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IT Services

PowerPoint 2010

Presentations with PowerPoint

• University templates • Design and layout • Text • Shapes • Hyperlinks • Animation and transitions • Present to an audience • Images • The Slide Master • Tables and charts • Notes and handouts • Further help

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................... 2

Design and layout ............................................................................................ 3

Text.................................................................................................................. 6

Add shapes ...................................................................................................... 6

Animation ........................................................................................................ 8

Present to an audience .................................................................................. 10

Images ........................................................................................................... 12

Position and alignment .................................................................................. 16

The Slide Master ............................................................................................ 19

Insert slides from another presentation ........................................................ 20

Tables and charts ........................................................................................... 21

Notes pages ................................................................................................... 23

Handouts ....................................................................................................... 24

Further help ................................................................................................ 26

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Introduction Microsoft PowerPoint helps you produce and present on-screen visual aids to accompany your presentations. It can help give your presentation a consistent look, organise your thoughts and help the audience follow what you are saying. However, used badly it can become a barrier to effective communication rather than a support to it.

This guide will help you with some of the technical aspects of producing presentations. However it does not cover everything you need to know about using PowerPoint. This guide does contain focussed advice and tips to help you make the most of PowerPoint as a presentation tool. It does not cover how to improve your presentation skills.

Notation Ribbon commands are written as Home > New Slide, this means select the Home Tab then the New Slide button. All key presses are included within < > e.g. <Enter> means press the Enter key. <Ctrl> means hold down the Control key.

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Design and layout

University Templates University PowerPoint presentation templates are available for you to download. They include the University of Leicester logo. To access the templates go to:

To start a new presentation using a template, open a template and choose File > Save As

New Presentation To open a new presentation go to File > New choose Blank presentation > Create.

Slide layout It is important to choose the appropriate slide layout to fit your content. When you start PowerPoint you are provided with a new presentation, and the default slide layout is a Title Slide.

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To change the layout of a slide

1. Go to Home > Layout and click your preferred layout

To insert a new slide

2. Go to Home and select the arrow next to New Slide 3. Click your preferred slide layout to select it and it will be inserted into

your presentation

Background colour It is very easy to add colour to the background of your slide

1. Go to Design > Background Styles

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2. Select Format Background

3. Choose a colour from the drop down list 4. If you want the new colour on every slide click Apply to All 5. Click Close

Slide themes A slide theme is a design that can be applied to all your slides. PowerPoint has many pre-set themes you can use.

1. Click on the Design tab 2. Open the Themes pane by clicking the arrow in the bottom right corner

of the Themes group

3. Select a suitable slide design. As you move over each item you will see a

preview of the design on your slides. Only when you click on a theme will it actually be applied to all slides.

4. You can use the Colors, Fonts and Effects options to modify the design

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Text If your audience has to read big paragraphs of text they will be unable to concentrate on what you are saying. It is therefore preferable to limit the number of words on a slide. The best way to do this is by using bullet points to identify key themes. It is advisable to use a font size of at least 24pt and have a colour contrast between the text and the background to ensure the words can be read from a distance.

AutoFit PowerPoint will prompt you when it determines that you are putting too much information on one slide. For instance, if you type more text than can fit in a text box an AutoFit Option symbol will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the text box.

If you click on the AutoFit Option symbol you will get a number of options. To override this feature you can choose Stop Fitting Text to This Placeholder.

Add shapes Add shapes to your slides for diagrams or to emphasise text

1. Go to Insert > Shapes 2. Select a shape 3. On your slide click and drag until the shape is the desired size

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Add text to shapes Shapes can make eye-catching text boxes (e.g. arrows, speech bubbles).

Click on the shape and just start typing

Drawing tools When a shape or text box is selected the Drawing Tools bar is visible. You can choose to add colour, borders and effects to shapes and text boxes.

SmartArt SmartArt provides a more graphical way of displaying your text, and can be used to liven up your presentation. The SmartArt option gives you access to a range of objects including graphical lists, process diagrams, hierarchy charts (organisation charts) and cycle diagrams.

1. Go to Insert > SmartArt 2. Choose a diagram type 3. Click OK

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You can easily convert a bulleted list to SmartArt.

1. Select the text, text box or shape 2. Go to Home > Convert to SmartArt 3. Choose the required SmartArt graphic

Animation Animation can be helpful, if used well, and it is a good way to reveal information on a slide one step at a time. However, inappropriate animation can distract attention away from the information being presented. As a general rule, only use animation if you have a good reason to do so.

