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  • 8/13/2019 Poveste de Iubire Luigi Lunari


    Luigi Lunari

    A Love StoryTwo actsEnglish text by Stella SpiritoCopyright 1989Luigi Lunari I 2004 !rugherio "I #ia #olturno$ 80 % Con&' Ce&riTel'%(ax) *+9 0+9 88+1 E,-ail) luigi'lunari.libero'itThe English text is a word-for-word translation from the

    original Italian and is not intended for stage production.Luigi Lunari - A love story 2




    The scene.A modern flat furnished with great taste. It is an open plan, in which are

    contained a sitting room, a study and a small corner bar, separated by a

    small flight of stairs, with 2 or 3 steps, which can be used to alter the

    plan of the room.

    There is also a large screen, which is part of the set, moreoer, part of

    the furniture! although apparently not real, it dominates the set and the


    In front of the screen, with their bac"s to the audience, are the armchairs

    and sofa that ma"e up the sitting room. #ext to them, there is a small tablewith a remote-control. This controls the lights, the screen, the slides

    and a gramophone.Luigi Lunari - A love story 3

    Act OneI.

    #ight time. The room is apparently empty, slightly lit by a lamp under a

    lamp shoot in the corner. A long silence. A cloc" mar"s the time, with an

    abstract sound$ it is four a.m.

    %rom the central armchair we merely notice, rather than see, the swift

    moement of somebody$ a light tossing, an awa"ening, still confused and


    All of a sudden, there is an arm, underlined by intensified light that focuses

    on it, as in cinema detail. It stretches out of the chair, slowly,

    sleepily. A hand reaches the controls on the table$ in a groping manner

    as a moement repeated many times. The hand loo"s for a button and

    pushes it. The painting that hides the screen opens up with a light bu&&.

    The hand grabs a glass of whis"y which was placed on the table but now

    disappears behind the bac" of the chair.

    Again the hand reaches the remote control and pushes a few more buttons.

    The lamp in the corner switches off, the room becomes dar" and soon the

    screen is lit, een if still colourless. In the reflection of the screen, thehand pushes down other buttons. 'lowly, from the silence, music springs

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    NIN* /ine.

    WALTER /ine... what?... How did it go?

    NIN* 0er" well indeed.Luigi Lunari - A love story 5

    WALTER 1/ine... $er" well indeed...+) Is it that diffi'ult to tell me? Couldn+t "ouha$e 'alled me from New Yor% !efore lea$ing?...

    NIN* Well( the film is going to !e made. A pra'ti'all" unlimited !udget. The

    Ameri'ans had no o!-e'tions. The" onl" as for a well nown Ameri'an

    a'tor as the main star...

    WALTER What a!out her?...

    NIN* No pro!lem. E$en the unnown one( it is fine !" them. The distri!ution

    onl" wants to 'hoose the star and a few other names as 'o#stars. The idea

    of an unnown female star to loo for... the" see it as an e2tra$agant idea

    of the great master...

    WALTER And the s'reenpla"?

    NIN* ame as !efore( no o!-e'tion. Indeed% the" ha$e realised that...WALTER +bris"ly, with aggressie diffidence


    NIN* Well... that it is identi'al to "our last film)

    WALTER Identi'al) It is a 'ompletel" different thing)

    NIN* 3aster% that it is a remara!le similar film... 'annot !e denied...

    WALTER +sarcastic

    It 'annot !e denied)

    NIN* *n 456 se7uen'es...

    WALTER To sa" it is the same film is a!solutel" ludi'rous) It means that "ou do

    not understand a thing) A film 'annot !e -udged from the paperwor)

    What is a s'reenpla"? 1A 'lose#up of her+. Howe$er% how man" 'loseupsof her I 'an do( different% opposite8 !eautiful% ugl"% an angel% a monster...

    Indeed for the s'reenpla"% the" are all 'lose#ups.

    NIN* +laughs as to lighten the discussion

    It is not -ust this% though. The fa'ts% the situations% the 'hara'ters...

    WALTER Wh" did the" appro$e it% if it is identi'al to m" last film? 3" last film is

    there% e$er"!od" nows it( thans to the 'riti's% it is a part of the histor"

    of 'inema( a masterpie'e of the neo#idealism... o? 9i$e me an answer)

    *r ha$e all the Ameri'ans !e'ome idiots? Wh" would the" ha$e appro$ed

    it% if this s'reenpla" was% as "ou sa"% identi'al to m" last film...

    NIN* :e'ause thirt" "ears ha$e gone sin'e "our la film)

    +ause. The statement seems to recall *alter to reality$ it is a cold

    shower on his outburst, and he defends himself by a shrug of the shoulders.Luigi Lunari - A love story 6

    *A/TE0 ;in a dull oice, pedantic, not without sarcasm


    NIN* ;haing noticed the correction


    ;&ause. The discussion has come to an end. #ino is sitting in an armchair,

    surrendering for a while to his tiredness, whilst *alter approaches

    the small table with the remote control and pushes down a few

    buttons. The screen is, all of a sudden, inaded by the image of the

    woman seen a few moments before, whom *alter stops to contemplate,

    forgetful of anything else.

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    NIN* ;tal"s, calmly

    3a"!e the Ameri'ans ha$e foreseen the !usiness. A famous film of the

    past% remade toda"% !" the same great dire'tor of then% who% in this o''asion%

    goes !a' to the 'inema% after thirt" to thirt"#two "ears# of silen'e...

    WALTER ...and fourteen in -ail.

    NIN* E$en more pu!li'it"...WALTER And ... the s'andal?

    NIN* What was a s'andal "esterda" is news toda". The time when Ingrid

    :ergmann was !anished for ha$ing left her hus!and... This is pu!li'it"

    nowada"s. It is a film that laun'hes itself well% or so sa" the e2perts. The

    s'andal eases the input% eases the !riefing) ... *nl" one person said that

    ma"!e% remaing a film with an a'tress similar to Wanda /eurig ... 'ould

    !e a pro!lem. An Italo#Ameri'an% of 'ourse% 3agliulo% 9argiulo ... something

    lie that. A -oe.

    ;)e loo"s at the images, too.

    ... he was !eautiful ...

    WALTER ;disturbed and distractedWhat?

    NIN* Nothing. I said( ... she was reall" !eautiful. I should dare sa" she was

    photographed in a mar$ellous wa"% too. Espe'iall" this one.

    WALTER ,on+t tal nonsense) ... he was e2tremel" !eautiful% ... !ut on the other

    side there was a poor idiot. *n the other side% !ehind the 'amera% sitting

    on the dire'tor+s 'hair% there was ... me)

    ;#ino laughs, shrugs his shoulders$ these are all things he has already

    heard and to which it is pointless to disagree with. *alter shows him the

    new image on the screen$ her face.

    Here she is( loo) Is it possi!le to frame her in this wa"? And lose ... the

    moment of those e"es? he was his e"es. *nl" a stupid man 'ould not

    realise it. Loo at her) ee? That idiot had not realised it) This was the

    wa" it had to !e)

    ;A close-up of her eyes.

    Her e"es were large% deep... As the 'r"stal sphere of a fortune teller( inside

    those e"es "ou 'ould see the s" !ehind her. The" would mae "ouLuigi Lunari - A love story 7


  • 8/13/2019 Poveste de Iubire Luigi Lunari


    mali'e and 'harm% inno'en'e% iron"% in a great% endless lo$e for life) ...

    I had not understood an"thing... How "oung I was) How stupid)...

    NIN* +concludes, with smiling irony

    How in lo$e)

    WALTER In lo$e as "ou 'an !e when "ou are "oung... without !eing a!le to understand...

    I understood 1later on+. When I had the 'han'e to loo at theseimages again( fourteen "ears later. Taing them out of the film one !"

    one% disse'ting them% dismem!ering them in all their details. Now% I ha$e

    finall" managed to understand her) Now I 'ould finall" tae pi'tures of

    her% narrate her... Now that I ha$e li$ed m" life% that I am old... and that

    she is dead.

    +*ith a bris" gesture, he switches the images off.

    Howe$er% it is not the same film)

    NIN* ;conciliatory

    All right% master. Let+s sa" that the stor" is similar.

    WALTER The stor" is the same. All the rest has 'hanged( I ha$e 'hanged% she has

    'hanged% the world has 'hanged) A lo$e stor"( a man meets a woman(the" lo$e ea'h other... there are no traumas% no diffi'ulties% nothing) E$er"thing

    is fine) The" lo$e ea'h other and the" are happ") That+s all)

    Thirt" "ears ago this was something( a film made !" a "oung dire'tor%

    ignorant% irresponsi!le... in a world -ust re'o$ering from the war% an2ious

    to go on... Nowada"s% it is a 'ompletel" different thing( I am old% I ha$e

    learnt. Cinema and life... and the world is tired% deluded8 and it will re'ei$e

    a simple lo$e stor" as a slap in the fa'e)

    NIN* Well% surel" ... the Ameri'ans put it slightl" differentl". /or them #

    del$ing into the heart of the matter% or !etter of the !usiness# the film is a

    sentimental proposal% whi'h opposes the wa$e of se2 and $iolen'e at present

    o$erflowing the s'reens ... as a rea'tion to all that% the pu!li' should

    prefer real stor". The same as =Lo$e tor">.Luigi Lunari - A love story 8

    WALTER The Ameri'ans should onl" worr" a!out la"ing out the mone".

    NIN* This has alread" !een done)

    ;)e stands up

    Well% I thin I+ll go to !ed now.

    WALTER Wait) I want to show "ou something I found a few da"s ago. It is an old

    photo. I found it among the papers of an old aunt of mine who died last

    "ear. I had ne$er looed at them% !ut the other da"% all of a sudden...

    +In the meantime he bustles himself around the pro1ector. (n the screen

    appears the portrait of a woman$ it is a photo ta"en by a professional

    photographer for a particular occasion, among flowers and fa"e flowers

    following an old fashion. The woman -young and beautiful- loo"s li"e the

    star preiously iewed on the screen! but the similarity is wea", made

    een fainter by the hairstyle, the clothes, the expression. *alter loo"s at

    her, but obseres #ino at the same time, as to study his reactions$

    What do "ou thin a!out it?

    NIN* Who is she?

    WALTER ,on+t "ou re'ognise her?

    NIN* No.

    WALTER Loo at her 'arefull")NIN* I ha$e ne$er seen her !efore in m" entire life)

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    WALTER Loo on'e again) It+s her% Wanda /eurig)

    NIN* ;surprised

    Wanda /eurig?)... It+s true)

    +)e is not entirely coninced, he goes nearer, laughs, sha"es his head.

    No% she doesn+t e$en resem!les her) he has nothing of her... Yes%

    ma"!e... her e"es... No% not e$en those(...apart from the fa't that she% too%has two e"es)) Who is she% then?

    WALTER he is m" mother.

    ;ause. #ino loo"s at the picture once again.

    NIN* o wh" did "ou tell me she was Wanda /eurig?

    WALTER To see if "ou noti'ed that the" are identi'al.

