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A programmed instruction workbook for private pesticide applicator certification and recertification






Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1 Pests and Pest Control ............................................................................................................7 Chapter 2 Pesticides ...............................................................................................................................17 Chapter 3 Labels and Labeling ..............................................................................................................25 Chapter 4 Application Equipment...........................................................................................................34 Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment .................................................43 Chapter 6 Using Pesticides Safely .........................................................................................................54 Chapter 7 Environment and the Law......................................................................................................65 APPENDIX - ANSWER KEY................................................................................................................75



Introduction Federal regulations set minimum requirements that you need to meet before you can be recertified to use restricted pesticides. This program contains some of the practical information you need to know. It does not include everything you need to know about pests, nor does it include all of the information you may be required to know to meet your state recertification requirements. Your state pesticide regulatory agency, or State Extension Service can provide you with this additional information. The information in this manual has been prepared to teach you: some facts about pests, methods you can use to control pests, how pesticides work, what to look for on the pesticide label, how to use pesticides so they will not harm you or the environment, how to choose, use, and care for application equipment, some basic calibration procedures, the Federal and State laws that apply to the use of pesticides. Instructions for using this Learning Program First, answer as best you can the questions on the pretest at the beginning of each chapter. You are not expected to know all of the answers, so don't be concerned if you miss some of the questions. Then, proceed to the Learning Program portion of each chapter. In each Learning Program, you will be given a concise amount of information and then asked to answer a question in writing. The answer to each question is provided just below, at the right margin, in brackets, in the next frame. This means that, after you have written your response to each question you should look below or, if it is the last question on the page, you will need to turn the page to the first frame to determine if your answer is correct. Before You Begin In order to experience the most learning from this type of instruction, you should consider the following ... Read each question very carefully. Write the answer. Do not yield to the temptation of just answering the question in your mind. Check each answer or response as soon as you have written it. The correct answer is provided in the frame just below the question. If you find that your response was not correct, figure out why it is wrong. You may then reread the frame or turn back to earlier frames. When you know why your answer was wrong, go back and change it. Cross out your earlier response and write in the correct one. If you cannot determine why your answer was wrong, get assistance from your local county cooperative extension agent, weed and pest supervisor, or some other knowledgeable person. Once you have completed the manual You need to fill out a private pesticide applicator license form. This form is available from the County Extension Office.



-Please print the information under the License Applicant Information section. -By filling out this workbook you are qualified for the General Certification License, type 01001. Please check this box only. You are not qualified for the other license types. -Sign you name where it says Signature of Applicant and fill in the date. -The last step is to return the completed workbook and application form to the county extension office. The county agent will sign the form and the mail it to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, 2219 Carey Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82201 Phone 307 777-6590. The Department of Ag will check to see if the workbook was completed and a license will then be issued to you. This could take from 2 to 4 weeks. Your license is good for 5 years and expires April 30 of the appropriate year. There is no charge for the license.

Remember to please read and follow label instructions!!!



Chapter 1 Pests and Pest Control

Pretest Answer the following questions true or false. 1. Fungi, nematodes, viruses and bacteria may cause plant diseases.

A. True B. False

2. Air pollution may cause plant disease.

A. True B. False

3. Annual weeds produce seed in the second year of growth.

A. True B. False

4. A corn plant growing in a potato patch could be called a weed.

A. True B. False

5. Plant diseases can be caused by nonliving agents.

A. True B. False

6. Spiders are not insects.

A. True B. False

7. Most insects have the same type of mouth parts.

A. True B. False

8. Any plant can be a weed.

A. True B. False

9. Incomplete development of a plant's flowers can be an indication of plant disease.

A. True B. False

Answer the following multiple choice questions: 10. The animal shown here:

A. Is an insect B. Is a mite C. Both of these

11. If you are trying to tell one insect from another, the most important things to look at are the:

A. Wings and mouth parts B. Body size and shape C. Color and body markings D. Legs and abdomen

12. Insect pests can:

A. Feed on and tunnel in roots B. Carry plant disease agents C. Feed on and in seeds and nuts D. All of these



13. What do you call plants that live for two years?

A. Annuals B. Perennials C. Biennials D. Winter annuals

Write the number of the matching description in the blank space. 14. Match the following:

A. Fungi ____ 1. Cause rots and scabs B. Nematodes ____ 2. Cause blights, wilts and scabs C. Bacteria ____ 3. Cause mosaic disease D. Viruses ____ 4. Cause root cysts and knots

15. Match the following:

A. Summer annual ____ 1. Sprouts in the fall and lives for a year or less B. Winter annual ____ 2. Lives for several years or indefinitely C. Biennial ____ 3. Sprouts in the spring and lives for a year or less D. Perennial ____ 4. Lives through two (2) growing seasons

Answer the following questions by filling In the blanks: 16. Name five (5) techniques of pest control without using pesticides.

A. Plant ______________________________ resistant varieties B. Use good ___________________________ management C. Destroy_____________________________ residues D. Clean _______________________________ and cultivation E. Encourage pests natural _____________________________

17. Insects have ___________ legs. 18. Insect bodies have ___________ major regions. 19. A __________________ is a plant out of place. 20. Winter annuals sprout in the ___________________ .



Chapter 1 Pests and Pest Control Learning Program 1. Deciding when and how to control a pest involves a consideration of several factors, one of which is knowing more about pests in general. While pesticides are often important in pest control, they are not the only "tools" available. Please go to the next frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is a Pest? 2. A pest is a living organism that may, in any one of many ways, threaten, harm or injure crops, livestock or man. It may infest human food or animal feed. It is a living organism such as some kind of a plant or animal. A pest would be an organism that: A. Injures or destroys field crops B. Annoys or attacks farm animals C. Takes space and nourishment from a useful plant D. All of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of the above] 3. Pests are living organisms, but plant diseases may be caused by both living organisms and nonliving factors. One example of a nonliving factor would be the weather (wind, moisture, and temperature) if it harms the host. Could drought be considered a disease factor? (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Yes] 4. Pest damage may affect the host organism in many ways. Which of the following could be considered as examples of pest damage?

A. Damages fruit B. Weakens the plant C. Transmits disease organisms from an infected plant to a healthy one D. Annoys cattle, keeping them from feeding E. All of the above

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [E. All of the above] 5. Plant pests may differ in how they attack plants, therefore, control methods should take these differences into consideration. A given pest control method should work well with any pest. (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [no] 6. Pests that may look alike may not be controlled by the same pesticide. To the untrained eye, some "bugs" and beetles look alike. An insecticide that works well on "bugs":

A. Must work well on all beetles B. May not control most beetles

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. May not control most beetles] 7. Pests that look alike may not be controlled by the same pesticide. Therefore, for effective and responsible pest control you should:

A. Correctly identify the pest B. Buy a combination spray formulation that will control most pests

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Correctly identify the pest] 8. As you examine a young corn plant you find the leaves damaged. You should:

A. Spray before the damage increases B. First determine the cause of the damage

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. First determine the cause of the damage] 9. Agricultural pests can be classified into 4 main groups. A. Insects and related organisms, such as mites, ticks and spiders B. Pest animals, such as starlings and gophers C. Weeds D. Plant disease agents The insects will be considered first. Insects come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors, but the adults all have one thing in common, six legs. Which of these is not an insect? Why?



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Because is has 8 legs] 10. Spiders, mites and ticks are similar to insects, but they have: A. Six (6) legs B. Eight (8) legs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Eight (8) legs] 11. Adult insects have three body regions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Mites, ticks and spiders never have wings. In addition, the bodies of mites, ticks and spiders are divided into ________________ body regions, instead of three (3) as in the case of the insects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Two (2)] 13. Once you have recognized a pest as an insect, consider the following. One of the most distinctive things about insects as a group is the presence or absence of wings. Some adult insects have no wings, others have two (2), and others have four (4). The wings may vary greatly in shape, size, thickness and structure. Insects feed in different ways, depending on their mouthparts. Examples are: Biting-chewing mouthparts Piercing-sucking mouthparts Therefore, in examining an insect, two of the most important characteristics to observe are: A. Size and shape of the insect B. Color and age C. Mouthparts and wings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Mouthparts and wings] 14. Pest animals include certain fish, snakes, birds, rodents and predator animals. However, for an animal to be a pest it must threaten man in some way. An animal that is a pest in one location may not be so in another. A coyote living where there is no livestock, and feeding only on crop destroying rodents, (is/is not) a pest? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [is not] 15. What determines if an animal is a pest. A. Where it is and what it is doing B. What type of animal it is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Where it is and what it is doing] 16. A third type of pest is a weed. A weed is, simply stated, a plant that is out of place--growing where it is not wanted. For example, grass growing in a corn field is considered a pest.



By way of review, before you can control weeds effectively you may need to know how they grow. Many weeds live only one (1) year. These grow from seed, mature, produce more seeds and then die before the year ends. Plants that live only one (1) year or less are called annuals. A summer annual grows from a seed that sprouts in the spring and lives through the summer. A winter annual grows from a seed that sprouts in the fall and lives through the winter. What names do we give to the two kinds of annual plants? _______________________ ____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [summer annuals, winter annuals] 17. A biennial plant is one that lives for two years. A biennial grows from a seed and develops a heavy root the first year. This allows the plant to survive one (1 ) winter. The biennial then produces seed during the second year and dies. What do we call a plant that lives through the winter but only has one growing season? A. Winter annual B. Biennial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Winter annual] 18. Some plants can live for more than two (2) seasons, and may even live indefinitely. These plants are called perennials. Even though the leaves and stems die every year, plants such as the tulip live through the winter as bulbs. A tulip can live for many years. It is a perennial. Match the following. A. Sprouts in the fall and lives for one growing season. __1. perennial B. Sprouts in the spring and dies before winter. __2. biennial C. Lives for 2 years. __3. Winter annual D. Lives for several years. __4. Summer annual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=4, C=2, D=1] 19. The fourth group of pests includes those organisms which cause plant diseases, but note, some plant diseases may be caused by nonliving factors. A plant disease is a harmful condition that makes a plant different from a normal plant. In this section we will consider those living organisms which can cause plant diseases. Plants react to disease agents in a variety of ways. A few of these are as follows: Galls, swellings and leaf curls Stunting, lack of green color, and incomplete development of parts Blight, leaf spots, wilting and cankers Failure to develop fruit Which of the following could be a symptom of a plant disease? A. Galls B. Stunting C. Leaf spot D. Lack of green color E. All of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [E. All of the above] 20. As stated above, plant diseases can be caused by living agents or nonliving factors. Nonliving factors include such things as frost, air pollution, drought, or chemical damage. Remember, physical and chemical factors can be responsible for plant diseases. Diseases caused by nonliving factors (can/cannot) be transmitted from one plant to another. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [cannot] 21. The four (4) most common types of living agents that can cause plant disease are: a. Viruses b. Bacteria c. Fungi d. Nematodes Viruses are extremely tiny particles that have the capability of reproducing. They often cause a condition in plants referred to as mosaic. Bacteria are microscopic, one-celled plants. They normally cause blights, wilts and scabs. Simply stated, fungi make up one type of non-green plants. Fungi damage plants when they grow either in or on a plant. The symptoms often appear as scabs or rots.



Nematodes are tiny, unsegmented roundworms. Some are free living and others are parasitic. Some of the parasitic forms cause disease in plants. Nematodes may cause root knots and cysts. Match the following: A. Fungi __1. Blights, wilts or scabs B. Bacteria __2. Mosaic diseases C. Viruses __3. Root knots or cysts D. Nematodes __4. Rot or scabs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=4, B=1, C=2, D=3] 22. Living disease agents can often be spread from one plant to another by various means. Please go to the next frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. Control is usually only necessary when pest populations are affecting production to the extent that the cost of control will be profitable. There are three general levels of pest populations that we will consider. A. The General Equilibrium Level. A pest population usually begins with just a few individuals and then increases in numbers, eventually fluctuating around a so called average population size. Profits may be only slightly affected when pest populations are at the equilibrium level. B. Economic Threshold Level. When pest populations increase to rather large and damaging numbers, a decision may have to be made whether to initiate control measures or accept increased losses. It is that point at which the damage to the crop may justify the cost of control measures. C. Economic Injury Level. If control measures are not taken and the pest population continues to increase, the quantity and quality of the crop will be substantially reduced. This point is referred to as the economic injury level. This level may vary from crop to crop, area to area, season to season, or with the market price of the crop. The pest population level that usually requires that some control measures be implemented is termed ______________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Economic injury level] 24. Once a pest has been identified, specific control measures can be applied. However, just because a pest is present is no justification for using pest control methods. Pest control methods are necessary when: A. A pest is present B. The pest is causing some damage C. The pest is causing too much damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. The pest is causing too much damage] 25. When pest control is needed, a person may not want to use pesticides. Using pesticides is only one of the many ways to control pests. Another way to control pests is to plant pest resistant varieties of plants. For example, some strains of tomato plants are resistant to blight disease. If blight disease is a problem, a person should use: A. Pesticides B. Blight resistant plants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Blight resistant plants] 26. A method of reducing pest problems is to use ___________________________ resistant varieties of plants.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pest] 27. The crop residues left over from last year's harvest may contain disease agents such as fungi or bacteria. Can crop residues help spread pests? (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Yes] 28. Another way to control pests is to destroy crop _______________________ after harvest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Residues] 29. The use of pesticides is only one way to control pests. Some of the other ways to control pests, or reduce their numbers, include the following: Plant disease or insect resistant plants. Destroy plant residues at the end of the harvest season. By proper fertilization (manure management) and irrigation. By clean plowing and cultivation to destroy weeds and crop residues. Many pests have natural enemies. In the case of insects and related organisms, these are called predators or parasites. In some situations, these beneficial insects control more than 50 percent of the pest insects or mites. Since pesticides will often kill the beneficial insects as well as the pests, effort should be made to preserve them. Name five (5) methods of pest control which do not involve the use of pesticides. A. Plant pest _____________________ varieties of plants. B. Use good ______________________ management. C. Destroy ________________________ crop D. Clean ____________________ and ___________________________. E. Encourage natural _____________________________ and ____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A.=Resistant, B.=Manure, C.=Residues, D.=Plowing, cultivation, E.=Predators and parasites] Review and Summary 30. Insects have: A. Six (6) legs B. Eight (8) legs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Six (6) legs] 31. Spiders, ticks and mites have _____ legs. Their bodies are divided into ________ regions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [eight and two] 32. Which of these could be a pest animal? A. Birds B. Frogs C. Mammals D. All of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of these] 33. A weed is: A. A type of strong rooted plant B. Any plant that is growing where it is not wanted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Any plant that is growing where it is not wanted] 34. An annual weed has a life of: A. One (1) year or less B. Two (2) years C. Several years ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. One (1) year or less] 35. Which of these sprouts in the fall? A. Winter annual B. Summer annual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Winter annual]



36. Biennials live for _________ years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [two] 37. Plant diseases can be caused by: A. Living agents B. Nonliving agents C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 38. An example of a nonliving disease agent is: A. Frost B. Nematodes C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Frost] 39. Match the following. A. Fungi __1. Mosaics B. Bacteria __2. Scabs and rot C. Viruses __3. Blights, wilts and scabs D. Nematodes __4. Root knots and cysts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=2, B=3, C=1, D=4] 40. Which of these is a plant reaction to disease agents? A. Galls B. Lack of green color C. Incomplete development of parts D. All of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of these] 41. Name five (5) methods of pest control other than using pesticides. A. Plant pest ____________________ varieties. B. Destroy crop_________________________. C. Use good __________________________ management. D. Clean ________________________ and _______________________. E. Encourage use of pests' natural _______________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A.=resistant, B.=residues, C.=manure, D.=plowing, cultivation, E.=enemies] You have just completed Chapter 1. Pest and Pest Control. Now complete the following posttest.



