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Page 1: Predicting Species Distributions from Samples Collected along Roadsides

Contributed Paper

Predicting Species Distributions from SamplesCollected along RoadsidesKYLE P. MCCARTHY,∗§ ROBERT J. FLETCHER JR.,∗† CHRISTOPHER T. ROTA,††AND RICHARD L. HUTTO‡∗Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110430, Gainesville, FL 32611-0430, U.S.A.††Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A.‡Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, U.S.A.

Abstract: Predictive models of species distributions are typically developed with data collected along roads.Roadside sampling may provide a biased (nonrandom) sample; however, it is currently unknown whetherroadside sampling limits the accuracy of predictions generated by species distribution models. We testedwhether roadside sampling affects the accuracy of predictions generated by species distribution models byusing a prospective sampling strategy designed specifically to address this issue. We built models from roadsidedata and validated model predictions at paired locations on unpaved roads and 200 m away from roads(off road), spatially and temporally independent from the data used for model building. We predicted speciesdistributions of 15 bird species on the basis of point-count data from a landbird monitoring program inMontana and Idaho (U.S.A.). We used hierarchical occupancy models to account for imperfect detection. Weexpected predictions of species distributions derived from roadside-sampling data would be less accurate whenvalidated with data from off-road sampling than when it was validated with data from roadside sampling andthat model accuracy would be differentially affected by whether species were generalists, associated with edges,or associated with interior forest. Model performance measures (kappa, area under the curve of a receiveroperating characteristic plot, and true skill statistic) did not differ between model predictions of roadside andoff-road distributions of species. Furthermore, performance measures did not differ among edge, generalist,and interior species, despite a difference in vegetation structure along roadsides and off road and that 2 of the15 species were more likely to occur along roadsides. If the range of environmental gradients is surveyed inroadside-sampling efforts, our results suggest that surveys along unpaved roads can be a valuable, unbiasedsource of information for species distribution models.

Keywords: breeding birds, monitoring programs, niche models, occupancy models, road effects, sample bias,species distribution models

Prediccion de la Distribucion de Especies a Partir de Muestras Recolectadas a lo Largo de Carreteras

Resumen: Los modelos predictivos de la distribucion de especies tıpicamente son desarrollados con datosrecolectados a lo largo de carreteras. El muestreo en carreteras puede producir una muestra sesgada (noaleatoria); sin embargo, actualmente se desconoce si los muestreos en carreteras limita la precision depredicciones generadas por los modelos de distribucion de especies. Probamos si los efectos del muestro encarreteras afecta la precision de las predicciones generadas por modelos de distribucion de especies mediantela utilizacion de una estrategia de muestreo prospectivo disenado especıficamente para abordar este tema.Construimos modelos a partir de datos recolectados en carreteras y validamos las predicciones de los modelosen localidades pareadas en caminos no pavimentados y a 200 m de carreteras (fuera de la carretera), espacialy temporalmente independientes de los datos utilizados para la construccion del modelo. Pronosticamos ladistribucion de 15 especies de aves con base en datos de conteos por puntos de un programa de monitoreo de

§Current address: Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, 531 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.†Address correspondence to R. J. Fletcher Jr., email [email protected] submitted December 23, 2010; revised manuscript accepted June 14, 2011.

68Conservation Biology, Volume 26, No. 1, 68–77C©2011 Society for Conservation BiologyDOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01754.x

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aves terrestres en Montana e Idaho (E.U.A.). Utilizamos modelos jerarquicos de ocupacion para considerarla deteccion imperfecta. Esperabamos que las predicciones de distribucion de especies derivadas de los datosde muestreo en carreteras serıan menos precisas cuando fueron validadas con datos de muestreo fuera de lacarretera que cuando fueron validadas con datos de muestreo en carreteras y que la precision del modelo serıaafectada diferencialmente si las especies eran generalistas, asociadas con bordes o asociadas con el interiordel bosque. Las medidas de rendimiento del modelo (kappa, area bajo la curva de una parcela caracterısticaoperada por receptor y estadıstica de habilidad real) no difirieron entre las predicciones de la distribucionde especies en carreteras y fuera de carreteras. Mas aun, las medidas de rendimiento no difirieron especiesde borde, generalistas o de interior, no obstante diferencias en la estructura de la vegetacion en carreteras yfuera de carreteras y que 2 de las 15 especies tuvieron una mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia a lo largo decarreteras. Si el rango de gradientes ambientales es muestreado en esfuerzos a lo largo de carreteras, nuestrosresultados sugieren que los muestreos en caminos no pavimentados pueden una fuente valiosa, no sesgada,de informacion para modelos de distribucion de especies.

