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Page 1: Otero barnes   secondary - lesson 1 - 5.9 (2)


ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Michelle Otero BarnesPeríodo de Práctica: TerceroInstitución Educativa: Instituto Modelo ViedmaDirección: Maestro Chirinos 795 - ViedmaSala / Grado / Año - sección: Segundo AñoCantidad de alumnos: 28Nivel lingüístico del curso: elementalTipo de Planificación: claseUnidad Temática: 5Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 13/05/2015Hora: 7:30Duración de la clase: 80 minFecha de primera entrega:11/05/2015

• Teaching points: A day in a TV studio.

• Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

- develop their reading skill through a given text about the topic.- develop their speaking skill by talking about the people in the TV studio.

• Language focus: Simple Past – was/were.

Function Lexis Structure Pronunciation

Revision- To talk about means of transport.

- train.- coach.- minibus.- bicycle.- ferry.- taxi.- moped.- plane.- car.- bus.- tram.- underground.- monorail.

- I'm going to school by bus now.- My mum is travelling to France by plane.

- The pronunciation of the verb to be after the personal pronoun and before the verb+-ing.

New- To talk about different jobs.

- was.- were.- director.- producer.- make up artist.- actor.- cameraman.

- Ryan was next to his camera.- The director wasn't in his studio yesterday.

- The words was/were in affirmative and negative.

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- scriptwriter.- sound engineer.- presenter.

• Teaching approach: Communicative. It's the best approach to foster communication and acquire new vocabulary.

• Materials and resources: Chart, photocopies, pictures.

• Integration of skills: reading, by reading a text about the topic, and speaking by talking about the same text.

• Seating arrangement: in six columns. This is not my favorite seating arrangement, but teachers aren't allowed to modify it, unless students work in groups. This is a school regulation.

• Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: large groups can represent a challenge as the teacher perhaps cannot assist each student for a long time, but with a good organization, for example, by "raising your hands when you don't understand" is a good way to answer most of the queries students might have.

• Potential problems students may have with the language: a common problem is the difference between was and were, specially for those students who have never taken English classes before school, but explaining to them their usage with different examples will help.

• Assessment: their ability to talk about past actions.

Routine (3')

- Good morning everyone! How are you today? I'm very glad, I hope you are glad to see me again.

- Can anyone tell me the date, please? I'll write it on the board.

Warm up (5')

- Look at this picture.

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- Does any of you know what this place is? It has cameras, lights, screens, people working with the cameras...this is what? A TV studio!

- In a TV studio there are lots of people, each of them with a different job. We can find actors, producers, sound engineers, cameraman, make-up artists, the scriptwriter, etc. Did you know that? Did you know that TV studios have a lot of employees?

Development (67')

Activity 1 (25')

- Well, we are going to learn a bit more about TV studios and the different jobs you can find there. I'll give each of you a copy of a text*, please read it silently. Don't worry if you don't understand some words, remember that the idea is that you understand the general content of the text as a whole, and not word by word.

Benjamin White on Action Television

Benjamin White is a series on Action Television. Each week detective Benjamin White investigates a different mystery. Yesterday, we were at the studios of Action Television.

At 10 o'clock, it was chaos! The cameraman, Ryan, was next to his camera. It was broken! The two stars, Joel and Davina, weren't on the set. They were with the make-up artist, Paula. I was with Tyrone, the scriptwriter, in the café. The producer, Jason, was in his office. Toby, the sound engineer, was on the set but all his equipment was in boxes. The presenter, Anita, was in shorts and a T-shirt! The director, Tyler Wade, wasn't in the studio. He was in his car - and the car was at the entrance!

At 10.35, Tyler Wade was on the set. In five minutes, it was all different. The actors and the sound equipment were on the set. The camera was OK. The presenter was in a jacket and dress. They were ready to start!

* Taken from the book Steppin Up 1, written by Nick Beare, Macmillan.