1. Select the text or object to be animated 2. Go to the Animations tab

3. Select an animation. To see more animation options click the arrow in

the bottom right corner 4. Animations can be modified from Animations > Effect Options 5. You can change how the animation is triggered and how long it lasts

from the Timing group

6. To see the chosen animation select Animations > Preview 7. If you are animating a set of items (objects, paragraphs, lists) you can

apply the animation to each item in turn or as one group

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Animation painter The animation painter allows you to copy the animation from one object to another

1. Select the object with the animations that you want to copy 2. Go to Animations > Animation Painter. Clicking on this button copies the

selected object’s animation. 3. Click on the object you wish to copy the animation to

Advanced animation options When you have applied animation, the Animation Pane will list the details of the objects with effects and the order in which they will be played. To set advanced customisation options you will need to use the Animation Pane. 1. Go to Animations > Animation Pane 2. From the list select an animation, then click the small arrow that appears

on the right

To change the sequence of animated items: 1. Select an item in the list 2. At the bottom of the Animation Pane, use the Re-Order buttons to move

the item up or down the play sequence

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Present to an audience Producing the slides is the easy part, it’s the standing up in front of an audience that’s difficult. For advice about presentation skills workshops:

Slide show view To begin presenting your slides you will need to be in Slide Show view. Use the keyboard shortcut <F5> to start the slide show. Other keyboard shortcuts are available. When in slide show view press <F1> to see this list.

Transitions Transitions are similar to animations but are applied to the whole slide. They change how the slide appears on the screen. The transition is triggered when the slide is presented. Like animation, transitions can be a distraction for the audience, so use them wisely. To add transitions go to the Transitions tab.

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Add hyperlinks A hyperlink can be a connection to a slide in another presentation, an email address, a web page, or a file. A hyperlink can also connect to another slide in the same presentation, for example if you are currently on the fifth slide and want to show the twentieth slide, then adding a hyperlink will save you from having to navigate manually.

To link to a website

1. Select the text or shape that you want to use as a hyperlink 2. Go to Insert > Hyperlink

3. Select Existing File or Web Page 4. Locate the file that you want to link to or type in the web address 5. Click OK

To link to another slide in the same presentation

1. Select the text or shape that you want to use as a hyperlink 2. Go to Insert > Hyperlink

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3. Select Place in This Document on the left 4. Choose the slide in the presentation you want to link to 5. Click OK

Images If you use an image on your slides one of the key things to remember is your image will be enlarged when it is projected onto a screen. It is therefore important that you use a good quality image with the highest resolution practically possible (300 ppi or greater). Avoid copying images from the internet as these are usually low resolution (72 ppi). You should also check if there are any copyright issues that might restrict the use of the image.

Find suitable images For University of Leicester images go to Another good resource is the website Here you can search thousands of images and check for any copyright restrictions.

1. Find an example file from 2. Search for an appropriate image 3. From the drop down list under Search select The Commons. These

images will have no copyright issues, and you are free to use them. 4. Click Search

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5. Select a suitable image 6. Scroll down to License and check the copyright restrictions 7. Right click on the image and select the size option Original 8. Select Download the Original size of this photo 9. Click Save As and save the image to your desktop with a suitable name

Check image resolution To check the resolution of an image

1. Find the saved image on your computer 2. Right click on the image and select Properties 3. The resolution will be on the Details tab under Image

Insert images When placing images on slides, the image quality is important. Make sure that you don’t use the Office Clipboard as this will cause image quality to decrease; instead insert all images as picture files.

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1. On the slide on which you wish to have a picture, go to Insert > Picture

2. Find the saved picture on your computer, select it then click Insert.

Resize Images and Objects When resizing an image be careful not to distort the proportions

The example above of the University of Leicester logo is an obvious one but sometimes it is less obvious. Therefore you need to be careful to ensure that when you resize an image you don’t introduce distortion unintentionally. You can ensure this by clicking on the image and resizing it from its corners rather than from the sides, top or bottom. Alternatively

1. Right click the object or image then choose Size and Position... 2. Select Size from the menu on the left of the Format Picture window 3. Change the height, for example to 75%. 4. Ensure Lock aspect ratio is ticked. This will mean the width will also

change to match the height automatically, preventing the image from becoming distorted.

5. Click Close

Rotate Images There are a number of ways to rotate images and objects in PowerPoint. You can simply click the image or object and then hover over the rotate handle at the top and rotate free-hand.

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Alternatively, if you need to be more precise you can manually set the rotation angle.

1. Right click the image or object and choose Size and Position…

2. Choose Size from the menu on the left of the Format Picture window. 3. Change the number in the Rotation box

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4. Click Close

A third way is to select the object or image and then go to Picture Tools > Rotate. This has the advantage of having a number of pre-set options.

Picture Tools When an image is selected the Picture Tools bar is visible. There are a range of very useful features. Take the time to become familiar with all the features on this tab.

Position and alignment You may need to position or align the objects on your slide such as images, shapes, text boxes.

Order of objects on slides Sometimes you will want objects to overlap other objects. In PowerPoint the order of these ‘layers’ is determined by the order the objects are inserted onto the slide, so the most recently created object will always be on top. However, you may want to change the order of the layering. You can do this by sending objects forwards and backwards in the layering using the Order feature.

