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Willkommen in Potsdam!Willkommen in Potsdam!

POTSCARDPOTSCARDIssue 4 Tuesday 27th MarchIssue 4 Tuesday 27th March

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editorial Here comes the 4th issue! Sorry we couldn’t deliver it to you yesterday, but our pressroom turned into a massive gherkin-battlefield with gherkins being thrown, squeezed and sat on by vicious journalists

and chairs. Chairs- how irresponsible of you!

As a compensation, we loaded this issue with pictures and fun articles. And- we apologise to AFET1

for having forgotten you yesterday. Sorry!

We need to get back to washing the tables and mopping the floors.

Don’t play with food.

Mad Cows

My fellow MEN,

We´d like to honour the most respected part of a

MAN´s body, namely the beer belly! Not only

is it beautiful, but also the pride of every MAN and above all, it has many practical uses. For instance you can use it as a place to set your drink on. And think about it, the bigger your beer belly is, the more space you are conquering. You can also use your beer belly to impress women. Because who can resist natural curves of a truly masculine body?Being aware of the fast that some women despise

this perfect body form, many MEN waste their time in the gym trying to lose this holy symbol of masculinity. We, in contrary to that, call upon every MAN, to rise up and fight for their rights! We recommend all our brothers to wear tops and show off as much belly as you can. If for any reason you´ve got gunk stuck in your bellybutton, leave it there, because it only contributes to

you MANliness. If you´re not blessed with a hairy belly, we strongly recommend wearing belly wigs. After reading this article some of you might have the idea to grow a beer belly of your own. If you´re not sure how to do this, consult your male journos, who will gladly provide with a 12-step plan, for growing the perfect belly.

Fellow MEN, growing the beer belly is only


MEN, today´s HOT-list is just for us. Last night we realised that, we MEN, obviously cannot deny our natural instincts! At one particular mo-ment of the night it was clear that every single Male realised that he had been staring at the

stage for more than 10 minutes. Please, MEN, don´t feel embarrassed, it´s your male instinct calling you! We are obviously talking about the HOOOOOOT Swedish Tiger, shown in the pic-ture. MEN, the picture speaks for itself, all there´s left for us to day is: “WRAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!”. And please, remember girls, keep it tigerish!

Your spotters,


the first step in our holy crusade to reinstall the reign of MEN. Never give up the fight!

MANly yours,



In Sweden car bumper

are calledcow catchers

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I have been thinking of you...I have been thinking of you...

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Wandering around Eurovillage yesterday, several random members of AFET1 approached me to tell me I had really missed something while writing articles yesterday. Krista (Chair, FIN) had tried to debrief a game, but the rest of the committee decided to change everything she said into something filthy. Everyone- but Krista- had a blast!Not wanting to miss anything today, I was anxious to start hanging out with the committee as quickly as possible. I looked for them by the lake, on the sport’s field, and outside the dining hall but AFET1 had disappeared! After 15 minutes of frantic looking I finally found them. They had decided to hide inside, which I hadn’t thought of because of the beautiful weather.

Please don’t hide from me again, I always loved playing hide and seek as

a child and you’re bringing up sad memories.

I discovered a new face of AFET1 today. Guys, you are

actually kind of clever! While you where playing the game

Vogue! I tried to get some nice photos of you but it turned

out to be impossible. My camera hadn’t even focused when you had already come up with the right answer and all of you stopped acting. Alas, the moment I wanted to capture was gone with the wind. You will benefit a lot from being clever guys! Lucky you!

Day two of AFET1

The thing that attracted me the most about this session before coming here was the theme of immigration and integration. I moved to Belgium when I was ten years old because my father was a political refugee. We left our homeland, Iran, behind and have not seen it in 10 years.I have spent literally half my life in Iran and the other half in Belgium, so I guess you could call me a half European.But last night, for the first time in many years, I felt like a true European-Iranian. I discovered to my astonishment and joy that I’m not the only one here with Iranian roots: there are actually five of us! That makes us the biggest group with a non European heritage.The Iranians have a place in every rank of EYP in this session. We have two Iranian delegates: Mazdak (NED/IRAN) and Borna (GBR/IRAN), one Iranian Chair: Hamed (BEL/IRAN), one journo: yours truly, and one beautiful editress: Helya (SWE/IRAN).The fact that we’re all passionate participants of EYP shows our love for Europe, but it was our love for our Homeland that brought us all together, so far away from home…

Immigration and Integration in Potsdam



Shoes can sm

Fireman!If you need a lighter look for Michal (CZ), who seems to be the only person (between the two environment committees) who has a working one. Thank Clara (ESP) for finding that out and for this great nickname which will be very useful for those who smoke and don’t have a proper lighter.

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Apologies to AFET 1 !Apologies to AFET 1 !

