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Page 1: Overview of TSA 2015 and  onwards (for Secondary Schools)

Overview of TSA 2015 and onwards(for Secondary Schools)

Education Assessment Services Division

18 September 2014

Page 2: Overview of TSA 2015 and  onwards (for Secondary Schools)


TSA ReviewBackground•TSA has been in place since 2004•Collect feedback from schools to inform improvements in the implementation of TSA

Purpose•To optimize the implementation of TSA in the coming years•Optimization includes question items, coverage, reporting functions and implementation arrangements

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TSA ReviewFocus Group meetings held •in September and October 2011•in November and December 2012•In September 2013

Personnel •Involving over 150 primary and secondary schools from different school types and strata•Representatives: School Heads, Deputy School Heads, PSM(CD)/Academic Masters, Subject Panel Chairpersons / Teachers

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TSA ReviewTopics•Optimization of TSA Reports•TSA Implementation Mode•Source of Stress•Use of TSA data•TSA Design and Content•TSA Administration Arrangement

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Views from SchoolsTSA Reporting Functions•Deletion of Page 1 of TSA Primary School Report, i.e. the removal of the school’s pass rates (i.e. no BC attainment rates in the three subjects provided to primary schools) •The content of the School Report for secondary schools will remain unchanged

for secondary schools only

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Views from SchoolsTSA Reporting Functions•Provision of interactive features of the Item Analysis Reports (sorted by BC) with access rights of different school stake-holders

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TSA ReportsReports Content Format

School Report State the percentages of students attaining the BC standards (for secondary schools only starting from 2014)

State the school average scores and school average versus territory-wide average for each skill/dimension in each sub-paper


Item Analysis Report (Sorted by sub-papers)

Illustrate individual school performances in different sub-papers of the three subjects by indicating the percentages of student responses in each item

PDF EXCEL (since 2013)

Item Analysis Report (Sorted by BC)

Illustrate individual school performances in different BC descriptors by indicating the percentages of student responses in each item

PDF EXCEL (since 2013) Online platform

(commence in 2014)

Supplementary Report

Exclude students requiring different learning needs and/or students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Exclude Non Chinese-speaking students (NCS)


Territory-wide System Assessment Report

Illustrate the performances of students at P.3, P.6 and S.3 in Chinese, English and Maths

Print Online

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Views from SchoolsTSA Implementation Mode• Implementation mode of P3 and S3 TSA be status quo• P6 opt-in arrangement in alternate years be continued

Year Level Subject

2013 Primary 3, Primary 6 & Secondary 3Chinese, English &


2014 Primary 3, Secondary 32015 Primary 3, Primary 6 & Secondary 32016 Primary 3, Secondary 3







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Views from Schools

TSA Administration Arrangement•Maths TSA in primary and secondary levels be conducted after English Language TSA

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Subject Order in the Secondary 3 TSA (e.g. 2015)

Date Session Subject

23 June 2015

1 Chinese Language – Writing(Break)

2 Chinese Language – Reading(Break)

3 Chinese Language – Audio-visual4 Chinese Language – Listening

24 June 2015

1 English Language – Writing(Break)

2 English Language – Reading3 English Language – Listening

(Break)4 Mathematics

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Views from SchoolsTSA Design (Secondary Schools)-Assessment time and no. of items across levels be adjusted -A variety of question types be provided

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Views from SchoolsTSA Design (Secondary Schools)-Assessment time for certain sub-papers in S.3 English Language be adjusted to allow students sufficient time to demonstrate their language skills. For example, students do not have enough time to express their ideas, especially in ‘Group Interaction’ since the existing duration is only 3 minutes. -For S3 English Reading and Listening, more questions involving filling in blanks be included

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Secondary 3 TSA Framework (Starting from 2015)Chinese Language

Subject Dimension Sub-paperNo. of Items per

Sub-paperAssessment Time Changes


閱讀 9CR1

21-24 30分鐘 NIL  9CR2


聆聽 9CL115-16 約 20分鐘 NIL


寫作 9CW1

2 75分鐘 NIL  9CW2


說話9CSI1-8 8(個人短講 )

準備時間: 5分鐘NIL

  說話時間: 2 分鐘

 9CSG1-8 8(小組討論 )

準備時間: 5分鐘NIL

  討論時間: 8 分鐘

視聽資訊 9CAV 12-14 約 15分鐘 NIL

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Secondary 3 TSA Framework (Starting from 2015)English Language

Subject Dimension Sub-paperNo. of Items per

Sub-paperAssessment Time Changes



Reading 9ER1

35-40 35 mins

Assessment time: from 30 mins to 35 mins


9ER3Listening 9EL1

30-35 about 35 mins

Assessment time: from about 25 mins to about 35 mins



Writing 9EW1

1 40 mins NIL9EW2


9ESP1 - 88 (Individual


preparation time:3 mins

assessment time: 2 mins


9ESG1 - 88 (Group


preparation time: 3 mins

assessment time: 4 mins

Assessment time: from 3 mins to 4 mins

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Secondary 3 TSA Framework (Starting from 2015)Mathematics

Subject Dimension Sub-paperNo. of Items per

Sub-paperAssessment Time Changes


Number & Algebra

Measures, Shape & Space

Data Handling





48-52 65 mins NIL

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Web-based Student Assessment

Background-Part of the BCA Project as proposed by the Education Commission in 2000.-The Student Assessment (SA) was ready for use starting from 2003

Purpose-To provide an extra assessment tool to schools wishing a better understanding of individual students’ learning

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No. of Web-based SA items

Online item bank (as of August 2014)-More than 34,000 items in Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics across key stages 1-3


Key Stage

Chinese Language

English Language

Mathematics Total

Key Stage 13,388 3,512 4,733 11,633

Key Stage 23,579 4,003 4,254 11,836

Key Stage 32,980 3,578 4,308 10,866

Total no. of items 34,335

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SA Hands-on Training Workshops

Purpose-How to use the SA systemMode-Deliver upon invitation by individual schools (on-site)-Invite schools on a territory basisGains (on-site workshops)-Suit the schedules of individual schools-Training materials to be customized to cater to the needs of teachers’ professional development in different schools

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School Partnership Scheme for SA

Background-An extension to the School-based Pilot Scheme (commenced in 2011)

Purpose: To bring assessment into daily practice by-Assisting teachers with the use of SA data in diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of students, so as to inform learning and teaching;-Helping schools facilitate the development of school-based assessment through the use of SA.

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Other SA Promotion Activities- SA Youtube

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Other SA Promotion Activities- ‘What’s new’

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Thank you!

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