    NIN* Well% trul"...

    WALTER I onl" saw m" mother on'e in m" entire life. I was twent"#fi$e. I had not

    met Wanda /eurig "et. I 'annot remem!er an"thing a!out her ph"si'al

    appearan'e% apart from some e2pressions of her e"es... and her s'ent...

    !ut when I found this pi'ture I was stru'( I had ne$er seen two women

    so mu'h alie. This is Wanda% I thought. he was m" mother.Luigi Lunari - A love story 9

    NIN* The similarities ... are a matter of taste.

    WALTER /orget a!out her hairst"le% her 'lothes...

    NIN* It+s pointless to dis'uss it)

    WALTER It+s in'redi!le) The" are identi'al)

    NIN* All right)

    WALTER You don+t seem to noti'e the similarit"...

    NIN* 3a"!e it is !e'ause I am too sleep"% master. I am tired. I shall go to !ed

    now and we 'an thin a!out it tomorrow.

    WALTER Tomorrow we+ll also meet up with that unnown a'tress.

    NIN* At four o+ 'lo' sharp% here.WALTER Where did the" find her?

    NIN* In a 'ir'us. Cashier and starlette in a third or fourth 'lass 'ir'us.

    WALTER ,oes she loo lie her?

    NIN* +ironically

    I should sa" that she does. Naturall"... she is una!le to a't...

    WALTER +shrugs his shoulders

    If 'inema a'tors also new how to a't% there would !e more than a 'risis)

    NIN* 9oodnight% master.

    WALTER 9oodnight.

    +#ino exits. *alter goes bac" to his chair and sits down. )e softens the

    lights in the room, increasing the clarity of the screen. The image of the

    woman in the photographers study stays on the screen for a short while,

    then *alter pushes a button on the control. The photo is enlarged to such

    an extent that the screen becomes entirely occupied by the sole detail of

    her eyes. ut the image is old, ruined, the eyes seem nearly decomposed.

    usic plays softly in the bac"ground, whilst *alter remains motionless,

    contemplating the image that slowly brea"s down and dar"ens.Luigi Lunari - A love story 10

    II.4ar"ness lasts for 5uite a while, so as to underline the passage of time.

    Then a sun ray, neat and crisp, enlightens the face of a woman, slowly, inthe centre of the scene.

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    The woman is to a certain extent posing, as if the sun ray was exposing

    her to an inspection. 'he is a beautiful woman, whose beauty is not at all

    aided by her clothes, or hairstyle, or pose. 'he is heaily made up and

    her attempt to appear elegant translates itself into eident ulgarity.

    )oweer, she shows a certain similarity with the women seen before, in

    the images of the first portrayal$ the film star and *alters mother. 'uchsimilarity is at the same time absolute and thin"able, as if only for those

    who would to wish to accept it or are determined to see it.

    The woman loo"s around, attends to the inisible in5uisitors around with

    arious expressions of diffidence, embarrassment, sudden courage,


    In the dar"ness all around, coming from two opposite sides, #inos and

    *alters oices, strong and neat.

    WALTER Who is this one?

    NIN* Claudine.

    WALTER Who?

    NIN* Her name is Claudine... or% at least% this is her stage name.WALTER Claudine?)

    NIN* It+s her) Your unnown a'tress% "our star.... The star of "our film).....

    +/ight reflects on the scene. It is four p.m. the next day. *alter and #ino

    are on stage, on the two opposite sides of the room, with 6laudine in the

    middle. *alter is surprised, approaches her and, obsering her, wal"s

    around. )e stretches his arm as to touch her, but then gies up. #ino

    loo"s at him satisfied, interpreting his astonishment in the wrong way.

    WALTER This one?

    NIN* Yes) What do "ou thin a!out her? Isn+t it in'redi!le% astonishing...?

    WALTER +his surprise slowly melts into a sort of incredulous happiness! he repeats

    her name many times, as if to taste its consistence, with arious inLuigiLunari - A love story 11

    tonations, tossing and turning it on eery side.


    NIN* +surprised by the unusual reaction

    The name has to !e 'hanged as it is not e$en her real name... !ut I thin

    that the similarit"...

    WALTER Claudine)

    +)e starts laughing fran"ly, sha"ing his head.

    No. No... It+s impossi!le)... Ha$e "ou gone mad?... This one... this one...

    should !e the star of m" film?) This one should re#'reate Wanda

    /eurig?... ,on+t "ou realise what "ou are sa"ing? Can+t "ou see her?

    NIN* ...!ut% master( the similarit" is in'redi!le... loo 'arefull" at her.

    ;)e goes near the woman, holds her chin up, ma"es her lift her face.

    WALTER There is no need to loo at her 'arefull". In a few words% there is no similarit"...

    it is a!surd)

    *h% 9od) I don+t e$en now wh" I am laughing( it should !e a 'atastrophe%

    instead of maing me laugh) If this is what "ou ha$e s'outed% after

    months and months of resear'h% ... it onl" means one thing( the film 'annot

    !e made)

    NIN* ...:ut% master...

    WALTER 3aster... master...) Come on) I should put m"self !ehind a 'amera% framethis little girl and sa"( she is a woman with a 'apital W) This is Wanda

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    her on the !asis of a 'ertain ph"si'al similarit"... You are undou!tedl"

    $er" !eautiful... There we are% drin some of this... As I was sa"ing...

    $er" !eautiful... !ut this doesn+t reall" matter... that was -ust to sa" something%

    do "ou understand?... In 9od+s name... it was not meant to !e a

    personal -udgement on "ou) It is 'an I put it?... relati$e to the t"pe

    of person we are interested in. And "ou don+t fit that des'ription. That+sall)

    An"wa"% we+ll put "our name on file% ma"!e on another o''asion% for a

    small part... if "ou are interested in the 'inema...

    +The woman has calmed down. *alter is now loo"ing after her, showing

    a little too much care towards her.

    What do "ou do in life% then?

    CLA@,INE ...I wor in a 'ir'us.

    WALTER 9ood) Are "ou an a'ro!at?

    CLA@,INE No.Luigi Lunari - A love story 13

    WALTER 9ood for "ou. I regard the a'ro!ats $er" highl"% !ut it is su'h as a dangerous-o!.

    +)e has an idea

    ee... it is as if I had gone to a 'ir'us dire'tor... who is looing for an

    a'ro!at most pro!a!l" he would thin I was hopeless...He would !e

    right% don+t "ou thin? And I would !e wrong if I 'onsidered it as a

    personal offen'e... ,o "ou understand?

    CLA@,INE Yes% I do...

    WALTER And% tell me% what are "ou doing in the 'ir'us?

    CLA@,INE A !it of e$er"thing% !ut nothing spe'ial. *n'e I used to sing( a 'omed"

    a't% together with m" hus!and% who performed as &un'h.

    WALTER &un'h) How interesting) A 'hara'ter of the great tradition) We 'an easil"identif" him with the ordinar" people% mainl" the 'hildren) If I had to !e

    a 'lown% I+d rather !e &un'h than an" other 'lown. /or this reason alone(

    'hildren lie him. And the su''ess in a 'ir'us is due to the 'hildren% is

    that not true?

    CLA@,INE True...

    WALTER What were "ou sa"ing?

    CLA@,INE Nothing. When m" hus!and died I was 'ut out of it... I tried to !e'ome a

    tamer... I had two performing dogs... !ut I am more useful in m" a'tual

    -o!% when I 'ome out on the tra' to !ring out gadgets% I stand ne2t to the

    magi'ian% introdu'e the shows and pose when the horses 'ome out....

    WALTER Well done)

    CLA@,INE ...!e'ause the" sa" that I am !eautiful.

    WALTER ...This is e$ident)

    CLA@,INE ...And I am also a 'ashier... I sell the ti'ets... and I wor in the !ar

    during the !reas.

    WALTER 9ood) All finished% then?

    CLA@,INE Yes)

    WALTER 3" friend will gi$e "ou something for "our trou!le and will 'all "ou a


    CLA@,INE A 'a!?

    WALTER ,on+t worr"( he+ll sort out the fare...+#ino offers her an enelope, which she puts into her bag.

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    CLA@,INE Than "ou.Luigi Lunari - A love story 14

    WALTER Not at all. I shall a''ompan" "ou to the 'a!. To !e forgi$en. Nino% 'ould

    "ou please order one?

    ;)e escorts her to the door, whilst #ino telephones.

    CLA@,INE I ha$e seen "our films% do "ou now?...WALTER Reall"? 9ood) I hope that "ou lied them...

    +They go out.

    NIN* Hello? Could I ha$e a 'a!% please? /ourteen% &ia

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    'inema mae up 'ould e$er transform me into Adonis% no dire'tor 'ould

    e$er e2tra't from that 'ashier the light of Wanda /eurig.

    NIN* That+s fine) I ha$e nothing else to add. Trul"% more than the 'inema%

    something else manipulates realit" and maes whate$er it wants of it.

    WALTER What is it?

    NIN* The memor". Cinema mae up is nothing if 'ompared to the spe'ialeffe'ts of memor") It is a''essi!le to all( whilst onl" a dire'tor 'an pla"

    with films and frames% e$er"!od" 'an pla" with memor")

    WALTER I understand) You mean that m" memor" of Wanda /eurig is different

    from what she reall" was% this is wh" I 'annot find her again in that

    "oung girl... the anthropometrists des'ri!e as 1her+ made and finished....

    well% no) 3" memor" is helped !" those photographs% films... and%

    indeed I a''use m"self of not ha$ing altered% manipulated% transformed

    them% to 'at'h not onl" the data...% what she was outside% !ut what she

    had inside...) /lat images% as I told "ou last night% of a 'areless and stupid

    "oung man)... !ut for this reason the" are also 1do'uments+)

    In'ontesta!le% indisputa!le) hut the windows)NIN* Wh"?

    WALTER I want to show "ou something( then "ou+ll tell me if the" are idealised

    memories or real fa'ts)

    +#ino shuts the windows, *alter opens the screen and switches it on. It is

    dar" in the room, there are only a few lights coming through. *alter

    pushes the control$ on the screen appears the detail of two big eyes.

    Loo) Her e"es% Wanda+s e"es) And this is a normal pi'ture% flat% !adl"

    framed% !adl" lit... :ut loo) ...You 'an see% feel the power of those

    e"es)... he ass for some musi') And here% in the e$enings% helped !"

    the musi'% I gi$e her life) 3usi') 3usi')

    +)e pushes the control again$ a iacious eighteenth century music

    appears to animate the image.

    Here we go. It is !etter. I don+t e$en remem!er where this pi'ture is

    from... !ut% see? It is so flat% so meaningless that its o!-e'ti$it" is out of

    7uestion) There are no lies here% no deformation) True% $ulgar% naed

    realit") And if treated with mu'h lo$e% thin what 'an 'ome out of it)

    +ause. #ino stretches towards the control.

    NIN* 3a" I...?

    WALTER What do "ou want to do?Luigi Lunari - A love story 16

    NIN* Enlarge the frame.

