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Performance Management Framework Procedures for measuring and managing performance in Lewisham

January 2007

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1 Introduction What is Performance Management? 5 Our Performance Management and Data Quality Policy 5 Why have a Performance Management Framework? 6 Lewisham’s Performance Management Framework 7

2 Bold Aspirations Lewisham Strategic Partnership 8 Lewisham Community Strategy 8 Local Area Agreements 9 Major Statutory Plans 9 Corporate Priorities 10 Fast Forward & the Lewisham Way 10 Customer Services Strategy 11

3 Measures and Targets Overview 12 Annual Business Cycle 13 Directorate Strategies 14 Annual Service Plans 14 Local Area Agreements 15 Mayor’s Pledges 16 Target Setting 16 Data Quality 16

4 Ownership and Accountability Lewisham Strategic Partnership 17 The Mayor, Cabinet Members and Scrutiny Bodies 17 Officers 17 Frontline Staff 18 Performance System 18 Conclusion 18

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5 Performance Review Overview 19 Performance Evaluation System (PES) 19 Induction 20 Cross-Council Working 20

6 Reinforcement and Capacity Building Training 21 Leadership Programme 21 Audit and Inspection 21 Local Area Agreement 21

7 Looking into the Future New Software System for Performance Management 22 In Conclusion 22 Appendices

I Lewisham Community Strategy 2003-2013 Priorities 23 II Lewisham Corporate Priorities 24 III Lewisham’s 12 Second Generation Local Public Service Agreement targets 25

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Document Control

Version Updated By Date

Draft v0 Policy and Partnerships 2005

Draft v1 Fenella Beckman 24/3/2006

Draft v2 Joe Knappett 14 September 2006

Draft v3 Joe Knappett October 2006

Draft v4 Dave Cass November 2006

Final Joe Knappett January 2007

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1 Introduction

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What is Performance Management? The purpose of performance management is to deliver better outcomes and improved quality of life for those people who live, work and learn in Lewisham. Performance information indicates how well the Council is performing against its strategic aims and objectives. Performance management involves taking action in response to actual performance in order to make outcomes better than they would otherwise be.1 In order to know what actions to take, performance has to be continually monitored, using measures/indicators that assess the performance against predetermined criteria. Performance management tools and techniques can then be applied to drive service improvement and deliver better outcomes for local people. Our Performance Management & Data Quality Policy Our policy ensures effective performance management arrangements integrate business planning, review and financial management systems to enable managers to make informed decisions and improve services. Integration of service and financial planning is key to ensuring that performance management results in actual improvement. Setting challenging and realistic targets aim to ‘make a difference’ and reflect the values and aims of both the Council and the service unit. The aim of target setting is to improve performance and accountability by focusing decision making by policy makers and managers, prioritise actions, provide a basis for monitoring and measuring performance and clarify customers and users expectations. Our performance management policy ensures we provide regular performance management information, the Management Report is produced monthly for the Executive Management Team and quarterly for the Mayor’s Briefing and Mayor and Cabinet. This report is published on the Council’s official website. The Management Report indicates how well the Council is performing against each of its corporate priorities. The purpose of the Management Report is to report on a monthly basis, achievement against targets, on service and project delivery and on management control of risks and finance. Each month a full account of what is being done, what has been achieved and what area require additional management attention to secure future achievements will be made. The Corporate Data Quality & Control Policy provides the framework to support

1 From “What is performance management”,

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performance improvement in data quality and identifies our data quality objectives, management arrangements and the accountability for data quality throughout the organisation. It is the responsibility of every member of staff entering, extracting or analysing data from any information system. The policy feeds into the overall performance management and service priorities of service areas, Directorates and the Council. Data Quality risk areas are regularly monitored and reported to the Strategic Performance Improvement Group. This policy is published on the Council’s intranet. Why have a Performance Management Framework? Good guidance suggests that frameworks need to be built around community and corporate priorities. Priorities should be cascaded down, through directorates, services areas and teams to an individual level through the service planning process. The key elements of performance management have been summarised as five building blocks in Choosing the Right Fabric: A framework for Performance Information2 as:

Bold aspirations to stretch and motivate the organisation A coherent set of performance measures and targets to translate the

aspirations into a set of specific metrics against which performance and progress can be measured

Ownership and accountability to ensure that individuals who are best placed to ensure delivery of targets have real ownership for doing so

Rigorous performance review to ensure that continuously improving performance is delivered in line with expectations

Reinforcement to motivate individuals to deliver the targeted performance

2 Choosing the Right Fabric: A framework for Performance Information, March 2001

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Lewisham’s Performance Management Framework This document uses the five building blocks outlined above to describe Lewisham's performance management framework. This framework is continually being updated in line with good practice. The Council’s performance management framework is illustrated below.