Chapter 1 Pests and Pest Control

Posttest Answer the following questions true or false. 1. Fungi, nematodes, viruses and bacteria may cause plant diseases. A. True B. False 2. Air pollution may cause plant disease. A. True B. False 3. Annual weeds produce seed in the second year of growth. A. True B. False 4. A corn plant growing in a potato patch could be called a weed. A. True B. False 5. Plant diseases can be caused by nonliving agents. A. True B. False 6. Spiders are not insects. A. True B. False 7. Most insects have the same type of mouth parts. A. True B. False 8. Any plant can be a weed. A. True B. False 9. Incomplete development of plant's flowers can be an indication of plant disease. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 10. The animal shown here: A. Is an insect B. Is a mite C. Both of these 11. If you are trying to tell one insect from another, the most important things to look at are the: A. Wings and mouth parts B. Body size and shape C. Color and body markings D. Legs and abdomen 12. Insect pests can: A. Feed on and tunnel in roots B. Carry plant disease agents C. Feed on and in seeds and nuts D. All of these



13. What do you call plants that live for two years? A. Annuals B. Perennials C. Biennials D. Winter annuals Write the number of the matching description In the blank space. 14. Match the following: A. Fungi __1. Cause rots and scabs B. Nematodes __2. cause blights, wilts and scabs C. Bacteria __3. Cause mosaic disease D. Viruses __4. Cause root cysts and knots 15. Match the following: A. Summer annual __1. Sprouts in the fall and lives for a year or less B. Winter annual __2. Lives for several years or indefinitely C. Biennial __3. Sprouts in the spring and lives for a year or less D. Perennial __4. Lives through two (2) growing seasons Answer the following questions by filling In the blanks. 16. Name five (5) techniques of pest control without using pesticides. A. Plant _______________________ resistant varieties B. Use good ____________________ management C. Destroy _____________________ residues D. Clean ________________________ and ___________________________ cultivation E. Encourage pest's natural ______________________________________. 17. Insects have ___________ legs. 18. Insect bodies have __________________ major regions. 19. A(n) ___________________ is a plant out of place. 20. Winter annuals sprout in the ____________________.




Pretest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Plant growth regulators can both speed up and slow down plant growth. A. True B. False 2. A translocated herbicide must contact the whole plant in order to kill it. A. True B. False 3. A foliar pesticide treatment is formulated to apply on the leaves of plants. A. True B. False 4. A defoliant can be used as a harvest aid. A. True B. False 5. A chemical that kills most insects on contact is considered as being highly selective. A. True B. False 6. An ultra low volume solution may be 100 percent pesticide concentrate. A. True B. False 7. Wettable powders dissolve in water the same way sugar or salt does. A. True B. False 8. Liquefied gases are used as fumigants. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 9. Preemergence refers to the time: A. Just before crops are planted B. After crops have been planted, but before plants or weeds emerge C. After crops and weeds emerge from the ground but before harvest 10. Mites are killed by: A. Insecticides B. Miticides C. Acaricides D. B and C above 11. Slugs and snails are chemically controlled by: A. Avicides B. Acaricides C. Molluscicides 12. Which of these will kill some kinds of plants and cause little or no injury to others? A. Translocated herbicides B. Selective herbicides C. Contact herbicides D. Nonselective herbicides



13. Systemics: A. Kill insects feeding on the sap of plants treated with the chemical B. Kill on contact C. Kill when inhaled by pest animals 14. What pesticide application method is shown in this picture? A. Band B. Directed C. Soil incorporation D. Sidedress 15. A spray that kills insects when they touch it is called: A. A contact insecticide B. A stomach poison C. A fumigant 16. What pesticide application method is shown here? A. Broadcast B. Drench C. Band D. In furrow Write the number of the matching description next to the letter that fits it. 17. Match the following: A. Drench __1. Uniform application to an area B. Sidedress __2. Poured on back of livestock C. Spot treatment __3. Application along side of crop row D. Directed __4. Either saturation of soil with pesticide or application of liquid pesticide to mouth of animal E. Pour on __5. Aim pesticide at part of plant or animal F. Broadcast __6.Application of pesticide to small area 18. Match the following: A. Dusts __1. Used to mist inside of barn B. Granules __2. Inert ingredient might be corn C. Wettable powders __3. Must be constantly agitated in spray tank to keep suspension D. Soluble powders __4. Liquid formulation that forms an emulsion in water E. Baits __5. Liquid formulation that forms a suspension in water F. Emulsifiable concentrate __6. Dry formulation that dissolves in water G. Solutions __7. Liquid formulation that can be used straight from the can on livestock H. Flowables __8. Dry formulation made with fine powder as inert ingredient I. Aerosols __9. Dry formulation made with course particles Fill in the blanks. 19. ________________________ ingredients + ______________________ ingredients = pesticide formulation.



Chapter 2 Pesticides Learning Program 1. When nonchemical methods fail to provide adequate control of pests, and when pest populations reach the economic injury level, then pesticides should be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The suffix "cide" means killing. For example, a homicide involves the killing of a person. The term pesticide refers to a chemical substance that will kill pests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests. Because of government regulations, the following compounds are also classified as pesticides. Chemicals used to attract or repel pests Chemicals used to regulate plant growth Chemicals used to remove or dry plant leaves Chemicals used to coat the leaves of plants A chemical used to cause a plant to drop its leaves (is/is not) classified by the government as a pesticide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [is] 4. The terms attractant and repellant are self explanatory. A defoliant is a pesticide that causes a plant to: A. Grow bigger B. Drop its leaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Drop its leaves] 5. A desiccant acts to kill leaves. It causes plants to dry up. Desiccants and defoliants are not always used on pest plants. They are used to remove leaves and stems to aid in the harvesting of crops such as potatoes, soy beans and cotton. Desiccants are used: A. Only on pest plants B. On either pest plants or economic crops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. On either pest plants or economic crops] 6. A plant growth regulator is also classified by the government as a pesticide. It can speed up, slow down, stop, or otherwise change normal plant functioning. If you wanted to speed up the growth of a plant, which of the following would you use? A. Repellent B. Desiccant or defoliant C. Plant growth regulator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Plant growth regulator] 7. When plants lose moisture through their leaves, it is called transpiration. An antitranspirant is a chemical that coats plant leaves. The purpose of an antitranspirant is to lower the water loss from transpiration. If plant leaves are coated with an antitranspirant would it increase or decrease water loss? _______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [decrease] 8. Match the following as appropriate. A. Desiccant and defoliant __1. Changes the rate of plant growth B. Plant growth regulators __2. Used to remove leaves and stems C. Antitranspirant __3. Reduces plant water loss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=2, B=1 C=3] 9. Some pesticides will kill a wide range of plants or animals. These are termed nonselective pesticides. Others will only kill specific plants or animals. They are termed selective pesticides. A pesticide that kills dandelions, but not alfalfa is (selective/nonselective). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [selective]



10. Exhibit 1 in the back of this chapter lists different types of pesticides and what they control. Study this section (Exhibit 1) before trying to answer the following questions. Match the following as appropriate: A. Miticide __1. Kills snails B. Rodenticide __2. Kills mice C. Molluscicide __3. Kills birds D. Herbicide __4. Kills weeds E. Acaricide __5. Kills insects F. Insecticide __6. Kills mites G. Fungicide __7. Kills mites, ticks and spiders H. Avicide __8. Kills fungi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=6, B=2, C=1, D=4, E=7, F=5, G=8, H=3] How Pesticides Work 11. Pesticides work in a variety of ways. Contact chemicals kill on contact and stomach chemicals kill when ingested. A bait for killing rats would be called a: A. Contact poison B. Stomach poison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Stomach poison] 12. When a systemic pesticide is applied to a plant or an animal it makes its way into the system of that organism. If a pest then feeds on that plant or animal it may become poisoned and die. Systemic pesticide will kill some organisms but not others. Therefore, a systemic pesticide must be (selective/nonselective). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [selective] 13. The word "translocated" means to move location. Some herbicides enter the plant through one part such as the leaves or roots, and then spread throughout the whole plant. These translocated herbicides need only to contact part of the plant in order to kill it. A fumigant is a pesticide that usually changes from a liquid to a gas, and it is the gaseous form that kills the pest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. As they relate to how pesticides work, match the following as appropriate. A. Contact poison __1. When sprayed on a plant, it travels from point of contact to other parts of the plant,

killing it in the process. B. Translocated herbicide __2. Changes from a liquid to a gas when applied. The gaseous form kills the pest. C. Fumigant __3. When a pest insect feeds on a treated plant, it (the insect) becomes poisoned. D. Systemic pesticide __4. Control is achieved by spraying chemical directly on the body of the pest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=4, B=1, C=2, D=3] When to Use Pesticides 15. Depending on crop, pest and pesticide, pesticides may be applied at different times. For control of summer annual weeds, a field should be treated before planting the crop. Preemergence refers to application before crops or weeds have emerged. Postemergence refers to application after crops and weeds have emerged . Exhibit 2 in the back of this chapter lists some of the ways pesticides can be applied. Study this section and then answer the following questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. What application is shown in the picture to the right? A. Preemergence band B. Broadcast C. Sidedress D. Postemergence band ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. Postemergence band]



17. The picture here shows what method of application? A. Directed B. In furrow C. Sidedress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Directed] 18. Match the following as appropriate A. Dip __1. Uniform application to a specific area. Such as an acre B. Foliar __2. Immersion of plant or animal in a pesticide mixture C. Drench __3. Application to the leaves D. Broadcast __4. Poured on back of livestock E. Sidedress __5. Application along the side of a crop row F. Pour on __6. Saturation of soil with pesticide or application or a liquid pesticide to the mouth of livestock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=2, B=3, C=6, D=1, E=5, F=4] 19. Match the following as appropriate. A. Band __1. Pesticide mixed with the soil by tillage B. Directed __2. Aiming pesticide at a portion of a plant, animal or structure C. Soil incorporation __3. Application to a small area D. Spot treatment __4. Application to a strip over or along each crop row ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=4, B=2, C=1, D=3] Types of Pesticide Formulations 20. Pesticides are rarely applied full strength. Usually they are mixed with other ingredients. The chemical in the pesticide formulation that actually kills the pest(s) is termed the active ingredient. The added chemical(s), those which make the product easier to formulate or apply, are termed inert ingredients. Fill in the blanks: _______________________ ingredients + _______________________ ingredients = the pesticide formulation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [active, inert] 21. Pesticide formulations may be formulated either as liquid or dry compounds. In the case of liquid formulations, the active ingredient is mixed with a liquid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. One type of liquid formulation is the solution. These compounds may be ready to use straight from the container. They are often used to control pests on livestock or in farm buildings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. An emulsifiable concentrate (EC or E) is a concentrated oil solution of the technical grade material with a small amount of emulsifier added so the concentrate will mix readily with water for spraying. An emulsifiable concentrate is used: A. Mixed with water B. Full strength straight from the container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Mixed with water] 24. A flowable (F or L) can also be mixed with water to use in a sprayer. The flowable liquid forms a suspension in the water. Unless agitated the chemical will settle to the bottom of the sprayer. The ultra low volume solution (ULV) is a highly concentrated formulation. In fact, it may contain the active ingredient alone. Ultra low volume solutions require special application equipment and are applied with little or no further dilution. Aerosols (A) are low concentrate solutions, usually applied as a fine spray or mist indoors. Many are sold in pressurized cans. Liquefied gases turn into gases when applied. These compounds are used as fumigants. Ultra low volume solutions (ULV) are ______________ concentrated formulations and are applied with ______________ equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [highly, special] 25. Which of the following should be mixed with water before using? A. Solutions B. Flowables C. Aerosols D. Fumigants



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Flowables] Dry Formulations 26. Dry formulations come in solid or powdery form. Some are used dry; others are mixed with water. Dusts (D) are made by adding the active ingredient to a fine inert powder and applied dry. Granules are made by mixing the active ingredient with course particles or some inert material. Granules may be used like dust and are: A. Applied dry B. Mixed with water ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Applied dry] 27. Soluble powders (SP) are made to dissolve in water to form a solution. Wettable powders (WP or W) are also made to mix with water, but they do not dissolve in the water. Instead they form a suspension. Wettable powders will settle out unless constantly stirred or agitated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. Poison baits are also dry formulations. These are made by mixing an active ingredient with some edible substance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29. Match the following. A. Dusts __1. Dissolves in water B. Granules __2. Mixed with water it forms a suspension C. Wettable powders __3. A fine powder applied dry D. Soluble powders __4. Coarse particles E. Baits __5. An edible substance is used as the inert ingredient ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=4, C=2, D=1, E=5] 30. Match the following: A. Emulsifiable concentrates __1. Mixed with water to form a suspension B. Ultra low volume solutions __2. Ready to use (spray) from the container C. Solutions __3. Forms an emulsion with water D. Flowables __4. Usually applied as a mist indoors E. Aerosols __5. Another name for a fumigant F. Liquefied gases __6. Highly concentrated and requires special application equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=6, C=2, D=1, E=4, F=5] Review and Summary 31. Which of these is classed as a pesticide in this manual? A. Rodenticides B. Pest attractants C. Antitranspirants D. All of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of these] 32. An antitranspirant is used to prevent ____________________ loss in plants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [water] 33. Desiccants and defoliants are used to remove plant________________________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [leaves, foliage, etc.] 34. A nonselective pesticide kills: A. Only one specific pest B. Many kinds of plant or animal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Many kinds of plant or animal life.] 35. Which of these is used to control fish? A. Acaricide B. Herbicide C. Avicide D. Piscicide



