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Page 1: Phase retrieval algorithms: a personal tour [Invited]€¦ · generated holograms (CGHs) as a way to optically store data. Storing data optically in the Fourier domain rather than

Phase retrieval algorithms: a personal tour [Invited]

James R. FienupThe Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627, USA

([email protected])

Received 28 September 2012; accepted 15 October 2012;posted 4 December 2012 (Doc. ID 181961); published 21 December 2012

This paper gives the reader a personal tour through the field of phase retrieval and related worksthat lead up to or cited the paper “Phase Retrieval Algorithms: a Comparison,” [Appl. Opt. 21, 2758(1982)]. © 2012 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: 100.5070, 100.3010, 010.7350, 110.0110, 030.0030, 070.0070.

1. Introduction

This is not your usual paper for Applied Optics, beingneither just the latest results in, nor a comprehen-sive review of, a particular field. Solicited byEditor-in-Chief Joseph Mait, it is in part a retrospec-tive paper about a personal journey in the field ofphase retrieval, in the context of the 50th anniver-sary celebration of Applied Optics. He solicited thepresent paper because the paper “Phase RetrievalAlgorithms: a Comparison” (henceforth: “the 1982Applied Optics paper”) [1] had, as of early 2012, re-ceived over 1,350 citations (Thompson Reuters’ Webof Science), making it the fourth most cited paper inApplied Optics. Its annual rate of citation acceleratedin the last decade (to over 100 per year) rather thanthe usual deceleration of citations that occurs for apaper of its vintage. Section 2 of the present paperdescribes the historical events that lead up to the1982 Applied Optics paper, briefly summarizes thecontents of that paper, and speculates on the reasonsfor its high citation rate. Section 3 describes some ofthe many fields within optics and other disciplines ofthe papers that cited the 1982 Applied Optics paper.Section 4 mentions some of the significant enhance-ments to the phase retrieval algorithm, including thefirst exposition of the “continuous” version of thehybrid input–output (HIO) algorithm.

2. How It Came to Be

A. Computer Holography, Kinoforms, and IterativeAlgorithms at Stanford

This is the most personal part of the story. As a grad-uate student in the Applied Physics Department ofStanford University, my thesis [2] advisor was Prof.Joseph W. Goodman in the Electrical EngineeringDepartment, and he had a grant to study computer-generated holograms (CGHs) as a way to opticallystore data. Storing data optically in the Fourierdomain rather than in the image domain or the bitdomain, as is done now on the CDs and DVDs thatwe have all used for music and movies, has some dis-tinct advantages. Slight motion of a Fourier trans-form hologram does not change the intensity of theimage, making it tolerant to positioning the readoutbeam; small defects in a Fourier hologram causeadded noise in the image rather than the completedropping of a bit, making it error-tolerant; and theillumination of one hologram can create a wholetwo-dimensional (2D) array of spots in the imageplane that can be read out simultaneously, makingit a page-oriented as opposed to a bit-oriented mem-ory. Since I was an amateur photographer and knewhow things worked in the photographic darkroom, Iwas given the task of making some CGHs. At thetime (early 1972) I was simply photographing pic-tures of holograms out of the book Optical Hologra-phy (see [3], Figs. 19.8 and 19.11), which included aLohmann and Paris CGH [4] and a kinoform [5] (atthat time Goodman’s Introduction to Fourier Optics

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[6] had no such pictures, although the present edition[7] does), trying a variety of photographic positiveand negative materials. Bleaching the developedtransparencies made phase holograms and kino-forms. I was intrigued by an accidental result: whileprocessing a batch of Kodak 5254 color film, I acci-dentally exposed it to room light before development,and the resulting transparency made a reasonablekinoform without bleaching. That gave me the ideaof using a red transparency film (for use with aHe–Ne laser) for kinoforms instead of bleaching film,which was inconsistent and time-consuming. Tryingdifferent materials, I found that Kodachorome IIgave a large phase effect, which one could see by eyeby looking at its surface. Kodachrome II was a mar-velous material, loved by photographers for its fineresolution and wonderful color reproduction, andcelebrated in song [8]. To make a pure-phase CGH forillumination with, say, red He–Ne laser light, onewould expose Kodachrome II to uniform, bright redlight and to a desired pattern of blue/green light sothat after processing it would be transparent to redlight (with little or none of the red-absorbing dye)and have a desired thickness variation owing tothe blue- and green-absorbing layers. An extra bonuswas that there was a Kodak processing plant next tocampus that could process the film overnight. Afterthat discovery, I viewed Kodachrome II as a very easyway to produce kinoforms without the messy, smellyprocess of bleaching photographic film or plates.

