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Page 1: PDLS Assignment 2

10 Simple Rules

Page 2: PDLS Assignment 2

10 Simple Rules1. Set A Goal

2. Planning

3. Understanding Reality

4. Research & Analysis

5. Comprehend

6. Finance

7. Networking

8. Self-Improvement

9. Plan B In Mind

10. Opportunity

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The 10 Simple Rules

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#1 Set A Goal Ask yourself…

- What do you want in life?

- Where do you see yourself in a decade or so?

Fantasize yourself in a working environment.

Know what you want yet?

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#2 Planning Making a list wouldn’t hurt.

- Things that must be achieved before heading to the big leagues.

- Setting out your priorities and such.

Have an idol? Put up a poster or something!

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#3 Understanding Reality Understand how reality revolves around the working


Fact – Reality bites. To know how life works out gives you a better advantage at what you want to achieve.

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#4 Research & Analysis Don’t just sit around – Do a

little research and study the background of the career you intend to pursue!

This really helps! In terms of knowledge, market & job opportunities.

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#5 Comprehend Knowing yourself well;

- Strength & Weaknesses

- Traits & Personality

Knowing your surroundings and others;

- Culture & Religion/Norms

Maintaining one’s self.

learn how to adapt & blend in.

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#6 Finance Save money! It will help you in the long run, as they

always say.

Having a backup on a rainy day.

Save a dollar a day, spend wisely and focus on your needs than wants.

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#7 Networking

Broaden your network, having a decent amount of contacts may help in the building of your future career.

Stay in connect – social network (Facebook or email), business card, contacts.

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#8 Self-Improvement Learn to groom yourself! (SUIT UP!)

“Feeling good in the inside is to look good on the outside”

Brush up on that attitude

- Learn to be comfortable = Confident

- Good manners = Charming

- Optimistic = Good Vibe

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#9 Plan B In Mind

It’s good to have a solid goal implanted in your head now, but don’t forget,

You also need a Plan B.

Plan B will be your back up. If so happens life hits you hard,

plan B will be able to help you back on your feet.

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#10 Opportunity When life gives you lemons, you make lemonades…

When an opportunity comes knocking on your door, grab it and treasure it! Don’t be hesitant.

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1. Set A Goal2. Planning

3. Understanding Reality4. Research & Analysis

5. Comprehend6. Finance

7. Networking8. Self-Improvement

9. Plan B In Mind10. Opportunity

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