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Information pack for Juniors We love having your child but… We love having your child/children in class, however please keep them home if any of the following symptoms apply (if you are at all unsure please speak to your instructor): • Fever within the last 24 hours. • Severe or phlegm-producing cough. • Thick coloured nasal discharge. • Sore throat with fever or swollen glands. • Within 24 hours of beginning antibiotic treatment. • Three or more watery stools in 24 hours. • Vomiting two or more times in 24 hours. • Body rash, especially with a fever. • While chicken pox sores are still infected. • Thick mucus or pus draining from the eye. • While any evidence of lice remains. Helpful advice for junior members 1. Always bow when: a) Entering or leaving the Dojo; b) Moving on and off the mat; c) At the beginning and end of class; d) When talking to an instructor; e) At the beginning and end of training with a partner; f) At the beginning and end of grading. 2. Ensure toe and fingernails are clean and cut short. 3. Always wear a clean Gi. 4. A current licence must be held and be kept up to date. 5. Respect your training partner at all times and thank them and your Sensei at the end of each training session. 6. No swearing, loud talking or boisterous actions are allowed in the Dojo. 7. Club badges should be worn on the Gi. 8. Arguments will be avoided to maintain a happy family atmosphere. 9. Maintain loyalty to the club and Sensei – a loyal student is a good student. 10. Never use your martial arts skills outside of the Dojo unless it is necessary. 11. There is a minimum attendance level which is needed to attend a grading. 12. Show support for club and federation events.

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The Belt System

As you learn and progress in your chosen martial art you will receive a coloured belt. Each colour means you are moving to a higher grade, just like going from Year One at school to Year Two to Year Three, and so on. The higher the belt level you are, the more you know and understand. However this also means that you have to work a little harder. To earn each belt you should be able to do the stances, kicks, punches and self-defence moves listed in your Syllabus. When you know how to do all the moves listed, you can ask your Sensei to test you.

In Japan Sensei Means ‘Teacher’ Your Sensei is your instructor and he must be listened to and respected at all times. He has been practising martial arts for many years and he is an expert in his chosen discipline. Your Sensei may choose an assistant to help demonstrate some of the exercises. If you are chosen you should pay attention as it will be your responsibility to help the other children. You can be a helper at home or school. By helping others you learn new skills.

By being a helper you also learn how to be a leader.

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Manner’s in Class It is very important that students use their manners at all times. Respect is very important when practising martial arts – this includes respect for your instructor, respect for fellow students, and also respect for yourself. It is therefore essential that we follow some basic rules when it comes to manners and respect:

Talking During a demonstration, or when a teacher is talking, students should be quiet and pay attention. Interrupting a lesson by talking with other students is rude. It is also very disruptive for everyone else in the class. If you have a question, please raise your hand.

Posture Always stand straight and still with your arms at your side or behind your back. You should never lean on a wall or lie down on the floor; this makes you look sloppy and it also shows poor self-discipline.

Cleanliness Students must wear a clean uniform at all times. Hands and feet should be clean and toe and finger nails should be trimmed to prevent scratching other students. If you have a sore, cut or rash, please tell the teacher before the class begins.

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Fitness & Health Anatomy It is important to know the names of different parts of the body. This is called anatomy. Look at the drawing below and draw a line from the names to the different parts of the body. This knowledge will come in handy when you learn first aid and self-defence. If you want to be a doctor, nurse or ambulance driver you need to know anatomy!

Head Nose Jaw Temple

Windpipe Shoulder Upper Arm Ribcage Elbow Forearm Fingers Stomach Buttocks Groin Thigh Knee Calf Ankle

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How to do Jumping Jacks Before doing any sport it is good to warm up your muscles. One fun exercise is called ‘Jumping Jacks’. How to Do It: 1. Start with your feet together. Stand at attention with your hands down by your side. 2. Then, jump up and spread your feet apart. At the same time swing your hands over your head. 3. Then jump up and land with your feet together and your hands at your sides again. See if you can do 25 Jumping Jacks without stopping. Jumping Jacks work your heart muscle

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Circle Arms Circling your arms helps you to loosen up and warm-up too. How to do it: 1. Hold your arms straight out to your sides. 2. Make ten small circles in a forwards direction, then ten small circles in a backwards direction. 3. Make ten more small circles forwards and backwards with each circle getting bigger. 4. Finally, make ten giant circles forward and ten giant circles backward. You use shoulder muscles for throwing things like a basketball or a tennis ball.