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2 Bold Aspirations

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The Council has bold aspirations which have been derived from the needs and concerns of its stakeholders, and has developed a clear and shared sense of direction which will lead to the achievement of its aspirations. Lewisham Strategic Partnership The vision for Lewisham is long standing, ambitious and forward looking. This vision was developed following consultation with Lewisham residents, public sector agencies, local business, voluntary and community sector organisations. This vision is not just for the Council, it has been adopted by the Lewisham Strategic Partnership and continues to be a bold aspiration that stretches and motivates the Council and it’s partners to set priorities and deliver services that will achieve the vision. The Lewisham Strategic Partnership brings together twenty representatives from across the public, private, community and voluntary sectors in Lewisham with the aim of promoting and sustaining joint working across these sectors. Agencies coming together in the LSP are responsible for over £1.25bn public sector expenditure in the borough. The key strategic document for Lewisham and for the Lewisham Strategic Partnership is the “Lewisham Community Strategy 2003-2013”. Lewisham Community Strategy At the highest level of the Performance Management Framework is the “Lewisham Community Strategy 2003-2013” which contains the shared priorities for the borough. The Community Strategy brings together the individual strategies and action plans of different organisations within the borough, like the PCT, the Metropolitan Police, University Hospital Lewisham and Lewisham Council’s corporate priorities. The Lewisham Strategic Partnership agreed a set of ten priorities which form the basis for concerted public action locally. These priorities reflect and have been informed by the issues that are of most concern to residents and businesses in Lewisham. The Community Strategy priorities are included in Appendix One. The action plan for tackling the ten priorities identified in the Community Strategy document is informed by the existing plans and strategies developed by partner organisations and the activities in the action plan are being progressed by the organisations represented on the Lewisham Strategic Partnership. The full “Lewisham Community Strategy 2003-2013” document is available on

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Bold Aspirations

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Local Area Agreements (LAA) The LAA is an agreement that sets out priorities for a local area as agreed between central government and a local area represented by a local authority and local strategic partnership. Lewisham has mapped relevant Community strategy priorities to the four LAA theme blocks as this describes, in the clearest possible way, the consistency of our ambitions and intentions. Set out below is the relationship between the Community strategy and the LAA: • by raising educational achievement, skill levels and employability, we aim to make

a significant contribution to improving the well being of children and young people;

• by making Lewisham a safer place, reducing the fear of crime, developing cultural vitality, securing sustainable regeneration and developing community capacity – we aim to create safer and stronger communities;

• by sustaining and improving the health and well being of local people, promoting independence and increasing the life chances of the most vulnerable – we aim to promote health and improve quality of life for older people; and

• by fostering enterprise growth and sustainable business growth, we aim to promote economic development and enterprise.

These broad areas are underpinned by a comprehensive set of indicators with agreed targets that will be monitored as part of the performance management framework. Major Statutory Plans Local authorities are required by central Government to prepare and implement a number of strategic plans. Examples of these plans include the Children and Young People Plan, the transport Local Implementation Plan, the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and the Health Improvement Management Plan. These statutory plans usually require multi agency working as well as the involvement of community and voluntary sector organisations to deliver its objectives. They all feed into the Lewisham Community Strategy, with clear links between statutory plans and the Community Strategy Action Plan.