Palabras Clave: aves reproductoras, efectos de carreteras, modelos de distribucion de especies, modelos denicho, modelos de ocupacion, programas de monitoreo, sesgo de muestreo


Understanding species distributions across space andtime is essential to ecology, evolution, and conservationbiology. Models of species distributions are often usedin the examination of conservation issues, such as toevaluate potential management actions and interpret theeffects of climate change, and are frequently used in spa-tial conservation planning (Loiselle et al. 2003; Penmanet al. 2009; Lawler et al. 2010). However, their accuracyis limited by several factors (Guisan & Thuiller 2005), in-cluding the fact that data used in model building are oftenspatially biased.

Spatial bias in species distribution data arises for sev-eral reasons (Reddy & Davalos 2003; Phillips et al. 2009).Perhaps the most common reason is that sampling of-ten occurs near roads for logistical purposes (Kadmonet al. 2004; Weir & Mossman 2005). Indeed, roadsidesampling is often biased because roads occur nonran-domly across landscapes, such that land cover and vege-tation near roads are not representative of the region ofinterest (Keller & Scallan 1999; Harris & Haskell 2007;Niemuth et al. 2007). Although there is increasing ev-idence that roads affect species distributions and com-munity structure (Trombulak & Frissell 2000; Fahrig &Rytwinski 2009), it is currently unknown whether road-side sampling affects the predictive accuracy of speciesdistribution models generated from such data. To date,only retrospective evaluations of existing data have oc-curred, either by adding road-related covariates to models(Griffith et al. 2010) or by contrasting the performanceof models built at coarse resolutions from road-biased,presence-only data to those built from post hoc rectifi-cations of data (Kadmon et al. 2004). Tests of whetherspecies distribution models built from road-biased datacan accurately predict occurrence at locations away fromroads (hereafter off-road locations) are needed to deter-

mine whether inferences made on the basis of speciesdistribution models are robust.

A further limitation to efforts that have assessed roadeffects and potential biases that arise from roadside sam-pling is that they have failed to account for imperfectdetection (i.e., a species is present but not observed)(MacKenzie et al. 2006). Perfect detection is unlikely innatural systems and, because several factors can alter thedetectability of species near roads, assuming equivalentaccuracy in detection when conducting surveys alongroads versus off road may be unwarranted (e.g., Huttoet al. 1995). For example, variation in traffic volume mayinfluence detectability of species near roads (Griffith et al.2010). Recently developed methods to account for im-perfect detection in occupancy modeling address thispotential shortfall by estimating both the probability ofoccurrence and the probability that a species is detected(MacKenzie et al. 2006). Such methods can improve theperformance of species distribution models (Rota et al.2011) and could reduce detection biases that may resultfrom roadside sampling. However, to our knowledge, oc-cupancy models have yet to be implemented to accountfor potential road-based sampling biases when develop-ing species distribution models.

We assessed whether road-based sampling limits the ac-curacy of predictions of species distributions of breedingbirds. We used hierarchical Bayesian occupancy mod-eling (Rota et al. 2011) to develop species distributionmodels from road-based sampling and contrasted predic-tive accuracy of these models with survey data that werestrategically collected at paired roadside and off-road lo-cations independent in time and space from the dataused for model building. We expected that the poten-tial bias in roadside sampling would result in models thatpredicted occurrence away from roads less accuratelythan they predicted occurrence along roadsides andthat model performance would be affected by whetherspecies were generalists, associated with edges (hereafter

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edge species), or associated with interior forests (here-after interior species). These ecological groupings are rel-evant to understanding limitations in predictions becausethey reflect variation in the likelihood that a species oc-curs near roads (Harris & Haskell 2007). For edge species,we expected detections at fewer off-road locations thanpredicted because roadside locations typically have agreater proportion of early-successional and other edgefeatures than areas away from roads (Keller & Scallan1999). For interior species, we expected detections at ahigher number of off-road locations than predicted. Forgeneralist species, we expected little difference in thenumber of sites with detections and in predicted levelsof detection at off-road locations. We used data on breed-ing bird distributions across Montana and Idaho (U.S.A.)to test these expectations.


