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Page 1: Page Two The Roxbury News - NYS Historic · The Roxbury News Monday, Nov. 20, 1967 Irma M. Griffin, Editor

Page Two CATSKILL M OUNTAIN NEW S M argaretville, N. Y., Thursday, N ovem ber 23, 1967

The R oxbury New sMonday, Nov. 20, 1967 Irma M. Griffin, Editor

M r. and M rs. Ralph B arnhart a tten d ed th e senior citizens m eet­ing a t th e M asonic hall a t W est C^nesville Thursday. A Thanks­giving dinner was served.

TTie adu lt a r t classes a t Rox­b u ry cen tra l school began Nov. 15. In s tead of pain ting and drawing th is year, o ther form s of a rt, sculp ture, wood carving, clay, will be taugh t.

, John Shultis celebrated his b irth d ay Sunday when he and M rs. Shultis w ere d inner guests o f th e ir son-in-law and daughter, M r. and M rs. R obert Knight, a t F rase rs .

M r. and M rs. Myron LaRue of G reene w ere guests one day last ■week of Mr. and Mrs. E lton La- H ue, his b ro ther and sister-in-law .

M r. and M rs. Thom as Tebo of Itow ayton, Conn., and P e te r W in­s to n of Rego P a rk w ere weekend g u ests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard

, K elly.M r. and M rs. Theodore W ash-

b u m moved here from Delmar, a n d a re living in th e apartm ent o v e r B ud Gile’s store. He is the new conservation officer.

M r. and M rs. F rank A. Flachs h av e moved from th e ir mobile hom e to th e ir new ly-built house in Denver.

M rs. John B. H ew itt and Mrs. EJdwfuni J . M agenheim er w ere luncheon g^uests W ednesday of M rs. H ew itt’s sister, M rs. Paul B enedetto, a t Cairo.

M rs. Joan Cronk and sons will m ove from W est Settlem ent to an apeirtm ent over th e insurance office on M ain street.

G erald W right is a patien t a t S tam ford hospital.

G eorge Boyle, who recently com pleted a course in carpen try a t Binghamton, is building a barn on th e H A A PJE farm s, the fo r­m er S tone House farm , above Rox­bury. The Boyles live in the ap artm en t over M onington’s.

Teacher In ju redM rs. M ildred Archibald, fourth

g rade teacher a t Roxbury, injured h e r back in a fall, and Mrs. Le- land Fanning is substitu ting for h e r a t Roxbury central school.

M rs. Agnes Scherw in of Ridge­wood, N. J., and Miss M arian R aynor of W hite Plains were v isito rs la s t w eek of M rs. Helen K B ates and M iss M arion Keev- ney.

R obert J. Cole has moved his b a rb e r shop from his home to Newman R uth’s building, w here th e re was a b arb er shop in form er yea rs.

M rs. Sophie W ebster amd son,

P eter, of Beechurst, L. I., arrived F riday n ight to spend two weeks w ith Mr. and M rs. Jam es O. Boerem. W ayne Boerem of H im t- ington Station, L. I., w ill spend a few days w ith th e Boerems.

Mrs. E li F rechette has moved to Roxbury from P rattsv ille and has purchased a large tra ile r, which is set on the back lo t of the property of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and M rs. Philip Finch, on upper M ain s treet. The mobile home was moved there on Saturday.

Buys C ottageMiss Ellen Stevens of New York

City, a dress designer, has p u r­chased one of th e Roxbury Run cottages which is being built.

Mr. and M rs. F rank M yers and children, B arbara, Rickey, F rank and Lisa, of Buffalo are spending Thanksgiving week w ith M rs. M yers’ parents, Mr. and M rs. F. Leighton Enderlin. Mr. and M rs. F rank W elch and four chUdren of R ensselaer will spend Thanksgiv­ing w ith Mr. and M rs. Enderlin.

Mr. and Mrs. Linden Gregory, Mrs. J. Malcolm Tobin and daugh­ter, Sandra, and M r. and M rs. M arion Bookhout attended the a ll-sta te sectional musical concert a t Mohawk Saturday evening. Five Roxbury cen tra l school students participated, F red Lutz and K athy Thompson in the chorus, and W al­te r Gregory, Gregg Bookhout and Jacqueline "Tobin in th e band.

