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The Renaissance (Rebirth)Beginning of the Modern World

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The World Before 1500 ADMajor Trade Routes

• Silk Road – (China’s Pacific coast to Mediterranean Sea)

• Arabs controlled most overland routes – (ex. Saharan Routes)

• Hanseatic League – controlled Northern Europe’s coast and Black Sea

• Italians (Genoans and Venetians) – controlled the Mediterranean Sea Routes

• Sea routes to Asia and India – were made around African coast

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Silk Road China => Northern India => Middle East => Constantinople => into Europe


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What Trade Helped to Accomplish

• Why is it important to study?– Exchange of products, ideas, technology, and

scientific advancements• India (Sea Route around Africa)– Medicines, textiles

• Middle East (Arab-Saharan Route)– Numerical system, astronomy, mathematics

• China (Silk Road)– Paper, compass, silk, and porcelain

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The Renaissance (Revival of Curiosity about the world)What was it?

• Renaissance means “REBIRTH” in French• Considered the birth of the modern world• Revival of Classical knowledge, culture and art– Greek and Roman culture and art– Seen in artwork, literature, and philosophy of

EuropeansWhen was it?

– Lasted from 1300–1600 AD

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Starts in Italian City-StatesWhere did it start?

• Started in Italy (Important cities – Genoa, Florence, and Venice)– Italy was not a united

country (group of independent city-states)

– Most cities had experienced a stimulation in trade• Due to the Crusades

– Eventually will move north into the rest of Europe

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How and why did it start??• Why Italy?– Central location on the Mediterranean Sea– Access to trade routes from Middle East and

Byzantine Empire• Helped Italian City-States accumulate wealth• Italian City-States are located between Northern Europe

and the Middle East– Crusades help to stimulate trade• New products brought in from the Middle East

– Stimulates trade between Middle East and Europe

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More Reasons the Renaissance Began• New Banking Practices established– Most major Italian City-States are republics– Increase in trade creates the need for new business

practices• Credit is established• Banks start to charge interest on money that is leant out

(Usury)– Church has rules against it – Italian bankers ignore it and it increases secularism

» Secularism = Moving away from church influencing life• Introduction Arabic numerals (Makes it easier to keep

records of money)

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Who supported it? (Who paid these artists?)

• Wealthy Italians support new artistic movement that was going on– Called “Patrons”

• Ex – Lorenzo de Medici and his family (the Medici family) – Pay for new pieces of

artwork to be created– Supported the arts (much

like charity)

• Why? Help to improve society and their legacy

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Movements born out the RenaissanceHumanism: (Seen in the writing and literature)• Most important movement during the Renaissance– Focused on the classics (Greek and Roman) literature and

culture• Believed that by studying the classics one could live a moral and

fulfilling life– Celebrated the individual and one’s ability to determine

right over wrong– Humanist scholars and writers started raiding any work they

could find in Latin that was from the Ancient Roman Empire• Conflict for many Italian Humanist who were still Catholics

– many still committed to religious beliefs– Created personal conflict and tension with church

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Who and What spread these writings?• Johannes Gutenberg invents the Printing Press – in 1440 (could make

books quickly)• Remember that in the middle ages that Monks in monasteries had to

copy books by hand – Now books could not be burned or destroyed if the church or kings did not like

them or want them around!!!– We will examine this more closely at the end of the unit

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End of Day Question

• In concise paragraph, please explain to me in your own words how European society changed between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

– Think about why we start a course in modern history with a look at the Renaissance….

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Artwork during the Renaissance• New Artwork in Italy– Different from Medieval Art• Medieval Art: (Looks bland)

– Flat (did not look like real)» Disproportionate sizes on people and figures

– All religious topics (mostly salvation)• New Renaissance Art: (Vibrant and bright colors – looks

exciting)– Focused more on individuals– More secular topics/more worldly subject matters – Use of perspective (adds depth to paintings)– More realistic portrayal of human body– Still has a focus on Christianity (just the not only focus)

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Writers and Painters (We will discuss them next class!)• Examples of Renaissance Art Work• Leonardo da Vinci’s – “Last Supper” (Fresco = painted on wall)

•Mona Lisa =>•Oil on Canvas

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Another Example (Michelangelo)“DAVID” – biblical figure• Marble Sculpture

“Sistine Chapel” – In the Vatican• Pope commissioned Michelangelo

to paint a giant fresco on the walls of this chapel in the Vatican (head church in Rome)

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