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Page 1: Phenotypic Plasticity: From Theory and Genetics to Current ... · plasticity guarantees a dead end for the underlying traits, argu-ing that plasticity hinders ev olution (Williams


Phenotypic Plasticity: From Theory and Genetics toCurrent and Future Challenges

Ralf J. Sommer1

Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Department for Integrative Evolutionary Biology, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1503-7749 (R.J.S.)

ABSTRACT Phenotypic plasticity is defined as the property of organisms to produce distinct phenotypes in response to environmentalvariation. While for more than a century, biologists have proposed this organismal feature to play an important role in evolution andthe origin of novelty, the idea has remained contentious. Plasticity is found in all domains of life, but only recently has there been anincrease in empirical studies. This contribution is intended as a fresh view and will discuss current and future challenges of plasticityresearch, and the need to identify associated molecular mechanisms. After a brief summary of conceptual, theoretical, and historicalaspects, some of which were responsible for confusion and contention, I will formulate three major research directions and predictionsfor the role of plasticity as a facilitator of novelty. These predictions result in a four-step model that, when properly filled with molecularmechanisms, will reveal plasticity as a major factor of evolution. Such mechanistic insight must be complemented with comparativeinvestigations to show that plasticity has indeed created novelty and innovation. Together, such studies will help develop a truedevelopmental evolutionary biology.

KEYWORDS phenotypic plasticity; polyphenisms; switch genes; plasticity first evolution; canalization; genetic assimilation; genetic accommodation;

Pristionchus; Spea; Ontophagus; Manduca

PHENOTYPIC plasticity is the ability of a genotype to pro-duce different phenotypes in response to distinct environ-

mental conditions (Schlichting and Pigliucci 1998; Pigliucci2001; West-Eberhard 2003; deWitt and Scheiner 2004;Whitman and Ananthakrishnan 2009; Moczek et al. 2011).Intrinsically, phenotypic plasticity refers to all kinds of envi-ronmentally induced phenotypic variation and it can affectmorphological, physiological, and behavioral aspects of anorganism’s phenotype, but also its life history. Plasticity is auniversal property of living things, because all organisms re-spond to genes and the environment alike; thus, plasticity isfound throughout all domains of life. While botanists havelong appreciated the environmental influence on plantmorphology, plasticity was less valued in animal systems,although it is as widespread in animals as in plants (West-Eberhard 1989). In addition, plasticity is known from

bacteria, and even phage l and other bacteriophages withtheir lytic (virulent) vs. lysogenic (temperate) life cycles. Itis an interesting oddity of the history of biology that the firstmolecular process that was ever elucidated to near comple-tion, the regulation of the lytic cycle in phage l, represents anexample of plasticity, even though it is rarely discussed assuch (Ptashne 2004).

Plasticity is pervasive, as demonstrated by the many ex-amples currently studied in laboratories around the world. Inthe interest of space, I will not provide an overview of thesestudy systems as there are simply toomany. Instead, I refer thereader to themany review articles that have been published inrecent years and that provide excellent overviews (Abouheifet al. 2014; Lande 2014; Laland et al. 2014, 2015; Moczeket al. 2015; Nalepa 2015; Nijhout 2015; Brisson and Davis2016; Phillips 2016; Susoy and Sommer 2016; Tandonnetand Pires-daSilva 2016; Gibert 2017; Noble et al. 2017;Projecto-Garcia et al. 2017; Reuter et al. 2017; Schneiderand Meyer 2017; Serobyan and Sommer 2017; Gilbert2018; Jones and Robinson 2018; Josephs 2018; Oettleret al. 2018; Sanger and Rajakumar 2018; Sieriebriennikovand Sommer 2018; Uller et al. 2018; Lafuente and Beldade2019; Levis and Pfennig 2019). While this list contains only

Copyright © 2020 by the Genetics Society of Americadoi: received November 29, 2019; accepted for publication March 9, 2020;published Early Online March 10, 2020.Available freely online through the author-supported open access option.1Address for correspondence: Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max-Planck Ring 9, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

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those reviews published since 2014 and is likely still incom-plete, it demonstrates the growing awareness about plasticityand its evolutionary significance.

This growingawareness is in strongcontrast toa longphaseofneo-Darwinism that neglected the importance of developmentand the significance of the organism’s responsiveness to the en-vironment for evolution. For example, Williams objected thatplasticity guarantees a dead end for the underlying traits, argu-ing that plasticity hinders evolution (Williams 1966). Similararguments were made by Charlesworth et al. (1982), disputingthe importance of development and the environment in favor ofselection as the “main guiding force of phenotypic evolution”(Charlesworth et al. 1982, p. 474). Such skepticism remainedfor decades and largely centered around three major reserva-tions (Box 1A) (Wund 2012). First, is there sufficient empiricalevidence for plasticity in general, and for plasticity as a driver ofevolutionary change? Second, does plasticity act to promote orhinder evolution? Finally, what could be the molecular mecha-nisms of the environmental influence on phenotypes, how dosuchmechanisms become genetically encoded, and howdo theybecome a target of selection? These reservations highlighted thefundamental challenges for researchonphenotypic plasticity, butthey also provided a road map for novel investigations.

Eventually, only the identification of the molecular mecha-nisms enabling plastic responses of the organism to the environ-mentwillpavethewayforfullacceptanceofplasticity inevolutionand its significance for evolutionary change. Importantly, suchinvestigations must contain a strong comparative perspectiveinvolving multiple species in a phylogenetic context to delineateplasticity as a potential originator of evolutionary novelty. Suchstudies must also reveal that plasticity is subject to selection,ultimately resulting in adaptive phenotypes. After a very shortsummary of theoretical and historical aspects of phenotypicplasticity, thiscontributionwill formulatethethreemajorresearch

directions that plasticity research must take to provide mecha-nistic insight. Such mechanistic insight from selected modelsystems can provide the necessary empirical support for recenttheoretical attempts to incorporate plasticity into an extendedevolutionary synthesis (Uller et al. 2018). Finally, I will present afour-step model for the role of plasticity in evolution, which canhelp develop a true developmental evolutionary biology.

