Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.


Page 2: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory

- dynamic objects

Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution. (Dynamic objects can survive after the function ends in which they were allocated).

Dynamic objects allow flexible-sized arrays and lists

Page 3: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointers A pointer is a variable used for storing the

address of a memory cell. We can use the pointer to reference this

memory cell, so to ‘manipulate’ it!

100100…… …… 10241024 ……Memory address: 1024 10032


Integer a Pointer p

Object whose value represents the location (memory address) of another object

int a;

int* p;

Page 4: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Getting an address: address operator &

int a=100; “&a” “the address of a”

100100…… …… …… ……Memory address: 1024

int a = 100;

cout << a; 100

Cout << &a; 1024



Page 5: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Define a pointer type variable: T*

Examples of (uninitialized) pointers

int* ip; char* s;

int *ip; // ip is a pointer to an int

char *s; // s is a pointer to a char

TypeName *variablename; int *p;

Each type of object (variable) has a pointer type, therefore a pointer variable of that type.

TypeName* variablename; int* p;


Page 6: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Store the address in a pointer variable

The value of pointer p is the address of variable a

1001008888 …… 10241024 ……Memory address: 1024 10032


a p

int a = 100;

int* p = &a;

cout << a << " " << &a <<endl;

cout << p << " " << &p <<endl;

Result is:

100 1024

1024 10032

p is pointing to a

A pointer is also a variable, so it has its own memory address

Page 7: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Dereferencing Operator * We can access to the value stored in the variable

pointed to by preceding the pointer with the “star” operator (*),

1001008888 …… 10241024 ……Memory address: 1024 10032


int a = 100;

int* p = &a;

cout << a << endl;

cout << &a << endl;

cout << p << " " << *p << endl;

cout << &p << endl;

a p

*p gives 100

Page 8: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

An asterisk (‘*’) has two usages

In a definition, an asterisk indicates that the object is a pointer.

char* s; // s is of type pointer to char

(char *s; is possible)

In expressions, an asterisk before a pointer indicates the object the pointer pointed to, called dereferencing

int i = 1, j;

int* ptr; // ptr is an int pointer

ptr = &i; // ptr points to i

j = *ptr + 1; // j is assigned 2

cout << *ptr << j << endl; // display "12"

Page 9: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Summary on two operators * and &

* has two usages:

- pointer

- dereferencing

& has two usages:

- getting address

- reference (‘call by ref’, see later)

Page 10: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Null Address

0 is a pointer constant that represents the empty or null address Indicates that pointer is not pointing to storage of a

valid object Cannot dereference a pointer whose value is null

int* ptr;

ptr = 0;

cout << *ptr << endl; // invalid, ptr

// does not point to

// a valid int

Page 11: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Example#include <iostream> using namespace std;int main (){

int value1 = 5, value2 = 15; int* p1;int* p2; p1 = &value1; // p1 = address of value1p2 = &value2; // p2 = address of value2 *p1 = 10; // value pointed to by p1=10 *p2 = *p1; // value pointed to by p2= value // pointed to by p1 p1 = p2; // p1 = p2 (pointer value copied) *p1 = 20; // value pointed to by p1 = 20 cout << "value1==" << value1 << "/ value2==" << value2; return 0;



Value1 is 10

Value2 is 20

Page 12: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Another Pointer Exampleint a = 3;char s = ‘z’;double d = 1.03;int* pa = &a;char* ps = &s;double* pd = &d;cout << sizeof(pa) << sizeof(*pa) << sizeof(&pa) << endl;cout << sizeof(ps) << sizeof(*ps) << sizeof(&ps) << endl;cout << sizeof(pd) << sizeof(*pd)

<< sizeof(&pd) << endl;

Page 13: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Writing pointer type properly in C++ …

int *a, *b;

a, b are both integer pointers

int* a, b;

a is integer pointer, b is just integer!

typedef int* IntPt;

IntPt a, b;

typedef int MyInt;

MyInt k;int k;

int* a;

int* b;?


Page 14: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Traditional Pointer Usagevoid swap(char* ptr1, char* ptr2){

char temp = *ptr1;*ptr1 = *ptr2;*ptr2 = temp;

}int main() {

char a = 'y';char b = 'n';swap(&a, &b);cout << a << b << endl;return 0;


Use pass-by-value of pointers to ‘change’ variable values

C language does not have ‘call by reference’, only ‘call by value’!