Kinoforms [5] are CGHs that are phase-only trans-parencies that operate on-axis, i.e., without a carrierspatial frequency. They directly impose phase on atransmitted wavefront by virtue of their spatiallyvarying thickness or bulk index of refraction (de-pending on the material). This makes them highlyefficient: 100% of the light can go into the desired or-der of diffraction since there is only one order, thezeroth order. A problem with kinoforms, however, isthat they can only impart a phase to the wavefront,whereas a field that will propagate to form an imageof a desired object will vary in amplitude as well asphase. The amplitude of the Fourier transform of areal, nonnegative object is very bright on axis andvery dim elsewhere, making the kinoform approxi-mation very poor. This problem can be greatly re-duced by assigning a quasi-random phase pattern tothe object, which will result in a desired hologramfield that is much more uniform, hence better,although still not uniform enough [9]. Away to adjustthe quasi-random phase of the object to improve theuniformity of its Fourier transform was by an itera-tive algorithm invented by Gallagher and Liu [10],although they later found out [11] that it had beeninvented even earlier by the inventors of the kino-form [12]. What they developed was a way to performspectrum shaping, i.e., how to assign a phase to anobject or a field such that its spectrum (the intensityof its Fourier transform) would approach a desireddistribution. This is an example of a synthesis prob-lem. They also found out [11] that their algorithm

was very similar to the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithmfor solving a phase retrieval problem in electron mi-croscopy [13]. These similar algorithms worked asfollows. Suppose a function f �x; y� has Fourier trans-form F�u; v� (or they are related by some other pro-pagation integral), and we are given their moduli(amplitudes) jf �x; y�j and jF�u; v�j, where the moduliare either the square roots of measured field inten-sities or the square roots of desired image and holo-gram intensities. The algorithm is to start with aguess for the field in the object domain, typically as-signing random numbers for the phase ϕ�x; y� ofg�x; y� � jf �x; y�j exp�iϕ�x; y��, which has the mea-sured or desired modulus. Then perform the follow-ing four steps: (1) transforming that field to theFourier domain to give the field G�u; v� �jG�u; v�j exp�iθ�u; v��, (2) changing that field to giveit the measured or desired modulus in that domain,making it G0�u; v� � jF�u; v�j exp�iθ�u; v��, (3) theninverse Fourier transforming that back to theobject domain to give the image g0�x; y� � jg0�x; y�j×exp�iϕ0�x; y��, and (4) then give it the measured or de-sired modulus, resulting in a new version of g�x; y� �jf �x; y�j exp�iϕ�x; y�� where the earlier version ofϕ�x; y� is replaced by ϕ0�x; y�, completing one itera-tion. These four steps are repeated until no furtherprogress is made or for a fixed number of iterations.This kind of iterative algorithm is widely referred toas the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm, even though thepatent [12] came first. (Publications in archival jour-nals are more accessible than patents.)

The Gallagher and Liu paper (the only one of theiterative algorithm papers of which I was aware inlate 1973) inspired me to try out their algorithm forkinoforms, to seek improvements in the algorithm, tocontrol quantization errors in other CGHs, and to useit for general spectrum shaping [14]. For reducingquantization errors in kinoforms and CGHs, how-ever, I found that, while it would reduce the standarddeviation of the error in the image of a bit pattern,the maximum error for any single bit could remainundesirably large. To keep the bit error rate small,it was important to reduce the errors of those out-liers. For what follows, we refer to the function g�x; y�above as the input to an iteration of the algorithmand g0�x; y� after the inverse Fourier transform asthe output. The key to reducing the error of the out-liers is the observation that if the input g�x; y� givesrise to the output g0�x; y�, then if we make a smallchange in the input, replacing it by g�x;y��Δg�x;y�,where


x;yjg�x;y�j2, then the ex-pected value of the new output image is g0�x; y� �αΔg�x; y� plus some additional noise [14], where αis a constant that depends on the statistics ofjF�u; v�j and jG�u; v�j. Suppose that an image pixelthat was supposed to be zero was a positive number.Then to drive it toward zero, one could subtract fromthe current input α−1 times the positive number, andthe new output would be closer to zero at that pixel.This is the input–output point of view. In it, wethink of the three operations—Fourier transforming,

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giving the result the desired Fourier modulus, andthen inverse transforming—as a nonlinear system.Small enough changes to the input to this nonlinearsystem result in closely related small changes to theoutput of the system. That is like saying that a non-linear function can be approximated as linear oneover a small enough range of input values. Note that,when this is done, the new input no longer has thedesired modulus at that pixel like it does for theother iterative algorithms, so the new input imageis no longer an estimate of the object.

During the time that this work on iterative algo-rithms was being done (1973–1974), Prof. Goodmanwas at the Institut d’Optique in Orsay, France, on ayear-long sabbatical. After returning, he recom-mended to me: see if an iterative algorithm like thiscan also solve the phase retrieval problem. Re-constructing astronomical images from intensityinterferometry data [15] or from stellar speckle inter-ferometry data [16] was of particular interest.