Three Independent, Conceptual Features of PhenotypicPlasticity

Three conceptual features of plasticity are important to properlyevaluate the significance of plasticity for evolution. First, thephenotypic variation of plastic traits can be continuous or dis-crete, the latter resulting in alternative phenotypes. While con-tinuous plasticity is more common in nature, it carries theinherent difficulty of properly distinguishing if the observedphenotypic variation indeed results from plasticity in responseto the environment or, instead, from genetic polymorphisms. Incontrast, alternative phenotypes, such as seasonal polyphenismsinbutterflywingpatternsand thediscretedefensephenotypesofclonally propagating rotifers that are preyed upon by variousinvertebrates (Brakefield et al. 1996; Gilbert 2018), exhibit awell-defined environmental response element. Therefore, dis-crete plasticity and alternative phenotypes have been crucial foradvancing the theory of phenotypic plasticity, as will be dis-cussed in more detail below. Additionally, alternative pheno-types have a number of advantages for experimental analysisgiven their binary readout. This is important for many contem-porary case studies of plasticity in both animals and plants.

Second, phenotypically plastic traits can originally beadaptive or nonadaptive. Most researchers studying plasticitywould argue that only the former can contribute to evolutionwhen organisms are faced with a new environment. In

Box 1

A: Historical skepticism against phenotypic plasticity and its significance for evolution1. Empirical evidence for plasticity?2. Can environmental responsiveness promote evolution?3. Molecular mechanisms of environmental influence?

How should environmental effects be targeted by selection?

B: Developmental plasticity and evolution - West-Eberhard and four unique contributions for plasticity as a mechanismof evolution1. A giant collection of alternative phenotypes2. Alternative phenotypes as functionally independent targets of selection3. A general critique of Neo-Darwinism and its inconsistencies and gaps4. Plasticity as a facilitator of novelty (The facilitator hypothesis)

C: Three predictions for contemporary research to test the facilitator hypothesis1. The origin of novelty starts with environmentally responsive and developmentally plastic organisms2. Environmental responsiveness requires developmental switch genes to allow developmental reprograming3. Pulses of plasticity end by environmental influences becoming genetically encoded – genetic accommodation

and genetic assimilation

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contrast, nonadaptive plasticity in response to extreme andstressful environments is likely to result in mal-adaptive traitswith little evolutionary significance. However, some authorshave recently argued the importance of such nonadaptiveplasticity and its potential for rapid evolution that ultimatelymight become adaptive (Ghalambor et al. 2015). While thestudy design used in these experiments is itself contentious(Mallard et al. 2018; van Gestel and Weissing 2018), thegeneral idea of nonadaptive phenotypic plasticity for contem-porary adaptation to new environments (Ghalambor et al.2007) might become an important research topic, and par-ticularly so in light of climate change.

Finally, the threshold response of plasticity might be reg-ulated in a conditional or a stochastic manner. While theformer ismore common, thepotential roleof stochastic factorsis well known in microbes. For example, persister cell forma-tion in Staphylococcus aureus and spore formation in Bacillussubtilis are examples of what, in microbial terminology, isoften referred to as phenotypic heterogeneity or bistability(Dubnau and Losick 2006; de Jong et al. 2011; Ackermann2015). However, stochastic factors are also increasingly rec-ognized in examples of plasticity in multicellular organismsand conditional vs. stochastic regulation of plasticity are notmutually exclusive (Susoy and Sommer 2016). Together,continuous vs. discrete, adaptive vs. nonadaptive plasticity,and conditional vs. stochastic regulation represent importantdistinctions for the evaluation and significance of plastictraits in evolution.

The History of a Concept

From Baldwin to Bradshaw

Some of the controversy and contention around phenotypicplasticity has a historic basis. In this short section, I will onlybriefly summarize some of the major contributions that haveinfluenced the perception of plasticity. For a full account, Irefer the reader to an extended analysis of the history ofphenotypic plasticity by Nicoglou (2015). The first exampleof plasticity was the so-called “Baldwin effect” published byJames Baldwin in 1896, which did not even mention theword plasticity. The Baldwin effect describes the influenceof learned behavior on evolution, suggesting that the organ-ism’s ability to learn a new behavior (for example in responseto a new stressor) might affect fitness and therefore influencenatural selection (Baldwin 1896). Similar ideas have beenproposed multiple times independently and Gilbert Gottliebhas provided the most recent summary of plasticity, learnednovel behaviors, and psychology (Gottlieb 1992).

Much of the controversies around plasticity are due to thevocabulary used in the premolecular era. As pointed out byCanfield and Greene (2009), this vocabulary is diverse, haschanged over time, and, most importantly, has often been usedinconsistently. This began more than a century ago whenRichard Woltereck carried out the first experiments on plasticcharacters. In 1909, he used the water flea Daphnia to describe

the relationship between the expressions of phenotypes across arange of different environments and coined the term “reactionnorm” (Schlichting and Pigliucci 1998). The full significance ofthe phenomenon remained elusive because Woltereck hadmissed the opportunity to properly define phenotypes. Indeed,it was Johannsen who, in 1911, first distinguished betweengenotype and phenotype, and introduced the concept ofgenotype–environmental interaction (Nicoglou 2015).

