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Oliver Twist

Book 4

CHAPTER ONE: Olivers Birth

In most towns in England there was a workhouse a place where the very poor people lived. They were terrible places. In the early 1800s, Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse.

The local doctor delivered Oliver. A woman called Old Sally, who lived in the workhouse, assisted him.

After he was born, Oliver lay on an old, dirty bed. The doctor thought Oliver would die. Death was an everyday occurrence in the workhouse.

Finally, Oliver started to breathe normally. Then he cried loudly, announcing his arrival to the world. When the baby cried, Olivers mother, a pale young woman, lifted her head from the pillow and said in a weak voice, I want to see my child; then I can die.

The doctor said to her, You must not talk about dying.

The doctor put the child into his mothers arms. She kissed the baby with her cold, white lips, then closed her eyes, and died.

The doctor prepared to go. Call me if the child cries. He said to the old woman. He is not strong and perhaps hell give you trouble. He looked at the dead woman and said, She was a beautiful girl. Where did she come from?.

Someone found her lying in the street last night, replied Old Sally. Nobody knows where she came from or where she was going.

The doctor lifted the dead womans hand. The old story, he said, sadly. She hasnt got a wedding ring. Ah! Good night.

Without clothes, the baby looked like any other child. But now that he was dressed in a dirty, old blanket, it was clear that he was an orphan an orphan with a life of hunger and cruelty in front of him.

CHAPTER TWO: Olivers First Years.

They sent Oliver to another workhouse where Mrs Mann, an angry old woman, was responsible for him and 20 other babies. Unfortunately, Mrs Mann didnt care about the children. The only person she cared about was herself.

The Board of Director responsible for the workhouse gave Mrs Mann money to give the children food and clothes. Mrs Mann kept the money for herself. The children wore rags and were always hungry. But when Board members came to see the children, Mrs Mann always dressed them in good, clean clothes.

So it was no surprise that Oliver grew into a pale, thin child and was very small. On his ninth birthday, Mrs Mann beat him and locked him in the cellar with two other boys who said that they were hungry.

That same day, Mr Bumble, the Director of the Board, came to the house to see Mrs Mann. She saw him standing at the locked gate. Mr Bumble was a big, fat man and considered himself too important to wait at a locked gate. Mrs Mann said that the gate was locked to make it safer for her dear children.

The real reason she locked the gate, of course, was to keep the children inside so they did not run away. She told the three boys in the cellar to wash, and go and welcome Mr Bumble.

Mrs Mann took Mr Bumbles hat and stick and asked him to sit down. Youve had a long walk, she said, taking a bottle and a glass from a cupboard. Will you have a little drink?

What is it? he asked.

Gin, answered Mrs Mann. I always have gin in the house to give the children when they are ill. I dont like seeing them suffer.

You are a very kind woman, Mrs Mann. Ill tell the Board, said Mr Bumble as he drank his gin. I am here to talk to you about business. Oliver Twist is nine years old today. In spite of all our efforts, we have not discovered anything about his father or mother.

Mr Bumble continued, The point is that Oliver is too old to be here. The Board wants to send him to the workhouse where he was born. I am here to take him

Mrs Mann called Oliver into the room.

Come with me, Oliver, said Mr Bumble.

Oliver followed Mr Bumble outside. When the gate closed behind them, Oliver started to cry. His life with Mrs Mann was miserable, but he was leaving the only home he knew. His friends were there; now he was alone.

CHAPTER THREE: Oliver Asks For More

Mr Bumble walked quickly. Little Oliver, holding Mr Bumbles coat, ran next to him.

The next day at the workhouse, when Oliver finished his second piece of bread, Mr Bumble told him that the Board wanted to see him.

Oliver went into a room where ten fat gentlemen were sitting at a table. One of the gentlemen, with a big, red face asked, Whats your name, boy?

Oliver was frightened and started to cry.

Boy, said the red-faced gentleman, listen to me. You know youre an orphan, I suppose?

Whats that, sir? asked poor Oliver.

The boy is an idiot, said another gentleman.