    ;)e actions a leer. 'lowly the frame widens. %rom the detail of the eyes

    we moe to a foreground of her face$ it is 6laudines, with her ulgar

    hairstyle and her heay ma"e up.

    NIN* This is the third 'lass $ulgar !eaut"% master)

    +*alter has no more words. After a short while of surprise, he stands up

    goes nearer the screen, charmed, to loo" at the image from as near as

    possible. #ino is behind him. *ithout moing, shrin"s the frame once

    again$ he ta"es a close-up of the hairstyle and the lips, goes bac" to the

    detail of the eyes. *alter is now underneath the screen! we notice his

    dar" shape against the light of the screen. )e is astonished, with his

    mouth open, studying the image that is slowly disappearing7dar"ness.Luigi Lunari - A love story 17

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    III.%rom the dar"ness comes out the large screen on which we see -always

    accompanied by the eighteenth century music- the image of the star. 'he

    is dressed as an ama&on, she is riding a horse, or standing against a

    fence. These surely are the images of the first portrayal. 'he smiles.

    (ther images, dissoling one inside the other, show her always radiant,happy.

    After a short while, a cone of light attracts our attention on the centre of

    the stage, where 6laudine is standing, motionless. 'he is dressed li"e an

    Ama&on, too. 'he is ery different from her first appearance, and now the

    similarity with the star on the screen is more manifest, at least in her

    outer appearance. oements and gestures, instead, are still far from it.

    In this wea" light, that only allows us to see these two women -6laudine

    and the star- the first exchange of lines.

    CLA@,INE ,oes this suit me?

    NIN* Wh" do "ou eep asing if things suit "ou?

    CLA@,INE :e'ause I am s'ared.

    NIN* *f what?

    CLA@,INE *f not looing lie her.

    +/ights on stage. *e now see #ino in a corner, obsering 6laudine. In

    his hands, a complicated camera, with which he ta"es many pictures.

    6laudine obseres the star, adapts her dress so as to improe her

    similarity with her. ending on her "nees, in front of her, a tailor is

    holding a mirror$ 6laudine loo"s at herself, then turns towards the

    screen and confronts herself with the star.

    NIN* You loo lie her... ta" 'alm)

    CLA@,INE How 'an I sta" 'alm? You ha$e o!sessed me) he used to do this... sheused to laugh lie this... she did not mo$e lie that... ,o "ou now% I

    e$en dream of her at night? A few da"s ago it happened to me% all of a

    sudden... I had a !ad dream% a nightmare... All the people around me

    were dead% and I was left alone% on a ro'% in the middle of the sea. The

    wa$es were swelling... and I woe up in a ri$er of sweat... do "ou now

    what was m" first thought? I did not thin 1than 9od it was onl" a

    dream+... I thought 1did she use to ha$e su'h dreams?+

    NIN* I am telling "ou again( don+t worr") And% more than an"thing else% don+t

    e2aggerate. You still ha$e a long time ahead of "ou... and e$er"!od"

    thins that "ou are great.

    Luigi Lunari - A love story 18CLA@,INE Not HI3)

    NIN* He is hard to please... !ut he isn+t unsatisfied. I now him well)

    CLA@,INE +moes, wal"s a few steps ahead, loo"ing at the screen

    I wish I 'ould mo$e more freel"... !e m"self.

    NIN* In 9od+s name% Claudine% don+t start with these 'omplaints. Lea$e them

    to theatre a'tors instead.

    CLA@,INE Yes% !ut at least...

    NIN* In order to mo$e more freel" "ou must !e a!le to a't... and "ou 'annot

    a't. he new how to perform( so% 'op" her% e$en !rutall". When "ou are

    a!le to mo$e in the same wa" as she did% without an" effort% that will

    mean "ou will mo$e freel". And "ou will feel "ourself% if "ou reall" wantto.

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    +*ith a gesture, as to inite her to moe.

    Now% wal)

    CLA@,INE +ta"es a few steps

    Lie this?

    NIN* You loo lie a 9erman tourist with a large ru'sa'% doing the autostop.

    ,id "ou use to wal lie this when "ou were at the 'ir'us? Tr" again)+6laudine starts wal"ing differently$ now she has put one hand on her

    hip, showily waddling, as rough as a circus wal"-on. #ino coers his

    eyes, with humoristic despair.

    CLA@,INE It+s no good% is it?

    NIN* 9i$e me the !oo that+s on the ta!le)

    +6laudine obeys! she gets the boo" and ta"es it to #ino, who throws it

    onto another chair, without een loo"ing at it.

    NIN* ee? You waled reall" well then. As all the non#a'tors% "ou are "ourself

    when "ou are not a'ting. Then "ou are spontaneous% and e$er"thing is

    fine... !ut an a'tor must learn to pretend to !e himself when he is

    performing)CLA@,INE 3" 9od) That is so 'onfusing) A'ting pretending% !eing... I ha$e to

    imitate her. :e spontaneous)...

    NIN* You must learn% "ou must !uild "ourself up% that+s all) It+s for him to do

    the rest.

    +)e nods, loo"ing at the screen.

    he% too was a made up 'hara'ter% "ou now.

    CLA@,INE He said she was a!le to a't.

    NIN* Indeed% she was made up !" him.Luigi Lunari - A love story 19

    CLA@,INE He denies it. He sa"s she was lie that.

    NIN* +shrugs his shouldersHe% too% lie e$er"one% needs his m"ths. You 'an get 'hanged now.

    +)elped by the tailor, 6laudine ta"es off the horse-riding gear to wear an

    elegant -wide and white country dress with a large straw hat. (n the

    screen #ino substitutes the image of the Ama&on with another one, in

    which the star appears dressed in an identical gear, an olden day lady on

    a country trip. This, too, is one of the images already seen. (n this occasion,

    6laudine confronts herself with the image on screen, chec"ing herself

    out in the mirror which the tailor offers her. In the end, she lets her

    hair loose on her shoulders. 4uring the action, follows this dialogue$

    NIN* +ta"ing a picture of her, 1o"ingly, whilst she is getting undressed

    He needs his m"ths... !ut do not forget that he was in lo$e with her% too.

    he was his great passion. urel" the woman he lo$ed the most. 3a"!e

    the onl" one. Indeed% the onl" one. he was !eautiful% !ut... as man"

    others( as "ou% as others)...

    CLA@,INE Then% it+s true( it was his lo$e that transformed her.

    NIN* +laughs

    Where did "ou read this? In a ta!loid? +he explaines to her$

    he was photogeni'. And he was good. That+s all) A photogeni' woman

    is a photogeni' woman% no matter if she is the most lo$ed or hated in the

    world. ...And a !eautiful frame is a !eautiful frame% no matter if the

    author is madl" in lo$e% or if he is a silled professional% who nows howto tae a good shot.

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    CLA@,INE Howe$er% he alwa"s sa"s that...

    NIN* What he sa"s now is of no importan'e. And% what does he sa"? He sa"s

    that at the time he did not now how to portra" her. :e'ause he wasn+t

    good% he sa"s% and not !e'ause he wasn+t enough in lo$e with her. Now%

    instead% he sa"s% he would !e a!le to% and not !e'ause he is more in lo$e%

    !ut simpl" !eause he has impro$ed. Toda"% he sa"s that he would how toportra" her.

    CLA@,INE 9od) How 'ompli'ated)

    NIN* :ut !e 'areful( it is not true. Thirt" "ears ago he was as good as he is

    now... and "ou ha$e !een photographed reall" well. The pro!lem is a

    'ompletel" different one.

    CLA@,INE top it. &lease) You mae me feel di

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    CLA@,INE ,oes it suit me?

    NIN* Yes% it does.

    Howe$er% what "ou ha$e told me is right( he doesn+t e$en see "ou. You

    are simple matter for him( terra'otta% mar!le% paper... !ut don+t worr")

    Thin a!out "ourself( a!out the film and a!out the lu' "ou ha$e had.

    Luigi Lunari - A love story 21CLA@,INE ,o I seem lie her at all?

    NIN* You do% "ou do.

    There is one thing that ma" !e useful for "ou to now. ,espite what he

    ma" sa" now% he did not e$en noti'e her in those da"s he used to sa" it

    too% that his e"es seemed to go straight through her and from side to side)

    The same words "ou ha$e used( she wrote them too in !la' on white...

    He was looing for something o$er and a!o$e her...

    CLA@,INE What?

    NIN* Who nows?

    CLA@,INE Another woman?

    NIN* I don+t now... No... ma"!e... "es. He used to torment her as he torments"ou8 he used to 'orre't e$er" pose% e$er" tone% e$er" gesture. He used to

    push her 'ontinuousl" towards something else ... He wanted her to loo

    lie... an image ma"!e... !ut these are onl" words% Claudine% words)

    ust to tell "ou that what "ou are feeling now... she felt it% too. A man 'an

    fall in lo$e with a woman8 !ut if he is a dire'tor #whilst he is dire'tingshe

    is onl" matter. 3atter for an idea% the idea of her% her for the idea... or

    ma"!e the idea he had in his mind.

    CLA@,INE 9od% I mustn+t tal a!out these things an" longer) It maes me mad)

    NIN* You are right. ,on+t thin a!out it and follow m" suggestions.

    CLA@,INE Listen) Can I as "ou one thing?

    NIN* Tell me.CLA@,INE Was he reall" in lo$e with her?

    NIN* Yes% he was.

    CLA@,INE Then% wh"...?

    NIN* What wh"?

    CLA@,INE Wh"?

    NIN* Wh"?...

    CLA@,INE Wh" did he ill her?

    NIN* +after a pause, indifferent, ta"ing a photo

    I am not sure it was him.

    CLA@,INE :ut he was 'ondemned.

    NIN* True... !ut he alwa"s denied it.Luigi Lunari - A love story 22

    CLA@,INE I also read that he ne$er defended himself...

    NIN* That is true% too. Apart from den"ing the 'harges% I 'annot sa" that he defended

    himself. He ...-ust let himself go.


    CLA@,INE ,oes it suit me?

    NIN* /or 9oodness+ sae% stop asing if things suit "ou)

    +*alter wal"s in. )e is holding a collection of photographs. 6laudine,

    smiling, approaches him, exhibiting the dress she has 1ust worn. 'he

    turns herself around, letting the wide s"irt lift, with sudden co5uetry.

    *alter seems perplexed. )e is about to say something, then he seems to

    change his mind and tal"s in a general way.

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    WALTER We are maing some progress.

    +Then he forgets about her and with indifference, he goes towards #ino,

    gies him the photos which is holding.

    These 'lothes... sa" $er" little.

    NIN* Wh"?

    WALTER I don+t now( it seems to me that the" are 'oming out of nothing. I ha$eseen these photos...

    NIN* +indicating 6laudine and the dress she is wearing

    This one is perfe't)...

    WALTER It does not mean an"thing. +shows him the photos

    I want them enlarged. Life#si

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    telling "ou an"thing... It is not m" fault if I don+t resem!le her. It is "ou)

    You( she is inside "ou.

    +ause. 6laudine burst into tears. *alter goes near her, lifts her head,

    "isses her sweetly, slowly.