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. Piscicide] 36. Which of these kill pests by making blood or sap of a living host poisonous to the pest? A. Contact pesticide B. Translocated herbicide C. Systemics D. Fumigants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Systemics] 37. The postemergence application of a herbicide to kill weeds occurs (before/after) the weeds have appeared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [afer] 39. Which of these is also called drench treatment? A. Aiming the pesticide at the portion of a plant B. Pouring the pesticide along the midline of the back of livestock C. Oral treatment of an animal with a liquid pesticide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Oral treatment of an animal with a liquid pesticide] 40. Pesticide formulations come in the form of: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS + ___________________ INGREDIENTS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [inert] You have just completed Chapter 2. Pesticides. Now complete the Posttest found at the end this chapter. CHAPTER 2, EXHIBIT 1 PESTICIDES Here are the types and uses of the most common pesticides Insecticide--controls insects and other related pests such as ticks and spiders Miticide--controls mites Acaricide--controls mites, ticks and spiders Nematicide--controls nematodes Fungicide--controls fungi Bactericide--controls bacteria Herbicide--controls weeds Rodenticide--controls rodents Avicide--controls birds Piscicide--controls fish Molluscicide--controls mollusks, such as slugs and snails Predacide--controls pest animals CHAPTER 2, EXHIBIT 2 APPLICATION Following are a few of the ways in which pesticide may be applied. Band--application to a strip or band over or along each crop row Broadcast--uniform application to an entire, specific area Dip--complete or partial immersion of a plant, animal, or object in a pesticide Directed--aiming the pesticide at a portion of a plant, animal or structure Drench--saturating the soil with a pesticide; oral treatment of an animal with a liquid pesticide Foliar--application to the leaves of a plant In-furrow--application to or in the furrow in which a plant is planted Over-the-top--application over the top of the growing crop Pour-on--pouring the pesticide along the midline of the back of livestock Sidedress--application along the side of a crop row Soil incorporation--application to the soil followed by use of tillage implements to mix the pesticide with the soil Spot treatment--application to a small area




Posttest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Plant growth regulators can both speed up and slow down plant growth. A. True B. False 2. A translocated herbicide must contact the whole plant in order to kill it. A. True B. False 3. A foliar pesticide treatment is formulated to apply on the leaves of plants. A. True B. False 4. A defoliant can be used as a harvest aid. A. True B. False 5. A chemical that kills most insects on contact is considered as being highly selective. A. True B. False 6. An ultra low volume solution may be 100 percent pesticide concentrate. A. True B. False 7. Wettable powders dissolve in water the same way sugar or salt does. A. True B. False 8. Liquefied gases are used as fumigants. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 9. Preemergence refers to the time: A. Just before crops are planted B. After crops have been planted, but before plants or weeds emerge C. After crops and weeds emerge from the ground but before harvest 10. Mites are killed by: A. Insecticides B. Miticides C. Acaricides D. B and C above 11. Slugs and snails are chemically controlled by: A. Avicides B. Acaricides C. Molluscicides 12. Which of these will kill some kinds of plants and cause little or no injury to others? A. Translocated herbicides B. Selective herbicides C. Contact herbicides D. Nonselective herbicides



13. Systemics: A. Kill insects feeding on the sap of plants treated with the chemical B. Kill on contact C. Kill when inhaled by pest animals 14. What pesticide application method is shown in this picture? A. Band B. Directed C. Soil incorporation D. Sidedress 15. A spray that kills insects when they touch it is called: A. A contact insecticide B. A stomach poison C. A fumigant 16. What pesticide application method is shown here? A. Broadcast B. Drench C. Band D. In furrow Write the number of the matching description next to the letter that fits it. 17. Match the following: A. Drench __1. Uniform application to an area B. Sidedress __2. Poured on back of livestock C. Spot treatment __3. Application along side of crop row D. Directed __4. Either saturation of soil with pesticide or application of liquid pesticide to mouth of animal E. Pour on __5. Aim pesticide at part of plant or animal F. Broadcast __6.Application of pesticide to small area 18. Match the following: A. Dusts __1. Used to mist inside of barn B. Granules __2. Inert ingredient might be corn C. Wettable powders __3. Must be constantly agitated in spray tank to keep suspension D. Soluble powders __4. Liquid formulation that forms an emulsion in water E. Baits __5. Liquid formulation that forms a suspension in water F. Emulsifiable concentrate __6. Dry formulation that dissolves in water G. Solutions __7. Liquid formulation that can be used straight from the can on livestock H. Flowables __8. Dry formulation made with fine powder as inert ingredient I. Aerosols __9. Dry formulation made with course particles Fill in the blanks. 19. ________________________ ingredients + ______________________ ingredients = pesticide formulation.



Chapter 3 - Labels and Labeling, Pretest Answer the following questions. 1. The labeling for a pesticide includes only the information found on the pesticide label. A. True B. False 2. Using Exhibit 2, fill in the following: The product name shown on this label is ____________________________. The common name for the active ingredient is _______________________________. The chemical name is _________________________________. The net contents are ___________________________. 3. The ingredient statement on a label must contain: A. The names of the active ingredients B. The names of the inert ingredients C. The amount of inert ingredients D. A and C above 4. The EPA registration number on this label tells you: A. That EPA registered the product B. That the product can be legally sold C. The factory that made the chemical 5. The EPA establishment number on a product: A. Identifies where the product was last repackaged B. Tells you who owns the product C. Both of the above 6. Match the following: A. CAUTION __1. Moderately toxic B. WARNING __2. Highly toxic C. DANGER __3. Low order toxicity 7. Which of the following will be listed on a pesticide label? A. Environmental hazards B. Physical or chemical hazards C. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN D. All of the above 8. The REENTRY STATEMENT on the pesticide label tells you what? ________________________________. 9. The DIRECTIONS FOR USE will tell you what pests the pesticide will control and what crops the pesticide can be used on. A. True B. False 10. Assume that a pesticide has poisoned you. The first source of information and instructions for first aid should come from: A. A doctor B. The pesticide label C. A reference book on poisons D. A local pesticide dealer 11. Look at Chapter 3, Exhibit 2. An empty container of DEPESTO should be disposed of by ________________________________. DEPESTO is limited to application by ___________________________________ applicators. DEPESTO is a __________________________________ pesticide. It is a violation of __________________________to use this pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.



Chapter 3 Labels and Labeling Learning Program 1. Pesticides are required by law to be properly labeled. Certain information must appear on the label in specific places. This chapter will cover the organization of a typical pesticide label and explain some of the information found on the label. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. There are two Exhibits that will be used for this chapter. Exhibit 1 is a model outline label. It does not contain any specific information. Exhibit 2 is a sample label with made-up information. It is obviously not a real label. Refer to these two exhibits as you go through this chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. When you purchase a pesticide, instructions as to how it should be used may be found on: (1) the label attached to the container, (2) brochures and flyers put out by the manufacturer, and (3) printed information handed out by the dealer. Information on how to use a pesticide: A. is found only on the label B. is given on the label and additional materials such as brochures and handouts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. is given on the label and additional materials such as brochures and handouts] 4. All of the printed instructions that come with the pesticide are part of the labeling. Labeling includes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. One of the most prominent pieces of information to appear on the label is the "product name". However, there may be several names for the same pesticide. Check Exhibit 1. The largest name to appear on this label is the _____________________ name. Check Exhibit 2. The product name of this pesticide is _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [product, DEPESTO] 6. The product you purchase is usually a mixture of several ingredients called a formulation. The ingredients are listed as ______________________ ingredients and _________________________ ingredients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [active, inert] 7. The active ingredients may be called by two different names, a chemical name and a common name. For example, carbaryl is the common name for the chemical name 1-napthyl-N-methyl carbamate. Refer to Exhibit 2. The common name for the active ingredient in this pesticide is: A. DEPESTO B. pestoff C. tri-salicylic acid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. pestoff] 8. Match the following as appropriate. A. Product name __1. pestoff B. Common name __2. tri-salicylic acid C. Chemical name __3. DEPESTO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=1, C=2] 9. The ingredient statement on the label also tells you the amount of active and inert ingredients there are in the formulation. Check Exhibit 1. These amounts are given as a ____________________ of active ingredient and a _____________________ of inert ingredient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [percent, percent]



10. Check Exhibit 1. A statement below the ingredient statement tells you how much active ingredient there is in a gallon of the formulation. This is given in ____________________ per gallon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pounds] 11. At the bottom of the label is a net contents statement. It is given in pints, quarts, or gallons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. The law requires the name of the manufacturer or distributor on the label so you will know who made or sold the product. Every pesticide product registered with the EPA must have an EPA registration number. This number must appear on the label. The EPA establishment number identifies the factory (plant) that made the chemical. It does not have to appear on the label, but it will be somewhere on each container. The EPA establishment number must appear on the label but the EPA registration number does not. (true/false) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [false] Human Hazard Warning 13. The signal words on a label tell you how toxic or hazardous the product is to people. Match the following as appropriate A. Danger __1. Moderately toxic B. Warning __2. Highly toxic C. Caution __3. Low order of toxicity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=2, B=1, C=3] 14. All products that carry the signal word DANGER must also carry the word POISON printed in red, and the skull and crossbones symbol. The skull and crossbones symbol would be found with what signal word? A. Danger B. Warning C. Caution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Danger] 15. Signal words are associated with the amount of pesticide it would take to kill a person.

Signal Words


Approximate amount needed to kill the average person

DANGER Highly Toxic A taste to a teaspoonful WARNING Moderately Toxic A teaspoonful to a

tablespoonful CAUTION Low order of toxicity An ounce to more than a pint

For a pesticide labeled "WARNING'' it would take approximately how much pesticide to cause a fatality? A. A teaspoonful to a tablespoonful B. At least an ounce or more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. A teaspoonful to a tablespoonful] 16. Could an average person be killed by a teaspoonful of DEPESTO? (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 17. All pesticides must bear the statement "KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN." This child hazard statement will appear on: A. Just labels for highly toxic materials B. All pesticide container labels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. All pesticide container labels] 18. The STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT tells you what to do in case of accidental poisoning. Additional information about hazards and poisoning can be found in the PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS section on the label. Check the PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Section on Exhibit 2. Does this section give instructions to the doctor as to the treatment of poisoning? (yes/no)



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 19. The PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS section lists other dangers as well as those to humans or domestic animals. Environmental hazards such as threats to wildlife and water supplies may also be listed. Identify the following as environmental or chemical hazards. A. flammable (chemical/environmental) B. danger of drifting to non-target areas (chemical/environmental) C. may contaminate water with runoff (chemical/environmental) D. toxic to bees (chemical/environmental) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=chemical, B=environmental, C=environmental, D=environmental] Directions for Use 20. Some of the things the DIRECTIONS FOR USE will tell you are: Pests the product will control Crops or animals the product can be applied on How the product should be applied and how much to use Where and when the product should be applied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. The DIRECTIONS FOR USE section of the DEPESTO label will tell you which of the following? How much DEPESTO to use per acre (yes/no) If DEPESTO can be used on corn (yes/no) How close to harvest time DEPESTO can be safely applied (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes, yes, yes] 22. The misuse statement will remind you that it is a violation of Federal Law to use a product inconsistent with its labeling. The REENTRY STATEMENT tells you when it is safe to return to the treated area without protective clothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. According to the REENTRY STATEMENT on the DEPESTO label; it is safe to reenter the treated area after_____ days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [five] 24. Refer to the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL box for DEPESTO in Exhibit 2. DEPESTO should not be stored near _________________, _______________________ or __________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [food, water, feed] 25. Every pesticide label must show whether the contents are for general or restricted use. A restricted use pesticide can only be used by: A. A certified applicator, or someone he is supervising B. Professional pest control operators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. A certified applicator, or someone he is supervising] Review and Summary 26. What information on a pesticide label will generally be printed in the largest type and placed in a prominent position? _______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [product name] 27. The product name is not usually the name of the primary ingredient in the container. Information about the ingredients in the formulation is found immediately (over/under) the brand name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [under] 28. A pesticide product usually contains (pure pesticide/pesticide plus inert ingredients). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pesticide plus inert ingredients] 29. The pesticide label gives the product name, the ingredients and the percentages. The label will usually tell a person how much _________________________ ingredient there is in one gallon of formulation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [active] 30. The label also tells you: _____________ manufactured the product, the _________________ of the manufacturer, and the ___________ registration number.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Who, address, EPA] 31. The label also tells you in a prominent signal word the hazard warning that applies to the formulation. There are three levels of hazard and thus, three levels of warning. A. DANGER B. WARNING C. CAUTION Which of the above is a warning for the most dangerous pesticide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. DANGER] 32. The area of the label that contains the human hazard warning also tells you the (emergency treatment/detailed instructions for a doctor) in case of pesticide poisoning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [emergency treatment] 33. Every pesticide label must bear a statement that the pesticide must be kept out of the reach of______________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [children] 34. The pesticide label contains: PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS STORAGE AND DISPOSAL directions DIRECTIONS FOR USE Would the DIRECTIONS FOR USE include the following information? Name of specific crop (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 35. Amount of product to use. (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 36. How to apply this product. (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 37. The label may also tell you who may use the pesticide. (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [yes] 38. You have just completed Chapter 3. Labels and Labeling. Now complete the posttest found at the end of this chapter.









Chapter 3 - Labels and Labeling, Posttest Answer the following questions. 1. The labeling for a pesticide includes only the information found on the pesticide label. A. True B. False 2. Using Exhibit 2, fill in the following: The product name shown on this label is ____________________________. The common name for the active ingredient is _______________________________. The chemical name is _________________________________. The net contents are ___________________________. 3. The ingredient statement on a label must contain: A. The names of the active ingredients B. The names of the inert ingredients C. The amount of inert ingredients D. A and C above 4. The EPA registration number on this label tells you: A. That EPA registered the product B. That the product can be legally sold C. The factory that made the chemical 5. The EPA establishment number on a product: A. Identifies where the product was last repackaged B. Tells you who owns the product C. Both of the above 6. Match the following: A. CAUTION __1. Moderately toxic B. WARNING __2. Highly toxic C. DANGER __3. Low order toxicity 7. Which of the following will be listed on a pesticide label? A. Environmental hazards B. Physical or chemical hazards C. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN D. All of the above 8. The REENTRY STATEMENT on the pesticide label tells you what? ________________________________. 9. The DIRECTIONS FOR USE will tell you what pests the pesticide will control and what crops the pesticide can be used on. A. True B. False 10. Assume that you have been poisoned by a pesticide. The first source of information and instructions for first aid should come from: A. A doctor B. The pesticide label C. A reference book on poisons D. A local pesticide dealer 11. Look at Chapter 3, Exhibit 2. An empty container of DEPESTO should be disposed of by ________________________________. DEPESTO is limited to application by ___________________________________ applicators. DEPESTO is a __________________________________ pesticide. It is a violation of __________________________to use this pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.



