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PIL LogIstIc s’ Parent comPany, PacIfIc InternatIonaL LInes (Pte) Ltd, Is a gLobaL transPort and LogIstIc s comPany wIth over 45 years of oPeratIng hIstory. PIL Is headquartered In sIngaPore .

In 2011, the company delivered sales turnover of USd 4.5 billion. It is ranked as one of the top 20 container ship operators in the world with logistics investments in Asia. PIL ‘s network covers over 350 locations in 95 countries. PIL has its own offices in 32 countries and owns more than 120 vessels.

Its subsidiary, Singamas container Holdings Limited is the world’s 2nd largest container manufacturer. Singamas has been listed on the Hong kong Stock Exchange since 1993.

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POWERING YOUR MOVE INTO ASIAPIL LogIstIc s Is a Lead LogIstIc s ProvIder headquartered In sIngaPore

With operations across Asia’s logistically challenging, but opportunity filled markets, PIL Logistics is focused on powering its customers’ moves into Asia.

besides our unique capability in china, PIL Logistics is also entrenched in various South East Asian countries, with joint ventures and strategic partnerships across the region.

backed by over 45 years of operating history of PIL, PIL Logistics is able to provide the Asian insight to help our customers understand the challenges of this region. Our nimbleness enables us to quickly respond to the challenges in Asia. Our tried and tested logistics and funds management infrastructure will help our customers gain access to Asia’s logistically challenging, but opportunity filled markets.

a b o u t u s

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Page 5: POWERING MOVE INTOASIA - pillogistics.comthe delivery status into our TMS system. Our TMS can receive information via GPRS, mobile phone system, operators’ manual update and carriers

PAVINGTHE WAYPIL LogIstIc s Paves the way for our customers Into chIna and south east asIa

We are focused on building our capabilities across various disciplines along the supply chain and also on our network expansion.

by doing so, we are able to meet all the needs of our customers, providing the logistics and funds management they need to move their products seamlessly.

Our logistics and funds management service has been implemented and fine-tuned to adapt to local conditions in various countries.


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Page 7: POWERING MOVE INTOASIA - pillogistics.comthe delivery status into our TMS system. Our TMS can receive information via GPRS, mobile phone system, operators’ manual update and carriers

SPEEdING MARkET ENTRYPIL LogIstIc s executes seamLess end-to-end LogIstIc s soLutIons across asIa In a sPeedy manner

Having deep local relationships is a key success factor for PIL Logistics’ ability to execute seamless end-to-end logistics solutions across Asia, in a speedy manner.

For repeatable logistics models, we are able to set up operation in new locations and get the model up and running within three months. Our web-based information technology system can be turned on within 10 working days for a new site.


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TAILORING SOLUTIONSPIL LogIstIc s formuLates PrecIse , customIsed soLutIons

We give our customers flexibility in formulating precise, customised solutions that offer peace of mind.

To pursue value innovation for our customers, we tailor custom-fit solutions to best match our customers’ needs.

Our customer care program provides our customers with personalised attention and focuses on effective communication, performance accuracy and management by exception.


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ENSURING VISIbILITYPIL LogIstIc s’ It network Infrastructure grants reaL tIme gLobaL Inventory vIsIbILIty to our customers

Our web based order management system runs on Oracle’s Single Instance Platform that leverages on the internet infrastructure. This set up grants real time global inventory visibility to our customers.

Our customers can log onto our transaction server via the web browser to check their inventory levels and funds availability anytime, anywhere.

With the availability of information, logistics planners can achieve synchronisation along the supply chain, together with smooth management of their funds.


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ShenzhenHong kong

Phnom Penh

Ho chi Minh



Pasir Gudang












Port klang




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china – Qingdao, Tianjin, dalian, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shantou, Rizhao, Alashankou, Yancheng, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Urumuqi, chengdu, chongqing, Nanjing, Wuhan, Zhangjiagang, Hong kong


Taiwan – Taichung, kaohsiung

Malaysia – Port klang, Pasir Gudang

Thailand – bangkok

Vietnam – Haiphong, Ho chi Minh

cambodia – Phnom Penh

Myanmar – Yangon

Indonesia – Jakarta

Philippines – Manila

korea – Seoul

Japan – Yokohama

movIng goods to market Is never easy

PIL Logistics specialises in Asia’s logistically challenging locations, where the greatest opportunities are found. Your business can thrive in the markets supported by our presence.


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are you a foreIgn comPany wIthout a domestIc tradIng LIcence , facIng chaLLenges In LogIstIc s and funds management?

Foreign companies without a domestic trading licence face challenges in logistics and funds management when selling products to local buyers or when procuring from local suppliers.

These companies need to source for responsive logistics services; they need to source for a reliable local trading company to import and export goods, to conduct a domestic sale of to procure goods from local suppliers.