    WALTER If I ased "ou to sleep with me?

    CLA@,INE I would do it.WALTER 3ind "ou( I would onl" do it for the film.

    CLA@,INE 3e too. /or "our film.

    WALTER What if I ased "ou to lo$e me?

    CLA@,INE I don+t now... I would tr".

    WALTER ...!ut... sleeping with me... that+s fine...Luigi Lunari - A love story 24

    CLA@,INE Lo$ing... is not the same thing...

    WALTER &retending% then... !ut not what matters to me... Here we go( 'an "ou feel

    it? The i'e s'reen...?

    CLA@,INE 9od) What ha$e I done wrong? I am em!arrassed) I ha$e !een li$ing for

    two months in a world I don+t !elong to% doing things I ha$e ne$er done!efore. I want to go !a' to the 'ir'us) ...among the a'ro!ats% the 'lowns

    the animals... at least the" are normal people... the" spea and I understand

    them... You 'annot as me more than I 'an gi$e "ou.

    +*hilst she tal"s she assumes a strange position$ he lifts her arm, bends

    it so as to touch the bac" of her head and rests her face in the caity so

    created, so as to hide it. The gesture stri"es *alter, who stops and attac"s

    her, with accusation.

    WALTER Where did "ou get that mo$ement from?

    CLA@,INE Whi'h mo$ement?

    WALTER That one% -ust now( wh" did "ou do it?

    CLA@,INE This one? 9oodness% I don+t now( it is one of her gestures. *ne of theman" "ou for'ed me to learn... that now I do... spontaneousl".

    WALTER ...that wasn+t one of her gestures...

    CLA@,INE Yes% it was...

    WALTER I ha$e -ust told "ou it wasn+t...

    CLA@,INE +without being able to understand

    I+ll ne$er do it again...

    WALTER Where did "ou get it from?

    CLA@,INE Wh" = Where did "ou get it from>...? A gesture lie man" others...

    WALTER Where did "ou get it from? Where did "ou learn it? It wasn+t hers)

    CLA@,INE I saw it there) In that photo)

    +'he shows him the framed picture on a piece of furniture. *alter seems

    to be freed by an inner tension and he is on the point of opening himself

    up completely$

    WALTER This one is not her) It+s m" mother)

    CLA@,INE ;without being able to understand

    I didn+t now it)

    +#ino enters

    NIN* The"+ll !e read" !" the da" after tomorrow.

    +)e realises there is tension

    What happened?Luigi Lunari - A love story 25

    CLA@,INE Nothing.

    WALTER I 'an+t find m" 'amera...

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    NIN* +indicating the camera, ery isible on the sofa

    It+s there)

    WALTER I need some more foregrounds.

    NIN* :efore "ou 'ame% I too at least a hundred pi'tures.

    WALTER I don+t 'are)

    +Tal"ing to 6laudinetand there)

    +)e points out a place and 6laudine stands there.

    it down) Cross "our legs... tand up)

    Nino% go near her.

    +#ino goes near her

    Lie against him... You) ,on+t hide "our fa'e... Now% 'areful) Hold her...

    +#ino holds her

    Turn around so that I 'an see her...

    +To 6laudine

    Close "our e"es... Now open them up...

    +6laudine, held by #ino, opens her eyes and loo"s at *alter oer hisshoulder. All of a sudden she seems to see him$ she screams with fear,

    moes away from #ino, pushing him away with iolence. *alter lets the

    camera fall, and steps bac" a little, throws down a ase, that brea"s with

    a great noise.

    =CLA@,INE> Walter)

    =WALTER> Wanda)

    +)e wal"s into the area which remains illuminated. )e turns towards

    9#ino:, with a controlled sense of anger.

    You% go awa"))

    =NIN*> E'oute% Walter)... e 'omprends !ien% mais -e peu2 !ien t+e2pli7uer...

    =WALTER> I told "ou to go awa"... 9o)

    =NIN*> 3ais $o"ons% 'e n+est pas le 'as...

    =WALTER> +shouting

    9o awa")

    +9#ino: hesitates for a little longer, but *alter throws himself against

    him. efore letting *alter reach him, #ino runs away, coming out of the

    lit area and sits in some dar", forgotten corner.

    =CLA@,INE> +after a pause

    I 'an e2plain e$er"thing to "ou% Walter... I mustn+t !elie$e... We were

    here...Luigi Lunari - A love story 26

    =WALTER> I saw "ou were here) There is nothing to e2plain% Wanda)

    Then% it is true what I felt in the air% and that I refused to understand.

    Yesterda"% on the set% the 'ameramen were laughing when "ou were filming

    with him) And I% what an idiot... =3ore passion% Wanda)...3ore...

    truth...> Instead% there was passion% and truth too% !oth things where true)

    ...:ut in the 'inema... it is right that the" don+t 'ome out) There% all is fi'tion%

    and fi'tion is 'on$in'ing... and truth is false) :ut out of there% it is

    all a different thing) It is 7uite the opposite)

    =CLA@,INE> In 9od+s name% Walter) ,on+t start with "our dis'ourses again... right

    now) It is not true what people sa") It was a moment% I must admit it% !ut

    this is all% Walter% I swear)=WALTER> I would ha$e sworn on "our e"es% on'e% Wanda% I swear) It is impossi!le%

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    I used to sa"% when I wanted to pre$ent m"self to see... With those e"es?)

    How 'an it !e possi!le that she is a !it'h?

    =CLA@,INE> +with an annoying gesture she degrades his line to melodrama

    Walter% please) I am tired m"self% I am e2hausted) This film has worn out

    all of us% not onl" "ou. Then% let+s tal 'alml"( I lo$e "ou Walter...

    =WALTER> hut up) Thin a!out how e$er"thing is !e'oming 'learer in m" mind)Now I understand what is the i'e s'reen I alwa"s feel !etween us) ,o

    "ou remem!er% I ha$e told "ou sin'e the first da" we met? I feel that "ou

    are distant% I told "ou( indifferent% hostile ... I ha$e felt pushed awa".

    Now e$er"thing is 'lear) It has alwa"s !een as if m" presen'e was !othering


    =CLA@,INE> No% no... what are "ou sa"ing) It is not true...

    =WALTER> A film that had to !e !orn !" the meeting of two human !eings...

    =CLA@,INE> +tormenting herself

    top it) top it) Wh" are "ou telling me all these things? Wh" are "ou

    tr"ing in an" wa" possi!le to mae me feel guilt"? It is not me. It is "ou%

    "ou) That i'e is inside "ou% Walter) It is something inside "ou)... I lo$e"ou% Walter% !ut...

    =WALTER> ...!ut what?

    =CLA@,INE> ...!ut "ou put all the weight on m" shoulders ... You ased me on'e # "ou

    ased me $er" soon after our first meeting # if I would sleep with "ou. I

    said I would...

    =WALTER> Then?

    =CLA@,INE> Then I am asing "ou% Walter. Wh" didn+t we end up sleeping together?

    Wh"? Who has stepped !a'? I was here( I lo$ed "ou. I waited for "ou.

    We were alone. I 'ame to "our house. You 'ame to mine. We li$ed together

    for a whole "ear% Walter( a whole "ear) We wored together% tra$elled

    together... and li$ed... Wh" didn+t we e$er sleep together? Was it ILuigi Lunari - A love story 27

    who said no? Was it I who !lew "ou out? I% who tried to rip this i'e

    s'reen off?... or it is "ou% !e'ause "ou are impotent?

    =WALTER> ;angry, tries to control himself

    You now it isn+t true.

    =CLA@,INE> Not with the others% are "ou? ust with me) Wh"% Walter( wh"?

    +ause. 6almly, but more determined.

    Listen to me( there has ne$er !een an"thing !etween me and 9is'ard% all

    right? Nothing) *nl" what "ou ha$e seen( a iss... a moment. 3a"!e one

    da" there will !e something... !ut this is none of "our !usiness.... !e'ause

    !etween me and "ou there 'annot !e an"thing else% Walter. I waited until

    the film was o$er( now it is) I 'an tal now. I don+t want to tell "ou # I

    don+t 'are # what I feel for "ou% what I feel for 9is'ard... It is "ou I no

    longer want. There is something in "ou I 'annot figure out. And that i'e

    "ou feel around% is inside "ou8 -ust inside "ou) It is something I 'annot

    understand% and that s'ares me. I want to get out of it% so% please% lea$e

    me alone) I tried !ut I 'an+t. Lea$e me alone% Walter) Let me go without

    arguing. I as "ou onl" this( let me go) You 'annot as me for more than

    I 'an gi$e "ou)

    +*hilst she says this last sentence, she lifts her arm, bends it so to touch

    the bac" of her head, and rests her head in the caity between the two,the same gesture as before. *alter is once again struc" by it.

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    =WALTER> Wh" did "ou do that mo$ement?

    =CLA@,INE> Whi'h mo$ement?

    =WALTER> That one( wh" did "ou do it? Where did "ou get it from?

    =CLA@,INE> This one... for 9oodness+ sae% Walter% stop it% please) I 'annot stand it

    an" longer)

    =WALTER> ,id "ou do it on purpose?=CLA@,INE> *n purpose... what? &lease don+t start again with "our dis'ourses. The

    film is o$er% do "ou realise it?

    =WALTER> hut up)

    =CLA@,INE> The film is o$er% o$er% o$er...

    =WALTER> hut up) hut up)

    =CLA@,INE> +hysterically, screaming

    It is o$er) E$er"thing is o$er) E$er"thing is o$er !etween us)

    =WALTER> hut up)

    +'houting, he attac"s her, grabs her, closes her mouth with one of his

    hands. 'he tries to scream, to free herself, but he threatens once again to

    "eep 5uiet ... then, 96laudine: all of a sudden, falls motionless into hisarms.Luigi Lunari - A love story 28

    =WALTER> Wanda)... Wanda).. In 9od+s name% stop a'ting)...

    +)e slowly lets her go and she falls on the ground, dead. *alter bends

    oer her.


    +*ith terror and distress

    No% 9od)... 3" 9od)

    +)e stands up and calls

    Help) Help me)

    +9#ino: runs on stage, enters the designated area and stands there, liningagainst a piece of furniture.

    3other) 3um) *h% mum)

    +9#ino: in the meantime lifts 6laudine up, carrying her from her underarms,

    throwing her arms on his shoulders. At one stage, the pose the two

    hae assumed coincides with that of #ino and 6laudine before the

    flashbac". The lights return as before, too. *alter, confused, has collected

    the camera and now goes bac" to his wor".

    WALTER *pen "our e"es... mo$e slightl" awa" from ea'h other... Claudine% tr" to

    loo at him... smile... 3ore passion% Claudine% ... more truth...

    +(n his words and the clic"s of the camera, end of Act (ne.Luigi Lunari - A love story 29

    Act TwoI.

    #ight time. #othing has changed in the furniture of the room, apart from

    the addition of some large, full body photographs of 6laudine, hung here

    and there, on the walls and the furniture, in an eidently temporary way.

