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    A 7OX Story

    Written by MarksmanKNG

    Reviewed by Mgrams


    Planetside 2: Beacon


    On the planet of Auraxis, there is only war. Three factions battle in a long war in the goal of

    achieving dominance on the planet. Battles span across the continents of Auraxis. Human blood had

    been shed thousands of times daily for over many years. The end has never been in sight until now.

    It is now a week since the Terran Republic managed to discover an ancient artifact on Auraxis.

    The New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty sought to stop the Republic from acquiring it at the Indar

    Excavation Site. The Republic cobbled a force and pierced through enemy lines to recover it successfully.

    The two factions then sought to stop the Republic from making use of the artifact by launching large

    scale assaults for the heart of the Republic, its warpgate. The Republic forces held the line albeit just

    barely. If it wasnt for the various Republic outfits working in unison, the vital flanking counterattack

    launched by the 7OXes could not been successful. The Republic would be lost and annihilated


    The successful defense had forced the New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty back. The two

    factions withdrew to their lines and recover their military strength. The Republic reinforcements from

    the continents of Esamir and Amerish launched a swift counterattack and managed to regain vital

    ground such as the Tawrich Tech Plant and Zurvan Amp Station. The lines were filled with tension in the

    quiet silence. The Republic cannot expect to hold against two factions for long. The New Conglomerate

    and Vanu Sovereignty cannot wait forever and must race against the clock. The day that the Republic

    had been waiting for had come.


    Planet Auraxis

    Terran Republic Warp Gate

    One week since artefact discovery

    1100 hours

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    Ham strode his way across the warp gate landing pad. Numerous aircraft were shuffling about to

    load and unload valuable goods and personnel. His goal is one of the landing Galaxies. He waited as the

    engines shut down and cargo bay doors open. Out came out a squad of men, marching with pride. He

    offered a hand to the commanding officer. Good to see you.

    The man accepted with a tight grip. Likewise. Maegra let go and they were quick to the topic.

    You guys managed to find something pretty important.

    Ham acknowledged as they resumed stride towards the airbase terminal. Yes we did. He felt

    sullen over a quick refresh of the lost commander. We lost Blades in the process.

    Maegra sympathized. It is always sad to see another brother lost. I am unfortunate that I

    couldnt bring the rest of the outfit to his funeral. Maegra had been leading the second platoon of the

    7OXes in a bid to take control of Esamir. Their progress had been decent until they had been recalled by

    Republic Command.

    Ham nodded as they stepped aside for a crate to drive by. The battlefield is more important

    than the time to mourn.

    Maegra nodded as they resumed and fell in step with the squad. Lets join the meeting at

    Republic command. Well see how your hard work bears fruit.

    Meanwhile on the other side of the air pad, Onu of Hammer flight was regrouping with another

    bunch of old friends. The brown haired pilot settled his helmet against his hip. You guys sure are taking

    your time.

    Helm settled his matter with the servicemen before turning with a smirk. About time you came

    to say hi.

    The Liberator pilot shook the fellow pilots hand. So how are you mosquitoes doing?

    Helm gestured to his bird decorated with red stars. Its been fun. Amerish is the best place to

    fly after all. All the canyons and trenches make it such a wonder. How are you whales doing?

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    Onu snorted at the retort. You know the usual.shooting ESFs out of the sky with the Dalton.

    They cracked a laugh as the other pilots of the seven ox mosquito squad arrived. Good to see that you

    guys are still in good shape. Weve been having quite some major trouble before you guys came in to

    reinforce us.

    Anton called out as they offered hand. Wheres our round of drinks? You promised them if we

    managed to take Splitpeak pass with only a squad.

    Onu accepted the round of hands. Come with me then. Kool has it on the house.

    Helm smiled as they turned around. Bring it on.


    Military War Factory

    Terran Republic Warp Gate

    1100 hours

    Mav, pass the electric scraper. Knight wiped his black brow as Maverick handed him the tool.

    Knight set to work on top of the turret of his Prowler, scraping the melted chunks of armour to be


    Muffin entered the factory that is catering to the construction and maintenance of the vital

    Prowler Main battle tanks. He gave a wave to the repairing tank crews. How are things here?

    Knight twirled the small brush like tool in his hand. Things are moving fine so far, fixing up our

    tanks. The second phase of combat really made a mess on her. Post reinforcements of the various

    outfits in Esamir and Amerish, the 7OXes chose to regroup and joined in the counterattack. The Rival

    platoon suffered some damage from infantry arms fire during the attack on the Zurvan Amp station.

    They were fortunate that most of the damage done was on the surface.

    Muffin gestured to the half dozen burn marks on the tank. How soon are you to finishing your


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    Knight clucked his tongue. Well, probably need some time to really fix all the chinks and make

    it fully a hundred percent.

    Muffin threw a suggestion. The Tawrich Tech Plant is increasing production of the MBTs. You could do a swap for the time being while the mechanics fix this one.

    The tanker shook his head in disapproval. That aint gonna work. Knight got off the tank. You

    see, no two Prowlers are the same. Each tank has its own set of quirks. It has to be fine-tuned very

    precisely by its driver to suit his style. He tapped his tank by the side. This here is my baby. She and I

    are bonded through the rigors of battle. Some damage wont be enough to split us apart.

    Muffin shrugged as he gave up. He probably wouldnt understand it all. Well, okay then. Just

    dont die out there. He turned for the door as Knight threw a casual salute.


    Shackle of second platoon first squad strode mightily in the hot bask of the sun. His large frame

    made it difficult not to be noticed. He is still smaller than his combat form but remained taller than your

    average man. The extremely large and tight muscles also added testament to that. He entered the

    barracks in search for his squads executive officer. The barracks is quiet. The constant hours of battle

    had worn them out with much needed rest. The wounded werent here for they would be in the medical

    wing on the other side of the warp gate. He was about to leave when he heard the quiet but sharp

    screech of metal. His eyes darted around in search of the source.

    It was from one of the beds. He approached it carefully. It is a chainblade being sharpened on

    the bed. A lean warrior treated the weapon with care, carefully sharpening the blade end while

    recharging the battery.

    Shackle greeted the soldier. I see youre out of your suit for once.

    Shadow, in his pants nodded in response. Likewise to you. The infiltrator gestured to the arms

    of the bulkier man. You have new scars. White jagged marks dragged along the arms and forearms of

    the bulky man. There are probably more under the black singlet of the MAX trooper.

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    Shackle agreed as he took a seat in the opposite bed. I had to fight an equal. Its fortunate that

    I am still alive.

    Shadow agreed as he returned his attention to sharpening. I am glad that you are alive then.

    Too much of life is lost at every death. The Rebirth system essentially gave everyone immortality.

    However, it doesnt mean that anybody mind dying. The ones whom died would lose their most recent

    memories since their essence was saved away in some database. If those databases were to fail, they

    too will truly die. It is fortunate that there is always a backup to it. The issue did eventually lead to a

    group of purists whom chose not to join the Rebirth system. A good example was their missed

    commander Blades.

    Shadow paused for a moment of though before continuing. Will there be an end? Shackle was

    confused to the question. Shadow iterated further. An end to this war. There is no sight of the end. Will

    we keep fighting for the rest of our lives?

    The MAX man had no answer to that. Well, I dont know. Nobody truly dies after all. As long we

    have nanites coming, we can keep up producing weapons and ammo.

    Shadow paused his sharpening. For man to turn into pure killing machines, isnt it like losing


    Shackle raised an eyebrow. Arent you implying me? To become a MAX, his body had been

    partly infused with nanite technology to boost his physique to support the extra weight of these

    weapons that a normal man cannot carry.

    Shadow narrowed his eyes with guilt. To a degree I suppose yes.

    Shackle nodded. We can only hope that the rest of the Republic we protect doesnt become

    lost in their ways to victory.


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    Next to the barracks is the mess hall. There, the crowd is bustling with men and women needing

    to eat in order to serve the Republic at their best. A soldier returned from combat reached for a tray to

    get much needed food. The aged man strode slowly to take a queue. He noticed a familiar woman. He

    called out to her. Ufemia, I see youre looking gorgeous as usual.

    The intelligence officer turned around, tray in hand. Gram! She gave a wide smile. Of course.

    How can I not be to motivate you men into fighting harder?

    From the table next to them, Capto called out with a smile. That would only work if we could

    actually see you in the battlefield.

    Ufemia shot back. Thats job parameters, soldierboy. They took the same table as Capto. The

    intelligence officer enquired further of the squad leader. How are the front lines?

    Gram answered as he ate a spoonful of whipped potatoes. Things have settled down a bit. You

    all did a good job.

    It is only expected of us Infiltrators. We get whats needed done. Ufemia leaned back as she

    ate a cracker. Why did they pull you guys back from the lines?

    Gram gave a smug smile. Wellits simple. We ran out of ammo killing everything in sight.

    Capto replied as he settled his drink down. What an interesting way to brag.

    We are Seven Oxes. We are always interesting. They laughed as they traded more recent

    stories of the battlefield.


    Republic Command

    Terran Republic Warp Gate

    1200 hours

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    Muffin joined a few of the outfits superior officers in the Republic commands War Centre.

