch and for being such great hosts and ambassadors off the pitch, as well as New Beacon and their staff for good company and competition. I would also like to extend our gratitude to the parents for their loyal support, as well as to Mr Jenkins for expertly refereeing the match. We also make a special mention to the ground staff for providing an excellent pitch, the catering staff for turning up on an Exeat Sunday and providing a superb match tea with bacon rolls (!) and to Mr and Mrs Wells for their kind loan of the Boarding House, as well as Mr Simpson and Mr Whybrow for allowing the fixture to go ahead and for use of the school.

We look forward to returning to The New Beacon in 2016 as we continue with what is becoming a great tradition. Year 7s: the countdown to next year’s fixture has started!

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Sports Notices

Curriculum PE and SwimmingPlease can you ensure that your child has his or her swimming kit in a small bag that is separate from his or her games bag. Particularly for our younger (and smaller) children, it can be a difficult task just getting up to the Sports Hall when they have to carry a large, heavy games bag. We are trying to make life easier for the children and ensure that they can get to their next lessons promptly: they should come to school already in their PE Kit and tracksuit, so that they only need to carry their swimming bag with them.

Shakepeare Schools FestivalThe 2015 national Shakespeare Schools Festival is in full rehearsal leading to our

performances at Cheltenham’s Everyman Theatre on 9 November.

On this night the casts of Year 6 and Year 8 pupils will perform abridged versions of their plays: A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Comedy of Errors.

Tickets are available from The Everyman Theatre Box Office and I would encourage as many parents and pupils as possible to come and support us on what will be a very

entertaining evening.

This week the cast had a workshop with SSF and National Theatre actors, together with two other local schools. All had fun and learned a great deal from the experience!

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Charity of the Year

Craft ClubPupils at Craft Club have been very

busy decorating personal door hangers for their bedrooms.

Some had an animal theme, others a

sporting theme. They all looked great!

We also decorated small wooden boxes to be presents or to keep

special things in. We were pleased to see some clever designs and some

very careful painting.

This year School Council have voted to support

Gloucestershire Bundles.

This is a local charity that provides emergency pack of toiletries, clothing and equipment to families with children up to the age of eleven

who find themselves in crisis situations. Community Family Workers and Health Visitors refer families and then

Gloucestershire Bundles can help. We are delighted to be supporting this

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Bakery Club

Practising rubbing in

We had to cut the butter into small chunks

Icing the chocolate




The bakers have been hard at work! Last week the bakers made double chocolate muffins, which looked and smelled delicious! This week they made some double chocolate shortbread. The biscuits had chocolate chips inside and were drizzled with white chocolate and sprinkles. They will be eaten and all gone before long!

This week the bakers learnt two new skills: how to separate the yolk and white of an egg and also how to rub in butter and flour to give the mixture the consistency of bread-crumbs. This is a skill we will be using again in future recipes.

Bakers: remember to bring your apron and a tupperware box or tin to take your goodies home in!

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CalendarSunday, 4 October 201510:00 The Dick Lewis Cup (H): U10A VIII. Pick up 14:0014:00 Boarders' Rock Climbing Adventure (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

Monday, 5 October 2015 Week 5 5 - 11 October09:25 Year 6 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Frank Cottrell Boyce11:00 Year 5 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Stewart and Riddell

Tuesday, 6 October 201515:00 Selected musicians perform at local care home17:00 Reading Workshop for parents of children in Reception to Year 2 (Library)18:00 How We Teach: An information evening for all parents. (Assembly Hall)18:00 Year 8 Try Boarding Night (Places limited to those who have not yet boarded - Booking through Mr Wells essential)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015Fixtures12:45 Departure for Rugby v Beaudesert Park (A): 1st XV, 3rd XV, U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:30. 4th X match cancelled12:45 Departure for Rugby Festival at The Downs School, Wraxall (A): U9A VII, U9 Lions VII, U9 Tigers VII, U9 Panthers VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:3014:30 Hockey v Airthrie (H): U10 Mix VII. Pick up 16:1514:30 Rugby v Beaudesert Park (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Pick up 16:30. 2nd XV match cancelled14:45 Hockey v The Richard Pate School (H): U11A VII, U11B VII. Pick up 16:1515:30 Internal Matches, U9 teams v U10 teams. Pick up 16:4516:00 Hockey v Denmark Road HSFG (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Pick up 17:30

Thursday, 8 October 2015 National Poetry Day15:30 Departure for Swimming Gala v Wycliffe (A): Years 7-8. Start 16:30. Pick up 18:45 Cancelled15:45 Departure for Cross Country League Race 1 at Old Pats (A): Years 4-6. Start 16:15. Pick up 17:0018:00 Deadline for Upper School Poet Laureate Competition

Friday, 9 October 201508:15 Coffee Morning for parents of children in Kingfishers (Kingfishers Hall)09:00 Year 4 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Steve Cole09:00 Cottage and Reception Harvest Assembly (Assembly Hall)10:45 Years 1 and 2 to visit Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Nick Sharratt10:45 Year 3 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Nick Sharratt14:00 Author Visit by Tom Palmer • Lower School 2-3pm • Middle School 3.15-4.15pm14:15 Chapel (parents welcome)

Saturday, 10 October 2015Fixtures08:30 Departure for St Hugh's Hockey Festival (A): U8A VII, U8B VII. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:0008:30 Departure for Rugby Festival at Clifton College (A): U9A VII, U9 VII, U9 Lions VII, U9 Tigers VII,

All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.

