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  • 1. Oversized Rachael Wardon Sawako Tanaka Kacey Simone

2. What is Oversized? Oversized is defined as bigger than the usual size Bigger than what we need Bigger is better This trend can be wore by anyone Its comfortable, easy, fast, active Demographics: any age group, mostly female, any ethnicity Mostly in metropolitan areas, the U.S. 3. Fashion Change Trickle Up Theory: seen on the streets, hip-hop, couldnt afford tailored clothing Trickle Across Theory: been around forever, seen from every social class Counter trend: tight clothing vs. oversized The old fashion rule that if your pants are tight, your top should be loose or vice versa 4. Cultural Indicators Psychological: Wanting to hide your body, make looks thinner, tall, masculine, to feel comfortable Sociological: Some women want to appear more masculine or powerful, increase population all over the world makes more consumption and it affect hunger and war Political: Dress codes and laws have changed along with enforcement, resistance to the society and rebelling against what is expected Technological: available to make different sizes like electronic products (TV, computer) and building (Mall of America) Environmental: Shortages in fabrics due to eco-friendly movement, also big portion of food and objects could be bad for the environment when they are thrown away Economical: Hard economic time in the past have influenced this style 5. Aesthetics Theme: Military influenced Color: earth color Material: cotton and nylon Look: casual, masculine 6. Aesthetics Colors: mainly black because it is seen as more slimming and flattering than bright colors or white Fabrics: comfortable/stretchy like cotton, spandex, polyester Look: casual, comfortable, warm, big or flowy 7. Aesthetics Colors: dark or neutrals but can be seen in almost any color Material: Cotton, wool, leather, fur Silhouette: Oversized, baggy Look: Edgy bohemian, put together, dressy 8. Trend Map Maturity Stage found in many variations and versions at almost any store Oversized will not go out of style but variations within the theme will Always trending Lifestyle trend as a whole Could be anything between a fad and a classic depending on the piece 9. Product Life Cycle Emerging Declining 10. Industries Food: McDonalds value meals, Super-Size Me, larger portions Furniture: Sofas, chairs, art, beds Technology: TVs, computers, phones Entertainment: Huge, Hip-Hop t-shirts and pants, anti- society artists Stores: Mall of America, Biggest Sale Ever! Tourist Attractions: Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower, Pyramids, Worlds Largest Obesity is a huge issue in the U.S., due to people eating unhealthy and eating larger portions, bigger people results in the need for larger furniture, clothing, etc. 11. Consumer Research In-Store: We saw these products being sold: oversized jewelry, purses, tops, pants, scarves, belts, dresses, coats We saw customers wearing: oversized shirts with leggings, statement jewelry, platform sandals We saw what customers were buying/attracted to Web research, Pinterest, Vogue 12. Sales Forecast For the future the theme will stay for a long time but the specific styles will change. Currently: plat formed sandals, statement jewelry, clutches, watches, pajama wear, sunglasses/eyewear Bigger TVs, buildings, cars, houses, families, population 13. Summary The oversized trend is growing because people are increasing in size; this directly correlates with portions, objects, and fashion. The trend is popular because it makes women more comfortable and hides insecurities. These days peoples lives are more hectic, they have less time to worry about body image. This trend has been ever growing since the 1920s. Oversized is a trend that is growing and will be around forever because people are always stressed, on the go, or lazy. 14. References cof=FORID%3A11 oversized/collection_640b0dc8-924e-11e2-8e84-0019bb30f31a.html trend-222100620.html Super-Sized the movie about McDonalds Fashion Forecasting: Third Edition Brannon Mall of America

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