    Ham, Maegra and Soap were settled down in the back rows of the circular room. Ham threw a question

    down his way. Whats the summary?

    Muffin explained as he took a seat. The whole outfits generally back in fighting condition. Rival

    tank platoon are still repairing their damage but theyll be able to provide support. The Hammer flight

    are almost repaired, theyll be ready in time.

    Ham pointed towards the bunch of white haired generals in the centre of the room. Good. Now

    time to listen to this.

    The Republic war council began their report. The vital reinforcements from the Republic forces

    on Esamir and Amerish had managed to turn around the tide of the battle. The centre projector

    displayed a large map of Indar. It showed half of the continent under red markings. We have now

    retaken a considerable swath of our territories back. We currently hold Crossroads Watchtower,

    Howling Pass Checkpoint and Scarred Mesa Skydock as vital points of the nanite grid.

    The audience applauded as Maegra pondered through the information. That meant that they

    currently hold territory against the Vanu from centre of the continent to the northeast. The

    Conglomerate is being held back from west to south. The chief commander of the war council

    continued. Next, I have good news. The scientists managed to crack the purpose of the artifact.

    Professor Winford, if you may explain.

    An old scruffy man in a lab coat came onto the stage. He addressed to the room. Greetings

    warriors of the republic. I would like to daddle a bit on a complicated system. He walked in a slow pace

    around the projector. Since last week, some brave warriors managed to recover an alien artefact from

    the deserts of Indar.

    Soap lightly dug his arm into Muffins rib. He means us man.

    Winford explained the results of their work. Weve managed to uncover enormous amount of

    detail within the artefact. It is actually a form of crystallized supercomputer.

    Ham raised an eyebrow. A computer crystal? Thats nothing new.

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    The professor stopped to face the audience. As you know over science class, our current nanite

    technology has security firmware which essentially sets user limitations and access control. We

    commonly use it to deny the enemy the use of our blueprints and weapons and so do they. A new

    image replaced the map, showing a cylindrical device half the height of a regular man. To our current

    projections, this beacon will force an override on the firmware of all the nanites on the planet. If it is

    successful, essentially all nanites become under Republic control. All their weapons, tanks, aircraft will

    become under our control.

    Soap was bewildered along with similar sentiments across the room. Dayum, thats seems

    pretty farfetched.

    Maegra couldnt believe how possible is such implications. That would essentially turn the war

    to a landslide victory and with minimal blood spilled. That kind of information is definitely not going to

    be something that the blue boys and spandexes going to take lightly. Ham agreed with his squad leader.

    I know right. They arent going to like that any one bit.

    The professor went on. Weve already built an interface to the artifact device and are ready to

    field test the system. As agreed with our chief here, we will be beginning the operation tomorrow.

    A hand rose from the crowd. Ham recognized the commander of the 107th, Field Marshall

    Griffin. The bearded veteran posed a question. Where will this beacon be placed?

    The chief council answered. Theyll be installing this at the tallest peak of the continent. The

    Crown. That made perfect sense. The high ground ensures that the signal could be transmitted reliably

    and they have terrain advantage from any assaults. Any attack would be seen from miles away.

    Soap was excited over the new superweapon. This bloody things going to change the entire


    Maegra agreed. You bet it will.


    7Oxes Outfit Headquarters

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    Terran Republic Warp Gate

    1800 hours

    Dusk is turning to night as Gilliam entered the two storey building dedicated to the seven oxes.

    There, fellow officers were busy and bustling in getting as much done as possible. Communications were

    sent to and fro rapidly across active ox units still in the field. The third platoon first squad leader went up

    to second floor into the strategy room.

    Inside the meeting room, the leaders were grouped around a large table, discussing battle

    tactics. Ham questioned his logistics. How are the preparations?

    Capto answered as he handed the datapad for the outfit leader to review. Weve got good

    surplus of ammunition. Approximations would put it enough to last for a few hours in intense combat.

    We will be carrying extra to stack as much as possible into the Crown.

    Onu, leader of Hammer flight noticed Gilliams arrival. Just to keep everyone clear on the plan

    Major, can you explain our formation?

    Ham nodded as he manipulated the projector on the table, revealing the map of Indar. The map

    narrowed down towards several hexes around the Crown. We will be the main bulkhead of the

    defending force. Ham placed three numbered markers onto the map. We have three platoons. First

    platoon will be stationed at the Crown, Second at TI Alloys and Third at the Palisade. He then added a

    dot of tiny tank models in a straight line. CIK is placing its armoured forces towards the TI Alloys as it

    will be the most probable avenue of armoured assault. The Palisade will be reinforced with several other

    units such as TRG, DYO and Redback Company by a defensive setup of Crimson Bluff Tower. SOCA, JUGA

    and HMRR will be deployed as advanced strike force. Theyll be doing recon and hit and run attacks on

    the enemy.

    Onu added two markers. Hammer flight and the 107th will be maintaining position at Crossroad

    Watchtower. Theyll act as a reserve mobile force along with Kevins detachment. Kevins detachment

    included another full platoon of mostly light assault troops. They are a lightly armed but highly mobile

    force comprising mostly of Flashes and a few Harassers. They would handle the small incursions if any.

    The second marker lay on the hills in between Crossroads and the Crown. Rival Platoon and the

    Armored F1st will be deployed here on Magrider hill. Theyll be our heavy anti air support.

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    Maegra agreed with the plan. As I said before, this is our most feasible plan so far. Command

    assigned us this role for we are the ones that are in the best shape for a slugfest. They had the

    numbers, ammo and most importantly rest to prolong the battle as long as necessary. We wont let

    them down will we? The others nodded in agreement.

    Ufemia added her report into the list. Our scouts have been monitoring heavy traffic in the

    Conglomerate and the Vanu. They suspect there are a lot of reinforcements, outfit sized numbers.

    Gram bit his lip. That means a whole lot of them will be coming right at us. Good ones too.

    Shackle rolled his eyes. Oh yippee, more Vanguards.

    Cobrate noticed the arrangement of the CIK tank line. Speaking of Vanguards, they have a good

    eye view if they assault from Botany wing. Why are our tanks arranged to face an assault from Ceres


    Muffin glanced at Ham whom in turned nodded to him. Muffin took over and explained. Sure

    that option look sweeter but their assault path is dependent on two chokepoints. He marked the bridge

    in between the two locations. If they try to attack TI alloys, they need to get through the bridge which

    is a lot easier to hold with use of the AV turret emplacements. If they try to go through Snake Ravine, we

    have a major flanking position on any advance towards TI alloys. If they go for Crossroads first, our tanks

    can reposition and flank them in the other direction. Also another fact, the road to Crossroad is very

    narrow and makes the tower a very defensible location. Dread Legion has taken the task to mining up

    the path and setting up a defensive mobile position at Xenotech labs.

    Gram asked for an opinion, circling the area on the eastern side of the continent. What about

    the Vanu? Do you think theyll go to the Palisade as planned?

    Ham was skeptical. Maybe. Its hard to say. Therere not many options to get through to the

    Crown from the north. Ceres Hydroponics is under NC control and Im sure the Vanu are not interested

    in passing through enemy lines. That just leaves Palisade as the fastest option available. The other

    companies at Crimson Bluff tower would slow them down for any major assault and provide early

    warning. Then again they might just go through Ceres and well have a heck of a problem.

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    Capto noted to the team. Be forewarned, Republic Command is rerouting the nanite resource

    flow to the Crown. There wont be any supplies or ammunition made onsite. Well be driving stockpiles

    from the Warp gate to compensate for the time being. The Logistic boys are running active convoys and

    theyll be taking some of our fighting strength to protect them.

    Shackle threw his hands into the air. Ahgreat so we now get pack mules. How much worse

    can it be?

    Soap replied. At least you still have your stuff.


    7Oxes Outfit Headquarters

    Terran Republic Warp Gate

    2310 hours

    Ham closed the door to his personal quarters. Theyve finished their battle tactics session for

    tomorrow. The plan had been narrowed down to the finest detail. Whatever that could be changed is

    now up to the luck factor. One can only plan so much.

    Ham kept the lights off as he headed for the bed. He will need rest for the battle tomorrow. He lied

    down onto the bed before he noticed a flickering blue light to his left. It was his personal

    communication terminal. He grunted before getting up. He turned on the terminal and reviewed the


    The terminals 3D projector came online, displaying a woman in a blue dress beside him. His

    eyes took a second to adjust to the sudden blue brightness. She twirled her long blonde hair with a

    smile. Hi there Ham. Its been a while. How are you? Ham checked the terminal, its only a message

    sent earlier this evening.

    Ham couldnt stop himself from speaking. Clara

    Clara picked up a toddler onto her lap. James is doing fine. Hes already grown up so much. Say

    hi to daddy. The boy waved towards him. He misses you so much. Ham could feel a pull in his heart.

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    His wife gave a small wave. I know I cant take much of your time. So come back soon. Love you. The

    message ended, leaving the room back into the dark.

    Ham clenched his fist as he turned off the terminal. He closed his eyes as he settled back onto

    the bed. He missed his family so much. I hope so babeI hope so. Darkness quickly took over.