The domestic trading company will import goods, collect local currency from local buyers and remit foreign currency to the seller, who resides outside of the trading country. The domestic trading company will help to procure locally manufactured goods, ensure quality of goods procured and export to foreign buyer overseas.

Sourcing for a reliable trading company entails a great deal of trust. Foreign companies are concerned with the inherent exposure of working with the local trading companies who will be collecting the payment for goods or paying for procured goods on their behalf. The local trading company has to be precise and clear in managing the funds on behalf of seller. The appointed local trading company will also have information of buyer and seller and can potentially take over the business.

Procuring goods from local suppliers would require careful selection of suppliers and also the quality of goods being purchased.

PIL Logistics offers a one stop solution, Trade+, providing world class logistics service, backed by a large multinational parent company. PIL Logistics has its own trading license in china.

Our Trade+ solution streamlines the process of doing business in Asia’s challenging markets. customers can ride on our logistics and funds management infrastructure, to avoid the delays and bureaucracy of going it alone.


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o u r P r o d u c t s

TRANSPORT OPTIMISATIONare you havIng dIffIcuLty In oPtImIsIng the

dIstrIbutIon of shIPments due to dIfferent

sIzes, voLumes, weIghts, etc?

customers are having difficulty in optimising the distribution of shipments which may come in different size, volume and weight, loose cargo and palletised cargo.

PIL Logistics offers a one-stop transportation management service. depending on the size and nature of your product, we will engage different types of services to deliver the products to your designated destination. As a lead logistics service provider, PIL Logistics has the economy of scale to train, engage and maintain high standards of delivery services, for any mode of distribution, for our customers.

On a daily basis, we will receive delivery orders from our customers. We capture all delivery information under our Transport Management System (TMS). All orders will be collectively managed in a single platform. Orders will be reviewed on a cost versus lead time matrix, and will be allocated according to matrix discussed and decided with customer.

For urgent shipments, we will deliver via air for both domestic shipments and international shipments. For high volume, low time sensitive cargo, we will deliver via rail, barge or coastal vessels for domestic or via sea for international shipment. We will recommend various modes of transport to get goods to destination on a timely manner.

Upon despatch, PIL Logistics and our partners along the supply chain will upload the delivery status into our TMS system. Our TMS can receive information via GPRS, mobile phone system, operators’ manual update and carriers information update. We are able to capture close to real time status of the delivery.

Real time information of deliveries can be made available. We are able to send delivery status reports periodically, per our agreement with our customers.

Through our Transport Optimisation solution, our customers can lower their overall transportation and operating cost while minimising the management effort required on their part.

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EXPORT SUITEare you keen to consoLIdate your Procurement from muLtIPLe suPPLIers and get your Products ready for saLe at the Port of LoadIng?

Procurement managers typically source and buy from the most cost effective manufacturers across the globe. china and South East Asia is increasingly becoming an important sourcing location for them.

PIL Logistics offers Export Suite solution to provide a platform for the procurement managers to have their suppliers deliver their products into a designated warehouse. In the warehouse, the products will undergo value added service to get them to be ready for the retail shelves or final consumption in the destination country.

We are able to offer value added services as requested by customers. Some of these value added services include quality check, repackaging, simple assembly, barcode checking, labeling etc.

Products from multiple suppliers will arrive in the designated warehouse at different times. We are able to consolidate multiple shipments into full and or less than container loads, within the shortest time frame, and move the shipments out to its destination buyer promptly.

We will perform export customs clearance and file for tax rebates for suppliers, in countries where export tax rebates apply.

Our Export Suite solution offers customers a reduction in order to cash cycle and better utilization of container loads. We are also able to perform purchase order and sales order management for our customers, thereby switching fixed costs into variable costs for them. In countries where export tax rebates are applicable, our model enables earlier application for export tax rebates by the supplier.


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FORWARd HUbbINGare you facIng ProbLems In movIng Products that are manufactured far from the country of consumPtIon?

Moving goods to market is never easy. customs clearance formalities and upfront payment of import duties and tax complicates and adds up costs to the process. This process also ties up your working capital.

PIL Logistics’ Forward Hubbing solution places your products closer to your customers prior to any order being received. by moving the products to the nearest port of final consumption, Forward Hubbing will greatly reduce your customers’ Order To cash cycle through shortening the delivery lead-time. Forward Hubbing also promises time definite delivery of your products by eliminating the uncertainty of vessel availability and international shipping transit time.

by storing the products in container loads, Forward Hubbing will save you the storage cost that would have been incurred both at port of loading or at destination. This solution will also eliminate the damage related cost from excessive handling. Your products shall remain in its original condition from factory up to the time when your customers open the container. With the shorter and guaranteed delivery of your products, your customers will benefits greatly in terms of lower requirement for working capital on inventory and from the flexible just-in-time delivery arrangement.

