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PERENNIALISMPerennialism is the oldest and most traditional educational philosophy.The word perennial means everlasting.

MORTIMER J. ADLER(1902-2001)

Great proponent of Perennialism and professor of Philosophy at Columbia University.An individual learns best by studying the classics.He wrote the Paidea Proposal - seeks to establish a course of study that is general, not specialized; liberal not vocational; humanistic, not technical.

Education should adjust man to the truth which is eternal, while the contemporary is not.Education implies teaching. Teaching implies knowledge. Knowledge is truth. The truth everywhere is the same. Hence, education should be everywhere the same.Education is not an imitation of life but a preparation for it.ROBERT M. HUTCHINS(1899-1977)

Leading perennialist spokesman in America. Former chancellor of the University of Chicago. Hutchins favors the school offering what he calls a liberal education. This would include emphasizing: logic, mathematics, the discipline of language and science and history. These studies supposedly relate to the timeless truths of all mankind(perennial truths) and help us to think logically.Perennialism holds that education should be the same everywhere, for everyone.The sources of knowledge are the Great Books.Example: Philosophical and religious works of:PLATO

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.ARISTOTLE

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.ST. AUGUSTINE

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.ST. THOMAS AQUINAS

To one who has faith no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.Perennialism believed that one should teach the things that one believe to be of everlasting importance to all people everywhere. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the most important.Perennialism suggests that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were written. They recommend that students learn from reading and analyzing the works by history's finest thinkers and writers.The educational focus of Perennialism is on the need to return to the past, namely, to the universal truths and absolutely reason and faith.Perennials believe that God and education goes together hand in hand, and that education prepares a person for life. They also believe that schooling may come to an end but a person will never stop learning throughout their life time.Perennialist generally prefer a past orientation, because it tends to be based on historical truth rather than the conjecture about the present and guessing about the future.The Theory of Perennialism also believe that the environment plays a big role in teaching someone. A person learns by experience. The philosophies of idealism, realism are rooted in this theory. They believe that having a relationship to a spiritual being is necessary for understanding the or universeThis philosophy is based on the view that reality comes from fundamental fixed truths, especially those related to God.It believes that people find truth through reasoning and revelation and that goodness is found in rational thinking.Teachers are tasked to develop the students inherent rational powers through the use of oral exposition, lecture, and explication.The learners need as well as social problems and issues are not considered in curriculum planning on the assumption that the learners do not know what is best for them.The teachers are the authority and sources of knowledge because of their maturity, professional training, and expertise.Curriculum content must focus on past and permanent studies which are timeless, such as philosophy, logic and rhetoric, literature, religion, and values education.Content is learn through memorization, drill, repetition, and mental discipline.Students are taught to reason through structured lessons and drills.Why should perennialism be applied in teaching?Personal development of the students through inculcating in them the principles that have been passed from generation to generation.These principles are likely to make one develop a good personality and morality if learned and applied in life.Will be useful in later life especially when learners begin to appreciate the need to be educated of the facts and knowledge .


Popularized the term essentialism in the 1930s Essentialists hope that when students leave school, they will possess not only basic skills and an extensive body of knowledge, but also disciplined, practical minds, capable of applying schoolhouse lessons in the real world.

Essentialism surface in the 1930s as an opposition to the perceived relaxation of academic standards by the progressivists.During the Cold War, it developed into a major educational philosophy.

The essentialist believed that a curriculum based on students interest or an social issues is wasteful in view of what they consider to be the primary aim of education intellectual development.Essentialism is a traditional and conservative educational philosophy which aims to develop cognitive growth and mastery of subject.It is present-oriented, focusing on contemporary knowledge written by experts in the field. The essential curriculum gives heavy emphasis on the three Rs (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic), English, History, and Science subject areas that continue to fill general education in present-day schools.It is a concept of universal education; the belief that there is essential knowledge that everyone in a given culture must have in order to be a knowledgeable and fully participating member of that culture. It is the schools responsibility to provide that knowledge.

It states that the students should be provided with the basic education so that it develops their knowledge as well as helps in character building.Teacher centered Philosophy.Classrooms are oriented around the teacher, who serve as an intellectual and moral role model for the students.

Students are required to master a set of body of information and basic techniques for their grade level before they are promoted to a higher level.* Grade one before grade two, English 1 before English 2, etc.

Essentialist believe:Students should learn from established fundamentals of education.Students should study the sensible and wise subjects like literature, philosophy, science and other subjects related to the great works The child is a learner to be shaped and developed Education is a preparation for life, it is not an imitation of lifeWhy do the school needs essentialism in the education system?For the students to acquire basic knowledge, skills, and values

To hopefully transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.TEACHERS ROLE As an expert

Impart essential knowledge

Direct focused tasks

STUDENTS ROLEListen and learn

Trust that the teacher knows best

Thank you!

PS: Malapit na nating makuha yung ganto!

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