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Swami Yogananda in the

Cincinnati Enquirer.

“In October, (1926) the people of

Cincinnati gathered in larger numbers

than have ever been known in the history

of lectures at the Music Hall, which seats

over 3600 people. The editors of the

nationally-known newspaper, the

‘Cincinnati Enquirer’ extended their

cordial support to the Yogoda message

and published the lectures of the Swami

in full each day in their columns, thereby

reaching hundreds of thousands of Ohio

people who could not come personally to

the lectures.” 1

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LECTURER Is To Arrive Today. P. 3


NERVOUSNESS Is Undermining Health P. 5


WILL NEGLECTED By American People, P. 9

DIVORCE COURT May be Avoided Easily P. 12


FEAR AND WORRY Are Mental Bacteria, P. 16

HEALTH SEEKING Is Commended as Ideal P. 17

ILLNESS CURED By Tonal Vibrations, P. 19

CONCENTRATION Essential To Success, P. 21



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Is To Arrive Today.


Swami Yogananda, East Indian Educator, To Give

Series of Addresses on Philosophical Topics.

________ Swami Yogananda, a celebrated East Indian educator, poet-philosopher and

metaphysician, who has spoken before numerous universities in this country and comes

armed with a formidable list of national sponsors, including the Late Luther Burbank,

“plant wizard”; Galli Curci, the songbird; Mrs. Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch, daughter

of Mark Twain, and others, will pay his first visit to Cincinnati today. He is to arrive

from New York City at 10:30 this morning and will be met by a local committee and

escorted to his suite at the Hotel Gibson.

Swami, who is the official representative of the Maharajah of Kasimbazar Bengal,

reigning prince of India, is to give a series of free lectures at Music Hall, October 3 to

17. The first will be Sunday night. His subject will be Everlasting Youth.

Yogananda is vice president of Sadhu Sabha, or Council of Savants, founder of two

residential schools in India, the Mt. Washington Educational Center, Los Angeles, and

other educational centers in Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Boston, Waltham and

Chicago. He is the originator of Yogoda, a new science which he will teach while here.

This is said to be a modernization of the best teachings of the ancient Indian Yogis,

which Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science drew from, and generously


Through Yogoda, Swami claims his students may summon their superconscious

powers to bring about physical and spiritual betterment. He is declared to have effected

seemingly miraculous cures through Yogoda.

The distinguished visitor will talk to radio listeners from Station WLW at 7:30

Saturday evening. He is to address the forum of the Chamber of Commerce and the

American Business Club at noon Tuesday. 2


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Swami Yogananda to Give

Second Lecture at Music Hall.


Swami Yogananda, Hindu educator and metaphysician, who gave his first Cincinnati

lecture at Music Hall Sunday night, will speak again tonight at Music Hall at 8 o’clock.

His subject will be “The Art of Overcoming Nervousness---How To Attain Poise.” He

will tell Cincinnatians how Yogoda, the science of meditation and concentration, which

he claims to have perfected, can banish what popularly is known as “nerves, America’s

great national ailment.” All seats will be free.

At noon today, Swami has two engagements. At the first fall meeting of the Chamber

of Commerce Forum he will talk on “Recharging Your Business Battery Out of the

Cosmos.” Before the American Business Club at the Hotel Sinton, his subject will be

“How Oriental Methods Can Help Occidental Business.” Tomorrow noon he is to address

the Advertisers’ Club at the Cincinnati Club on “Superconscious Advertising.”

The “superconsciouness,” according to Swami, differs materially from what is known

as the “subconsciousness,” which, he declares, relates to the lower stratum of one’s inner

life and may provoke base motives, whereas acts proceeding from the superconsciousness

source are uplifting and improve the spiritual nature of man.

Swami will speak at Music Hall tomorrow night on “How To Get What You Want.

‘Law of Success.” 3


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Is Undermining Health


Of Americans, Hindu Speaker Tells Audience.


Practice of Calmness and Poise is Urged

By Noted Teacher in Music Hall Talk.


“The national health of America is menaced by nervousness. This can be overcome

by beginning early to bring up the nerves properly, like little children in a boarding

school, by a frugal diet and the cultivation of poise.” Said Swami Yogananda, Hindu

lecturer, at Music Hall last night, on the subject of “The art of Overcoming

Nervousness.” Among other things the Swami said:

“It is said that he is your best friend who tells you not only about the qualities you

have, but the disqualifications which you can avoid.

“My loving suggestion to the American people is this---that as their national progress

is specially marked by their unequaled use of machinery, so their national health is

menaced by the not too dangerous, yet very uncomfortable, disease called nervousness.

So a little discussion about the human nervous system, its functions and its right use

would be of great advantage.

