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Page 1: Pregnancy Week By Week Pictures Of Baby And Belly

Pregnancy Week by week symptoms and picturesVisit at :

Page 2: Pregnancy Week By Week Pictures Of Baby And Belly

Symptoms in 1st week

In first Week your first week of pregnancy actually counts from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). In turn, you're technically not pregnant right now, but this is the point from which you'll track your pregnancy. Why? Well, it's just plain easier for most women to pinpoint the start of their LMP than to determine when exactly they ovulated. Tracking from your LMP gives you your gestational age, and you can expect to experience 40 weeks of pregnancy; if your due date is calculated from the point of ovulation, you'll be tracking your fertilization age for a total of 38 weeks.

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Symptoms in 2nd week

In 2nd Week Well, you're not actually pregnant yet, so there won't be any signs of pregnancy in the first two weeks. Since it's easier to date your pregnancy from the first day of your last period(which was last week) than it is from the exact date of conception, week 2 marks your transitioninto pregnancy rather than the second week of your baby's life. In fact, at the start of week 2 your egg is still ripening, and it will be released at the end of the week (or about 2 weeks before the beginning of your next period). Since ovulation will occur this week, you can expect to experience the same symptoms as you did when you ovulated last month.


fallopian tube

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Symptoms In 3rd week

In week 3 is in full force at this point.

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Symptoms In 4th week

pregnant woman will gain weight at a faster rate and still exhibit some of the same symptoms from week 2. The growing abdomen may begin to itch from the growth and fatigue may increase. Water retention and varicose veins may also appear.

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In week 5 you may be showing if you have weakened stomach muscles from a previouspregnancy. You also have an increase in oil production which could result in pimples at This time.

Symptoms In 5th week

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Symptoms In 6th week

In week 6 breast soreness continues and now you may also start experiencing heartburn and indigestion.

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Symptoms In 7th week

In week 7 your hormones are running rampant and you may notice your skin is pimply and youare steadily gaining weight. Your blood volume will increase up to 50% and your veins will become more visible on your abdomen, legs and breasts.

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Symptoms In 8th week

In week 8 you may notice that smells bother you but your nausea has subsided.although it is not seen that you are pregnant, a lot of things is going on your body.with eachpassing day you will fell more symptoms of pregnacy.Nausea is contant .Your belly is sensitive topressure you'll probably notice that your waist is expanding, and if you press the stomach,you will feel that your bladder is increased and has already reached a size smaller ball

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In week 9 the uterus will shift up and forward away from the bladder so you’ll have less frequentbathroom trips.pregnancy homones spread trough your whole body and they generat many changes.your body is changing.In the morning you have to go to the bathroom all the time and you are terribly tired.

Symptoms In 9th week

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Symptoms In 10th week

In week 10 round ligament pain may begin as your uterus stretches to fit your growing baby.Numerous changes that your body is going through makes you feel not so good.Do not worry Its perfectly normol and temporaril.Get plently of rest , stay physically active ,drinks plenty of Fluids and be careful how and what you eat, and you will easily withstand the ups and downsCaused by the rush of hormones in body

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In week 11 constipation may become a problem as your bowel muscles relax. You may also notice your areolas on your breasts are darkening as your body prepares for breast feeding.

Symptoms In 11th week

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Symptoms In 12th week

In week 12 fundal height will be rising upward past your hipbone, the distance from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone. This is normally the time when your belly will actually pop out and you will look pregnant as till now it was just a feeling shared between you and your baby.Second trimester is the 2nd 3 months of pregnancy.

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Symptoms In 13th week

In week 13 an increase in blood volume could lead to a stuffy nose or nose bleeds and your feet may swell by the end of the day. toddler is about the scale of a peach until now. it's far safe to retain together with your sex life every now and then.

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Symptoms In 14th-17th weekIn week 14 your belly button is only 1 1/2 to 2 inches above your uterus and you mayhave felt.your baby move for the first time.In week 15 you may experience postural hypotension or low blood pressure. In week 16 dry skin may become a problem andthe mask of pregnancy may become apparent. In week 17 the uterus forces your belly button becomes an “outie” and the area around your pubic hair has darkened.

In 14th Week In 16th Week In 17th Week

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Symptoms In 18th week

In 18 weeks pregnant, your uterus is growing, your energy is climbing and your estrogen levels are soaring -- you're probably feeling better than you have felt in a while, though you may be noticing that you're forgetting things here and there. You're almost certainly showing a baby bump by now, as your womb is around the size of a cantaloupe and your doctor will easily be able to measure the size and shape at this month's prenatal visit.The top, or fundus, should be slightly below your belly button and will feel firm to the touch

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Symptoms In19th Week

Now that your body is circulating more blood more efficiently, you may notice a glowing complexion, strong nails and thick, lustrous hair. Then again, those skin and hair changes can go into overdrive for some women: the surge in estrogen can produce brown patches over the forehead and face (known as the mask of pregnancy), and you may find thick, lustrous hair arriving in areas that used to be bare. Whichever camp you're in, skin and hair changes will likely stick around until your hormones level out after delivery.


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Digestive organs

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Symptoms In 20th Week

In 20th Week Aside from feeling relieved and excited about reaching the midpoint of your pregnancy, you'll probably feel your belly is growing faster and more regularly from this week forward. Most women will have another prenatal appointment during week 20, and one of the first things your caregiver will check is the size of your uterus: by now the fundus (or top of the uterus) has reached your belly button, and it will grow nearly ½ inch each week

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In weeks 21– 24 the baby’s movements have become stronger. Your weight gain is between 10 and 15 pounds and water retention is a problem. Your back may hurt fromthe weight of your uterus and you may be experiencing leg cramps from the calcium buildup. At this point you watch your belly move when the baby squirms about and your mood swings are extreme.

Symptoms In 21th-24th week

In 21 Week

In 23 Week

In 24 Week

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