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Perfectul Prezent Simplu ( Present Perfect )

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Perfectul Prezent al unui verb.


Perfectul Prezent se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have( have, has ) urmat de participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat.( Nu uitati: la un verb regulat, participiul trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed; la verbele neregulate, el reprezinta a treia forma de baza.)

1. Forma afirmativa:

I have arrivedYou have arrivedHe has arrivedWe have arrivedYou have arrivedThey have arrived

2. Forma interogativa :

Have I arrived ?Have you arrived ?Has he arrived ?Has she arrived ?Have we arrived ?Have you arrived ?Have they arrived ?

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3. Forma negativa :

I have not arrivedYou have not arrivedHe has not arrivedShe has not arrivedWe have not arrivedYou have not arrivedThey have not arrived

4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Have I not arrived ?Have you not arrived ?Has he not arrived ?Has she not arrived ?Have we not arrived ?Have you not arrived ?Have they not arrived ?IMPORTANT !!!

Perfectul Prezent se foloseste cel mai adesea atunci cand dorim sa scoatem in evidenta un efect pe care il are in prezent o actiune desfasurata in trecut.

Ex: I have eaten = Am mancat (deci nu mai imi este foame).Somebody has stolen my pen = Cineva mi-a furat stiloul (asadar nu mai am cu ce scrie)

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire)

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1.Perfectul Prezent descrie o actiune trecuta, ale carei efecte se fac inca simtite in prezent

I have sold my car. Eu mi-am mandut masina(efect=trebuie sa merg la slujba cu autobuzul)He has read that book. El a citit acea carte (efect=ii cunoaste continutul)

2. Perfectul Prezent se foloseste impreuna cu indicatori temporali nedefiniti, cum ar fi: ever, never, before, yet, already, dar niciodata cu indicatori temporali definiti, precum yesterday, last week, a month ago.

She has never seen such a car. Ea niciodata nu a vazut o asemenea masina.I have already solved that problem. Eu deja am rezolvat acea problema.

3. Perfectul Prezent se foloseste pentru a descrie o actiune care a inceput in trecut si se continua si in momentul vorbirii(aceeasi parte a zilei, aceeasi zi, acelasi an, etc).

We haven't eaten today yet. Azi inca nu am mancat.

4. Folosit impreuna cu just acest timp descrie ceea ce s-a intamplat de curand. In romana acest lucru se exprima cu perfectul compus si adverbul tocmai.

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They have just got married. Ei tocmai s-au casatorit.We have just arrived. Noi tocmai ce am sosit.

5. Perfectul Prezent descrie o actiune inceputa in trecut si care se prelungeste in prezent.In acest caz, se traduce cu prezentul:

How long have they been here? De cand sunt ei aici?She has been here for three days. Ea se afla aici de trei zile.

6. Perfectul Prezent simplu se foloseste cu expresiile: This is the first time... si It's (a long time) since...

This is the first time I have been in a cave. E prima data cand ma aflu intr-o pestera.It's a long time since you have visited me. De mult nu ai mai fost in vizita la mine.

Perfectul Prezent Continuu ( Present Perfect Continuous)

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Perfectul Prezent Continuu al unui verb.


Perfectul Prezent Continuu se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have( have, has ) urmat de aspectul continuu al participiului trecut al

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verbului de conjugat.(participiul trecut simplu: worked, cleaned; participiul trecut continuu: been working, been cleaning.)

1. Forma afirmativa:

I have been walkingYou have been walkingHe has been walkingWe have been walkingYou have been walkingThey have been walking

2. Forma interogativa :

Have I been walking ?Have you been walking ?Has he been walking ?Has she been walking ?Have we been walking ?Have you been walking ?Have they been walking ?

3. Forma negativa :

I have not been walkingYou have not been walkingHe has not been walkingShe has not been walkingWe have not been walkingYou have not been walkingThey have not been walking

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4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Have I not been walking ?Have you not been walking ?Has he not been walking ?Has she not been walking ?Have we not been walking ?Have you not been walking ?Have they not been walking ?

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire)

Perfectul Prezent continuu se foloseste aproximativ in aceleasi situatii ca si Prezentul Perfect simplu.Totusi, accentueaza ideea de continuare in prezent a actiunii descrise:

Prezentul Continuu ( Present Continuous)

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Prezentul Continuu al unui verb.

1. La forma afirmativa auxiliarul apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa:

I'm runningYou're runnningHe's runningWe're runningThey're running

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2. La forma interogativa se inverseaza ordinea dintre subiect si auxiliar:

Am I running?Are you running?Is he running?Is she running?Are we running?Are you running?Are they running?

3. La forma negativa cuvantul not precedat de auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa (dar niciodata dupa am) :

I' m not runningYou aren't runningHe isn't runningShe isn't runningWe aren't runningYou aren't runningThey aren't running

4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Am I not running ?Aren't you running ?Isn't herunning ?Isn't she running ?Aren't we running ?Aren't you running ?Aren't they running ?