Mrs. E v ere tt Anderson of Fonda and h e r nephew, Shavwi Tyler, of Cobleskill spent F riday w ith M rs. Anderson's parents, M r. and M rs. Irving H. Tyler.

Mr. and M rs. R ichard B rady and daughter, Shawn, of N ewburgh are spending the week w ith Mr. and M rs. W illiam Graham , Visiting o ther relatives and friends and hunting.

. D r. and M rs. R ichard C. Ames and son, Michael, of Ossining spent th e weekend w ith Dr. Ames’ m other, M rs. Carlos Ames.

Melvin S tah l came home S a tu r­day n ight from th e S tam ford hos­pital, w here he had si>ent th ree weeks.

M r. and M rs. E dw ard Hinkley of Sidney spent the weekend w ith Mr. and M rs. C arroll G. H inkley.

Miss Susan Ballard, who works a t the bank, has ren ted the a p a rt­m ent in M rs. Donald W eyl’s house next door and w ill live there this w inter.

H. G rant M orse is a p a tien t a t M argaretville hospital. H e Is able to s it up now. His son, Guilford, who w as in Vietnam , was called

home because of his fa th e r’s sud­den severe illness, and is on a 30-day leave a t his home.

Mr. and M rs. Lewis Higgins and sons, Lewis and Billy, spent the w eekend w ith th e ir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and M rs. K enneth Snow, in BinghEunton.

M rs. E m a Sprenger, who re ­cently purchased the sm all house of M rs. Doris Gray on Lake street, le ft S a tu rday to v isit h e r daugh­te r, M rs. K ay Lampe, a t Saddle Brook, N. J . I r a Jones and son- in-law, Sherrill Tom pkins of Rox­bury, accompanied h e r there. M rs. Lampe, a form er television a c t­ress, was one of th e teachers in “Mr. Peepers” school in th e early days of television. M rs. Sprenger, a native of Germ any, w as a dancer in h e r youth.

D aniel Boyd of Glen Rock, N. J., is spending a few days a t his Roxbury home.

M arvin Newm an and sister, M iss Newm an, of V alley S tream , L. I., fu tu re a rea residents, and C harles Hess of Seaford, L. I., w ere in town Friday.

M ack Deleski of W oodmont, Conn., is spending th e w eek w ith M r. and M rs. K enneth R ossm an and is hunting. Miss D orothy Rossman of Delhi Tech w ill be home fo r ’Thanksgiving.

H ad A nniversary T rea tMr. and M rs. L arry H inkley of

Roxbury and M r. and M rs. H arry C allahan of S tam ford gave th e ir parents, M r. and M rs. Jam es H inkley, a surprise p a rty S a tu r­day n ight to celebrate th e ir 25th wedding anniversary. About 35 friends and relatives w ere present. From out-of-tow n w ere M r. and M rs. Charles Reynolds and daugh­te rs , Janine and Renee, M r. and M rs. ’Tracy Reynolds, Miss Teresa GiU, M r. and M rs. Edw ard H ink­ley of Sidney, and M r. and M rs. Edw ard Hale of Rensselaerville.

T w o F r o m R o x b u r y

T r a i n i n J o b C o r p s

W illy B urroughs of Roxbury and Je rry M erwin of Bloomville have been sworn in to th e Job Corps and have been assigned to Cam p Kilm er, N. J., fo r testing and educational and m echanical job training.

B etty B urroughs of Roxbury, a s iste r of WUly B urroughs, was home la st weekend from Jersey City, w here she is tak ing tra in ing in d ie te tic and n u trition tra in ing in the Job Corps.

M r s . L u c y C . S m i t h

W a s H a l c o t t N a t i v e

Mrs. Lucy Crosby Sm ith, a n a ­tive of H alco tt Center, died la st week W ednesday a t the Sidney hospital following an extended ill­ness. M rs. Sm ith had been living w ith a niece, M rs. Lucy Griswold of M t. Upton, fo r 16 years.

