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Page 1: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Join Us for WorshipSunday10:15 am

Sunday School & BibleClass

9:00 am

September 2017 Newsletter


Church (765) [email protected]

CYNTHIA PIENTA, [email protected] (765) 653-6995

[email protected]

Peace LutheranChurch & School

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Peace Lutheran Church1421 S. Bloomington Street

P.O. Box 778Greencastle, IN 46135

Page 2: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



9:30 am

Elders10:15 am

39:00 am ABC/SS10:15 amWHC11:30 am FH


Care, &ChurchOffice


5 6

Bible Study1:30 pm


AA 7:30 pm

8 9


9:30 am

109:00 am ABC/SS10:15 amWHC11:30 am FH






Bible Study1:30 pm


AA 7:30 pm

15 16


9:30 am

179:00 am ABC/SS10:15 amWHC11:30 am FH



19 20

Bible Study1:30 pm


Council 7 pm


AA 7:30 pm

22 23


9:30 am


9:00 amABC/SS10:15 am WHC11:30 am FH



26 27

Bible Study1:30 pm


AA 7:30 pm

29 30Men’sBible



9:30 am

ABC Adult Bible Class LRPC Long Range Planning Committee W Worship - No CommunionCC Confirmation Class SCM School Committee Meeting WHC Worship & Holy CommunionDC Discovery Class SS Sunday School YG Youth GroupFH Fellowship Hall SSTM Sunday School Teachers Meeting



Page 3: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.
Page 4: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.
Page 5: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

SCHOOL COMMITTEEChairperson: Scott BemishMembers: Doy Everage

John Helmers

Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism oranyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Adult Sunday Bible studies: These classes are provided for all adults during the Sunday School hour. Thisstudy focuses on the Bible and assists adults in discovering Biblical truths of the day.

Sunday School classes for Pre-K thru 12th Grade: This provides a time of focused Christian Educationfor Children ages 2 thru 12th grade. Classes are centered in Christ and call children to grow in faith. The chil-dren’s age appropriate curriculum provides an expansive study of various Biblical stories and themes.

No matter how young or how old - There is a Sunday School Class for YOU @ 9:00WEDNESDAY ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS 1:30 P.M.

{the exception being holidays}

Worship and ClassesEvery Sunday ~ 9:00 a.m. Classes ~ 10:15 a.m. Worship

Holy Communion every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month


Teacher: Bob Taylor

CHURCH ELDERSHead Elder: Dave LivesayOther Elders: Ken Anderson

John Anderson - HonoraryScott BemishPaul BretscherDavid PientaDean RichmondKenny St. JohnEddie Yon

CHURCH OFFICERS 2017President: Gregg HinchmanVice President: Rick HasslerTreasurer: Jan HasslerFinancial Secretary: Mary BretscherSecretary: Sue PittsRep of Christian Education Cindy PientaHead Trustee: Bob JedeleElder: Paul Bretscher


Page 6: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.


Friday September 29th6:00-9:00 pm

Peace Lutheran Church*** $10.00 participation fee ***

*** Make & Take Items ***

Newcardsandgiftitemsarebeingaddedtothecardrackandontheledgeoutsidethechurchof ice.Ifyoudonotseethetypeofcardyouneedpleaseleaveanotewithyournameinthemetalcanister requestingthe typeof cardwecanpersonallymake foryou. Eachcard is$2.00. Themoneyfromthecardsalesisusedtopurchasesuppliesforourworkshops. Thisallowsustobeabletoputeach$10participationfeeinourmissionfund.

If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute to our Mission collection, please send your contributionto the church office Attn: LWML Missions Crafters. You may also purchase the kit to make the items yourself orthe finished products. Please leave a note in the canister with your $10 . Let us know if you would like kits orfinished products. Thank you. You can also email us at [email protected].

Coming to Scrapbook? Let us know so we can have die cut machines available for you.

You can visit our blog at andDeonna’s at

We want to thank everyone who purchases cards. Your purchases help us continue thismission. We have acquired a new card rack and hope that this makes it easier for you to choose

the cards for your special occasions.

“Lutheran Women’s Missionary League”

Our Mission: The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the LutheranChurch….Missouri Synod, in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts inministry to the People of the world.

Page 7: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.


Prayer Chain

To initiate a prayer request you can call or e-mailJamie Jedele or Barb Richmond or call the church

office. Jamie and Barb both regularly check e-mail throughout the day.All of your prayer requests are important and will be acted upon. God answers prayers!

Jamie Jedele - [email protected] Richmond - [email protected] Office - (765) 653-6995 [email protected]

Women of Peace

Thanks to all who helped with our movie night here at Peace. A good timewas shared by all. We will have more movie nights like this in the future.Times and showings will be posted on the bulletin board and emails will besent out to let everyone know when that will be.

We wish Sherry Kruse a fond farewell and abundant blessings on herjourney. Sherry is moving to Arkansas to live with her daughter at the endof September. May God bless her and keep her on this new adventure!

Please look for the Mite boxes on the display case outside the church office.Mites do more than pay for buildings and education; Mites help share theGOSPEL of Jesus Christ that builds people up!

Page 8: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Phoebes Circle met 8/7/17 in the Union Building at DePauw. Thanks Maryfor making all of the arrangements. Thanks Pastor Barber for your fabulousPowerPoint presentation on the Barbers and Bretschers trip to Germany for theReformation's 500th Anniversary. Great job on your book Diane. Nice havingall of the girls and four of the boys present to share this wonderfulexperience. So nice having Kenny and Kay with us, and thanks for treating usall to the lovely lunch catered by DePauw.