Page 15: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Reference: T&

int& b a; b is an alternative name for a

void f(int& b) {};

int main() {

int a;



Page 16: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pass by reference (better than ‘pointers’)

void swap(char& y, char& z) {char temp = y;y = z;z = temp;

}int main() {

char a = 'y';char b = 'n';swap(a, b);cout << a << b << endl;return 0;


y, z are ‘references’, only names, not like ptr1, ptr2 that are variables

Page 17: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer to ‘Struct’struct Date {…};

Date d={1,10,2009};

Date* pd = &d;






Page 18: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointers and arrays

Page 19: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Arrays are pointers!

The name of an array points only to the first element not the whole array.






Page 20: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

#include <iostream>Using namespace std;

void main (){// Demonstrate array name is a pointer constantint a[5];cout << "Address of a[0]: " << &a[0] << endl << "Name as pointer: " << a << endl;


/* result:Address of a[0]: 0x0065FDE4Name as pointer: 0x0065FDE4*/

Array name is a pointer constant

Page 21: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Result is:




#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

void main(){

int a[5] = {2,4,6,8,22};

cout << *a << " "

<< a[0] << " "

<< *(&a[0]);


} //main










Dereference of an array name

This element is called a[0] or *a

Page 22: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

To access an array, any pointer to the first element can be used instead of the name of the array.

We could replace *p by *a

#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

void main(){

int a[5] = {2,4,6,8,22};

int* p = a;

int i = 0;

cout << a[i] << " "

<< *p;











a p


Array name as pointer



Page 23: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Multiple Array PointersBoth a and p are pointers to the same array.

2 2

4 4

#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

void main(){

int a[5] = {2,4,6,8,22};

int* p = &a[1];

cout << a[0] << " "

<< p[-1];

cout << a[1] << " "

<< p[0];















Page 24: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer ArithmeticGiven a pointer p, p+n refers to the element that is

offset from p by n positions.







a + 2

a + 4

a + 3

a + 1 p

p + 2

p + 3

p - 1

p + 1

Page 25: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

*(a+n) is identical to a[n]

Dereferencing Array Pointers

a[3] or *(a + 3)





a + 2

a + 4a + 3

a + 1a[2] or *(a + 2)a[1] or *(a + 1)

a[0] or *(a + 0)

a[4] or *(a + 4)

Page 26: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Summary * two usages:

- pointer type definition: int a;

int* p;

- dereferencing: *p is an integer variable if

p = &a;

& two usages:

- getting address: p = &a;

- reference: int& b a;

b is an alternative name for a

First application in passing parameters (‘swap’ example)

int a=10;

int b=100;

int* p;

int* q;



p = q;

*p = *q;



Page 27: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

a[n]: like a vector, an array

a+n*(a+n): like a ‘sequence’ or a ‘list’

Two ways of manipulating an array

‘a’ points to the first element

Page 28: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Dynamic Objects

Page 29: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Memory Management

Static Memory Allocation Memory is allocated at compiling time

Dynamic Memory Memory is allocated at running time

{ int a[200]; …}

{ int n; cin >> n; a[n]???}

Page 30: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Static vs. Dynamic Objects

Static object Memory is acquired

automatically Memory is returned

automatically when object goes out of scope

Dynamic object Memory is acquired by

program with an allocation request

new operation Dynamic objects can

exist beyond the function in which they were allocated

Object memory is returned by a deallocation request

delete operation

Page 31: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Creating a variable (object): new TSyntax

ptr = new SomeType;

where ptr is a pointer of type SomeType


Uninitialized int variable


int* p = new int;

‘new’ does two things:

1. Create a variable of given type

2. Point the pointer p to the variable

Page 32: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Destructing a variable (object): delete p

Syntaxdelete p;

storage pointed to by p is returned to free store and p is now undefined

Exampleint* p = new int;

*p = 10;

delete p;

p 10

‘delete’ does two things:

1. Return the pointed object to the system

2. Point the pointer p to NULL

Page 33: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Dynamic Arrays (a collection of variables)

Syntax for allocation: p = new SomeType[Expression];

Where p is a pointer of type SomeType Expression is the number of objects to be constructed -- we

are making an array

Syntax for de-allocation: delete[] p;

