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‘Our True Opponents Are Mitch Mcconnell, John Boehner’Scott GreerMarch 31, 2014

Perhaps no other person has spent more timewithin the conservative movement and guided itsdevelopment than Richard Viguerie. As a pioneerof direct mail fundraising, one of the originalfounders of Young Americans for Freedom and asprolific political fundraiser, Viguerie has beeninvolved in the conservative movement for over50 years.

But his experience and involvement within politicshas led him to a stunning conclusion.

“Conservatives haven’t had a lot of victories in thelast 100 years,” Viguerie told The Daily CallerFriday.

The political fundraiser has a new book comingout, “Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul ofthe GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally WinIt,” that argues there’s a civil war going on in theGOP — and conservatives have lost many of thebattles.

He defines conservatives by their desire “to goback to a government that lives within theconstitution — that does limit the power and scopeof government.”

In his book, Viguerie argues that liberal Democratsare not the real adversaries of small-governmentinclined conservatives, but it’s establishmentRepublicans — like John Boehner — who are capable of pushing through government expansion, hurting the party at the polls.

“Our true opponents are Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Karl Rove, and George Bush. They’re the ones who have been engaged in a massive expansion of government and the American voters don’t likethem,” “Whenever they are the face of the opposition to the Democrats, the Republicans almost always lose on the national level. It is the most important political battle in America and it’s not between Republicans and Democrats — it’s inside the Republican Party. And for the most part, conservatives have been losing.”

But in his opinion — outside of a few political victories, cutting taxes and other fiscal reforms — his side of the Republican party has lost on the cultural war front and have not been able to affect change thanks to the predominance of liberalism in cultural institutions.

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“We’ve lost more than we’ve gained… It’s for many reasons and a major reason is that the leadership of almost every institution in America is arrayed against the conservatives’ views and values.”

Viguerie believed that big business, educational institutions and Hollywood all contribute to an environment where a predominantly liberal viewpoint holds power in the country.

The political activist calls for the creation of “third force” groups that would dedicate themselves to niche issues and broaden the range of views within the conservative movement and new leaders to take charge of the GOP.

“Conservatives are like the biblical Jews who had to wander through the desert for

40 years until that generation of flawed leaders had passed from the scene. We’re not going to get to thepolitical promise land unless we get new leaders,” Viguerie said. ”We’ve done well with less taxes, balancing the budget, smaller government, etc. But it’s not going to lead to a permanent governing coalition in America, so we need to add many more issues to our platform.”

He does believe that the current GOP is more conservative now than it was during Reagan’s time — citing the fact that no mainstream candidate of the party can run on a pro-choice agenda amongst other issues that are more in line with his definition of a conservative agenda.

“The number one mistake that conservatives have made over the last 30 years is becoming an appendage of the Republican party,” Viguerie believes.

But he now feels that many leaders of the party, such as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, are no longer fetteredto the party and he sees this as a positive development for his side of the GOP.

Viguerie writes in his book that this development bodes well for his side of the party and that there are several new issues that conservatives can get out front on and attract new voters, such as criminal sentencing reform.

“We need to identify lots of new issues and the reform of the criminal justice system is going to be a major issue in 2016. The left cannot lead on this issue — it is a major, major problem,” Viguerie said.

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GOP Establishment In Desperation Turns To Jeb BushThomas March 31, 2014

Many of the Republican Party’s most powerful insiders and financiers have begun a behind-the-scenes campaign to draft former Florida governor Jeb Bush into the 2016 presidential race, courting him and his intimates and starting talks on fundraising strategy.

Concerned that the George Washington Bridge traffic scandal has damaged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political standing and alarmed by the steady rise of Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), prominent donors, conservative leaders and longtime operatives say they consider Bush the GOP’s brightest hope to win back the White House.

Bush’s advisers insist that he is not actively exploring a candidacy and will not make a decision until at least the end of this year.

Ron Radosh of PJM sums it up: “The folks who gave us McCain and Romney have already made up their minds.”

Now I am sure Jebbie, as the 43rd president reportedly called his brother, is a fine man. And he has a Latina wife, speaks Spanish fluently, and has children that his father, G.H.W. Bush once called “the

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little brown ones.” Multi-racial children appear to have helped Bill deBlasio win the mayor’s office in New York City.