The phase retrieval problem, as found in x-raycrystallography, astronomical imaging, Fouriertransform spectroscopy and some other fields, is dif-ferent from that found in electron microscopy orspectrum shaping. One typically has jF�u; v�j frommeasurements, but instead of knowing jf �x; y�j, onetypically has much weaker information, often know-ing, for example, that f is real-valued and nonnega-tive, f ≥ 0, and knowing something about the supportof f , i.e., knowing that f must be zero outside of someregion, the support constraint. Reconstructing f fromjF�u; v�j (and some constraints on f , such as supportand nonnegativity) is known as the phase retrievalproblem. It is so named because if the true Fouriertransform is F�u; v� � jF�u; v�j exp�iψ�u; v��, then re-constructing f is equivalent to retrieving the phaseψ from jFj (and some constraints on f ), since onceone has ψ, one can simply inverse Fourier transformF�u; v� � jF�u; v�j exp�iψ�u; v�� in a computer to getf �x; y�. The phase retrieval problem had been studiedfor many years, but no practical algorithm for solvingit had been invented. Furthermore, the prospectsseemed dim because it was understood that in thecase of one-dimensional (1D) functions there wereordinarily a large number of other functions havingthe same Fourier modulus; that is, the solution wouldnot be unique, as studied for spectroscopy [17] andastronomy (although just in one dimension) [18].

I attempted using the iterative algorithm, includ-ing using the input–output approach, for solving thephase retrieval problem. Unfortunately, at that sametime sufficient funds to use Stanford University’smainframe computer were running thin, so it wassuggested that I instead use a new Interdataminicomputer that was available in the ElectricalEngineering Department for no extra cost. That com-puter, however, was extremely slow and had very lit-tle memory as compared with the mainframe. Forthat reason the phase retrieval experiments werelimited to 1D functions. Constraints used were anoise-free Fourier modulus, a support constraint

(the width of the object was assumed known), anda nonnegativity constraint. The results are shownin Fig. 2 of [19]. While there was considerable varia-tion in the various reconstructed images, the generalshape of the object could be discerned, despite theknown lack of uniqueness for this 1D phase problem.Presumably the nonnegativity constraint helped toprevent the solutions from being wildly different.These 1D results were not of sufficient quality forjournal publication, but were included in a subsub-section of my dissertation [2], which was mostlyabout the Referenceless On-Axis Complex Hologram(ROACH) made with Kodachrome II film, which al-lowed on-axis amplitude control as well as the phasecontrol as from a kinoform [20].

B. Early Phase Retrieval at ERIM

My first job after graduating was at what was thenknown as the Environmental Research Institute ofMichigan (ERIM), which was an independent, not-for-profit research institute, which not long beforehad been the Willow Run Laboratories of the Univer-sity of Michigan. It was a wonderful hotbed of ad-vanced research in various forms of reconnaissance(radar and optical), holography, and other fields.(It was bought by Veridian Systems by the time Ideparted for academia 27 years later, and has sincebecome part of General Dynamics—Advanced Infor-mation Systems.) While initially working on projectshaving to do with such things as automatic focusingfor synthetic-aperture radar, optical processing forradio interferometer data, and diffractive optics, Iapplied for internal research and development(IR&D) funding to continue the phase retrieval workI had started at Stanford. Such funding was preciousand my proposal was turned down; the topic wasdeemed not sufficiently important. Then in the fallof the following year I attended the OSA AnnualMeeting in Tucson, where a talk by Frieden andCurrie [21] on a phase retrieval algorithm, eventhough it only worked for special cases, created agreat deal of excitement in the audience. That eventemboldened me to be more forceful in my request forIR&D funds, which were granted the next year.

At ERIM I repeated the digital experiments per-formed at Stanford, but with 2D objects, which ourPDP 11∕45 computer could handle, with the help ofa special processor for performing fast Fouriertransforms (FFTs). I tried several variations onthe input–output algorithm applicable to the imagereconstruction problem in astronomical interfero-metric imaging that used different ways of modifyingthe input image (the fourth step of the iterativealgorithm) based on the current output image andthe previous input image. From the Gerchberg–Saxton point of view, the next input image wouldbe the output image, but modified to satisfy theobject-domain constraints of support and nonnega-tivity, i.e., set the next input image to the output im-age where the output image satisfies the constraints,and set it to zero where the output image violates the