Because of the flexible pointer syntax, p can be considered to be an array

p = new T[size]; delete[] p;

Page 34: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

ExampleDynamic Memory Allocation

Request for “unnamed” memory from the Operating System

int* p, n=10;

p = new int;

p = new int[100];



p = new int[n]; p

Page 35: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Freeing (or deleting) Memory

Page 36: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Allocation ExampleNeed an array of unknown sizemain(){ int n; cout << “How many students? “; cin >> n;

int* grades = new int[n];

for(int i=0; i < n; i++){ int mark; cout << “Input Grade for Student” << (i+1) << “ ? :”; cin >> mark; grades[i] = mark; }

. . . printMean( grades, n ); // call a function with dynamic array . . . }

int grades[n];

Page 37: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Dangling Pointer Problem

int* A = new int[5];

for(int i=0; i<5; i++)

A[i] = i;

int* B = A;

delete[] A;

B[0] = 1; // illegal!


B0 1 2 3 4



Locations do not belong to program


Page 38: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Memory Leak Problemint* A = new int[5];

for(int i=0; i<5; i++)

A[i] = i;

A = new int[5];

A 0 1 2 3 4

— — — — —

These locations cannot be

accessed by program

A 0 1 2 3 42

Page 39: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Static variables (objects) Dynamic variables (objects)

A (direct) named memory location A static part (pointer) + (indirect) nameless memory location

(dynamic part)int a;

a = 20;int* pa;

pa = new int;

*pa = 20;

20a 20pa

static static dynamic


Page 40: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

int* p = new int;

*p = 10;

delete p;

p 10 p 10

int* p = new int[100];

for (i=1;i<100,i++)

p[i] = 10;

delete[] p;

Simple dynamic variable Dynamic array

‘delete p’ is not sufficient

for an array!!!

‘delete’ two actions:

1. Return the object pointed to

2. Point the pointer p to NULL

10 10

Page 41: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Good practice

Logically, Initialize a pointer with NULL Always check a pointer before usage

if (p != NULL) *p

Page 42: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.


int* p = new int[n];



Bad examples

{ int n; cin >> n; a[n]???}

It’s possible, but not standard,


int* a = new int[n];

No! the array stays with the size 100.

Page 43: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

More pointers

Page 44: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointers to pointers

Page 45: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer to pointer: T**

int a;

int* p;

int** q;

a = 58;

p = &a;

q = &p;

a p q


a, *p, and **q are the same object whose value is 58!

But q = &a is illegal!

Page 46: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer to pointers and 2D arrays

Page 47: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer of pointers & 2D Arrays

table[0] or *( table + 0 )

table[1] or *( table + 1 )

table[2] or *( table + 2 )

int table[3][4];for(int i=0; i<3; i++){

for(int j=0; j<4; j++)cout << *(*(table+i) +j);

cout << endl;}

table[i][j]What is **table ?

table + 2


table + 1

Page 48: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

table and table[0] are of the same address

int table[2][2] = {{0,1}, {2,3}};

cout << table << endl; cout << *table << endl; //same as above cout << table[0] << endl; // same as above

cout << *table[0] << endl; cout << table[0][0] << endl; // same as above cout << **table << end; // same as above



Page 49: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Array of Pointers & Pointer to Arraya



An array of Pointers


int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;int* p[5];p[0] = &a;p[1] = &b;p[2] = &c;

int list[5] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5};int* p;p = list;//points to 1st entryp = &list[0];//points to 1st entryp = &list[1];//points to 2nd entryp = list + 1; //points to 2nd entry

A pointer to an array

Page 50: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

A Dynamic Table A dynamic table is

an array of pointers to save space when not all rows of the array are full.

int** table;

table = new int*[6];

table[0] = new int[4];table[1] = new int[7];table[2] = new int[1];table[3] = new int[3];table[4] = new int[2];table[5] = NULL;



Page 51: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

table[0][0] = 32; table[0][1] = 18;

32 18 2412

42 141912161113


13 1413







Page 52: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

int m, n;

cin >> m >> n >> endl;

int** mat;

mat = new int*[m];

for (int i=0;i<m;i++)

mat[i] = new int[n];