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Bold Aspirations

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Corporate Priorities The Council’s corporate priorities set out what contribution the Council will make towards delivery of the Community Strategy priorities. These Council priorities focus on the needs of local people and are geared towards ensuring that, in delivering services, the Council focuses on its citizens, functions coherently, is transparent and responds to changing needs and demands.3 The Corporate priorities are set out in Appendix Two. The Corporate Priorities are delivered through the work of the Council’s directorates, most of whom work with partners to achieve their targets. Fast Forward & the Lewisham Way In addition to the council’s priorities ,plans and strategies, the Chief Executive has provided leadership on two major organisational and culture change projects. Known as ‘Fast Forward’ and the ‘Lewisham Way’ these projects are focused on changing our organisational design and changing our culture. The development of Fast Forward and the ‘Lewisham Way’ has arisen from the need for sustained improvements in service performance and a more customer-facing service delivery design. We have completed work on the new organisational design. It is based on the Council’s main policy purposes. The new five programme area directorates provide a clear focused base for connecting our service management to citizens and partners locally. The project to reorganise the council’s structure is referred to as ‘’Fast Forward’. However, it is important to recognise that changing the structure alone will not achieve our goals. We also need to change the way we think and feel about our workplace, which in turn will improve the way we service the community. We need to create a culture where people • Focus on the customer connection and service for the customer

We put residents first and consistently deliver high-quality services to all our different service users

• Deliver through improving performance We are clear on what we need to do to succeed and are prepared to challenge and change to find better ways of getting there

• Think and act ‘one council’ Lewisham We work with others across the Council and beyond to deliver results; We value everyone’s contribution

3 “Your Council – Corporate Performance Plan 2006/07”

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Bold Aspirations

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This project is known as the ‘Lewisham Way’ and since the start of the project, over a 100 teams have been through facilitated sessions to identify actions which will help make the team focus on customer, improve performance and develop the ‘one council’ ethos. Future events are planned in order that all staff can participate in the ‘Lewisham Way’ sessions. Customer Services Strategy Building on Fast Forward and the Lewisham Way, good progress has been made in developing a new Customer Services strategy. Key elements of the Customer Services strategy include:

People • Creating a culture of customer services throughout the organisation • Developing service standards that are owned, adhered to and monitored

throughout the council • Delivering a comprehensive relevant training and development programme to

improve customer services Technology • Using a selection of delivery channels so that people have more choice in how

and where they access services. • Use of relevant Information technology to do this and to provide services more

effectively. Processes

• Changing the way in we deliver services and redesigning processes based on

customer feedback and performance information

Value for Money

• Managing and prioritising investment, assets and revenue • Ensuring effective performance management Local Leadership role

• Alignment of the strategy with the Council’s local leadership role to join up and

improve public services across Lewisham

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3 Measures and Targets

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Overview Having established what the Council is aspiring to achieve, the next step is to translate these aspirations into measures and targets against which performance can be measured. The process through which the Directorates work to achieve Lewisham’s vision and the Corporate Priorities is known as the Service Planning Process. This includes the development of a Strategy for each Directorate and individual Service Plans for each Service Area. This process enables strategic priorities to be addressed by each directorate then at service level and through individual staff objectives and targets. The service planning process also ensures that resources are allocated to achieve the priorities. The Council’s strategic planning framework is shown below in diagrammatic form. The framework has three levels: • Multi-agency – working with partners and other agencies • Strategic – vision, priorities and values informing service objectives • Operational – service objectives and plans

Table 1.2 Strategic Planning Framework

This framework provides a clear link between strategic documents agreed by the Mayor and elected members and, by way of the Directorate Strategies and annual service plans, the aims of, and services provided by, directorates down to the roles of individual staff.

Community Strategy

LAA’s and Major Statutory Plans



Annual ServicePlans

Corporate Strategy/ Plan


Service AreaSelf


Strategic (3-5years) Operational (1 year)

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Measures and Targets

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Annual Business Cycle Using the business cycle the organisation is able to link political and corporate planning with the budget round. The timing of Best Value reviews has also been amended to ensure the outcome of reviews is reflected in the budget for the forthcoming year. Table 1.3 annual business cycle

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Measures and Targets

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Directorate Strategies The Council is structured into five directorates:- Children and Young People Community Services Customer Services Regeneration Resources

Each of the Directorates has a strategy which covers a period of three years, (currently 2006-09). These documents link together the Directorate’s strategic priorities, its budget decisions, and performance measurement to corporate priorities.

Directorate Strategies include a vision which is supported by a set of strategic aims and key objectives for the Directorate. The strategic objectives are informed by national as well as local priorities. The Directorate visions are all bold aspirations that stretch the services within that Directorate into working to achieve the vision, and thereby contributing to achieving the overall Lewisham vision.