    As at the beginning of Act (ne, the scene is apparently empty and only lit

    by a discreet lamp in a corner. An initial silence, then a sort of deep

    breath comes out - amplified - from the armchair with a high bac" that

    hides *alter.

    *alter seems to wa"e up from a brief sleep, and stretches his arm oerthe table with the controls - once again, a light underlines the cinema detail.

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    *alter pushes one button, then many others. The screen opens up and

    fills in with the image of the omnipresent woman. *e understand that she

    is 6laudine from the fact that the images are all coloured - differently

    from those of *andas film - in wea" pastel colours, delicate and only

    slightly drawn! then, the womans expressions, that unli"e *andas solar

    and unconditional happiness, are the declaration of a composed, intimate,melancholic serenity. They are not translated in an open laugh, but

    in a slightly drawn smile in the corners of her mouth, in a wrin"ling of

    lips, in a slight half closure of her eyes.

    )er moements seem slower, too, less easy going and youthful, more

    composed, unreal, as under the effect of 9ralenti:.

    Apart from this, all the scenes are identical to those with *anda.

    After a short period of mute images, the arm stretches again, pushes another

    button, which inserts the music! it is, howeer, no longer the ;th century

    polyphonic music, sung by ?-@ oices, endeaouring to sound li"e instruments,

    altered, in falsetto, with intriguing effect. 'uch music seems tobelong to a superior, almost superhuman aristocracy, almost free from

    passion, controlled, deep. It is to the ;>th century music exactly what

    these serene images of 6laudine are to the radiant happiness of *anda.

    All of a sudden, images and music should appear to us een nobler. If we

    were to see again the thoughtlessness of *anda and listen to a baro5ue

    concert, they should appear to us, next to these, as a decay of atmosphere,

    as the abdication from an absolute rigour, from a deep and

    9high: aristocracy.

    After a few seconds the arm stretches again, pushes another button, stops

    the image and stills it, but lets the music go on.Luigi Lunari - A love story 30

    *alter stands up, goes to a piece of furniture, opens a drawer, ta"es

    something out of it -a photograph- inserts it into the controls of the table.

    )e sits on the armchair, pushes a button$ the image of 6laudine disappears,

    and the screen is inaded by the picture of *alters mother, the

    same that he once showed #ino. *alter stops the music. 'ilence. (nce

    again, the photo-stop of 6laudine, then the photo of the mother. The music

    again, from a light pianissimo, to a crescendo, to a me&&o-forte. *alter

    pushes a button , but this time nothing happens! *alter tries again,

    gets up from his chair and strongly pushes the rebel button. The music

    grows up to a fortissimo, whilst *alter seems to panic. )e "eeps fighting

    against the button and we hear his hurried breath amplified. %inally, after

    a last iolent attempt, almost a punch, the music stops.

    *alter, his bac" to the screen, bending on his "nees in front of the little

    table, lets himself fall onto it, momentarily tired out because of the tension

    coming from the fight against the music that wouldnt stop. Eidently,

    not meaning to do so, he pushes some other buttons with his body.

    At his bac" the image of the mother 9burns: out slowly, increasing the

    contrast between blac" and white, until it gets completely corrupted and

    becomes entirely unreadable. *alters breathing has nearly become a

    lament, and when the photo is at the maximum of its explosion, it is interrupted

    by the realistic bell ring of the entrance door. *alter is sha"en,and we 1ust about hear- always amplified- the banal exclamation which

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    ma"es him come out of his short nightmare.

    WALTER *h% mum)

    +)e passes his hand oer his face, and 5uic"ly pushes some other button

    to erase eerything.

    ust one moment.

    +)e goes bac" to the armchair, sits down, gets a glass and pushes thebutton that opens the door.

    +#ino and 6laudine enter. They are both elegantly dressed, eidently

    bac" from a worldly occasion. #ino enters first, followed by 6laudine,

    who, as soon as he steps inside the doorstep, switches the light on. 'he

    seems transformed, elegant, sure of herself.

    NIN* 9ood e$ening% 3aster. We are !a'...

    WALTER ,o "ou now what time it is?

    NIN* lightl" after one o+ 'lo'.

    WALTER lightl" !efore two o+ 'lo'. You shouldn+t !e so late when we ha$e to

    film the ne2t da".

    +)e goes out, without een loo"ing at either two.NIN* I new he would ha$e waited for us% and I new he would ha$e moaned.

    +*alter wal"s in again, almost immediately, after haing gone out only

    to strie a certain attitude.Luigi Lunari - A love story 31

    CLA@,INE +calmly

    I am filming late in the afternoon tomorrow. 3" mae up is at two o+


    WALTER &lease) It is not a matter of !ags under "our e"es. It is a matter of 'on'entration)...

    of ha$ing on "our mind one thing instead of another. No!od"

    seems !othered a!out this film) You don+t gi$e a damn a!out it)

    You are doing it -ust !e'ause "ou ha$e to do something% "ou ha$e towaste some time in one thing or the other... If I were to sa" =top> tomorrow%

    all of "ou would feel relie$ed.

    +After a pause

    Are there still man" of these things?

    NIN* 3aster% we ha$e -ust !egun. You now what Ameri'ans are lie... It is

    written in the 'ontra't( a pre'ise 'lause and a penalt" applied to it) Claudine

    must !e laun'hed. It is a proper laun'h. There are fift" pu!li' 'eremonies%

    esta!lished !" 'ommon agreement( at least fi$e of them in London%

    fi$e in &aris% ten in New Yor... !efore the release of the film. I

    now them !" heart.

    WALTER +indifferent

    o% what was it tonight? The Red Cross? The philatelist+s da"?

    NIN* You don+t now? It was the trega &ri

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    CLA@,INE You should !e a!le to tell me.

    WALTER You+re the one who nows the 'ir'us)

    CLA@,INE + after a pause

    I am... the one who !rings food to the animals. Animals don+t fear her !ut

    lo$e her.

    + ause. 6o5uettish and as in a tale.:ut the dire'tor of another 'ir'us% a lot !igger and more important% has

    e$en ased me to !e an Ama

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    woman... And it is alwa"s lie this) I as her to smile% to laugh% as the

    other used to do... to open that mouth% wide% to show her teeth....!ut% no)

    he refuses to smile)

    NIN* ...!ut we ha$e filmed hundreds% thousands of metres... with Claudine


    +oints at the enlarged picturesAs in those photographs) You 'annot tell me she is not showing her teeth


    WALTER +shrugs his shoulders

    True) :ut how man" wa"s there are to laugh? H"enas laugh% too... and

    ,ra'ula shows his teeth... It is a superfi'ial% $ulgar% sill" smile) he is a

    'ashier in a 'ir'us) This ;and it doesn+t help to den" it)

    is not Wanda /eurig+s happiness) This one doesn+t now the reason wh"

    she is laughing) This is foolishness. he has not understood an"thing)

    he laughs) ...!ut wh"? Wh" does she laugh? What is there to laugh

    a!out? What is there to !e happ" a!out?

    NIN* Listen) ,o "ou remem!er that on that 'lose up of Wanda+s and Claudine+se"es "ou were una!le to distinguish !etween the two? Well) I !et

    that if I put on a se7uen'e in whi'h !oth of them are smiling% on'e again

    "ou won+t !e a!le to tell me whi'h is whi'h.

    WALTER ,on+t !e so sill")

    NIN* hall we !et?

    WALTER All right% then)

    +#ino starts to handle the arious machines. *alter lets him do so for a

    few moments.

    What a shame that the film with Wanda /eurig is in !la' and white and

    this one is in 'olour. Apart from !eing stupid% I am also 'olour#!lind.Luigi Lunari - A love story 35

    +#ino hits his forehead with his hand, as to recognise his own stupidity .

    )e stands up and leaes.

    NIN* It+s impossi!le to dis'uss an"thing with "ou. 9oodnight)

    WALTER Where are "ou off to?

    NIN* Home. It+s past two o+ 'lo'.

    Howe$er% listen to me( it is of no use to eep getting anno"ed with Claudine.

    Claudine is perfe't) he is e2tremel" good when she imitates

    Wanda /eurig... e2traordinar" when she 'opies herself. E$er"!od" sa"s

    that... and when she laughs% she has nothing that resem!les ,ra'ula) It is

    "ou% master% who wish not to see her laughing)

    WALTER ...I as her nothing else !ut to laugh% ... laugh)

    NIN* urel" "ou do% with "our words) :ut where do the se7uen'es in whi'h

    she laughs end up? All there% in the ru!!ish)

    WALTER ...!e'ause it is an idioti' smile) *therwise% in "our opinion% wh" should


    NIN* I ha$e no answer for that. 3" -o! is the 'inema% not... &s"'hoanal"sis

    will find a reason wh")

    9oodnight% master.

    +6laudine has appeared a few moments before on the doorstep of the

    room. 'he has got changed, and now wears a long, white dressing gown

    and a pair of slippers. 'he has made no noise whilst wal"ing in, and thetwo men hae not noticed her. 'he has stopped to listen, interested, but

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    eidently distressed. #ow she closes the door behind her, ma"ing a noise

    on purpose to attract their attention.

    CLA@,INE 9oodnight% Nino... and than "ou $er" mu'h for e$er"thing.

    NIN* 9ood!"e% darling% and goodnight.

    ;6laudine escorts him to the door. )e "isses her on her chee" and exits.

    WALTER +after a pauseA reall" good 'hap... !ut awfull" stu!!orn.

    CLA@,INE Nino is a real darling) What would I do if he were not here) When he introdu'es

    me to some!od"% his tone of $oi'e or the wa" in whi'h he

    tou'hes m" arm or holds m" el!ow% are enough to mae me realise what

    to do. We 'omprehend ea'h other perfe'tl" well.

    WALTER Could I as "ou something? Ha$e "ou e$er slept with him?

    CLA@,INE +after a pause


    WALTER I don+t thin I ha$e the right to for!id "ou to do so.Luigi Lunari - A love story 36

    CLA@,INE No% e7uall"...+ause. 6laudine is next to him, standing up. 'he holds his head in her

    hands and with affection brings it towards her lap.

    Are "ou tired?

    WALTER Yes% I am. :ut I am happ" here with "ou. You are m" pea'e...

    CLA@,INE I heard what "ou and Nino were sa"ing...

    WALTER I am sorr"... !ut it was a 1te'hni'al+ dis'ourse...

    CLA@,INE You alwa"s mae te'hni'al dis'ourses...

    WALTER +laughs, slightly embarrassed

    As it happened the first time% do "ou remem!er? You were standing

    there% motionless% without nowing where to eep "our hands. And I(

    =What+s this stuff? he would !e good in a pu!li' dan'e#hall) he isa........lie man" others) This is a ni'e !it of ...> And "ou?

    CLA@,INE =What a !astard)>.

    WALTER You too it as a personal matter.

    CLA@,INE Instead% it was onl" a te'hni'al dis'ourse.

    +*alter forces a laugh, as forced, as the brief recall of past eents. )e

    laughs 1ust to aoid the discourse 6laudine had started, but 6laudine,

    haing condescended for a while, starts again.

