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 NER-AMTAS Passages Conference October 29th, 2016



17th Annual Student and New Professional Music Therapy Conference

Passages 2016


Welcome to the 17th Annual Passages Conference


On behalf of the New England Region American Music Therapy Association Students (NER-AMTAS) Board, we thank you for coming out today to learn more about music therapy. This year, we open Passages to the community, inviting various professionals to come explore the opportunities that are available for our different professions to collaborate, work and learn from each other on how we can better provide for the populations we serve. To my music therapy peers - we are in such an exciting time in our profession, let us continue conducting research, advocate and share with the community what we can do. To my future colleagues – I encourage everyone to enquire more about music therapy and its practices. How might we be able to work together? Please join us at our Lunch Mix n’ Mingle event, where we will take the time to eat, share and learn from one another. I thank the faculty from the three schools who have worked alongside us to promote today’s event. Your support has been invaluable. To my fellow board members, thank you for working extremely hard to make today the event it is. To all presenters, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and to all attendees, for your support to the event. We hope you have a great day!

“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”

- Helen Keller


Saturday, October 29th 2016 9am – 5pm

Lesley University Cambridge, MA

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Passages 2016 Table of Contents

Welcome…………………………………….1 Schedule of Events…………………...3 - 11 Thanks……………………………………….12

                                                             PASSAGES SCHEDULE OF EVENTS                                                .  


Registration, Breakfast – Lobby/Washburn Lounge Opening Address - Washburn Lounge

Sherrill Room 1-150               Sherrill Room 1-151   Sherrill Room 2-251  

All You Need is Music – A presentation about Mowat-Wilson Syndrome & Music Kathlynn Sell, Berklee College of Music “ Mowat-Wilson Syndrome is a rare genetic condition causing brain abnormalities, such as Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, which can effect motor development and result in minimal speech. This presentation will show you how my cousin with MWS has spoken volumes, and how music may have gotten him there. ”

   Music Therapy App (Expedite The Documentation Process) Stian Hansen & Sofía Paola Quiñones, Berklee College of Music

“ Music Therapy lies in the fascinating intersection between music, science, and health. We envision a future where technology plays an integral part in the work of the Music Therapist. Our app hopes to streamline the work of these professionals, and serve as a tool for communicating with other health professionals. ” (AIM)ing into the Future of Medical Music Therapy Mark Fuller & Dana Leal, Berklee College of Music “ Arts in Medicine Programs (AIM), aim to provide stationary and interactive arts contributions to enhance the physical and social environment in a hospital setting. In order to strengthen advocacy skills; the qualifications, financial aspects, and expected outcomes of both Music Therapy and Arts in Medicine Programs will be thoroughly discussed. ”

8.30 – 9.30AM 9.30 – 9.45AM

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Sherrill Room 3-350                  

Washburn Auditorium           Sherrill Room 1-150                Sherrill Room 1-151      

Music and Dyslexia: How Can Music Therapy Help Children Read? Kirsten Stockel; Berklee College of Music “ Studies have shown that musical training improves the skills of auditory perception and phonological processing – the two main deficiencies in individuals with Developmental Dyslexia. This talk will cover previous research in music and dyslexia, as well as propose new research interventions for the use of music therapy. ” Exploring the Creative Process Through Song Avery Lazes; Berklee College of Music “ Camp Jabberwocky is a summer camp for individuals with a wide range of disabilities. Each morning, the campers participate in a music session. This year music class was run differently. This presentation is to emphasize the importance of giving your client(s) a project that can develop over time. ” Private Practice 101 Emily Interrante MT-BC; Berklee College of Music “ This presentation will offer tips, tools, and inspiration in starting your own private practice right out of school. Information will include the step-by-step process in starting your own business, abbreviations that are commonly used and the necessary documents needed to run a successful private practice. ” Music Therapy and Yoga Interventions in the Stressed College Students' Lives Heather Merkle; Berklee College of Music “ One can learn about the effects and benefits yoga and music therapy interventions can provide. Practicing students and clinicians in the field will also be given a demonstration of how they can implement yogic techniques and principles into their music therapy practice. This will include asanas (poses) paired with regular and continual breathing, themes of mindfulness and awareness, meditation, coupled with music relevant to the college students’ life.