Annual Service Plans The annual service plans inform operational management/action planning and the PES system. Where the work of a service is linked to the delivery of a major strategic plan, these plans in many cases act as the individual service plan and it is for this reason that the Planning Framework above illustrates major strategic plans as either feeding directly into the Corporate Priorities, Directorate Strategy or a Service Plan.

The service planning process begins with each service area reviewing their performance and key challenges for the year ahead, possibly using one of a range of self-assessment tools. The intention is to ensure that service plans are developed in a way that is better informed by an honest appraisal of known strengths and areas for improvement.

Lewisham has developed a template for service plans and it includes completing the following information about each service:-

vision and objectives; brief description of the service; self evaluation, including:

o risk assessment o value for money assessment;

information about customers – profile, needs, satisfaction survey results, equality impact assessment results;

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Measures and Targets

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information about the resources (people and finance);

details of partnership working; and use of information and communications technology.

Service plans provide an action plan for the year ahead with performance indicators and targets to measure performance against the activities in the action plan. Further information about the service planning process is set out in Appendix 4. Local Area Agreement Targets As set out in the chapter above, the Local Area Agreement between Lewisham and central Government bodies is based on a wide range of indicators. Targets have been established to measure performance in the four LAA areas. The Lewisham Strategic Partnership is responsible for providing an overview of the process and play a key role in monitoring performance. Four existing partnership bodies, which correspond to the four LAA priority blocks, will monitor plans and associated activities that will ensure action is taken to deliver on each indicator. The diagram below illustrates how the partnerships and officer structures have been configured and integrated. Best Value Performance Indicators

Health &Older People


Oversight &Governance



Joint Commissioning


Adult JointStrategic


Economic DevelopmentTask Group

Safer StrongerCommunitiesTask Group

LAA Steering Group

Children & Young Peoples Strategic


Community Safety & Drug Action


Adult Strategic Partnership


Employment & Enterprise


Local Strategic Partnership – LAA Oversight Group?

Children &Young People

Safer StrongerCommunities

Local Area Agreement

Joint Public Services BoardProject Sponsor

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Measures and Targets

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Since 1992, all local authorities are required to measure performance in accordance with nationally agreed performance indicators. These cover the range of services provided by local authorities and are integrated with data collection arrangements for individual services, managed by either the relevant inspection body, the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA) and/or the Audit Commission. Mayor’s Pledges The Mayor of Lewisham periodically makes pledges to achieve particular outcomes within a financial year. They focus on specific, high profile activities that are associated with the Council priority areas. Pledges are not made in a local election year, as they would set an inappropriate precedent for the incoming administration. Target Setting Each year, performance is benchmarked with other Councils and targets are set to ensure continuous improvement. In addition to the national Local Area Agreement targets, Lewisham also uses local indicators to measure performance more holistically. Targets form an essential part of the performance process. Lewisham has developed comprehensive target setting guidance. Performance indicators are used by the Mayor, Cabinet and senior managers to measure progress in service delivery. Data Quality Lewisham has drawn up a Corporate Data Quality & Control Policy which sits alongside Lewisham’s Corporate performance management framework and identifies the accountability for data quality throughout the organisation, which is the responsibility of every member of staff entering, extracting or analysing data from any from any information system including the corporate performance management system ‘PerformancePlus’. It outlines Lewisham’s approach to improving data quality across the Council to improve service outcomes. This Policy is issued to managers and staff via the Intranet and will be revised and updated each year by to achieve continual improvement reflecting learning from good practice and experience.

Review Performance Indicators to be

measured to ensure fit for purpose

Gather outturn data, and any national benchmarking,

historical data or establish a baseline

Assess current performance level and trend as frequently as possible

Targets cleared by HoS and DMT and fed into PM System and Performance


September - December Jan - Mar

Whole Year: April - March

Service sets 3 year targets to reach next quartile or achieve a

% improvement

Apr - Jun

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4 Ownership and Accountability

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Lewisham Strategic Partnership (LSP) Lewisham Strategic Partnership (LSP) brings together representatives from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. The partners on the LSP work together to deliver improvements in the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of all those who live, work and study in the borough. The LSP is at the centre of existing partnerships and provides a strategic umbrella for policy developments and performance monitoring to ensure that all partners and partnerships are working towards the same goals. The LSP is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Community Strategy and the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. It manages this through regular meetings every two months, as well as four bodies that monitor work in different strategic areas:

• Safer Lewisham Partnership • Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership • Adult Strategic Partnership Board • Employment and Enterprise Board