Chapter 4 Application Equipment

Pretest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Stainless steel is the best nozzle material for extensive use. A. True B. False 2. Tungsten carbide and ceramic are inexpensive nozzle materials that may be subject to wear and corrosion. A. True B. False 3. Aluminum nozzles may corrode in the application of some fertilizers. A. True B. False 4. Ultra low volume sprayers apply a diluted pesticide solution. A. True B. False 5. Brass is an inexpensive nozzle material that wears easily A. True B. False 6. Plastic nozzles wear out easily but are required for the spraying of certain solvents. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 7. A spinning disc applicator is used to apply: A. Dust B. Granules C. Wettable powders D. All of these 8. A solid stream nozzle would be used for: A. Broadcast spraying B. Spraying foliage C. Injecting pesticide into the soil D. Wide band spraying 9. Which of these determine which nozzle material will be used? A. Price B. Corrosion C. Resistance to abrasion D. All of these 10. Which of these nozzle types would be used in overlapping groups for broadcast spraying? A. Even flat fan B. Regular flat fan C. Full cone D. Solid stream 11. Which of these would be preferred for over the top spraying of foliage? A. Flooding nozzle B. Regular flat fan nozzle C. Hollow cone nozzle D. Broadcast nozzle



12. Which of these could deliver a mist spray to the foliage on fruit trees? A. Air blast sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Hand sprayer D. All of these 13. Which of these would be used to spray livestock? A. Air blast sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Low pressure sprayer D. None of these Write the number of the matching drawing in the blank space. 14. Match the following: A. Hand sprayer _______ B. Low pressure field sprayer _______ C. Air blast sprayer _______ D. High pressure sprayer _______ E. Hand duster _______ F. Power duster _______ G. Granular applicator _______ 15. Match the following: 1. Even flat fan 2. Hollow cone 3. Broadcast 4. Solid stream 5. Regular flat fan 6. Full cone 7. Flooding nozzle



Chapter 4 Application Equipment Learning Program 1. The pesticide application equipment you use can be very important to the success or failure of your pest control efforts. This chapter will briefly cover some of the types of equipment you may be using. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sprayers 2. Sprayers are used to apply liquid formulations. The simplest type of sprayer is the hand sprayer. It is specially designed for small jobs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A large sprayer commonly used by farmers is the low pressure field sprayer. This sprayer consists primarily of a large tank, a pump, pressure regulator and strainer, connected to a boom of nozzles. The rate of flow from such a sprayer is , as indicated by the name, low. Most low pressure field sprayers are used to treat field and forage crops, pastures and fence rows. They may also be used to apply fertilizer-pesticide mixtures. Low pressure field sprayers would be good for use in treating an: A. Alfalfa field B. Apple orchard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Alfalfa field] 4. As the name would imply, high pressure sprayers deliver a high volume of pesticide mixture at a high pressure. Because of the force created by the pump, the high pressure sprayer can put out a large amount of pesticide in a short period of time. Because they can deliver high volumes of pesticides at high pressures into hard to-get at places, these sprayers are used to spray fruit, some vegetables, landscape plants and livestock. High pressure sprayers would be preferred over low pressure field sprayers in the treatment of: A. Tomato plants B. Pastures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Tomato plants] 5. Air blast sprayers use a high speed air stream to break the pesticide up into droplets. The air blast sprayer uses the force of a fan to deliver the pesticide mixture to its target. It works something like an atomizer. The air blast sprayer produces a mist spray. These sprayers are used to spray fruits and vegetable crops. The air blast sprayer would be a preferred piece of equipment in the treatment of: A. Low growing hedges and landscape plants B. The fruit and foliage of apple trees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. The fruit and foliage of apple trees] 6. Because of the mist spray produced, application by this machine is more apt to cause problems of pesticide drift than would be the case with most other sprayers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



7. Ultra low volume solutions are highly concentrated formulations. In some cases they consist of the concentrate only. The machine used to apply these solutions must be designed to make very light applications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. By way of review, identify this sprayer. A. Low pressure field sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Air blast sprayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Low pressure field sprayer] 9. Identify this sprayer. A. Low pressure field sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Air blast sprayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Air blast sprayer] 10. As appropriate, match the following A. Hand sprayer 1. Delivers high volumes for fruits, vegetables, landscape plants and livestock B. Low pressure field sprayer 2. Produces a mist spray C. High pressure sprayer 3. Good for restricted areas D. Ultra low volume sprayer 4. Used to apply pesticides to many field crops E. Air blast sprayer 5. Applies highly concentrated pesticides at low volumes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=4, C=1, D=5, E=2] Nozzles 11. The nozzle directs the spray of pesticide and determines how much area will be covered by the spray pattern. Narrow band application and broadcast application may require (the same/different) nozzle types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [different] 12. The standard flat spray tip has a tapered edge flat spray pattern for uniform coverage in broadcast spraying on a multiple nozzle boom-type sprayer. The spray height must be adjusted to overlap approximately 30% of each edge of the spray pattern to ensure a uniform spray pattern across the boom. It is used for pre and post application of herbicides. The even flat fan spray tip is used for pre and post emergent band application of herbicides. It has a uniform distribution of spray droplets across its pattern.

The flooding spray tip is widely use for applications of pre-plant incorporated and surface applied herbicides. It is used at low pressures of 10-25 psi to help reduce drift. It is also used for broadcast application of liquid fertilizers. It may also be used to apply some post-emergent systemic herbicides.

The full cone spray tip is used for pre-plant incorporated herbicides. It is widely used at low pressures to produce larger droplets and reduce drift. It forms a uniform solid cone pattern. The hollow cone spray tip is used for band application of post-emerge contact herbicides. It is also well suited for application



of insecticides, fungicides, defoliants, and foliar fertilizers at pressures of 40 psi and above. It produces a hollow cone spray pattern.

Based on the above descriptions label the nozzles shown below.

A. ________________________________ C. ________________________________ B. ________________________________ D. ________________________________

E. ________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=standard flat fan, B=even flat fan, C=flood, D=full cone, E=hollow cone] 13. The standard flat fan nozzle is used on booms with the spray overlapping. The standard flat fan nozzle is used for: A. Band spraying (narrow strips) B. Broadcast spraying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Broadcast spraying] 14. The even flat fan nozzle is used without overlapping. The even flat fan nozzle is used for (band/broadcast) spraying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [band] 15. Another type of flat fan nozzle is the flooding nozzle. This one makes a wide angle pattern. It is used for broadcast spraying. Notice the path the liquid takes as it leaves the flooding nozzle. The flooding nozzle is likely to be used on a (low/high) pressure field sprayer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [low] 16. The broadcast nozzle is another wide angle flat fan nozzle. It is used on boomless sprayers and on the end of booms to widen the path of coverage. The broadcast nozzle operates at a higher pressure than the flooding nozzles.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Match the following: A. Standard flat fan __1. Accurate for aiming at distant targets B. Even flat fan __2. Flat oval pattern with lighter edges. Used on booms for broadcast spraying. C. Solid-stream __3. Uniform flat oval pattern used for band spraying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=2, B=3, C=1] 18. As appropriate, match the following. A. Flooding nozzle 1. Works by either cone and disc, or whirl chamber B. Broadcast nozzle 2. Spray uniform throughout circular patterns C. Hollow cone nozzle 3. Used on boomless sprayers or ends of booms to widen spray path D. Full cone nozzle 4. Low pressure nozzle used for broadcast spraying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=4, B=3, C=1, D=2] Nozzle Materials 19. Along with the correct choice of nozzle types, it is equally important to select nozzles made from materials that will not be damaged by the pesticide. For example, wettable powder and flowable formulations can be abrasive. A nozzle used to apply wettable powders should be made from hard material. Rust is an example of corrosion. Ordinary steel corrodes when exposed to air and water. Nozzle material should be resistant to both abrasion and corrosion. Would ordinary steel be good material for nozzles? (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [no] 20. Cost is another factor to consider when choosing nozzles. Materials that are resistant to both corrosion and abrasion may be very expensive. Inexpensive materials may be used if corrosion and abrasion are not a problem. Examine Exhibit 1, at the end of the chapter. It shows the common materials used in making nozzles. Check the features of brass nozzles. Should brass nozzles be used if the spraying liquid is abrasive? (yes/no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [no] 21. Tungsten carbide or ceramic nozzles are hard and resist abrasion. If abrasion is a problem, for example, when wettable powders are frequently used, then tungsten carbide nozzles would be a better choice than brass nozzles. But, if nonabrasive liquids are used, then in most situations, the cheaper brass nozzles would be suitable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. Plastics can be made resistant to corrosion. However, according to Exhibit 1, the problem with plastics is that: A. They corrode B. They wear easily C. They swell in contact with some solvents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. They swell in contact with some solvents] 23. Aluminum nozzles resist most corrosive materials except some fertilizers. Stainless steel resists abrasion and will not corrode. Remember, there is a difference between ordinary steel and stainless steel. According to Exhibit 1, which is the best nozzle material for extensive use? _______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Stainless steel] 24. As appropriate, match the following. A. Brass __1. Swells when exposed to some solvents B. Stainless steel __2. Best material for extensive use C. Plastic __3. Best material for limited use D. Aluminum __4. Corroded by some fertilizers E. Tungsten carbide and ceramic __5. Expensive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3, B=2, C=1, D=4, E=5] Dust and Granular Applications 25. Pesticide dusts and granules are made to be applied dry and because of this, they obviously require different kinds of application equipment than that used with liquid pesticides. In general, dusts can be blown to the target area with a blast of air, whereas because of their size and weight, granules need to be thrown or dropped on their target.



The applicator pictured to the right works by squeezing. A puff of air carries the pesticide to its target. This is a hand (duster/granular) applicator? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [duster] 26. Like hand sprayers, hand dusters are used mainly around the home and garden. Power dusters have a power driven fan or blower to get the dust to the target. With power dusters there is a tendency for the dust to drift when it is being applied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27. There are several types of granular applicators on the market today. One type uses hand carried spinning discs. Another type is tractor mounted or tractor driven. The above machine applies _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [granules] Review and Summary 35. Which of these sprayers uses the least amount of water? A. Low pressure field sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Air blast sprayer D. Ultra low volume sprayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[D. Ultra low volume sprayer] 37. Which of these is the standard flat fan pattern? __________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A.] 38. Which of these nozzle materials is probably the best for all around use? A. Brass B. Tungsten carbide C. Stainless steel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Stainless steel] You have now completed Chapter 4. Please complete the posttest found at the end of this chapter. CHAPTER 4, EXHIBIT 1 You can get nozzles in many materials. Here are the main features of each kind. Brass: inexpensive; wears quickly from abrasion; probably the best material for limited use.



Stainless steel: will not corrode; resists abrasion; especially if it is hardened; probably the best material for extensive use. Plastic: resists corrosion and abrasion; swells when exposed to some solvents; is easily damaged. Aluminum: resists some corrosive materials ; is easily corroded by some fertilizers Tungsten carbide and ceramic: highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion; expensive -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 4 Application Equipment Posttest

Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Stainless steel is the best nozzle material for extensive use. A. True B. False 2. Tungsten carbide and ceramic are inexpensive nozzle materials that may be subject to wear and corrosion. A. True B. False 3. Aluminum nozzles may corrode in the application of some fertilizers. A. True B. False 4. Ultra low volume sprayers apply a diluted pesticide solution. A. True B. False 5. Brass is an inexpensive nozzle material that wears easily A. True B. False 6. Plastic nozzles wear out easily but are required for the spraying of certain solvents. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 7. A spinning disc applicator is used to apply: A. Dust B. Granules C. Wettable powders D. All of these 8. A solid stream nozzle would be used for: A. Broadcast spraying B. Spraying foliage C. Injecting pesticide into the soil D. Wide band spraying 9. Which of these determine which nozzle material will be used? A. Price B. Corrosion C. Resistance to abrasion D. All of these



10. Which of these nozzle types would be used in overlapping groups for broadcast spraying? A. Even flat fan B. Regular flat fan C. Full cone D. Solid stream 11. Which of these would be preferred for over the top spraying of foliage? A. Flooding nozzle B. Regular flat fan nozzle C. Hollow cone nozzle D. Broadcast nozzle 12. Which of these could deliver a mist spray to the foliage on fruit trees? A. Air blast sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Hand sprayer D. All of these 13. Which of these would be used to spray livestock? A. Air blast sprayer B. High pressure sprayer C. Low pressure sprayer D. None of these Write the number of the matching drawing in the blank space. 14. Match the following: A. Hand sprayer _______ B. Low pressure field sprayer _______ C. Air blast sprayer _______ D. High pressure sprayer _______ E. Hand duster _______ F. Power duster _______ G. Granular applicator _______

15. Match the following: 1. Even flat fan 2. Hollow cone 3. Broadcast 4. Solid stream 5. Regular flat fan 6. Full cone 7. Flooding nozzle



Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment

Pretest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. A change in sprayer pressure will change the flow rate but will not affect the nozzle patterns or spray droplet size. A. True B. False 2. In order to properly make emergency repairs in the field, the operator of the sprayer should dismount and remove his gloves and protective mask before working on the sprayer. A. True B. False 3. If a person is calibrating a sprayer that has a 200 gallon capacity, he should spray an area large enough to use at least 20 gallons. A. True B. False 4. The best source of equipment operating information is the operator's manual. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 5. Which of these can be used to clean nozzles? A. Clean knife B. Screw driver C. Heavy gauge steel wire D. Wooden toothpick or toothbrush 6. If the sprayer nozzles clog during spraying, the operator should: A. Increase pressure to break the clog. B. Stop the sprayer immediately, and unclog the nozzles before doing anything else. C. Turn the sprayer off and move it to the edge of the field before attempting to work on it. D. Continue spraying if enough nozzles are working. Fix the sprayer when all of the spray has been applied. 7. A sprayer is calibrated to apply 10 gallons per acre at a pressure of 20 psi. What pressure would be required to increase the output to 20 gallons per acre without changing the speed of travel or nozzle size? A. 40 psi B. 60 psi C. 80 psi D. None of these. A change of pressure could not produce that large of a change in sprayer output. 8. What is the best method to insure proper mixing of a wettable powder formulation? A. Add the pesticide. then stir the mixture as the tank fills. B. Make a slurry, and pour it into a partly filled tank. Then agitate as the tank is filled. C. Fill the tank to 1/3 full of water, add the wettable powder, agitate and fill to capacity. D. Thoroughly mix the powder and water in a barrel, then add to a full tank of water under agitation. 9. A sprayer is calibrated to apply 20 gallons per acre (gpa) at a speed of 4 miles per hour. What would be the application rate if the sprayer were slowed to 2 miles per hour? A. 5 gpa B. 10 gpa C. 40 gpa D. There would be no change in application rate



10. At which of the following amounts per acre should an applicator stop and recalibrate his granular application if he needs a recommended dosage of 7 pounds per acre? A. 6.3 lbs. per acre B. 6.8 lbs. per acre C. Both of these would require recalibration. D. Neither of these. They are both within the 5 percent limit so that recalibration is unnecessary. 11. In calibrating a sprayer with a 100-gallon capacity, an applicator poured 6 1/4 gallons of water back into the tank to fill it after spraying l/4 of an acre. What is the spray rate of the sprayer in gallons per acre? A. 18 3/4 gpa B. 15 1/4 gpa C. 6 1/4 gpa D. 25 gpa 12. A sprayer has six nozzles. In a one-minute flow check an applicator finds the flow rates as shown below. Which of these nozzles will have to be replaced? (Choose all that apply)

Nozzle Flow Rate (in fluid oz./min.) A 8.0 B 7.5 C 8.2 D 7.8 E 8.3 F 8.2

13. A spray tank holds 200 gallons of spray. During calibration, an applicator had to replace 8 gallons of water after spraying one acre. This sprayer applies at a rate of ___________ gpa. A tank full of spray will cover __________ acres. Label directions on a can of emulsifiable concentrate tells him to apply two pints of the formulation per acre. How many pints should he add to one tank load? _______________ pints 14. A sprayer with a 200-gallon tank is calibrated to apply 40 gallons per acre. A full tank will cover ____________ acres. To apply 2 pounds of active ingredient per acre of a 50 percent wettable powder, a person will need to add how many pounds of pesticide formulation into the tank? This will require _____________ pounds of active ingredient per tank.



Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment Learning Program 1. Proper use and maintenance of pesticide application equipment is essential for safe, effective pest control. This chapter will briefly cover some of the basic points above the operation, maintenance and calibration of equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sprayers 2. The pesticide label specifies how much pesticide should be applied per acre. This is usually given in terms of the undiluted pesticide. For example, a pesticide label states that 2 pints of the formulation must be applied per acre to control a certain pest insect. This is 2 pints of: A. The pesticide as it comes from the container B. Pesticide and water mixture, ready for spraying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. The pesticide as it comes from the container] 3. Most liquid pesticide formulations have to be mixed with water before they can be applied. Consider the following problem. - Sprayer tank holds 50 gallons - The dosage rate is 1 pint/acre - The sprayer applies 10 gallons of the mixture/acre Now, answer the following questions. A. 50 gallons of spray mixture will treat how many acres? B. How much of the formulation should you add to the 50 gallons of water? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=5 acres, B=5 pints] 4. How many pints of formulation are required in the following situation? a. Tank capacity = 80 gallons b. Sprayer applies 10 gal/acre c. Instructions call for 2 pints of the formulation per acre Eighty gallons will spray ______________ acres. Therefore, ____________ pints of the formulation will need to be added to a tank full of water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8 acres, 16 pints] Calibration of Sprayers 5. Calibration is simply adjusting the application equipment output so that the desired rate of pesticide will be applied. There are many ways to calibrate a sprayer. To calibrate a sprayer, first choose the speed, pumping pressure and nozzles to be used. For reasons of safety, make a trial run with plain water over a measured area, such as one acre. After spraying, measure the amount of water it takes to refill the tank. If in spraying 1 acre it took 10 gallons of water to refill the tank, then the sprayer is applying the water at the rate of ____________ gallons per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10 gallons per acre] 6. If the tank has a 100-gallon capacity, or larger, an area should be sprayed which is large enough to use at least 10 percent of the tank capacity. If it takes 5 gallons of water to spray an area of 1/4 acre, the sprayer is then applying liquid at the rate of ____________ gallons per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20] 7. There are several factors that affect the rate of pesticide applied per acre. The faster the liquid flows from the nozzles, the ______________________ the amount of pesticide that will be applied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [greater] 8. The flow rate depends on 2 things. The amount of ______________________ applied to the liquid in the sprayer. And the size of the ___________________________ opening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pressure, nozzle] 9. An increase in pressure will ___________________________ the flow rate. A reduction in pressure will _____________________________ the flow rate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [increase, decrease] 10. However, pressure must be increased four times in order to double the flow rate. If a sprayer applies 1 pint of liquid per minute at 25 pounds per square inch, how much pressure is needed to increase the flow rate to 2 pints per minute? _________



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [100 psi] 11. Changes in pressure may change the spray pattern and droplet size. A change in spray pattern and droplet size (is/is not) always desirable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [is not] 12. True or False. Another way to change the flow rate is to use nozzles with larger or smaller openings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [true] 13. You can also change the rate of application per acre by changing the ground speed of the sprayer. The slower a sprayer moves, the (more/less) spray it will apply per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [more] 14. Increasing the ground speed of the sprayer means (more/less) spray applied per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [less] 15. When pressure, speed or nozzle size have been changed, the applicator should: A. Try to figure out how much the sprayer output has changed B. Recalibrate the sprayer by a trial run on a measured piece of land ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Recalibrate the sprayer by a trial run on a measured piece of land] 16. Suppose an applicator is recalibrating his sprayer and finds that after spraying 1 acre with water, the tank needs 8 gallons to refill. The sprayer tank holds 48 gallons and the pesticide label instructs him to apply 2 pints per acre. The sprayer rate is ____________ gpa (gallons per acre). The 48 gallon tank will spray _____________ acres. The number of pints of formulation he will need to add per tankful of water will be _________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8 gpa, 6 acres, 12 pints] Applying Wettable Powder 18. Wettable powders (WP) are designed to be applied with a sprayer. A 50 percent WP formulation is one-half active ingredient and one-half inert ingredients. A 25 percent WP formulation is one fourth active ingredient and three fourths inert ingredient. There is ____________ pound(s) of active ingredient in 2 pounds of 75 percent WP formulation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5 pounds] 19. A 50 gallon sprayer is calculated to apply 10 gallons per acre. The label directions call for the application of 1 pound a.i. (active ingredient) of 50 percent WP per acre. How much wettable powder formulation should be added per tankful of water? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10 pounds] Mixing Wettable Powder 20. Wettable powders present some problems in mixing. They do not dissolve well in water. Instead, they form a mixture like flour and water. If an applicator simply dumps a bag of wettable powder in the spray tank he will get an uneven mixture that may be full of lumps. To mix, first add the wettable powder to a clean bucket which is partially filled with water. The resulting mixture, called a slurry, should then be mixed well. Which of these shows how a slurry should be made?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A]



21. The slurry is then added to a partially filled tank. This makes uniform mixing possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. After the tank is filled with water, the contents must be agitated to keep the wettable powder from settling to the bottom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. By way of review, please read the following: To mix wettable powders, first put the powder in a clean bucket partially filled with water and mix until a slurry is formed. Next, add the slurry to a partially filled spray tank. As water is added to fill the tank, have the agitator stirring the mixture in the spray tank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintenance of Sprayers 24. When operating a sprayer, it is better to try and prevent trouble than to have to make repairs after a breakdown. One way to prevent trouble is to follow the instructions in the operation manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. In order to prevent clogging or accidental mixing of different pesticides, old spray mixtures should not be left in the sprayer. The sprayer should be drained and rinsed: A. After each use B. About once a month ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. After each use] 26. Sometimes the equipment clogs or other trouble occurs while the equipment is being used. If this happens: A. Try to finish spraying then correct the problem B. Turn the sprayer off at once and take care of the problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Turn the sprayer off at once and take care of the problem] 27. Some pesticides require special protective clothing during handling and application . A protective mask or gloves or other protective equipment should not be removed when making an emergency repair on a sprayer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. By way of review, please read the following: If nozzles clog or other troubles occur in the field during a spraying operation: a. Turn off the sprayer b. Move it to the edge of the field before dismounting to correct the problem c. Do not remove protective clothing while making repairs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use and Care of Nozzles 29. One source of potential troubles on a sprayer is the nozzles. The height of the nozzles above the material being sprayed is important. Before spraying, the nozzles must be adjusted to the proper _____________________________ for the job. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [height]



30. All nozzles on the sprayer should be of the proper type and size for the job. Each nozzle in the system must deliver its rated amount of pesticide. Nozzles that are not allowing the liquid to flow at the proper rate or have faulty spray patterns should be replaced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. The flow rates of each nozzle should be checked. Flow rate is the amount of liquid coming from the nozzle in a given period of time. Flow rate can be measured in: A. Fluid ounces B. Minutes C. Fluid ounces per minute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Fluid ounces per minute] 32. The flow rate of each nozzle can be checked by filling the sprayer with water and running each nozzle for a minute into a measuring jar. What is the flow rate for the nozzle below?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3 fluid ounces per minute] 33. Any nozzle that has a flow rate of 5 percent more or less than a new nozzle in good working order should be replaced. Suppose the flow of a new nozzle is 8 fl. oz./minute. Five percent of 8 is 0.4 (1 percent of 8 = 0.08, 5 x 0.08 = 0.40) Which of the following nozzles should be replaced? ___________________________

Nozzle Flow Rate fl. oz./min. A 8.3 B 8.5 C 7.8 D 7.5

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B is more than 0.4 oz. larger than 8 oz., D is more than 0.4 oz. smaller than 8 oz.] 34. What is 5 percent of 10.0 fl. oz./min.? ReminderB0.1 fl. oz. is 1 percent; 1.0 fl. oz. is 10 percent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [0.5 fl. oz./min.] 35. What flow rate is 5 percent above 10.0 fl. oz./min.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10.5 fl. oz./min.] 36. Nozzles that are clogged should be cleaned. This must be done with something that will not damage the nozzle opening. The tool (instrument) used to clean a nozzle should be made from material that is softer than the nozzle material. Which of the following is softer than such nozzle material as brass. Choose all that apply: a. Steel wire b. Wooden toothpick c. Toothbrush d. Pocket knife e. Metal file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Wooden toothpick and toothbrush] 37. Nozzles should be cleaned only with a toothbrush or wooden toothpick. A piece of wire fencing or a nail will damage the nozzle. Even a wooden toothpick can damage a plastic nozzle.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dusters and Granular Applicators 38. Dusters and granular applicators apply dry formulations, dropping or blowing the chemical onto the target. The speed at which the formulation is fed depends on how fast the applicator is moving. Changes in the land speed of a duster or granular applicator (will change/will not change) the rate of delivery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [will change] 39. Bouncing a duster or granular applicator will also cause a variation in delivery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. The manufacturer's operating manual will give instructions on how to set a gate opening for the product you plan to use. Gate openings may vary if they are not set from the same direction, such as from closed to open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41. This setting was originally set by moving the dial from closed to the 3 position. Later it was set to 5. How should the control be reset to 3? A. Move it back to 3 from the 5 position B. Move it to the closed position first, then to 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Move it to the closed position first, then to 3] 42. Calibration of a duster or granular applicator is similar to the calibration of a sprayer. One difference, however, is that the duster or granular applicator must be filled with the pesticide formulation. Because it is applying actual pesticide, a duster or a granular applicator should be calibrated for an area (larger/smaller) than that used for a sprayer? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [smaller] 43. To calibrate a duster or granular applicator, fill the hopper to a measured level. Operate the equipment over a measured area. Refill the hopper to the original level, carefully weighing the amount of pesticide needed. The amount to refill the hopper is the amount which was applied. If the weight of the pesticide applied is 1 pound, and the area treated is 1/4 acre, the applicator is treating at a rate of _______ pounds per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4 pounds of material/acre] 44. If the amount applied does not fall within 5 percent of the recommended dosage, reset the gate opening and recalibrate. Suppose the recommended dosage is 4 pounds per acre, which of these would call for recalibration? A. Application of 4.1 lbs./acre B. Application of 4.2 lbs./acre C. Application of 3.9 lbs./acre D. All of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Application of 4.2 lbs./acre (1% of 4 is 0.04; 5% of 4 is 5 x 0.04 or 0.2)]



45. While spraying, dusting, and applying granular formulations, the applicator should keep a record of the total amount of area treated and the total amount of pesticide used. If there is any significant variation from the recommended dosage, he should make the necessary adjustments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Review and Summary 46. A sprayer is calibrated by spraying a measured area with: A. Plain water B. A pesticide formulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Plain water] 47. A sprayer with a 100-gallon capacity requires 20 gallons of water to refill it after spraying 2 acres. What is the number of acres the sprayer can spray? _______________ acres If the pesticide label says to apply 1 2 pints of formulation per acre, how much pesticide should be added to a tank of water in the above sprayer? __________________ pints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10 acres, 15 pints] 48. Which of these will change application rate? A. Change in tractor speed B. Change in sprayer pressure C. Change in nozzle size D. All of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of these] 49. A person can double a sprayer output by: A. Doubling sprayer pressure B. Increasing sprayer pressure 4 times C. Cutting sprayer pressure in half ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Increasing sprayer pressure 4 times] 50. Reducing sprayer speed from 4 mph to 2 mph will (half/double/not change) sprayer output per acre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [double] 51. A 60 gallon sprayer is calibrated to apply 5 gallons of liquid per acre. The label directions recommend that a 50 percent wettable powder formulation be applied at a rate of 2 pound of active ingredient per acre. How much 50 percent wettable powder formulation should be added per tankful of water? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [60/5=12 acres/tankful; 12 pounds of formulation will deliver 0.5 lb of formulation/acre] 52. When mixing wettable powder: A. Add the powder directly to a tankful of water B. Add the powder to 2 tankful of water C. Make it into a slurry first ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Make it into a slurry first] 53. Spray nozzles should be cleaned with: A. A wire B. A clean knife C. A wooden toothpick or a toothbrush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. A wooden toothpick or a toothbrush] 54. Nozzles that have a faulty spray pattern should be _______________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [replaced] 55. Instructions on how to operate a sprayer, duster, or granular applicator can be found in the ___________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [operator's manual] 56. If a sprayer clogs during operation, the operator should: A. Stop immediately and fix the problem B. Stop the sprayer and move it to the edge of the field before doing anything ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



[B. Stop the sprayer and mo ve it to the edge of the field before doing anything] 57. As appropriate, some protective clothing should be ___________________________ while making emergency repairs on sprayers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [worn] 58. Which of these spray nozzles should be replaced if the flow from a new nozzle is 12 fl. oz./min?

Nozzle Flow Rate fl. oz./min. A 12.2 B 12.0 C 11.8 D 12.7 E 11.5 F 11.8

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [nozzle D is delivering 5% more than the new nozzle] 59. Dusters and granular applicators that are applying more or less than ___________ percent of the recommended dosage should be recalibrated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5 percent] You have just completed Chapter 5, Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment. Now complete the following posttest. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment

Posttest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. A change in sprayer pressure will change the flow rate but will not affect the nozzle patterns or spray droplet size. A. True B. False 2. In order to properly make emergency repairs in the field, the operator of the sprayer should dismount and remove his gloves and protective mask before working on the sprayer. A. True B. False 3. If a person is calibrating a sprayer that has a 200 gallon capacity, he should spray an area large enough to use at least 20 gallons. A. True B. False 4. The best source of equipment operating information is the operator's manual. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 5. Which of these can be used to clean nozzles? A. Clean knife B. Screw driver C. Heavy gauge steel wire D. Wooden toothpick or toothbrush 6. If the sprayer nozzles clog during spraying, the operator should: A. Increase pressure to break the clog. B. Stop the sprayer immediately, and unclog the nozzles before doing anything else. C. Turn the sprayer off and move it to the edge of the field before attempting to work on it. D. Continue spraying if enough nozzles are working. Fix the sprayer when all of the spray has been applied.