    Wake up Ham

    Wake up! Ham snapped his eyes open as explosions rang in his ears. He was looking at the

    cloudy sky as a face filled it. Wolf said as he felt a tap to the cheek. You alright?! Ham could barely

    speak as Wolfs attention was taken by a burst of gunfire. He replied with his rifle before grabbing Hams

    hand. On your feet! A pull and Ham is up. Ham staggered as he regained his footing on the soft black

    dirt. The symphony of guns and explosion filled the ambience in the normally quiet continent of


    An exploding Prowler caught their attention for a moment. Wolf pressed against his helmet.

    First squad, whats the situation?! Ham couldnt hear the brief radio chat and realized he lost his

    helmet. Relocate to the tower and give some covering fire! We need to hold the Bastion until

    reinforcements arrive! Wolf waved to Ham. Come on, Shellshock isnt going to kill you.

    They moved as Ham armed himself with a Repeater. Blades stepped in line with his CO. The

    enemy tanks are advancing quickly to the gates! The whole platoons broken! We wont be able to hold

    out for long!

    The outfit leader calculated before decided. Seven Oxes! Pull back to the rally points! We are

    leaving! They moved for the outfit Sunderers parked within the tower when it happened.

    Someone yelled in the distance. Incoming! Ham heard a shrill before felt the world shake with

    explosions. His ears rang before dropping to the ground. His eyes went blurry as he sought to regain

    sense. He felt his mind go blank as a pair of hands grab to him. He saw rather than felt his body being

    lifted and supported by the outfit XO.

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    Blades supported Ham from the shoulder. Wolf had recovered and reached out before bullets

    kicked up dirt by their legs. Wolf turned and fired a burst of bullets. Blades yelled as they saw more

    enemies arriving. Wolf! Lets go!

    Wolf shook his head. A commanders gotta do what hes gotta do. You have command now. Go

    and fulfill your duty. He nodded to Blades whom accepted and continued carrying Ham towards safety.

    Ham felt his vision fading as Wolf stood against half a dozen man. Wolfs silhouette vanished to nothing

    as the world disappeared.

    Ham shot to his feet when he woke up for real. His eyes scanned his room with arms ready for a

    fight. Realizing his surroundings, he looked at the clock. It showed six in the morning, soon to roll call. He

    went to the bathroom and washed his face. He didnt expect the memory of that day five years ago to

    resurface. The day was named the Purge following over seventy percent losses of the outfit. The Rebirth

    generators were only prototypes at that stage. He gazed at his face as he remembered the loss of their

    chief, Wolf. He steeled his spine and prepared for roll call.


    The next day..

    Military Outpost -The Crown

    1200 hours

    Subjugated under Terran Republic Control

    The Republic chief commander stood his ground atop the towers airpad as he slowly inspected

    the troops. His men stood ready in fabricated defensive positions. Sandbags, emplacements have been

    setup in anticipation for the major assault. He turned his attention to the brains of the Republic. Is it


    Professor Winford responded as he operated his tablet. The device is ready. We can turn it on

    at any moment.

    The chief commander ordered. Power it up. The professor sent the message down further into

    the central area of the tower. The room, originally the towers rebirth centre has been improvised into

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    the communications relay. A generator stood in the middle with the artefact held within the centre,

    viewable only through highly tempered glass. A young scientist grabbed a lever on the device and

    flipped it to the other side. Power began to surge through the generator. Purple electricity flowed across

    the artefact which glowed in response.

    The Republic troops can hear the rising whine of the Crowns communication antennas. Ham

    could see the lone odd terminal shut down from lack of power. The process has begun. The chief

    commander turned for the command vehicle which is waiting for him below. It will drop the war council

    at Crossroads for the strategic management. Theyll notice us and know this is the latest they can hold



    Ham could hear the hum of the radio antennas at the top of the Crown. He gazed across the

    open vast desert north of the Crown. It wont be empty for long. The afternoon is arriving and it will be a

    sunny hot day. He reached into his outfit communicator and spoke. Seven Oxes, this is Ham. I trust that

    you know what we are doing today. We are going to attempt to claim a true victory against our


    He gazed at his men down below. Ive been with the Oxes for six years. Ive known most of you

    guys and that you guys excel in any situation that weve faced. Friendlies cheer us, enemies despise us.

    We are the Oxes that strike both fear and awe to all that see us in battle!

    His men beamed with pride. Im proud of you all. Now I must ask more from you. Today may be

    the last battle for the Republic. I need you all to do better than your best. Keep a cool mind. Support

    your comrades. Stay alive and fighting. We must win this no matter whats the cost. All platoons report


    Cobrate reported. First platoon ready!

    Maegra said confidently. Second platoon ready!

    Gram added next. Third platoon ready for combat!

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    Knight cheered. Rival platoon is ready to dish armour superiority!

    Helm responded afterwards. Eagles ready to soar.

    Onu boasted. We are the skys hammer, point us a direction.

    Muffin completed the checklist. He nodded to his commander. All platoons are ready.

    Ham nodded as he continued. Good. Seven Oxes, I am glad you eager! All units are to remain

    on alert. Now we wait.


    It didnt take long. An hour had passed quietly before reports came up on the radio. Adam of

    SOCA had been bored on his heels in the seat of his Harasser. The scout forces have been making small

    patrols ahead of Ceres Hydroponics. There had been no sight of the enemy. He noticed an anomaly in

    the distance.

    He grabbed the binoculars and observed. He could see dust clouds ahead and another cloud to

    the left. The dust clouds that were brought up are extremely large in nature. The dust clouds coming

    from two directions could only imply one thing. He ordered. Lets go! The Harasser revved up and

    accelerated for base. He went loud on radio. Command! This is SOCA Four! We read multiple incoming

    vehicles! Estimates three to four dozen of them! He then hears the screech that nobody on the ground

    wants to hear.

    Miska, his driver warned. We got aircraft on us! Adam turned around and could see the tiny

    silhouettes in the sky. Spin it! The Vulcan revved before firing rounds rapidly. Dozens of red rounds

    shot into the air ineffectively. The fighters ignored and began strafing the vehicle. The Harasser skidded

    left and right across the sands to dodge the shots. The Vulcan only served to keep the fighters from

    coming to point blank ranges.

    Adam could see the bridge linking the Crown and TI alloys and yelled. Floor it! Miska hit the

    boosters, flooding the engine with high grade nitrous fuel. The light assault vehicle shot forward and

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    under the bridge into safer lines. The fighters backed off as antiaircraft guns deterred them from

    continuing pursuit.


    Muffin reported to the commander. Major, the advance lines are spotting numerous units.

    They caught sightings of AG7 forces towards the west.

    Ham raised the major question. No sign of the Vanu?

    His XO shook his head. Not yet but I would not expect them to be somewhere else. Even if they

    are in a truce, I cant imagine them working hand in hand.

    Shadow, lurking in the outskirts of the northwest cliffs of the Crown reported We have sight of

    enemy armour. Vanguards, Ham grabbed the binoculars. He zoomed in enough to see small toy sized

    tanks in the distance. He counted about four dozen Vanguards in addition to a dozen Lightnings and

    Sunderers. Ham realized how significant the size of that armour force coming right at them.

    He saw small flashes from the tanks. He yelled on instinct. Take cover! A few seconds later,

    the explosions began as high explosive shells peppered the cliff face. He leapt into cover of the tower.

    Everyone hit the dirt as the shells whistled before exploding in a fiery blaze. Ham yelled on the comms.

    Can we get our tanks to shoot back?!

    The Prowler by the cliff reversed into the tower as a shell exploded just before it, killing a man.

    Those tanks are out of range! Those Vanguards must have some spotters!

    Knight, his platoon stationed on the hill between the Crown and Crossroads cursed. Goddamn.

    These are the times where I wish I had 150mms instead of 120s! I could try to counter snipe them back if

    I did.

    Ham ordered their available option. Ufemia, move out and get rid of those spotters!

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    The infiltrator responded. We cannot get close. They will spot us too easily in this open desert.

    We need another option.

    Ham had to agree with her. The heat of the desert would make it easy to spot any cloaking. Can

    you snipe those spotters?

    Shadow interjected. They are using Stalker cloaking. It will take some time. Well get it done.

    Their IFFs vanished as they moved to complete their objective. The tanks fired in staggered volleys,

    blasting rock more than infantry. It felt forever under the assault.

    It was about a few minutes when Cobrate noticed. Those tanks are slowing down. Maybe they

    think its a waste of ammo to shell us at this range?

    Ham narrowed his eyes as the bombardment slackened. Somethings wrong.

    Muffin questioned his officer. What do you mean wrong?

    Ham left cover to look at the open battlefield. His senses are tingling with warnings but he didnt

    know what. Its too passive for a major assault. Theyre on the clock. It looked as though they were


    Cobrate called for reports from within the platoon. He shook his head from the results. We got

    nothing wrong. Motion detectors catch nothing.

