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Page 1: Photo shoot plan

Photo-shoot Plan

Page 2: Photo shoot plan

Contact SheetAs you can see I didn’t take a lot of photos, but I did manage to take the ones that are important for my magazine cover. I think I am going to chose one of the pictures of Olivia, due to the fact that the colour pink shirt that she is wearing looks well with the flowers on the image.

Page 3: Photo shoot plan

Masthead Designs

My magazine will be called Melody. From this image you can see that I am just playing around with the text and see which looked nice and which didn’t look nice for my magazine. With my magazine being a teenage girly magazine, I think it would be better if I chose text that look soft and easy to read.

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Making the Front Cover

Here I am just playing around with the colour tints on Photoshop. I'm debating on whether I should use colour tints or just use natural light.

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This is one of editing that produced for this image. I gave the image a summer look with the yellow tint.

I did that by simply making a new layer and filling that layer with a colour

managed to get the tinted look in the image by simply lowering the opacity down. The higher the opacity the more the colour fills the image. From this image we can see I went for 35% opacity which gave it that tinted look

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With the image itself I managed to make it look sharper, brighter and clearer by editing the colour balance, hue/saturation and brightness/contrast.

(No Edit) (Edit 2) (Edit 3)

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This is the image that I am choosing for my magazine front cover. I chose this simply because I like the natural look that it has. Like I mentioned before, I like the colour balance in this photo. We can see that the pink really stands out. Even though the filtered edit look good, I prefer the image to have a natural look to it. I edited this image with the method I mentioned before, I experimented with the colour balance, hue/saturation and brightness/contrast. One of the things that I have noticed about this image is how the rule of thirds would apply to this image very well. We can see that it shows the model well along with the background of the image.

Like I mentioned earlier, my intentions is to create a teenage girly magazine. So therefore, my target audience will obviously be teenage girls. Preferably, around the age of 13 – 17. The type of photos needed in my opinion are photos with models that look or are teenage girls. I needed photos that would be suitable for the target audience as well. The image that I have used in my opinion is the type of photos that would be suitable for my target audience. The colour scheme within the photo would have to be bright and attractive. Suiting the target audience needs.

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The Completed Front Cover

Here is the completed edit of my magazine. From this image we can see that I chose with the natural light due to the fact that it brings out a lot more colours on the image. In terms of the masthead, as you can see that I have chosen something that is easy to read and also soft on the eyes.

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Evaluate Front Cover As you can see on the image that I have used for my front cover was Olivia. I chose her simply because the colour of her shirt worked well with the actual image, in terms of the surrounding. I picked the location because of the flowers that were there. With my magazine being a girly teenage magazine, I thought the colour pink would be an eye catching colour. I also liked the nature side of my photo. I chose to shoot outside simply because I prefer natural light. It will bring out a lot of colours in my opinion.

I chose that specific masthead on my final edit simply because it is easy to read and it is also soft on the eyes. Like I mentioned before my magazine is aimed at teenage girls. So my magazine has to be easy to read and very attractive. As you can see I have used a lot of colours on the other texts on my magazines. I have done this simply to make it look very attractive to viewers. As you can see I have also included bubbles on one offer and on my actual masthead. I chose the bubbles again, simply to make it look eye catching. So viewers can instantly see it. I have chosen the colour pink on the bubble of the masthead because I thought it would work well due to the fact that Olivia is wearing a pink shirt, so when someone looks at it, it will look right in terms of colour balance and also I think it looks eye catching.