Breeding Bird Monitoring Program

We used data from the ongoing Northern Region Land-bird Monitoring Program (NRLMP), which has coordi-nated point-count surveys across western Montana andnorthern Idaho since 1994 (Hutto & Young 2002). TheNRLMP data are collected at 482 permanently markedtransects stratified across public and private lands (Hutto& Young 2002). Transects, each consisting of 10 perma-nently marked points spaced approximately 250 m apart,were located along roads or trails. At each point, 10-min,100-m-radius point counts were conducted to estimatethe occurrence of bird species in the area. Each pointwas surveyed once per breeding season, between late-May and mid-July (Hutto & Young 2002). Although a sin-gle count provides only a sample of the bird communityand cannot be used to estimate within-season variationof bird occurrence, we used this protocol because it al-lowed us to have broader spatial coverage throughoutthe region than would be possible with repeated within-season counts (Hutto & Young 2002).

During each survey, all birds seen or heard wererecorded by trained observers. In 1994, 1995, and 2004,2007, and 2008 each 10-min survey was divided into 2consecutive 5-min sampling intervals. In these surveys,observers recorded the interval of first detection for eachobserved species, which is effectively a “removal” sam-pling design (MacKenzie et al. 2006; Rota et al. 2009).This method allows one to estimate detection probabil-ity in occupancy modeling.

In 2007 and 2008, we designed a new sampling pro-tocol to test the potential limitations of the road-biasedNRLMP. Along 136 NRLMP transects (see Transect andSpecies Selection), we surveyed an additional 4 off-roadpoints that we paired with NRLMP roadside points. Weadded these off-road points to determine whether mod-

els built from roadside data could be used to model dis-tributions of species away from roads. We visited thesepaired points once during either 2007 or 2008. Becauseof the paired design, anomalous interannual variation inbird occurrence should not affect comparisons of road-side and off-road locations. Off-road points were approx-imately 200 m from and perpendicular to roads withpaired roadside points (cf. Keller & Scallan 1999). Placingoff-road points farther than 200 m from paired roadsidepoints often resulted in the point being positioned within200 m of another road, so we chose this distance as a rea-sonable and logistically feasible compromise. The roadsused in the NRLMP are generally unpaved, U.S. Forest Ser-vice roads that produce less roadside effect than largerpaved roads (Hutto et al. 1995), so our results may havelimited application to networks of paved roads.

Transect and Species Selection

We first filtered the NRLMP data to include only tran-sects and points for which high resolution (30 × 30 m),spatially explicit land-cover data were available and hadbeen incorporated into a geographic information system(GIS). We then filtered the data to include only transectsthat were along roads. For model building, we used onlydata from transects sampled in 1994, 1995, and 2004that did not later have paired off-road points included.Consequently, our model-building data were temporallyand spatially independent of the paired roadside–off-roadsurveys conducted in 2007–2008. This filtering resultedin 1908 individual point counts on 105 transects thatspanned 3 different years (1994, 1995, and 2004) (Fig. 1).For model validation, we used data only from transectsin 2007 and 2008 for which we had paired roadside–off-road surveys, which resulted in 1096 point counts along136 transects (518 off road, 578 roadside).

We considered only those species detected on >5% ofpoint-count locations. To classify each remaining speciesinto edge, interior, and generalist categories, we con-sulted 4 experts familiar with the avian communities inthis region. Each expert was sent a description of our 3categories along with a list of potential species. We askedeach expert to categorize individual species on the basisof their life-history traits and vegetation requirements.Reviewers were blind to the objective of this study. Wedefined the edge category as species with strong associ-ations with early-mid seral forests, open forests, shrubbyareas, recently logged areas, or edges. The interior cate-gory included species with strong associations with ma-ture, old-growth, or late-seral forests and that may useinterior or natural openings within contiguous forests.The generalist category included species that have nostrong vegetation associations and can be found acrossmost vegetation types. We further asked experts to assignstrength to their selected classification. Strength rangedfrom low (i.e., species fits loosely in the chosen category)

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Figure 1. Location of permanently marked NorthernRegion Landbird Monitoring Program transects usedto estimate the distribution of forest birds in Idahoand Montana, 1994–2008.

to strong (i.e., species is well defined by this categoriza-tion, rarely being considered as associated with othervegetation types).