“The nerves consist of highly specialized nerve cells and a number of processes. The

complete unit is called a neuron. The functional unit consists of a pair of such neurons.

“(a) One is destined for the reception of impulses from a sensory surface ---‘the

sensory neuron.’

“(b) The other discharges impulses to some motor mechanism and is known as ‘motor


“Nervousness might be organic or functional or both, but mostly the functional is

mistaken for the organic.

“If nervousness is due to organic causes, it should be treated physically whereas, if it

is mental or functional, then the cure should be sought in psychotherapy, according to

medical science.

“The nerve fibers can be excited along any part of their course. Chemical,

mechanical, thermal, electrical stimuli are capable of starting an impulse in the nerve

fiber, and this impulse is conducted along the fiber, producing effects very similar to

those of normal impulses.

“Hence the nerves are sensitive, conscious and responsive, consisting of innumerable

feeling cells, and they serve as channels (two-fold paths) or carriers of motor and sensory

impulses. Each sensation passing through the nerves affects specifically the sensory

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nerves. Similarly the motor thoughts passing through the motor nerves into the muscles

affects them.

“Affect Motor Nerves.”

“Excitable thoughts affect the mortal nerves and the motor centers of speech,

producing twitching of lips, fingers and throbbing of nerves. If a high voltage of current

is made to pass through a bulb of 50-candle power, the wires will burn or be affected.

“Similarly, superfluous mental excitement or energy and sensations passing through

the nerves constantly and ceaselessly hurt and ultimately ruin them.

“The American people keep the nerve wires of their bodily telephone charged all the

time with superfluous impulses or currents. Too much heat of excitement and business

over stimulates the delicate nerve tissues. Leading to the danger of being burnt up or

fused. Besides, overeating as many Americans do, affects the health of the nerve wires.

Overnutrition or want of proper nutrition or lack of proper nutrition are all bad for the

health of the nerves. Hence right dieting of the living nerve cells is just as necessary as

the way you treat them with your mental vibrations.

“When a telephone wire is burned up it is replaced by another, but in case of the

deterioration of a human nerve the cure must come from within.

“Effect Is Cited.”

“The nerve cells are just like little dwarfish human beings who carry the sensory

messages to the brain and the motor messages away from the brain by word of mouth.

Just as hungry, diseased or untrained men may distort the carrying of a message through

their weakness or bad training, so the nerves suffering from malnutrition and excited by

wrong thoughts always distort the experiences of human life.

“The nerve cells ought to be brought up properly like little children in a boarding


“Second they ought to be taught poise. In other words, no excitement should pass

through the nerves. Wrong diet, night wakings, too much jazzing, overdoing in

entertaining at the cost of the entertained, constant business worry, lead first to mental

nervousness, then physical or organic nervousness in which the tissues of the nerves are


“American people have mostly mental nervousness. All they have to learn is the art

and actual practice of poise in the early morning and evening before they go to their daily

business or to their evening engagements. Ten to twenty minutes of practicing calmness

according to the right way, or even blank silence will help them. The nerves behave

exactly as they are taught to behave.

Ninety-nine percent of the American people suffer from mental nervousness, and that

can be cured by analysis and help from a mental analyst.

“A man who went to different medical authorities and got himself examined and was

declared to have occasional outbursts of heart disease once came to me. On examination I

found out the cause of his disease was mental, induced by nervousness. So I commanded

him to bring a pair of scissors. The scissors were brought, and with them I cut off his vest

button and told him never to put his hand over the place on the chest.

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“When I cut off the button he grumbled, ‘Ah, ah, why did you cut off my button?’ I

said, ‘I will explain to you later on. But do now just as I tell you to do. Come to me after

a fortnight and report to me about your condition.’ He came and said, I got myself

examined by doctors and they say I am, and I feel I am perfectly cured.

“Then I explained to him that he had a habit of pressing and rubbing his vest button

constantly in the act of mental nervousness. That produced the sensation of a pressure on

the heart, causing him to imagine he had heart disease. And he imagined it so strongly

and excited the nerves connecting the heart, causing nervousness. With the vest button

cut off, the imaginary cause of disease disappeared.

“The mind is superior to the body. And all the body cells and nerves are living and

intelligent. That’s why I know that the greatest and surest art of curing nervousness, both

organic and mental, can be effected by learning the art of poise as taught by the great

master-minds of India.”

The Swami will lecture each night in Music Hall this week. His subject for this

evening will be, “How to Get What You Want. Law of Success.” 4


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And Concentrate on Peace,

Hindu Teacher Advises at Meeting.


Utilizing the cosmic consciousness and concentration as a means of educating

humanity to a realization of international peace was suggested yesterday by Swami

Yogananda in an address to more than 300 businessmen and women at the Chamber of

Commerce Forum.