    What Nino was sa"ing% Walter% is true. Wh" don+t I e$er laugh? All the

    s'enes ha$e !een filmed hundreds of times... "ou were telling me to

    laugh% to !e serious% to smile... !ut those in whi'h I was laughing ha$e all

    !een re-e'ted.

    WALTER +annoyed, defending himself

    That+s not true% Claudine. ome of them ha$e. :e'ause the wa" "ou were

    smiling wasn+t 'on$in'ing me... or !e'ause it was too e$ident that "ou

    were 'op"ing the other one...

    CLA@,INE ...!ut for months "ou tormented me to 'op" her ... e$er" time I made a

    different gesture% "ou shouted at me not to a't as a star% not to in$ent an"thing%

    to sta" at m" own pla'e% to do lie her% lie her% lie her)

    WALTER To loo lie her% not to !e her)

    CLA@,INE Then% who am I to !e?

    WALTER +annoyed, escaping9od% "ou are too lie her) Alwa"s the same 7uestion( =Who am I to !e?

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    :e) impl" !e) *pen up% do not den" "ourself% don+t mae me feel this

    i'e wall that I alwa"s feel% with "ou% ... with her. When I frame "ou #it is

    a lo$e a't. Wh" do "ou repl" to me =wh">? Wh" is it the more that

    warmth there is from m" side% the more need for help% the more pra"er...

    the 'older !e'omes "our repl"% the more insupera!le "our silen'e?

    Luigi Lunari - A love story 37CLA@,INE Walter% please stop it) ,on+t alwa"s repl" lie that% do not hide "ourself

    !ehind words) It is "our usual ha!it to run awa" from things% ...what "ou

    don+t want to see? You den" it... You defend and sustain a!surd opinions%

    throwing "our faults onto other people.

    WALTER +recurring to an expression of fastidiousness and boredom

    *h% mother.

    CLA@,INE Are "ou sure that "ou now what "ou want?

    WALTER +as aboe

    *h% mother.

    CLA@,INE +with "indness

    Walter% "ou need to lo$e the woman of this stor".WALTER +sincerely

    :ut I lo$e "ou% Claudine) How man" times ha$e I told "ou) I am grateful

    to "ou for "our "outh... "ou are m" pea'e... I lo$e "ou...

    CLA@,INE Then% Walter% wh"?

    CLA@,INE Wh"?

    You on'e ased me if I would sleep with "ou. I said "es% and I did.

    WALTER /or m" film% "ou said. Not !e'ause "ou lo$ed me.

    CLA@,INE Yes. Wasn+t that a wa" to lo$e "ou? Instead "ou treated me with indifferen'e...

    lie one of the man"...

    WALTER It is true. At that time I had not "et fallen in lo$e with "ou.

    CLA@,INE Then% one da" "ou ased me to sta" here) And I did. No longer for thefilm% !ut for "ou and for me... !e'ause the person asing me wasn+t the

    great dire'tor% who s'ared me% ... !ut a man) Who had started to lo$e me%

    and who% ma"!e% needed me... It had not !een the tamer% !ut m" elephant...

    WALTER +after a pause

    o what then?

    CLA@,INE Then% wh"?

    WALTER Wh"?

    CLA@,INE Wh" has nothing else e$er happened? Wh" ha$e we ne$er slept together


    WALTER Is this what "ou are upset a!out?

    CLA@,INE +firmly


    No% Walter... I want to now if "ou feel re-e'ted% if "ou feel that i'e wallLuigi Lunari - A love story 38

    e$en here...

    +*alter does not reply.

    :e'ause whilst "ou tell me e$er"thing for the sae of the film% I refuse to

    repl"( I don+t now what to sa". That is wor. Cinema% it is not m"

    world. 3a"!e% it is onl" !e'ause I 'annot a't% that I am no good% that I

    'annot understand "ou... and all "our words 'an assume a meaning % and

    "ou would !e right. :ut this is life% Walter8 this is neither wor% nor art%

    and the a'tress or the a!ilit" to a't matter nothing. This is life and I 'an

    'ope with it and I now how to repl"8 it is not me pushing "ou awa".

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    There is no 'oldness in me. I do not den" m"self... This means that the

    i'e wall is inside "ou% !etween us two% man and woman... and ma"!e also

    at wor% !etween "ou !ehind the 'amera and I in front of it% Walter...

    then I am sorr"% Walter% !e'ause I don+t now how to help "ou% and I

    'annot do an"thing...

    WALTER +after a pause, once again refusing, but now more tired than annoyed,without opposing himself, without attac"ing, hiding his face between his


    You too% "ou too...

    +Then, giing up, as to propose a truce

    I am tired...

    CLA@,INE +smiles, caresses his hair

    3" elephant% m" poor elephant)

    WALTER +slowly

    9o to !ed% Claudine... it+s late.

    CLA@,INE Yes% I am going to !rush m" hair% then we 'an go to sleep.

    +*alter remains seated, whilst 6laudine goes towards the mirror andstarts undoing her hair and brushing it. *alter, after a few seconds,

    pushes a button on the controls table. *e hear the polyphonic music that

    accompanied the images of before.

    CLA@,INE Is this the musi' for the film?

    WALTER Yes.

    CLA@,INE It is different from the other. It is ni'e% I lie it% !ut... it is a !it less 'heerful)

    WALTER +softly doesn+t laugh...

    +6laudine hasnt een heard. 'he carries on brushing her hair. ause.

    'uddenly, *alter turns towards her, goes near her and obseres her with

    growing intensity. )e lifts his arm, 9bangs: against a wall or a piece of

    furniture, whilst a sudden mutation of light insulates -as it had already

    happened in Act (ne- the designated area. usic interrupts soon.

    96laudine: springs up, surprised and scared.

    =CLA@,INE> Who are "ou?Luigi Lunari - A love story 39

    =WALTER> ,on+t shout% please.

    =CLA@,INE> What do "ou want? What are "ou doing here?

    =WALTER> I 'ame in. There was no!od" there... I went up... are "ou the lad"?...

    3" name is Walter... I am twent"#fi$e ... 3" father+s name was &aolo.

    +=6laudine: is surprised, at the limits of terror.

    =CLA@,INE> You?

    =WALTER> 3" father died a few da"s ago. I thought it was the right time to meet...

    m" mother...

    =CLA@,INE> +almost imploring silence and prudence

    In 9od+s name)...

    +'he then calms down, goes bac" to normal tones. In the embarrassment,

    she cannot say anything but.

    &lease% sit down...

    =WALTER> Than "ou.

    +)e wal"s forward, as he than"s her, not without bitter irony.

    Could I hold "our hand?;96laudine:, without saying a word, offers him her hand.

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    It is strange to hold hands with "our own mother% after "ou ha$e seen

    her...for the first time...

    =CLA@,INE> &lease% forgi$e me... I am surprised...

    =WALTER> urprised?

    =CLA@,INE> And distressed) All... so suddenl"...

    =WALTER> Could I as "ou to 'all me !" m" first name?+)e steps bac"wards ery 5uic"ly, in front of her expression of uneasiness

    No% "ou+re right) We ha$e -ust met... 3a"!e in a short while...

    =CLA@,INE> ,on+t misunderstand me% please. A!o$e all... I don+t e$en 'all !" first

    name m" sons+ friends.

    =WALTER> ...!ut I am not one of "our sons+ friends...

    =CLA@,INE> +nerously bursts into tears, submerged by emotion and by her inability

    to stri"e an attitude.

    /orgi$e me% forgi$e me% please)...

    ...You are twent"#fi$e% Walter. Your father% one e$ening% too me to his

    house% then to !ed% with an e2'use% hurr"ing% $iolent% whilst m" twel$e #

    "ears old# sister was waiting in the entran'e hall% reading a 'hildren+snewspaper he had gi$en her sa"ing =Read it)>... I was fifteen% Walter)

    /ifteen) I didn+t now an"thing% didn+t realise an"thing... and then I

    didn+t e$en want to see "ou) Lie a 'hild+s illness% ... to forget as soon as

    possi!le. I got married% I had a life% three 'hildren% a hus!and... This 'anLuigi Lunari - A love story 40

    help "ou to understand... I would lie if I told "ou that I ha$e missed "ou)

    +ause. 96laudine: tries to smile, to seem welcoming towards the non

    guilty newcomer.

    :ut I heard that "ou wor in the film industr".

    =WALTER> True.

    =CLA@,INE> I ha$e heard that "ou are reall" good.=WALTER> +ta"en by sudden hope

    You ased for information a!out me?

    =CLA@,INE> +suddenly cold, as fearing to hae said too much.I heard it.

    +ause. The long moment of embarrassment is bro"en by *alter, who

    tries, as a strange form of adance, eiled irony.

    =WALTER> 3other)

    =CLA@,INE> +astonished


    =WALTER> I am sorr") I -ust wanted to tr")

    =CLA@,INE> 3" hus!and is on his wa" home...

    =WALTER> And he does not now an"thing...

    =CLA@,INE> He nows... !ut we ha$e ne$er spoen a!out it...

    =WALTER> You ha$e literall" 'rossed me out then)

    =CLA@,INE> +escapes the embarrassment with a banal approach

    Tell me something a!out "ou% instead. Are "ou married?

    =WALTER> No. I !elie$e I ha$e re'ei$ed as inheritan'e... a distorted image of

    women... 3" father...

    =CLA@,INE> +as stopping him

    I ha$e nown "our father...

    =WALTER> +as before

    3umm")...=CLA@,INE> &lease)...

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    =WALTER> It is onl" a word% madam) And I realise that I ha$e missed some!od" to

    sa" it to...

    I grew among m" father+s women( a legion of women% alwa"s different8

    and the s'ene of the sister or the 'ousin waiting in the entran'e hall% well%

    I now it% madam... as a 'hild I used to pla" with them... going out of m"

    father+s room% some girl used to gi$e me a sweet% some other used to taeme out for an i'e#'ream. 9rowing up #without little sisters to pla" with# I

    started looing through the e" hole. I felt the first% strange emotions8Luigi Lunari - A love story 41

    some woman% going out seemed to realise it and stopped to 'hat with me%

    or used to 'ome !a'% on'e m" father had gone out. Women seemed to

    lie me% so m" father+s women were often mine% too. 3a"!e% I didn+t

    need what the" were offering me8 ma"!e it was another of m" father+s

    women I was looing for. I understand it onl" now% and now I now it. A

    woman for the other part of me% for another t"pe of lo$e% that I ha$e

    missed% that I ha$e ne$er nown... Lo$e for me has onl" one tone...

    =CLA@,INE> ;emotional, begging him&lease)...

    =WALTER> +sincerely, without any irony


    =CLA@,INE> Wh" did "ou 'ome here?

    =WALTER> I shall ne$er 'ome !a'. I swear. *nl"... for the last time% the last or the

    first... !efore I go% hold me in "our lap...

    +96laudine: stiffens, 9*alter: corrects.

    Let me hug "ou...

