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Page 1: On e: To use research and develop innovative, functional ... · or smart phone timed lights, auto lights with sensors * all solar powered lights, Adjust to mood via smart technology

1989 prediction 2020 my prediction for


* automatic lights turn on and off as move around


* Alexa controlled lights or smart phone timed

lights, auto lights with sensors

* all solar powered lights, Adjust to mood via smart technology linked to blood

pressure and brain waves.

This term we’ve looked at how technology has changed the world around us and how it may shape our futures too. Throughout this week, we are setting you a power project to showcase your learning from this term. We have broken it down into four sections, you can choose if you complete a section

per day throughout the week or make a whole day of it or however you choose to break it down.

Part One Purpose: To use research and develop innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for a purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups

Watch the Tomorrow’s World clip which will take you on a trip back to 1989 and see how they predicted what our lives

would look like here in 2020! Create your own table (see right) to list their predictions and whether or not they were correct in 2020 - some of

these will require some research.

In the final column, make your own prediction for households 30 years from now. How do you see your home looking when you’re an adult? Will Alexa need to be told things or will she already know? Think through the types of robotics and technology we’ve looked at throughout this term. Perhaps we will

have kitchen chef robots, hologram phone calls or fingerprint registration systems…would teleportation have been created or flying cars?

Finally, add an ultimate extra that you would really like to see in your future lifestyle! Maybe you’d really like your children to be able

to have a robot dog or to own a flying car or maybe a launch pad for your friends to park their drones when they pop round.

What is your ultimate technological idea?

Page 2: On e: To use research and develop innovative, functional ... · or smart phone timed lights, auto lights with sensors * all solar powered lights, Adjust to mood via smart technology

In part one, you looked at past predictions of 2020 and made your own for 2050! The next part of the task is to take those ideas up to the next level!

Part Two Purpose: To generate, develop and present ideas through annotated sketches and diagrams

Use one piece of paper divide the page into four sections. In each section you are going to develop a different idea for your

2050 future technology.

Include: * Name of object or technology * Short explanation of key functions and purpose * Clear diagram * Annotations of design and key features

Here’s an example of what each of your four finished designs should look like…

Page 3: On e: To use research and develop innovative, functional ... · or smart phone timed lights, auto lights with sensors * all solar powered lights, Adjust to mood via smart technology

In Part 2, you took 4 of your initial predictions of future technologies and designed these more specifically with key features and their given functions and purposes.

For Part 3, you are going to choose your favourite or best design and create a model or prototype of your technology.

You can use whichever resources you have to hand, this could be junk modelling, paper and craft materials or using wood and other resistant materials.

Part Three Purpose: To select from and use a range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities

Think carefully about how best your model can showcase your idea and design.

Here is a selection of model dogs and robot dogs that might inspire you with ideas for your own choice of material for

your model.

Page 4: On e: To use research and develop innovative, functional ... · or smart phone timed lights, auto lights with sensors * all solar powered lights, Adjust to mood via smart technology

In Part 3, you took your best idea of a future technology and made yourself a prototype/model of this. For Part 4, we want you to create your own Tomorrow’s World Episode or presentation of your final

idea. This can be a powerpoint or keynote presentation, a photo and explanation (as below) or a filmed video with you as the presenter!

Part Four Purpose: Present final design with model or prototype to targeted audience

When writing your explanation for your episode or presentation, think about your initial design and the purpose of your future technology as well as the key features or functions. Use this to guide your planning for your episode or presentation and do your best to answer the following questions.

* What is the new piece of technology? * Who is this technology aimed at? * Why is it necessary or why will it help? * How would it work? * What key features and functions does it have? * How much is it likely to cost or how long until

it appears on the market? * Who could be looking to manufacture this product?

This is a brilliant opportunity to use that persuasive writing language, we used in our English home learning (selling houses) using

superlatives, repetition, emphasis etc to make your future technology sound like THE

must have of tomorrow!

The programmable pet is a complete game-changer for tomorrow’s world. Not only will it be 100% safe around children and guests, you can program your pet to babysit or tutor your children or become your personal trainer too, all in the safety of your home and with HD built-in webcams along with a state of the art security system, you will be able to rest assured you’re family is in safe hands. The programmable pet will not only resemble a regular domestic pet but it won’t require feeding or cleaning up after. Using bio-engineering to synthesise the fur and warmth of a soft, snuggly animal, it aims to be robotically controlled via a smart app from your phone or tablet. This app should communicate with hidden sensors, so the more the pet interacts with your family the more it learns and behaves as you require - understanding voice commands and gestures too. Currently, these futuristic pets are looking to cost around £10-20,000 but with technological advances it won’t be long until they are able to manufacture these to be affordable in everyday households - plus with no vet bills, pet insurance or food required (plus free babysitting, tutoring or personal training) - this cyborg puppy is the one you want for Christmas!

Here’s an example of what each of your finished

explanation should sound like.

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