                                 10:45AM-11:45AM CONCURRENT SESSIONS

Sherrill Room 2-251 Sherrill Room 3-350                  Washburn


An Unexpected Journey Grace Low & Stephanie Chan; Berklee College of Music “ In this presentation, we will be sharing about our internship process and experiences with the various populations (i.e. pediatrics, children with special needs, psychiatric, geriatrics), and how music therapy is facilitated at our respective sites. We will also be sharing about how music therapy is beneficial for the population we serve, and how music therapy can be used and co-led with other professions. ” Building Sustainable Music Therapy Programs: A Service Learning Experience in Panamá Meera Sinha. Megan Griffith, Esteban Roa & Denise Oliveras; Berklee College of Music “ This session will introduce a model to build sustainable music therapy programs internationally, based on service learning experiences in Panamá. Topics such as toxic compassion and cultural competency with a focus on Community Music Therapy will be explored. ” Rhythmical Movement; The Healing Qualities of Rhythm Pedro Fonseca & Andreas Evangelatos; Berklee College of Music “ Join the Rhythmical Movement at Berklee as we share our experience facilitating drumming experiences within our Berklee community and beyond. Rhythmical movement is an experience-based group that serves as a space for self-expression through rhythm. Our presentation will focus on the healing properties of rhythm and communal drumming. ”

12:00-1:30PM LUNCH BREAK                                                              .  

Mix n’ Mingle Event Please join us for lunch provided by NER-AMTAS at

Washburn Auditorium All are welcome!

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                                               1:45-2:45 PM CONCURRENT SESSIONS

Sherrill Room 1-150                    Sherrill Room 1-151 Sherrill Room 2-251  

Music Transcends Language and Cultural Barriers in Chiang Mai, Thailand Leah Weigel; Berklee College of Music “ This presentation will discuss the challenges and successes of Music Therapy abroad, based on the presenters experience working with special needs children in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Topics include language and cultural barriers, Buddhist philosophy of music, Thai healthcare system, and how to adapt to a new culture both clinically and personally. ” Diversity within Judaism and the Role of Music Allison Dagger; Lesley University “ The diversity within the Jewish community is not only confined to the various denominations, there is also a myriad of worldviews arising from generational and societal influences. This presentation will highlight the terminology within the community, the meaning and use of music in secular and sacred settings. ” Song and Emotion: Using Music as Emotional Regulation in Acute Psychiatric Care Johanna Shriver, MA, MT-BC “ This presentation will discuss both research completed and case study examples using music as emotional regulation in acute psychiatric care facilities. Adult and adolescent populations will be highlighted, as well as ideas to implement into practice. ”

Sherrill Room 3 - 350  Washburn

Auditorium Sherrill Room 1-150              

Challenges and strategies for international students in building music repertoire in clinical settings Che-Ching Lin, Chia-Jung Wu, Hitomi Yurino & Min-Wei Hung; Lesley University “ The number of international students increases at a rate of 10% each year. Learning the American music repertoire proved to be daunting at times. We will present our garnered strategies for success in our internship experiences and engage the audience in a round table discussion of their challenges and strategies.” Lyric Replacement: An Awesome Songwriting Technique Workshop Kim Johnson, BA; Lesley University “Songwriting is a powerful tool in clinical practice and lyric replacement is an accessible technique to start with for both clinicians and clients. In this workshop, participants will experience this type of intervention first hand as we rewrite the lyrics to a song together. Prior to the experiential, there will be an oral presentation describing the technique and how to facilitate it. There will also be time at the end for processing and discussion.” Using Music Therapy to Heal Identity Trauma for Descendants of Crypto-Jews Ruth Kahn, MT-BC “ Based upon her participation in the 2016 annual conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, Ruth will present an update on the perceived need for music therapy services for descendants of Crypto-Jews in New Mexico. Many in this marginalized community experience identity trauma when they discover their Sephardic Jewish ancestry. ”

                                               3:00-4:00 PM CONCURRENT SESSIONS

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Breaking Barriers: Exploring Cultural Preparedness for Service Learning Trips Jessica MacLean; Lesley University “ Every year, many graduate music therapy students embark on service learning trips in hopes to spread music therapy around the world. Due to the power and privilege possessed by these students, it is important to discuss cultural sensitivity before taking these trips. ” Using Dyadic Improvisational Musical Experience to Reach Clinical Goals with New Technology Zachary Gresser; Lesley University “ Improvisation is a powerful and unique tool that music therapists can use to aid their work. This presentation showcases how we can empower our clients using iPads to create enriching musical experiences that fulfill clinical goals. This presentation showcases ongoing research and features an open-ended exploratory discussion. ” Group music therapy with school-aged clients with severe and profound disabilities Nicole Frederick; Lesley University “Working with children with severe and profound disabilities posed unique challenges for therapists. These individuals may have complex health concerns. This presentation will provide a general overview of the role of music therapy with this population, and examples of the use of the violin with clients. ” Fieldwork Feedback Forum Allison Fox, BA, TRD; Lesley University  

Description: Students in the field of music therapy encounter a wide range of experiences during their time as interns. Please join us in sharing and discussing some of our most memorable and challenging therapeutic situations, and get feedback from peers and professionals in the field. Interactive intervention swapping will be invited and encouraged!