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When we enthusiastically agreed to write on the theme of this sessions, I don´t think that we understood fully the scale of what we were taking on. At first it was little more than words on a page to us – a cheap excuse to get the delegates talking and for the speakers to reel off some generic facts and figures.A quick look at the committee topics however, reveal that there are at least 6 committees at the session dealing with aspects of this theme, and many more touching on it! This basically means that the delegates knew more than us. For this reason we decided to play it smart getting the stories straight from the delegates´ mouths, saving ourselves from queuing for the internet in the process! Typical journos, always out to take advantage of delegates.The plan was simple. Interview are many delegates as possible as they arrived, drill them for quick information, throw it all together and voila! Article complete, finito! Neither of us expected to spend almost full two hours on just three committees. The only countries we actually got to were Serbia, Ireland and Turkey. But the experience was enough to change our attitudes completely.The Serbian delegation was the first to open our eyes. Sandra told us how her mother is from Montenegro and her father from Serbia. Dragamir explained how migration can be a complicated issue for them, for without ever moving house you could have lived in four different countries! The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia became the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, which in turn became Serbia and Montenegro, which then separated to become Serbia, and Montenegro. During the region´s recent turbulent past, Aleksander was forced to migrate due to the war on his doorstep. The theme was suddenly very real. Something which many of the EU-members can easily forget about, is the effort it takes for others to even attend a session like this. With visas, documentation and lengthy processes to

get through, we sometimes only care about the price of our ticket.We also talked to the Irish delegation to find a different example of immigration and integration in Europe. Years ago, famine and poverty forces people to emigrate from Ireland and seek a better life for themselves and their families. The Irish are hence a universal people peppering in almost every country you can possibly think of. Since joining the EU and in recent times, Ireland has become very prosperous nation. Now the tide of migration has turned, with many of those who emigrated returning as well as many workers from Eastern Europe.Take Laura, for example. Her grandfather had two brothers, who had to migrate to England to find work and ended up working as doctors. Moving down the line, her father planned to move to Australia, but eventually had to stay in Ireland. Her grandmother´s family has travelled and settled all over Europe: Turkey, Italy, Brussels, England...As you can see, it is not just on a European level, but also on a personal level, we all have different roots and different history. Every one of us is defined by our past, and that past very often includes immigration, integration, and change. It bears repeating that one of the things that makes the EYP wonderful is the ability to recognise our differences and even use then to bring us closer together. We realised that this theme is not about facts and figures. It is about real people. This is a unique opportunity to expand your horizons in every way, and we encourage you to use it. Talk to everyone you can, and you might be surprised to discover some truly interesting things.

Migration and Integration

Yesterday´s “ Washhouse Party” hit Potsdam like a wave triggered by Godzilla. The girls´ bodies were shaking while the guys were trying to cover up their embarrassingly sly look by jumping around like they were on a trampoline with Queen Latifah.Guys let´s be realistic here – it was obvious, trust is, we know what we are talking about! Or do you actually think that we descend from any other kind of men? WE LOVE STARING! We actually planned to write a well researched article of high quality. Well, as you can see, we failed badly. Your passion convinced is to drop the notebooks and party proper EYP-style. So, let´s not waste any more words and let us get down to the essence of every party. Let the pictures speak!WELL DONE GUYS!

They say it changes when the sun goes down around here

We´d like to warn you in advance! Be sure you want to read this because once you have read it, there is no going back! Once you have read this article you´ll be officially in the game, so you´ll keep playing it forever.The aim of the game is to forget that you´re playing it...Whenever it comes to mind that you´re playing “the game”, you need to shout out: “Damn! I lost the game!”. If someone has just lost the game, you´ve got 15 minutes to forget about it. Otherwise you need to shout it out again. If someone has just lost the game in your area, there´s no need for you to shout it out as well. Be aware, more people than you know are playing it all over the world. We´d like to encourage everyone to spread it around and bring it home.



Mac off.

The Game

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Party, party, party!Party, party, party!

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Charming boys and lovely ladies, in case you are looking for a future witty husband or wife (or both?) then this is a must. We assure you that with these beautiful minds your babies are going to be the next Einsteins.