Three decades later, Schmalhausen in Russia and Wad-dington in Great Britain further developed the concept ofphenotypic plasticity. Schmalhausen developed a theory of“stabilizing selection,” arguing that environmentally inducedplastic traits, when adaptive, can become genetically fixed(Schmalhausen 1949). We will return later to this form of“genetic assimilation.” Waddington, by using environmentalperturbation of development, provided important conceptualcontributions based on his work with the bithorax and cross-veinless phenotypes in Drosophila. However, Waddingtonwas inconsistent in his nomenclature, as can be seen fromhis late monograph The Evolution of an Evolutionist(Waddington 1975). While he clearly introduced the conceptof genetic assimilation, and discussed the importance of de-velopmental switches and epigenetic processes, he did notconsistently use the same nomenclature and terminology.For example, in different publications on his selection exper-iments in Drosophila, he would sometimes omit the term ge-netic assimilation or “developmental switch,” while in othersthe whole arguments centered around these terms. In parts,this was based on the missing genetic and molecular founda-tion of developmental biology in the 1940s. As a result,Waddington’s argument for genetic assimilation to allowenvironmental responses to be incorporated into the de-velopmental program of the organism was controversiallydiscussed but found little support among neo-Darwinists(Amundson 2005).

In 1963, Ernst Mayr pointed toward another inconsistencyin nomenclature. At that time, the term polymorphism wasused todescribe anykindof phenotypic variation independentof the underlying causes. Mayr suggested that the termpolymorphism should be used only for variation that wasgenetically based. Simultaneously, he introduced the term“polyphenism” for nongenetic variation of the phenotype.He wrote:

Polyphenism is discontinuous when definite castes are pre-sent or definite stages in the life cycle or definite seasonalforms. Polyphenism may be continuous, as on the cyclo-morphosis of fresh-water organisms and some otherseasonal variation (Mayr 1963, p. 150).

The distinction between genetic polymorphism and envi-ronmentally inducedpolyphenism is an important one, even ifit has not been followed by all scholars in a consistentmanner(Canfield and Greene 2009).

A short 2 years later, an even more important conceptualbreakthrough was achieved when Anthony Bradshaw pro-posed that phenotypic plasticity and the ability to express

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alternative phenotypes must be genetically controlled. Brad-shaw developed this idea in 1965 based on the analysis ofplants that develop alternative phenotypes in response toextreme environmental conditions. Bradshaw realized thatthe plasticity of a trait could differ between close relatives ofthe same genus, independently of the trait itself (Bradshaw1965). For example, the degree of heterophylly can differremarkably between closely related water plants, such asRanunculus peltatus and R. hederaceus, or Potamogetonnatans and Po. lucens. Similarly, marked differences in plas-ticity are known from varieties within certain crop species.Bradshaw concluded that “such differences are difficult to ex-plain unless it is assumed that the plasticity of a character is anindependent property of that character and is under its ownspecific genetic control” (Bradshaw 1965, p. 118). Togetherwith Mayr’s separation of polymorphism and polyphenism,Bradshaw’s remarkable conclusion represents the key foun-dation for modern studies of plasticity.

West-Eberhard and alternative phenotypes

While Mayr’s and Bradshaw’s contributions were important,neither of them resulted in the acceptance of plasticity as asignificant factor in evolution. As already indicated above,skepticism remained for decades, building on the reservationsdescribed in Box 1A. Therefore, the most important challengewas to provide empirical evidence for the widespread occur-rence of plasticity and to simultaneously develop a theoreticalconcept that would support its significance for inducing evo-lutionary innovations. In 1989,Mary JaneWest-Eberhard pub-lished a review article entitled Phenotypic plasticity and theorigin of diversity that made the first convincing argumentfor plasticity to act as a diversifying agent in evolution. Thisidea was further developed and exhaustively expanded in her2003 monograph Developmental Plasticity and Evolution. Thismonograph represented the most significant turning point inconsidering the role of plasticity in evolution by offering fourunique contributions (Box 1B). First, it displayed an immensecollection of polyphenisms. It showed “once and for all” (West-Eberhard 2003, p. vii) how pervasive alternative phenotypesand plasticity are in nature. This observation resulted in theimportant conclusion that organisms are universally respon-sive to the environment, similar to their responsiveness togenes. As such, environmental influences on organisms andtheir phenotypes must not be ignored in evolutionary theory.Second, West-Eberhard argued that alternative phenotypesbecome developmentally and functionally independent sub-jects of selection. The independent expression in different in-dividuals and populations can therefore lead to evolutionarynovelty and adaptation. Both of these conclusions, the univer-sal interdependence between the environment and organisms,as well as selection independently targeting the alternativephenotypes of plasticity, were made possible by West-Eber-hard’s liberate restriction on alternative phenotypes.

She also pointed toward existing gaps and inconsistenciesin mainstream evolutionary theory, which represented thethird major contribution of her monograph. She clearly

delineated how neo-Darwinian thinking sidelines organismalresponses to the environment as being of little significance forevolution, although they are so tremendously widespread.Similarly, mainstream theory pays little attention to develop-ment as a proximal mechanistic principle that delineates allphenotypes. Instead, it relies on genes and mutations as theoriginator of new phenotypes, which results in importantcontractions and inconsistencies because selection cannotdirectly act on genes (except for those acting directly on germcells). This critical review allowed West-Eberhard to proposeplasticity as a mechanism that can fill existing gaps; bydefinition, phenotypic plasticity demonstrates the importanceof the environment and development for the generation ofphenotypic traits. Therefore, thefinal contribution of the bookwas to propose plasticity as a major facilitator of novelty:“alternative (phenotypes) permit the elaboration of a new traitwithout eliminating an established one, thereby facilitating theevolution of new adaptive specializations” (West-Eberhard2003, p.377). This idea resulted in the hypothesis that nov-elty in evolution is often associated with plasticity. Plasticity,with its inherent consideration of environmental and devel-opmental influences on phenotypes, is therefore a logicalextension to evolutionary theory that can overcome existinginconsistencies. In summary, Developmental Plasticity andEvolution represented a critique on evolutionary thought thatsimultaneously provided new hypotheses, which can be em-pirically tested. As will be discussed below, the confirmationof the facilitator hypothesis and the identification of associ-ated molecular mechanisms are the most critical challengesfor current and future plasticity research.

