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Page 1: Periodic Report for Kassidy Kotyk 2013 - 2014

8/12/2019 Periodic Report for Kassidy Kotyk 2013 - 2014 1/11

Periodic Report for Kassidy Kotyk 2013 – 2014

December 19th  2013


• Math-U-ee Pre-!"#ebra

• Kha$ !cademy

Language Arts:

• %riti$# short stories a$d poems at &&&'kassikotyk'com 

• %orki$# o$ her $o(e") hattered• Read* Thirteen Reasons Why) by +ay !sher, The Hunger Games) .a$$e

/o""i$s,  Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children) by Ra$som Ri##s,

 Lone Wolf ) by +odi Pico"t

• Read se(era" poems from ce"a$dic Poems a$d tories) i$c"di$# he ear) !

o(e o$#) he appy a""ey


• Used Kha$ !cademy

•Physics – Disp"aceme$t) e"ocity a$d ime, !cce"eratio$

• 5io"o#y – 6(o"tio$ a$d 7atra" e"ectio$) /e""s)

Physical Education:

• /yc"i$#) s&immi$# 8 s$orke"i$#) hiki$#) ba""et "esso$) dai"y stretchi$#) do#


Crafts / Projects:

• e(era" sma"" se&i$# proects

March 2014


• Kha$ !cademy

• !"#ebra 1*

:ractio$s o$ the $mber "i$e, prime $mbers, measri$# a$#"es, compari$#

fractio$s, #raphi$# poi$ts'

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Language Arts:

• Read* The Fault in Our Stars) by +oh$ ;ree$, Tuc !"erlasting ) by 7ata"ie5abbitt, Catching Fire) by .a$$e /o""i$s, The Ho##it ) by +'R'R' o"kie$


• Physics – Proecti"e Motio$) be#a$ 2 Dime$sio$a" Proecti"e Motio$

• 5io"o#y – /e"" Di(isio$, ma$ 5io"o#y

• /hemistry – $trodctio$ to the !tom, <rbita"s a$d 6"ectro$s

Physical Education:

• 5a""et) cyc"i$#) s&immi$#) dai"y brisk &a"k8r$) dai"y stretchi$#) do# &a"ki$#

+$e 2014


• !"#ebra 1 – Reco#$i.i$# rays) "i$es) a$d "i$e se#me$ts, "i$ear e=atio$s,

 poi$ts o$ the coordi$ate p"a$e, #raphi$# poi$ts a$d $ami$# =adra$ts, positi(e

a$d $e#ati(e e>po$e$ts'

Language Arts:

• /omp"eted U$it 1) Mod"e 1 from ;rade 10 6$#"ish '!'


•$c"di$#) estab"ishi$# a fo$datio$a" $dersta$di$# of the co$(e$tio$s of

 pastora" poetry, $dersta$d the para""e"s bet&ee$ poems, co""ect a$d a$a"y.e

e(ide$ce from each of the poems i$ this $it

• Read* Looing for $lasa) by +oh$ ;ree$, Silhouette of a S%arro&) by Mo""y

5eth ;riffi$,  Mocing'ay) by .a$$e /o""i$s,  Hollo& City) by Ra$som

Ri##s,  Flo&ers in the $ttic) by '/' !$dre&s, The Lightning Thief ) by Rick

Riorda$,  For#idden) by yrie +ames a$d Rya$ M +ames


• $cbated three redfoot tortoise e##s'

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• Physics – &o-dime$sio$a" proecti"e motio$

• 5io"o#y – eredity a$d ;e$etics, ree of ife

• /hemistry – Periodic tab"e) tre$ds) a$d bo$di$#, /hemica" Reactio$s

Physical Education:

• &immi$#) hiki$#) ba""et "esso$) dai"y stretchi$#) do# &a"ki$#

Educational Activities/Resources

• tarted a do#-&a"ki$# bsi$ess ? sma"" hose c"ea$i$# bsi$ess

• Made &i$d chimes ot of o"d bicyc"e parts for or caf@

• !tte$ded es Miserab"es msica"• !tte$ded the 7tcracker 5a""et

• 6$tered a Poetry co$test

• tarted "ear$i$# :re$ch

mmati(e Report

%ith a 1A-year-o"d homeschoo"er i$ the hose) &e rea""y tho#ht this year mi#ht be a"itt"e cha""e$#i$#' e(era" times &eBd be &o$deri$# &hat socia" media or o$"i$e

distractio$ Kassidy &as spe$di$# time o$ i$ her roomC'bt e(ery time &eBd srprise

her &ith a check i$) sheBd be doi$# somethi$# "ike physics or a"#ebra' !"" &e co"d

do is "a#h a$d fee" (ery prod'

<$ce a#ai$ &eB(e rea"i.ed ho& se"f moti(ated Kassidy is &he$ it comes to "ear$i$#'

%e k$o& that a bi# part of this is the co$tro" &e #i(e her &ith homeschoo"i$#' he

e(e$ decided to start "ear$i$# :re$ch this year) &hich &as a$ idea tota""y of her o&$'

Kassidy spe$t more time &ith scie$ce this year as she is thi$ki$# "o$#-term) a$d abot

&hat she &a$ts to do after hi#hschoo"' 5io"o#y a$d Physics &ere her best scie$ces)a$d /hemistry cha""e$#ed her a "itt"e more'

!"tho#h Kassidy is doi$# &e"" i$ math) it remai$s her &eakest sbect' %e do$Bt

fee" there are a$y serios isses here) itBs st $ot her maor stre$#th'

%e sa& a h#e impro(eme$t i$ her creati(e &riti$#) especia""y poetry' here &ere

ma$y times &e tho#ht she &as sho&i$# s a famos poem or piece of &riti$#) a$d it

tr$ed ot to be created by her' ery impressi(e'

Kassidy co$ti$es to ha(e a passio$ for &riti$# a$d readi$#) t&o thi$#s she did a

&ho"e "ot of this year' tBs a"so somethi$# sheB"" co$ti$e &ith o(er the smmer becase to her it is more "o(e tha$ &ork'

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