You know you have no father or mother and that the authorities are responsible for you, dont you? said the red-faced man.

Yes, sir, replied Oliver crying.

I dont understand why he is crying, said the other gentleman. How strange.

You are here so we can educate you and teach you a useful profession, said the first gentleman.

Youll start work at six oclock tomorrow morning, added the second gentleman.

Mr Bumble took Oliver to a big bedroom where all the boys slept. On a rough, hard bed, Oliver cried himself to sleep.

The room where the boys ate was a large, stone hall. The master served the boys their meals of thin watery soup. On special occasions, they received a piece of bread. They never washed the plates because they cleaned them with their spoons.

Oliver and his friends suffered a slow starvation for three months. One of the boys then said he would eat the boy that slept in the next bed. He had enormous, hungry eyes and the other boys almost believed him.

They discussed the problem for a long time and finally decided that after supper that evening, one boy would go to the master and ask for more. They chose Oliver.

The evening arrived. The boys sat down and they received their soup. When he finished his soup, Oliver went to the master with his bowl and spoon in his hand. He was frightened, but also very, very hungry.

Please, sir, he said, I want some more

The master turned very pale. He looked at the little rebel for a few seconds. All the boys were terrified.

What? shouted the master.

Please, sir, repeated Oliver. I want some more

The master hit Oliver on the head with the spoon, and shouted for Mr Bumble. When Mr Bumble heard what Oliver asked, he immediately told the members of the Board.

He asked for more? asked the red-faced man, horrified. Do I understand, Mr Bumble that he asked for more?

They took Oliver and locked him in a room. They hung a notice on the gate of the workhouse, offering five pounds to the person who gave Oliver work and took him away.


Oliver was a prisoner in a cold room for a week. He cried all day. When the long night came, he put his little hands over his eyes to close out the darkness and tried to sleep. He washed with cold, cold water. Every day, Mr Bumble took him to the fall and beat him in front of the other boys, as an example to them.

One morning, when Mr Bumble arrived at the workhouse, he saw Mr Sowerberry the undertaker.

Do you know anybody who wants a boy, Mr Sowerberry? he asked, pointing to the notice on the gate.

Well replied the undertaker, Ill take the boy myself

So Oliver took his few possessions and went with Mr Bumble to the undertakers house. On the way, Mr Bumble saw that Oliver started to cry.

Well! exclaimed Mr Bumble. You are a very ungrateful boy

No, sir, cried the child, I am good, I promise. But I am so lonely! I am only a little boy and everybody hates me. Please dont be angry with me, sir!

For a moment, Mr Bumble felt sorry for Oliver. He told him to dry his eyes and they continued in silence.

When they arrived at the undertakers house, Mr Sowerberry called his wife to come and see the boy. Mr Sowerberry was a thin woman with an angry face. She looked at Oliver and said. Hes very small

Yes, agreed Mr Bumble, but hell grow, Mrs Sowerberry, hell grow

Yes, hell grow, said Mrs Somerberry angrily. On our food and drink. She pushed Oliver down some stairs into the dark kitchen.

Eat the meat that the dog didnt eat she said. Oliver ate the meat, while Mrs Sowerberry watched him in silent horror. She was thinking of all the food he would eat in the future. Then she took him upstairs.

Youll sleep in here, in the shop with the coffins she said. Oliver looked around him and was very frightened.

The next morning, he heard someone banging on the shop door. He opened the door and saw a fat boy.

Do you want a coffin, sir? Asked Oliver innocently. The boy looked at him with fierce eyes.

Do you know who I am? he asked. Im Mr Noah Claypole and you work for me! he kicked Oliver and went into the shop.

He was a big boy with a big head, small eyes and a red nose. He was very poor, and the boys where he lived always insulted him. But he wasnt an orphan like Oliver. Noah was happy to discover someone more unfortunate than himself. Now he could insult Oliver and make Olivers life miserable.

Oliver worked in the coffin shop with Noah. Mr Sowerberry decided that Olivers sad look would make him a good undertaker. He decided to teach Oliver all about the profession.

