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Page 1: Please join us on Sunday, May 17, 2015 for the Mother ... › files › 1854 › File › May Newsletter.pdf · Jesus later walked on water, healed all who touched him. He later teaches

Please join us on Sunday, May 17, 2015 for the Mother/Daughter Banquet and

experience “The Woman at the Well” presented by Debbie Mills and Tammy

Rude. They have ministered at various woman’s functions as well as churches

both in New York and Pennsylvania.

Debbie Mills has a heart for sharing

the love of Christ with hurting people.

After a painful childhood she found

hope in Jesus Christ. Her desire is to

help others find their worth in Christ

and hope for everyday living.

Tammy Rude is a wife, mother, and

women’s leader who is living a restored,

Christ-centered life. Tammy speaks with

transparency using lessons learned

through her struggles with marriage,

motherhood,, depression, and ultimately

through her victory by God’s redeeming


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Wysox Presbyterian Church

Mother/Daughter Banquet

Sunday, May 17, 2015

4:00 pm


Baked Ham, Cheesy Hash Brown Potato Casserole, Baked Beans,

Corn, Cole Slaw, Pistachio Salad, Rolls and Butter, Dessert,

Coffee, Tea, Ice Tea and Water

Children’s Menu:

Chicken Nuggets and Tater Tots

Price: $10.00 per Adult, 12 years and older

$5.00 per Child, 5—12 years old

$Free, Children under 5

Program: “At the Well”

Featuring: Debbie Mills and Tammy Rude

Mistress of Ceremony will be Cheryl Rowlands

For reservations call: Julie at 570-265-6119

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Upcoming Activities . . .

May 7th is the National Day of Prayer. A special gathering will be

held at 12 noon on the Bradford County Courthouse steps.

May 11th is the Session Meeting starting at 7:00 pm.

May 17th a representative from Hezekiah’s Hands will be coming to

our morning worship service to explain about their program.

May 17th is the Mother/Daughter Banquet starting at 4:00 pm.

May 18th is the Shriners Dinner starting at 6:00 pm

May 25th is Memorial Day. Please remember those that have served

and are serving now.

May 31st is Senior Recognition Sunday.

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Church Chat . . .

How pleased we were to see Betty Cook, Marion Lent, and her daughter Judy, and hubby Paul at

our Easter service. We are always glad to have them join us. Both Betty and Marion are guests at

the Towanda Personal Care Home. We miss them.

We would like to welcome Mary Savercool and her granddaughter to our worship service. It is

great to see you!

We were happy to have Carl and Connie Covey join us in worship. They are in the area for a few

weeks. Their home is now in Florida. They were upset by our cold weather. They should have

been here when it was minus degrees. Right?

Elders for the month of May are Deb King and Loretta Stevens.

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Mission . . .

Many things were going on for April, we collected cleaning supplies for TACO. Compassion

Sunday was celebrated Sunday April 26, envelopes with Mihret’s picture on them were placed

in the pews and money was collected so that we can continue to help Mihret and her family.

Shoes and boots were collected and given to North Rome Christian for their mission to help the

Gorsline family who are adopting a special needs child from China. Laura Wright provided

special music Sunday April 26 and a special collection was taken to help Laura with her Mission


Because Oral Hygiene products were so greatly appreciated, I would like to encourage you to

add them to your monthly TACO donation. Adult and children’s toothbrushes, toothpaste,

dental floss . . etc.

May is soon upon us and we start to look around inside and outside of our homes at things that

need to be repaired or cleaned up. There is a local group that combines people from many of

our churches to join hands and help individuals and families make repairs, build ramps, clean

and tidy up. This group are called Hezekiah’s Hands. Where our church has not participated in

this in the past, we feel that it is time to join them in some way. There will be a representative

from Hezekiah’s Hands speaking during worship Sunday May 17. Mark you calendars for the

week of June 22 for this will be their work week. More info on this to follow.

We continue to support many local organizations, TACO, Grace Connection, The Pregnancy

Center, etc.

Thank you for all your support.

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Sewing Society . . .

We had a wonderful day for our dinner and a great crowd. We had many

compliments. Everyone enjoys our Ham Loaf.

We gave $1500.00 to the church.

Many thanks to all who donated food and to all who came to help. We

appreciate all of you and we couldn’t do it without your help. We would love to

have you join us for lots of fun and fellowship.

God is the silent partner in all great enterprises.

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Prayer Circle . . . We continue to study the book of Mark. We read of Jesus sending out the 12 disciples, and

Herod killed John the Baptist. We had a long discussion about the feeding of the five thousand

with 5 loves and 2 fishes. Jesus later walked on water, healed all who touched him. He later

teaches about inner purity.

We had 2 weeks without Pastor Jira. The first week we signed cards, had prayer, but did not

have Bible study. The second week we were pleased to welcome Rev. Rachel, from the

Towanda Presbyterian Church. She had an informative study done on the book of Luke.

We are happy to welcome Pam Williams back from spending the winter in Florida.

We would like you to join us. We meet every Wednesday morning at 9:30 in the conference

room. We sign many cards, have prayer, and Pastor Jira has an awesome Bible study. Everyone

is welcome.