Three Predictions for the Role of Plasticity in Evolution

Three predictions have to be fulfilled to support the role ofplasticity as facilitator for evolutionary novelty and diversity(Box 1C). First, the origin of novelty often starts with envi-ronmentally responsive and developmentally plastic traits.This proposal is also referred to as “plasticity first evolution”or the “flexible stem hypothesis” (Gibert 2017; Levis andPfennig 2019). Second, environmental responsiveness re-quires developmental reprogramming in the form of devel-opmental switch genes. And third, pulses of plasticity arerestricted in evolutionary time. Ultimately, plasticity, andwith it environmental responsiveness, becomes geneticallyencoded, a phenomenon that is also known as “canalization,”“genetic accommodation,” or genetic assimilation withslightly different meanings, which will be discussed below.All three of these predictions need empirical support to showthe role of plasticity in evolution. Ultimately, only case studiesidentifying associatedmolecularmechanisms can provide thenecessary insight that will allow a general acceptance of plas-ticity as major factor of evolution. Therefore, in the secondpart of this contribution, I will provide three selected exam-ples of plasticity from vertebrates, nematodes, and insects,respectively, resulting in a four-step model for the role ofplasticity in evolution.

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Prediction 1: novelty relies on plasticity

West-Eberhard proposed that the origin of novelty often startswith environmentally responsive and developmentally plastictraits (West-Eberhard 2003). Testing this prediction requirescomparative studies in a strict phylogenetic context to deter-mine the direction of change and, thus, polarity. In the past,such studies have been difficult because potentially novel

(apomorphic), plastic characters have themselves been usedfor phylogenetic reconstruction. This resulted in problems forphylogenetic reconstruction if the plasticity and potentialcanalization of characters were not properly considered.Now, molecular sequence analyses provide robust phyloge-nies independent of morphological characters. Such phylo-genetic frameworks allow the proper use of the comparative

Figure 1 Three predictions for the role of plasticity in evolution. Prediction 1, novelty relies on plasticity (A and B); prediction 2, developmental switchgenes and the molecular basis of plasticity (C and D); and prediction 3, regimes of canalization (E–G). (A) Spadefoot toads in the genus Spea producealternative, environmentally induced tadpole morphs: a slower developing omnivore morph (left) and a more rapidly developing carnivore morph (right),which is induced by, and specializes on, animal prey, such as fairy shrimp (center). Photo: David Pfennig. (B) Plasticity first evolution. A phylogeneticcomparison between different Spea species and the outgroup Scaliphiopus reveals that the novel carnivorous morph evolved through a phase ofphenotypic plasticity. Scaliphiopus displays only the omnivorous morph. In contrast, S. bombifrons, a species that only exhibits the carnivorous morph, issecondarily derived, representing a secondary character loss consistent with plasticity first evolution (O, strict omnivore; B, both morphs; and C, strictcarnivore). (C) Mouth-form plasticity in the nematode P. pacificus. The predatory eurystomatous (Eu) mouth form (left and center) exhibits a dorsal tooth(colored blue in left picture) and a subventral tooth (blue in central picture). In contrast, the bacterivorous stenostomatous (St) morph has only a dorsaltooth (not visible in this focal plane), whereas the subventral tooth is reduced to a ridge (yellow in picture to the right). Photo: Tobias Theska. (D). Mouth-form plasticity is controlled by a developmental switch gene. The PS312 wild-type strain is predominantly Eu. Animals heterozygous for a mutation in theswitch gene eud-1 are already predominantly St, whereas homozygous mutants are all-St. Overexpression (OE) of eud-1 reverts the phenotype to all-Eu,suggesting that the activity of eud-1 is dose-dependent. This is further supported by the fact that eud-1 is located on the X chromosome and males,carrying a single X chromosome, are preferentially St. However, overexpression of eud-1 from a transgene converts the phenotype to all-Eu. [redrawnand modified from Ragsdale et al. (2013)]. (E) The tobacco hornworm M. sexta develops green larvae, but black mutants exist that recapitulate theevolutionary ancestral state. This state, as shown forM. quinquemaculata, exhibits a color dimorphism with black larvae when cultured at 20� and greenlarvae when cultured at 28�. Photo: Fred Nijhout. (F) Selection results in genetic accommodation. Changes in the mean coloration of heat-shockedlarvae in response to selection for increased (green) and decreased (black) color response to heat-shock treatment. The blue line represents the colorscore of an unselected control line [redrawn with permission from Suzuki and Nijhout (2006)]. (G) Reaction norm after 13 generations of selection forpolyphenic or monophenic lines. Culturing at constant temperatures between 20� and 40� reveals that only the polyphenic line shows a strongtemperature response in coloration, indicating that genetic accommodation can be selected for in only 13 generations. In contrast, no or little colorationdifferences in response to different culture temperatures were seen in the monophenic and unselected lines, respectively [redrawn with permission fromSuzuki and Nijhout (2006)].

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method (Harvey and Pagel 1991), and indeed, various casestudies confirmed the prediction that plasticity correlateswith phenotypic novelty.

Oneexample is theorigin of predatorymorphs in spadefoottoad tadpoles [for recent review, see Levis and Pfennig(2019)]. The North American toad genus Spea has invadedan unexplored ecological niche consisting of rapidly dryingponds that usually exist only for a short period of time (Figure1, A and B). Tadpoles of most anurans are omnivores, such asspecies of Scaliphiopus, a group that is closely related to Spea.Such omnivore tadpoles have small jaw muscles, smoothmouthparts, and a long gut, and they eat detritus, algae,and small crustaceans. In contrast, tadpoles of Spea haveevolved an extreme case of polyphenism, exhibiting an alter-native, carnivorous morph. Carnivore tadpoles have largejaw muscles, notched mouthparts, and a short gut, and theypreferentially eat larger shrimps and even other tadpoles.These tadpoles are an evolutionary novelty because theyare only known from species of Spea. Interestingly, mostSpea species display the described polyphenism through di-et-induced plasticity (Figure 1A). For example, S. multi-plicate exhibits plasticity in muscles, mouthparts, gutlength, and body size. However, another species, S. bomb-ifrons, only forms the carnivorous but not the omnivorousmorph. The phylogenetic relationship of the described spe-cies is consistent with the plasticity first hypothesis: spe-cies of Scaliphiopus—the outgroup to Spea—only formomnivore tadpoles, representing the ancestral pattern.Then, the origin of plasticity resulted in the alternativecarnivorous morph (Figure 1B). Finally, the absence of theomnivorous form in S. bombifrons represents a secondary loss.