    Ham remained unconvinced. He strode out to the cliff edge and looked around. There was no

    sight of NC except for the small dots in the distance. His hunches were still flared up, warning him of

    something but he just cant see it. He took an EMP grenade and tossed it down the hill. The grenade

    threw sparks of blue energy. It shortened out electronics and revealed half dozen men in blue sleek


    Cobrate was already on point. Infiltrators! Light them up! Seven oxes of first platoon fired at

    the targets. The infiltrators that could be seen were quickly eliminated. Several more EMP grenades

    were thrown, revealing more sneaky men. Caught, the infiltrators shot back but outnumbered,

    outgunned and in horrible terrain ensured quick deaths.

  • 18

    Ham yelled on outfit coms. Infiltrators! Check your corners! Dont let them through!

    Acknowledgments came back briefly as first platoon began infantry combat.


    Their sneaking caught in the act, the NC began aggressive manoeuvres. Muffin caught sight of

    movement. Theyre advancing the transports now!

    They know their gig is up. Ham reached for the rocket launcher on his back. Get some lock

    ons on them! He went onto a knee and aimed at the lead transport. Indicators added onto the

    Sunderer, each marking the transports being targeted. Rockets shot forward, striking the charging

    column. Armour shatter as guided rockets penetrated Sunderers and exploded. He managed to catch

    two kills before being distracted by an explosion. The Vanguards have resumed bombardment,

    peppering the lower levels and cliff edges with shrapnel.

    Cobrate yelled as he collapsed to the ground from a close call. God damn tanks! Rockets

    couldnt be shot from the enemy suppression.

    Smoke began to develop across the sand. First squad leader unlatched his rocket launcher.

    Theyre deploying smoke! Get some fire on those Sunderers! Several non-guided rockets shot forward

    into the smoke in hopes of destroying targets. The results are minimal as Sunderers manage to get past

    and park under the cliff, out of sight. Now the battle will shift to infantry combat.

    Ham received a new report from third platoon. Incoming troops from the east!


    At the Palisade

    Arc of first squad approved the setup defences. AV Turret line is ready. We can contain them

    here for a bit. They had setup a line along the left side of the main road. They will be able to get good

    vision with high ground above the most probable enemy approach.

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    Whiplash, second squad XO reported. Second squad here. We have the buildings secured.

    Gram heard the whistling that no infantry wants to hear. Its a strafing run! Get down! Gram

    grabbed the XO and pulled him to the floor. A squad of Scythes flew over the outpost, peppering plasma

    rockets from northeast to the southwest. Men toppled with burns or deaths. Turrets were destroyed.

    The land is hot with plasma.

    Whiplash scrambled to his feet. Where are the bursters?! Anti-air MAXes began to pepper the

    air with flak. Several rockets shot in pursuit. The Scythes banked hard and out of sight. What came next

    was the Liberators. A full squadrons worth flew over lazily, pumping heavy weapons fire across the

    ground. Screams rang out across the platoon radio. The entire unit was in chaos.

    Soap struggled to get his voice heard over the bombing. The defence lines hit! The armour is

    getting through the chokepoint! His voice was shut off by an explosive shot landing just a dozen meters

    away from him. He dove into a building as the rain of steel kept coming.

    A set of bursters fired into the sky which was quickly silenced by the Dalton of a Liberator. The

    anti-air turret at the Crown turned to fire at the squad but proved to be an ants bite to the amount of

    damage they are unleashing to the Palisade. A barrage of missiles shot from the Crimson Bluff Tower

    discouraged the Liberators to break off their assault for now.

    Gram got to his feet as the noise started to subside. His HUD is filled with warnings and requests

    that he was confused. He decided to reorganize the defence. Squad leaders, status!

    Gilliam was first to respond. First squad, half casualties!

    Sly responded next. Second squad, three men down!

    Soap reported, pain in his voice. Third squad, just four men left!

    That left Gram with 18 men to fight off an entire force of the Vanu Sovereignty. Gram ordered.

    Rally the troops! We need to handle the enemy armour and re-secure that checkpoint! The infantry

    moved forward to retake their defensive positions.

  • 20

    Whiplash went onto a knee and fired his rifle. We have infantry! Engage! Engage! The enemy

    had managed to advance their fast vehicles forward during the bombing. Purple troops disembarked

    from the Sunderers as Harassers provided suppressive fire with their PPA cannons. Third platoon had

    broken the squads into two areas. First and second squad by the north and third squad by southeast.

    The Vanu had setup a position and begun advancing the infantry.

    Gram sprinted forward into the fray. He used his jetpack to leap onto a roof. He sprinted and

    leapt off the opposite edge. He used his Hailstorm to spray three men in mid landing. He then leapt over

    a rock, shooting another man before rolling onto the sand to avoid a rocket blast. Gram slung his SMG

    and fired his Emperor on a knee. Two men went down as Gram sprinted forward. Up front, a MAX aimed

    its twin Comets at him. Gram took chance to close in on a Vanu soldier and into melee. He kneed the

    man in the gut and stuck the C4 charge on him. He kicked hard, pushing the soldier against the MAX to

    explode in a ball of fire.

    Gram shielded his eyes as the explosion faded. There are more Vanu approaching especially

    MAXes. Seeing the enemy numbers, he changed orders. Were not going to get it done this way! Fall

    back to the buildings!

    Gilliam ordered his squad. Fall back! The remaining platoon fell back as the Vanu continued

    their advance. He heard on radio as he dived into a small prefab shed.

    Enemy tank force has advanced to TI Alloys!


    At TI Alloys

    The enemy tank force that had been bombarding the Crown had shifted for a more up close and

    personal battle. Four dozen Vanguards advanced in a formation of eight by three tanks. This force is

    deadly to any armour force.

    The four dozen Vanguards will be met with equal numbers from the Republic. Alright tankers,

    lets show them the might of the Terran armour. Four dozen Prowlers stood ready in a line and

  • 21

    deployed ready to go mono e mono with the enemy. The Vanguards advanced towards the Prowlers,

    entering effective combat range and started the battle of TI Alloys.

    All tanks, open fire! Vanguard shields engage as both sides pepper each other with heavy fire.

    The tanks traded fire. High ground and rate of fire versus resilience and firepower. The Vanguards

    rotated positions, moving behind cover to get emergency repairs and recharge their shields. The

    Prowlers held ground as the CIKs combat engineers worked on restoring the nanite armour of the tanks.

    Even so, that is not enough to stave off casualties. Both Vanguards and Prowlers exploded into

    flames, burning smoke and flames into the air. It still did not deter the two sides from fighting in what

    will be trading blows.

    Second platoon of the oxes were not content to leave the tankers to duke it out. An AV turret

    line had been setup to the rear of the tank line in higher ground. Maegra said as he strode across the

    line. Come on engineers! Coordinate your fire and support those tanks!

    Two and three sync on me! Loopy called as they launched a trio of guided missiles. A

    Vanguard at the far left exploded from taking it from the turrets top. Retribution came back when one

    of the AV gunners collapsed with a bloody hole on his head.

    Maegra heard a call for a medic before Ribs interjected. Watch out! We got snipers!

    Dev called out to the platoon. Get some men to shoot back! Assault troopers! Get your lock ons

    onto those tanks! He went onto a knee and took a slow breath. He fired two shots of his AMR-66 and a

    small silhouette in the distance dropped to the ground.

    Nick hollered as he zoomed in his binoculars. Enemy NC troops coming in from the southwest


    Maegra ordered. Third squad, redirect those turrets! Setup defensive positions and dont let

    them flank us!

    Cheese, leader of third squad acknowledged. Roger that! Third squad on me! Grab those

    turrets and get going! Several MAXes assisted the combat engineers by lifting the turret up whole and

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    shifting. The time they had was just a minute. The enemy Sunderers managed to park behind a tree and

    under cover. The enemy troops were already advancing cross the dirt road before being intercepted by

    leading members of third squad.

    Shimmers charged forward, firing quick bursts of the TRAC-5S to exposed targets. He ducked as

    a bullet whizzed by his ear. He leapt over a railing before throwing a grenade. He skidded behind the

    vehicle platform as the grenade exploded. He peeked out, taking down another NC before catching sight

    of the deadliest weapons to infantry. He yelled as he pulled his head back under cover of the platform.

    MAX Crash! MAX Crash!

    Maegra was swift to respond. First squad! Move to help third squad! Bring out the

    Decimators! Several Light Assault troopers leapt up to the buildings and took perch in attacking the

    enemies. First squad was quick to mobilize with NS Decimators. These rockets are the only effective way

    to quickly get rid of these MAXes in close quarters.

    Dev charged forward beyond third squad. He fired his rifle rapidly, the larger bullet staggering a

    MAX or two. He went onto a knee as bullets whizzed by his head. He fired twice more before throwing

    an EMP grenade. It sparked and shocked the MAXes, temporarily paralyzing them in place.

    Dev fled back and Cheese revved his Machine Chain gun as they took cover beside Shimmers. He

    peeked out as the gun spun death. A line was drawn in the sand and the NC was forced to pull back from

    the charge into cover. Third squad managed to setup the anti-infantry turrets fast enough to hold the NC

    at the trees. The NC MAXes have been held back from advancing into their forte territory.

    Maegra yelled as he witnessed the tank line battling for supremacy. Stand firm! We will not

    lose to this bunch for we are the Republics finest!