The Mayor, Cabinet Members and Scrutiny Bodies In addition to his work as part of the LSP, the Mayor takes personal responsibility for the performance of Council services. Advised by a cabinet of members who advise on the work of each of the five directorates, as well as champions for the cross-cutting themes of older people and community safety, regular performance information is considered on a quarterly basis. A range of scrutiny bodies also meet and work through a published programme of business that includes review of mayor and officer decisions. Officers There is a clear performance management structure to manage performance, set targets and make necessary service changes to improve where necessary. The Executive Management Team (EMT) which includes the Chief Executive and Executive Directors receive monthly reports setting out headline exceptions of good and poor performance in a range of key indicators. The basket of indicators is reviewed regularly. Each Directorate also manages performance at Directorate Management Team meetings, also on a monthly basis.

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Ownership and Accountability

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In addition, there is a corporate policy and partnerships unit and divisions in each directorate that take responsibility for policy and performance. The heads of each division meet with officers from the corporate unit at a Strategy and Policy Implementation Group (SPIG). This body considers the strategic approach to policy and performance issues and provides the Mayor with strategic options to improve performance. Staff from performance units in each directorate also meet regularly at a Corporate Performance Management Group and associated working group sessions. Work focuses on the practical day-to-day issues of collecting information, data quality, service performance and managing the senior officer monitoring process. Frontline Staff Performance data is mostly owned and managed by frontline staff, either through recorded data on a supporting database or another robust system of measurement. Lewisham also supports a range of user satisfaction surveys that are usually supported by an external polling company such as MORI. Some data is provided by other external agencies such as the Primary Care Trust (PCT) or the Met Police. Performance System The whole performance system is supported by a range of performance officers who ensure that systems are in place to collect the data and check for accuracy and completeness. These officers may be located within the frontline service, the Directorate or at the corporate centre, but all meet regularly to ensure consistency of approach and sharing of best practice. The Council is currently implementing a new performance management tool to further improve our performance management arrangements. Inphase PerformancePlus software has been purchased to assist with performance planning and reporting. A phased approach to implementation over the next 12 months is being adopted, initially concentrating on corporate performance processes and measures. The focus will then be on multi-agency arrangements, enabling the Council and partners to share performance information, reduce processing time and better inform performance management action planning and service improvement across the local partnership. Conclusion This demonstrates the ‘Golden Thread’ that ensures that real services delivered at the frontline by the Council, either directly or through external agencies, are monitored and evaluated regularly so that issues that may arise can be addressed swiftly and effectively.

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5 Performance Review

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Overview The Council's primary focus in terms of performance management is service delivery. Of the 500 or so performance indicators that the Council regularly monitors, most are operational (although the number of strategic and quality of life indicators is rising as the community strategy develops). Each Directorate and the Executive Management Team review performance against agreed annual targets on a monthly basis. In addition, the Mayor and Cabinet look at a similar range of indicators quarterly. The Corporate Performance Plan is the principal means by which the Council is held to account by the citizens of Lewisham and the Government. The review programme ensures that key services are subject to a challenging and fundamental review and the possibility of exposure to independent inspection. The Performance Plan contains around 300 indicators and targets, of which about 100 are current statutory BVPIs. The Performance Plan is made available, by a variety of means, to all service areas, members and partners ensuring circulation and awareness of the Councils aims, current performance and future targets. The Council has made information about its performance more accessible by introducing a monitoring system which flags up good or bad performance as follows:

• Management Report to EMT (monthly) and Mayor and Cabinet (quarterly);

• DMT/other performance reports;

• self assessment;

• service plan reviews;

• service improvement programme; and

• software system.

Performance Evaluation System (PES) The Council's performance evaluation system links individual objectives to service aims (from annual service plans). Personal performance reviews, which take place three times each year, drive personal development plans for all staff. These identify specific objectives and training individual training requirements that will support the organisation.

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Performance Review

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Induction All new permanent employees are taken through a corporate induction process, which includes meeting the Mayor and Chief Executive. The importance of good performance and the main objectives of the Council are also covered. At present, the induction process and documentation is being reviewed, and will include more robust information on performance management, including access to this and other performance management tools. Since the beginning of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment process, Lewisham has been seeking to move ‘Fast Forward’ from ‘Good’ to ‘Great’. Three key areas, ‘improving performance’, becoming ‘one Council’ and being ‘customer focussed’ have been identified for all teams to look at how they work and whether they need to improve. A team development programme, known as the ‘Lewisham Way’ was developed to manage this process and has been successfully run for over 100 teams across all directorates.