“Scrap your machine guns, your battleships and your armament.” Said the teacher.

“Concentrate the thoughts of the nations on peace and against war. I want my fellow

beings to co-operate with me in my effort to establish international schools for all-round

education of all in every large city in the world. One hundred percent right education can

solve all life’s complex problems and give peace and contentment to the fifteen hundred

million members of the human family.”

The Swami said that India would profit by having business missionaries from

America to instruct the people in the efficiency of production and business methods of

the United States, but he said the technique of concentration had been practiced among

the Hindus for generations. 5


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By American People,


Who Are Wonderful Factory Builders, Teacher Says.


“Americans are wonderful builders and organizers of iron factories, but they have not

yet undertaken to build and organize their mental factories. American schools, colleges

and universities have not taught the adults and children the dynamo power of the human

will.” Said Swami Yogananda, Hindu philosopher, in his lecture at Music Hall last night

on the subject, “The Dynamic Power of Will.” He said in part:

“The function of a dynamo is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Similarly the incoherent mechanical power of will can be converted into steadily flowing

dynamic power of will.

“As the western mind emphasizes the making of machinery calculated to bring it

material comfort, so also the Hindu savant’s mind is concentrated on the development

and building of mental machineries which will bring him not only power over matter but

over inner forces.

“The Hindu savant gently asks his American brother as to why he is not as eager and

scientifically methodical in the creation and development of his mental mechanism as he

is about material mechanisms.

“The iron machineries produce the commodities that secure human comfort. But few

realize that without the help of the mental machinery, the mechanisms of human material

can not be produced.

Value of Mind Emphasized.

“If Americans are such wonderful builders and organizers of iron factories, why don’t

they get busy and properly build and systematize their mental factories. Out of the factory

of the human mind the skyscrapers, the long bridges, the radio, colossal business

organizations, artistic, literary, scientific engineering achievements and everything


“It is strange how the West has neglected studying the mechanism of the mental

factory, and how the East has neglected building big iron factories. The time has come

for the East and West to exchange engineers.

“A little discussion of the evolution of the power of will from childhood to advanced

age will show how this faculty, this mental force, is requires in the making of all life’s

successes---spiritual or material. Yet, how strange it is that the American homes, schools,

colleges, psychological institutions, do not teach adults and their children to develop the

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power of will. ‘Every human faculty does not grow without a definite exercise or some

kind of use direct or indirect.

“So the will needs exercise. This is the faculty of all faculties. Without will no

movement, study, sleep, concentration, imagination, creative business, inventions---

nothing is possible.

“In childhood the will is physiological, and the child expresses it through certain cries

for food and for removal of discomfort. The baby’s cries represent its will identified with

its physiological functions.

“Then the baby grows and walks and is directed by its mother’s will. It has

unthinking will. Its physical will changes into thinking will---will which is expressed

only in connection with the mother’s will. That’s why it is termed the unthinking will---

the will which cannot direct itself independently, but is dependent on some one else’s

will. Then when the child begins to be stubborn and the mother thinks her child is getting

haughty, that’s when the child’s independent will is born through indulgence or practices

in obstinacy. I remember the first night of the birth of my own will, when I managed to

secure some orange-colored candies after raising a cry from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m. When I

first asked for the candies from my mother, she not suspecting the birth of my will, softly

commanded, ‘Never mind. Go to bed,’ she thought I would obey her, as I was oft used to

doing. But when I cried again demandingly, ‘Mother, I want the candies,’ she sternly

replied, ‘My boy, you are getting naughty. You are disobeying me. You shall not have

the candies.’

“My mother did not realize that that was one of my happiest nights. I wasn’t getting

naughty; but I was drinking the newborn wine of my own first will.

“American Mothers Beware.”

“So American mothers, beware. Be careful not to call your children naughty when

they show through waywardness the birth of their own will. Just reason with your

children when they are wayward and by love try to guide their waywardness into right


“After the first victory of my will. I began to exercise it right and left in my home to

gain the football, bicycle and many other playthings which I was denied before. I was

given up for being very obstinate and naughty. I found it is that tenacity of will in my

early life, which has helped me to establish big institutions in the world in the face of

great difficulties. Now imagine how much a child can accomplish in later life if only he is

consciously, instead of through his obstinacy, able to develop his own will.

