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  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Photoshoot (Album and


    Taken by Aaron Fletcher

    Choreographed by MatthewPickhaver

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Planning the Shoot

    Models Mise en Scene Time/Date Location

    Sam Collins Black Leather jacket

    Dark jeans

    Canvas/Plimsolls White orBlack

    Shirt White

    23/11/11 26 Dickson, insidestudio

    Sam Collins Black Leather jacket

    Dark jeans

    Canvas/Plimsolls White orBlack

    Shirt White

    25/11/11 Meet at 26 Dickson,Outside in alley

    From both of the shoots that will be taking place on the dates below wewant to achieve a crisp and sharp image that will help our represent ourproduct as being very up beat and intense. After both photoshoots we

    would like to have at least 25 images that we can review and select ourfavourite.

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    All Photographs from Shoot

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Selection Process

    The following 4 photographs below were the most successfulfrom mine and Matthews shoot. We will now analyse each ofthese 4 photographs and come to the final conclusion of what

    we want for each piece.

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Photograph 1


    The lighting of the photograph casts a good shadowover the models eyes.

    Where the model is standing allows for otherelements to be placed in the photograph whichmakes this ideal for an album cover or back.

    Disadvantages The facial expressions on the models face make

    him look fairly sad, it is mainly the positioning andlook of the lips that may give off this impression, thisis not what we want as it would make the albumlook fairly grunge instead of hardcore and up beat.

    The expressive lighting coming from the right sideof the photograph means the side of the modelsjacket has been lit up, giving a warm feel to thephotograph.

    Will not be used.

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Photograph 2


    The close up makes the image seem much more inthe audience faces, adding to the tense feel of thealbum.

    The facial expressions were better in thisphotograph also adding to the tension.

    This image would be good for an album front coveras it will attract the audiences attention.


    The lighting on the models face is fairly overexposed, taking away from the feel of thephotograph.

    We wanted a more even shadow but in this imagethere are spots of light on one side of the models

    face where as on the other side there is not.

    Will not be used.

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Photograph 3


    The close up makes the image seem much more inthe audience faces, adding to the tense feel of thealbum like the previous photograph.

    The model is looking directly into the cameramaking the image seem much more personal to itsaudience.

    The shadow on the models face is near enoughidentical on both sides making this image a strongcontender in the selection process.

    The composition of the photograph is good as themodel is positioned in the centre of the page, this isa good image for an album front cover.


    The facial expression is slightly different to how wewanted it but it could work.

    Will be used for Album Cover.

  • 8/3/2019 Photoshoot and Planning for Album and Poster


    Photograph 4


    The composition of this photograph is well done asthe left side is completely covered by the model,this makes good use of the rule of thirds as it addstension to the image making it seem like somethingelse could come into the shot.

    The facial expression is perfect and gives the modelan evil and mysterious look, attracting people

    towards the image.

    The shadows on the models face are perfect andare fairly symmetrical meaning the eyes will beeasily darkened.



    Will be used for Album Back and Poster.

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