7. A sprayer is calibrated to apply 10 gallons per acre at a pressure of 20 psi. What pressure would be required to increase the output to 20 gallons per acre without changing the speed of travel or nozzle size? A. 40 psi B. 60 psi C. 80 psi D. None of these. A change of pressure could not produce that large of a change in sprayer output. 8. What is the best method to insure proper mixing of a wettable powder formulation? A. Add the pesticide. then stir the mixture as the tank fills. B. Make a slurry, and pour it into a partly filled tank. Then agitate as the tank is filled. C. Fill the tank to 1/3 full of water, add the wettable powder, agitate and fill to capacity. D. Thoroughly mix the powder and water in a barrel, then add to a full tank of water under agitation. 9. A sprayer is calibrated to apply 20 gallons per acre (gpa) at a speed of 4 miles per hour. What would be the application rate if the sprayer were slowed to 2 miles per hour? A. 5 gpa B. 10 gpa C. 40 gpa D. There would be no change in application rate 10. At which of the following amounts per acre should an applicator stop and recalibrate his granular application if he needs a recommended dosage of 7 pounds per acre? A. 6.3 lbs. per acre B. 6.8 lbs. per acre C. Both of these would require recalibration. D. Neither of these. They are both within the 5 percent limit so that recalibration is unnecessary. 11. In calibrating a sprayer with a 100-gallon capacity, an applicator poured 6 1/4 gallons of water back into the tank to fill it after spraying l/4 of an acre. What is the spray rate of the sprayer in gallons per acre? A. 18 3/4 gpa B. 15 1/4 gpa C. 6 1/4 gpa D. 25 gpa 12. A sprayer has six nozzles. In a one-minute flow check an applicator finds the flow rates as shown below. Which of these nozzles will have to be replaced? (Choose all that apply)

Nozzle Flow Rate (in fluid oz./min.)

A 8.0 B 7.5 C 8.2 D 7.8 E 8.3 F 8.2

13. A spray tank holds 200 gallons of spray. During calibration, an applicator had to replace 8 gallons of water after spraying one acre. This sprayer applies at a rate of ___________ gpa. A tank full of spray will cover __________ acres. Label directions on a can of emulsifiable concentrate tells him to apply two pints of the formulation per acre. How many pints should he add to one tank load? _______________ pints 14. A sprayer with a 200-gallon tank is calibrated to apply 40 gallons per acre. A full tank will cover ____________ acres. To apply 2 pounds of active ingredient per acre of a 50 percent wettable powder, a person will need to add how many pounds of pesticide formulation into the tank? This will require _____________ pounds of active ingredient per tank. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Calibration Supplement The following calibration exercise is a supplement to Chapter 5, Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Applicator Equipment. This brief exercise will give you an opportunity to test your skills in making pesticide calibrations. Calibration: In-the-field calibration of a spray rig requires: (a) filling the tank with water to or below a known level or mark (b) operating the unit to fill all lines and to observe and adjust correct nozzle patterns (c) refilling the tank to a known level or mark (d) spraying a measured distance at a fixed speed (e) spraying the same distance in the opposite direction (f) measuring the effective width of the spray pattern (g) refilling the tank to the known mark from a measured container (h) calculating the delivery rate in gallons per acre by the formula:

The Problem An applicator needs to spray a 40 acre field using 4 lbs. active ingredient per gallon product. The label directions recommend that 2 lbs. active ingredient per acre be applied. The applicator has a 200 gallon spray tank with a spray width of 28.3 feet. He measured off 660 feet (1/8 mile) in the field; filled the spray tank to a given level; sprayed the measured distance twice; refilled the tank with 8.6 gallons and calculated:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The greatest error in this procedure will result in: A. A marked over treatment B. A marked under treatment C. An acceptable over treatment D. An acceptable under treatment E. Correct dosage applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. A marked under treatment] 2. Which of the following is a correct statement? A. His spray tank will cover 10 acres B. 2 lbs a.i./acre / 4 lbs. a.i./gal. = 2 gallon/acre C. He will need 800 gallons of water D. He will need 40 gallons of product E. All of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. 2 lbs a.i./acre / 4 lbs. a.i./gal. = 2 gallon/acre] 3. Which of the following observations is false? A. The spray tank will be half full at the end of 10 acres B. Only half the formulation based on the applicator's calculation will be used C. One tank will spray half of the field D. None of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. None of the above] If your answers don't agree with those given above, then please check the Answer Key Section at the end of this manual.

ft width)pattern(spray X ft distance) (measured X 2gallons (refill) X /acreft2 43,560

= gal/acre

ft 28.3 X ft 660gallons 8.6 X /acreft2 43,560

= gal/acre 20



Chapter 6 Using Pesticides Safely

Pretest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Complete directions for using a pesticide are found on the label of the pesticide container. A. True B. False 2. A "gas mask" or chemical canister respirator can be used for fumigation work. A. True B. False 3. A filter on a cartridge respirator does not need changing as frequently as the filter on a canister respirator. A. True B. False 4. If pesticide poisoning is suspected, the first thing that should be done is to induce vomiting in the victim. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 5. Pesticides should be stored: A. In clearly marked containers B. Only in the original container C. Both of the above 6. Pesticides can cause poisoning when they are: A. Breathed in B. Eaten C. Touched D. Any of the above 7. Which one of the following would be better head protection during the application of pesticides? A. Close-fitting cap like those worn by surgeons B. A cap with a long visor C. A construction worker's hard hat D. Any of the above 8. Which would be better body protection when working with highly toxic pesticides? A. Cotton coveralls B. Water-proof raincoat C. Blue jeans and knit shirt 9. Which one of the following would provide the best protection for the feet? A. Sneakers and heavy wool slacks B. High-top leather shoes C. Unlined neoprene boots D. Any of the above 10. Materials worn to protect the body while using pesticides should be: A. Highly absorbent B. Nonabsorbent C. Either A or B 11. Respirators should be approved by: A. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health B. Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration C. Environmental Protection Agency D. A and B, but not C



12. Clothing used for pesticide work: A. Should be dry cleaned B. Washed in detergent C. Washed in soap 13. Pesticides are best washed off the body with A. Soap and water B. Detergent and water C. Baking soda and water D. Solvent 14. When a pesticide is swallowed: A. You should see a doctor right away B. Induce vomiting Fill In the blanks. 15. When taking a patient to a doctor you should take the pesticide ____________________ with you. 16. Pesticide poisoning symptoms will usually occur within _________________ hours of exposure.



Chapter 6 Using Pesticides Safely Learning Program 1. Many pesticides can cause severe illness or even death if misused. However, registered pesticides can be used safely if correct procedures are followed. This chapter will discuss ways an applicator can protect himself when applying pesticides and what to do in case of poisoning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Applicators can avoid trouble with pesticides if they will first carefully read the directions for use. This information can be found on the pesticide _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [label] 3. The pesticide label is important. Pesticides should be kept in their original containers. They should not be transferred to new or different containers after they have been opened. Pesticides should be stored away from ________________________________ and other untrained persons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [children] 4. By way of review, complete the following. To prevent accidents with pesticides you should: A. Take care to follow directions on the _______________________________. B. Keep pesticides in their original __________________________________. C. Use and store pesticides away from _________________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A.=label; B.=containers; C.=children and other untrained persons] Poisoning 5. Most deaths caused by pesticides occur when a person accidentally eats or drinks the chemical. This may occur because the pesticide was put in an unmarked container. However, there is a more subtle way this can happen. It occurs when a person gets pesticides on his hands during application . How could this result in the chemical getting into his mouth? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [He could touch the food in eating or touch cigarettes, etc.] 6. A person can also get a pesticide into his body by breathing it, or through skin contact. A person can be poisoned from a pesticide by: A. Breathing it (inhalation) B. Eating it (oral) C. Touching it (dermal) D. Any of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. Any of these] 7. Therefore, when applying a pesticide a person should avoid: - Breathing pesticide mist, dust or vapor - Getting it on the skin, especially the bare hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protecting the Body from Pesticides 8. In general, the more the body is covered during the application of pesticides, the better. Even in hot weather, when applying pesticides a person should wear (long/short) sleeved shirts and (long/short) pants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [long, long]



9. A coverall type of garment as shown here would be satisfactory for most pesticide application. For increased protection, the material in protective clothing should be: A. Loosely woven and absorbent B. Tightly woven and nonabsorbent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B. Tightly woven and nonabsorbent] 10. Which two of the following materials would be best for pesticide work? A. Blue jean denim B. Knit shirt C. Cotton work shirt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Blue jean denim; C. Cotton work shirt] 11. In addition, when a person is working with highly toxic or concentrated pesticides, he should be covered with waterproof apparel such as a raincoat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Which man is wearing the better protection for working with highly toxic materials? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A] 13. To protect hands from pesticides, the applicator should wear gloves made from nonabsorbent material. For most pesticides, gloves should be made from: A. Neoprene rubber B. Cotton C. Leather D. Any of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Neoprene rubber] 14. Cotton or leather gloves may be used if so stated on the label. Gloves lined with fabric are absorbent and could cause the pesticide to come into contact with the skin. Therefore, neoprene gloves used in pesticide work should be unlined. By the same reasoning, boots used in pesticide application should be made from: A. Unlined neoprene rubber B. Cotton or leather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Unlined neoprene rubber] 15. To prevent a pesticide from getting into a persons gloves or boots, pant legs, and shirt sleeves should be worn outside gloves and boots. This is shown correctly in which picture?



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A] 16. The head, neck and face can be protected some by wearing a wide-brimmed, waterproof hat. Which two of the following listed hats would be most appropriate for pesticide work? A. Plastic hard hat B. Rain hat C. Straw hat D. Felt hat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Plastic hard hat and B. Rain hat] 17. In view of what has been stated above, the sweatband in the hat should be: A. Absorbent material B. Nonabsorbent plastic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Nonabsorbent plastic] 18. The eyes should be protected from pesticides by wearing goggles or a face mask. Absorbent head bands on goggles should be avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory Devices 19. Respirators are filtering devices that are designed to screen out and trap most droplets, dust particles and vapors before they reach the nose and lungs. Based on the figure above, respirators can be used to protect the wearer against: A. Pesticide dusts, sprays and vapors B. Fumigants C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Pesticide dusts, sprays and vapors] 20. The only types of respirators a person should use when applying pesticides are those approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) or the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. The pictures below show two types of respirators. The chemical cartridge respirator covers: A. Nose and mouth only B. Eyes, nose and mouth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Nose and mouth only] 22. The chemical canister respirator uses a face mask that covers the whole face. It is also called a "gas mask." It has the larger filter element of the two kinds of respirators.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. Label these pictures as a chemical cartridge or chemical canisters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Chemical canister respirator; B. Chemical cartridge respirator] 24. Respirator cartridges and canisters fill up and must be replaced. When working with pesticides, the cartridges and canisters on chemical respirators should be changed every day, or more often if the applicator can smell chemical vapors. How often should an applicator change the cartridge or canister on his respirator? A. Every day B. When he can smell chemical vapors C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 25. Used cartridges and canisters contain pesticide. Therefore, they should be disposed of as directed for the pesticide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26. Remember, respirators can only filter air, they do not supply oxygen. If the oxygen level is low in the area being treated, or if fumigants are being used, applicators should obtain and use specially designed self-contained respirators that have their own air supply. Reminder: Regular respirators do not supply oxygen or protect against fumigants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Care and Cleaning of Protective Clothing and Respirators 27. To prevent a dangerous build up of pesticide residues, clothing used for pesticide work should be cleaned after each use, normally each day. However, if an applicator should spill a pesticide on his clothing, he should: A. Wait until the end of the day to change his clothes B. Change his clothes right away ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Change his clothes right away] 28. Pesticide concentrates are particularly difficult to remove from clothing. If a persons clothing should get soaked with a pesticide concentrate or a highly toxic pesticide, they should be destroyed. In any event, because of the pesticide hazard, contaminated clothing (can/should not) be stored or washed with the family wash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [should not] 29. Detergents are better at removing pesticide residues than are soaps. The face piece of the respirator and the goggles should be washed after each use. The face piece of the respirator should be washed with detergent and water, rinsed then dried with a clean cloth. It should then be stored in a clean, dry place away from pesticides. A good place to store a respirator is: A. Where the protective clothing is stored B. Next to the pesticide containers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Where the protective clothing is stored] 30. A respirator should fit the face properly. Long sideburns, eye glasses, beards, etc.: A. Would not affect a good seal B. May prevent the respirator from sealing properly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. May prevent the respirator from sealing properly] 31. To briefly review what we have just covered, consider the following: The purpose of protective clothing and respirators is to keep: A. A person from breathing pesticides B. Pesticides off the skin C. Both of these