Cross-Council Working The latest technology from Microsoft, Sharepoint offers a collaborative approach that has been hard to achieve before it was introduced. Training on and development of the use of the tool continue, but it is especially helpful in maintaining good records of performance and sharing best practice. It provides staff with access to a library of data and guidance that can be maintained by a wide range of staff. The new performance management tool PerformancePlus, accessed via the web browser, will provide a ‘briefing boo’ for each directorate and eventually to service teams which will contain up to date performance information and data. Sharepoint has also supported a range of partnership cross-Council working groups that provide a joint approach to common issues and collective solutions to problems in any one area of the Council. The groups include representation from all directorate as well as the corporate Policy and Partnerships Unit.

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6 Reinforcement and Capacity Building

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Training The key to quality performance management information is the quality of the data recorded. Systems of performance management need regular review, particularly where they are dependent on manual data entry by frontline service providers. In-house training sessions have been developed to assist frontline staff on data entry issues to both address any existing inaccuracies and prevent future errors. In addition, corporate and directorate policy and performance teams provide regular sessions to support and enhance system improvements, including business systems analysis, service reviews and ‘management bites’ sessions. These include a training element to address staff development issues and also to disseminate good practice and new policy/performance procedures or requirements. Peer development opportunities are supported by a work-shadowing scheme that allows employees to work in different areas and gain new skills, including exchanging jobs for a period. Leadership programme Lewisham continues to invest in its middle managers to ensure that they have all the necessary tools to provide effective management of frontline service delivery as well as support succession planning and knowledge retention. To this end a corporate Leadership Development programme is available to all managers, especially those aspiring to move into senior management. The programme is generic, but includes aspects of good performance management techniques as part of the curriculum. Audit and Inspection Lewisham is supported by robust audit and inspection arrangements. Locally, an internal auditor supports services through in-depth reviews of their processes and systems, and this is backed by an annual external audit of key performance indicators that check accuracy of both process and data records. Local Area Agreement The LAA sets out a range of agreed targets for performance that are linked to additional funding streams. These are monitored by the Lewisham Strategic Partnership and the Government Office for London.

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7 Looking into the Future

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New Software Systems for Performance Management

At present, links with external partners to collect data occur manually. Extending data collection to include partners will be assisted through the Council’s new performance management system PerformancePlus procured in January 2007. A phased approach to implementation over the next 12 months is being adopted.

In Conclusion It is important for Lewisham to have a robust performance management framework as this enables the Council to:

have clear evidence of how it is performing against its targets;

compare its performance with others and benchmark effectively;

involve all staff in achieving the Directorate key objectives and strategic aims;

link the work of individual services to the achievement of the Council’s vision for Lewisham;

ensure that we progressively set and achieve increasing higher standards of service delivery and continuous performance; and

achieve maximum value for money.

We believe this framework will enable us to work in partnership with officers to deliver the highest quality services and through these make Lewisham the best place in London to live work and learn.

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Appendix I Lewisham Community Strategy 2003 – 2013 Priorities

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The ten Community Strategy priorities are set out under three main themes: Improve the well-being of the people of Lewisham

1. Crime Make Lewisham a safer place and reduce the fear of crime

2. Health Sustain and improve the health and wellbeing of local people

3. Education Raise educational attainment, skills levels and employability

4. Enterprise and business growth Foster enterprise and sustainable business growth including the creative industries

5. Cultural vitality Develop cultural vitality by building on Lewisham’s distinctive cultures and diversity

6. Regeneration Secure the sustainable regeneration of Lewisham – its housing, transport and environment

7. Welfare dependency Reduce welfare dependency, promote independence and increase the life chances of vulnerable members of the community Develop and engage local communities

8. Engage local communities Help local communities to develop the capacity to support themselves, act independently and participate in providing services and wider support to the borough Improve public sector performance and delivery

9. Equity in service delivery Design diversity into local institutions and design out discrimination, ensuring equity in service delivery

10. Effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of local public services Improve the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of local public services; optimise investment in infrastructure; and improve the management of assets