Within each category we sorted species by the per-cent agreement among experts and then by the aver-age strength of that categorization. We selected the topspecies (highest level of agreement and highest averagestrength) from each category to include in our analy-ses: Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi), DuskyFlycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri), Chipping Sparrow(Spizella passerina), MacGillivray’s Warbler (Oporor-nis tolmiei), and Townsend’s Solitaire (Myadestestownsendi) for the edge category; Dark-eyed Junco(Junco hyemalis), American Robin (Turdus migrato-rius), Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), andPine Siskin (Carduelis pinus) for the generalist category;and Townsend’s Warbler (Dendroica townsendi), Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), Western Tanager(Piranga ludoviciana), Hammond’s Flycatcher (Empi-donax hammondii), Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulussatrapa), and Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) for theinterior category.

Environmental Covariates

We modeled occupancy as a function of several envi-ronmental covariates. We identified relevant covariatesfor each species from published accounts of habitatuse (Supporting Information). For all species, we alsomodeled occupancy as a function of survey date. Sur-

vey date likely influences the probability of occurrence,especially early in the breeding season because speciesare arriving from wintering grounds and making territorydecisions.

We used GIS-based vegetation measures to derive envi-ronmental covariates. Original GIS layers for diameter atbreast height (dbh), canopy cover, and land-cover typewere 15-m resolution digital land-cover maps developedby the U.S. Forest Service Northern Region VegetationMapping Program (USFS R1-VMP) with Landsat ThematicMapper imagery and aerial photography (Brewer et al.2004). We derived vegetation variables from 3 R1-VMPGIS layers: tree diameter, canopy cover, and life form.We used a principal components analysis (PCA) to re-duce the number of dbh variables from 4 to 2 and thenumber of canopy cover variables from 3 to 2. In eachcase, one principal component reflected a linear gradientof canopy cover or dbh, whereas the other componentreflected a nonlinear gradient (high factor loadings onintermediate) (Rota et al. 2011). The R1-VMP life-formlayer includes the relative canopy cover of several veg-etative communities for each cell. From this layer, weextracted variables describing the presence or absenceof subalpine forest, mesic forest, and shrubby vegetationin the surrounding 100 m and the percentage of landcover in the surrounding 1 km that contained coniferforest. We used a 1-km extent because results of otherinvestigations in this region showed strong correlationsof avian distribution at this extent (e.g., Fletcher & Hutto2008).

We determined road density by merging TIGER (Topo-logically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referenc-ing system) data for Idaho and Montana (Montana De-partment of Commerce 2002) with U.S. Forest ServiceRegion 1 road data (USFS 2008) and calculating the to-tal road length within a 1-km radius from each cell. Wederived elevation from a 30-m resolution digital eleva-tion model and stream distances from the U.S. GeologicalSurvey National Hydrography Dataset (USGS 2009). Weacquired mean annual precipitation data from the PRISMClimate Group at Oregon State University (2010). Prior toanalysis we aggregated all GIS layers to a common 200-mresolution, which reflects the grain of our sampling unit(100-m radius point counts). In doing so, paired roadsideand off-road counts were typically located in adjacentcells on our GIS layers.

Occupancy models allowed us to model detectionprobability as a function of covariates. For each species,we modeled detection probability as a function of canopycover, dbh, date of survey, time of survey, wind speed,stream noise, cloud cover, and precipitation during sur-veys. We included linear and quadratic effects for date ofsurvey and time of survey. We standardized all noncate-gorical vegetation and detectability covariates to have amean of 0 and a variance of 1 in the model-building dataand adjusted covariates in the validation data set on the

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basis of these values to ensure predictions were scaledappropriately.