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How to do Push-ups Push-ups are a great way to build strong muscles. There are two ways to do push-ups, the easy way and the hard way. Easy: Start by laying flat on the ground on your stomach with your knees bent. Place your hands on the floor in front of your shoulders. Push up off the ground then slowly lower your chest to the ground. That’s one push-up!

Hard: Start by laying flat on your stomach with your hands on the floor in front of your shoulders. Push up using your feet and your hands. As you push up no other part of your body should be touching the ground. Then slowly lower your chest to the ground. That’s one push-up!

Begin with the easy way and then try it the hard way.

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First Aid

You should know what to do if someone gets hurt both in and out of the club. This is called ‘First Aid’ because it is the first thing you should do – give aid. If you or someone else gets hurt whilst training the first thing you should do is tell your instructor. If you get hurt away from the club, it is important that you know what to do. These simple rules will help:

If you are hurt, stop

what you are doing.

Do not try to move

the injured part.

Make sure that you

are in a safe place,

such as away from the

road and on the


Always tell a teacher or

an adult if you hurt


Stay calm and do not

be afraid.

If someone else has

been hurt tell an adult


follow the rules above.

First Aid Tip The Red Cross is the symbol used for First Aid. When you see the Red Cross on a box or bag, it means that it contains first aid supplies like plasters and bandages. If there is an emergency, you may see people wearing a Red Cross. The Red Cross means they are there to help

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Bruises A bruise happens when something hits you, or you bump into something. At first the bruise looks red and then it may turn yellow, blue and purple. If you hit your head the bruise will cause a bump. A bruise can hurt a little or a lot depending on where you were hit. How to treat a bruise 1. Relax and make sure there is no bleeding. 2. Put a cold cloth over the hurt area. 3. Ask an adult to look at it.

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First Aid Tip: Wrap some ice in a towel and gently put it on a head bump to help make the bump go down. It’s not always as bad as you might think! Street S Nosebleeds Everyone will get a nosebleed at some time so do not be afraid if it happens to you. Sometimes nosebleeds happen for no reason; sometimes they happen if you are hit on the nose. What to do for nosebleeds 1. Get some tissue paper and hold it under the nose to catch the blood. 2. Sit down and firmly pinch your nose, just above your nostrils, for ten minutes. 3. Lean forward and breathe through your mouth. This will allow the blood to drain through your nose instead of down the back of your throat. 4. If you were hit on the nose, get some cold cloths and hold them over your nose. Remember: Most nosebleeds will stop by themselves after a few minutes.

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Scrapes A scrape happens if something rough rubs against your skin and causes a little bleeding. Scrapes usually happen when you fall down and can sometimes sting. One problem that often happens is you get dirt in the scrape. If you fall over and get a scrape make sure you have an adult look at it. One way to prevent scrapes is to wear safety equipment like elbow and kneepads and a helmet.

What to do for a scrape 1. Run some cold clean water over the scrape to help the pain and to clean it. 2. Put a clean cloth on it. 3. Make sure an adult looks at it.

Remember: Even if an accident hurts a lot, it does not always mean it is serious. A scrape can hurt, but it is usually not too bad.

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Healthy Eating Message 1. Start your day with breakfast Breakfast fills your ‘empty tank’ and gets you going after a long night without food. And it can help you do better in school. Easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, wholewheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit and wholegrain waffles. 2. Get Moving! It's easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a ten-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day. 3. Snack smart Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups – a glass of low-fat milk and a few crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. Providing you eat smart at other meals, then cookies, crisps and sweets are OK for occasional snacking. 4. Work up a sweat Vigorous work-outs which make you breathe hard and sweat help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel at your best. Start with a warm up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging or dancing. Follow up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool down with more stretching and deep breathing. 5. Balance your food choices – don't eat too much of any one thing You don't have to give up foods like hamburgers, french fries and ice cream to eat healthy. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices and checking out the Nutrition Facts Panel on food labels will help you get all these nutrients.