But as Paul Mirengoff of Powerline wrote, “In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, almost half of the respondents said they definitely would not vote for Jeb Bush.” Face it, the Bush brand is damaged goods. And Americans have a justifiable suspicion of family dynasties. In fact, should Hillary Clinton be the nominee, a Bush at the top of the GOP ticket does not just neutralize that argument, it hands an advantage to Clinton. After all, when the country had a chance to vote on Bush v. Clinton the first time, it went for Clinton.

Then there is the small problem of Jeb’s position on “immigration reform,” a policy that is anathema to the GOP base. A Bush candidacy, if foisted on the party by the money men, could very well lead to a third party run, thereby handing to presidency to the Democrats.

Stay tuned, this could get ugly.

N.W.O Bilderberg 2014 Uncovered: Secretive Elite To Meet In DenmarkPaul Joseph WatsonInfowars.comMarch 31, 2014

Power brokers return to Europe for annual confab The 2014 meeting of the Bilderberg Group – a secretive organization of global power brokers – will take place in Denmark at the end of May.

The announcement was made today on the official ‘Bilderberg Meetings’ website, which states simply, “The 62nd Bilderberg meeting will take place at the end of May 2014 in Denmark.”No city or hotel has yet been identified as the location of the meeting, although the group always holds its conferences at luxury resorts either in or nearby major cities or exclusive remote tourist resorts.

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The 2014 confab marks Bilderberg’s first return to Scandinavia since the group met in Sweden in 2001and the first time the conference has been held in Denmark since 1969.

The elitist organization, which meets on an annual basis in either Europe, the United States or Canada, is comprised of some of the most powerful heavyweights of industry, banking, politics, royalty, academia and technology. Last year, the likes of Jeff Bezos, Timothy Geithner, Christine Lagarde, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and British Prime Minister David Cameron were all in attendance.

While the mainstream media habitually fails to afford Bilderberg the press coverage it demands – characterizing the group as a mere “talking shop” – innumerable examples of the organization having a direct impact on global policy have been documented in recent years, leading to charges that the group is fundamentally undemocratic in nature.

This has led to bigger and bigger anti-Bilderberg demonstrations in recent years, including last year in Watford, UK when thousands of people attended an event that was held in the grounds of the Grove Hotel, where Bilderberg was holding its meeting.

Prior to last year’s meeting, Infowars reporters who had booked to stay at the Grove Hotel days before Bilderberg members arrived had their reservations canceled due to unspecified “security” concerns.

In 2010, former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes’ admitted that Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement policy decisions that are formulated during the meeting.

There are innumerable other examples of how Bilderberg has influenced major global events ahead of time, picking Presidents and Prime Ministers on a regular basis with total contempt for the democratic process.

Last year, Italian lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra requested that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the clandestine organization for criminal activity, questioning whether the group’s 2011 meeting in Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of Italy.

In 2009, Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon even bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg Group.

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The Bilderberg Group ExposedBy nesaranews.blogspot.comMarch 25, 2014

Have you heard about the shadow government that is the real power behind most of the major decisionsin the world today? This secretive group is rumored to actually make the key decisions that affect all aspects of our lives including the price of gasoline, how the prices of stock and commodity markets will be manipulated, and even which countries will be attacked or invaded.

This is the Bilderberg Group, the who's who of political leaders, international bankers, and the power brokers of world commerce.

Every year, over 100 of these people meet secretly to discuss and even create global policy. Most of themembers are believed to come from Western Europe and the United States. Regulars include names like Rockefeller and Rothschild, although guests have included Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton (even before he became President), Bill and Melinda Gates, and many other names that are immediately recognizable.Beginnings of the Bilderberg Group

The group is believed to have taken its name from the hotel in Osterbeek, Holland, where its first conference was held in May 1954. The initial rationale for this conference was that the U.S. and Europewere not united enough in their global policies.

The idea was to foster more agreement on how to better promote ‘Atlanticism,’ or closer cooperation on political, economic, and military issues.

Ever since this time, the group has met regularly (at least annually), usually behind armed guards and always in total secrecy about the agenda and what is actually discussed. Attendees are not permitted to give any quotes or talk on the record about anything that happens behind those closed doors.

There is also very little press or news media coverage of these three-day events, although this is

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beginning to change over the last few years, as more people are becoming aware of the group's existence.

On occasion, the Bilderberg Group does release some of its decisions, although this is usually quite cryptic and given to very few sources.

There is a lot of speculation that the few media outlets which accurately predicted events like the downfall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, or even the timing of the Iraq invasion, weregiven the inside scoop directly from a Bilderberg source. Indeed, it would appear that being well connected can offer a glimpse into the future.

Campaign of Secrecy

In this day and age, how is it possible to keep such a secret?