F unera l services w ere held S a t­urday afternoon a t the Joyce fu ­neral home in Unadilla, followed by graveside services a t th e Cros­by cem etery in H alco tt C enter. Rev. A lfred B entall officiated.

M rs. Sm ith is survived by a sister, M rs. Lulu DuMond of Mt. Upton. M rs. R u th Sheldon of Mt. Upton and M rs. M artha E a rl of U nadilla are also nieces. Louis and George Crosby of H alcott C enter and W ard DuMond of St. M arks, F la., a re nephews.

B om Jan . 12, 1872, M rs. Sm ith was a daughter of David J. and B ethia Brow n Crosby of H alcott C enter. She w as m arried Oct. 23, 1901 to Haermam Sm ith of H al­co tt Center.

R a l p h Y a n s o n W a s

B o d y S h o p O p e r a t o r

R alph Yanson, 60, operato r of an au to body shop in G rand Gorge for m any years, died unexi>ectedly la st w eek M onday a t his home in G rand Gorge.

F unera l services w ere held F r i­day afternoon a t the G rand Gorge M ethodist church. Dr. Phillip S. W atters officiated. B urial is in Fairview cem etery in Grand Gorge.

Mr. Yanson is survived by his wife, M rs. H elene B rady Yanson, whom he m arried April 16, 1927, a t Roxbury. Also surviving a re a son, ’Thomas Yanson of G rand Gorge, and a sister, M rs. L eta Reynolds of Otego.

He was born M ay 17, 1907, in G rand Gorge, th e son of E arl and M yrtil H arris Yanson.

S h a n d a k e n C l u b H a d

S o c i a l S e c u r i t y T a l k

Phoenicia, Nov. 20.—^Mrs. Alice Rappe of M t. ’T r ^ p e r conducted the m eeting of th e tow n of Shan­daken Republican club a t the town hall T hursday night. She introduced H y G ardlin of K ings­ton, who gave em outline on so­cial security . H e also held a question and answ er period.

M r. G ardlin w ill be a t the Phoenicia office of th e K ingston T ru st Co. on Monday, Dec. 4, from 10 a. m . im til 2 p. m . to interview persons who have ques­tions on social security .

A n d e sBy M rs. John Jakszew ski

Andes, Nov. 20The junior departm ent of the

Andes U nited P resby terian church collected $49.11 for U N IC EF on Halloween.

Dr. P a tric ia N um ann, accom­panied by a doctor from Lima, Peru, visited Miss Ana Gamero and Jorge Obradovich a t th e home of Mr. and M rs. Dewey H om - beck. Ana and Jorge a re the Andes exchange studen ts from Peru. Dr. N um ann and th e doctor from P eru a re tak ing a course in surgery a t Syracuse Medical Cen­ter.

M r. and M rs. D avid Russell and two children of K irkville spent the weekend w ith th e ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edw ards and

Mr. and M rs. E rn est Russell of Bovina. M rs. R ussell and chil­dren rem ained fo r th e week. Mr. Russell w ent home Sunday.

Move In to HomeMr. and M rs. R ichard D ecker

moved th is w eek in to the home they recently purchased from Mr. and M rs. Donald Parsons.

M iss Bessie Bruce im derw ent surgery a t M argaretville hospital F riday.

Mr. and M rs. Jam es Davis and son, Billy, of M iddleburgh spent the weekend w ith his parents, Mr. and M rs. W illiam Davis. Mr. Davis came home from M argaret­ville hospital Saturday. "They also visited her m other, Mrs.. Le- land Shultis of Dunraven, who is a surgical p a tien t a t M argaret­ville hospital.

M t. ana M rs. T im othy O orsett

F F A B o y s S k i l l e dRoxbury, Nov. 20.—^Members of

th e F u tu re F arm ers of Am erica in Roxbury cen tra l school placed eimong th e top 10 in several con­te sts in which 33 schools p artic i­pated a t Cobleskill high school. Dennis Bussy won 10th place in farm business records; R ichard 'Thompson and Randy Kelly ninth in house p lan t identifications, and R ichard ITiompson won firs t in forest tre e identification.

of the Bronx are spending tim e a t th e ir Palm er HiU home fo r Thanksgiving and the hunting season.