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 32. To continue with the review. - Pesticide clothing should be made from tightly woven fabric - A raincoat or similar outer item should be worn when handling highly toxic or concentrated pesticides - A plastic hard hat is usually the headgear of choice Unless otherwise specified by the label, gloves and boots worn when applying pesticides should be: A. Canvas or leather B. Lined neoprene C. Unlined neoprene D. Any of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Unlined neoprene] 33. In most cases, an applicator should wear goggles with a chemical __________________________ respirator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [cartridge] 34. Remember, pesticide clothing goggles and respirators should be washed after each use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35. Pesticide respirators should be those approved by: A. NIOSH B. MSHA C. Either of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Either of these] First Aid 36. After applying pesticides, you should bath using a detergent and water. If you should get a pesticide on your skin, you should wash it off as quickly as possible. Prompt washing may prevent sickness, even when a spill is very large. Therefore, the first thing you should do in the case of a spill is to wash with __________________ and ______________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [water, detergent] 37. It may be difficult to get pesticides out of the hair and from under the fingernails. In case of contact with pesticides, you should pay careful attention to washing your hair and cleaning under your fingernails. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38. If you should inhale a pesticide, get to fresh __________________ immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [air] 39. If you should inhale a pesticide, depending on the circumstances, contact a physician or doctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. If you splash a pesticide into your mouth or swallow it, rinse your mouth with several glasses of water. If there is any chance that you swallowed a pesticide, you should A. wait and see if you get sick. B. get to a doctor at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. get to a doctor at once.] 41. Sometimes it is much safer for the pesticide accident victim to be made to vomit up the pesticide. Other times the pesticide may be so caustic that it will damage the mouth and throat if it is vomited. In such a case, it is safer to leave it in the stomach. Instructions as to whether the victim should be made to vomit or not, can be found on the pesticide _________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [label] 42. If a person has been poisoned, his symptoms must be watched carefully, or he may die. A person who has been poisoned should not be left alone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. The pesticide label gives specific instructions for the doctor on how to treat the victim: (For example)



lf you take a person to the doctor because of suspected pesticide poisoning, the doctor will need to refer to the pesticide ______________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [label] 44. If the container (for example a five gallon can) must be taken to the doctor, it should be put in the trunk or back of a truck, not in the front seat of the car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symptoms of Pesticide Poisoning 45. Pesticide poisoning symptoms rarely appear more than 12 hours after exposure. Sickness that occurs more than 12 hours after pesticide application probably (is/is not) due to pesticide poisoning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [is not] 46. Even with illness that occurs more than 12 hours after possible pesticide exposure, it is a good idea to check with a doctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47. Poisonings due to pesticides like parathion, injure the nervous system. The Exhibit 1 in the back of this chapter shows the various levels of symptoms produced by pesticide poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning occur in stages. There are three stages of poisoning: mild, moderate, and severe. A poison victim will get mild symptoms first. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to appear first? A. Muscle twitches and unconsciousness B. Sweating, nausea and stomach cramps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Sweating, nausea and stomach cramps] 48. During moderate and severe stages of pesticide poisoning, the symptoms (such as headache and dizziness) that first appear during the mild stage: A. Tend to disappear B. Get worse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Get worse] 49. Another type of pesticide poisoning is with fumigants and solvents. This type of poisoning will occur when a person (eat/breathes) the pesticide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [breathes] 50. The signs and symptoms of fumigant or solvent poisoning are: - Poor coordination - Slurred words - Confusion - Sleepy A person who has been poisoned by fumigants may appear to be drunk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51. A person who has been poisoned by breathing fumes from solvents will most likely: A. Develop a quick heartbeat B. Get sick to his stomach C. Get sleepy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Get sleepy] Review and Summary 52. To prevent accidents with pesticides you should: A. Take care to follow directions on the _______________________________. B. Keep pesticides in their original ___________________________________. C. Use and store pesticides away from _______________________________ or __________________________ _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. label; C. containers; D. children, or untrained persons] 53. Protective clothing should be designed to: A. Keep a person from breathing pesticides B. Keep pesticides off the skin C. Keep pesticides off the hands D. All of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



[D. All of the above] 54. To keep pesticides off and out of the body, protective clothing should be nonabsorbent. Gloves and shoes should be made of ___________________________ _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [neoprene rubber] 55. Hats should protect the head from pesticides. They should be nonabsorbent and have a _____________________ all around . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [brim] 56. Respirators protect one from breathing chemical dusts. The dust is trapped by a ___________________ which is part of the respirator unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [filter] 57. To provide constant protection, a respirator must be cleaned and the filter changed periodically. The respirator should be washed _________________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [after each use] 58. Cartridge and canister filters need changing ______________________ day of use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [every] 59. The most effective cleaning agent for clothes, equipment and the body is (soap/detergent) and water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [detergent] 60. If a person swallows or breathes in a pesticide he should see a doctor. To help the doctor determine the proper treatment, the pesticide _________________________ should be taken with the patient to the doctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [label and/or container] 61. Since some of the symptoms of pesticide poisoning are so severe--for example, unconsciousness--the poison victim should be watched carefully. He or she should not be left alone. The symptoms of pesticide poisoning usually occur within ___________ hours of exposure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [12] 62. The first symptoms are mild and they get progressively worse. Which of these would be a mild symptom of pesticide poisoning? A. Loss of consciousness B. Vomiting and diarrhea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Vomiting and diarrhea] 63. Pesticides like parathion affect the nervous system. A symptom of parathion poisoning might be: A. Dizziness B. Skin blisters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Dizziness] 64. Circle the symptoms that might occur in the severe stage of pesticide poisoning. A. Difficulty in breathing B. Secretions from the mouth C. Vomiting D. Loss of consciousness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Difficulty in breathing; B. Secretions from the mouth; D. Loss of consciousness] 65. Fumigants poison when they are (swallowed/breathed in). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [breathed in] 66. A person with fumigant or solvent poisoning might appear to be drunk. He or she will be more likely to (vomit/get sleepy and confused). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [get sleepy and confused] You have now completed Chapter 6, Using Pesticides Safely. Now complete the following posttest.



Chapter 6 - Using Pesticides Safely Posttest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Complete directions for using a pesticide are found on the label of the pesticide container. A. True B. False 2. A "gas mask" or chemical canister respirator can be used for fumigation work. A. True B. False 3. A filter on a cartridge respirator does not need changing as frequently as the filter on a canister respirator. A. True B. False 4. If pesticide poisoning is suspected, the first thing that should be done is to induce vomiting in the victim. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 5. Pesticides should be stored: A. In clearly marked containers B. Only in the original container C. Both of the above 6. Pesticides can cause poisoning when they are: A. Breathed in B. Eaten C. Touched D. Any of the above 7. Which one of the following would be better head protection during the application of pesticides? A. Close-fitting cap like those worn by surgeons B. A cap with a long visor C. A construction worker's hard hat D. Any of the above 8. Which would be better body protection when working with highly toxic pesticides? A. Cotton coveralls B. Water-proof raincoat C. Blue jeans and knit shirt 9. Which one of the following would provide the best protection for the feet? A. Sneakers and heavy wool slacks B. High-top leather shoes C. Unlined neoprene boots D. Any of the above 10. Materials worn to protect the body while using pesticides should be: A. Highly absorbent B. Nonabsorbent C. Either A or B



11. Respirators should be approved by: A. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health B. Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration C. Environmental Protection Agency D. A and B, but not C 12. Clothing used for pesticide work: A. Should be dry cleaned B. Washed in detergent C. Washed in soap 13. Pesticides are best washed off the body with A. Soap and water B. Detergent and water C. Baking soda and water D. Solvent 14. When a pesticide is swallowed: A. You should see a doctor right away B. Induce vomiting Fill In the blanks. 15. When taking a patient to a doctor you should take the pesticide ____________________ with you. 16. Pesticide poisoning symptoms will usually occur within _________________ hours of exposure. CHAPTER 6, EXHIBIT 1 MILD POISONING Fatigue Headache Dizziness Blurred Vision Too much Sweating and Salivation Nausea and Vomiting Stomach Cramps or Diarrhea MODERATE POISONING Unable to Walk Weakness Chest Discomfort Muscle Twitches Constriction of Pupil of the Eye Earlier Symptoms Become more Severe SEVERE POISONING Unconsciousness Severe Constriction of Pupil Muscle Twitches Secretions from Mouth and Nose Breathing Difficulty Death if not Treated



Chapter 7 The Environment and the Law

Pretest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Using pesticides in a way other than as directed on the label is a violation of Federal Law. A. True B. False 2. In order to reduce the vaporization of pesticides, an applicator should apply them in the cool part of the day. A. True B. False 3. Farm produce going to market must be free of all pesticide residue. A. True B. False 4. Tolerance levels are given in parts per million. A. True B. False 5. Pesticide containers can be reused to store other chemicals, but only if they have been thoroughly cleaned. A. True B. False 6. When mixing pesticides, a person should work alone so as to reduce the chances of an accident. A. True B. False 7. One good way to clean up a pesticide spill is by soaking the chemical up in sawdust or soil and shoveling it into leakproof containers. A. True B. False 8. Empty pesticide containers can be disposed of by burying. A. True B. False 9. Small numbers of paper pesticide containers may be burned if local regulations allow it. A. True B. False 10. If a spill occurs on a public street or road, a person should contact the local authorities before doing anything else. A. True B. False Answer the following multiple choice questions. 11. If a person has a pesticide left over and cannot reuse it, the excess can be: A. Washed down a drain with a large quantity of water B. Buried in a hole at least 18 inches deep C. Placed in a special landfill area D. Taken to the local dump 12. The safest place to transport pesticides is in the back of a: A. Pickup truck B. Paneled truck C. Covered jeep D. Station wagon



13. Pesticides should be transported and stored in: A. A special sealed container B. Sprayer tanks C. The original container D. Any of these 14. Which of these is the best building material for a pesticide storage building? A. Wood and shingle B. Plywood C. Sheet metal D. Brick 15. If strong winds come up during pesticide application- A. Stop immediately B. Finish the job, but at a slower pace C. Finish the job, but at a lower sprayer pressure 16. Match the following. A. Tolerance __1. Long-lived pesticide B. Persistent pesticide __2. Area or pest to be treated for C. Accumulative pesticide __3. Pesticide that can build-up inside the body D. Residue __4. First source of information on pesticide restrictions, quantities for treatment, dates for

treatment before harvest, etc. E. EPA __5. Movement of dust or spray on air currents F. ppm __6. Pesticide left on produce G. Label __7. Measure of pesticide residue on produce H. Drift __8. Safe level of residue on produce I. Target __9. Agency that sets tolerance levels Fill In the blanks. 17. Some ways pesticides can move out of a target area are: A. They can _______________________________________ in hot weather. B. They can be eroded along with __________________________________ particles. C. They can leach through the soil into ground _________________________. 18. A pesticide storage building should: A. Have a _________________________________________________ floor. B. Be built from ________________________________ proof materials. C. Have a ________________________________________ on the door. D. Be well _________________________________________ and lighted



Chapter 7 Environment and the Law Learning Program 1. There has been an increased awareness on the part of the public the past two decades relative to the effects of pesticides on people and their surroundings. The use and misuse of some pesticides has resulted in the passage of several new laws regulating pesticide usage. It is important that all pesticide applicators be familiar with the basic laws which regulate pesticide use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Pesticides can kill wildlife, contaminate drinking water, poison domestic animals and plants, and poison people. However, when properly used the hazards are greatly minimized. This chapter will briefly cover: A. How pesticides can threaten the environment B. Procedures for preventing environmental damage C. Safe handling of pesticides, and D. Some laws which pertain to people who handle pesticides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pesticide Targets and Non-targets 3. A target plant or animal is the organism the pesticide is designed to control. A non-target plant or animal is an organism we do not want to harm or kill. Consider the following portion from a pesticide label. This pesticide is designed to kill the pea aphid, however, it will kill: A. The pea aphid B. The honey bee C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 4. Unfortunately, pesticides may kill both target and non-target plants and animals. In order to protect non-target animals, such as bees, pesticides (should/should not) be applied when they are in the area being treated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [should not] 5. Drift is the movement of pesticide spray or dust out of the target area. If a herbicide being applied to target area A drifts into wooded area B, the trees may be __________________________. Remember: In most situations, drift of the pesticide from the target area is very undesirable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [killed or damaged] 6. Wind can cause pesticide drift. Pesticides: A. Can be applied in moderate or strong winds if proper precautions are taken B. Should not be applied in moderate or strong winds because of the drift problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Should not be applied in moderate or strong winds because of the drift problem] 7. If moderate to strong winds come up while pesticides are being applied, the applicator should ______________________ immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [stop] 8. Spray pressure affects the way a spray leaves the nozzle. The higher the spray pressure, the (larger/smaller) the droplets of spray? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [smaller] 9. Which size spray droplets will drift most easily? (Large ones/small ones) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



[small ones] 10. Reducing sprayer pressure and using nozzles with larger openings (increases/decreases) the possibility of drift. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [decreases] 11. Pesticides can vaporize into the air. Reminders: - Pesticide vapor may drift out of the target area - People and animals can be poisoned by pesticide vapors - If possible, use a pesticide that does not vaporize easily ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Evaporation is less when liquids are cool. Therefore, to prevent pesticide vaporization, spraying should be done in the (warm/cool) part of the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [cool] 13. By way of review. Pesticides can move out of a target area into a nontarget area by: A. _______________________________ produced by high sprayer pressure and small nozzle openings. B. _____________________________________________ of pesticides into the air in hot weather. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Drift; B. Vaporization] 14. Pesticide runoff into streams and lakes can kill fish and other wildlife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Pesticides can leach or soak through the soil and contaminate the ground ______________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [water] 16. After application, most pesticides begin to break down into harmless chemicals. The speed at which this can occur differs from pesticide to pesticide. Pesticides can be moved to where they are not wanted as a residue on crops. The pesticide left on crops in the soil that has not broken down is called _________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [residue] 17. The pesticide residue in soil, even though it is not leaching into the ground water, can move. If wind or water erosion carries the soil particles away, the ___________________ __________________will be carried with them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pesticide residue] 18. There are many ways in which pesticides can move out of target area to where they are not wanted. By way of review, complete the following selected statements. A. They can __________________ in a high wind. B. They can _________________________________ in hot weather and move in air currents. C. They can __________________________________ into streams or lakes. D. They can be carried on harvested crops as _____________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. drift; B. vaporize; C. runoff; D. residue] Pesticide Residues 19. Ideally, harvested crops will have no pesticide on them. However, in practice this would be a difficult objective to achieve. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the authority to set safe limits on the amount of residue on farm products. The EPA- A. Requires that there be no residue on farm products going to market B. Sets limits on how much residue will be allowed on products going to market ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Sets limits on how much residue will be allowed on products going to market] 20. The amount of pesticide residue allowed on farm products and considered safe is called tolerance. The amount of pesticide residue on a crop when harvested must be below the tolerance level set by EPA. For most pesticides, breakdown begins right after application. EPA takes into account the time it takes to break down pesticide residues. From this they compute the



number of days before harvest that a crop can be safely sprayed. This information can be found on the _____________________________________ and is called ___________________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pesticide label; preharvest interval] 21. Tolerances are given in parts per million (or ppm). One ppm would be 1 pound of pesticide for each 500 tons of crop (500 tons x 2,000 lbs./ton = 1,000,000 pounds). A tolerance level of three parts per million means that it is unsafe to have more than __________ pounds of pesticide for every _________ tons of farm product. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3; 500] 22. Suppose the tolerance level for a pesticide on cabbage is set at 5 ppm. A test reveals that there is a residue of 3.4 ppm on a shipment of cabbage. This (is/is not) considered a safe amount? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [is] 23. Some pesticides persist longer than others. These are called persistent pesticides. Thus, it is quite obvious that a pesticide that breaks down quickly can be applied closer to harvest time than one which is more persistent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. Some pesticides are not only persistent, but they also build up in an animal . These are called accumulative pesticides. An accumulative pesticide is a persistent pesticide that: A. Builds up in animals B. Breaks down rapidly into harmless chemicals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Builds up in animals] 25. As appropriate, please match the following. A. Residue 1. Long lived pesticide B. Tolerance 2. Safe level of pesticide residue C. Persistent pesticide 3. Pesticide left on or in farm produce D. Accumulative pesticide 4. Pesticides that can build up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3; B=2; C=1; D=4] Safe Handling of Pesticides 26. Many pesticide problems seem to originate with the user who fails to plan ahead at the time of purchase. The first and most important step in planning a pesticide program is to determine: A. Where the pesticide is going to be applied B. What pest he needs to control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. What pest he needs to control] 27. Next, he should determine if he has the right kind of pesticide application equipment, prior to purchasing a specific pesticide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. He should also know if he needs or has the correct _________________________ clothing and equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [protective]