Leveraging on our carrier network across the globe, we are able to identify regional re-export hubs anywhere in the world to fulfil multiple countries logistics requirements to have the goods delivered to your customer door within stipulated transit times and manageable costs.

Our Forward Hubbing solution gives customers the confidence in knowing that their goods are very near to their end customers and the delivery lead time is short and certain. This translates into improved competitiveness and sales opportunities.

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ORdER cENTRALISATIONare you fIndIng It IncreasIngLy dIffIcuLt to manage InventorIes stored In muLtIPLe warehouses across asIa?

As companies expand across geographies throughout Asia, they find it increasingly difficult to manage inventories stored in multiple warehouses across Asia. deciding the product mix and quantity to store at each location is no mean feat.

complete visibility of order fulfilment statuses will also be challenging to manage.

PIL Logistics is able to centralise your order fulfilment process under one roof, giving you complete visibility of the status of each order processed. With visibility of order fulfilment process, you will be able to control and monitor your sales orders across Asia, especially stock allocation and goods delivery lead time.

With Order centralisation, our customers can focus on selling their products in Asia, and their sales force can focus on selling and not be involved in order fulfilment process. Our customers can also control order fulfilment process better thereby allocating inventory in an optimum manner.

Our customers can consolidate all the order processing and distribution or orders in one system. Orders are created locally at our customers respective branch offices and consolidated at their head office. The relevant delivery details of all consolidated orders will be down loaded from our customer’s system into PIL Logistics’ Warehouse Management System (WMS) for processing of pick list to the respective regional warehouses across Asia for order picking. Upon completion of the pick and pack at the local warehouses, the shipments will be collected and delivered to the consignees within the agreed delivery lead time. Finally, proof of delivery are collected and return to the customer.

The whole process of tracking from order creation to delivery is all done centrally via our system. Once a delivery is completed, we will send a report to our customer within the agreed timeline.

Our Order centralisation solution allows our customers to work with us to raise service quality. Having each branch office manage the logistics means different service quality by different branch offices. Order centralisation allows for quality consistency as a start, followed by systematic improvements.

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o u r s e rv I c e s


Leveraging on our extensive network and experience in Asia Pacific countries, PIL Logistics offers logistics consulting services to companies intending to develop logistics and funds management in the logistically challenging terrains across Asia. Our consulting services span from strategy consulting to supply chain design to storage site identification, distribution and storage optimisation, business process re-engineering, solution re-alignment, logistics software selection and tender management.

Our professional logistics engineers, commercial consultants and our local business partners together, possess extensive logistics and funds management knowledge that includes local customs and regulatory controls to help our customers establish workable and practical supply chain and funds management models.

china and South East Asian markets are logistically challenging, but opportunity-filled. Access to these markets can be fraught with uncertainty.

The lack of ground visibility and matrix for managing local service providers will continue to challenge many who are keen to make a presence or expand their presence in the land of tremendous opportunity.

PIL Logistics, with its vast expertise and experience, can power our customers’ entry into Asia. We can assist to minimize our customers’ risk exposure and maximise returns. We have what it takes to crack Asia’s diverse markets.


When you leave your products in PIL Logistics warehouse, we provide service level guarantee. We provide bonded, non-bonded, general goods and dangerous goods warehousing. We guarantee pick accuracy, stock integrity and on time reporting. Storage methods are customised according to the size and form of your products. Such storage may include bulk stacking, selective pallet racking, cantilevers, bins, drawers, etc.

While your products are stored in our warehouse, we can provide value add services such as labelling, packaging, assembly, sizing, quality check, money collection etc. We provide pick-up and delivery as well. Pick up and deliveries are optimised based on the size and weight of the order, and the location of the supplier or the destination.

You can keep track of your products in our warehouse through the reports sent by us. Alternatively, you may access our website for reports or for real time status. Apart from standard reports, we can customise reports accordingly to your desired format.


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In PIL Logistics, you can be assured that your products are in safe hands. We guarantee service levels so you know what to expect.


Shippers should be transporting their products locally and across Asia with ease and peace of mind. PIL Logistics understands the challenges in transportation across Asia. We have the technology, the management and a network of branches, joint ventures and partners across Asia, to meet these challenges. Our customers can be assured of prompt services and great connectivity.

In addition to prompt service and connectivity, we are able to provide 24 by 7 online real-time track and trace capability of shipment status on our website. Our team will take our customers’ requirements and tailor a solution that meets their needs.

Our proven processes and our commitment to our customers enable us to deliver service performance that is above the industry norm, be it on time delivery or reduced product damage rate.

We collaborate with our customers to seek continuous improvement in the services we offer.

Whether it is simple point to point delivery or complex requirements, PIL Logistics will give our customers a peace of mind every time they ship with us.