“For three years in Boston I had only 200 followers and two or three thousand people

listened to my lectures. Then somebody said, ‘Hey your Hindu stuff won’t go in

America,’ to which I replied, ‘The technique of recharging the body battery and of

concentration may have been discovered by the Hindus, but it is not their property, even

as electricity, though discovered by Americans, does not belong to them. Truth is one. It

isn’t something belonging to the Hindus or the Americans. True ideas belong to

everybody.’ And then this sarcasm did me good, for I mustered up my trained will and I

said, ‘I will make this go, for I want to give my American brothers and sisters a strong

will. I want to do it because, influencing as they do the international minds, I want them

to show stronger will for lasting spiritual success.’ And in the past two years I have

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established a large educational center in one of the finest places in Los Angeles on Mount


“The Hindu savants further say that the unthinking will develops into the ‘blind

explosive will’ of the youth. The youth should be taught not to waste the dynamo of his

will power in wrong living and wasteful habits.

“The Hindu savants go deeper and train their students to bridge the gulf existing

between human will, and divine will. Will is the director of energy in the body, which in

turn sets in, motion certain world activities. The greater the will power the stronger, will

be the power of energetic efforts in life. But the human dynamic will is just like a small

motor performing or producing small activities---small production, either material or


“The dynamic will generates cosmic energy, which is the creator of planets, stars, the

powers of attraction and repulsion and all nature, forces---flowers, food, gold, electrons,

minds, everything. Hence, the little human dynamo is a miniature of the big cosmic

dynamo of divine will. By learning the art of reversing the mental current of

concentration inward one can connect the little human dynamo of human will with the

dynamo of divine will and achieve miraculous success. As Jesus said, ‘Say unto this

mountain, be thou removed into the depth of the sea, and it shall be removed hence, i.e.

will it with divine will and ye shall have unlimited cosmic energy at your command,

which can solve all your difficulties and accomplish everything. Radio---talking at a

distance without wires--- was a miracle 50 years ago. It is commonplace now. So

miracles of will which ‘Jesus performed in connection with human life will be

commonplace accomplishments in the future; and the dead will rise and destiny shall be

controlled by our will. Hindu savants have demonstrated that in life and can teach that to

their American brothers and sisters.” 6


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May be Avoided Easily


By Development of Personal Magnetism,

Swami Says.


Hindu Educator Gives Pointers on

Likes and Dislikes and reasons Therefor.


“Learn personal magnetism and avoid the Divorce Courts.” Advised Swami

Yogananda, Hindu educator, at Music Hall last night.

“Each person can magnetize himself “by effort of will and by constant application of

the will,” said Swami, in his lecture on “How To Develop Personal Magnetism.

Attracting Objects of Heart’s Craving.”

He said:

“A horseshoe magnet has two poles ---positive and negative.

The magnetic force acts within a certain range. Within a certain distance a magnet can

draw a piece of iron bar or needle. If the two ends of the bars of a magnet are united, the

magnetic force is lost through neutralization.

“Electricity passing through a wire magnetizes it. If this magnetized wire is passed

through cardboard and, certain metallic filings are placed on the cardboard within the

range of the magnetic wires, then the magnetic wire gathers the metallic filings around it.

If the electric current is withdrawn, the metallic filings fall apart again.

“Likewise, each one of you is a magnet---only you don’t know it. Mental energy,

youthfulness of mind, the life current in the body battery, all passing through the

cerebrospinal axis or the spinal cord and nervous system, convert the body of man into

the two kinds of magnets mentioned above.

“We hear people say, ‘That young man is very magnetic, a live wire, & etc.’ By effort

of will and constant application of will each man can magnetize himself as a wire is

magnetized by electricity. Hence the range of the magnetism of each individual differs in

proportion to the energy which he charges himself with.

“Excited or overenthused persons just let out fitful currents of magnetism, causing

more shock to their friends than attraction. The calm individual bubbling over with

energy lets himself be steadily charged with his steady will power and thus exudes a

silent power of magnetism around him.

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“During hand-shaking two people convert themselves into a horseshoe magnet, the

positive person becomes the positive pole and the negative person forms the negative

pole of this human magnet. Two persons exactly positive in the same degree, or two

negative persons of the same degree shaking hands, do not form any magnets. They

generally stay away from one another. That’s why a man cannot live with a mannish

woman. Neither can a feminine man live with a feminine woman. We do not realize that

during hand shaking we expose ourselves to unwholesome or good magnetism entering

into our bodies, according to the nature of the persons with whom we shake hands.

Hindus Train Selves.

“In India, the Hindu savants knowing the scientific law of personal magnetism, train

their people not to take the risks involved in shaking hands with the wrong persons, but

teach them a wonderful form of salutation in which no shaking of hands is involved.

Kissing is not common in India for this very reason. A girl with higher spiritual

magnetism, kissing a man living on a lower plane, is imposed upon wrongly.

“We must always remember personal magnetism is exchanged between persons

through conversation, hearing lectures, letters, sight, touch, smell, eating from the same

plate, shaking hands, and, above all, through friendship and love.