Mr. and M rs. K enneth H arding of Delhi spent th e weekend w ith h e r m other, M rs. R obert Glen- dening, and brother, Bill.

T w o T e a c h e r s S t u d y

A t F r i s c o C o n c l a v e

Phoenicia, Nov. 20.—M rs. E lsie Dibbell, k indergarten teacher a t the Phoenicia e lem entary school, and M rs. MUdred M cLaughlin, second grade teacher a t the B en­n e tt e lem entary school, a ttended the conference of th e Association fo r the E ducation fo r Young Chil­dren Nov. 8 through 11 a t th e M ontessori school a t S an F ra n ­cisco. M rs. D ibbell is th e vice- president of th e Tri-C ounty second Regional association of th e M id- H udson chapter, and M rs. Mc­Laughlin is th e m em bership chair­man.

M rs. D ibbell will m eet w ith o ther teachers and discuss use and application of audio and visual m ulti-m edial m ateria l fo r use w ith prim ary grade children.

T h e s e f i n e C a t s k i l l M o u n t a i n e a t i n g

p l a c e s h a v e m a d e c a r e f u l p r e p a r a t i o n

t o p r o v i d e t h e i r g u e s t s w i t h t h e t a s t i e s t

a n d m o s t s a t i s f y i n g T h a n k s g i v i n g D in -

n r i t is p o s s ib le t o e n j o y .

D e P i t t ’ s

M o u n t a i n L o d g e


S w is s R s o ic h M o te l






Serving from 12 Noon

F o r R e s e r v a t i o n s T e l . 9 1 4 2 5 4 -9 8 7 2


Your pleasure in dining . . .

T h a n k s g i v i n g D i n n e r

T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 23

From 12 Noon FO R RESERVA’TIONS PH O N E 607 LE8-9144

S p e c ia l T h a n k s g i v i n g D i n n e r

Served From 12 Noon On



Plus Our Regular Menu


T H E I N N - B E T W E E NMargaretville, N. Y.



C O B B L E S T O N ERoi|te 214, Phoenicia

• Tender, Succulent ROAST TURKEY with Dressing


appetizer tab le. Help yourself to delicious salads, relishes, cheese and hors d’oeuvres.

Com plete D inners $ 0 (VC from £i»ZrO

Call for Reservatio^ OV8-9968



Don’t Forget . . .EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT


R o a s t S t u f f e d T u r k e yTom ato Ju ice C ocktail - ’Turkey Rice Soup w ith Dumplings

R ipe Olives - Spanish Olives S tuffed C elery H earts - W hole Spiced Apples

A ssorted Sw eet and D ill P ickles G iblet G ravy and S tuffing - W hipped Potatoes a la Royal

B u ttered Meished T urnips - C ranberry en Casserole F resh G arden Vegetables

O ld-Fashioned English P lum Pudding A ssorted F lavors of Ice C ream

H ot D inner Rolls - Coffee, Tea, M ilk M ixed N uts - F resh F ru it - Apple C ider

D inners Served F rom 12:30 to 10:30 P . M.

A dults $4.50 C hildren $ 3 ^

We also suggest the following from our COMPLETE DINNER MENU

Filet Mignon ---- ------------------ --------$5.95Prime Steak .—..... .................................. 5.95Flambe Roast Duck----- -------------------- 5.50Giant Imported Lobster Tail................... 6.95


4 Miles Off Route 30 at Kelly ComersF o r your convenience m ake your reservations early.

Phone Roxbury 518 326-7793

W e a re proud to be i>art of th is fine com m unity and to serve th e nice people who axe our custom ers. H appy Thanksgiving.

M e n u f o r T h a n k s g i v i n g D i n n e r


Served From 12 Noon Until 8 P. M.

S m o r g a s b o r d F r i d a y a s U s u a l

H a v e y o u r C h r i s t m a s P a r t y w i t h u s .

For the best party you ever had.

For RESERVATIONS Phone 914 676-9908


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