29. Restrictions on use, safety and environmental precautions, and the amount of pesticide needed for the job can be determined by reading the pesticide label. The pesticide label should be read both before and after purchasing the pesticide. 30. Some pesticides are for general use, and some are restricted. This pesticide: A. Can be used by the general public B. Can only be used by certified applicators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Can only be used by certified applicators] 31. In order to purchase restricted use pesticides, an applicator must be certified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transportation and Storage 32. Care must be taken when transporting pesticides from one place to another. The safest place to transport pesticides is in the back of a (pick-up truck/ station wagon/panel truck). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pick-up truck] 33. Reminders; - It is not a good idea to carry passengers, food or animal feed with pesticides - When transporting or storing pesticides you are responsible for them - Unlocked pesticides should not be left unattended ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34. The pesticide storage shed should have a ___________________________ the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [lock]



35. Pesticide should be stored in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. The building should have a concrete floor. If the building storing pesticides caught fire, then smoke and fumes coming from the pesticides could make the fire more dangerous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36. The storage building should be made from __________________________________ resistant materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [fire] 37. Lighting and ventilation are important in pesticide storage areas. To prevent accidents and mistakes when handling the pesticide, the inside of the pesticide storage building should be well ______________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [lighted] 38. Pesticide fumes could build up inside the building over a period of time. Which of the following two methods would be the most effective in removing potential fumes from the building? A. Opening the windows from time to time B. Installing an exhaust fan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Installing an exhaust fan] 39. Pesticides should be stored in their original labeled containers. If a pesticide container breaks or has a leak, the pesticide should be transferred: A. To a large metal drum that can be sealed B. To a container that held exactly the same pesticide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. To a container that held exactly the same pesticide] 40. Identify the features of a pesticide storage building. A. It should have a ________________________________________ floor. B. It should be built from _____________________________ proof materials. C. It should have a _____________________________ on the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. concrete; B. fire; C. lock] 41. Identify the features of a pesticide building. D. It should be well _____________________________ and ventilated. E. Food, feed, or seed (should/should not) be stored in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [lighted; should not] Mixing and Loading Pesticides 42. When mixing and loading pesticides, a person should be wearing ____________________________ equipment and clothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43.Pets, people and livestock should not be in the mixing and loading area, however, it is much safer for the applicator to mix pesticides: A. With someone to assist him B. Alone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. With someone to assist him] 44. Usually, the safest place to mix pesticides is outdoors. Wind direction is important. A person should stand so that the wind blows across his body from the right or left to avoid contamination. If the wind comes from "A" the pesticide may be blown on the mixer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45. Directions, including amounts and methods, may have been changed recently. Therefore, a person should read the label directions before opening the container. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Spills 46. If pesticides are accidentally spilled, efforts should be made to confine the spill. One way to confine the spill and prevent runoff is to build a dike around the spill with _____________ or ______________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [sand or dirt] 47. The pesticide may have to be removed. It will be easier to remove it if it is first absorbed in some material such as sawdust or soil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48. Once the pesticide is soaked up it can be shoveled into a leak-proof container for disposal. The container can then be disposed of in a special pesticide landfill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49. Some arrangement, such as a fence and warning signs, must be made to keep ___________________________ and __________________________________ out of the spill area until it is cleaned up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [people, animals] 50. Suppose the spill occurs on a street or highway. You should: A. Try to contain it immediately B. Contact the proper authorities C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 51. Match the authorities you should contact if a spill occurred on: A. A county road 1. County health official B. A city street 2. City police C. An interstate freeway 3. Local sheriff D. An area near a body of water 4. Highway patrol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3; B=2; C=4; D=1] Disposal of Empty Containers 52. All pesticide containers must be destroyed or buried after use. To prevent pesticides from contaminating the soil, glass, plastic and metal containers should be ______________ out before they are disposed of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Washed or rinsed] 53. When emptying the pesticide container into the sprayer, you should be sure to pour out as much of the pesticide as possible. You will do a much better job of draining the container if you: A. Pour the pesticide into the spray tank as quickly as possible B. Hold the pesticide container upside down an extra 30 seconds to let it drip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. Hold the pesticide container upside down an extra 30 seconds to let it drip] 54. After pouring the pesticide into the spray tank, the container must be rinsed out. You can obtain a more thorough rinse if you put water in the container, seal it, shake it vigorously before turning it upside down. The rinse water should then be poured into the __________________________________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [sprayer tank] 55. The container should be rinsed: A. Once B. At least three times



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B. At least three times] 56. The water used to rinse out the pesticide container should go into: A. The sprayer tank along with the rest of the pesticide water mixture B. The sewer or drain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. The sprayer tank along with the rest of the pesticide water mixture] 57. Rinsed containers can be buried in open fields. Puncture or break the containers before burying them. The container should be buried at least 18 inches below the surface where they will not pollute surface or subsurface water. Small numbers of paper pesticide containers may be burned in open fields if local regulations permit. If you burn pesticide containers you should stay out of the ____________________________ the fire produces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [smoke or fumes] Federal Law 58. According to the pesticide label, it is a violation of ____________________________ law to misuse this pesticide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Federal] 59. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended, requires that pesticides be classified for either general or restricted use. This is the law that requires the users of restricted pesticides to be certified. The law imposes penalties (up to $1,000 or 30 days in prison) for private applicators who do not obey the law. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60. Suppose a person applies a pesticide in a way not directed by label instructions. That person might be liable for: A. A fine B. Imprisonment C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 61. In September, 1978, Congress amended the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). A number of the amendments directly affect private applicators. This section will cover these amendments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62. It is ______________________________ to use a pesticide inconsistent with its labeling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [illegal] 63. However, the amended FIFRA permits applying a pesticide at any dosage, concentration, or frequency less than that specified on labeling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64. If a pesticide label states the product should be applied at 4 ounces of active ingredient per acre, it is then legal to apply ________________________ per acre. A. 2 ounces B. 5 ounces C. 4 ounces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. 2 ounces and C. 4 ounces] 65. A pesticide may also be used to control any target pest not specified on the labeling if the application is to the crop, animal or site specified on the labeling and is not prohibited by the labeling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Presto-X is a selective herbicide for controlling Bullgrass and foxtail in corn. Presto-X cannot be used to control Pigweed. Presto-X can be used to control: A. Crabgrass in corn B. Bullgrass in wheat C. Pigweed in corn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. Crabgrass in corn]



67. It is not considered misuse to employ any method of application not prohibited by the labeling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Presto X can be used in conventional hydraulic sprayers or low volume ground sprayers. Do not apply by air. Presto X may be applied by: A. High pressure ground sprayers B. Center pivot irrigation systems C. Helicopter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. High pressure ground sprayers and B. Center pivot irrigation systems] 69. The amended FIFRA also permits a pesticide to be applied in combination with another pesticide or fertilizer if the labeling does not prohibit such a mixture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Presto-X alone or in tank-mix combinations with True-kill, may be applied in center pivot sprinkler irrigation water. Do not apply presto-X in liquid fertilizer. Presto-X may be applied with: A. True-kill B. Suregrow granular fertilizer C. Eradicate D. All of the above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [D. All of the above] Review and Summary 71. A person can avoid harming the environment, misapplying pesticides, and violating Federal law by reading and following ____________________________ directions . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [label] 72. The movement of pesticide spray or dust out of the target area is called _______________________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [drift] 73. Drift can be prevented by: A. Not applying pesticides in a moderate to high ______________________. B. Reducing sprayer ______________________ and increasing _____________________________ opening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. wind; B. pressure, nozzle] 74. Pesticide vaporization can be reduced by: A. Choosing a pesticide that does not vaporize B. Spraying in the cooler part of the day C. Both of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C. Both of these] 75. An equipment operator is careless in the cleaning of his sprayer, and excess pesticide is washed onto the ground. This pesticide can cause problems by: A. Running into _______________________ and harming wildlife B. Leaching through the soil into the ground _______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A. streams; B. water] 76. Match these terms: A. Residue __1. Acceptable level of residue on produce B. Persistent pesticide __2. Pesticide that builds up in living things over a period of time C. Accumulative pesticide __3. Pesticide left on produce D. Tolerance __4. Pesticide that breaks down slowly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A=3; B=4; C=2; D=1] 77. Pesticides can move into non-target areas when erosion carries off ____________________ particles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [soil]



78. The best place to transport pesticide is in the back of a ________________________________ truck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [pick-up] 79. The building used to store pesticides should have a (dirt/wooden/concrete) floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [concrete] 80. The pesticide storage building should be well ___________________ and ventilated with an _________________ fan. It should have a _____________________ on the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [lighted; exhaust; lock] 81. Food, feed, and seed should not be stored near pesticides, or transported with them. You have just completed Chapter 7, the Environment and the Law. Now complete the following posttest. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 7 The Environment and the Law

Posttest Answer the following true or false questions. 1. Using pesticides in a way other than as directed on the label is a violation of Federal Law. A. True B. False 2. In order to reduce the vaporization of pesticides, an applicator should apply them in the cool part of the day. A. True B. False 3. Farm produce going to market must be free of all pesticide residues. A. True B. False 4. Tolerance levels are given in parts per million. A. True B. False 5. Pesticide containers can be reused to store other chemicals, but only if they have been thoroughly cleaned. A. True B. False 6. When mixing pesticides, a person should work alone so as to reduce the chances of an accident. A. True B. False 7. One good way to clean up a pesticide spill is by soaking the chemical up in sawdust or soil and shoveling it into leak proof containers. A. True B. False 8. Empty pesticide containers can be disposed of by burying. A. True B. False 9. Small numbers of paper pesticide containers may be burned if local regulations allow it. A. True B. False 10. If a spill occurs on a public street or road, a person should contact the local authorities before doing anything else. A. True B. False



Answer the following multiple choice questions. 11. If a person has a pesticide left over and cannot reuse it, the excess can be: A. Washed down a drain with a large quantity of water B. Buried in a hole at least 18 inches deep C. Placed in a special landfill area D. Taken to the local dump 12. The safest place to transport pesticides is in the back of a: A. Pickup truck B. Paneled truck C. Covered jeep D. Station wagon 13. Pesticides should be transported and stored in: A. A special sealed container B. Sprayer tanks C. The original container D. Any of these 14. Which of these is the best building material for a pesticide storage building? A. Wood and shingle B. Plywood C. Sheet metal D. Brick 15. If strong winds come up during pesticide application- A. Stop immediately B. Finish the job, but at a slower pace C. Finish the job, but at a lower sprayer pressure 16. Match the following. A. Tolerance __1. Long-lived pesticide B. Persistent pesticide __2. Area or pest to be treated for C. Accumulative pesticide __3. Pesticide that can build-up inside the body D. Residue __4. First source of information on pesticide restrictions, quantities for treatment, dates for

treatment before harvest, etc. E. EPA __5. Movement of dust or spray on air currents F. ppm __6. Pesticide left on produce G. Label __7. Measure of pesticide residue on produce H. Drift __8. Safe level of residue on produce I. Target __9. Agency that sets tolerance levels Fill In the blanks. 17. Some ways pesticides can move out of a target area are: A. They can _______________________________________ in hot weather. B. They can be eroded along with __________________________________ particles. C. They can leach through the soil into ground _________________________. 18. A pesticide storage building should: A. Have a _________________________________________________ floor. B. Be built from ________________________________ proof materials. C. Have a ________________________________________ on the door. D. Be well _________________________________________ and lighted



APPENDIX - ANSWER KEY Chapter 1 Pests and Pest Control Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. A. 1 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3 15. A. 3 B. I C. 4 D. 2 16. A. insect or disease B. manure C. crop D. plowing E. enemies 17. six(6) 18. three (3) 19. weed 20. fall Chapter 2 Pesticides Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A

16. C 17. A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D. 5 E. 2 F. 1 18. A. 8 B. 9 C. 3 D. 6 E. 2 F. 4 G. 7 H. 5 I. 1 19. active, inert Chapter 3 Labels and Labeling Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. B 2. DEPESTO Pestoff Tri-salicylic acid One gallon 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 7. D 8. When it is safe to reenter a treated area without protective clothing 9. A 10. B 11. Burying in a safe place Certified agricultural pest control applicators Restricted use Federal Law Chapter 4 Application Equipment Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C



9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1 E. 7 F. 6 G. 5 15. A. 4 B. 5 C. 1 D. 2 E. 6 F. 3 G. 7 Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment Pretest and Posttest 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. 8 25 50 14. 5 20 10 Chapter 6 Using Pesticides Safely Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. A 2. B 3. B

4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. label 16. 12 hours Chapter 7 The Environment and the Law Answer Key Pretest and Posttest 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A 11. C 12 A 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A. 8 B. 1 C. 3 D. 6 E. 9 F. 7 G. 4 H. 5 I. 2 17. A. vaporize B. soil C. water 18. A. cement B. fire C. lock D. ventilated



Chapter 5 Use and Maintenance of Pesticide Application Equipment Answer Key Calibration Supplement Knowns: 40 acres to be sprayed 200 gallon spray tank 4 lbs. active ingredient/gallon of product 2 lbs. active ingredient/acre recommended by label 2 gal. formulation/acre

Correct Formula: Applicator's calculation (incorrect) 1. At 20 gals./acre, spray tank will cover 10 acres

2. 4 tanks required to spray 40 acres using 800 gallons water 3. 10 acres would require 5 gallons of product, or 20 lbs. a.i ./tank

Correct calculation: 1. At 10 gals./acre, spray tank will cover 20 acres 2. Two tanks required to spray 40 acres using 400 gals. water 3. Twenty acres would require 10 gals. of product or 40 lbs. a.i ./tank 4. Based on his calculation, the applicator would have added 5 gals. of product (20 lbs. a.i.) to each tank, assuming it would require 4 tanks to cover the 40-acre field. However, the sprayer would actually be applying the material at 10 gal./acre, or 2 tanks/40 acres, and would have required 10 gals. of product (40 lbs. a.i.) for each tank. Therefore, the applicator is applying 2 the required amount.

ft. width)pattern(spray X ft. distance) (measured X 2gallons (refill) X /acreft2 43,560

= regallons/ac

ft. 28.3 X ft. 660gallons 8.6 X /acreft2 43,560

= regallons/ac 20

ft. 28.3 X ft. (660) 2gallons 8.6 X /acreft2 43,560

= regallons/ac 10



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