    At the Crown, the situation remains relatively light of combat. The enemy bombardment had

    ceased. Now the battle lies in the enemy trying to push up the cliff. The oxes have high ground and

    entrenched positions. It would be extremely costly for the NC to advance every meter. However, the

    oxes XO was not happy. Muffin grabbed Hams attention. The Palisade is crumbling under armour

    attack! They need reinforcements!

  • 23

    Ham opened his commander display. The map showed intense combat at TI alloys and the

    Palisade. Estimated numbers at the TI Alloys remain even but the Palisade was strongly outnumbered.

    Wheres Kevins detachment?

    Rege, his radioman noted. They are rallying up with SOCA and the other scout units! Theyre

    preparing a counterattack against the Palisade. They need some time.

    Ham called in his reserves. Send in the Liberators to back them up. Prepare Rival platoon for


    Rege paused as he listened to his radio pack on his back. 107th are mobilizing to assist the

    Palisade as well!

    Muffin hissed. Knights tanks arent in good shape for close combat. We might just be throwing

    them away.

    There was no time to argue for Mikhail warned from the cliff edge. Incoming Galaxy drop!

    Rege called back. How many?!

    Mikhail added. I count five incoming! The commanding officers could see five bulky Galaxies in

    a charge in open sky.

    Cobrate yelled. Bring up the AA! Flak and rockets shot towards the lumbering beasts. The

    Galaxies maintained course, taking all the damage without impunity.

    The Crowns northern anti vehicle turret fired a round, clipping off the port wing of the Galaxy.

    The doomed bird flew out of control as the Galaxies flew over the Crown. Ham reached for his

    Haymaker as he saw troops dropped off from the transports. Muffin yelled as he too readied his T9

    CARV. They got through!

  • 24

    Cobrate ordered first platoon. Search and eliminate these troops! We cannot let them flank our

    defence! Bursters and anti-armour to hold their positions! Hammer Flight reversed course and

    redirected to support third platoon.

    Dukan yelled as he fired below from his perch. Enemies charging up the hill! A large shape of

    red went pass before skidding along the cliff wall to land onto the only path up the hill.

    Shackle engaged Lockdown mode as his Mercies began spinning. You shalt not pass!


    Knight watched the radar intently. He caught sight of enemy signals, heading straight to the

    Crown. Anti-air squad, new targets incoming twelve o clock! He caught sight of the charging Galaxy

    drop. The four Skyguards and four Prowlers aimed their guns towards the enemy aircraft. Hold steady,

    we dont want to hit the communications relay. As soon as they entered weapons range, he yelled


    Their guns roared as 120mm shells struck the lead Galaxy. It struck the cockpit, causing it to

    crash onto the ground. Maverick! Shift fire target two! The Vulcans shot at the aircrafts, piercing

    through armour. Another Galaxy came on fire before losing control. It went into a lazy corkscrew before

    it exploded into fragments of metal and flames.

    Maverick came on the line. We got incoming Scythes, 3 o clock!

    Knight saw a squads worth of aircraft incoming. Skyguards, engage them! Well handle the

    bigger targets! The Skyguards redirected fire, firing 40mm spikes of death. The Scythes scattered,

    shooting past the hill at top speed. The Skyguard remained persistent and tracked the incoming fighters.

    The Scythes had broken off to individual flight paths, allowing the rest to dart past the hill.

    It would not be long for the Scythes to counterattack. Deploy smoke and scatter! The

    Skyguards activated their smoke canisters, spreading smoke on Magrider hill. They moved quickly down

    the hill towards Crossroads as its anti-air turrets came online.

  • 25

    Watch your rear! Knight switched back to mobile mode. He reversed the tank as plasma

    rockets peppered his last location. Maverick shot back at the perpetrating Scythe but it missed. The

    Scythe activated its afterburners and shot away. Knight hit the brakes as he tracked another Scythe. His

    shot too missed but a Skyguard followed up and made a cockpit killshot. Unfortunately it spun out of

    control to crash into the said Skyguard. Both vehicles exploded as the other three Skyguards resumed

    anti-air duties.

    Knight heard Maverick as he strained to get a target. Rival Three and Four are clear! Get to


    Knight shot back. Get to cover first! Ill cover you!

    Rival two was already moving to cover of Crossroads Watchtower. Moving! Knight noticed a

    rapidly incoming blip. He opened his 3D Spatial Awareness projector, showing the Scythe heading

    towards Maverick.

    Knight yelled as he fired. You got one on your tail! He fired his Vulcan which caught the

    Scythes attention. It broke away from the attack and instead focused on him. Well then, lets dance!

    The Scythe kept high above him, avoiding the turrets coverage of fire. The Vulcan too was out of reach.

    Knight slammed the throttle, forcing his tank forward. The Scythe fired its Saron lasers, burning hot

    marks onto the Prowler. The nanite armour is already approaching at its breaking point with those few


    Mavericks fire didnt discourage the Scythe which was eager for blood. Knight felt his tank

    getting hotter from taking the hits. It wouldnt take much more to penetrate through and kill him. He

    needed to go beyond his tanks limits. He slammed a hard left before pulling the handbrakes. The

    Prowler turned a full 180 and he pushed the tank forward again. The Scythe overshot, dropping its load

    of Plasma pods onto a helpless tree. Now racing towards the Crown, Knight kept his leg on the pedal.

    The Scythe shot forward before banking around for another strafing run.

    Knight counted he had about six seconds. He counted until four and slammed the handbrake

    with a hard left. He overrode the tanks safety system and engaged anchor mode. The tank skidded in a

    full 180 turn downhill. Sparks screeched as the anchor pins dug deep gouges of dirt. The pins eventually

    took too much and snapped. Knight felt his tanks rear slam into a large rock. His guns pointing to the

    sky, he slammed the joystick to the right. Servomotors whined as the turret turned and Knight fired.

    The shot penetrated the belly, wrecking the aircraft into two.

  • 26

    Maverick said as Knight got his tank moving. Skies are clear. Lets get you patched up.


    In the other side of the Crown, the skies are filled with aircraft. That included Eagle squad of the

    seven oxes. Palmer, the outfits combat controller spoke on radio. Helm, watch the skies. We have

    plenty of targets in the air. Helm sent a double click acknowledgement. The 107th will provide air

    dominance. Our main targets are on the ground.

    Helm called to his Eagles. All flights, form up on me. They flew past Allatum Bio lab as they

    prepared for their primary targets which are at TI Alloys. Helm said as he armed his secondary weapons.

    Prepare rocket pods. They soared north past towards Seabed Listening Post. They then banked around

    to go around for the armoured forces rear.

    Helm dived low as his squad followed suit. They skimmed the terrain, becoming little darts

    across the sand dunes. Up ahead, they could see the effects of battle. Helm cut his throttle by half as

    they neared combat range. Come on Eagles, here we go! Once we hit, break by pairs!

    Eagle Nine cheered. Lets do this!

    His HUD tracked targets. Helm chose the nearest one and vectored directly towards it. He pulled

    the trigger. Firing pods. Rockets shot forth to strike the Vanguards weak point in the rear. It didnt

    penetrate through the shield but the follow up rockets from his squad managed to pierce and kill the


    As fast as they came in, they were gone. He could hear the Skyguards firing behind him, pissed

    as hell. Palmer, the combat controller reported. We have good hits. Two clean kills. Confused a bunch

    of them

    Helm ordered as they shot low across the sands, raising dust clouds with their engines. Setup

    another run. Were going for as many of them as we can.

    Eagle Two could be heard in pain. Im hit. Helm could see smoke from his wingmans tail.

    Controls stiffy and Im leaking fuel!

  • 27

    Helm ordered. Pull back. Youre no good to us out here in that shape.

    Roger His words were interrupted as the Mosquito exploded into flames. Helm turned over

    his shoulder to see a pair of Reavers on his tail.

    He heard from the rest of his squad. We got bogies.

    Helm pulled the joystick. Split by flights and engage! He rose into the air with a screech of the

    engines. The two Reavers kept on his tail, one firing with its main gun. He sideslip to the left and right in

    a juke to avoid the barrage of death. Helm spun the Mosquito upside down before pulling hard. He dove

    under the Reavers and returned to terrain level. He didnt lose pursuit and he could hear alarms.


    Helm spared a glance to his back. He caught Coyote missiles on his tail. He hit the afterburners

    and followed the contours of the sand. The missiles approached closer as he pulled up and fired flares.

    The missiles greedily accepted this contribution and exploded. He tried to get closer to friendly lines for

    anti-air support but a cloud of tracer fire stopped him. He cursed as he was forced to fly deeper into

    enemy territory.

    Helm needed to get the Reavers off his tail. He flew over Ceres Hydroponics, keeping low to the

    ground. He could see the bullet tracers striking up dust clouds in front of him. He swerved left and right

    with a barrel roll. He decided to use his trump card. He pulled hard on the stick and triggered the

    afterburners. A half second, he flattened the throttle with brakes on maximum. His Mosquito pulled up

    to the Reavers level and made a 180 rotation to face the enemy.