Modeling Species Distributions

We used hierarchical occupancy modeling developedspecifically for this monitoring program to predict birddistributions (Rota et al. 2011). To account for imperfectdetection, we used a removal sampling protocol (Rotaet al. 2009) in which a species was surveyed only untilit was first detected. We assumed detection or nonde-tection of a species at point i along transect t in year rdepended on the latent occupancy state, zirt (zirt = 1 if aspecies is present and zirt = 0 if a species is absent). Ourgeneral process model was described by

zirt ∼ Bernoulli(ψir t ). (1)

We modeled ψirt as a function of both fixed and randomeffects:

logit(ψir t ) =β0+βcov × xir+τt+γr , (2)

where β0 is the intercept, βcov is a vector of regressionparameters associated with the covariates, xir is a vectorof explanatory covariates, τt is a random effect of transectt, and γr is a random effect of year r (for more details, seeRota et al. 2011). To account for imperfect detection, ourgeneral observation model of detection or nondetectionof a species was

yir ∼ Bernoulli{1 − [1 − (pir × zir ) J ]}, (3)

where yir is a binary indicator of whether a species wasdetected at point i (yi = 1) or not detected (yi = 0) inyear r, pir is the probability of detecting a species at pointi in year r, and J is the maximum number of samplingintervals, such that J = 2 in our sampling protocol (Rotaet al. 2011). We modeled pir as a function of covariateslikely to influence detection probability as

logit(pir ) =α0+αcov × vir+ρo, (4)

where α0 is the intercept, αcov is a vector of regressionparameters, vir is a vector of detection covariates, andρo is a random effect of observer o (Rota et al. 2011).We include the potential for observer effects becausecomparable data sets (e.g., the Breeding Bird Survey) haveshown strong effects of observers (Sauer et al. 1994).

We specified vague, normal, prior distributions withmean zero and precision of 0.001 for all fixed effects(Royle & Dorazio 2008). For α0 and β0, we specifieda noninformative uniform (0,1) prior distribution, trans-formed to the logit scale. We specified noninformativeuniform (0,10) prior distributions for all standard devia-tion parameters of random effects (Gelman 2006).

We selected models by averaging coefficients on thebasis of the posterior probability of all possible combi-nations of fixed effects (Kuo & Mallick 1998; Royle &

Dorazio 2008). To do so, we specified a latent indicatorvariable, wθ, for each fixed effect, θ, with a vague priorof wθ ∼ Bernoulli (0.5). We then estimated the posteriorprobability of each model by calculating the proportionof times each combination of fixed effects appeared inthe posterior distribution. We estimated the regressioncoefficient of each fixed effect by model averaging overall possible model combinations, R:

ˆθ =R∑


διθi, (5)

where δi is the posterior probability of model i, and θ iis the mean of the posterior distribution of fixed effectθ for model i. Because the posterior distributions of theinclusion parameters are sensitive to the choice of priordistributions for the fixed effects (Royle & Dorazio 2008:111), we also ran models with more-informed priors forfixed effects (mean 0 and precision 0.1). Relative predic-tive performance along roadsides and off-road was simi-lar to using less informed priors for all but one species,Olive-sided Flycatcher (Supporting Information), whichsuggests that our results are not sensitive to our choiceof priors and model averaging.

We ran all models in WinBUGS (Lunn et al. 2000)version 1.4 via R version 2.10 (R Development CoreTeam 2009) in package R2WinBUGS (Sturtz et al. 2005).We estimated posterior distributions with 2 independentMarkov chains, each with 150,000 iterations. We dis-carded the first 50,000 as burn-in and saved every fifthiteration thereafter as model output. We assessed con-vergence by comparing the posterior distributions fromeach independently run chain. See Rota et al. (2011) foran example of the WinBUGS code used for modeling.