Sherrill Room 1-151 Sherrill Room 2 - 251 Sherrill Room 3-350                   Washburn


Sherrill Room 1-150 Sherrill Room 1-151              Sherrill Room 2-251          

The Effects of Group Songwriting on Prejudice and Perception Between Young African Americans and Police Officers Adessa Campbell; Berklee College of Music “ There is overwhelming data regarding racial inequality in the United States justice system. Using group songwriting as a tool, the goal of music therapy intervention in this study will be to break down social barriers between people of color and police officers. ” NICU Music Therapy Sandra Cheah; Berklee College of Music “ This presentation will explain how music can be used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the different types of intervention used. It also includes information about training on becoming a certified NICU music therapist. ” Spreading the Music Therapy Word: Advocacy for the Young Professional Marjorie O’Reilly & Laura Cabral; Anna Maria College “ When you tell someone you are studying music therapy, what is their response? Is it “What is Music Therapy?” Come and join the discussion on the importance of explaining, advocating and spreading awareness of our field and what we really do in our clinical practices. ”

                                               4:15-4:45 PM CONCURRENT SESSIONS

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Sherrill Room 3-350                                          

Washburn Auditorium                          

Music and Sensory Integration with Children Hui-Yu (Cheryl) Tsui; Berklee College of Music “ This presentation is about the importance of music and sensory integration for children. The presenter will begin with her personal experiences and what she has seen regarding wellness of children in different countries. Then, the presenter will introduce some basic concepts of sensory integration therapy and relate it to music therapy. After comparing the two, she will introduce a rhythmic exercise she learned in a kindergarten in Japan. This exercise is very popular in Japan among all ages. It is also included in some school curriculum. The overall goal of this exercise is physical and mental wellness. It generally helps with cognitive development and social skills. Her personal videos will be shown so that participants will have a better understanding of what it is. The main idea of the presentation is to combine music and sensory integration and hope to open up a way for fellow therapists to see and consider what is happening in other countries and how we can bring and introduce what we have here to different communities. ” Assessment of Mood Disorders Using Music Therapy Madelyn Hall, Bella Christopherson & Jenna McQuade; Berklee College of Music “ In our presentation we will explain what music therapy is in relation to mood disorders. This will include definitions and statistics. Next, an example of an assessment on a teenage client with Bipolar Disorder will be presented. She has trouble staying focused; she is triggered easily in new environments and, frequently shows frustration. The presenters will be playing songs and giving her a variety of instruments to choose from while observing how she responds with the music. ”

                                           PM                                FUTURE CONFERENCES                                                                            .  AMTA ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE

“Under the Canopy: The Music Therapy Profession” November 10-13, 2016

Kalahari Resorts at Sandusky, OH For more details, visit:


March 29 - April 1, 2017 Hotel Viking, Rhode Island

For more details, visit:  

                                           PM                      CLOSING ACTIVITY                                                                .  

                                           P                                  JOIN NER-­‐AMTAS!                                                                    .  

For more information please go to our website at:

And don’t forget to follow us on social media and share your thoughts, photos, and memories from Passages 2016 with the

following hashtag:


Please  join  us  for  a  closing  musical  activity  and  the  selection  of  our  raffle  winners!  

Location:  Washburn  Lounge  Time:  4:50  –  End  

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Thank You!


The New England Region of the American

Music Therapy Association Students

Visit our website at:  


Join AMTA and become a student member! For more information on the benefits of being a

member, check out

This conference would not have been possible without the efforts from the NER-AMTAS Board: Kayla McBrien, Jenny Palmieri, Alli Fox, Forrest Paquin, Mary Reinsch, Sarah Young, Jocelyn Khoo, Sofia Quinones and Calvin Eng. Thank you to the individuals from Lesley University who helped reserve the space for the conference and we thank our Student Affairs Advisory Board representative, Professor. CHRISTINE ROUTHIER, for always being there to help, and her service to the student organization. We would also like to give thanks to… THE NEW ENGLAND REGION AMERICAN MUSIC THERAPY ASSOCIATION for their constant support yearly. FACULTY FROM LESLEY UNIVERSITY, BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC, AND ANNA MARIA COLLEGE AND PROFESSIONALS for their ongoing support and mentorship to the students and a big thank you to the amazing individuals who have kindly donated items for our raffle today. LISA KYNVI – Founder of Passages. Emily Interrante of InterHarmony Music Therapy for her contributions to NER-AMTAS and Passages. THE PRESENTERS for sharing their knowledge and inspiring us in the work you do. THE PASSAGES 2016 ATTENDEES for your enthusiasm and passion to learning more. Thank YOU! THE MEDIA TEAM FOR CAPTURING OUR EVENT. EVERYONE WHO HAVE HELPED MAKE TODAY A SUCCESS

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