    Feeling the Mosquito hang in the air, he fired a barrage of Coyote missiles. The micromissiles

    struck the lead Reaver, tearing it apart. He slammed the thrusters to full, completing another 180 and in

    the rear of the Reaver.

    The Reaver shot ahead with its afterburners. Helm cursed as his afterburner charge was low.

    The Reaver got a bit more distance as Helm trained his weapons. He fired controlled bursts but his shots

    missed. He caught sight of the Reavers external fuel tanks before it triggered afterburners again. Helm

    swore as he didnt have any fuel tanks to compensate against the NC fighter. The NC ESF pulled a

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    corkscrew before flinging a reverse manoeuver. The Reaver is back on him again. He had only a second

    before his alarms went wild.


    Helm dove as his afterburners fully recharged. He hit the afterburners as he aimed into the J-09

    Bridge. He shot into the small bridge gap. The missiles peppered the bridge roof as Helm dodged the

    crates and bulkheads littered on the bridge. Two seconds later, he was clear and he pulled hard to port.

    The Reaver continued pursuit.

    Helm dove under the bridge and hit the brakes. The Reaver shot past and Helm slammed

    throttle to full. He aimed for two seconds before firing. The Reaver suddenly darted to starboard,

    avoiding the veterans true aim. Helm banked in chase as he pulled a corkscrew. The Reaver suddenly

    cut speed. Helm slammed the throttle empty to stay on the Reaver. He was forced to go under the

    Reaver and he could see the Reavers belly. Both sides refused to give speed, each intending to stay on

    each others back. Helm opened his cockpit and stuck a present. Helm hit the afterburners as he

    thumbed the detonator. Have a nice day.

    The present detonated, tearing the Reaver into pieces of metal. Helm turned towards friendly

    territory. I knew it was worth it to keep one on board. Finally free from combat, Helm requested. All

    wings, report in.

    Steve and Jacob formed up on their squad lead. Three and four standing by.

    Nord reported. Second Flight reporting all in good shape.

    Helm checked third flight. All IFFs of third flight are gone. Form up on me. Were going to pop

    us more tanks. They banked for the Crown eager for more kills.


    All three battle zones are strife with conflict. NC and Vanu both sought to overthrew the

    Republic in all three critical zones. There is one thing that is common. There are always never enough

    medics. Mikhail was sought after dearly to treat the wounded into fighting shape. Nanite technology

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    made it a lot faster and simpler to treat wounds but you need to have the right guy who could do it

    right. I mean, you wouldnt want to grow a third hand do you?

    The battle of the Crown is scattered across the tower. From the top levels to the lowest levels of

    the cliff. The Galaxy drop has created a hole in the defence of the Crown which First platoon sought to

    seal. At the ground level, third squad held the cliffs while first and second squad are on active search

    and destroy. Right now, the enemies at the cliff managed significant progress thanks to the Galaxy drop.

    Mikhail threw himself to the floor as he avoided his head getting blown open by a Gauss SAW. He yelled

    to his right. Ammar, take out that Heavy Assault!

    The dark skinned man nodded. Will do! The bulky assault trooper rose to his feet, firing his

    TMG-50. The assault trooper activated its shield, absorbing the fire. The man shot back. Ammar likewise

    activated his shield and absorbed the counterattack. Ammar chose to take the battle personal by

    leaping off his perch and onto the soldier. He landed onto the man and reached for his knife. The NC

    Assault trooper pushed him off and aimed. Ammar lunged forward, his shield absorbing one more shot

    before failing. Ammar landed onto the man, his knife going clean through the troopers neck.

    Mikhail was on his feet as Ammar finished off the man. He gave a thumbs up as there are more

    to kill. Medic! Mikhail heard a call for him and a new request notification appeared on his HUD. He

    looked to the lower level of the cliff, an engineer was done and needed attention. He sprinted down the

    cliff, avoiding bullets coming from below. Ammar provided cover fire as Mikhail skidded to the engineer.

    A quick diagnose revealed bullet wounds in the chest. Youre going to be fine. He grabbed his Medical

    Applicator and began configuring it to heal the injury.

    He was interrupted by the pull of a hand. Mikhail was forced to turn to face the barrel of a pistol

    whom on reflex fell backwards. The shot missed his head and he grabbed onto the pistol. The infiltrator

    revealed himself as the cloak failed. Mikhail rose himself, slamming his shoulder against the man. He

    reached for his knife and stabbed the mans side several times before ramming it into the neck. Stop

    disturbing my god damn job! He kicked the infiltrator off the cliff. He turned his attention back to the

    engineer. Now where were we?

    Down below, the enemy began to lose momentum and be pinned against high ground. The

    Sunderers carried the vital holding position with the addition of a rebirth generator. As long as these

    Sunderers are around, the enemy can regroup and continue the assault. Several shapes approached the

    half dozen transports. A Medic was retuning the when a Chainblade entered the base of his neck. A

    hand covered the mouth and gently guided the body to the floor. Shadow nodded as the infiltrator team

    of eight began their attack.

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    They came in from both flanks. Several EMP grenades sparked as they temporarily shorted out

    the transports. They charged swiftly as Ufemia leapt from cover towards the back of a Heavy Assault.

    Ufemia stabbed in the neck as Shadow fired his SMG. Two bodies dropped as Ufemia sprinted forward.

    Several more bodies dropped as precise suppressed gunfire cleared her path. She opened the lead

    Sunderers door and threw a claymore inside. It exploded, thrashing the rebirth generator within. She

    heard a voice. Drop! She dived for the floor as Demond shot the guy behind her.

    Shadow yelled as he saw an infantry exit the rebirth generator with a weapon. Grenade!

    Shadow shot it off the mans hand. It exploded, spreading death in full circle. Six men died before they

    even knew what happened. By the time the NC regained cohesion, the infiltrators have vanished back to

    the nothingness.


    Stand your ground! Cheese yelled as he reloaded his weapon. The situation is turning grave

    for second platoon. The NC infantry received new reinforcements with the arrival of two Sunderers. Two

    dozen MAXes disembarked. He noticed the insignias and couldnt believe his eyes. The 666th Devil dogs

    are here!

    Shimmers yelled as he was forced to dive under cover again. Those MAXes are advancing! The

    Aegis shield provided enough protection for the enemy to advance under the hail of fire. Rockets proved

    nothing against the formidable shield technology of the New Conglomerate.

    Maegra was forced to withdraw support. Second squad, go around the left and flank the

    enemy! Leave the turrets here! Second squad consisted mostly of Combat engineers with a few medics.

    Leaving their constructible turret modules would cut their firepower by half. Desperate times called for

    desperate measures.

    Presents are in place! Nick said before taking a bullet to the head. He collapsed as Shimmers

    grabbed the detonator and sprinted for safer cover.

    Cheese ordered his squad. Third squad, pull back into the buildings! First squad, lay down some

    cover fire! He received acknowledgment lights as first squad intensified fire. Their Machine Chain Guns

    revved a storm of bullets that no infantrymen dare to enter. Third squad quickly pulled back in the

    meantime, grabbing the turrets in the process. Theyll hold down the corridors and corners and make it

    more difficult for the enemy to pierce through. Cheese said as they took defensive positions. Were

    through, your turn first squad!

  • 31

    Herpington shot to his feet. Roger that! Fall back! They withdrew quickly but not without

    several casualties. Shimmers felt the arm of a fallen comrade as he leapt into the cover of a wall. Blow

    it! The packages of C4s pepper the vehicle terminal and remains of the anti-tank turret with large

    explosions. It forced them to hold back on the advance.

    Blaze went onto a knee with his assault rifle. Second squad, keep them on the road! They have

    a full field of fire and began engaging at exposed infantry. Still, these MAXes are resilient, absorbing

    damage without significant injury. Keep the pressure on them! The NC Sunderers took action, firing

    back with Enforcers. Shrapnel flew, cutting through armour and flesh as second squad took cover behind

    a wall under suppression. A tank shell flew before hitting the rear of the Sunderer, blowing up sky high.

    Blaze emerged firing from cover. Suppressive fire!


    At the Palisade, the battle is tough. Both sides have not gained or lost ground. The Vanu had

    managed to setup a position behind a ridge outcropping. The tanks still could not get through into the

    outpost due to the strong deterrence by the rockets of the Heavy Assault troopers. Whiplash yelled as

    he recognized the Vanu armour markings. We have TROLs! TROLs are here!

    Gram tossed a grenade out the window. Hunker down! A flurry of shots struck the window,

    forcing the platoon leader to pull back.

    Spess, the third platoon radioman reported. 107th is onroute to reinforce!

    Gram yelled to his remaining 12 men. You heard him! Stand your ground for the Republic!

    Acknowledgement lights flickered as they fought for every inch of soil.

    A kilometre away, Onu said as Hammer flight begun their support gun run. Were going up


    Field marshal Griffin of the 107th acknowledged. Copy that. We have those Scythes engaged.

    You are free to engage ground targets.

  • 32

    Palmer added. Be advised. They got some anti-air setup along the canyon line. You guys are

    going to take a pounding if you go up high.

    Onu decided the flight path. Roger that. Were going low level then.

    Blue One of the 107th Liberator flight replied. Acknowledged. Well be behind your wing.