Contrasting Model Performance along Roads and Off Road

We used the fixed effects from the models to predictthe probability of detecting individual species at valida-tion points located along the roadside and off roads. Theproblem of imperfect detection was still present in thevalidation data, so we adjusted occupancy model predic-tions to account for imperfect detection and predict theprobability of detecting a species rather than the proba-bility of occupancy, following Rota et al. (2011). We usedR version 2.10 with package PresenceAbsence (Freeman& Moisen 2008) to assess predictive performance of eachspecies-specific model. We calculated the area under thecurve (AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC)plot, the kappa statistic, and the true skill statistic (TSS)to assess overall predictive performance for both road-side and off-road validation data (Fielding & Bell 1997;Allouche et al. 2006). We further assessed false-positiveand false-negative error rates in models to better inter-pret the sources of prediction error. All metrics consid-ered except AUC are threshold-dependent measures; we

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used the MaxSens+Spec criteria in PresenceAbsence toselect thresholds for each model that maximized the sumof sensitivity and specificity (Freeman & Moisen 2008).We used nonparametric bootstrapping with 2000 repli-cates to generate 95% CI for each metric roadside and offroads.


Contrary to our expectations, model performance didnot differ consistently when predicting species distri-butions at roadside versus off-road points on the ba-sis of kappa, AUC, and the TSS (Fig. 2 & Support-ing Information). Mean (SD) roadside performance mea-sures (kappa = 0.13 [0.06]; AUC = 0.62 [0.05]; TSS =0.18 [0.09]) and mean off-road performance measures(kappa = 0.13 [0.06]; AUC = 0.62 [0.06]; TSS = 0.20[0.09]) were similar as were performance measuresamong species groups (Fig. 2). Error rates in predictionswere variable for roadside (false positive = 0.38 [0.13];false negative = 0.44 [0.12]) and off roads (false positive= 0.39 [0.14]; false negative = 0.40 [0.14]), dependingon the species. One species, the Dark-eyed Junco, hadgreater false-positive error rates off roads and had greaterfalse-negative error rates along roadsides. Nonetheless,there were no consistent differences in error rates amonggroups (Fig. 3).

Overall, these results on predictive performance weresurprising, given that in our validation data paired road-side and off-road points also showed variation in the en-vironmental covariates we used for modeling (discrimi-nant analysis: F16,1079 = 5.44, p < 0.001; Fig. 4). On thebasis of standardized loadings of the canonical variatethat discriminated roadside and off-road points, off-roadpoints tended to be at higher elevations, farther fromstreams, less frequently contained shrubs, and had greatercanopy cover than roadside points (Fig. 4 & SupportingInformation).

These results raised the question of whether our mod-els achieved similar predictive performance roadside andoff roads by accounting for habitat variability or becausespecies occupancy did not vary between roadside and off-road validation points. Consequently, we ran a secondseries of hierarchical occupancy models with only thevalidation data to test for variation in species occupancyroadside and off roads, where we fit ψ i as a functionof a single, binary indicator variable regarding whetherthe point was roadside or off road. Although point esti-mates for the coefficients showed patterns across speciesgroups that were relatively consistent with expectations,for all but 2 species (MacGillivray’s Warbler and ChippingSparrow) 95% CI around the coefficient overlapped zero(Fig. 5). In addition, average coefficients were generallysmall, with the resulting differences in the probabilitiesof occurrence roadside and off roads ranging from 0% to9.7%.

Figure 2. Three measures: (a) area under the curve(AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic plot,(b) kappa, and (c) true skill statistic (95% CI), ofaccuracy of predictions of roadside and off-roaddistributions of 15 breeding bird species made withhierarchical occupancy models built fromindependent roadside point counts from the NorthernRegion Landbird Monitoring Program in Montanaand Idaho (dashed line, 1:1 ratio for roadside andoff-road predictive accuracy, such that when CIoverlap this line, there is no evidence of variation inpredictive accuracy at roadside and off roads; CIabove the dashed line, evidence of greater off-roadpredictive accuracy; CI below the dashed line,evidence of greater roadside predictive accuracy).Accuracy is differentiated by species type (edge,generalist, forest interior).

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Figure 3. Proportion of (a) false-positive and (b)false-negative errors (95% CI) by type of species (edge,generalist, forest interior) in predictions of roadsideand off-road distributions on the basis of hierarchicaloccupancy models built from independent (not usedfor model building) roadside point counts in theNorthern Region Landbird Monitoring Program inMontana and Idaho (dashed line, 1:1 ratio forroadside and off-road error rates in predictions; whenCI overlap the dashed line, there is no evidence ofvariation in error rates at roadsides and off roads).