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constraints. This is referred to as the “error-reduction” approach. The “input–output” approachwould be to set the next input image to the previousinput image where the output image satisfies theconstraints, and set it to the previous input imageminus a constant times the output image wherethe output image violates the constraints. Anotherapproach was based on the interesting property ofthis nonlinear system, that if one takes an outputof the system and uses that as a new input, thenthe new output is the same as the new input: the sys-tem leaves it unchanged because the new inputalready satisfies the Fourier-domain constraint.Hence, no matter what input produces a given out-put, one can pretend that the output resulted fromitself as an input. The “output–output” approach,then, would be to set the next input equal to the out-put where the output satisfies the constraints, andset it to the output minus a constant times the outputwhere the output violates the constraints. I also triedother variations, and tried mixing and matchingdifferent operations from different approaches tohandling the values where the output image eithersatisfies or violates the constraints. This was not thebeautiful mathematics of an Einstein that predictedwhat would happen long before an experiment wasperformed; this was the trial and error approach thatEdison used to invent a practical light bulb: keep try-ing different things (guided by physics, mathematics,and intuition) until you find something that works;and then refine that. There is beautiful mathematicssurrounding the phase retrieval problem, and itis centered around the zeros of the Fourier trans-form analytically extended to the complex plane[17,18,22,23], for example]; but that beautiful mathe-matics had yielded no practical phase retrieval algo-rithms. More than one of the variations I triedworked to a degree; but the best one, both in the 1Dexperiments at Stanford and the 2D experiments atERIM, was the “HIO” algorithm. The HIO approachis to set the next input equal to the output wherethe output satisfies the constraints, and set it to theinput minus a constant times the output where theoutput violates the constraints; it is a hybrid betweenthe output–output (first line) and input–output (sec-ond line) approaches. It is given by Eq. (44) in Ref. [1],and was described in words in terms of Eq. (2) andEq. (5) in Ref. [19],

gk�1�x; y� ��g0k�x; y�; �x; y�∉γgk�x; y� − βg0k�x; y�; �x; y� ∈ γ

; (1)

where gk�x; y� is the input at the kth iteration, g0k�x; y�is the output at the kth iteration, β is the feedbackconstant, and γ is the set of points for which the out-put violates the object-domain constraints. For a non-negativity and support constraint, the condition�x; y�∉γ can be expressed as �x; y� ∈ S& g0k�x; y� ≥ 0,where S is the set of points inside the support con-straint. A value of β somewhere between 0.5 and1.0, say 0.7, usually works well. I think of the value

of β as being like the force with which one depressesthe accelerator while driving a car up a narrowmountain road, seeking the top. Press too gently(e.g., β less than 0.5), and the car will make steadyprogress, but too slowly; press too forcefully (e.g., βgreater than 1.0), and the car will progress muchmore quickly, but is likely to veer off a cliff and crash.

The 2D results, using support and nonnegativityconstraints in the object domain, were dramatic.The reconstructed images, while not perfect, werevery good representations of the object, much betterthan the 1D case. This implied that the 2D phase pro-blem was unique—or else I would have been verylucky for the algorithm to have stumbled onto the so-lution that matched the object I had started withrather than one of the other solutions—in contrastto the nonuniqueness typical of the 1D case. Herewe consider the solution to be unique if it is the sameto within a translation or a 180° rotation, since thoseoperations do not change the Fourier modulus, andone still gets the same picture of the object. Theseresults created substantial interest at the 1977 OSAAnnual Meeting in Toronto [24] and were publishedin Optics Letters in 1978 [19], which is the seminalpaper on the approach, although its citation rate isless than half that of the 1982 Applied Optics paper.

With good image reconstruction results in hand,searching for external funding immediately com-menced. One potential sponsor, skeptical of the vera-city of the results, arranged for B. L. McGlamery tosimulate Fourier modulus data from stellar speckleinterferometry of a photograph of a satellite and sendit to me in a blind test, which was a success, as de-scribed in [25,26], the latter of which won the SPIE’sRudolph Kingslake Medal and Prize for best paper inOptical Engineering that year. Papers on the effect ofnoise [27], results with real stellar speckle interfero-metry data [28], understanding the uniqueness ofphase retrieval [29], estimating the support of theobject from its autocorrelation function [30], andon a wide variety of applications of the iterativetransform algorithm [14] were published along withsummary papers on the phase retrieval algorithm[31,32], all before the 1982 Applied Optics paper.So what was new in that paper, and why is that paperso highly cited?

The 1982 Applied Optics paper [1] was an ex-tended version of a presentation at the 1981 AnnualMeeting of the OSA [33], whose main new pointwas that the error-reduction approach (satisfyingconstraints in each domain) was equivalent to asteepest-descent gradient search algorithm with aparticular line-search step size, minimizing an errormetric, which was the sum of squared differences be-tween the computed Fourier modulus and the mea-sured one. As pointed out in [1], “The relationshipbetween a gradient search method and the error-reduction algorithm for a problem in digital filter de-sign is discussed in Ref. 13,” i.e., in [34]. [1] also givesa proof of convergence in the weak sense that theerror could only decrease or stay the same at each