In a recent study, Levis and co-workers extended their pre-vious analysis, and tested to which extent alternative diet(detritus vs. shrimp) could induce plasticity and change-asso-ciated morphologies (Levis et al. 2018). In Scaliphiopus, diet-induced morphological changes were observed in severaltraits, but only some of them were adaptive. In contrast, thephenotypically plastic S. multiplicate exhibited adaptive diet-induced plasticity in all investigated traits. Finally, the cana-lized S. bombifrons showed an even greater refinement of char-acters in response to a shrimp diet. These studies stronglysupport the role of plasticity for the evolution of the carnivo-rousmorph as a novel trait and suggest the following scenario.First, environmental changes trigger and induce phenotypicvariation through phenotypic plasticity. Second, different ge-notypes and populations differ in the type and abundance oftheir response patterns. Third, natural selection can act onthese response patterns and can finally result in a canalizedphenotype that is itself still subject to selection. Therefore,such an evolutionary scenario creates bothmorphological nov-elty and diversification, as seen in S. bombifrons.

Increased comparative research activities provide strongevidence for the plasticity first hypothesis. One other examplein the context of feeding plasticity is the evolution of predatoryvs. nonpredatory mouth forms in the nematode Pristionchuspacificus. The investigation of �100 species of . 20 genera of

the same family of nematodes, the Diplogastridae, revealedthat the evolutionary novelty, the formation of teeth-like den-ticles enabling predation, was also associated with plasticity(Nijhout 2015; Susoy et al. 2015). Mouth-form plasticity in P.pacificus will be the subject of the next paragraph, testing thesecond major prediction of the facilitator hypothesis. Indeed,nematodes are a prime target for the study of plasticity formultiple reasons. First, �80% of animal species on Earth arebelieved to be nematodes (Smythe et al. 2019; van denHoogenet al. 2019). Second, besides their abundance they display enor-mous diversity, in particular with regard to feeding structuresand feeding strategies. Finally, several selected model systemscan be cultured under laboratory conditions, providing the nec-essary tools to obtain molecular and mechanistic insights. Thisincludes Caenorhabditis elegans and the aforementioned P.pacificus, which will be described in more detail below.

Prediction 2: developmental switch genes and themolecular basis of plasticity

Nonplastic developmental processes are hardwired againstenvironmental fluctuations, whereas plastic processes arecharacterized by being able to sense and respond to environ-mental information. It has been proposed that developmentalswitch genes fulfill this function by first, sensing the environ-ment and second, controlling alternative phenotypes. How-ever, the identity of such developmental switch genesremainedcompletelyelusive fora long time. Indevelopmentalbiology, so-called “genetic switch genes” are well known fromvarious developmental pathways. For example, the proto-oncogene RAS in EGF/EGFR signal transduction, when perma-nently activated through a gain-of-function mutation, resultsin a conformational change that leads to the overexpressionof certain cell fates (Han and Sternberg 1990). As part ofmore complex gene regulatory networks (GRNs), such signaltransduction pathways control gene expression via individualor groups of transcription factors (Davidson 2006). However,it was unclear if genetic switch genes were part of “environ-mentally induced developmental switches” in the context ofphenotypic plasticity. Similarly, the GRNs that control plasticphenotypes have not yet been identified. Therefore, testingthis prediction, and identifying developmental switch genesand associated GRNs, were essential to confirm the signifi-cance of plasticity for evolution. Such endeavors require amodel system approach with molecular and genetic investi-gations providing mechanistic insight.

One such system is the nematode P. pacificus, which ex-hibits a feeding dimorphism in form of a bacterial feedingmorph (stenostomatous, St) and a facultative predatory(eurystomatous, Eu) morph (Bento et al. 2010) (Figure 1C).P. pacificus is a self-fertilizing nematode that usually propa-gates as hermaphrodites with the rare occurrence of males.Self-fertilization in this species results in a unique advantagefor the study of phenotypic plasticity. All the progeny of anindividual worm, and usually even all members of a popula-tion, are clonal and thus genetically identical. P. pacificus hasbeen established as a genetic system with forward and reverse

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genetic tools (Sommer 2015), allowing unbiased geneticstudies of mouth-form plasticity. Also, mouth-form plasticityin P. pacificus shows strong conditional regulation. Whengrown on standard nematode agar plates with Escherichiacoli as a food source, worms are preferentially predatory. Incontrast, when grown in liquid culture, worms are nearlyexclusively nonpredatory (Werner et al. 2017). Thus, P.pacificus allows fast genetic and environmental manipulationof a plastic trait under laboratory conditions.

Strikingly, the first genetic investigations of mouth-formplasticity indeed identified a developmental switch gene.Ragsdale and co-workers performed unbiased screens formutants that would alter the mouth-form ratio of P. pacificuson agar plates and identified a gene that, when mutated,would result in all-St worms (Figure 1D) (Ragsdale et al.2013). This gene was named eud-1, for eurystomatous-form-defective; it encodes a sulfatase, and mutations in eud-1show a number of unusual characteristics. First, mutantsare dominant so that hermaphrodites with a single mutantcopy are already preferentially St. Second, these eud-1 mu-tants are loss-of-function, a rare genetic phenomenon. Forexample, in C. elegans, only one dominant loss-of-functionmutant is known after 50 years of genetic studies, whereasdominant gain-of-function mutants are frequent. In P. pacif-icus, the dominant eud-1 phenotype already indicates the roleof this gene as a developmental switch. Indeed, further stud-ies revealed that eud-1 is extremely dose-sensitive and over-expression of eud-1 in a eud-1 mutant background cancompletely revert the all-St mutant phenotype into an all-Euphenotype (Figure 1D) (Ragsdale et al. 2013). Thus, eud-1represents a classical genetic switch gene, as described fromdevelopmental genetic studies in multiple model organisms.These findings suggest that environmentally induced devel-opmental switch genes share, at least in part, characteristicsof genetic switches. However, the situation is more compli-cated, as indicated below.