    +96laudine does not reply! 9*alter: goes near her, but it is 96laudine:

    who hugs him, sitting down, whilst he "neels down in front of her. 'he

    holds his head against her bosom, touching his lips with her hair, with asudden, sincere impulse.

    =CLA@,INE> 3" little !a!"...

    =WALTER> 3umm"...

    +)e stands up and in a ery affectionate manner he helps her to stand up


    =CLA@,INE> +briefly laughing, in a moment of new found, maternal happiness

    Careful) You+re strangling me...

    +9*alter: lets go slightly, he loo"s at her into her eyes and, as if captiated,

    caught by her words and attitude, he "isses her on her lips, whilst

    his hand

    instinctiely runs down her cleaage and breast. 96laudine: bris"ly, iolently

    re1ects him with a disgusted scream.

    What are "ou doing?

    =WALTER> +astonished


    =CLA@,INE> You are 'ra 9o awa")

    +9*alter slowly leaes where he is and goes bac" to his armchair. Thepreious music starts again, in the bac"ground, whilst the change ofLuigi Lunari - A love story 42

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    lights underlines the return to the present, and 6laudine -freed from the

    tension of the scene- ends ad1usting her hair. *alter sits down. A long


    CLA@,INE Here we go% finished)

    +'he has 1ust finished combing her hair. 'he reaches *alter, she is at his

    bac". 'he loo"s at him, smiles, sha"es her head, caresses him with "indness.3" little elephant... 3" poor% m"sterious elephant...

    +The lights go down, until it is completely dar".Luigi Lunari - A love story 43

    II.An empty room. It is night time. The room is only slightly lit by a wea"

    light coming from outside, through the windows. The large pictures on

    the walls hae disappeared.

    After a short while, the entrance door opens and #ino enters. )e runs

    towards the centre of the stage, leaing the door open behind him. )e

    bustles around a camera, and he points it towards the door.

    (n the doorstep, after a while, we see against the light 6laudines shape.

    NIN* top) &ose on the doorstep% triumphant% lie that)

    CLA@,INE Lie this?

    +'he stands against the door, her arm lifted, her hip bent, in a melodramatic

    gesture of triumph.

    NIN* &erfe't)

    +)e ta"es two or three photos with the flash

    *ne% two% three) Here we go) You 'an 'ome in now)

    +6laudine enters, switches the light on, closes the door.

    The return home of the film star has !een immortalised. A iss)

    +6laudine throws herself into his arms.Are "ou happ"?

    CLA@,INE *f 'ourse I am.

    NIN* And tired.

    CLA@,INE That too.

    NIN* Then sit down% and I shall gi$e "ou something to drin... We are now in

    the finishing straight. ,id "ou realise? Now I 'an tell "ou one thing( we

    were all waiting for this da" as a ind of 'asting out nines. The most diffi'ult%

    the most famous da"8 the one that made the 1other+ film 'ele!rated(

    a pie'e of histor". The !est nown photograph of Wanda /eurig%

    the one e$er"!od" nows% 'omes from there. When we drew the produ'tion

    plan% Walter wanted to eep it as last the se7uen'e in the mo$ie% togi$e "ou slightl" more time as well as for good lu'% !ut the produ'er

    didn+t seem to agree% for logisti'al reasons. Howe$er% we all insisted on

    eeping it. There was the ris of ruining the entire produ'tion ... and to

    film it again ... 9od onl" nows how man" times% ... messing up the te'hni'al

    time% letting thousands of people down...

    CLA@,INE +fishing for compliments

    And what then?Luigi Lunari - A love story 44

    NIN* Instead% "ou were great) A produ'tion plan perfe'tl" arranged. Half of

    the s'ene alread" filmed and tomorrow the 'on'lusion.

    CLA@,INE ;after a pauseNino% 'an "ou show it to me?

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    NIN* :ut... we still ha$en+t got it)

    CLA@,INE Not mine% the other one.

    NIN* +with enthusiasm

    Now there is onl" "ou and the other no longer e2ists.

    CLA@,INE &lease)

    NIN* I don+t e$en now where it is)CLA@,INE ;showing the machines

    :ut it is there% still up there) We saw it "esterda"...)

    NIN* All right% madam)

    +lays with the machines

    It must !e a ind of sadism or maso'hism% I don+t now. *r ma"!e "ou

    want to see where "ou are !etter than her ...?

    CLA@,INE It is a different thing% "ou now)

    NIN* *r whether "ou loo more !eautiful?

    +The images of *anda %eurig start. After a while...

    He hasn+t e$en let "ou laugh here% isn+t it true?

    CLA@,INE +concentrating on the imagesIt is true)

    +All of a sudden

    top% stop it is here)

    ;#ino stops the image.

    Here( I didn+t do that gesture) That+s -ust what I wanted to loo at) I ha$en+t

    done it) Now "ou 'an swit'h it off)

    +The screen is empty again.

    I did this instead)

    +'he does a different gesture.

    I did it different on purpose. That+s a gesture I used to do when I was at

    the 'ir'us. This is the reason wh" I am happ"% !e'ause on that o''asion

    he told me( =Well done)> He said it softl"% not to me% !ut to himself) :ut

    he had the megaphone on his mouth% so I% as well as e$er"!od" else

    heard it. ,o "ou understand? He didn+t stop me. Nor did he tell me% as he

    alwa"s used to( =No% that+s no good. he didn+t use to do it) ,o not in$ent%

    don+t a't as a star% loo at "our part again...> That gesture was not

    there% Nino% and he told me =Well done)>.

    NIN* Well% he has told "ou 1well done+ so man" times...Luigi Lunari - A love story 45

    CLA@,INE Yes% !ut it is different) Toda"... it 'ame from inside him) We were filming%

    !ut he didn+t stop me% and when I did that gesture ...#it was mine% do

    "ou understand? I wasn+t 'op"ing her)# he said =well done>% he thought

    =well done>% softl"% to himself( not to me) I don+t now if I 'an e2plain

    m"self% Nino...

    NIN* Yes% !ut now 'alm down. *therwise "ou+ll sleep !adl"% "ou+ll ha$e !ags

    under "our e"es% and the se'ond part of the s'ene will !e a nightmare...

    here "ou are...

    +)e offers her a drin".

    CLA@,INE What is it?

    NIN* It+s 'amomile tea.

    CLA@,INE It+s disgusting)

    NIN* ,rin it)CLA@,INE ust one moment)

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    +'he leaes the glass, stands up, runs towards the door that leads to the

    other rooms, opens it and loo"s inside.

    NIN* Where are "ou going?

    CLA@,INE I feared that Walter might ha$e 'ome home !efore us.

    NIN* No% he alwa"s stops to loo at the material. ,rin% and sta" 'alm.

    You worried all of us when "ou fainted.CLA@,INE It was onl" for a se'ond. :urt supported me% and I soon felt !etter.

    NIN* Not that soon. ,id "ou realise that the master didn+t interrupt the filming?

    You did a se'ond shot% !ut he filmed "our fainting an"wa". What

    was it?

    CLA@,INE +uncomfortably

    I ha$e no idea... Nothing. I felt di

  • 8/13/2019 Poveste de Iubire Luigi Lunari


    Howe$er% it+s fine for me lie this... That+s wh" I don+t feel the threat of

    !eing destro"ed... His egotism... if this is what "ou 'all his egotism...

    NIN* Well% I thin it is...

    CLA@,INE agrees with m" egotism. When I sa" it+s a strange thing% I mean

    that... e$en if it is a different thing from what it should naturall" !e... it is

    fine !" me. It is a tender% sweet% 'alm thing. It reminds me of m" traineddogs. After m" hus!and+s death% it was suffi'ient for me to stret'h m"

    legs out% from time to per'ei$e them. The" used to mae me feel

    'alm% safe...Luigi Lunari - A love story 47

    NIN* A "oung and li$el" girl lie "ou 'annot onl" li$e on 'almness and safet".

    I also worr" for him% Claudine. He is terri!l" lonel" in his egotism% he is

    ill inside. He needs "ou.

    CLA@,INE +smiling

    Are "ou afraid I am going to find m"self a lo$er?

    NIN* How long ago did "our hus!and die?

    CLA@,INE /our "ears.NIN* And sin'e then "ou$er ...?

    CLA@,INE Yes% indeed. I tried... sometimes...

    With Walter% too% !ut...

    NIN* +interpreting her grimace

    You didn+t en-o" it)

    CLA@,INE +laughing at his expression, nods

    E2a'tl". I didn+t en-o" it)

    NIN* And with "our hus!and?

    CLA@,INE With m" hus!and it was different... on'e.

    NIN* *n'e? What a!out the other times?

    CLA@,INE Nothing. That+s it)+'he defends herself through a slightly ironic tone at the painful difficulty

    of her memory.

    No% towards the end I didn+t en-o" it with him either.

    NIN* +after a pause, perplexed

    You en-o"ed it at first% then "ou no longer did. o... "ou are not frigid)

    CLA@,INE No% or ma"!e I ha$e !e'ome so)

    +*ith a serious an sincere tone.

    I don+t lie taling a!out it% Nino.

    NIN* It was -ust to tr" to understand% Claudine.


    Who nows it? 3a"!e one da" I 'ould film with "ou( with "ou and...

    a!out "ou.

    CLA@,INE +going along with him

    Nino% it would !e wonderful)

    +'he laughs, but #ino doesnt gie up.

    NIN* +after a pause

    You 'an tell me more% if "ou wish...Luigi Lunari - A love story 48

    CLA@,INE +serious

    Then% one da"...

    NIN* *ne da"...?

    CLA@,INE *ne da" I had an a!ortion...

    NIN* +he doesnt seem to understand too well. After a pause

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    o what?

    CLA@,INE +with sufferance and anger

    9od% Nino% so what) Those who spea of a!ortion as of taing an la2ati$e...

    don+t now what the" are sa"ing...

    NIN* I am sorr".

    CLA@,INE We were a!out to go on a tour. I got pregnant. It was a long% importanttour% in Eastern Europe( Hungar"% C

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    be proo"ed by the brutality of his expression.

    CLA@,INE +after a pause

    Wh" =if I told "ou>?

    NIN* Would "ou !e -ealous?

    CLA@,INE No.

    NIN* Well% it+s the truth) He does it 7uite often. When he feels in good shape%or when he+s tired...8 when wor went well% or when it went !adl". It+s a

    wa" to relie$e himself% I suppose. ,idn+t "ou now it?

    CLA@,INE I thought we would sta" to loo at the shots...

    NIN* Indeed% he does that% too.

    CLA@,INE Who with?

    NIN* He has his 'ir'les.

    CLA@,INE &rostitutes?

    NIN* No% not prostitutes% or at least not in a te'hni'al sense. @nnown medio're

    a'tresses% e2tras% fans...

    CLA@,INE Wh" did "ou tell me?

    NIN* ...!e'ause I thin that truth is alwa"s useful. ...You mustn+t hate him forthis...

    CLA@,INE I don+t.

