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Practical Portfolio-Volleyball

By Grace Rudman

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Rules and regulations of VolleyballIn volleyball the game is played on a Court that is 18 x9 meters. This is divided into two parts by the centre line. The net runs through the centre of the court and is set at the height: 2.43m for men; and 2.24m for women. In volleyball there are a set amount of substitutions. A player can be substituted when the ball is dead, and an official must be told beforehand. Both teams must have six players on the court. These player will rotate positions on the court during play. Every time the team is allowed to serve, player must rotate clockwise. For the serve, players must stand behind the courts end line. If the ball hits the net or goes out of the court than the serving team loses the point. In volleyball the team must hit the ball over in three hits. If the ball is hit by someone’s palm, thrown or caught. Then that team loses a point. If a back-row player attacks the ball, there team will also lose a point. If a player touches the net with their body part while the ball is in play then this again is a foul. The ball must be made out of leather or synthetic leather, and the circumference must be 65-67cm. The pressure of the ball must be 0.30-0.325kg/cm². For competitive matches the duration is 60 minutes. Teams can request time-outs twice in a match, and they last 30 seconds. When the leading team reaches eight and 16 points during set one and four, a 60 second time-out is awarded, called the technical time-out.

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Scoring system for volleyball

In volleyball there are different ways of scoring a point. The first is Rally scoring. When a rally is taking place it means that each time is playing the ball over the net consecutively without the ball touching the net. This means if a player from one of the teams fails to play the ball back over the net (Either by hitting the ball at the net, out of bound or missing the ball). The opposing team will receive a point. With side out scoring a point can be won when the opponents fail to return the ball when a team serves. For example they fail to hit it over the net, hit it out of bounds or miss the ball. In volleyball games are played to 25 points. However you must win by two clear points. A game will continue playing until there is two clear points. This is even if the score is bigger than 35.

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Volleyball scenario 1- Out of bounds

Description: In the London 2012 Olympic games Brazil played Germany. During the game (minute 17 minutes 49 secounds on the video.) Germany serve the ball. Rules that were broken: Brazil make a shot back and play it to the far back of the court. However the Brazil player hits it too far and goes out of the court. This means that the ball is out of play. The result taken: The official highlights that the ball went out of play and awards the opposing team a point.

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Volleyball scenario 2- Hit the Net Description: In the London 2012 Olympics, USA are playing against Serbia. During the game (15 minutes and 5 seconds.) America serve the ball. Rules that are broken: USA serve the ball after a small rally, the player from USA hits the net with the ball. The result taken: Serbia are awarded a point and it is there turn to serve.

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Volleyball scenario 3- Too Many TouchesDescription: USA are playing Brazil and USA serve. Brazil receive the ball and end up playing it to 4 people in their team.Rules that are broken: Due to Brazil playing the ball four times. The maximum being 3. The rule is broken. The result taken: Due to this rule being broken, USA are awarded a point and it is still their turn to serve the ball.

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Skills and Techniques of Volleyball

ServeDigSet Smash

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Serve in volleyballIn volleyball there are numerous ways that you can serve the ball. These being:

The underhand serve

The overhand serve

To serve the ball Underhand. There are a few steps you must follow. First you must stand with your weight on your back right foot. This gives you stability and balance. Hold the ball in front of your body just above your right hip. (Use your left hand.) You should then slightly lean forward and keep your eyes on the ball. Your hand wants to be in a fist when it hits the ball. This will increase power and accuracy. You then should swing your arm slightly back to generate some power, and as you swing through you should transfer your weight onto your left foot. As you make contact with the ball, you want to hit it in the centre.

Next, to serve Overhand. Firstly put your right foot slightly in-front of your left. This again gives you stability and balance. The distance between your feet wants to be about 12 inches. When ti comes to the toss of the volleyball, you must use the opposite hand to what you are serving with. You should throw the ball up to two0four feet above your head, and it should be thrown in front of the serves hand. When making contact with the ball, you want to make contact with the centre. You want to make contact with the ball by using the upper bit of your palm. You should also spread your finger as wide as possible. This prevents the ball from making contact with the fingers.

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Dig in volleyball When preparing a dig in volleyball you should firstly keep your shoulder width apart, with your knees bent just so they are over your toes. You shoulders want to be relaxed, however your arms want to be out in front of you. When you go to strike the ball you should make sure your body is under the ball. You want your arms forearms to be underneath the ball. Your hands want to together in the shape below. However where the wristband is on the picture below is ideally where you would like to hit it.

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Set in volleyballWhen performing a set in volleyball there are certain stages you that you must follow. The first thing you want to do is bring your hands together. Your hands/fingers wants to create the shape of the ball. This allows for you to push power through your finger tips into the ball. To create a set your elbows should be slightly bent, when your finger tips make contact with the ball. If the ball spins once you have hit it, this shows that you are not making contact with the ball correctly. You want to generate power through your legs as well as. When you first make contact with the ball, you want your knees to be bent and your legs in-line with your shoulders. However after initial contact, you want to push up through your knees so that you are than upright. This creates the power into the ball.

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Smash in volleyballWhen performing a smash In volleyball there are many stages you must follow. When you jump your legs want to be together. This is so they do not fall forward into the net. The power in this skill is generated through the legs and the arms. When you begin to hit the ball you want to swing your arm back behind your head. Once you have executed the jump your elbow wants to straighten, and move to the front of your shoulder. When you make contact with the ball, your hand wants to be cupped.