If you have someone who you would like remembered, please advise us, we would be happy to send a card.

Prayer Circle Listing


Mackayla Evans Tom Jennings Walt Ellinger

Mason Barto Carol Wright Danny Schmeckenbecher

Ashley Weed Gladys Derr Marge Weaver

Abbriella Brown Wilbur Beers Tom Johnson

Marisa Ivey Linda Simko John Gordon

Shawn Mastrantonio Earl & Sue Brown John Essep

Betty Miller

Andrew Pardoe

Deb Mathers

Caiden Irvine

Lee Light

Jan Stoddard

Jerry Smith

Richard Hollenback

Our Nation

Richard Schmieg

Bob Soper

Robert Kunkle

Jay Cory

Emelia Tomko

Edith Selleck

Jean Driesbaugh

*Citizens of Nepal

*City of Baltimore

*Shirley Allen

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Christian Education . . .

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April 13, 2015

The regular meeting of the Session of the Wysox Presbyterian Church was called to order by Pastor Jira Albers on April 13, 2015 at 7:05 PM at the Wysox Presbyterian Church.

Opening devotions and prayer led by Elder Shelly VanDerMark

Elders Present: Kim Barnes, Dave Blascak, Lori Blascak, Mary Bruce, Wilmer Gilpin, Vaughn Hollenback, Michelle Irvine, Ronald Irvine Jr., Dody Savercool and Shelly VanDerMark

Elders Excused: Deborah King and Loretta Stevens

Elders Absent: None Guests Present: Rev. Karen Ballard and Silvia Radway (joined the meeting at 8:00 PM)


The Docket for the meeting was approved on a motion by Elder M Irvine, second by Elder Hollenback. On a motion by Elder R Irvine and second by Elder L Blascak, the minutes of the Session Meeting on

03.09.15 were approved. CORRESPONDENCE:

Memo from Bluhm Insurance re PA Act 153 Clearances – Elder Barnes to follow up with email.

Presbyterian Mission Agency grant information

AED offer

Endless Mts. Pregnancy Center newsletter

Thank you card from Gabe Savercool on behalf of North Rome Christian School for our contribution to their Senior Class Mission trip.


1. Music & Worship – Elder Dody Savercool April 26th – Laura Wright will provide special music for our worship service, and solicit support and prayers

for her upcoming mission trip this summer. May 7th – National Day of Prayer marked with a gathering at the courthouse May 17th – Mother-Daughter Banquet will be held Elders for May: Elders King and Stevens

2.Membership & Evangelism – Elder Loretta Stevens

A draft of the membership letter that will be sent as a follow up to inactive members from Pastor was shared.

3. Christian Education – Elder Deborah King

Palm Sunday Brunch was a success. Some of the funds were distributed to Kayla Brown for her upcoming trip to Australia, and will be used for the youth group to attend the News Boys Christian rock concert.

Graduates will be acknowledged on May 31st 4. Mission – Elder Michelle Irvine

Cleaning supplies are being collected in April for TACO Hezekiah’s Hands will be considered for support through our mission budget

Session Minutes . . .

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5. Memorial – Elder Mary Bruce

Nothing at this time.

6. Property – Elder Ron Irvine, Jr. /Elder Dave Blascak Estimates will be obtained to have the downstairs floors cleaned and waxed, and estimates will also be

sought for replacement flooring.

7. Personnel – Elder Ron Irvine Secretary position has been filled for almost 6 months. All feedback received has been positive. Elder Irvine will follow up on a job performance evaluation form in the near future.

8. Finance & Investments – Elder Lori Blascak

Report from the Finance Committee presented and reviewed. Elder L Blascak indicated that our investments are keeping up with withdrawals, and although March

earnings were down a bit, overall year to date is doing okay.

9. Recognition – Elder Mary Bruce Nothing at this time

1. Treasurer’s Report: provided by Lora Schmieg:

After review, the treasurer’s report was accepted on a motion by Elder Barnes and second by Elder R Irvine.

2. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Albers shared his report of activities Pastor also reported his intention to do more visits in the coming months.

3. Lackawanna Presbytery: Elder Deborah King Emails from Presbytery continue to be shared with Session to ensure timely sharing of information.

1. Comparison of available CD rates was put on hold until next meeting. 2. Follow up on church accounts

Session will continue to research and discuss the issues and options available. We encourage all to take an interest and do your own research (much is available online) and share your opinions with Session. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm. Closing Prayer lead by Pastor Jira Albers Next Session Meeting: May 11, 2015 @ 7:00pm Respectfully recorded and submitted:

Kim D Barnes, Clerk of Session




Guests Rev. Karen Ballard and Silvia Radway shared their experiences at Rome Presbyterian Church during their separation from PCUSA. They are of the opinion that PCUSA is moving away from the “authority of scripture” and that the denomination is “rule driven” rather than “permission giving”. Their congregation voted to seek dismissal from PCUSA and was granted a “gracious dismissal”. They decided to become affiliated to another Presbyterian denomination ECO -

ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians is an evangelical Presbyterian denomination in the United States. It was established in 2012 by former congregations and members of the Presbyterian Church (USA). As a Presbyterian church, ECO adheres to Reformed theology and Presbyterian polity. (

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