1. History: When did the Roman Empire fall? (476 )Italy: 476Serbia: 476Romania: 457Germany: 46 1Ireland: 56 5Sweden: 417

2. Bio: How many chromosomes do we get from each of our parents? (23)Italy: 23Serbia: 23Romania: 23Germany: 23Ireland: 23Sweden: 23

3. Music: What was Michael Jackson’s best selling album? („Thriller“)Italy: „Thriller“Serbia: „Thriller“Romania: „Thriller“Germany: „Thriller“Ireland: „Thriller“Sweden: „Thriller“

4. Literature: What was the biggest passion of the author of „Little Prince“? (aviation)Italy: Aviation

Serbia: GardeningRomania: FlyingGermany: FlyingIreland: TrainspottingSweden: Taylor

5. Math: What is the sum of all the angles of a triangle? (18 0)Italy: 18 0Serbia: 18 0Romania: 18 0Germany: 18 0Ireland: 18 0

Sweden: 18 0

6 .Geography: What is the highest peak in Europe? (Mont-Blanc)Italy: Mont-BlancSerbia: Mont-BlancRomania: Mont-BlancGermany: Mont-BlancIreland: Mont-BlancSweden: K-2

7. Film: Who is the star of the movie „One Night in Paris“? (Paris Hilton)Italy: Paris Hilton

Serbia: Paris HiltonRomania: Paris HiltonGermany: Paris HiltonIreland: Paris HiltonSweden: Paris Hilton

8. Varia: What is the name of the pope? (Benedict XVI)

The Brainquiz hInternationalSession


Why do you feel bad t

morning?Because youforgot yournewspaper

Italy: Benedict XVISerbia: Benedict XVIRomania: Benedict XVIGermany: Benedict XVIIreland: Benedict XVISweden: Johannes Paulus III

9 .Arts: Name the most famous representor of Cubism! (Picasso)Italy: PicassoSerbia: PicassoRomania: PicassoGermany: PicassoIreland: PicassoSweden: Picasso

10. Philosophy: What was the life moto of Sokrates? („Know yourself!“)Italy: „Know yourself!“Serbia: „Know yourself!“Romania: -Germany: „I know that I don’t know anything“Ireland: „Know yourself!“Sweden: „Carpe Diem!“

Sum-up: Italians are the beautiful minds of the

session with the maximum score. They are not only intelligent but good-looking as well, so you know which delegation to look for! They were followed by the oh-so-fabulous Serbian delegation. Romania, Germany and Ireland missed them by only one point! And yeah, Sweden, we still believe in you!

the winners- Italian delegation

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Let´s get together!Let´s get together!

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Since the dawn of time, man has been getting up every morning. In the beginning, the sun was enough to wake people up. Man was in tune with the rhythm of the earth, his body in total balance with nature´s cycles. But as time goes on, it seems to be getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning. Even though the sun has been replaced by fancy gadgets designed to get us out of bed, technology fails to do what nature has been doing for centuries. All attempts to get us up, like alarms, mobile phones, screaming orgas banging on doors, opening windows and getting building on fire, seem to be fruitless – the calling of the bed is stronger.Let us share a little tip with you; The secret to a successful wake up call is not really hidden in the means of being woken up, but in the actual method. Ciaran (journo), for example, has tried absolutely everything to drag himself out of bed. He has alarms scattered all over his room, hidden in cupboards, dustbins, and in random hard-to-reach places and he still manages to oversleep – this is a real achievement! Take a minute to imagine how different things would be if Ciaran was to softly awoken up by a beautiful ethereal presence- a sweet smelling princess caressing and kissing him like a cool morning breeze...We all know that the art of getting up is a hard one to master, especially if you have been out partying all night with your fellow EYPers. But despite these difficulties, we honestly believe that you should seize the mornings here in Potsdam and aim to become really proficient in this art. Try to find the loveliest ways possible to get your fellow delegates out of bed and help them start the day with a smile!PS: Avoid the fatal trap of “Just 2 more minutes..”!!

The Art of Waking Up


Hello lovely lady delegates, this is the sexiest article ever published. We will help you to find out how to get everything you want – the dreamy guy, the most well-respected job and

how to look great every single minute of the session. Concentrate on the following sentences because this is going to be your Bible for the next few days.

Boys:Well, if you are asking us how to get the object of your wildest fantasies, first of all you need to smile 24/7 and never say anything what could sound like anything intelligent. Try to talk as little as you can and always touch the person you talking to so he can smell your wunderbaum perfume. You should always ask about what he likes, so perhaps try practice in front of the mirror the phrase: “Oh, reeeaaaally?” Your eyes must be reeeeaaaally big and bright and your cheeks will have those honey sweet dimples. You, my little Cosmogirl, will be irresistible!!

Job:Actually, we have no idea how to get your dream job, because we have never worked, can always flirt with your chair :)

Flirting queen:Make sparkling make-up your best friend. Do not forget that red cheeks (you can also use the blusher) are spring´s essential.Remember – even Marilyn Monroe knew that

Cosmo Corner hInternationalSession


Video tapesdo not have

two sides.

read nails and high heels are hot.

One advice for those who are unhappily in love:Splash your pillow with your favourite most glamorous perfume exactly THREE HOURS before you go to bed, put drop of honey to your mouth and your dreamy guy will be having the sweetest dreams about you that night. It works even for the German organisers.