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Tactics in VolleyballWithin Volleyball there are three common formations. The first is 4-2. This formation is used to hide the fact the team does not have a sting hitter. This formation is used as a basic formation, and Is usually used in lower levels of play. In this formation you will have four hitters and two setters. The reason for this is that it means there is always hitters in both the front and back row. The second formation is 6-2. In the front row there are three attackers as well as one back row player will come forward. In this formation all players are seen as ‘hitters’. However it also gives the two back row players to be a setter as well. Lastly is the formation 5-1. In this formation only one player is a setter. The setter will stay in the back row of the formation. The three players at the front are attackers. If the setter wishes to, they are able to swap position with a front row attacker. This is a good formation tactic as it means the team is playing more attacking, rather than defensively.

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Match analysis-Brazil vs Australia Brazil performed very well by beating Australia 3-1. (25-20, 21-25, 25-19, 25-18.) Australia started out a strong side and looked like they would be a challenge for Brazil. However it was evident that Brazils skills and technique was just too dominating. Early on in the game, Australia gave a challenging game, and by doing this, they took an early lead. However Brazils technique improved very quickly and took an early lead in the second set. Player William from Brazil played a great defensive ball, which enabled to make the game even with 21-all. As they played to win the set, it was evident that Australia was cracking under the pressure, especially players Sergio and Wallace. As we got into the third set, a lot of rallies were in play. It was hard for both teams to gain a point. However an amazing block occurred by Murilo and Raid. This helped stop the Australian team from attacking and regaining the lead.In the final set, Australia lost their motivation. They soon let Brazil dominate the set, with a result of 25-18.

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My Comparison-ServeAs you can see, in the elite photograph the mans arm is out straight in front of him. This gives him a guide to where the ball will land. His legs, although it is hard to tell are planted. With his right leg in-front and left leg behind. This gives him stability. For myself I feel that I carry the same technique. My arm is out, however not as extended as the elite player. My legs are also planted. This is to give me stability.

In the execution of the serve. The elite player has his left arm out in-front. He is making contact with the ball just below his wrist. His left arm is also extended. This is due to him throwing the ball up In-front of him. His left foot is not up, and he has leant into the serve as it was executed. For myself my foot is also raised. This is because I am leaning into the ball. My arm is out to the side of me. This is because I have dropped my arm immediately, as soon as I threw the ball. This could be improved. When hitting the ball I also make contact with the ball just below the wrist.

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My comparison-DigWhen looking at my preparation, there are many things that are similar. When looking at the elite player, her hands are together. When looking at myself my hands are as well as together. This is so that I can prepare for the ball. When looking at my knees they are slightly bent. This is to generate power through my legs. However when looking a the elite athlete, her knees are very bent. This will give her even more power through her shot. Lastly, my feet are planted and shoulder width apart the same as the elite. This gives me stability.

When looking at my execution, there are a noticeable amount of differences. In the elite picture her left foot is planted. This gives her stability when hitting the ball. The second thing is the bent knee. For both the elite and myself our knees are bent at a good angle. Again this give stability and also generates power. Lastly our arms. On the elite player her arms are out straight and she is making contact with the ball just below her wrist. Where as my arms are slightly bent and am making contact with the ball on top of my wrists.

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My comparison-SetWhen looking at the preparation, we have many similarities. Firstly my feet. They are planted on the ground. This is similar to the elite performer. This give us both stability and balance. Next our knees. Both me and the elite performer have bent knees. This will allow for us to generate power through my legs, into the ball. Next my arms. My arms are up in a triangular position. This is because I am getting ready to push the ball up and into the air. This is the same for the for the elite player. However her arms are wider to the side. Another factor is that we are both looking up. This is because we are looking for where the ball will land. And lastly the elite performer is closer to the ground then myself. This will give her an advantage as she will generate more power in her legs.

When looking at our execution, it is evident that the elite performer has the advantage. The first reason for this is her feet. Her feet are planted, and are shoulder width apart. This gives her stability and balance as she makes contact with the ball. I on the other hand have one foot off of the ground and one foot on my toes. This is a disadvantage as it could cause for me to lose my balance and misjudge the contact with the ball. The next thing is that the elite player has bent knees. This is different to me as my legs are extended. This again prevents me from using the complete power that I could generate through the ball. lastly is my arms. My arms are pretty straight, and extended . This allows me to push the ball up into the air. Where as the elite players arms are still slightly bent.

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Observation ChecklistSkill 1-Excellent 2-Good 3-Avergae 4-Needs







Agility for volleyball

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Improvements Needed:

Serve: I graded my serve as average. This is because I had an okay technique, however it could definitely have been improved on. This is because I have the basics there, however overall execution needs to be improved. To improve on my serve I am going to use a drill. For this drill I am going to place a box in a specific part of the court. I will then work on hitting the ball into the box. This will improve overall on my accuracy, as well as my technique.

Dig: My dig really needs improvement. This is due to my poor technique. This is evident in myself not using my legs to generate power in the ball and not having the correct position. To improve on my dig I am going to use a drill. For this drill I will have someone serve a ball towards me. I will then dig the ball up into the air. If I am able to catch the ball after the dig, it will show that I had a good technique.

Set: Again my set was not great, and needed improvement. My preparation was good. However when it came to my execution my technique fell. To improve I am going to use a drill that involves accuracy. For this a partner will stand on the opposite side of the net. Another player will toss the ball towards me. The player will then shout what way they wish for me to set the ball. This will help me improve my accuracy and overall technique. By putting a player in front of me, also helps to put it into a game scenario.

Smash: My smash could also have been improved. This is because my technique was not consistent. To improve I am going to work on my overall technique. This will help with my accuracy and consistency.

Roof: My roof was okay and was pretty consistent. However It does need improvement. Again I will use a drill to work on this to improve my technique.

Agility: My agility was pretty good. I feel this is down to my experience playing football. This really helped when it come to playing as I was able to transfer my skills into the game. To make sure that I keep improving I will take part in some drills and participate in the Illinois agility test to observe my improvement.

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