Subsequent investigations showed that eud-1 represents acomplex genetic locus. It contains an antisense transcript thatacts positively on eud-1 expression (Serobyan et al. 2016).Furthermore, eud-1 is part of a multigene locus that containstwo pairs of duplicated genes in a tandem inverted configu-ration (Sieriebriennikov et al. 2018). These genes, nag-1 andnag-2, encode for N-acetyl-glucosaminidases and mutants inthese genes have an opposite phenotype to eud-1, resulting inall-Eu animals under all culture conditions. eud-1, nag-1, andnag-2 are expressed in different sensory neurons, furthersupporting the notion that they are involved in sensing theenvironment. Thus, the environmentally induced mouth-form switch is a network with modular organization, the fullcomplement of which is still to be investigated. Such a switchnetwork cannot act alone and it has been anticipated thatit must function in concert with a “phenotypic executionnetwork,” which most likely represents a typical GRN(Sieriebriennikov and Sommer 2018).

Indeed,more recentgenetic studies identified largepartsofthe GRN of mouth-form plasticity in P. pacificus (Bui and

Ragsdale 2019; Sieriebriennikov et al. 2020 preprint). Atthe center, two nuclear hormone receptors, nhr-1 and nhr-40, are involved in transmitting environmental informationto mouth-form decision-making processes. Interestingly, nhr-40 also shows characteristics of a genetic switch, as gain-of-function mutations result in all-Eu phenotypes, whereas loss-of-function mutations of nhr-40 are all-St (Sieriebriennikovet al. 2020). These findings clearly indicate that both theswitch network and the GRN of mouth-form plasticity arecomplex entities, and that genetic switches are only parts oflarger regulatory networks. When Sieriebtriennikov andco-workers tried to identify the downstream targets of thenuclear hormone receptors NHR-40 and NHR-1, they foundthat they have a small number of common targets. However,surprisingly, all of these common targets are fast-evolvinggenes that have no 1:1 orthologs in C. elegans. This is instrong contrast to nhr-1 and nhr-40 themselves, which are1:1 orthologous between P. pacificus and C. elegans; al-though, in general, nuclear hormone receptors evolve ex-tremely rapidly (Sieriebriennikov et al. 2020). Thus, theevolution of a novel feeding behavior by a novel morpholog-ical structure depends on rapidly evolving genes, the latterof which are primary subjects of recent investigations(Rödelsperger et al. 2019).

Taken together, these studies strongly support the secondprediction of the facilitator hypothesis: plasticity requiresdevelopmental reprogramming in the form of developmentalswitches that can incorporate environmental information.However, the associated molecular mechanisms are compli-cated, involving complex loci, such as eud-1, that function asswitches and GRNs. While still early, it is likely that switchgenes point to a general principle of plasticity because otherexamples of plasticity also involve complex switch mecha-nisms. For example, the nematode dauer stage, which rep-resents a second example of phenotypic plasticity innematodes, is also regulated in a complex manner and in-volves the nuclear hormone receptor daf-12, which acts as aswitch (Antebi 2015). In addition, the regulation of the lyticcycle in bacteriophages identified a switch mechanism thatrequired a complex genetic locus, and relied on genetic andepigenetic mechanisms (Ptashne 2004). Finally, the regula-tion of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana through the flower-ing locus C is another example of a complex genetic locus thatinvolves genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to regulate aphenotypically plastic trait (Costa and Dean 2019). In allthese systems thresholds exist, above or below which re-sponses to the environment result in different phenotypicoutcomes. Therefore, it is very possible that future studieson other examples of plasticity will reveal similar principlesinvolving switch mechanisms.

Prediction 3: regimes of canalization, from geneticaccommodation to assimilation

Important challenges remain to prove the full significance ofplasticity as amajormechanism of evolution. Are plastic traitssubject to external selection pressure and what are the

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mechanisms that will result in the fixation of the originallyplastic traits? Many case studies in the last two decades haveshown that plastic traits are indeed subject to selection,resulting in rapid evolution of the associated traits, includingthe Spea tadpoles discussed above. Another example comesfrom beetle horn development in the dung beetleOntophagustaurus. Males of this species express two alternative pheno-types. If they grow under favorable conditions, they have alarge body size and in response, develop a pair of horns thatallows them to fight against other males to obtain a chance ofmating with females. In contrast, males that grow under un-favorable conditions will remain small, and as a consequence,stay hornless and will not get involved in fights with conspe-cific males. Thus, a body weight threshold will induce theformation of horns resulting in a polyphenism associatedwith different mating behaviors. While O. taurus is originallyfrom the Mediterranean region and is common in manysouthern European countries, it was introduced into severalAustralian states as part of a release program between1969 and 1983. In the same time period, it was accidentallyalso introduced into the eastern United States with the firstreports from Florida in 1971. The comparison of the materialfrom Australia and the United States after 40 years of inde-pendent evolution revealedmassive divergence in the thresh-old body size that induces the formation of horns. Commongarden experiments showed that this divergence is geneti-cally encoded because it is fully maintained under laboratoryconditions for multiple generations (Moczek and Nijhout2002). In a follow-up study between native (Mediterranean)and exotic (Australian and United States) populations, it wasshown that threshold divergence has indeed evolved in the40 years of independent evolution (Moczek and Nijhout2003). These studies clearly indicated that polyphenismsare subject to selection, which will result in adaptive changes.