“Persons who tune their lives to personalities like Jesus Christ, or the Hindu Prophet

Krishna, or any living saint, become influenced by their wholesome magnetism and lose

their own weak or evil magnetism.

“Only when a spiritual man is sure of the steadiness of his own personal magnetism

can he afford to shake hands or associate with persons imbued with wrong undesirable

magnetism. Young moral novices who start to reform wicked people without developing

their own personal magnetism strongly are exposed to the danger of losing themselves. It

is only Christ-like persons and persons with strong magnetism who can associate with

and be fruitful friends to publicans and sinners.

“That’s why the American ought to know the secret law which governs human

magnets. This knowledge of the law as to how personal magnetism is created is vital to

the material, social and spiritual success of an individual. A dishonest partner in the life

of a businessman or a seeming friend with a wrong magnetism may ruin all life’s

prosperity. That’s why unlike India, divorces are so appallingly great in America, due to

ignorance of the law of magnetism.

“America is full of people highly developed in business magnetism, and generally

they find their coworkers. Two bosses equally positive cannot stay together in a business-

--one has to be at least a little negative for the harmony and success of their mutual


“Both Kemal Pasha and his former wife are individuals with very strong positive

magnetism. That’s why they cannot stay together. It is strange also that the most

intelligent husbands and their talented wives cannot stay together for the same reason.

The talented husband prefers a meek wife who is a little negative and doesn’t oppose him

so much.

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Law Given for Happiness.

“So by the knowledge of associating with the right people---selecting the right life

companion or business partner or friends or even daily acquaintances according to

whether they act negatively or positively to one’s life---one can be happy. Ignorance of

this law often ruins the homes of many of the successful businessmen and millionaires of


“In India, in spite of many defects, 80 percent of the marriages are happy and

successful and there are no divorces.

“Yogoda teaches the art of developing this human magnetism which consists in

letting the conscious cosmic current flow through one’s body steadily by developing the

will power; then one can attract to himself his right vocation, right friends, right soul

companion, and above all right environments. It is then that all the cravings of the heart

are attained.

Swami Yogananda will administer “divine healing prayer vibrations” to his entire

audience at Music Hall tonight. Apparently miraculous cures have resulted from

treatments in other cities, he claims.


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Says Swami Yogananda, Urging

This Method of Healing.


“Volumes of vibrations produced by a sound of unvarying pitch or tone, such as

chanting, are extremely wholesome in changing the disease vibrations in a sick body.”

Said Swami Yogananda in his sermon on “Healing Vibrations,” which was demonstrated

rather than preached last night in Music Hall. He said:

“Chanting any good word loudly or playing on the deep bass notes of the organ, or

blowing the conch shell, or beating drums gently and steadily without much variation in

pitch or note, produce certain volumes of vibration which are extremely wholesome in

changing the disease vibrations in the bodies of sick people. While producing certain loud

vibrations through chantings of affirmations before certain patients I always concentrate

my will to cure the disease in them. Chanting vibrations or blowing the conch shell

without strong faith on the part of the patients is of little use.

“Before an untrained audience of 3,000 in Carnegie Hall, New York, and Soldiers

Memorial Hall, Pittsburgh, without any rehearsal I started chanting and asked the

audience to follow with me. During the chantings or affirmations I ask my audience and

patients to relax and understandingly chant my affirmations of health, prosperity and

spiritual realization. Then I prolong the chanting notes. Producing a deep rolling sound. I

ask my patients to feel these going through their bodies, and especially thorough the

diseased parts. Right in the meetings, during the chants, many have gained their hearing,

received their sight, been cured of long continued smoking habits, and especially have

they received great illumination which changed their lives.

“This is a scientific law unknown to the West. Even a layman cannot help feeling the

strong vibrations during the chanting affirmations. America literally is swept with this

law and form of healing and illumination which I have successfully carried everywhere.

“During the healing affirmation vibrations, whenever there is deep soul cooperation

between myself and my audience, I have had the greatest results. America needs this

illumination. It is a far more effective method of communing with the spirit of God than

by premeditated, prearranged repetition of other’s prayers day after day without life or


Prayers, affirmations charged with feeling, and spontaneous singing touch God

quicker than a well planned life with a formal reception given to God through hackneyed


Tomorrow evening Swami will speak on the “Science of Healing---the power of

Faith, Will, Feeling and Thought in Scientific Divine Healing.’ 7


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Are Mental Bacteria,


Which Threaten Health and Happiness,

Swami Yogananda Says

---Science of Healing Is Topic.


“Fear, worry and nervousness are mental bacteria which invade the human mind.”

