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Page 1: Pollution in our enviroment

By: Oscar Gamez


Damien Mota.

Pollution in our enviroment.

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Well we decided to do our project on pollution and how it affects our daily life. And not only our life but also our environment. There are many things involved with pollution and it’s a serious problem that needs to stop.

Description of the problem.

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Well there are many people who talk about pollution. Some happen to care about the problem while others don’t.

What do People think about the problem.

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There are many sources in which pollution makes its way into our environment. And this is impacting our life and one of the reasons why is us humans…

Causes of the Problem.

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We have a lot to do with all of the pollution tragedy going around. We cause most of the problem we later have to face. For example littering we throw trash on the floor which makes everything worst.

What do we have to do with pollution?

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Another problem is factories that let out the unwanted smoke. This smoke goes into our atmosphere and creates even more pollution.

Problem number#2

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Well restaurants also give out unwanted smoke its not as much. But it still impacts or environment.

Problem number#3

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Well another problem is how people drive cars that need to be fixed. Cars also release lots of smoke even if they don’t need to be fixed its still bad for the environment.

Problem number#4

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The last problem is smoking cigars it may not make much of an impacted but theirs many people that smoke. This doesn’t just unhealthy it also helps pollution increase little by little.

Problem number#5

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well perhaps some people don’t really care about been affected by pollution. But truth is that pollution and global warming affects us and animals. Many polar bears are dying because of global warming and its not fair for them.

what do I think?

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Pictures of affected polar bears.

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Well actually there are many ways to help out. We just have to get involved. And if we do we have a chance in saving our future and animals as well that desperately need our help.

How to solve pollution.

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Instead of taking the car to work or to school we can ride the bike. If you think about it, it saves money and smoke wont be released from the car causing global to stop or to decrease. If we all helped it we can all make a change.

Helping out in pollution and global warming.

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Since I already talked about ridding a bike to work or school why not also take the bus? This is another way you can decrease pollution and global warming by using less sources to get to you locations.

Ways to help out…

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Well lastly we can help out by putting posters up and write in them to not litter because it affects our environment negatively. And we want to make a change in our communities.

Ways to help out.

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When you recycle you help out the community and also decrease pollution. You also let your environment look a lot much cleaner.


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We need to act now because their has been many changes in time. For example the ice glaciers are melting and animals are dying we need to act now and make a change.

Time is ticking..

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Well there are many ways in which we can all help out with pollution which in this case is the problem. For example we can ride the bike instead of using a car.

What are some Solutions.?

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