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  • 1. Pop Culture prophets:My Chemical romancegerard waymikey way, ray toro, and frank iero
    Advocates for
    self-acceptance and self-respect withstrong anti-suicide and anti-violence

According to definition, a prophet brings about a positive change in society by speaking about the evils in their community openly and breaking down barriers so people may see the truth.
My Chemical Romance came from rather dark beginnings, but blossomed into self proclaimed saviors of the broken, beaten, and the damned.
Their music has a uplifting and riotously powerful message with inspirational lyrics. Apart from that, their personalities, opinions, and interviews allow for a sight into the collective mind of a band with solid messages of anti-violence, anti-suicide, and above all else; self-acceptance.
3. Background and beginnings
Gerard Way, founder and front man of the alternative band My Chemical Romance lived in a dangerous and crime-ridden section of New Jersey, with his younger brother Mikey.He was criticized and bullied to an extensive amount due to the way he looked, spoke, and carried himself. In high school, Gerard and Mikey found themselves depressed. This led to Gerards intense use of alcohol and drugs to sedate his emotions.When they escaped the confounds of high school, As Mikey finished high school, Gerard moved to New York City to attend art school and work part-time in a comic book shop. Everything changed on September 11th, 2001.
4. Background and beginnings
Gerardknew he was bound for greater things. He made it his personal responsibility to help teenagers and young adults who felt abandoned or hurt. He didnt want to simply throw his life away. However, he witnessed one of the most violent terrorist attacks on the United States.This led to an even bigger issue with depression and anxiety.
Ray Toro, a childhood friend of the Way brothers, stepped up and volunteered his skills as a guitarist. Mikey quit ideas of further schooling to play base. Frank Iero, lead singer for the band Pencey Prep decided to join the band that theyproclaimed had one intention;
5. Off to A rough start
The first two recorded albums by the newly formed My Chemical Romance would seem rather dark upon first lessons. Their debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love was full of raw emotion and fueled with rage.
However, Way insisted that his fans stay positive; music was a outlet and may seem angry at times, but the lyrics needed to be understood.
Think happy thoughts and well fly home. Headfirst for Halos
Stand up tall, dont let them see your back, and take my hand and never be afraid again. Our Lady of Sorrows
Youre not in this alone. Skylines and Turnstiles
6. Revenge
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge was released in 2004. being hailed as asoundtrack to the lives of teenagers everywhere. Their daily lives were documented in videos such as Im Not Okay (I Promise), which depicted the band as outcasts battling jocks and bullies at a preppy high school. Again, the lyrics touched the heart strings of many while staying true to punk-rock roots.
Well love again, well laugh again, well cry again, then well dance again and its better off that way. I Never Told You What I Do For aLiving
Things are better if I stay Helena
Ive lost my fear of falling Ill be with you. Its Not a Fashion Statement, Its a Deathwish
Saints protect her now, angels of the Lord. Interlude
7. A new audience
While at first, My Chemical Romance only appealed to a small demographic, their 2006 album The Black Parade exploded into the mainstream and allowed for chart-topping hits. This concept record followed the a cancer patient through his turmoil and conflicted emotions. It dealt with the importance of life and memories above all else.
I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Famous Last Words
Youll never make me the world will never take my heart. Go and try youll never break me! I wont explain or say Im sorry, Im unashamed Im gonna show my scar! Welcome to the Black Parade
Youll never take me alive, do what it takes to survive and Im still here. Kill All Your Friends
8. A break and a breakdown
The Black Parade was the first record after Mikey and Gerard Ways pledge to sobriety.There was a four year gap between records, and in November of last year, they released their most upbeat album yet Danger Days; The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. Their hit single Sing has some of the most inspiring lyrics to date, urging young adults to Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls, every time that you lose it sing it for the world. Sing it from the heart, sing it till youre nuts sing it out for the ones thatll hate your guts.
See what tomorrow brings, gotta be what tomorrow needs Sing
Can I be the only hope for you? Because youre the only hope for me. The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone
Get off the ledge and drop the knife not a victim of a victims life. This aint a room full of suicides! Save Yourself and Ill Hold Them Back
9. A heartfelt message
As victims of severe bullying and discrimination, these four men had one message for the youth that listened intently to their music; be yourself.In interviews, personal messages, and during concerts,Frank Iero would often proclaim Love what you do and who you truly are if you are true to yourself, you can never go wrong..