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6. Get fit with friends or family Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event each week, such as a bike ride or hiking. 7. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables These foods give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fibre. And they taste good! Try breads such as wholewheat, bagels and pitta. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the grain group. Bananas, strawberries and melons are just a few of the many great tasting fruits available. Try vegetables raw, on a sandwich or in a salad. Healthy Eating Message continued 8. Join in physical activities at school Structured activities are a great way to feel good, look good and stay physically fit. So join in with your physical education class as well as any other physical activities that might be going on at school. 9. Foods aren't good or bad A healthy eating lifestyle is like a puzzle with many parts. Each part, or food, is different. Some foods may have more fat, sugar or salt, while others may have more vitamins or fibre. There is a place for all these foods. What makes a diet good or bad is how foods fit together. Balancing your choices is important. Fit in a higher fat food, like pepperoni pizza, at dinner by choosing lower fat foods at other meals. And don't forget about moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill you up, you don't need a third! 10. Make healthy eating and physical activities fun! Take advantage of physical activities you and your friends enjoy doing together and eat the foods you like. Be adventurous – try new sports, games and other activities as well as new foods. You'll grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better! Set realistic goals and don't try changing too much at once.

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How to Reverse Charge a Telephone Call All Juniors should know where they live in case they ever get lost. Can you answer the questions below? If not ask your parents to help. My street address is __________________________________ I live in the city/town of _______________________________ I live in the county of __________________________ I live in the country of _________________________________ My home phone number is (_______) _____________________

Area Code

Reverse Charge Telephone Call If you ever have to call home, you can use a pay phone even if you do not have any money. Just reverse the charges. How to do it:

Dial ‘100’ and tell the

Operator you want to

make a ‘reverse charge


The operator will ask you

your name and the

phone number you want

to call.

It is okay to give your

name and home phone

number to the operator.

That’s all there is to it!

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What is Safe Space? When going out it is important to be aware of your space. Juniors learn that there are three spaces between you and other people. They are Personal space, Close space and Safe space.

Personal space means that someone is close enough to hug you. Only close friends and family are allowed to come into your personal space. Strangers are never allowed to come into your personal space unless your parents are present and give their permission.

Hugging your mum and dad is okay!

Close space means someone is close enough to touch you if they reach out their arm. Close space is only for people you know like your friends and teachers. Make sure strangers do not come into your close space unless your parents are present. Make sure angry people stay outside of your close space.

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Safe space means that someone should be at least three steps away from you. If a stranger on the street, in a car, in the park or at the shopping centre tries to talk to you, do not allow him or her to come closer than three steps to you.

If someone you do not know tries to come close to you, move away so that you always keep a safe space between you and the other person. If anyone tries to grab you jump back, turn and run away.

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Eagle Eyes If you are walking along the street, through a park or shopping centre, You should use ‘Eagle Eyes’. How to do it: Keep your head up and look around as you walk. If you see strange people or bad kids watch them carefully to make sure they don’t come near you. If you are lost or in trouble ask for help from people you can trust, such

as Police Officers, school bus drivers and shop assistants.

Before going on the road, first use Eagle Eyes to spot cars and danger.

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Buddy System If you are going to the shop or to play in the park, make sure you go with a buddy.

If one of you has an accident, the other can help or go and get help. Never walk alone through the park or down a street. Remember to use ‘ Eagle Eyes’ to spot trouble. Anyone alone in the park near bushes is ‘suspicious’.

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Don’t Even Go There Areas you should avoid include short cuts that take you away from public areas, back alleyways, empty houses or buildings, or through ravines or woods.

When you are in the park, in a shopping centre or walking down the road, stay close to other kids and parents and do not wander away by yourself.

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Self Defence What is Self Defence?

Now that you are a member of our club, you will learn how to protect yourself. Sometimes there are people who do bad things. Some kids are bullies and will try and scare or pick on other kids.

