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Page 1: PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY...Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life! OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY We are overjoyed

Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life!



We are overjoyed to have Pastor Luky preaching atall three services Sunday, sharing the story of hercalling and her ministry. When she came to aMethodist church in the United States, she wasencouraged to stay and attend seminary. She said,“I told them I’m not interested, I don’t want tobecome  a pastor.”

But the Lord kept calling and, eventually, she stepped forward. She said shealways wanted to be a missionary and now has the best of both worlds as amissionary pastor where she can work closely with the community.

"As a missionary pastor, I can do more," she said. "We can develop morecommunity programs, we can be more focused on the community."

And when she came here, she saw a Latino community that needed help.

“We can help and we should help,” she said, adding “I’m so proud Lehmanreceived me. It was one of the few churches that started a Latino ministry.”

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 1 & 2


At long last, we have the details for our annualRummage Sale worked out!

We will have all the treasures and hidden gemssorted out and available from November 8through November 10. If you would like todonate something, you can do that starting

Page 2: PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY...Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life! OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY We are overjoyed

November 4 after church services.

While we appreciate everyone's generosity, wecannot accept any donations before November4. Again. NO DONATIONS BEFORENOVEMBER 4.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We really needvolunteers 1) Friday night (after 6 p.m.) to bagthe remaining clothing for pick up on Saturdaymorning and 2) Saturday morning cleanup andtrucks to take goods to Habitat Restore andGoodwill.


The Loaves and Fishes food pantry will be closed the week of November 5 toaccommodate the Rummage Sale. 


It's this Sunday starting at 3 p.m.! Come enjoypopcorn and juice while renowned storyteller Mr. Jimentertains us with story and song! After that, we'llcreate placemats for our Not Home AloneThanksgiving Dinner. All are invited and welcome!

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 2 & 3


The Extreme Makeover project continues thanks tothe generous donations from the congregation withboth monetary gifts and purchases at thehoagie/bake sales.  We raised $229 at the sale thispast Sunday. The renovations to B14 (our new

resource room) are almost complete - come by and take a look! The Sundayschool children, Lehman Christian Preschool, Bible study groups, and Scouts haveenjoyed the new and improved facilities. Next up: The Library.

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 2.

Page 3: PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY...Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life! OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY We are overjoyed


The mailbox corner in Fellowship Hall will be clearedout, so if you have anything in or around thatarea, it has been placed on a table for you to sortthrough. Anything there on November 1 will bethrown away. The following groups now have ahanging mail slot outside the church office:Contagious Joy, United Methodist Women, Scouts, Discipling, Confirmation.There's also a slot to submit material to the Communications team.

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 2.


Pastor Nancy and Karen Douglass will meet with the Visitation Team October 24at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. If you're a team member or interested in experiencingthe joy of visiting those unable to make it to church, please plan on attending thismeeting. 

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goals 3 & 4.


Join us on Wednesday, November 14 as our ParishNurse Karen Douglass helps us prevent falls. She willpresent Falls Prevention: Awareness and Action inFellowship Hall.

It will be an informative and eye-openingpresentation about what we all can do to prevent falls and injuries during thehigher risk Fall and Winter seasons. If you, or someone you know and love, hasfallen in the last year, this seminar is for YOU! If you want to remain happy andhealthy as you age, this seminar is for YOU! Come and bring a friend!

Schedule:11:00 AM Presentation11:45 AM Questions, Answers, and Discussion12:00 Lunch and dessert served

Please call the church office at 215-675-2110, or Karen Douglass, 215-674-0412

Page 4: PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY...Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life! OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY We are overjoyed


The storms have passed, but the need has not and the work has just begun. Thereare several ways you can help the victims of Florence & Michael.

1) Write a check to Lehman Memorial Church. In the memo line, add the U. S.Disaster Response Account number, #901670. Mail your check to the church orplace it on an offering plate on Sunday.

2) Donate directly to UMCOR by going to its secure website. After you createan account, you can make your donation; at the bottom of the electronic form is aplace to record Lehman Memorial United Methodist Church.

3) For current e-giving users, a special drop down feature has been addedto the web page. A reminder that there are fees associated with this option, soif you want to donate a specific amount, adding that fee to your donation willensure your desired amount goes to the conference. 

Here are some examples: 

If giving through ACH (a checking or savings account), a donation of $10.60will ensure $10 goes to the disaster fund.A donation of $10.75 through a credit card (excluding American Express)

to sign up.

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goals 1 & 2.


We are blessed to have Pastor Nancy continuing her appointment in herretirement. Her new hours look something like this: She will, of course, be atSunday services. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays she will either be inthe church office or making visits. She will be out of the office Thursdays andFridays.

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will ensure $10 goes to the disaster fund.A donation of $10.90 through American Express will ensure $10 goes to thedisaster fund.

4) UMCOR is also looking for cleaning kits. A webpage contains all the details.

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 3.


The Eastern PA Conference’s Disaster Response ministry team will sponsor twosimultaneous training events for UM Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Saturday atOtterbein UMC in Lancaster. You can register online. 

One training will be for people wanting to be UMVIM Team Leaders. The other willbe for people wanting to serve on Early Response Teams (ERT), whose mission isto provide skilled support to disaster survivors as soon as communities allowresponse teams into disaster-impacted areas.

Each training costs $45 per person, which also provides the book Mission Journey,the updated VIM Team Leader Resource Toolkit, and a light breakfast and lunch.

♦2020 VISION - Linked to Goal 3.

Page 6: PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY...Take advantage of the many opportunities available to enrich your life! OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 PASTOR LUKY SHARES HER STORY SUNDAY We are overjoyed

Lehman Memorial UnitedMethodist Church300 S. York RoadHatboro, PA

"Best of all, God is with us." ~ John Wesley

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