    NIN* Nor !e -ealous)

    CLA@,INE 3" -ealousies ha$e alread" !een punished% Nino. I am not -ealous. I am

    telling "ou again% it is still fine !" me as it is.Luigi Lunari - A love story 50

    NIN* +he is near the window

    Here he is% he is 'oming) ,o not let him now what we are taling a!out%

    please. When he is woring% he must !e left on his own...

    +)e starts the screen, which is soon lit-up and fills with the image and

    the smile of 6laudine. 6laudine, as if she were embarrassed or unable toface meeting *alter, runs almost towards the door that leads to the other

    rooms. %rom there, she turns towards #ino.

    CLA@,INE Nino% Nino% toda" when I fainted... I now what it was...

    NIN* What was it?

    CLA@,INE Nino% I ...

    +There is no more time to say anything else, as the entrance door is

    opened and *alter enters. 'eeing #ino busy with the shots, he gies him

    his assent to carry on. )e goes nearer and obseres. In the meantime,

    6laudine is motionless, as paralysed, next to the door.

    WALTER Yesterda"+s material?

    NIN* Yes% it seems $er" good.

    +*alter does not react.

    CLA@,INE Where were "ou?

    WALTER Wat'hing some of the shots.

    +To #ino

    Would "ou mind swit'hing it off?

    +#ino switches it off.

    CLA@,INE Are "ou satisfied?

    +*alter does not reply. )e goes near a tray on the table, where there is

    the correspondence, and starts opening the arious letters. 6laudine as"s

    again.CLA@,INE Are... "ou satisfied?

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    WALTER ;showing no emotion


    +)e opens a letter, 5uic"ly reads it, then hands the paper to #ino.

    You repl" to this one.

    +)e opens other letters! immediately he pulls some off, putting some others

    aside and handing some to #ino. )e "eeps replying to 6laudinewithout eer glancing at her, with apparent indifference.

    ometimes "ou are a !it too stiff... not $er" natural... at other times% "ou

    loo reall" good... Your fa'e looed reall" !eautiful when "ou fainted...

    A shot we shall ha$e to use... :ut !e 'areful( if it happens when "ou are

    riding a horse...

    +)e hands #ino another letter.

    This one% too ... it 'an !e dangerous...

    3" impression is that sometimes "ou worr" a !it too mu'h a!out 'op"LuigiLunari - A love story 51

    ing the other one. ometimes% instead% "ou follow "our own inspiration a

    !it too mu'h... "ou use too mu'h imagination... and it+s no good.+Among the arious letters, there is a telegram.

    You should !ring me the telegrams on the set. The" 'an !e urgent messages.

    +)e opens it, reads it. #o emotion shows on his face.

    NIN* Is it an urgent matter?

    +*alter replies with an incomprehensible grimace.

    WALTER Who nows what is urgent in life?

    +'hort pause. *alter loo"s at the telegram.

    We are not going to film tomorrow.

    NIN* +astonished, after an exchange of glances with 6laudine

    ...!ut tomorrow% 3aster. There is the mill s'ene that ought to !e finished...

    WALTER +impassibly confirming what he has 1ust said, without loo"ing at themTomorrow we are not going to film. I must go to 9ene$a... for a funeral.

    3" mother died.

    ;)e rips up the telegram into little pieces. )e does it again. )oweer, he

    doesnt throw it away. )e hurries towards his room. )e exits, whilst the

    stage slowly dar"ens.Luigi Lunari - A love story 52

    III.Three days later.

    There is only 6laudine on stage. 'he is asleep on the sofa, rolled up in a

    blan"et. *e can hear the amplified noise of her restless sleep . 6laudineis sha"en by the sound of the cloc", that shows us that is @ a.m. 'he

    wa"es up, stretches her arm out, gets hold of the telephone and dials a

    number. 'till amplified, we hear the telephone ring in the empty house

    next door, where nobody is answering.

    6laudine hangs up. 'he has a loo" around, shiers or is astonished, rolls

    herself up in the blan"et once more, then tries to fall asleep again.

    'uddenly the door opens. #ino enters, preoccupied by some hidden trouble.

    6laudine is sha"en again.

    CLA@,INE I 'alled "our house...

    NIN* ,id "ou reall" thin I 'ould ha$e !een home?

    CLA@,INE Where ha$e "ou !een?NIN* E$er"where( at $arious poli'e stations% hospitals... I 'alled all his

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    friends... at least those I 'ould remem!er% ....I rang his house% his seaside

    apartment... I e$en rang 9ene$a to find out if he had left. No!od" nows

    an"thing... His name is not re'orded at the airport... !ut% on the other

    hand% he often tra$els under fae names... He en-o"s it)...

    CLA@,INE What 'an ha$e happened to him?

    NIN* I had to eep the Ameri'ans 'alm% too. /or them% two da"s lost are a 'atastrophe(the" wanted to inform the press% the media... to find him now%

    no matter at what pri'e... I -ust a!out managed to persuade them to wait%

    at least until tonight... Nothing 'an ha$e happened to him... 3a"!e% he

    -ust wants to sta" on his own...

    CLA@,INE Yes% !ut at least 'all% let us now...

    NIN* That+s part of his egotism% Claudine. 3a"!e% I don+t now... his mother+s

    death has... I don+t mean distressed% !ut...

    CLA@,INE :ut if he had no 'onta't with her8 if he ne$er spoe a!out her) I didn+t

    e$en realise she was still ali$e...)

    NIN* *n the other hand it is impossi!le that in these 'onditions he 'ould start

    woring straight awa". The Ameri'ans ha$e to grant him two or threeda"s at least% for 9od+s sae) To !ur" his mother...Luigi Lunari - A love story 53

    CLA@,INE The funeral was two da"s ago...

    NIN* 3a"!e he had things to sort out% to organise... the inheritan'e% or something


    CLA@,INE What if something has happened to him?

    NIN* omething lie what? And wh"? We would ha$e found out !" now...

    +In a changed tone$

    Listen% go !a' to sleep. There is no need for "ou to sta" here and

    worr"... I+ll tae "ou to !ed( then I+ll mae "ou a 'up of 'amomile tea%

    and I shall sleep m"self for a while% here% on the sofa. ... Come here)+)e lifts her, helping her to stand up, than wal"s with her towards the

    bedroom. They exit. After a short while, the entrance door opens. *alter

    enters$ he is holding under his arm an open file, with papers coming out

    of it. )e leaes it somewhere. )e loo"s around the room for a short

    while, then throws himself towards the controls table. *hilst he is trying

    to ma"e something start, #ino enters. At the noise, *alter turns towards

    him, and uses his moment of surprise to as", almost whispering$

    WALTER Claudine?

    NIN* the other room...

    WALTER Lea$e her) Is she sleeping? Let her sleep...

    NIN* Is it possi!le to now where ha$e "ou !een?

    WALTER I wanted to !e on m" own...

    NIN* What a!out us here... and Claudine...?

    WALTER I needed to sta" on m" own...

    +)e goes near him$

    Nino% I ha$e understood an awful lot of things in these two da"s...)

    +In a different, more practical tone$

    Are "ou tired?

    NIN* No) It ma" seem strange to "ou% !ut I am a !it tense. The Ameri'ans are

    e2tremel" pissed off)

    WALTER Well% the" shouldn+t !e)NIN* Could I 'all them at least? To sa" that "ou ha$e 'ome !a'% that "ou+re

  • 8/13/2019 Poveste de Iubire Luigi Lunari



    WALTER No% not now...later) Let me -ust re'o$er for a while... I need to tal to

    someone... 9i$e me something to drin% whate$er "ou want)

    +#ino gets him something from the bar. *alter sits down. ause.

    I saw m" mother !urning% Nino... a woman I had onl" see on'e !efore%

    nearl" fort" "ears ago... ,on+t loo at me lie that% Nino..8 it is nothing ofwhat "ou ma" imagine% nothing dramati'... he had left it written% thatLuigi Lunari - A love story 54

    she wanted to !e 'remated... a sort of will% put there% and perhaps forgotten

    more than thirt" "ears ago) I tried to sa" that a thing% said or written

    thirt" "ears !efore% had no $alidit" whatsoe$er. It needed not to ha$e an"

    $alue... In thirt" "ears a human !eing 'hanges 'ompletel"... the" sa" that

    the 'ells that 'ompose our !od" are 'hanged in thirt" "ears... You 'an

    imagine what happens to the spirit% the will% feelings...that li$e 'ompletel"

    different e2perien'es of the !od"... Howe$er% these are useless arguments...

    Her sons #m" !rothers% an entrepreneur% an ar'hite't% an a''ountant%

    "ou 'an imagine) Hiding !ehind the =passed awa"+s> will #the"didn+t 'all her mother# must ha$e thought I was mad% or ma"!e stupid)

    o% I had to get used to the idea of seeing m" mother #whom I saw% I

    don+t now if I e$er told "ou% onl" on'e in m" life% at the age of twent"fi$e%

    fort" "ears ago)# !urning and disappearing in an o$en. The religion

    that she% her hus!and and sons used to pra'ti'e has this... lo$el" usage( if

    a !elie$er% or a follower or whoe$er else de'ide to !e 'remated% the relati$es

    ha$e to attend the 'remation. The" ha$e to stand there and loo% in

    front of the o$en ... whi'h has a large glass door ... You ha$e to stand

    there and loo at the dear... that 'onsumes. And I was imagining% in m"

    a!surd optimism% a gradual% solemn disappearing in the in$isi!le heat% a

    dismem!ering into nothing ... :ut% no) It was a fight% an inde'orousstruggle% a far'e% !etween the terri!le heat% in$isi!le as a $irus% and m"

    mother+s !od" whi'h did not seem to want to !e 'onsumed ...8 it 'ontra'ted%

    it mo$ed franti'all"% whilst her fa'e assumed a strange grima'e

    ...8 she tossed and turned% and her 'lothes disappeared first% showing !its

    of naed flesh ... whi'h 7ui'l" !e'ame !la' ... At one stage% when her

    lips started to !e !urnt% she showed her teeth and started laughing ... In

    that pre'ise moment% so as to es'ape the impa't% I looed around m" relati$es%

    and I saw then all% in'luding m"self% lined up into two rows in front

    of the door% with folded arms% 'on'erned% wat'hing m" mother die without

    !eing a!le to understand the sa'redness of the e$ent. Nino% I started

    laughing ... I laughed m" head off% without !eing a!le to hold !a' ... and

    I must ha$e said something too #I don+t now what# !e'ause m" !rother #

    the ar'hite't% the eldest# 'ame near me and said( =You should !e

    ashamed)> and =9o awa")>% or something similar. Indeed I went% and I

    waited outside ... !ut I did not feel ashamed% !e'ause the s'ene was too

    funn"% Nino% ... "ou should ha$e seen it)... Too funn")

    +)e laughs, dries his eyes and cries out$

    3" 9od) It was so funn")

    +The door opens. 6laudine enters.

    CLA@,INE Walter)...

    +'he runs towards him, "neels down, hugs him, while *alter hides hisface between his hands and in his hand"erchief, and his laugh has become

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