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Page 1: Papilionoideae Botany Presentation


Channalee Campbell

Ronald Bailey

Aldaine Drummond

Cavoy Calvert

Shantol Powell

Page 2: Papilionoideae Botany Presentation


PAPILLIONACES IS Family of dicotyledonous plants characterized by their "butterfly-shaped" flowers, composed of a top petal, the "standard", followed by two opposing petals on the sides, the "wings", followed by a bottom petal, the "keel", in which the reproductive organs are situated. The fruits are pods This family is sub-family of Leguminaceae family.

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Arrangement of the leaf

The leaves are usually alternate and compound. Most often they are even- or odd-pinnately compound. Leaf margins are entire or, occasionally, serrate.

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Structure of the flower

The flowers often have five generally fused sepals and five free petals. They are generally hermaphrodite, and have a short hypanthium, usually cup shaped. There are normally ten stamens, and one elongated superior ovary with a curved style. They are usually arranged in indeterminate inflorescences. The flower has a specialized structure. The upper petal, called the banner, is large and envelops the rest of the petals in bud, often reflexing when the flower blooms. The two adjacent petals, the wings, surround the two bottom petals. The two bottom petals are fused together at the apex, forming a boat-like structure called the keel. The stamens are always ten in number, and their filaments can be fused in various configurations, often in a group of nine stamens plus one separate stamen

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Diagram showing parts of A papilionaceae flower

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Cross section of the flower

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Floral formula

• K5 C5 A10G1

K- number of sepals

C- number of petals

A - number of stamen

G – number of ovary

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Stem anatomy and physiology

The central axis of the stem is erect or climbing ( it climbs by means of tendrils), branched , angular or cylindrical herbaceous or woody.

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Root anatomy and physiology

The root is tap,branched baring nodes containg nitrogen fixing bacteria (rhizobia),and therefore,the plants are being used as green manure.

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This family is of great economic value. The importance are as fallows:Cluster bean- this is a herb or small shrub, it is cultivated throughout our country . The pods are eaten as vegetable and used as fodder. The seeds are good source of a gum which is used in food , paper and textile industries.Garden pea- it’s a native of south Europe but now cultivated in our country. The seeds and buds are eaten as vegetables. They are rich in protein.Soy bean – soybeans makes a good food. The bean has high oil content and the kernel is rich in proteins. The oil can be used for cooking. Oil-cake is use das cattle feed . Soybean flour or cooked bean in very good for diabetic patients.

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Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) are edible seeds and a member of the pea and bean family plant start above ground but mature underground, peanuts are also known as ground peas or groundnuts. COWPEAS All the plant parts used for food are nutritious, making it extremely valuable where many people cannot afford protein foods such as meat and fish. The seed is valued as a nutritional supplement to cereals and an extender of animal proteins. It is very palatable, highly nutritious and relatively free of metabolites or other toxins

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FOLK USAGE OF PEANUTS AND COW PEAS• Boiling peanuts has been a folk cultural practice in the Southern United States,

where they were originally called goober peas, since at least the 19th century. The practice of eating boiled peanuts was likely brought by slaves from Africa.

• In July and August, when the peanut crops would come in, unsold and surplus peanuts would be prepared in a boiling, and extended families and neighbors would gather to share conversation and food. Like a fish fry, peanut boils have been organizing principles for social gatherings. Like okra, fried green tomatoes, black-eyed peas, collard greens and pork barbecue, boiled peanuts are symbols of Southern culture and cuisine

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COW PEAS Medicinally, cowpeas are sacred to Hausa and Yoruba tribes; they are used in folk medicinal practices and are prescribed for sacrifices to abate evil and to pacify the spirits of sickly children.Hausa and Edo tribes use cowpea medicinally; one or two seeds are ground and mixed with soil or oil to treat stubborn bowel.Its diversity of uses, nutritive content and storage qualities has made cowpeas an integral part of the farming system in the West Africa region.

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Peanuts have been marketed as a cheap source of protein compared to cheese and red meat and as a good source of essential vitamins and minerals.

Peanut can be become economically beneficial and viable by advertising peanut many usage and use it to make products such as peanut soap biodiesel fuel peanut laxative peanut dye peanut shampoo peanut explosive, peanut axle grease, peanut seat cushion peanut shell charcoal peanut glue and peanut soil conditioner

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Cowpea's high protein content, its adaptability to different types of soil and intercropping systems, its resistance to drought, and its ability to improve soil fertility and prevent erosion makes it an important economic crop in many developing regions. The sale of the stems and leaves as animal feed during the dry season also provides a vital income for farmers.Cowpeas can be used as a cover , to prevent soil erosion.Parts of the pea can be made available as a source of nutrients and fiber.

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