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Page 1: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

LOGO DEVELOPMENTLogo and colour variations. The final logo is made of Helvetica Neue Bold and Didot Italic. The colour scheme will remain as black and white as this allows the main focus to remain on the type.

Page 2: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

SIGNAGEThe signage is made up of typographic characters and is in Helvetica Neue Bold. This is based on the logo. The typefaces are different for the signs for the different sections of the museum as this is based on the type classification system. The signage will exist on the floors and walls.

Page 3: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

TICKETSThe tickets design is basic and functional. The background is a typographic layout of different typefaces. The ticket design will remain consistent across all the tickets (adult, child and conces-sions). The smaller images show some other potential ticket designs.

Page 4: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

BOOKLETThe booklet will provide information about Type Factory and its exhibits as well as a brief history of typography. It will be available at the entrance to Type Factory. The front cover will be foiled with the names of different typefaces.

Page 5: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

WEBSITEThe website allows people to experience Type Factory online. It will provide basic information about typography, what’s going on at Type Factory, details about organising a visit, and a catalogue of the shop items etc.

Page 6: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

POSTER ADVERTISEMENTSThese posters are made up of the names of typefaces. They provide some information about what people can expect from Type Factory, where it is, and they lead people to the website.

Page 7: PRD - Type Factory - Presentation Boards

MAYA SRIVASTAVA OUGD203Product - Range - DistributionType Factory

GIFT SHOP BAGSThese bags will be available from the gift shop. They are made up of typographic characters. They provide a playful approach to typography. The logo is on the reverse of the bags. Another typo-graphic design that could work across the bags is where the characters form the bag handles.

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