Experimental studies under laboratory conditions can pro-vide direct evidence that polyphenisms might evolve throughgenetic stabilization of an originally environmental signal.Selection experiments have been extremely powerful in but-terflies, such as for eyespot patterns in Bicyclus anynana andlarval color variation in the tobacco hornwormManduca sexta(Brakefield et al. 1996; Suzuki and Nijhout 2006).M. sexta ismonomorphic with regard to its larval color with only greenlarvae (Figure 1, E–G). In contrast, the close relativeM. quin-quemaculata exhibits a color dimorphism, developing a blackphenotype at 20� and a green morph at 28� (Figure 1E).Suzuki and Nijhout performed selection experiments with ablack mutant of M. sexta that shows reduced juvenile hor-mone secretion resulting in a black morph, similar to theone known from M. quinquemaculata (Figure 1F). Heat-shock experiments at 42� in the sensitive period allowed arange of colormorphs to be generated that can be selected forin experimental evolution settings. Within 13 generations,polyphenic andmonophenic lines were selected that resultedin green and black morphs, respectively (Figure 1F). Whencultured under constant conditions between 20� and 33�,only the polyphenic line exhibited a strong threshold

response with temperatures . 30�, showing a similar re-sponse to the heat-shock condition of 42� (Figure 1G). Phys-iological studies revealed that the polyphenic line had higherjuvenile hormone titers at higher temperatures, suggestingthat changes in hormonal regulation may underlie the evo-lution of color polyphenism (Suzuki and Nijhout 2006). Thisstudy is a striking example of what was originally designatedas genetic accommodation (West-Eberhard 2003). Duringgenetic accommodation, a novel phenotype caused bymutation or environmental change becomes ultimatelymanifested as an adaptive phenotype through quantita-tive genetic changes. Together, the study of various insectsystems by Nijhout and colleagues, as well as others,clearly indicates that plastic traits are subject to selectionleading to phenotypic divergence through accumulatedgenetic accommodation.

It is important to note that genetic accommodation, asdescribed above, is clearly distinct from genetic assimilationand canalization. Genetic accommodation is a mechanism bywhich a phenotypic variation, originally induced by a muta-tion or an environmental change, becomes adaptive. In con-trast, genetic assimilation results in the genetic fixation(canalization) of the novel trait, thereby eliminating its envi-ronmental responsiveness altogether (Suzuki and Nijhout2006; Jones and Robinson 2018). Both processes are impor-tant for the role of plasticity in evolution; ultimately, associ-ated molecular mechanisms must be identified, like in thecase of environmentally induced developmental switches. In-deed, the identification of the associated molecular mecha-nisms represents a major remaining challenge for a detailedunderstanding of phenotypic plasticity.

Challenges and Opportunities for Current and FutureResearch

The identification of environmentally induced developmentalswitches and the indication that plastic traits are indeedsubject to selection leave one major challenge unanswered:what are the mechanisms that will result in the geneticassimilation of a trait in the final step of plasticity evolution?How do environmental influences on phenotypes becomegenetically encoded? Do these phenomena involve transge-nerational effects? Is epigenetic information involved in theseprocesses? The identification of the molecular mechanismsthat enable the transition from an “environmentally induced”to a “genetically encoded” state is thus a prime area of futureresearch.

Fortunately, a rich range of literature is currently accumu-lating that studies transgenerational and epigenetic effects. Inparticular, the nematode C. elegans—with its clonal reproduc-tion, rapid growth in the laboratory, and dietary simplicity—exhibits a number of examples of such “noncanonical” inher-itance. While these studies are not primarily concerned withphenotypic plasticity, they offer important insight into themechanisms that are potentially associated with genetic as-similation and canalization. Below, I provide a brief overview

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about transgenerational inheritance in C. elegans and willfinally discuss its potential power for plasticity research.

Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance was first docu-mented in plants, where germ cells often derive from somatictissues and are exposed to the environment (Heard andMartienssen 2014). In contrast, in animals, transgenerationaleffects have beenmore difficult to identify. It was early work inC. elegans on germline immortality that revealed reprogram-ming of epigenetic memory (Xu et al. 2001). Strome andco-workers identified in forward genetic screens the“maternal effect sterile” (mes) genes that are maternally re-quired to contribute to germline immortality. If MES proteinsare not provided by the mother, germ cells will die and theanimal will be sterile. Subsequent studies have shown thatMES proteins repress the epigenetic memory of the X chromo-some on H3K27me (Gaydos et al. 2014). At the same time, anumber of related findings were made. For example, mutantsin the H3K4me2 demethylase, called spr-5 in C. elegans, ex-hibit progressive sterility over 20 generations, while originalmutant cultures are fertile (Katz et al. 2009). Similarly, trans-generational epigenetic inheritance of life span was shown torequire H3K4me3 (Greer et al. 2011). Other studies revealedthat foreign DNA also induces transgenerational responses inworms, largely by acting through different forms of epigeneticinheritance. Various small RNAs are involved in gene silencingand are transmitted for multiple generations in a non-Mendelian manner (Rechavi et al. 2011; Shirmayama et al.2012). In this context, the genetic cofactors required for genesilencing were found to involve various Argonaute proteins,which are encodedby a gene family that ismassively expandedin worms (Ashe et al. 2012; Conine et al. 2013; Seth et al.2013; Wedeles et al. 2013). More recently, starvation- andtemperature-induced transgenerational effects were shownto also require small RNAs (Rechavi et al. 2014; Jobson et al.2015; Klosin et al. 2017; Belicard et al. 2018). Thus, a sub-stantial body of evidence has accumulated in C. elegans thatbridges the gap between transgenerational effects and epige-netic memory, and identifies associated mechanisms (Lim andBrunet 2013; Klosin and Lehner 2016).