Create a matrix of any dimensions, m by n:

int main() {

int m, n;

cin >> m >> n >> endl;

int** matrix;

matrix = imatrix(m,n);


int** imatrix(int m, int n) {

int** mat;

mat = new int*[m];

for (int i=0;i<n;i++)

mat[i] = new int[n];

return mat;


Put it into a function:Ideas:

Page 53: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Each row must be deleted individually Be careful to delete each row before deleting the table


Dynamic matrix deallocation

void deleteImatrix(int** mat,

int m,

int n) {

for(int i=0; i<m; i++)

delete[] mat[i];

delete[] mat;


for(int i=0; i<6; i++)

delete[] mat[i];

delete[] mat;

Page 54: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

‘argc’ is the actual number of arguments ‘argv’ is an array of char*, each pointing to a character

int main() int main(int argc, char* argv[])

E.g. a.out 20 30 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

if (argc != 3) { troubles!!!}

int rows = atoi(argv[1]);

int col = atoi(argv[2]);


Examples: main() arguments

Page 55: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Constantness: object or pointer?

Page 56: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

(const) object (*const) pointer

‘const’ only modifies a type const T* p constant T, so constant object, const

*p ‘const’ only modifies a type as it might be one of them:

const T* p const T *p

T *const p constant pointer const T *const p = constant pointer to constant

object (both pointer AND object are constants!) No ‘const*’ operator.

Page 57: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.



A constant object with ‘const’: const int* p;

A constant pointer with ‘*const’: int *const p;

A constant object AND pointer is: const int *const p;

Page 58: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

‘const object’ and ‘constant pointer’

Pointer to const object: the content is const, pointer is free int x=10, y=20; const int* pc = &x; pc = &y // OK *pc = 5; // wrong!

Const pointer: the pointer is const, content is free int x=10, y=20; Int *const cp = &x; *cp = 5; // OK cp = &y; // wrong!

int const *pc

Page 59: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.


void f1(const int** bar){

bar[1][1] = 5; // wrong: change int bar[1] = new int[3]; // ok


void f2(int *const *bar){

bar[1][1] = 5; // ok bar[1] = new int[3]; // wrong: change int* bar = new int*[3]; // ok


void f3(int **const bar) { bar[1][1] = 5; // ok bar[1]= new int[3]; // ok bar = new int*[3]; // wrong: change int**}

int main(){ int** iptr; int i, j;

iptr = new int*[10]; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) iptr[i] = new int[10]; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) for( j = 0; i < 10; i++ ) iptr[i][j] = i*j;

f1(iptr); f2(iptr); f3(iptr);}

Bad: const int ** bar

Bad: int * const * bar

Because of ambiguous ‘const int** b’ and ‘const int **b’,

so it is ‘const int’!

Writing properly matters!!!

Page 60: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

More examples …


int main(){

int i = 3, j = 10; int* ip = &i; *ip = 4; const int* ipc = ip; *ip = 5; // *ipc is now 5

ip = &j; int *const *ipp1 = &ip; // ok const int* const *ipp2 = &ip; // ok

const int** ipp3 = &ipc; // ok

ipp3 = &ip; // wrong: changing ipp3 // indirectly/inadvertently changes **ipp const int** ipp4 = &ip; // wrong: same reason as above, because if allowed ipp4 //could be changed later

return 0;}

Page 61: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Pointer to function

Page 62: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

Function pointers

A running program and functions get a certain space in the main memory To store the executable comiled codes and variables

A function name is an address pointing to the execution codes of the function When the function is called, the codes and variables are loaded to

the call stack A function pointer is a pointer, which points to the address

of the function A function pointer can be passed as a parameter to a


int const *pc

Page 63: Pointers. Why pointers? - low-level, but efficient manipulation of memory - dynamic objects  Objects whose memory is allocated during program execution.

#include <iostream>using namespace std;

// put a and b in ascending ordervoid ascending( double& a, double& b ){ if( a > b ){ double tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } return;}

// put a and b in descending ordervoid descending( double & a, double & b ){ if( a < b ){ double tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } return;}

// function pointervoid order( void (*criteria)(double &, double &), double & a, double & b) { (*criteria)(a, b); // same as criteria(a,b); return;}

int main(){ double x = 0.7; double y = 0.5; order( ascending, x, y ); cout << x << " " << y << endl;

order( descending, x, y ); cout << x << " " << y << endl;

return 1;}

0.5 0.70.7 0.5


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