Somehow, I was so absorbed in the moment, I completely skipped our agendaitems, so here are a few of them. First of all - on behalf of Phoebes - I wouldlike to bid Sherry a fond farewell on her new adventure. You will be sadlymissed by all of us. Do come back and visit. Be glad to pick you up at theairport. Always welcome to stay at our home. We will miss you on the backleft side of the Church. God Speed!

Here's the Bible Study: "from Jesus Always: Embracing Joy In His Presence" bySarah Young. "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. Thereis an adventurous journey awaiting you, and you are anticipating it withmixed feelings. In some ways you are eager to step into this newadventure. You're even expecting to find abundant blessings along the way.However, part of you fears leaving your comfortable, predictableroutine. When fearful thoughts assail you, remind yourself that I will bewatching over you constantly -wherever you are. The comfort of mypresence is a forever promise." Genesis 28: 15, Joshua 1: 9 and Psalm 48: 14

Mark your calendars. We will do our annual Phoebes Circle ChristmasCaroling, homemade cookie giveaway, poinsettia presentation and the readingof the Christmas Story from the Bible. After our visits all the Phoebes willgather at a local restaurant for dinner. Always a great time. We will try tomeet in early November to work out the details.

Once again, thanks to the Bretschers, the Barbers, the St Johns and to Sherrywho always drives some of us here and there. Remember to always trust Godand to pray for one another and anyone else who needs prayer. See you allsoon. If you get a chance, get together.

Love and Blessings,Barb

Phoebes Circle

Page 9: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

1. Invite someone you know - A number of surveys show that amajority of persons first come to church because a friend invited them.When you invite someone, it not only is personal, it is also the most effective invitation

2 Pray about your inviting—The Holy Spirit wants to work through you to help otherscome to hear the GOOD NEWS. Ask the Spirit’s help through prayer as you reach outto someone else.

3. Invite persons in time of need—There are times in the lives of most people when themessage of Christ and the fellowship of worship are especially needed. Such personsalso may be more open to an invitation to worship. People going through the stress ofchange—a loved one’s death, sickness in the family, loss of job, a new community, or ababy—can be served by the message of the risen Christ around which worship receives.

4. Invite people because we are proud of our parish family—There can be a healthy kind ofpride in our parish family and what Christ has given us to offer. That price is the goodfeeling we have about our congregation and our satisfaction in what God has done for usand through us. Because we have experienced the “joy of salvation” in our worship, wewill want others to share hat joy and salvation.

5. Invite persons to special Services—Special worship occasions are also times whenpeople may be open to an invitation. Natural opportunities to invite visitors areChristmas, Easter, and when Sunday School or School students participate.

6. Invite people in your own way—Don’t worry about how to invite someone to come tochurch with you. If you are concerned enough to ask that person, the Holy Spirit willbless your asking. There is no single “right way”; even if your words may seemstumbling (to you), the Spirit will work through you.

7. Don’t give up—If your invitation doesn’t work the first time, try other ways to invitethat person to worship. Do not push! Be gentle, but make sure a person knows thewelcome mat is out.

8. Invite people to worship with you—Non-churched visitors will attend our servicesmore readily if you're there to worship with them. More than once, people have saidthey would like to visit services, but don’t know anyone. Arrange to bring them or meetthem at church and sit with them. Being with visitors for the first time also gives youopportunity to help them with worship practices we may take for granted.

9. Ask your pastor for help—There’s always someone ready to help you in your inviting:your pastor. He sets aside time to contact persons—by home visits, over the phone, bya mailed note—to whom our congregation is reaching out. He’ll be happy to visitsomeone whom you know would appreciate a visit. Please tell him if he can help.



Page 10: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Men’s Breakfast & Bibleat

Jackson’s double deckerSaturday, September 30th

8:00 am

Men of Peace, come and bring a friend!Join us for Faith, Food, and Fellowship!

Page 11: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Koinonia will be going to the Bierstube in Terre Hautefor dinner on October the 14th at 5:15 p.m. If you areinterested in attending or have any questions pleasecontact Loraine Anderson at 812-986-2532 [email protected].

Page 12: Peace Lutheran Church & School · Lutheranism 101: This class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and is for anyone new to Lutheranism or anyone wanting to brush up on Lutheranism.

Box Tops 4 Education, Tyson A+ Labels, Campbell’s Labels for Education

Please continue to clip and save these valuable labels. You can visit any of their websites to get acomplete list of sponsored products. We receive 24 cents for every Tyson label, 10 cents for everyBox Top labels, and points from Campbell’s labels. All of your contributions allow us to purchasecurriculum, music, PE, science and other items that we are otherwise unable to purchase. If you haveany questions regarding any of these programs, please ask one of the teachers and we will get you theinformation you need. Thank you for all of your clipping and saving! It is truly appreciated.

LET’S GO KROGERING!Set up your online Kroger account at

Once you have created your account and registered your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card, while you arelogged in, click on your name in the upper right hand corner. Scroll down to the bottom of the pagethat comes up and click on Community, then click on Community Rewards.

Follow the instructions for choosing Peace Lutheran School. Our school number is 10670. Makesure it shows PO Box 778, Greencastle, IN. Click Enroll. We will now receive 3% based on yourpurchases made with your Kroger Plus Card. This in no way impacts the points you earn or youraccount. It simply gives Kroger the ability to share 3% of their profits with our school.

Thank you for your continued support. Your support of this program has increased our earningsmore than 5 times what we had been receiving in the past. This is truly a blessing!

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