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Appendix II Lewisham Corporate Priorities

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The ten Corporate Priorities are as follows:

11. Community Leadership and Empowerment Developing opportunities for the active participation and engagement of people in the life of the community

12. Young People’s achievement and involvement Raising educational attainment and improving facilities for young people through partnership working

13. Clean, green and liveable Improving environmental management, the cleanliness and care for roads and pavements and promoting a sustainable environment

14. Safety, security and a visible presence Partnership working with the Police and others and using the Council’s powers to combat anti-social behaviour

15. Strengthening the local economy Gaining resources to regenerate key localities, strengthen employment skills and promote public transport

16. Decent Homes for all Investment in social and affordable housing to achieve the Decent Homes Standard, tackle homelessness and supply key worker housing

17. Protection of children Better safeguarding and joined-up services for children at risk

18. Caring for adults and older people Working with health services to support older people and adults in need of care

19. Active, healthy citizens Leisure, sporting, learning and creative activities for everyone

20. Inspiring efficiency, effectiveness and equity Ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and equity in the delivery of excellent services to meet the needs of the community.

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Appendix III Lewisham’s 12 Second Generation Local Public Service Agreement targets

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No Target

1 a) To reduce the number of infants born in Lewisham who weigh less then 2500 grams expressed as a percentage of all live births in the borough.

b) To increase the number of women in Lewisham attending the first antenatal care

appointment of their pregnancy by 10 weeks gestation.

2 To reduce the number of conceptions to under 18 year olds per thousand females aged 15-17 calculated on a calendar year basis.

3 a) To increase the number of people, accessing the Lewisham smoking cessation service, who are confirmed to have quit smoking at the 4 week stage.

b) To increase the number of people, accessing the Lewisham smoking cessation service

who are confirmed to have quit at the 4 week stage and remain abstinent at the 52 week stage.

4 To increase the percentage of pupils achieving 5 + GCSE A*-C grades or equivalent.

5 a) To reduce the number of half days missed through authorised and unauthorised absence expressed as a percentage of total number of half day sessions in Lewisham secondary schools.

b) To reduce the percentage of Lewisham looked after children, attending secondary

schools, who miss 25+ days of school.

c) To reduce the percentage of looked after children in year 11 who achieve 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C.

6 a) To reduce the number of robberies (street crime) recorded by the Metropolitan Police in the London Borough of Lewisham.

b) To reduce the percentage of 2008 Lewisham Annual Resident Survey respondents

who identify crime as an area of personal concern

c) To reduce the percentage of 2009 Lewisham BVPI survey respondents who answered ‘very big problem or fairly big problem’, when asked the question: ‘thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think are:

noisy neighbours or loud parties teenagers hanging around the streets vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property and vehicles- people using or dealing drugs people sleeping rough on the streets or in other public places rubbish and litter lying around Lewisham abandoned or burnt out cars Lewisham'

7 To reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) on the roads in Lewisham, as measured by BVPI 99a(i).

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12 Second Generation LPSA Targets

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No Target

8 To increase the number of private sector properties, occupied by vulnerable households, that are brought up to the Decent Homes Standard following intervention by Lewisham Council

9 To increase the number of jobless lone parents that are helped by the London Borough of Lewisham into sustained employment

10 a) To increase the number of adults achieving an Entry Level (1, 2 or 3) qualification in Literacy, Numeracy or ESOL (as defined by QCA/BSA) through Community Education Lewisham.

b) To increase the number of adults achieving a Level 1 qualification in Literacy,

Numeracy or ESOL (as defined by QCA/BSA) through Community Education Lewisham.

c) To increase the number of adults achieving a Level 2 qualification in Literacy,

Numeracy or ESOL (as defined by QCA/BSA) through Community Education Lewisham.

11 a) To increase the percentage of children in the care of the London Borough of Lewisham who had been looked after continuously for at least four years who were in the same foster placements where they had spent at least the past 2 years.

b) To increase the percentage of children in the care of the London Borough of Lewisham

under 16 who had been looked after continuously for at least 2.5 years who were in the same placement where they spent at least the past 2 years.

c) To increase the number of looked after children in the care of the London Borough of

Lewisham adopted as a percentage of all looked after children in the care of the London Borough of Lewisham.

12 To reduce the percentage of young offenders in (i) 2005 and (ii) 2006 who re-offend within 24 months.

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