Said Swami Yogananda in his lecture on “The science of Healing” at Music Hall last

night. He said:

“An unskilled driver and motor mechanic runs a high-powered automobile badly and

cannot repair it when it goes wrong. Likewise each soul, although endowed with a

complicated and wonderful machine, the body and mind, because unskilled in the art of

living or art of running this bodily and mental mechanism generally gets—into trouble

when it goes wrong.

“When an automobile goes wrong it develops certain signs of trouble. Similarly,

when a human being is in trouble he develops certain inharmonious physical, mental or

spiritual symptoms called disease.

“Physical disease manifests in certain disorders of the physical body, accompanied

with some sort of discomfort.

“Mental disease is invasion of the human mind by different forms of mental bacteria,

such as fear, worry, mental nervousness, etc.

“Soul or spiritual disease results from ignorance invading the God-like immortal soul

and producing in it consciousness of mortality and the terror and agony of death.

“Being grossly identified with the physical body the soul of man notices the physical

sufferings more. He is hardly aware of the invisible, acute mental or spiritual sufferings.

“Hence, ever since the dawn of civilization, through the different ages, efforts have

been made to cure the various physical diseases which invade the body of man. Thus we

can trace the evolution of the method of handling diseases as it had occurred especially in

the West.

“In India the spiritual doctors developed a wonderful system and a science, and a

number of unique methods of treating the psychological and spiritual as well as the

physical diseases of man.

“This evening Swami Yogananda will lecture in Music Hall on “The Law of

Attracting Abundance and Health Consciously.” 8


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Is Commended as Ideal


For Busy Americans---Swami Yogananda Also Discusses

Means of Attracting Material Abundance.


“Although America is richer than any other country and has quite a few millionaires,

that does not mean that America knows the conscious method of attracting abundance

and health,” said Swami Yogananda, Hindu philosopher and poet at Music Hall last night

on “How To Attract Abundance and Health Consciously.” He Said:

“A general survey of American life shows that few of the 110,000,000 inhabitants of

the United States go after health or abundance consciously, i.e., for an ideal. That is true

because few Americans know what constitutes real health and abundance.

“Although America is richer that any other country and has quite a few millionaires,

that does not mean that she knows the conscious method of attracting abundance and

health. Her opulence, her wealth and the 60 percent of her individual average longevity

are due to her natural resources and healthful climate.

“By seeking abundance and health consciously I mean that these ought to be found,

not only by intelligent search, but also by the application of the higher intuitive powers as

well. The Hindu mystic mind traces the hidden causes of an individual’s failure in

manifesting health or true abundance. If a man fails in America after repeated attempts in

securing prosperity or good health he may be considered down and out or out of luck.

“The Hindu mind, after considerable research in human life, has discovered there is

nothing called hereditary ill luck or good luck without a prenatal cause. It found that

man’s health and abundance are dependent on certain prenatal causes as well as on his

individual intelligent effort.

“If we believe only in heredity we cannot but notice the inequality in the possession

of good qualities or material prosperity among individuals of different families.

Hereditary fortunes or misfortunes derived by men without a logical reason only shows

that God is an arbitrator. He gambles with our lives as He pleases. He makes only one

Henry Ford or Rockefeller or one Jesus Christ. Many intelligently strive more or less in

the same way to secure an object. Why is it that one is lucky enough to get it at the

exclusion of others?

“Thus in consciously seeking political prosperity or individual health or abundance

one must know exactly how a man’s success or failure is influenced by his own present

actions or past actions. In other words, when a man, in spite of all efforts, finds himself

unhealthy or unprosperous from the very beginning of his life, he ought to find out the

causes of past failure lodged secretly in his subconscious mind.

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“Abundance and health must be provided to each individual without distinction of

caste or creed or nationality, for every individual is created in the image of God, and is a

being sensitive to pain and pleasure.

“Selfishness, individual or national, is productive of countless potent unhatched ills. It

is only by seeking abundance and health unselfishly for the greatest good of the greatest

number, and living up to the ideal of truth and justice, that we can lastingly and

consciously become happy by the removal of deep-seated causes, of human catastrophes

and failures. 9


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By Tonal Vibrations,


Hindu Teacher Tells Audience---

Effect of Waves on Body Cells Is Outlined. ________________

“As waves passing over an unclean area wash it of all impurities, so also strong

tremors of vibrations moving through the tissues of the ultra-sensitive human body cells,

wash away the disease lodged therein.” Said Swami Yogananda, Hindu philosopher, in

his address at Music Hall last night. Among other things he said:

“Recently we read in the New York Times that an experiment was shown in which a

certain vibration of the violin extinguished the light of a candle. Vibrations act like

waves. As waves passing over an unclean area can wash it of all impurities, so also strong

tremors of vibrations moving through the fine tissues of the ultrasensitive human body

cells, wash away the diseases lodged therein. That is why good songs, when properly

listened to, often dispel dark sorrow from the brain. Singers generally (??????) (???????)

with only deepest and most powerful notes.