Sometimes there are adults who do not like children and will do bad things. But remember, no one is allowed to touch you or hurt you.

Self defence teaches you to stop anyone who is trying to hurt you. It teaches you how to defend yourself.

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Ready Stance

Ready stance means you are standing strong and ready to move quickly. If you think someone is going to hurt you, use Ready Stance to make him or her think twice.

How to Do It: 1. Spread your feet apart and bend your knees. 2. Keep your back straight, your mouth closed and chin down. 3. Raise one hand in front of your face and the other hand in front of your stomach. That way, if someone tries to hit you, you will be protected by your arms and hands.

If someone is bothering you and they will not leave you alone , yell “Back Off!” and use Ready Stance.

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Kicking Tiger If someone much bigger tries to grab you and take you away, become like a fierce tiger and drop to the ground. How to Do It: 1. Drop to the ground and lay on your side. 2. Turn your body so that your feet are towards the stranger and kick out as hard as you can against their legs. 3. Like a tiger, you should make lots of noise. Yell, “Help! This person is a stranger!” 4. If they grab you, bite their hand! Only use kicking tiger if someone is trying to take you away.

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Defence Against Hand Grab

If someone grabs your arm… Use a stomp kick against his shins.

Then hold your hands together close to your body. Bend your knees and turn quickly to the side to break the grip.

As soon as you are free, run away! The trick is to turn towards the attacker’s thumb.

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Defence Against Hand Grab From Behind

If someone grabs both your hands from behind… Lift one knee up and forward.

Kick back against the attacker’s shins and lift your hands towards your chest. Once they let go run away.

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Defence Against Front Shove If someone is pushing you and they won’t stop, use Crane Opens Wings to push away their arms and push them back.

If someone is pushing you… bring your hands up together.

Circle your arms outwards and… push the bully’s arms away from you. Bring your hands back and push out using a forward stance to give you power. Don’t be afraid to tell people to “Back off” if you don’t want them pushing or grabbing you.

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Character Building What is Focus? It is good to spend a little time sitting quietly to get our brains ready for learning. This is called Focus.

Before each lesson you should try to sit down cross-legged with your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and keep as still as a statue for ten seconds. Knowing how to focus is important for learning.

Focus means that you use your brain and your body to accomplish things. For example, if you want to shoot a basket you first have to ‘focus’ on the basket and on how you will use your hands and arms to throw the ball.

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Deep Breathing One of the most important secrets in martial arts is also one of the easiest to learn! It is called ‘Deep Breathing’. Breathing does many things. It gives your body energy, it helps you think, and it also makes you feel less afraid. How to Do It: Take three deep breaths by sucking in air slowly and letting the air out slowly. If you are feeling scared on a spooky night, use deep breathing to make yourself feel less afraid. Another good time to take three breaths is when you are nervous and need to focus, such as when you have to speak in front of the class at school. Remember: It is okay to feel scared sometimes.

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Setting Goals Another tool that helps you to learn and grow is to set goals and make plans. A goal is something you want, but which takes time and effort. A plan is what you have to do to get what you want. Let us say you want to become stronger. First, see how many push-ups you can do and write down the number. Next, set a goal that in one month you will be able to do three more. The plan is to practice just a little harder or more often each week. Then after a month see how many push-ups you can do. Were you able to do more? If you could do more that means you succeeded in meeting your goal and you are following a plan and that is really something to be proud of! You can set goals at school too. Let us say you get a B on your reading, but you want to get a B+ or A next time. Your goal should be to get a B+ and a good plan is to do your homework just a little bit longer or read just a few more pages every day. Think of something you would like to be able to do better, then ask your parents or your teacher to help you make a plan. Once you know how to set goals and follow a plan, you can do anything!

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Quiet Time Sometimes, when things get too busy, it’s good to have some quiet time as this will help you relax and think about things more clearly. Too much television, video games or computer time can actually make you dumber. The best tool you have is your brain, and it needs to be exercised. Quiet time is when you turn off all the noisemakers like televisions, radios and video games and do something that you need to focus on.

Reading a book, playing music, or doing arts and crafts are great ways to build your brainpower. Thank You Revised January 2016

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