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Page 1: Phoenix Transportation Services, · 2015-04-06 · CVSA says this year it put an emphasis on hazmat compliance, and inspectors

Volume XCIi

September 2014

“September is a Target Zero Month for HOS violations.”




The latest CSA scores:

Category Threshold Phoenix Goal

July August

Unsafe Driving 65% 30% 35% 38% ↑

Hours of Service Compliance

65% 55% 70% 47%

Driver Fitness 80% 0% 0% 47% ↑

Drugs/Alcohol 80% 0% 0% 0% Same

Vehicle Maintenance

80% 30% 31% 32% ↑

Hazardous Material Compliance

80% 30% Inconclusive Inconclusive Same

Crash Indicator

65% 30% 20% 27% ↑

Page 2: Phoenix Transportation Services, · 2015-04-06 · CVSA says this year it put an emphasis on hazmat compliance, and inspectors


How long have you been working for Phoenix Transportation?........ …..3 years What do you do at Phoenix Transportation?..............................................Driver What is your favorite music?..................................Country & Bluegrass Gospel What is your favorite movie?...................................................................Diggers What is your favorite drink?..........................................................................Tea If possible, who would you most like to meet whether they are living or not?. … ……………………………………………………………….……….……….…Jesus What is your favorite car?............................................................Chevy Camaro What place would you dream of going to?...........................................Bahamas

Stewart Cannon

Phoenix Transportation Services, LLC





National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, September 14-20, is when

America takes the time to honor all professional truck drivers for their

hard work and commitment in tackling one of our economy’s most

demanding and important jobs. These 3.2 million professional men

and women not only deliver our goods safely, securely and on time, they also keep our highways safe.

Good stuff. Trucks bring it!

Brake Inspection Blitz set for September

The annual Brake Safety Week inspection spree will take place Sept. 7-13, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced.

CVSA says it expects more than 30,000 brake inspections to take place during the week, which would be a 50 percent increase from last year’s roughly 20,000 inspections. CVSA’s Brake Safety Week is part of the week-long Operation Airbrake program, sponsored by CVSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Inspectors will conduct brake system inspections — primarily Level IV — on trucks and buses throughout North America, looking for either out-of-adjustment brakes or brake-system violations.

CVSA says on its website inspectors will look for “brake-system components to identify loose or missing parts, air or hydraulic fluid leaks, worn linings, pads, drums or rotors and other faulty brake-system components.”

Antilock system indicators are also checked, CVSA says.

Page 3: Phoenix Transportation Services, · 2015-04-06 · CVSA says this year it put an emphasis on hazmat compliance, and inspectors

Hours, brakes top out-of-service violations in this year’s Roadcheck inspection blitz

Of the 72,415 drivers inspected in this year’s Roadcheck inspection spree, 4.8 percent were placed out-of-service, and more than half of those were placed out-of-service due to hours of service or logbook violations.

The 72-hour inspection event was held June 3-5, and the driver out-of-service rate rose slightly from last year’s 4.3 percent. The rate of vehicle out-of-service orders, however, fell to 18.7 percent from 2013’s 20.6 percent.

Of the driver OOS orders, hours violations accounted for 46.5 percent, according to the data released this week by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, who organizes the annual inspection blitz in conjunction with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

False logs accounted for 13.7 percent of the OOS orders, and disqualified and suspended drivers made up another 20 percent.

In 2013, hours violations made up 50.3 percent of OOS orders, and false logs made up 14.8 percent. Of the 73,475 vehicle inspections, nearly half (46.2 percent) were placed out of service for a brake-related violation. Tire and wheel violations made up nearly 14 percent of OOS orders, and lights accounted for 13.5 percent. Load securement made up 11.5 percent.

These numbers are comparable to 2013’s Roadcheck, when 49.6 percent were placed OOS for brake violations, 10 percent for tire and wheel violations, 12.6 percent for lights and 11.7 percent for cargo securement.

CVSA says this year it put an emphasis on hazmat compliance, and inspectors conducted 5,738 hazmat inspections, CVSA says. Of those, 919 were placed out-of-service for vehicle violations, and 172 were placed OOS for driver violations.