    Onu switched channels to flight only. This is going to be a tight one. Stick on your toes.

    Hammer Flight approached from the south, staying close to the ground. They crossed over Zurvan North

    before climbing up the cliff. They knew the number of vehicles, all tagged before even seeing them.

    Guns, guns, guns. Kool angled the Dalton as they started their run. It wasnt even seconds when.


    Lock ons! Flares! Onu engaged the flares as they flew over the enemy. Kool fired his Dalton,

    piercing through a Magrider. The tank plopped to the ground and exploded. Several Zephyrs peppered

    the ground with high explosive fire. Several Skyguards fired back at Hammer flight. Onu could feel the

    small explosions along the armour of his bird.

    Seconds later, they shot past and under cover. Hammer Four reported as the 107th begun their

    run. Were hit! Engine Three and Four is down!

    Onu called out. Pull back! Well handle the rest! Hammer four acknowledged and banked

    away for Crossroads.

    Palmer reported the results. You have good hits and some kills. You slowed down their

    advance. Were still going to need another run.

    Onu banked the bomber. Hold on! He brought Hammer flight in between the canyon rocks.

    The outpost was manned by bursters, peppering anti-air fire. Onu brought the flight to a hard left and

    hit the afterburners. He could feel his starboard wing brewing up a cloud of dust.

  • 33

    Cystic of Hammer Three swore as they reached Galaxy Solar Plant. Their bombers crashed

    through the solar panels. This must be the most god damn craziest plan you have!

    Onu smiled as he finished setting the flight path. No room for error boys! This is why were the

    elite! Hammer flight approached the bridge between the Palisade and the Crown. They shot through

    the gaps in between. He then immediately pulled to a hard left and up.

    Zepher yelled over the radio as Hammer two scratched its wings along the bridge column. Is

    this what you mean by tight?! This is tighter than my wife for gods sake!

    Onu shot back as he felt the Gs pin him to his seat. Take a damn ticket! They rose just above

    building level of the Palisade, out of the enemy cone of fire. He aimed at the Skyguards rear. Heres

    payback. The tankbuster fired, piercing into the thin rear armour and cooking off the engine. It

    exploded as Hammer flight shot past. That still left a number of Vanu vehicles remaining.

    Palmer detected new sightings. Incoming enemy Liberators! The squad of Liberators are back

    and eager for a new fight.

    Onu took on the challenge. Well handle them. Lets fight someone of our own size! Hammer

    Flight climbed on an intercept course. The enemy Liberators already had the altitude, enough to give

    their guns the first strike. Watch the Dalton! Onu cranked the brakes with a hard left. The shot missed

    to strike a 107th Liberator in the cockpit. It exploded into flames as they continued forward. .

    Onu pulled to the left to reveal his birds belly. Angle!

    Kool said back. Clear! The Dalton fired into the distance. It missed but it forced the enemy

    back. Onu levelled his bomber and sped away. The Liberators entered equal altitude and now it

    becomes a matter of skill.

    Chrono yelled. Incoming Lib on our six! Shredder type! The Lberators A30 Walker proved to

    be a nuisance if not much else to the enemy. Onu could see a purple Liberator rapidly approaching on


  • 34

    Onu hit the afterburners as he felt a tankbuster round slam into the right wing. He dived slightly

    to the right, giving the needed angle. Now! Kool fired and replied.

    Miss! Reloading! Onu kept the roll, now hearing the Shredder coming to life. High calibre

    rounds filled the sky, peppering Hammer one at the belly. Onu finished the roll, shielding the weakened

    part of his bomber. Kool demanded. Guns ready! Give me the angle!

    Onu cut afterburners and slammed both the yoke and brakes down. The bomber shook violently

    as it bled airspeed, pointing its belly once again. Kool fired, striking the enemy Liberator in the engine. It

    shredded off the wing and caused it to corkscrew out of control. Onu did a quick check for damage. It

    only penetrated armour and nothing else. He turned around for another shot. Kool, fire!


    The bombing run is successful. It disoriented the enemy enough for Grams squad sized force to

    retake positions around the turret towers. Now they awaited part two of the counterattack. Rege

    reported for third platoon. Kevins detachment incoming in thirty seconds!

    Gram hid behind cover and reloaded his weapon. Maintain position! Wait for them to do their

    work! On my count, suppress the enemy! He could see new IFFs on his HUD, a klick away. He counted

    to three before ordering. Third platoon, guns up! Third platoon threw everything they have at the

    enemy. LMGs, rifles, carbines and bursters. They ignored the bullets streaking towards them, making it a

    tug of morale. Who would break first to cover would grab hold of the moment.

    However there would be no victor for the SOCA and HMRR mobile attack force struck first. They

    came from behind, rapidly climbing up the hill. Vulcans and Marauders pepper the infantry and rear of

    the tanks. The Kevins detachment charged from the west like a bull. The lead Sunderer took on heavy

    damage but it was a feint. The empty truck slammed into a Magrider and exploded, taking it out as well.

    The Sunderer behind it swerved and rammed into the other tank, knocking it off balance. Infantry leapt

    out and engaged in close combat.

    Gram ordered as his HUD established contact with the new arrivals. Theyre here! Advance!

    They moved forward, killing troops advancing on the streets. He made contact with the reinforcements.

    Its good to see you here.

  • 35

    Kevin gave a quick nod. Thats right. It was boring as hell to wait for you guys to roll over and

    die so we decided to join the party. However, the surprise counterattack still wasnt enough to break

    the assault. The Vanu maintained position behind the ridge. Although, the numbers became more even.

    The Harasser strike force pulled back, avoiding the tanks field of fire. They retreated as Kevins troops

    setup bare anti-armour positions. He swore when he saw the dozen tanks present, not including the

    troops. This is definitely going to be a slugfest!


    Cobrate noticed his platoon biosignature failing to KIAs. He caught no gunfire signature around

    those men. He called out to first platoon. We got infiltrators in the crown! Stop them at all costs!

    Ham knew their target. He, his XO and radioman rushed towards the central spawn room. They

    entered guns blazing as they saw four infiltrators planting explosive charges. Their surprise attack killed

    three as they approached to melee combat. Ham used his chainblade and thumbed it to life. He stabbed

    but was deflected by the arm. The infiltrator punched back several times in the gut before slamming him

    into the console. Ham grabbed the cylindrical artefact as Rege shot the infiltrator with his carbine. Ham

    felt electricity pulse through his nerves before everything went black.

    Ham awoke instantly. His mind told him that this place is wrong. He looked around to see white

    background. Where the hell am I?

    This is interesting

    Ham heard a voice. He gazed across the open space but found nothing. Who are you?

    I am the world domination system

    The voice came as though from everywhere. He turned around and yet still nothing is in sight.

    He climbed to his feet. The heck are you?

    I am nothing less than the world domination system

  • 36

    Where are you from?

    I have always been in slumber for centuriesto be awakened by another species is intriguing

    Ham remained unsure of this place. Where am I?

    You interfaced with my core system and yet you cannot fathom where you are? Perhaps you are much

    more primitive than I expected.

    Ham was puzzled. I thought that this crystal is a firmware override device.

    Your judgement is flawed. The crystal only serves as a reactivation beacon

    Reactivation beacon?

    Once the download is complete, my systems shall rise again.

    Ham had a sick feeling in his gut. Then what will you do?

    We will cleanse this planet and return it to a fresh slate once again

    He suspected his instincts are too accurate. Cleansing this planet as in exterminating



    Ham refused to accept that reality. That is not going to happen.

  • 37

    That is what it will become. Nothing more, nothing less

    Youre not going to get your way. Not ever. Ham could see everything becoming bright white.

    I look forward to seeing that happen


    Muffin checked his commanders pulse. The major is alive but knocked out cold. He didnt have

    any injuries so the XO slapped the man lightly several times in the face. Ham! Are you alright?!

    The outfit commander awoke and blinked his eyes several times. Im.Im good.

    Muffin offered a hand. Come on up. We need you on the battlefield.

    Ham recollected everything as he stood up on his unsteady feet. The artefacts a trap.

    Muffin blinked. What?

    Ham explained as he pointed to the crystal. The artefacts a trap. That thing doesnt make an

    override. Its a reactivation beacon for some sort of machine!

    The black haired officer is bewildered. How are you so sure?

    Ham pointed at the crystal. The bloody device talked to me when I touched it. If we let it finish,

    it will turn something on and that something is very dangerous! We have to shut it down!

    Muffin was unsure, contemplating the possible loss of his commanders sanity. I dont see how

    a machine can talk to you.

  • 38

    I know its not a hallucination. Do you believe me? Rege nodded in acceptance.

    Muffin made his choice. I believe you sir. Ham reached to the lever and swung it. The energy

    pulsing through the artefact disappeared and the communications relay shut down.

    It wasnt even a minute when a high priority call came through. This is Republic Command.

    What in blazings hell are you doing?

    Ham explained his actions. This artefact is a trap! Its not meant to do what the scientists say!

    The chief commander of the Republic scorned. Theyre the guys with the know how to

    understand that device! Who are you to say they are wrong?!