One day, something happened which changed Olivers life. Noah was tired of beating Oliver so he started to insult Olivers mother.

Olivers face went red. He grabbed Noah by throat, the started to hit him.

The new boy is murdering me!" cried Noah. Help! Olivers gone mad!.

Mrs Sowerberry pulled Oliver off Noah, then put him into the cellar and locked the door.

Later, alone in the room with the coffins, Oliver cried and cried. When the first light of morning came, he opened the shop door. Then he closed the door behind him and started to rum. He didnt stop until he was far from the shop.

CHAPTER FIVE: On the Road to London

Oliver sat down to rest by a sign which said: 70 miles lo London. I have an idea, Oliver thought. Ill go to London where nobody can find me!

He started to walk again. Oliver walked 20 miles that day. The only food he ate was a piece of bread. He slept in a field that night. The next morning he was very hungry and weak. He asked for food or money, but only two kind people helped him.

Early on the seventh morning, Oliver arrived in the little town of Barnet, near London. He was covered in dust and his feet were bleeding. A boy was looking at him from the opposite side of the road. Finally, the boy crossed the road and said, Hello, my friend. How are you?

The boy was Olivers age, but there was something strange about him. He looked like a boy, but he moved like a man. He was small and had ugly eyes. He wore a hat and a mans coat, which was too big for him. When he heard Olivers story, the boy tool him to a caf and bought him some food.

Then the boy said, Im going to London tonight and I know a respectable old gentleman. You can live in his house for nothing.

Olivers new friend told him that his name was the Artful Dodger, because he always avoided problems when he did something wrong.


The Artful Dodger did not want to enter London until it was dark. It was nearly eleven oclock when they arrived.

Islington was a dirty, miserable place, with narrow streets. There were men fighting in the streets. A lot of the people were drunk. Oliver almost ran away, but the Artful Dodger opened a door and pulled him into a house.

They climbed up some stairs and went into a room. The walls were black with age and dirt. An ugly old man with untidy red hair was cooking. Four or five boys, none of them older than Oliver, were sitting round a table, drinking and smoking!

Fagin, said the Artful Dodger!, this is Oliver Twist

Fagin smiled and shook Olivers hand.

Im very happy to meet you, Oliver, said Fagin.

Oliver ate some supper with the other boys, drank a glass of hot gin and water, then fell asleep.

It was late the next morning when he woke up. Fagin was the only person in the room. Half asleep, Oliver watched Fagin lock the door and take out a small box from behind a picture. Fagin opened the box and took out several pieces of valuable jewellery.

When he saw Oliver watching him, he closed the box and said angrily, Why are you watching me? What did you see?

Nothing, sir, I didnt see anything. I promise, replied Oliver. Oliver didnt understand why Fagin lived in a dirty place. He was rich. He had enough money for a beautiful house. Then he decided that looking after the boys must be expensive.

Soon the Artful Dodger returned with another boy called Charley Bates.

Well, said Fagin, How was work this morning? What have you got, Dodger?

Two wallets and some handkerchiefs

Good boy, good boy! said Fagin

Later, Fagin and the two boys played a very unusual game. Fagin put a watch in his jacket pocket and a wallet in the pocket of his trousers. He walked around the room. Sometimes he stopped. All the time, the two boys followed him closely, but they hid when he turned around. Then the two boys stopped him, as if by accident. They quickly took the watch and the wallet from Fagins pockets. If Fagin felt the boys hands in his pockets, he shouted. Then the game finished.

When the boys returned to work, Fagin played the game with Oliver. He was pleased because Oliver learned the game very quickly.

One morning, Oliver went out with the Artful Dodger and Charles Bates. They saw a rich gentleman with an expensive stick and gold glassed outside a bookshop. The gentleman was reading a book.

Oliver watched in horror as the Artful Dodger took a handkerchief from the old mans pocket. Suddenly Oliver understood the meaning of the game they played with Fagin. Oliver started to run. The gentleman saw Oliver, but he didnt see Charley and the Artful Dodger. He thought Oliver was the thief. The gentleman ran after and cried, Stop, thief!. Finally, he caught Oliver. A policeman arrived, and grabbed Oliver by the collar.