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect

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al Prezentului in vorbire)

1. Pentru a descrie o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul vorbirii.In acest caz, este insotit adesea de o indicatie temporala, cum ar fi now, at the moment

Look! He's wasing his car. Priveste! El isi spala masina.What are you doing there? Ce faci acolo?

2. Pentru a descrie pozitiile corpului:

She's standing. Ea sta in picioareHe's leaning against a wall. El sta sprijinit de un perete.

3. Cand e vorba de o actiune viitoare, prevazuta sau programata:

They're buying a new house in May. Ei isi cumpara o casa noua in luna mai. What are you doing next Monday? Ce faci lunea viitoare?

4. Cand e vorba de ceva care s-ar putea produce in orice moment:

He looks funny when he's playing his trumpet. Arata comic atunci cand canta la trompeta.

5. Impreuna cu always, pentru a exprima iritarea sau dezaprobarea:

She's always coming in when we talk

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something important. Intotdeauna trebuie sa intre in camera fix cand vorbim noi lucruri importante.

Pronumele personal


I = EuYou = TuHe = ElShe = EaIt = El, Ea (pentru obiecte, lucruri neinsufletite)We = NoiYou = VoiThey = Ei


Mine = Al meuYours = Al tauHis = Al luiHers= Al eiOurs = Al nostruYours = Al vostruTheirs = Al lor


(to) me = mie(to) you = tie(to) him = lui

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(to) her = ei(to) it = Lui, ei (pentru obiecte, lucruri neinsufletite) (to) us = noua(to) you = voua(to) them = lor


me = pe mineyou = pe tinehim = pe elher = pe eait = pe el, pe ea (pentru obiecte, lucruri neinsufletite)us = pe noiyou = pe voithem = pe ei

Verbul To Be


I Am = Eu suntYou Are = Tu estiHe Is = El esteShe Is = Ea esteIt Is = El/Ea EsteWe Are = Noi suntemYou Are = Voi suntetiThey are = Ei sunt


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Am I ?Are You ?Is He ?Is She ?Is It ?Are We ?Are You ?Are They ?


I Am notYou Are notHe Is notShe Is notIt Is notWe Are notYou Are notThey are not

Verbul To Have


I Have = Eu amYou Have = Tu aiHe Has = El areShe Has = Ea areIt Has = El/Ea areWe Have = Noi avemYou Have = Voi avetiThey Have = Ei au


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Do I Have?Do You Have?Does He Have?Does She Have?Does It Have?Do We Have?Do You Have?Do They Have?


I do not HaveYou do not HaveHe does not HaveShe does not HaveIt does not HaveWe do not HaveYou do not HaveThey do not Have

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Trecutul Simplu

A. Mod de formareAfirmativ:

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Subiect + Vb.II (terminatia "-ed" pentru verbele regulate)

Exemple:1. I wrote a book last year.2. He went to a football game last week.3. We played in the park yesterday.

Interogativ:Did + Subiect + Vb.I?

Exemple:1. Did you write a book last year?2. Did he go to a football game last week?3. Did you play in the park yesterday?

Negativ:Subiect + didn't + Vb.I

Exemple:1. I didn't write a book last year.2. He didn't go to a football game last week.3. We didn't play in the park yesterday.B. Folosim Trecutul Simplu pentru:

• activitati terminate care s-au petrecut in trecutExemple:She was in France 2 years ago.We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago.

• actiuni incheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat in trecut

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Exemple:They were in England in 1981.I left Bucharest in april 1994.C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Simplu:yesterday, at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago, last year, last week, the day before yesterday

Exemple:1. Diana went in Belgium 3 years ago.2. I was having lunch at this time yesterday.3. They played football 2 hours ago.4. Paul taught English and French 3 months ago.5. She left town the day before yesterday.Exercitii:1. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din paranteza la Trecutul Simplu:

1. I (watch) a horror movie yesterday evening.2. Mary (play) in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.3. Two days ago, John (go) with his mother at the doctor.4. Mary (talk) a lot during the French lesson.5. My mother (wash) many clothes yesterday evening.6. I (do not enjoy) the movie from last night.7. I (solve) the Math problem very quickly.8. I (prepare) my luggage yesterday.9. I (be) at school when you called me.10. When you were young, you (live) in the countryside.

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2. Folositi cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propozitii negative precum in exemplu:Exemplu:Mary liked the apple pie. (the soup)Mary liked the apple pie, but she didn't like the soup.

1. I played in the schoolyard. (in the garden)2. My friend went to the mountain. (to the seaside)3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago. (1 month ago)4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson. (Mrs Smith)5. During lunch, I listened a football game on the radio. (music)6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m. (12 o'clock)7. I arrived at home early in the morning. (in the afternoon)8. You received a computer on your birthday. (a car)9. It rained 2 days ago. (last week)10. Mike repaired his car. (bicycle)

3. Treceti la Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos, precum in exemplu:Exemplu:I leave school at 2 o'clock yesterday.I left school at 2 o'clock yesterday.