Genetic assimilation might be initiated by transgenera-tional effects that build upon epigenetic processes. For exam-ple, heritable chromatin marks are known to be deposited atRNA interference-targeted loci in C. elegans and they mightaffect the biogenesis of heritable small RNAs (Rechavi andLev 2017). However, it is unlikely that traces of these proces-ses can still be found in the already canalized phenotypesdiscussed above. Instead, one has to search for such mecha-nisms in experimental evolution settings. The increasing ev-idence that plastic traits can evolve rapidly makes themamenable to experimental evolution studies, in particular ininsects and nematodes, but also other rapidly propagatingspecies. Unbiased searches for associated epigenetic mecha-nisms will be necessary to create the ultimate link betweenenvironmentally induced epigenetic processes and properlyinherited genetic changes. A true challenge for the nextdecade.

A Four-Step Model for the Role of Plasticity and theOrigin of Novelty

Plasticity first evolution in spadefoot toad tadpoles, environ-mentally induced developmental switch genes in predatorynematodes, and genetic accommodation and assimilation indung beetles and tobacco hornworms not only confirm the

Figure 2 A four-step model for the role of phenotypic plasticity in evo-lution. First, the evolution of novelty (light-blue circle and light-red square)starts as an environmentally sensitive and phenotypically plastic trait froma previously hardwired monomorphic phenotype (purple circle). The ori-gin of plasticity might be caused by environmental change and/or geneticmutations. Second, environmentally induced developmental switches reg-ulate the expression of alternative phenotypes after sensing environmen-tal variations. Alternative plastic traits are independently expressed indifferent individuals and populations. They can be the target of selectionbecause they are functionally and developmentally independent. There-fore, selection will result in adaptation and further phenotypic diversifi-cation, a phenomenon referred to as genetic accommodation (indicatedas shape variations in both phenotypes). Note that the color difference ofboth shape groups indicates that morphological and physiological traits,and their evolutionary variation, might influence the interaction of suchorganisms, i.e., their behavior. In the final, fourth step, a phase of plas-ticity is terminated in a process called genetic assimilation or canalization(X). The associated molecular mechanisms that will give rise to canalizedphenotypes have yet to be identified, similar to those associated withgenetic accommodation. This represents the major challenge for plasticityresearch in the decade to come.

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major predictions of the facilitator hypothesis, but they alsorepresent the different phases of phenotypic plasticity. Ipropose a four-step model to visualize the different phasesof plasticity as an evolutionary trajectory and as a frame-work for associated phenotypic transitions (Figure 2). Inthe first step, environmental changes and/or genetic mu-tations result in the occurrence of plastic traits (Figure 2,step 1). While several examples of such plasticity first evo-lution have already been documented based on carefulcomparative and phylogenetic investigations, the associ-ated molecular mechanisms await future analysis. Second,the conditional regulation of development requires devel-opmental switches, the identification of which moved theanalysis of plasticity from the phenotypic and phylogeneticlevels to molecular mechanisms. However, the nematodeexample of feeding structure plasticity revealed that thegenetic control of plasticity is complex, and requires so-phisticated genetic and genomic tools (Figure 2, step 2).In the third step, the independent expression of plastictraits in different individuals and distinct populations re-sults in local adaptation through independent selection.Associated changes in the molecular network controllingplasticity will result in genetic accommodation and, thus,further diversification (Figure 2, step 3). However, theidentification of such changes is only possible once theregulatory developmental switches and associated GRNshave been identified. Ultimately, in the fourth step, oneof the diversified traits might become genetically encodedand thereby independent of environmental influence. Suchgenetic assimilation or canalization will fix the trait, andwill end the evolutionary pulse of plasticity (Flatt 2005)(Figure 2, step 4).

It is important to note that phenotypic innovation is notrestricted to the origin of plasticity and genetic accommo-dation. Instead, the study by Levis and co-workers de-scribed above indicated that the canalized S. bombifronsshowed the strongest character divergence upon diet in-duction (Levis et al. 2018). Similarly, studies in nematodesindicated that the loss of polyphenism of feeding structureswas followed by an even stronger rate of subsequent evo-lution of new phenotypes (Susoy et al. 2015). Thus, theloss of plasticity can also be associated with increasedevolvability. Stabilizing mechanisms, which originallybuffer the alternative phenotypes of the organism againstgenetic changes, might represent an explanation for thisincreased evolvability (Nijhout 2015). Such bufferingmechanisms will result in the gradual accumulation of mu-tations that would otherwise affect the alternative pheno-types. When the polyphenism is lost, the need forstabilization disappears and some of the accumulated ge-netic variation is no longer buffered. This might cause thecanalized phenotype to vary even more, and through se-lection can result in diverse adaptations (Nijhout 2015).Thus, all phases of plasticity are involved in creating nov-elty and diversity, making phenotypic plasticity a richsource of phenotypic innovation in evolution.


Phenotypic plasticity was, for a long time, an underappre-ciated and in large parts neglected mechanism and conceptof evolution. This perspective is changing with new theo-retical and empirical studies that point toward the signif-icance of plasticity for facilitating the novelty and diversityofmorphological, physiological, behavioral, and life historytraits. Four features are necessary to reveal the importanceof plasticity for the evolution of a given trait. First, com-parative phylogenetic studies must show that plasticityindeed coincides with a novel trait. Second, molecularmechanisms must provide insight into how environmentalinformation is perceived and how switch genes regulatealternative phenotypes. Third, the role of selection drivingthe adaptation of plastic traits has to be investigated in aphylogenetic context, resulting in genetic accommodationand assimilation. However, the true challenge for the de-cade to come will be to show the molecular mechanisms ofgenetic assimilation and, thus, how environmental infor-mation becomes genetically encoded during charactercanalization.


I thank M. Dardiry, T. Renahan, and Dr. M. Werner forcritically reading this manuscript; M. Voetsch for theartwork; and members of my laboratory, and the manyinternational colleagues and friends, for stimulating discus-sions about phenotypic plasticity and its role in evolutionover the years. The author also wants to apologize toimportant contributions in the field that could not be citedbecause of space restrictions.

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Communicating editor: A. S. Wilkins

Perspectives 13

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