It wasnt me, sir, cried Oliver. It was two other boys

The policeman didnt believe him.

Please, dont hurt him said the gentleman

The policeman pulled Oliver along the streets to the local police station. The gentleman walked next to them.

At the police station, the gentleman, Mr Brownlow, told the policeman that he was not sure that Oliver was the thief. The policeman was furious, but he had to let Oliver go.

CHAPTER SEVEN: A New Life For Oliver

Outside the police station, Mr Brownlow saw Oliver lying on the ground, trembling. Mr Brownlow looked at the boy, and for a moment, he thought he recognised him.

Poor boy, poor boy! said Mr Brownlow. Call a coach, somebody, quickly!

The coach stopped at a big house in a quiet street. Oliver was ill with a fever for days. During that time, Mr Brownlow and his housekeeper, Mrs Bedwin, looked after him.

One day, Oliver saw a painting of a woman on the wall. He asked Mrs Bedwin who the woman was, but she did not know.

Her eyes look sad, said Oliver. It seems as though shes looking at me and wants to talk to me

Later, Mr Brownlow came to see Oliver. While he talked, he looked at Olivers face and then at the picture on the wall. The features and expression on the two face were exactly the same. When Oliver woke up the next day, the painting wasnt there. Oliver was sad because he loved the face of the beautiful lady.

These were happy days for him. Everything was very quiet and everybody was very kind. He played cards with Mrs Bedwin and listened to all her stories. He received new clothes for the first time in his life.

One evening, Mr Brownlow asked Oliver to come to his study to talk. He told Oliver that he wanted to hear the story of his life.

Before Oliver could star, Mr Grimwig, a friend of Mr Brownlows arrived. Mr Grimwig was sure that Oliver was a thief. He wanted to prove his theory to his friend.

Mr Brownlow, didnt you buy some books from the bookshop that you want to return and get your money back?! Asked Mr Grimwing.

Yes, thats correct replied Mr Brownlow

Well, while we talk, why dont you ask Oliver to return your books to the bookshop? said Mr Grimwing.

Oliver wanted to help Mr Brownlow, so he said, Yes, I can take them, sir. Ill be very quick

Mr Brownlow thought Mr Grimwig was wrong about Oliver, and that Oliver was a good boy.

Get the books, Oliver he said.

Ill return in 10 minutes, replied Oliver. Then he went to the bookshop.

Mr Brownlow took out his watch and put it on the table. Hell return in 20 minutes he said.

Do you really expect him to return? asked Mr Grimwig. I dont. he has new clothes, some valuable books and a five pound note. Hell find his old friends and laugh at you. If that boy returns to his house. Ill be very surprised

Night came and the two men sat without talking, looking at the watch on the table.

CHAPTER EIGHT: Oliver Gets Trapped

When Fagin heard that the police had Oliver, he was furious. He called his partner, Bill Sikes, to come to his house immediately. Sikes, who was a big man with dirty clothes, arrived with his small, yet fierce dog.

If Oliver tells the police about us, then we are all in trouble, said Fagin.

We must bring Oliver back said Sikes. But none of them wanted to go near the police station. When Sikess girlfriend, Nancy, arrived, she reluctantly agreed to go. First the needed a plan so the police wouldnt be suspicious.

A few days later, Nancy went into the police station and asked if her brother Oliver was there.

I havent got him said the policeman. He is with the gentleman

Oh, no! What gentleman? exclaimed Nancy.

The policeman told Nancy where Oliver was because she looked so unhappy. She run to Fagins house and told Fagin and Sikes the news.

On the day that Oliver went to the bookshop for Mr Brownlow, he suddenly heard a young woman shout, Oh, my dear son! It was Nancy. She embraced Oliver with both arms.

Here you are! Oh, Oliver, you bad boy. You made me suffer! Come home immediately she cried. Oliver tried to tell the people around them that it was an error. Then Bill Sikes arrived with his small, ugly dog.

Young Oliver! Come home to your mother! he said. I told you not to steal books.