One thought is that many of the members of the media elite have been bribed. High ranking members of prominent papers like the Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times, alongwith leaders of all the national television networks, have been allowed attendance at these secret eventsmany times in exchange for their agreement to not report anything about them.

The Bilderberg Group has also grabbed control of the news wire services. Sadly, almost all of the news reported throughout the U.S. initially comes from these wire services and the major newspapers or television networks.

Theoretically and practically, control over just a few news media outlets could be enough to keep the actions of an ultra-secretive and influential group of global elites out of the mainstream press.

Long Range Goals

The most important question that people have been asking about the Bilderberg Group for years is whatthey ultimately want. An examination of the facts and the record reveals that the ultimate goal of such agroup is two-fold: power and control. They want to have near total control over the entire world, and with it, ultimate power.

In practice this could translate into the overriding goal of a one-world government with a single, global marketplace. This would be controlled by a single world army and financially regulated through the useof a single global currency under the auspices of a World Central Bank.

Taking this a step further, the implementation of this goal might mean your life would be the way these elites desire. They would have total control over all media and press, making it quite easy to control (orat least strongly influence) public opinion.

No more middle class, no more democracy. There might be manufactured crises and wars, centralized control over education (indoctrination) to train those chosen for specific roles, and possibly even a tax on all ‘world citizens.’

Think these goals and ideals are far away in some distant future? Consider the fact that the U.S. financial system is already a world power; those governments who do not follow the wishes of our leaders are quickly exorcised from the international financial system. All that would need to happen is a

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slight expansion and more complete integration.

There is even some speculation that after the passage of NAFTA, the Bilderberg Group has been secretly influencing policy throughout North America in an effort to create a more unified block. This would be something along the same lines as the EU, only with Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

The Bottom Line

No matter how you look at the Bilderberg Group, it is eerily disturbing. Just the fact that a global power elite with representatives from politics, finance, and industry is meeting behind closed doors, in almost total secrecy on a regular basis, should be enough to cause concern and public outcry.

The fact that they feel the need to control everything which occurs at these meetings, allow NO public attendance or reporting of any kind, and stay behind armed guards seems suspicious to say the least.

Hopefully, as more and more people become aware of their existence and possible explanations regarding their activities, the true desires and agenda of this influential group will come to light.

By Joseph Carducci, Outsider Club;

Complete List Of Members (As Of 2013):(Businessmen, Politicians And Defence Officials)

Chairman: Henri de Castries,Chairman and CEO, AXAGroupPaul M. Achleitner, Chairmanof the Supervisory Board,Deutsche Bank AGJosef Ackermann, Chairmanof the Board, ZurichInsurance Group LtdMarcus Agius, FormerChairman, Barclays plcHelen Alexander, Chairman,UBM plcRoger C. Altman, ExecutiveChairman, Evercore PartnersMatti Apunen, Director,Finnish Business and PolicyForum EVASusan Athey, Professor ofEconomics, StanfordGraduate School of BusinessAslı Aydıntaşbaş, Columnist,Milliyet NewspaperAli Babacan, Turkish Deputy

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Prime Minister for Economic and Financial AffairsEd Balls, Shadow Chancellor of the ExchequerFrancisco Pinto Balsemão, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESANicolas Barré, Managing Editor, Les EchosJosé Manuel Barroso, President, European CommissionNicolas Baverez, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPOlivier de Bavinchove, Commander, EurocorpsJohn Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of OxfordFranco Bernabè, Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A.Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO, Amazon.comCarl Bildt, Swedish Minister for Foreign AffairsAnders Borg, Swedish Minister for FinanceJean François van Boxmeer, CEO, HeinekenSvein Richard Brandtzæg, President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASAOscar Bronner, Publisher, Der Standard MedienweltPeter Carrington, Former Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg MeetingsJuan Luis Cebrián, Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISAEdmund Clark, President and CEO, TD Bank GroupKenneth Clarke, Cabinet MinisterBjarne Corydon, Danish Minister of FinanceSherard Cowper-Coles, Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plcEnrico Cucchiani, CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpAEtienne Davignon, Belgian Minister of State; Former Chairman, Bilderberg MeetingsIan Davis, Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & CompanyRobbert H. Dijkgraaf, Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced StudyHaluk Dinçer, President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S.Robert Dudley, Group Chief Executive, BP plcNicholas N. Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise InstituteEspen Barth Eide, Norwegian Minister of Foreign AffairsBörje Ekholm, President and CEO, Investor ABThomas Enders, CEO, EADSJ. Michael Evans, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co.Ulrik Federspiel, Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/SMartin S.Feldstein, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; President Emeritus, NBERFrançois Fillon, Former French Prime MinisterMark C. Fishman, President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical ResearchDouglas J. Flint, Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plcPaul Gallagher, Senior CounselTimothy F Geithner, Former Secretary of the TreasuryMichael Gfoeller, US Political ConsultantDonald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post CompanyUlrich Grillo, CEO, Grillo-Werke AGLilli Gruber, Journalist - Anchorwoman, La 7 TVLuis de Guindos, Spanish Minister of Economy and CompetitivenessStuart Gulliver, Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plcFelix Gutzwiller, Member of the Swiss Council of StatesVictor Halberstadt, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg MeetingsOlli Heinonen, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy

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School of GovernmentSimon Henry, CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plcPaul Hermelin, Chairman and CEO, Capgemini GroupPablo Isla, Chairman and CEO, Inditex GroupKenneth M. Jacobs, Chairman and CEO, LazardJames A. Johnson, Chairman, Johnson Capital PartnersThomas J. Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National BankVernon E. Jordan, Jr., Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLCRobert D. Kaplan, Chief Geopolitical Analyst, StratforAlex Karp, Founder and CEO, Palantir TechnologiesJohn Kerr, Independent Member, House of LordsHenry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.Klaus Kleinfeld, Chairman and CEO, AlcoaKlaas H.W. Knot, President, De Nederlandsche BankMustafa V Koç,. Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.Roland Koch, CEO, Bilfinger SEHenry R. Kravis, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.Marie-Josée Kravis, Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson InstituteAndré Kudelski, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski GroupUlysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A.Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary FundJ. Kurt Lauk, Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, BerlinLawrence Lessig, Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law SchoolThomas Leysen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC GroupChristian Lindner, Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW)Stefan Löfven, Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP)Peter Löscher, President and CEO, Siemens AGPeter Mandelson, Chairman, Global Counsel; Chairman, Lazard InternationalJessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceFrank McKenna, Chair, Brookfield Asset ManagementJohn Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, The EconomistThierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for International RelationsMario Monti, Former Italian Prime MinisterCraig J. Mundie, Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft CorporationAlberto Nagel, CEO, MediobancaH.R.H. Princess Beatrix of The NetherlandsAndrew Y.Ng, Co-Founder, CourseraJorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plcDavid Omand, Visiting Professor, King's College LondonGeorge Osborne, Chancellor of the ExchequerEmanuele Ottolenghi, Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of DemocraciesSoli Özel, Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk NewspaperAlexis Papahelas, Executive Editor, Kathimerini NewspaperŞafak Pavey, Turkish MPValérie Pécresse, French MPRichard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise InstituteDavid H. Petraeus, General, U.S. Army (Retired)Paulo Portas, Portugal Minister of State and Foreign AffairsJ. Robert S Prichard, Chair, Torys LLP

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Viviane Reding, Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European CommissionHeather M. Reisman, CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.Hélène Rey, Professor of Economics, London Business SchoolSimon Robertson, Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC HoldingsGianfelice Rocca, Chairman,Techint GroupJacek Rostowski, Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime MinisterRobert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the TreasuryMark Rutte, Dutch Prime MinisterAndreas Schieder, Austrian State Secretary of FinanceEric E. Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google Inc.Rudolf Scholten, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AGAntónio José Seguro, Secretary General, Portuguese Socialist PartyJean-Dominique Senard, CEO, Michelin GroupKristin Skogen Lund, Director General, Confederation of Norwegian EnterpriseAnne-Marie Slaughter, Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton UniversityPeter D. Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs InternationalMartin Taylor, Former Chairman, Syngenta AGTidjane Thiam, Group CEO, Prudential plcPeter A. Thiel, President, Thiel CapitalBaroness Williams (Clara Molden)Craig B. Thompson, President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterJakob Haldor Topsøe, Partner, AMBROX Capital A/SJutta Urpilainen, Finnish Minister of FinanceDaniel L. Vasella, Honorary Chairman, Novartis AGPeter R. Voser, CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plcBrad Wall, Premier of Saskatchewan Province, CanadaJacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor ABKevin Warsh, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford UniversityGalen G.Weston, Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies LimitedBaroness Williams of Crosby, Member, House of LordsMartin H. Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial TimesJames D. Wolfensohn, Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and CompanyDavid Wright, Vice Chairman, Barclays plcRobert B. Zoellick, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics


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