Sample bias is common in monitoring programs (e.g.,North American Breeding Bird Survey [BBS] and NorthAmerican Amphibian Monitoring Program) (Bart et al.1995; Weir & Mossman 2005), data from which are fre-quently used to predict species distributions for the pur-pose of conservation planning. For example, analyses of

Figure 4. Results of discriminant analysis ofenvironmental covariates at paired roadside andoff-road transects surveyed in 2007–2008 as part ofthe Northern Region Landbird Monitoring Program inMontana and Idaho (x-axis, first canonical variatewith the strongest factor loadings [distance to stream,canopy cover, elevation, and presence of shrubs];y-axis, proportion of both roadside and off-road pointsassociated with different levels of the canonicalvariate).

BBS data have informed conservation priorities for severalgroups of birds and have increased knowledge of severalconservation issues, including effects of exurbanizationand climate change (Thogmartin et al. 2004; Pidgeon et al.2007; Albright et al. 2010). Road bias is also prevalentin museum data, which are used to build presence-onlymodels (Reddy & Davalos 2003; Kadmon et al. 2004).Despite the ubiquity of this sample bias, ours is the firstexample, to our knowledge, of a test that is based on aprospective sampling strategy designed to measure theperformance of road-based species distribution modelswhen extrapolated to locations away from roads (off-roadlocations).

Our models of species distributions of breeding birdswere moderately accurate compared with some otherassessments of species distribution models (e.g., Elithet al. 2006), which was likely due, in part, to the factthat our models were validated with data that were trulyindependent in space and time from the data used formodel building. Despite observed variation in environ-mental covariates and the occupancy of some speciesnear roads, we found neither evidence of reduced accu-racy of models built with roadside data when predictingdistributions off roads nor evidence of consistent vari-ation across species groups. For example, we expectedfalse-positive error rates would be consistently greater foroff-road edge species than other species because models

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Figure 5. Coefficients (95% credible intervals) (logitscale) of a binary road covariate used to test forvariation in roadside versus off-road bird occupancyat paired roadside and off-road transects surveyed in2007–2008 and used for model validation. Positivevalues suggest a greater probability of speciesoccurrence at off-road than roadside locations.

built from roadside data for edge species may overpre-dict occurrence of these species off roads. However, 2key properties of occupancy models and 2 aspects of ourdata set help explain our results and provide context forwhen road-based sampling may be adequate to developreliable models.

First, occupancy models and other modeling ap-proaches that use presence–absence data (or more fre-quently detection–nondetection data) can account forthe effect of vegetation on species site occupancy. Ifvariation in environmental covariates sampled on roadscaptures variation in the environment throughout the sys-tem, then observed species–environment relations can beuncovered (assuming no interactions of habitat use androads occur). In our study region, a random sample ofpoint locations showed that land cover varies as a func-tion of distance from roads (Wilk’s � = 0.886, p < 0.001)(Supporting Information). However, overall variation inland cover was captured at distances <200 m from aroad (Supporting Information). Given adequate variationin surveyed land cover, occupancy models may be able toreliably identify species–environment relations that canbe used to predict species distributions.

Second, our species distribution models accounted forvariation in detectability. Such accounting could keepthe effects of detectability along roadsides from limitingthe predictive performance of a model for off-road ar-eas. Nonetheless, we also considered logistic regressionmodels that did not correct for detectability to determinewhether such models reduced performance by removingthe observation component of our hierarchical model

(K.M., unpublished). The predictions of these models atroadside and off-road locations had similar accuracy, suchthat variation in detectability appears not to be drivingthe similarity in model accuracy.