As prophets, the band refused to sugarcoat anything. As bassist Mikey Way explained, Kids are sick of the same old pop music. Theyre sick of being lied to. The band desired to explain to youth that life wasnt always a bowl of cherries but it was always worth sticking out and making the absolute best of what is given to you.
10. Self-acceptance
Growing up,
personal appearance
was a common
source of mockery
for the NJ natives.This
heavily as he
wrote If you
look in the mirror and
dont like what you see
can find out first hand what its
like to be me.
11. Self-acceptance
Yet, the band constantly reminds the fans to ignore the medias perceptions of beauty. When magazine NME commented on lead guitarist Ray Toros weight, the band responded bycommenting Dont EVER let the media tell you what to look like! YOURE BEAUTIFUL. So stay beautiful, keep it ugly!
They protested the medias
discouragingremarks about the standards of beauty by performing at NMEs award show in
proclaiming that beauty is a
little more than skin-deep.
12. Self-acceptance
As ahusband and father to a two-year old daughter, Gerard reminds the female fans;
Hey girls you are beautiful.Dont look at those stupid magazines with those sticklike models. Dont let anyone tell you youre not good enough, You are good enough you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. Youare gorgeous, whether yourea size three or a size fourteen. It doesnt matter what you look like on the outside as long as youre a good person and you respect others. Its true hey girls, youre beautiful.
Ways outlook on the female fanbase is one of respect and dignity. They remind their fans to listen to their hearts and their heads, and to never settle for anything less than respect and love.
13. Self-respect
Many put themselves down based on what others consider faults or undesirable traits. However, My Chemical Romance urges fans to hold onto their unique personalities and grasp the ability to stand firmly in what you believe in.
All your quirks, all your problems even your depressions and failures thats what makes you YOU.
Everyone should love themselves like we love you.
Embrace your originality you can and should do anything!
Never forget how perfect and beautiful youare inside and out.
14. Anti-suicide/anti-violence
Mikey Way, bassist and brother of front man Gerard Way,has openly talked about his issues with suicide and self-harm..After a rather dark period in life, he rose up from the ashes and decided to help teenagers who were considering the same dark pathway,
Way reminded fans in a 2006 stint of the Black Parade tour that NOTHING IS WORTH HURTING YOURSELF OVER AND NOTHING IS WORTH TAKING YOUR LIFE OVER.
Gerard spoke out once again after claims that My Chemical Romance promoted depression and death.In a concert, he told fans sternly that you get hurt, you get depressed but you never ever EVER use violence as a solution.
15. Anti-suicide/anti-violence
The band continued to release statements and live speeches at concerts announcing their stance on suicide and violence.
If you ever find yourself depressed, hurt, or like an outcast., remember; were all outcasts in our own way, we all fit in this world, we all belong in this world.
We all have something to say but we NEVER say it with violence!
The world is an ugly place. Its not always pretty, peoples feelings get hurt.but its a beautiful place and we all share it together, If you ever feel depressed or hurt in any way, find someone to trust, someone to talk to. A teacher, a parent, a best friend, a consular at school. But no matter what happens to you, we never resort to violence.
16. Anti-suicide/anti-violence
My Chemical Romance became a certain sort of safe-haven for many teenagers. They found a set of men who had experienced their lives first hand and could speak out against negative ideals.
The only thing that weve ever encouraged you to do is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. AND BE YOURSELF. And dont listen to anyone who says otherwise!
We wanna let these kids know that theyre not alone and theyre not actually that messed up and that they can and should do whatever they want- they can express themselves without being persecuted.
Talk to your folks. Keep yourself alive keep fighting. Because the world is beautiful and it actually isnt that bad.
17. Progression
While their live shows and albums were released in a very dark and ominous point in their lives, their later work reflects a true zeal and lust for life.The band addressed this with We started this band thinking the world was ugly, but its more beautiful than we thought. Take it from a band who used to think everything was miserable.But weve found that its not.
There is a level of maturity and life in their music now that was perhaps missing before. Yet, this is just another prophetic life lesson for listeners; be who you are; take every chance you are given; but never resort to hatred, violence, or self-loathing.
19. 20. Sources
April 22nd, 2011 Live at Terminal Five (MCR concert experience)
Clip footage (quotes) The Black Parade is DEAD! Tour (Documentary.)
Clip footage (quotes) Life of the Murder Scene (Documentary.)
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
The Black Parade
Danger Days: True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

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