PIL Logistics specializes in moving unconventional products like oversize, cars, liquid, perishables etc across china and beyond chinese borders. These products require special equipment such as tanks, refrigerated wagons and car wagons. Apart from such special rail wagons, rail is able to carry standard ISO tanks and standard marine refrigerated containers.

Tanks can be used in place of drums. drums are costly and inefficient in terms of storage space. More can be carried in tanks and therefore save transport cost, and in some instance handling cost as well. Refrigerated wagons are used in place of refrigerated containers. Very often, refrigerated containers need to be re-positioned back to coastal area if there is no cargo from the destination back to the coastal areas.

Rail is suitable for long distance transportation. Rail is more reliable than trucks during winter where some roads may be treacherous. Rail is able to transport your cargo irrespective of the weather and the terrain, in a safe manner.

PIL Logistics will size up your requirements and propose the optimal transport equipment and transport route. Our experience, our network of offices and our rail team allow us to source for the right equipment, put up the optimal process and access to the appropriate channels to make long distance transportation a reality.

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Inbound LogIstIcs

With more than 45 years of experience in china, PIL Logistics has the experience and expertise to help customers navigate through Asia’s sophisticated customs procedures.

First we will seek to understand the product the customer is importing into a country. We will need to know the harmonised code for the products and if the products are under any import controls or require any import licence.

Once we are certain that the products can be imported, we will guide our customers step by step on the documents needed to satisfy customs requirements. We will then advise customers on the standard charges that will incur and also potential ad-hoc charges which may incur.

We believe in spending sufficient time with our customers to ensure all details are clarified prior to the first shipment being imported into a new location. Once the goods have cleared customs, customers may want to store goods in the bonded zone to avoid paying upfront import tax and duty. When a buyer is found, we will deliver our customers goods to the buyers’ designated door.

While the whole process is taking place, customers will have full transparency of the import operation process. customer may choose to be updated over the phone, on our website or through emails. With information captures at every stage of the inbound process, we hope to give our customers a peace of mind.

freIght forwardIng

PIL Logistics is a class one freight forwarder with NVOcc licence. In today’s globalised world, you need a service provider that is able to provide an integrated one stop service. PIL Logistics’ freight forwarding division has international liner shipping as the core of its third party logistics service. Apart from carrier booking, customs clearance and trucking, we provide packing, value-add, trading and insurance. For some enquiries, we design, formulate and implement customised solution for customers who requires more logistics services than the traditional freight services.

We are customers oriented. We strive for “win-win” with our customers. Our customers are supported by our network of offices staffed with experience long serving staff. Our customers include those from the perishables, chemical, electronics, automobile and construction industries. Our ability to customise solution allows us to provide service to a wide range of industries.

In today’s competitive environment, we strive for creativity and innovative solutions to lower cost for our customers. We seek to find the optimal logistics solution. Through this, we establish a long term partnership with customers.

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vaLue added centre

PIL Logistics offers a value added centre where your goods will undergo value adding prior to distributing to your final customers. The goods can be labelled, re-sized, picked & packed, assembled or repackaged before it is delivered to your customers. Our warehouse is equipped with the necessary equipment, and trained team of warehousemen who can be readily deployed to learn new skills to add value to our customers’ requirements.

For products which need to undergo value adding upon arrival in our warehouse, we will carry out the normal receiving but will move the goods into the value added area for work to be done. Once this is completed, we will then store the value added goods into our warehouse and dispatch them base on customer orders.

For products which will only be value added during outbound, the products will be picked accordingly, undergo value adding and then dispatched out.

Value added services carried out in the value added centre allows for postponement of final assembly and allows for customisation to meet different customers’ specific needs. Individual parts or master rolls can be shipped into china. customers can purchase in bulk and then complete the final re-packaging or assembly later.

by carrying out value added services along the supply chain, we give product owners better control of their products and value adding activities while effectively controlling the inventory carrying costs.

chemIcaL LogIstIcs

PIL Logistics offers a wide range of services for the supply chain requirements of the chemical industry. Our services consist of warehousing, physical distribution, customs clearance and tank container operations.

Our IT system is set up to bring control, visibility and connectivity to our customers. Our trucks are equipped with GPS. It is an important tool for our chemical customers underlining that we are in control and by doing it, to minimise service failures and limit potential damage. Our IT system is able to interface with most customers’ IT systems and we have successfully integrated with SAP.

In PIL Logistics, we adhere to a Health, Safety, Environment handbook and our operations are guided by the principles of “Responsible care” directives. We have a safety officer, safety handbook and a safety committee. We are RSQAS certified by the Association of International chemical Manufacturers in china (AIcM).

We are a medium sized company with the ability and readiness to identify ourselves with the needs of our chemical customers. Our operational flexibility, a responsive and dedicated team as well as our large china network are key differentiators which is of immediate benefit for our customers.


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