Last advice from experienced Cosmo girls: open necklines and short skirts will make every boy fall in love with you. And do not forget to wear sparkling jewellery (diamonds are girl´s best friends!! Even if they are fake). The editors know this for sure.

The cutest “blusher”: Lenzi (orga, GER)The heart-melting smile: Xavier (chair, FRA)The most charming look: Hadrien (orga, GER)The loveliest joker: Shane (chair, IRE)The cutest journo-helper: Martin (orga, GER)

(And the special prize goes to Fredrik – the

representative of the journo team, even though all the journo boys are really good-looking.)Achtung! Delegates, write something in the

gossip box (every lunch time in the dining room) your favourite hottest delegate and we shall keep you updated with the scores.

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Kisses from PotsdamKisses from Potsdam

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Committee Presentations

All good things must come to an end. So does teambuilding. But there certainly was a grand finale, the Committee Presentations. It was presented to you by your lovely Vice Presidents, Jill and Emma, the latter having her birthday this very day, which her committee, EMPL1, celebrated through a rather exciting adaptation of 50 Cent’s In Da Club. ‘Go Emma it’s your birthday, we’re gonna party like it’s your birthday’…Next up was Jill’s ECON. This music packed performance rocked the place and they all agreed money is of vital importance.AFCO got us all wondering what they were waiting so anxiously for. After lots and lots of anticipation, all they did was change legs. Brilliant! Is it time again..?Not actually being fat, AFET1 wanted to see ‘a fat one’. Not everyone realised the pun, as two guilty Journos shamefully have to admit (thanks for explaining afterwards, we’re not that clever)...Much to the appreciation of the audience, AFET2 decided to mock their poor chair Richard. If anyone is feeling sorry for him, you could consider buying him a pair of actual shoes.

CULT, all of whom possessed real shoes (you see Richard, it works!) decided to take one off. Their moralising presentation showed the true value of unity in diversity.DROI wanted to show that everyone has the right to kiss whoever they like and pee wherever they want, whether that be in public or while dancing the funky chicken. I liiike! (pronounced the Borat way)!Soon enough we will find out if EMPL2 actually is the best committee, as they claimed during their 15 seconds offame. Not exact ly

modest, huhh?Through a dramatic presentation, highlighting some of the most important environmental problems the world is currently facing,

ENVI1 managed to create a lot of

sympathy. Save the world, STOP climate change. Well, go ahead…Development of International CKommunication was one of the daring new committees ENVI2 had invented for their Oscars. Surely they will win

a prize.Pronounced with a smile, INTA got the entire audience fall off their chair(s), named Asia.ITRE danced us through their presentation going EYPyaoh. Essentially they made clear how

much they love our organisation, don’t we just all?We were a bit disappointed they didn’t butt spell, instead both LIBE2 and LIBE3 used their bodies to show their committees’ names. ‘Exclamation mark’!Finishing off the presentations, LIBE3

marched up the stage guided by their drill sergeant Shane. Let’s hope he’ll be a bit friendlier during Committee Work (poor delegates).



The male sea horse gives birth

to the baby

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Spell it outSpell it out

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1. What do you look like?A) Well-dressed, fresh (even if you had 2..5 hours of sleep the night before).B) I wear a white hoody 4/7!C) Under-slept rotten apple with a big smile(you have to feel the same as well).D) Like most of the teachers.

2. Where are you spending your nights?A) Anywhere they’ll let me!B) Washing dishes, knitting socks, transporting drunk people.. YOU NAME IT!C) What does night mean?D) Preparing the games, going through the names.

3. With whom do you party?A) I’ll have to ask my parents…B) By myselfC) Everybody – I don’t even care if they don’t want to!D) With my delegation.

4. When do you party?A) Every day of the week, except for SundaysB) NeverC) Even when I’m sleeping! It’s my full-time job.D) When no one is looking!

5. Who is you best friend?A) EveryoneB) My notebookC) The Red Bull girlsD) Me, myself and I

6. What can you go without?A) Dignity (during the night)B) Having a personal lifeC) SleepD) Dignity (during the day time)

7. What do you live by?A) Work and party hand in handB) Work now, party in the next decadeC) Party now, work later(it isn’t you, it’s your job)D) Party always of course!

Are you a natural born delegate, orga, journo or chair ?

Check your answers!A’s: You are a natural born delegate. This session is your natural environment! It’s up to you to make the best of it!B’s: You are a natural born orga. Take time out once in a while because there is a high chance of a breakdown. But anything is possible when you use your superpowers wisely!C’s: You are a natural born journo. Parties and work and work and parties! Try to sleep more than 1.5 hours in a day to look better than an under slept rotten apple with a big smile! Use your creativity to make the session a better place for everybody.D’s: You are a natural born chairperson. Best friend and a mental leader for 15 people. Push the right buttons and the machine called Committee will keep on working!