CVSA says about 10,000 inspectors performed inspections at 2,500 locations.

Nearly 70 percent of the inspections performed were Level I, the most thorough roadside inspection level.

Cargo thieves’ new tool:

‘Jammers’ that scramble tracking device

Cargo thieves seem to have a new tool at their disposal, according to FreightWatch International,

who says two recent incidents “may indicate the beginning of a trend” for those looking to steal

trailers or their contents.

A tractor and trailer stolen July 22 from a truck stop in Georgia was equipped with a tracking

device concealed in the cargo, FreightWatch says. Evidence in the case points to the hijackers

using two jamming devices to try to interrupt the communication from the tracking devices.

This specific attempt didn’t work, FreightWatch says, and the shipment was tracked. No arrests

were made, however.

This heist came on the heels of another in June in which suspects were apprehended and were in

possession of jamming equipment in Brevard County, Fla.

The jammers are an attempt by thieves to scramble signals of secretly GPS-tracked devices.

“The use of jamming technology presents a potential challenge to the theft recover process and

should be taken seriously,” FreightWatch says. Similar technology has been used for a while in

other parts of the world in cargo heists, FW notes, and “there are effective risk mitigation

techniques” available.

If the jamming device trend does seem to stick, security devices will need to evolve to counter

them, FreightWatch says.

Page 4: Phoenix Transportation Services, · 2015-04-06 · CVSA says this year it put an emphasis on hazmat compliance, and inspectors


How long have you been working for Phoenix Transportation? …………8 years What do you do at Phoenix Transportation?...........................Accounts Payable What is your favorite music?....................................................80’s Love Ballads What is your favorite movie?.........................................................200 Cigarettes What is your favorite drink?................................................................Iced Coffee If possible, who would you most like to meet whether they are living or not?... …………………………………………Sandra Bullock…definitely Sandra Bullock What is your favorite car?............................................................................Audi

What place would you dream of going to?....................................................Italy

Angie Wilder

William Fowler 05 Stanley Grant 05 Rene Dickinson 06 William Faulkner 09 Todd May 12 Michael Spellman 12 David Vaughn 12 Joe Bach 13 Joshua Bliss 13 Marvin Johnson 14 Roy Trimble 14 Ryan Hayden 15 Delbert Burton 16 Shawn Dietrich 16 Dermon King 18

Steve Elswick 20 Dwight Lynn 20 Ron Abrams 23 Jamie Goodwin 23 Kevin Mess 23 James Hampton 25 Wade Redding 25 Matthew Harmon 27 Michael McFadden 28 Dennis Zehnder 30

Monthly Health Tip

Tilt Up Your Rearview Mirror . . .

. . . just far enough to force yourself into an upright sitting position to see behind you,

which is good for your posture and your aching back.


September 6th is Fight Procrastination Day

September 10th is Swap Ideas Day

September 12th is Chocolate Milkshake Day

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 21st is Miniature Golf Day

September 25th is National Comic Book Day

September 28th is Ask a Stupid Question Day

2014 Safety Meeting Schedule

Safety Meetings for 2014 will be conducted once a month starting in February.

All meetings will be held on the third Saturday of every month in the

orientation room. Because there is limited seating in the orientation room there will be a sign up sheet on the orientation door prior to each month’s meeting. Everybody should call

or check the Friday before the scheduled meeting prior to showing up to ensure

the meeting has not been cancelled for unforeseen reasons.

The next meeting will be held September 20th

NLT Psalm 25: 1-3

O LORD, I give my life to you. I trust in you, my God!

Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.

No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Several new employees were hired during the month of August. Please introduce

yourself and make them feel welcome.

Roy Trimble Karen Brenningfield Elba Richard Neat

Tony Barnes Glenn Keisler Steven Lewis

Robert Patterson Jamie Pike James Taft

Michael McFadden Dustin Courtney

Todd Stone Jason Hall O/O

Durwin Osborne O/O Thomas Hurt O/O Ed McNeal O/O

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