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iteration. Liu and Gallagher [11] showed this for thecase of intensities in image and Fourier domains, butin [1] it was proven for the general problem of arbi-trary data and constraints. It also gave the name“HIO” to the version of the most successful iterativetransform algorithm, but it was the same algorithmalready described in [19], which did not go into thatdetail on account of the necessary brevity of OpticsLetters (one researcher using HIO admitted to methat he did not realize that it was same algorithmas described in [19]). It further showed that a conju-gate gradient method was superior to a steepest-descent method. It also gave an example with helpfultips to making the algorithm work successfully.While this was all good, it probably does not deserveto have more citations than the seminal paper [19].Some possible explanations for this are as follows.Perhaps the word “Comparison” in the title madesome people who did not read it thoroughly thinkthat it was a review paper on phase retrieval algo-rithms, which it was not meant to be; it was meantto compare iterative transform algorithms with gra-dient search algorithms. On the other hand, since thecompeting phase retrieval algorithms at the timewere not effective for general objects, it was in effectcomparing all the dominant phase retrieval algo-rithms. Perhaps it is because it had a great deal ofmathematical detail on the algorithms, although [14]had quite a bit of detail as well. Perhaps it is becauseit discusses both the image reconstruction and thewavefront sensing applications, although [14] didthis as well. Perhaps a few authors of papers, forthese or some other reasons, referenced [1] but not[19], and subsequent authors reading these papersjust referenced [1] without reading it in detail to findout that it was just one of several earlier papers[14,19,26,27,28,31,32] in which I had written aboutthe algorithm.

That this group of papers is so highly cited partlyarises from the generality of the Gerchberg–Saxtonalgorithm and these derivative algorithms, as wasthe main point of [14]:

“This paper discusses an iterative computer methodthat can be used to solve a number of problems in op-tics. This method can be applied to two types of pro-blems: (1) synthesis of a Fourier transform pair havingdesirable properties in both domains, and (2) recon-struction of an object when only partial informationis available in any one domain.

Both the synthesis and the reconstruction problemscan be expressed as follows:

Given a set of constraints placed on an object and an-other set of constraints placed on its Fourier transform,find a Fourier transform pair (i.e., an object and its Four-ier transform) that satisfies both sets of constraints.”

This paper [14] was not just a showing of resultsfor a few different applications, but was also a callto arms to the optics community to apply related al-gorithms to many different problems in different

fields; yet it has received only 1∕5 the citations ofthe 1982 Applied Optics paper.

What follows next are brief discussions of some ofthe application areas explored in the papers thatcite [1], with what is currently the most importantsuch application (as measured by citations) savedfor last.

3. Application Areas Citing the 1982Applied Optics Paper

In this section we mention some of the more popularapplications areas resulting in citations to the 1982Applied Optics paper. Some of them were alreadymentioned above: reconstruction of phase from theintensity distribution of electron beams in twoplanes; image reconstruction for astronomical imag-ing including from stellar speckle interferometrydata, amplitude interferometry data, and intensityinterferometry data; and various forms of spectrumshaping for CGHs, and for the reduction of quantiza-tion noise. In what follows are some additional areas.This is not meant to be a comprehensive review oreven listing of all these areas, but is merely designedto give the reader an appreciation for the wide rangeof possibilities. The particular references cited aremeant only to be examples with which I was familiarand which cited the 1982 Applied Optics paper,rather than necessarily being the first or most note-worthy papers on the topics.

A. Synthesis Problems

1. Beam ShapingThe iterative algorithm has been used by many forother applications of spectrum shaping, also knownas beam shaping. Typically one wants a phase-onlytransparency or transparencies, to avoid absorptionof light, to produce a desired intensity pattern oflight. An example of beam shaping is the design ofa phase plate that has smoothly varying phase thatproduces a high-power laser beam having a uniformfar-field speckle distribution for use in inertial con-finement fusion [35]. Three-dimensional (3D) beamshaping has also been performed [36].

2. Optical EncryptionOne can design a diffractive optical element thatallows for the encryption of data for security applica-tions [37]. The problem involves jointly designingtwo diffractive elements having quasi-randomphases, with finite pupils, that together reconstructan image although neither diffractive element by it-self gives any hints as to what is in the image.

3. Optical CommunicationBy designing the temporal phase of a light beam andtransmitting it through a fiber, one can compensatefor the dispersion of the fiber and temporally concen-trate the energy at the output to give a desired bitpattern [38].

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4. Antireflection CoatingsOne can iteratively design antireflection coatings,where one wants certain features in a desired spec-tral response but has constraints on the number oflayers and the indices of refraction of the multilayerstructure [39]. This can be extended to designingother types of multilayer coatings as well.

B. Reconstruction Problems

1. Wavefront Sensing for Radio AntennasBymaking a simple powermeasurement from a pointsource on a satellite, one canmeasure the far-field pat-tern of the telescope. That, combined with knowledgeof the transverse shape of the antenna, allows thephase (i.e., longitudinal shape of the antenna) tobe reconstructedwithaphase retrievalalgorithm[40],thereby diagnosing the deformations of the radio dish.