In addition to the above properties of occupancy mod-els, 2 aspects of the monitoring data can further explainsimilar predictive performance of roadside and off-roadspecies distribution models. First, most of the roads alongwhich sampling was conducted were U.S. Forest Serviceroads, which are relatively narrow, unpaved (primarilydirt or gravel), and have less vehicle traffic comparedwith some other types of roads. These roads likely havesmaller effects on vegetation and species occupancy thanother types of roads that cause greater changes in vegeta-tion and noise (Hutto et al. 1995; Griffith et al. 2010).Indeed, while vegetation sometimes differed betweenour paired roadside and off-road points, only 2 of thespecies we considered were consistently more likely tooccur close to roads (MacGillvray’s Warbler and Chip-ping Sparrow), and none of the species were more likelyto occur away from roads (Fig. 5). Second, off-road vali-dation locations were also only 200 m from roads, suchthat predictions farther from roads might be less accuratethan those we made. However, most investigations of theeffects of roads on bird distributions show that strong ef-fects tend to occur <200 m from roads (Benitez-Lopezet al. 2010). In addition, 39% of area in this region was<200 m from roads (Supporting Information). The lackof differences in model predictions was not likely dueto a lack of power, given that our validation data set forroadside and off-road locations was relatively large (n =578, 518, respectively).

Species distribution models are often built withpresence-only data, and sample bias in such mod-els is more problematic than for models built withpresence–absence data, in part because sample bias in-fluences presence points but not pseudo absences fre-quently used for making comparisons (Phillips et al.2009). Results of the few systematic evaluations of poten-tial sample bias in such investigations suggest that sam-ple bias may reduce the predictive performance of thesemodels (Kadmon et al. 2004; Phillips et al. 2009). Theonly example to our knowledge of tests whether road-based sampling bias influenced the accuracy of speciesdistribution models is that of Kadmon et al. (2004). Intheir study, bioclimatic models had slightly reduced per-formance when built from data collected near roads(<432 m), on the basis of models for 129 species thatwere assessed with validation data taken from 5 × 5 kmgrain cells across their study region. Their assessmentsuggests potential roadside biases in presence-only datacan be reduced by using a subset of road-biased data toachieve a distribution of distances to roads that is similarto the distribution throughout the region; see also Sup-porting Information. We think future efforts to predictdistributions with presence-only data should attempt to

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76 Road Bias in Predicting Distributions

address this potential bias, either through the use of sub-sets of data that reflect the distribution of road distancesin the region or alternatively through the use of pseudoabsences included to capture similar biases in spatial dis-tribution (Kadmon et al. 2004; Phillips et al. 2009).

Our results suggest that in circumstances in whichroads are typically dirt or gravel and sampling coverswide environmental gradients, roadside sampling shouldnot be problematic for building species distribution mod-els. Consequently, some current monitoring programsand species-diversity databases may be adequate for thedevelopment and application of distribution maps. Werecommend that monitoring programs address roadsidebias in a series of steps. First, estimate the extent to whichroadside samples reflect environmental variation acrossthe region of interest (e.g., Supporting Information). Sec-ond, conduct additional sampling away from roads to testwhether model results can be extrapolated to off-road lo-cations or use a subset of existing data to reduce road bias(Kadmon et al. 2004), particularly if roadside samples donot cover the range of environmental variation. Third,limit other sources of potential bias that may arise fromsampling along roadsides, such as variation in detectabil-ity of species near roads. Often many of these biases canbe accounted for with only minor changes to samplingprotocols (Griffith et al. 2010; Kery et al. 2010). Finally,if models built with data collected along roads cannot ad-equately predict species distributions away from roads,monitoring programs will need to carefully weigh thetrade-offs between sample coverage (e.g., Bart et al. 2004)and reliable predictions of species distributions relativeto other goals of the monitoring programs.


This work was supported by the National Research Ini-tiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture CooperativeState Research, Education and Extension Service (grant2006-55101-17158). The landbird database was createdthrough support from U.S. Forest Service Northern Re-gion (03-CR-11015600-019). We thank B. Robertson,A. Noson, M. Fylling, and A. Cilimburg for reviewing andclassifying species and R. Dorazio for advice on hierar-chical modeling. We also thank E. Fleishman, M. Kery,M. McCarthy, R. Pillay, and an anonymous reviewer forcomments on earlier versions of this manuscript, whichgreatly improved and clarified the ideas presented here.

Supporting Information

Environmental covariates used to model species dis-tributions (Appendix S1), accuracy assessment withmore informed priors (Appendix S2), model coeffi-cients for occurrence and detectability for each species(Appendix S3), and analysis of environmental variation asa function of distance from roads throughout the study

region (Appendix S4) are available online. Queries (otherthan absence of the material) should be directed to thecorresponding author.

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