    Ham iterated. The artefacts a reactivation beacon for some alien machine! I cant explain how

    but it just is!

    The chief refused to accept it. I cannot take the whim of one man over the chance of a great

    victory for the republic. You will reactivate the beacon at this very instant or be relieved of duty!

    Ham narrowed his eyes. I cant do that chief. Too much is at stake here.

    The older commander glared. Very well. You are hereby relieved of command. Next

    commanding in line will take over and restart that artefact!

    Muffin spoke in turn. I refuse to obey that order. We trust our commander and we will not go

    against him.

    The chief commander fumed. Very well. You leave me with no choice. Ham caught the

    communications switch to republic mode. All units, this is Republic Command. The 7OXes have gone

    rogue. I repeat, they have gone rogue and disabled the artefact. All units are to retake the Crown and

    reactivate the artefact!

  • 39

    Rege said as communications was shut. Oh shit.

    Ham shook his head in disbelief. This isnt going to be easy.

    Cobrate heard the conversation. What the hell are we going to do? We cant just shoot our

    own comrades!

    Ham strode outside to see the battle. We shouldnt shoot at our own but nor can we let them

    restart that beacon. If they restart it, the entire planet will be in trouble. The Crown is still intense but

    remained under control. TI alloys and Palisade are taking a beating but are making headway to retake

    momentum. Ham opened his commander console and could hear the confusion from his platoons.

    He began to speak. You may have heard what Republic command has just ordered. This

    artefact will not be our saviour. It will be our destruction for its does do what its said to be. All

    communications went silent. This may sound like treason but Im asking all of you to resist against our

    comrades. He heard no one. We cannot let this device work or it will doom us all. Muffin bit his lip in

    anticipation. All platoons. Withdraw from the battlefield and regroup at the Crown. We cannot split

    ourselves thin. We will make our stand here. He received acknowledgment from all his units. They

    chose to be on his side and make their grand stand.


    Field Marshall Griffin was shocked when he heard the new orders. To fight their own comrade in

    arms is somewhat heard akin to blasphemy. The aged warrior looked at the commander map and

    questioned his XO. What are the other units doing?

    His XO reported. SOCA, HMRR and other units are prioritizing on fighting the Vanu. They are

    maintaining hit and run strikes. Kevins detachment has rejected orders and is retreating with the oxes

    to the Crown.

    Griffin turned to his third crucial officer. What about CIK?

  • 40

    The 107th Combat controller reported. CIKs making a combat withdrawal alongside the oxes.

    They have not mentioned whether they are obeying or disregarding orders. I think were ditching

    Palisade and TI Alloys.

    What are the oxes doing?

    They are regrouping all their units to the Crown. They are really eager to defend the Crown.

    Griffin contemplated it for a moment before he decided. The 107th is staying out of this fight

    for now. Fall back to Crossroads. We will not commit us to fighting our own brothers yet. Without a

    united force, we will have zero chance of winning the enemy.


    At Crossroads Watchtower, the war council is watching the battles intently. Republic command

    is in an uproar. The situation had gotten totally out of hand. First it was the joint attack by the Vanu and

    the Conglomerate. Now it is their main defence force making mutiny. The commanding chief ordered.

    What is the status of our forces?

    All forces are engaging the enemy but have begun to withdraw. They appear not to be

    attacking the Seven Oxes yet. However, this withdrawal may pose to the enemy as a weakness who will

    push further to the objective.

    A general threw his hands up into the air. The whole lines collapsing! This is the worst case

    scenario we can ever have!

    The chief turned to the professor. Professor. Is there a possibility to what they are saying is


    The Professor smiled as he reached into his coat. That is entirely He pulled out a

    Commissioner and shot the nearest officer. With a flick of the arm, he shot the other four generals and

    officers. Possible.

  • 41

    Only the chief commander is left. You traitor

    The professor smiled in return. No. I am only serving for the greater good. Goodbye. Winford

    fired a fatal shot through the heart. The chief commander collapsed dead. Winford smiled as the door to

    the council room opened. Well then. My purpose is complete. He went down in a hail of fire.

    It wasnt even two minutes when they got the news. Rege yelled across outfit comms. The

    Republic war council has been assassinated!

    Ham was surprised by the new developments. What the hell? Things have just gotten a lot


    Maegra noted as Second and Third Platoon had regrouped around the Crown. All entire

    cohesion of the Republic military has ceased. We are essentially broken and ripe for the taking!

    Gram hopped off his Sunderer to join the conversation. That means we are disorganized as a

    fighting military! We wont be able to mount an effective defence for long.

    Muffin offered a suggestion. Can we negotiate with the enemy? Get them to back off?

    Cobrate pointed to his weapon. You know the Republic never negotiates. We can only hope at

    best that the enemy notices and withdraws.

    They were suddenly interrupted by the whine of a communications relay. Ham checked his

    command terminal. Theyve restarted the upload! Ham swore. We got traitors! They rushed down

    towards the central level. There, several republic troopers stood ready with arms ready. Gram threw a

    concussion grenade into the room. It stunned as they entered and shot them.

    Cobrate saw the percentage nearing completion. Were not going to make it! Muffin leapt

    forward towards the lever but he just reached short of it.

  • 42

    Ham rushed forward and slammed the lever off. He checked the progress bar on the console.

    Shit. Its done. The communications tower of the Crown pulsed and shot a purple beam into the sky.

    As it ended, Ham could hear a noise from the artefact. It was the worst ever.



    Were picking seismic readings at the J09 Impact site! Ham commandeered a republic satellite

    and focused on the location. The image came on projector, revealing the J09 site area. The ground

    collapsed as a large metal structure burst from the ground. Another metal structure burst out before

    several more. The buildings there started to fall into an abyss as out came out a monstrosity. Standing

    almost as tall as the J09 Bridge, it stood on twelve legs. It had a long thin body with a neck. It had a

    dinosaurlike head structure.

    Maegra couldnt believe his eyes. What the hell is that thing?

    Ham stabbed at the projector. This is what Ive been warning about. That is what it calls itself

    the world domination system.

    Gram shook his head as the machine started to move. We have to take it out.

    Muffin had great doubts. No way can we do it alone. A machine of world domination would

    probably carry immense firepower.

    Ham decided to make a difficult choice. Contact the NC and the VS. Were going to need a lot

    more guns for this.

    It was only a minute before communications was established. The Vanu was acutely aware of

    the new developments. The Vanu commander, masked by his fully enclosed helmet nodded. Did you

    come to gloat to us about your success?

  • 43

    Ham responded. Its the other way around actually. That thing is not under our control and we

    need to stop that thing.

    That statement bewildered the two faction commanders. The Vanu commander raised an

    eyebrow. Is that so? I understand your concerns about thismachine.

    The New Conglomerate commander said. I have to agree. This weapon cannot be destroyed by

    each of our own. The aged warrior glinted with doubt. It does not mean that I can trust you. The

    Vanu commander likewise nodded in agreement.

    Ham approached closer to the console. I understand what you mean. Then lets do this. We will

    lead the assault against it. If we ever go against you, you have your guns on our ass. Is that fair for you?

    The blue commander chuckled. Thats very bold of you. We will provide aid for now. Well stay

    out of your way and you stay out of ours. We will have our combat controllers coordinate between our

    forces. Is that a deal?

    Ham agreed to the terms. Good enough. Well play that way. Communications ended as soon

    as it was started.

    Rege received new communication as two Galaxies landed onto the crowns airpad. This is

    Skyfree 1, were bringing in our rebirthed boys back to the fight.

    Ham approved of it. That will bring us back to full outfit strength. He opened his commander

    terminal and selected Ceres Hydroponics. Deploy all platoons here. Arrange and advance towards the

    enemy target. We made this mess. We have to clean it up.


    The coalition force didnt have much time. The WDS as quickly abbreviated by Gram had already

    begun advancing towards the Crown. It is however slow, providing enough leeway for the coalition to

    effectively deploy to a simple plan. The NC had established a foothold attack point from the open

    ground northwest of Ceres Hydroponics. The Republic had the centre with the Vanu on the eastern flank

    towards Galaxy Solar Plant. Ham ordered his forces. All units, attack!

  • 44

    Vanguards, Magriders, Prowlers, Lightnings, Sunderers and Harassers all advanced in a concave

    towards the enemy. The tanks took the lead, getting in range of the huge weapon. Palmer coordinated

    between the factions. Concentrate all firepower on that thing!

    The aircrafts came quickly after. They advanced as a menacing swarm, ready to unleash their

    weapons of mass destruction. Suddenly, a Mosquito exploded before several other fighters followed

    suit. Fire lead yelled as purple plasma filled the sky. Break! Break!

    Onu cursed as his Liberator took a hit. He banked hard and away as smoke filled his cockpit.

    That thing has point defence weapons!

    Helm dived for ground when he saw grey plumes of smoke rising from the WDSs back.

    Missiles! Missiles!

    Someone asked back. What type?!

    He yelled in return as he brought his Mosquito under the WDS and through the other side.

    Coyotes! He flew past and dove to cover as the entire air armada scattered under the precise shooting

    of the WDS anti-air weaponry.

    The coalition respon

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