“These powerful expressions of a song not only inspire the mind but thrill the body of

the listener. This thrilling vibration is a distinct physiological reaction induced by the

vibrations of the songs. The waves of the thrill passing over the body of the attentive

listener of an inspired song really carry healing soothing vibrations. I have cured many

receptive, song-sensitive individuals with my song. Madam Galli-Curci and her husband,

who are very devoted students, fully realize this power in music. In their paradise-like

home in the Catskill Mountains I passed a few days this summer, and we three chanting

in unison used to receive great illuminations. Listening to the vibration within, Madam

Galli-Curci was healed of many physical ailments and mental restlessness.

“By devotion the vibration of Jesus Christ or the Sacred Spirit of God, or the souls of

the saints of India could be instilled into the Hindu Vedic chants. Any vibration which is

loudly expressed affects most people, but vibrations which are loud, long drawn out, and

rhythmic as well as charged with Christ spirit or Holy presence of the great comforting

God, are more potent in their power of cure. Hence all effective healing, chanting

vibrations ought to be surcharged with spiritual concentration as Yogoda teaches.

“Many eminent singers have not only charmed their audiences through Yogoda, but

have healed many listeners of physical aliments. As a loud cry or a sarcastic outburst

makes one sick at heart, so also a kind voice can flush he excited nerves with calmness

and effect a physical healing.

“The saints of India from very ancient times have known the art of vibrating certain

notes into the air through the specific intonation of their vedic chants, which acted as

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inducements to awaken the silent healing power of God and cosmic energy to work

quickly in dispelling disease, sorrow or poverty.

“The tone of our voice always affects our friends in a specific way, so also chanting

vibrations carried on through devotion and directed towards sick people will surely affect

them in a curative way.

“Learning the law of vibration in intoning sounds spontaneously is a deep study. It is

possible for one to affect others through the medium of their specific voices charged with

their personality. Let every one study the universal laws of creating certain universal

intonations, surcharged with a degree of mental will power. Then results in physical

healing will certainly be secured.”

His subject this evening will be “Spiritual Marriage.” 10


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Essential To Success,


Swami Yogananda Declares in Final Public Lecture.


Man Without Such Ability Is Likened

To Powerful Gun Without Gunpowder.


Failure of most people is due to their lack of the ability to concentrate on one thing,

declares Swami Yogananda, Hindu philosopher, in his final public lecture at Music Hall

last night. His subject was “The Highest Technique of Meditation, Success and Yogoda.”

He said in part:

“When I met the great coloratura Madam Galli-Curci, of celestial voice, she asked me

what concentration was and wherein lay the spring of inspiration.

“’I have a great deal of concentration through my songs,’ she said, ‘but I do not know

how to draw consciously from the well of inspiration, for I am more inspired sometimes

than other times.’

“’I can write poems or lectures on horseback or while someone is playing a drum

around me, for I have found the well of inspiration through the adjustable searchlight of

my concentration.’ said I.

Reason Better Through Logic.

“Everybody knows how to reason, but by studying logic one can reason better. So

also, everybody possesses a degree of unconscious concentration acquired as the by-

product of the vocation which one follows, but the person who learns the Yogoda art of

concentration can concentrate better. He can switch on or off the life energy in his body,

acquiring the power of instantaneous relaxation under exciting circumstances, or

launching forth energy quickly in his body at will. Yogoda teaches the technique of

concentration, meditation and the recharging of the body battery by the power of will

from within.

“The doctor, the musician, the scientist, the artist, the professor, the poet, the spiritual

man, the preacher, and, above all, the business man and woman, have to acquire

concentrations and preserve physical energy to accomplish their respective ends.

“A man with a great ambition, but without concentration or physical energy, is like an

ambitious powerful gun without gunpowder.

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“Concentration means focusing one’s attention on any object of interest by first

disengaging the attention from all distractions.

“Meditation is that form of concentration which is directed inward to know God. The

devotee of a church must know how to pray or meditate by learning the method of

concentration; otherwise, while saying the Lord’s Prayer, he might be thinking of the

Sunday chicken diner. The Hindu savants definitely train their students in the art of

directing attention toward God before asking then to love Him.

“Most failures in business always carry on their work unconsciously ignorant of the

art of directing attention. The man of concentration not only sees the object lying in front

of him but also finds out the successful path, which he ought to follow.