2. Wavefront Sensing for OpticsSimilar to the problem for radio dishes, measuring apoint-spread function (PSF) of an optical system, to-gether with knowledge of the shape of the exit pupilof the optical system, allows one to determine theaberrations of the optical system with a phase retrie-val algorithm. This was done for determining theaberrations due to atmospheric turbulence [41], fordetermining the aberrations of the flawed HubbleSpace Telescope [42], and has been developed forphasing up the segments of the future James WebbSpace Telescope [43], for optical metrology in themanufacture of optical surfaces [44], and for measur-ing x-ray focused beams [45]. With sufficient forms ofmeasurement diversity, it is possible to reconstructthe amplitude of the pupil as well as the phase, i.e.,without any prior knowledge of the pupil [46]. Thereare many forms of diversity, mostly modifying thephase in the exit pupil making the total phase theunknown phase plus a known phase perturbation.This makes the phase retrieval algorithms morerobust to noise, to algorithm stagnation, and to thepossibility of nonuniqueness and is important forapplications, such as wavefront sensing for spacetelescopes or for optical metrology, where one usuallyneeds a very accurate, reliable solution. The mostcommon type of measurement diversity is focus di-versity, as will be used for the James Webb SpaceTelescope [43,47]. Other forms of diversity includewavelength diversity, piston diversity (for segmentedsystems), actuator poking diversity, and transversetranslation diversity (of a structure or an illumina-tion beam relative to the object) [48,49] and diversityof field position to assess misalignments [50]. Di-verse measurements are important under stressingconditions, such as when dealing with broadbandor undersampled data [50,51] or when reconstructingamplitude as well as phase [46]. When one measurestwo planes of intensity that are very near to one an-other, such that one can estimate the partial deriva-tive of the 3D intensity with respect to the axialcoordinate, then one can also use what is commonlycalled the transport-of-intensity approach [52].

3. FROGFrequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) deter-mines the temporal characteristics of fast (femtose-cond) laser pulses [53,54]. FROG traces, as afunction of frequency and time delay, are the squaredmagnitude of the Fourier transform of a 2D signal,hence solvable by a phase retrieval algorithm.

4. Blind DeconvolutionWhen one or more blurred images have unknownPSFs, then straightforward image restoration by de-convolution is not possible. Given constraints on boththe object, such as support and nonnegativity andthe PSF (support and nonnegativity again), then onecan use an algorithm of the iterative transform typeor a gradient search algorithm, but with an addi-tional Wiener filtering step [55].

5. TomographyTomographic imaging can suffer frommissing projec-tions [56], or unknown phases in optical refractiontomography [57] and diffraction tomography [58],which iterative algorithms can fill in.

6. MiscellaneousThere are also a number of citing papers in areas out-side my knowledge base that find phase retrievalalgorithms pertinent, for example for determiningcomplex Ginzburg–Landau equations [59] and cur-rent distributions in Josephson junctions [60].

The most fun is Elser’s application of an HIO-likealgorithm to solving the Sudoku problems [61] thatone can find in many daily newspapers. In its mostcommon form, one must find numbers 1 through 9 toplace in a 9 × 9 grid of squares, separated into 3 × 3boxes of size 3 × 3 squares each, such that all thenumbers 1 through 9 appear exactly once in eachlength-9 row, once in each length-9 column, and oncein each 3 × 3 box. Although there are no Fouriertransforms or phases, the problem does involve solv-ing for systems of equations, with the constraintsmentioned above as well as the constraints givenby the starting numbers given in some of the squares.

7. Lensless ImagingHolography is an approach to imaging withoutlenses, relying on the interference of a coherent field,reflected from or transmitted through an object andpropagated to the detector plane, with a referencebeam. If there is no reference beam, however, thenit is still possible to reconstruct an image from a sin-gle intensity pattern of the propagated field if thereare strong enough constraints on the object, such as asharply defined support constraint [62], which can benatural to the object (a bright object on a dark back-ground) or by virtue of an illumination pattern [63],or having a low-resolution image [64]. Alternatively,by correlating the measured speckle intensity, by thesame process as Hanbury–Brown and Twiss inten-sity interferometry one can estimate the Fourier

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magnitude of the underlying intensity reflectivity ofthe object and with a phase retrieval algorithmreconstruct an incoherent image of the coherentlyilluminated object [65]. Emmett Leith once told me,in a friendly, joking way, that he called these ap-proaches “anti-holography,” since they did away withthe need for holography to reconstruct complex-valued fields in some instances.

Most papers have an initial surge in citations,followed by a decay. The 1982 Applied Optics paper,in contrast, had a relatively steady citation rate (15to 30 per year) for many years, but then starting in2002 experienced a surge that continues to this day.This surge was a result of the final application areadescribed next.