- Well, now I'm going to give you a phocopy with two activities, the first one is to match words and then some questions. Please, paste the copy I gave you, and match the words and answer the questions according to the text read. For this activity you'll have 15 minutes and you'll work in pairs.

Match the two halves to make the words

1. camer a. ector ………………………2. dir b. ineer ……………………...3. produ c. nter ………………………. 4. sound eng d. tor ………………………...5. make-up ar e. aman ………………………6. ac f. cer ………………………...7. prese g. ptwriter ……………………8. scri h. tist …………………………


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1. What does Tyrone do?2. What is Benjamin White?3. Is Paula an Actor?4. Who is the director of the series?

Activity 2 (15’)

- Now we'll read the text once more, but this time all together. Student 1, please read the first paragraph. Student 2, read the second paragraph until "office". Student three, read the second paragraph, starting in "Toby". Student 4, read the third paragraph. The rest of you please listen carefully, as this is not only good train for the ones who read, but also for your ears.

- Have you noticed that there are some new words? Which ones can you mention? What about the word in line 2? Were. And the word in line 4? Was. Have you ever heard of them?

- Well, do you remember the verb to be? Who can tell the class the verb to be in first, second and third person? Was is the past form of am and is, and were is the past form of are. For example, “now I AM at school, but yesterday I WAS at home. They ARE in the living room, but earlier they WERE in the garden”. I’ll write all this on the board, please copy it in your folders as it’ll help you when you are doing your homework.

- Now I’ll give you another copy of some sentences that are incomplete. The idea is that you have to complete them according to the new vocabulary you have just learnt, with was or were.

a. Tyler…………on the set at 10.35.b. The two stars………with the make-up artist.c. Toby’s equipment……… boxes.d. At 10.35 they……ready to start!

- Lets check it all together. Student 1, read A. Student 2, read B. Student 3, read C. Student 4, read D.

Activity 3 (12’)

- Now it’s time to work in pairs again. One of you is going to be Tyler, and the other is going to be Ryan. I’ll give all “Tylers” a copy with a dialogue, and all “Ryans” will receive another copy of the same dialogue. Both copies are incomplete, so you have to chat with your mate in order to complete them.

Copy 1 (for Tyler)

T – Hi Ryan! How are you? Where were you yesterday? R – Hi there! I’m sorry I…………late, but my camera………broken!T – Yes, yesterday the TV studio was a chaos!R – I agree, fortunately you……on the set by the end of the morning.T – Yeah, but the actors were late too!

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R – Jason……..late too. He…… his office instead of working.T – And Anita was in shorts and a T-shirt. A total disaster.R – Yes, but luckily the problems…….solved quickly.T – Thanks God!

Copy 2 (for Ryan)

T – Hi Ryan! How are you? Where………you yesterday? R – Hi there! I’m sorry I was late, but my camera was broken!T – Yes, yesterday the TV studio……….a chaos!R – I agree, fortunately you were on the set by the end of the morning.T – Yeah, but the actors……..late too!R – Jason was late too. He was in his office instead of working.T – And Anita………in shorts and a T-shirt. A total disaster.R – Yes, but luckily the problems were solved quickly.T – Thanks God!

Activity 4 (17’)

- Now it’s time to speak. We’ll work all together now. I’ll start making one of you a question about the text we read, let’s say S1, and you’ll try to answer it. Then S1 will chose another student to make another question, S2, so S2 will answer and then he’ll chose another student to ask him a question and so on. For example, what is Benjamin White? Were was Tyler at 10.35?

Closure (3’)

- Well, that it for today, I’ll give you the last tiny copy, which is homework for next class. See you! Good bye!

Write 5 sentences matching the words in the chart

My motherMy sisterMy friendsThe teacherMy father


In the gardenAt schoolAt the mallIn bedAt home

At 10.40At 18.00At 22.30

Yesterday.Last weekend.Last night.