“Many business men and women, while thinking of their business problems, get their

attention snatched away by a million desires and distractions. If you are thinking of a

picnic party while you think you are thinking about vital problems of your business you

cannot succeed. People become accustomed to distractions, and they never can focus

their minds in the right place, at the right time. Thus they never act on time and

consequently do not succeed.

“One-sided concentration makes one an imperfect business man or artist or an

amateur spiritual man, but the man of concentration can be a poet or a business man or a

great spiritual man just as he desires.

“A crippled man, sitting with eyes transfixed in one direction, searchlight in his hand,

cannot see in any other direction; but a normal man with an adjustable searchlight can

look in all directions.

“So the ordinary business man can use his concentration only for partial business

success, but the concentration adept can throw the searchlights of his attention into all the

avenues of success on the dark forest of life. Most successful American businessmen use

only five percent of their attention consciously.

“By the knowledge of the Yogoda art of focusing attention one can be an all-round


“I have made myself an all-round success by experimenting, by concentration on

literature, poetry, origination, business, philosophy, activity quietness, etc.

“Concentration, meditation and recharging the body-battery are the three doors that

lead to the abode and palace of all power.”

Swami will conduct his private classes in Yogoda for several weeks, beginning

tomorrow night, at the Hotel Gibson Roof Garden. 11


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“The presence in town of Swami Yogananda, whose address in Music Hall made so

deep an impression upon cultural Cincinnati that it has kept this well-known East Indian

here to conduct a series of classes dedicated to his philosophy, has resulted in the

formation of groups studying the simple system of Yogoda…It was presented by the

Swami in simple, expressive sincerity, with a wealth of metaphor and an impressive

dignity which sent its message home with engrossing results.

As this method insures the perfect guidance of the conscious will, forming it to come

and go at call, it energizes every organ, charging and releasing the body battery at

command. As it improves the center of consciousness and the power of mental

receptivity, it was found to be, even in its introductory exercises, valuable, easy to

acquire and thoroughly synonymous with health, strength and resistance to fatigue,” 12

“Swami Yogananda, Hindu educator, philosopher and poet, discussed all questions

with equal ease before a group of newspaper persons…His English was perfect and

flowed with ease as he discussed religion, politics, mysticism, poetry, reformations,

adding definitions occasionally that showed him to be no mean lexicographer…

“Every question brought forth an answer in which infinite thought was

expressed…There is no sign of either youth or age in his face. Looking into eyes that

could be said to be almost unsophisticated, one could see no trace of the flight of time

over him. Time has left the Swami unmarked---ageless.

“Defending America against the accusation that she is a materialistic nation, the

Swami said: ‘The very fact that this country has given millions in the past year for

institutions for the healing of the sick, for educational purposes, for spiritual teachings, is

ample evidence of America’s spirituality’.

“As a reformer, the Swami teaches his audiences how to live different and better

lives. He expressed his belief that a combination of the spirituality and inactivity of his

country with the bustle and push of America would make a perfect union… Swami

Yogananda has no dogmatic creed for religion.” 13

December 2, 1926: “Yesterday at his ‘Hindu Health Luncheon’ in the Hotel Sinton

ballroom, Swami Yogananda was greeted by over a thousand men and women who sat

down at flower decked tables, hundreds being turned away. In this enthusiastic throng

there were distinguished men of affairs, bankers, literateurs, medical men, leaders of

fashion, clergymen, and indeed followers drawn from many walks of life. ***

“Swami Yogananda is here to offer his help to all citizens who care to receive the

benefits of his experience, and not to any class, for he believes, and has proven, that

through it both happiness and health are assured. His students quite agree with him.” 14

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Review of the book entitled, ‘Songs of the Soul’ by Swami Yogananda: “Though he

never studied a word in the making of poetry, yet he read (one of his poems), a perfect

stanza in iambic pentameter. Every sentence almost was an aphorism.” 15

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1 Introductory Pamphlet to Yogoda Lessons, Ninth Edition, Los-Angeles, 1928

2 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/1/1926, p. 8:7

3 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/5/1926, p. 7:5

4 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/6/1926, p. 3:1

5 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/6/1926, p. 3:1

6 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/8/1926, p. 12:2

7 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/11/1926, p. 10:3

8 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/13/1926, p. 12:5

9 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/14/1926, p. 16:1

10 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/16/1926, p. 7:6

11 Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/18/1926, p. 6:6

12 Introductory Pamphlet to Yogoda Lessons, Ninth Edition, Los-Angeles, 1928

13 Introductory Pamphlet to Yogoda Lessons, Ninth Edition, Los-Angeles, 1928

14 Introductory Pamphlet to Yogoda Lessons, Ninth Edition, Los-Angeles, 1928

15 Introductory Pamphlet to Yogoda Lessons, Ninth Edition, Los-Angeles, 1928

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