8. X-ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging (CDI)A particular kind of lensless imaging is to illuminatea microscopic object with a coherent beam of x rays,measure the intensity of its far-field diffraction pat-tern, and reconstruct an image from that data usinga phase retrieval algorithm (employing support andpossibly nonnegativity constraints on the object).The phase problem in x-ray diffraction has a long his-tory, and multiple Nobel prizes have been awarded tothose who solved it for crystals. For many years itwas limited to crystals, in which case the x-ray illu-mination beam needed to be spatially coherent onlyover a modest number of unit cells in the crystal. The1982 Applied Optics paper mentioned x-ray crystal-lography as an application of the phase retrievalalgorithm. Sayre [66] pointed out the need to samplethe diffraction pattern at intervals twice as fine asthe usual reciprocal-lattice (Bragg reflection) points,which by themselves give undersampled data. Theability to avoid the undersampling is trivial whena small object is not a periodic crystal structure,since there is data everywhere in the far field, ratherthan just at reciprocal-space points. Eventually withbrighter, more-coherent x-ray beams from synchro-tron radiation and more recently x-ray free-electronlasers and even “table-top” x-ray sources, it is possi-ble to obtain bright beams with spatial coherencewidths greater than amicrometer, enabling x-ray dif-fraction experiments to be performed on noncrystal-line samples, and the field of x-ray CDI grew [67]. Itwas obvious that images could be reconstructed fromthis data, since it had been done already with longeroptical wavelengths, both in computer simulationexperiments [62] and with data gathered in thelaboratory, even for complex-valued objects [68].Nevertheless, it required a successful experimentwith x rays [69] to galvanize the field. Reference [70]gives an excellent account of the phase retrievalapproach to x-ray CDI.

4. Some Other Algorithm Developments

A number of developments in the understanding ofand in potential improvements in the iterative algo-rithms have taken place.

Why the HIO algorithm could seemingly climb outof local minima while the error-reduction algorithmis often doomed to be trapped in the same local mini-ma was only partly understood at the beginning.Later we were able to demonstrate conclusively thatHIO could climb out of such local minima [71],although it was not guaranteed to do so [72]. Takajoand Takahashi shed light on the convergence proper-ties of HIO [73,74,75].

Only briefly explored in the 1982 Applied Opticspaper, the conjugate gradient nonlinear optimizationalgorithm was shown by Lane to be effective for im-age reconstruction [76]. Gradient-search nonlinearoptimization techniques were generally found tobe superior to iterative transform algorithms forthe application of wavefront sensing [42,77,78], pre-sumably because the bulk of the phase can be repre-sented by a tens to a few hundreds of basis-functioncoefficients, a much smaller search space than thethousands to hundreds of thousands of unknownsrepresented by a point-by-point phase map. Theexpression of a phase function by a basis-function ex-pansion with amoderate number of terms also servesas a regularization of the phase retrieval problemand avoids many local minima associated with non-physical phases [42].

Having a good support constraint greatly improvesthe convergence of the algorithms. Approaches to re-constructing upper bounds on the support of the ob-ject from the support of its autocorrelation function(which can be computed from the given Fourier mod-ulus data) were improved [30,79] and the “shrink-wrap” technique for refining the support constraintduring the iterations was developed [70].

To avoid algorithm stagnation (being caught in alocal minimum), it helps to “sneak up on the solution”when solving the phase retrieval problem. For exam-ple, in the “expanding Fourier modulus” method [64]the algorithm converges more successfully if one firstreconstructs a low-resolution image from the lowerspatial frequencies, then gradually adds higher spa-tial frequencies reconstructing a successively finer-resolution image. For wavefront sensing applica-tions, it helps to retrieve the large, low-order Zernikecoefficients first and then work up to the higher-order Zernike coefficients.

The error-reduction algorithm was known to con-verge in a weak sense, as discussed earlier. Later,Youla [80] set forth a formalism for a more generalset of problems and the popular method of projec-tions onto convex sets was developed [81], includinga proof of convergence in a strong sense. The error-reduction algorithm is indeed a projection onto setsalgorithm, but it was not described in this Hilbert-space formalism. For phase retrieval, the set offunction having the same Fourier modulus is highlynonconvex and the error-reduction/projections-onto-sets algorithm works poorly for it, as describedearlier.

Additional variations on the HIO algorithmwere developed. It was shown that HIO could be

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understood in terms of the projections onto sets the-ory and was a special case of the Douglas–Rachfordalgorithm [82]. The hybrid projection–reflection(HPR) algorithm [83] is a generalization of the HIOalgorithm with comparable performance. Elser [84]developed the “difference map” algorithm, which alsohas HIO as a special case.