For example, when a rectangle is placed over an arrow, the arrow is hidden behind the rectangle. You may, however, want the arrow to appear on top of the rectangle.

1. Right-click on the rectangle

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2. Choose Send to Back > Send Backward

Position objects on a slide Placing objects within PowerPoint can be tricky. Try moving images, shapes and text boxes around. There are several features that can help you position objects accurately.

1. Go to Home > Arrange > Align > Grid Settings 2. Tick the box Snap objects to other objects

3. Click OK 4. Now try moving the objects

Now see what the other checkboxes do…

5. Go to Home > Arrange > Align > Grid Settings 6. Tick the box Display grid on screen 7. Tick the box Snap objects to grid 8. Click OK 9. Now try moving the shapes

To remove the grid from the screen, go to Home > Arrange > Align > Grid Settings and untick the box Display grid on screen

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Align and distribute objects Aligning and distributing objects so that they are arranged in a row, at an equal distance apart can be difficult to do. You can save yourself a lot of time and be much more accurate using the Align feature. Select several objects (e.g. shapes, text boxes, images) by clicking on the objects while holding down <Ctrl>.

For example, you may want all of these arrows to be lined up in a row (aligned) and at an equal distance from each other (distributed).

1. With all the objects select Home > Arrange > Align > Distribute Horizontally.

2. Ensure that all the objects are still selected and go to Home > Arrange > Align > Align Top or Align Middle or Align Bottom

All the arrows will be lined up in a row at an equal distance apart from one another.

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The Slide Master The Slide Master stores information about the positions and sizes of placeholders on different slide layouts - where titles, text, page numbers, headers, footers and other objects will be placed - as well as font sizes and styles on all slides.

You should use the Slide Master when you want to make global changes to all the slides in a presentation. If you are going to make changes to the Slide Master, it is advisable to do this before you start working on the presentation itself.

Change the Slide Master Changes that you make to the topmost slide in Slide Master View will be reflected in all the slides in your presentation. Changes to slides below will only apply to slides that use that slide layout.

1. To view the Slide Master go to View > Slide Master

The Slide Master tab will be now be visible. This tab has options for editing the Slide Master. You edit the Slide Master as you would for any other slide.

Close the Slide Master when you have finished working on it

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Insert slides from another presentation You may want to reuse slides that you had previously created in other presentations

1. Select a slide in the current presentation – the inserted slide will be placed after it

2. Go to Home > New Slide > Reuse Slides… 3. In the Insert slide from box click Browse 4. Locate the PowerPoint file and click Open. 5. The slides from within the chosen presentation are now listed. Select the

slide(s) you want to insert.

If you wish to keep the look of the inserted slide from the original presentation, select the Keep source formatting option. Otherwise slides will take on the same formatting as those in the main presentation.

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Tables and charts Tables and charts can help you present data and results clearly removing the need for lengthy explanations.

Tables To add a table to your slide

1. Go to Insert > Table

2. Select the number of rows and columns required by moving your mouse

over the grid. 3. Click to insert the table into your slide 4. Enter your data in the table 5. With the table selected the Table Tools bar is visible and the table’s

appearance can be changed to match the design of your presentation.

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Charts Charts can be used to visually illustrate your data and results.

To add a chart to your presentation

1. Go to Insert > Chart 2. Select the type of chart you require from the Insert Chart window

3. Click OK 4. Change the data in the Excel spreadsheet

5. X-axis labels should be typed in column A 6. Legend labels should be typed in row 1 7. To add or delete rows or columns, in Excel go to Home > Cells

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8. When you have finished inputting data close the Excel spreadsheet 9. With the Chart selected the Chart Tools bar is visible. The chart’s

appearance can be adjusted to match the design of your presentation.

Remember the chart will be enlarged when your presentation is projected and you may need to reduce font size and line thickness.

Animate a chart You can animate a chart and make the chart categories appear on the screen one at a time.

1. Click on the chart to select it 2. Click the Animations tab 3. Select an animation

Notes pages You can create notes as you build a presentation. Notes can be added to help you deliver a presentation or for the audience as handouts. Notes can be added in the Notes Pane at the bottom of a slide.

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Handouts It is a good idea to have paper copies of your presentation. People find handouts useful for note taking.

1. Go to File > Print > Full Page Slides and select the appropriate option

Full Page Slides 1 slide per page Notes Pages One slide per page with speaker notes below Outline A text outline of the full presentation Handouts Choose 1 - 9 slides per page

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You can choose to print slides in colour or grayscale (black-and-white).

1. Under Settings from the Color drop down list choose Grayscale

2. Click Print

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Further help

IT Help For information on how to use PowerPoint 2010 and links to help resources visit the IT Help website:

All information on IT for students is available at:

IT Service Desk Call 0116 252 2253 or email [email protected] to ask a question or report a problem.

PowerPoint University of Leicester presentation templates are available at:

Presentations For advice about presentation skills go to:

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