1. I eat a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.2. My family buy a new car 3 months ago.3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.

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4. Mary speak with her English teacher last week, about her exams.5. Last Monday, John write to his mother a letter.6. Last winter, I make a beautiful snowman in front of the house.7. You give your sister a necklace for her birthday.8. Last year, Tim become a doctor.9. Mrs. Thompson teach Spanish and English every Monday and Wednesday.10. Father come from the office late at noon.

4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:Exemple:I seeI saw

I watchI watched

1. I sleep2. He plays3. He run4. You speak5. They don't read6. He doesn't feel7. I meet8.He catches9. You wake up10. They leave

5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform

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precizarilor din paranteze (vezi exemplu)Exemplu:When did she leave Bucharest? (2 years ago)She left Bucharest 2 years ago.

1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)5. When did she study French (2 years ago)6. Where did he work last year (in a bank)7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)8. How did she die? (in a train accident)9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)10. When was he born? (in 1973)

Lectia 11: Trecutul Simplu - raspunsuri

1. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din paranteza la Trecutul Simplu:1. I watched a horror movie yesterday evening.2. Mary played in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.3. Two days ago, John went with his mother at the doctor.4. Mary talked a lot during the French lesson.5. My mother washed many clothes yesterday evening.6. I didn’t enjoy the movie from last night.7. I solved the Math problem very quickly.8. I prepared my luggage yesterday.9. I was at school when you called me.

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10. When you were young, you lived in the countryside.

2. Folositi cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propozitii negative:1. I played in the schoolyard, but I didn’t play in the garden.2. My friend went to the mountain, but he didn’t go to the seaside.3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago, but I didn’t travel abroad 1 month ago.4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson, but I didn’t visit Mrs Smith.5. During lunch, I listened a football game on the radio, but I didn’t listen to music.6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m, but you didn’t call at 12 o’clock.7. I arrived at home early in the morning, but I didn’t arrive at home early in the afternoon.8. You received a computer on your birthday, but you didn’t receive a car.9. It rained 2 days ago, but it didn’t rain last week.10. Mike repaired his car, but he didn’t repair his bicycle.

3. Treceti la Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos:1. I ate a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.2. My family bought a new car 3 months ago.3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.

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4. Mary spoke with her English teacher last week, about her exams.5. Last Monday, John wrote to his mother a letter.6. Last winter, I made a beautiful snowman in front of the house.7. You gave your sister a necklace for her birthday.8. Last year, Tim became a doctor.9. Mrs. Thompson taught Spanish and English every Monday and Wednesday.10. Father came from the office late at noon.

4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:1. I sleep / I slept2. He plays / He played3. He run / He ran4. You speak / You spoke5. They don't read / They didn’t read6. He doesn't feel / He didn’t feel7. I meet / I met8.He catches / He caught9. You wake up / You woke up10. They leave / They left

5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform precizarilor din paranteze:1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)I slept at Cathy’s.2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)I read this book 3 weeks ago.3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)

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I found out about Susan’s problems last Monday.4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)I met my friends in the park.5. When did she study French (2 years ago)She studied French 2 years ago.6. Where did he work last year?(in a bank)He worked in a bank last year.7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)They divorced 4 years ago.8. How did she die? (in a train accident)She died in a train accident.9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)Mihai Eminescu was a Romanian poet.10. When was he born? (in 1973)He was born in 1973. Trecutul Continuu

A. Mod de formareAfirmativ:Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

Exemple:1. I was learning a poem at this time yesterday.2. You were watering the flowers at this time yesterday.3.They were mending the radio at this time yesterday.

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Interogativ:Was (pers.I/III sg) / Were (restul pers.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

Exemple:1. Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday?2. Were you watering the flowers at this time yesterday?3. Were they mending the radio at this time yesterday?

Negativ:Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"Se folosesc adesea contractiile wasn't (was + not) si weren't (were + not)

Exemple:1. I wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday.2. You weren't watering the flowers at this time yesterday.3.They weren't mending the radio at this time yesterday.

B. Folosim Trecutul Continuu pentru:• a exprima o actiune in desfasurare ce a avut loc in trecutExemple:She was playing in her room at this time yesterday.

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They were listening music at this time last Saturday.

• a exprima o actiune repetata de-a lungul unei perioade de timpExemple:Did she ask any questions?Oh, she was asking questions all the time.Did he buy any sweets?.Oh, he was buying sweets all the time.C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Continuu:at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., all day, for ...

Exemple:1. Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday .2. She was playing quitar from 6 to 8 o'clock.3. They were laughing all day.4. She was living in an old building for 6 years.

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