Another variation is a continuous version of theHIO algorithm (CHIO). It was documented onlybriefly in a 1-page conference paper [85] and neverdiscussed in an archival journal, so a fuller accountis given here. CHIO was designed to overcome adrawback of HIO. With successive iterations, HIOhas a tendency for the values at a given pixel to os-cillate somewhat with increasing iteration number.The conjecture was that the oscillations had to dowith the fact that the input image at the next itera-tion is a discontinuous function of the output image.Figure 1 shows the relationship between the next in-put value, gk�1�x� as a function of the previous inputgk�x� and it output g0k�x� for three different versionsof the iterative algorithm when employing a nonne-gativity constraint for a point �x; y� inside the supportconstraint. In Fig. 1(a) we see that for the error-reduction algorithm, the next input is zero whenthe output value is negative and equal to the output

value where it is nonnegative. In Fig. 1(b) we see therelationship described in Eq. (1) for HIO. There is adiscontinuous relationship between the value of thenext input gk�1�x; y� as a function of the currentoutput g0k�x; y�, depending on whether the currentoutput value is greater than or less than zero. Thisdiscontinuity might make the algorithmmore violentthan what is optimal. The fourth step of the CHIOalgorithm, the update of the input, is illustrated inFig. 1(c) and is given by







Other forms are possible; for example, by employ-ing terms of higher order in g0k�x; y�, one can getcurves that have continuous values and continuousderivatives everywhere. The equation above hascontinuous values but not continuous derivatives.

To test the CHIO algorithm, the satellite modelshown in Fig. 2 was used as the object. It was em-bedded in an array of greater than twice its widthand height to ensure that the Fourier intensity issampled better than Nyquist. Figure 3 shows themagnitude of its Fourier transform, the data fromwhich we will try to reconstruct the object. Figure 4shows the support constraint used for this experi-ment. A better support constraint could be derivedfrom the support of the autocorrelation of the object[79], but this much looser support constraint waschosen purposely to make the reconstruction moredifficult for the algorithms (otherwise the HIO algo-rithm reconstructed it too easily). Figure 5 showsimages reconstructed from (a) HIO, using β � 0.7,and (b) CHIO, using β � 0.7 and α � 0.4 after 160iterations. Note that in both cases the reconstructedimage is the twin image (rotated 108°), which is

Fig. 1. Next input value as a function of the output value for(a) error-reduction, (b) HIO, and (c) CHIO algorithms. Fig. 2. Object.

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considered to be an acceptable solution. For thisnumber of iterations the image from HIO is consid-erably worse than from CHIO, suggesting the super-iority of CHIO over HIO, although with moreiterations HIO eventually converged as well.

Figure 6 shows the convergence of the two algo-rithms. The top curves show the object-domain errormetric,

E2o �

P�x;y�∈γjg0k�x; y�j2P�x;y�

jg0k�x; y�j2; (3)

where γ is the set of points where the object-domainconstraints (of support and nonnegativity) are vio-lated; this is how well the reconstructed image satis-fies the data and the constraints, and can be computedin real-world scenarios as the algorithm proceeds. Thebottom curves show the absolute error [86],

E2abs � min


P�x;y�jg0k�x − xo; y − yo� − f �x; y�j2P

�x;y�jf �x; y�j2 ; (4)

which is the normalized mean-squared differencebetween the true object, f , and the reconstructedimage. This metric is computed for both the recon-structed image and its twin, and the smaller of thetwo numbers is reported. The minimization overtranslations is done to subpixel accuracy [87]. Thismetric is known only for computer-simulation experi-ments for which the true object is known. From thesecurves we can see that CHIO converged much morerapidly than HIO for this particular case; HIO dideventually converge to the solution after moreiterations.

Fig. 3. Magnitude of the Fourier transform of the object.

Fig. 4. Support constraint.

Fig. 5. Reconstructed images after 160 iterations by (a) HIO and(b) CHIO.

Fig. 6. (Color online) Convergence as a function of iteration num-ber for HIO and CHIO. Top: object-domain error metric, bottom:absolute error (with respect to the true object).

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The fourth step of the HPR algorithm [83, Eq. (21)]can be written


��g0k�x;y�; �x;y�∈S&gk�x;y�∕�1�β� ≤ g0k�x;y�gk�x;y�−βg0k�x;y�; otherwise

; (5)

and is illustrated in Fig. 7. From this we see thatHPR is a special case of CHIO with α � 1∕�1� β�.

5. Concluding Remarks

The iterative algorithms invented by Gerchberg andSaxton and those working in computer holographywere adapted and improved for image reconstructionand wavefront sensing, including the developmentof the HIO algorithm and gradient-based nonlinearoptimization algorithms, and were expanded tonumerous different application areas because of theubiquity of Fourier transforms in physics and engi-neering and the generality and simplicity of the algo-rithms, allowing them to effectively solve a multitudeof reconstruction and synthesis problems. These areasand algorithms continue to be actively developed,with the application to x-ray coherent diffractiveimaging as the current area of most rapid growth. Formore detailed reviews of phase retrieval, the reader isreferred to [88,89] for astronomical imaging, [90] forelectron diffraction, [91] for crystallography, and [92]for coherent diffractive imaging.

I would like to thank my many collaborators atERIM/Veridian Systems and my students and post-docs at the University of Rochester for making thissuch a memorable journey.

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Fig. 7. Next input value as a function of the output value for theHPR algorithm.

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