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U9 Panthers VII, U8A VI, U8 Blue IV, U8 White IV. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:1508:45 Departure for Rugby v Bromsgrove (A): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX, U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C, VIII. Start 10:30. Pick up 13:30 09:30 Hockey v 09:30 Beaudesert Park (H): U9A VII, U9B VII. Pick up 11:0009:50 Departure for Rugby v Bromsgrove (A): 1st XV. Start 11:15. Pick up 14:3010:30 Middle and Upper School House Hockey. Pick up 12:3010:30 Rugby v Bromsgrove (H): 2nd XV, 3rd XV. Pick up 12:30

Sunday, 11 October 201508:45 Departure for Rugby Festival at Prior Park (A): 1st XV. Start 10:00. Finish dependent on progress

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Invite you to their upcoming events:

Tuesday 6 October Thailand Drinks Reception, 18.30 - 21.00 at The Sheraton Grande, 250 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok. Please do join him, all are welcome.

Thursday 8 October We will be in The Running Horse, 50 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JE on 8 October from 18.30. Please do come and join us, we would love to see you!

If you would like further information on these events, please contact Rebecca Creed, Association Manager, Cheltenham, [email protected] 'Cheltenham College Cheltonian Association & Society' on Facebook and LinkedIn where you will find information about events and much more.

RSVPThe Cheltonian Association Office, Cheltenham College, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD.

Tel: +44 (0)1242 265694 Email: [email protected]

Invites you to theTHAILAND RECEPTION


The Sheraton Grande, 250 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok


Tuesday 6thOctober, 2015, 6.30-9.00pmDrinks Reception

The Cheltonian Association

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College ProductionWe invite you to join a cast of some of Cheltenham College's very best drama students for a new piece written by Katherine MacInnes. College's history takes centre stage in this special production:

"G.A.S." The play will be premiered in College’s Lower Gym as a site-specific, immersive piece with a cast including 14 talented students from across the Fifth and Sixth Form.

Set in Cheltenham College the story follows past and present pupils as they question their understanding of what it truly means to show bravery, examining OC George Raymond Dallas Moore, who was awarded a VC for his heroic actions in WW1.

Thursday 8, Friday 9 & Saturday 10 October Drinks reception from 19.00 in the cricket pavilion, please arrive there no later than 19.25. Please note latecomers cannot be admitted. The performance lasts an hour and there will be no interval.

Book your FREE tickets online by

College Charity FairYou are invited to the Cheltenham College Charity Fair in order to support our efforts in fundraising for Meningitis Now.

Sunday 4 October, 13.30-17.30 Prefects from the Senior School will undertake 12 hours of running and cycling, while a fair will be held on College Lawn. Some local businesses will hold stalls selling refreshments and gifts, while each College House will organise activities including football, inflatables and face-painting - something for the entire family! After the fair you are welcome to stay to support the 12th hour of the challenge, when the whole of the

Upper Sixth will join together to help reach the 1200km target. We aim to raise £8,000 for Meningitis Now, which is consistently ranked at international level for its groundbreaking scientific research, playing an invaluable role in tackling the disease worldwide. It is also particularly dear to College, with Meningitis being distinctly prevalent in Gloucestershire and with the tragedy it causes, recently having impacted our school community itself. If you cannot make the fair, but still would love to support our efforts, you can donate on our Just Giving page:

Save the Date!Friends of the Prep invite you to enjoy a fireworks display on 7 November at 18.00

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NOTICESSchool Uniform Shop

The School Uniform Shop term-time opening hours are:

Tuesday 13.30 to 15.30 Wednesday 15.30 to 17.00

We are happy to receive email enquiries, as it is not always possible to get to the shop.

We are also happy to accept clean uniform in good condition for sale.

Julie Tague and Irene Jones

Activities for Cheltenham Prep Mums!

Mums' netball training Sessions every Friday 09.00, Bentham Sports Club.

All welcome, no previous netball experience necessary – just an opportunity to have a run around and socialise!

Contact Amy Mills for more details [email protected] or just come along!

Mums' running club Every Monday 08.30, meet in the Sports Hall car park. Various groups depending on ability, also meeting on

other mornings by arrangement. Contact Josie Mayes for more details

[email protected] or call 07771 595081.Santa Family Fun Run

11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 6 December 2015

Save the date - more details to come!

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