Oliver was terrified by this big man with his fierce dog. He did not have a choice. Nancy and Sikes took him to Fagins house. When Charley Bates saw Olivers clothes, he laughed. Then he took the books that Oliver was carrying.

They belong to the good gentleman who looked after me said Oliver. Please send him the books and money. Hell think I stole them said Oliver, very unhappy.

Correct, Oliver, he will think you stole them said Fagin, laughing.

Oliver tried to run away, but the boys caught him. Fagin started to hit him when Nancy cried, I cant stand here and watch you hit him, Fagin! Youve got the boy, now leave him alone!

Fagin put Oliver in a dark room and locked the door. Oliver was terrified and exhausted. He cried himself to sleep.

CHAPTER NINE: Fagins Prisoner

Oliver was in the room for three days. He thought constantly about Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin.

One day, the boys tried to persuade Oliver to become a thief like them, and told him all about their life. Fagin told them stories about robberies he committed when he was a boy.

At first, Oliver wasnt interested in Fagins stories. However, after so many miserable days alone, Oliver wanted their company.

One windy night Fagin went to Bill Sikes house. Nancy was there too. Fagin and Sikes planned to rob a house. They needed a small boy to enter the house through a little window, then open the front door for the robbers.

I think this is the perfect job for Oliver. Hes small said Sikes with a horrible smile.

I agree said Fagin. The other boys are too big. And, if Oliver robs this house, he cant escape and tell the police about us

They told Nancy to go to Fagins house the next day to get Oliver.

When Nancy arrived at Fagins house the next day, Oliver saw that she was very pale and he asked if she was ill.

God forgive me! she said to herself. I never thought I would do something bad like this. But Nancy knew she had no choice, so she smiled and told Oliver to go with her to Sikes house.

When they arrived at the house, Sikes put his gun to Olivers head and said, If you say one word when youre with me, except, when I speak to you, Ill kill you. Do you understand?

Early the next morning, Sikes took Oliver to an old house by a river. Two men were there waiting for them. When it was dark, Sikes and Oliver left the house with the two men.

After walking some distance, they arrived at a house with a high wall. The men climbed the wall and pulled Oliver after them. Oliver begged the men to let him go, but of course they didnt.

Sikes opened a small window in the house and forced Oliver to climb through it.

Take this light he said. Go to the front door and open it for us. Remember I have a gun.

Oliver, trembling, started to walk.

Suddenly there was a shout. Two men appeared at the top of the stairs. Oliver was so terrified, he did not move. He saw that one of the men had a gun. The man shot Oliver in the arm.

Oliver screamed.

They hit him! shouted Sikes. Hes bleeding!

Sikes fired his gun at the two men. Then he grabbed Oliver by the collar and pulled him through the window into the garden. Oliver heard men shouting. He felt someone carrying him. Then he lost consciousness.

CHAPTER TEN: Some Important Information.

It was a very cold night when Mrs Corney, the matron of the workhouse where Oliver was born, heard a knock at the door.

There was a woman there, she said, Old Sally is almost dead. She says she has something important to say to you before she dies

Mrs Corney didnt care if old Sally died, but she was curious, so she went to see her.

Old Sally held Mrs Corneys arm. I must tell you a secret she said weakly. Twelve years ago, I helped a pregnant woman who came to this workhouse. Moments after her baby boy was born, she died. She asked me to keep something for her son, but I stole it. It was a gold locket and inside there was information about the boy

The boys name? asked the matron

They called him Oliver replied Old Sally. The gold locket I stole was. But the old woman died before she finished her sentence.

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Events After The Robbery

Three days after the robbery, one of the men who was there went to Fagins house. Fagin was furious.

Where are Sikes and the boy? Fagin shouted.

The owners of the house shot the boy. We ran away with the boy and they followed us with dogs. They were very close. Finally, we left the boy lying in a field. I dont know if hes alive or dead

Fagin immediately ran out of the house. He went into a public house and spoke to a man sitting in the corner.

Will Monks be here tonight? Fagin asked.

Monks? he replied. Of course, if you wait.

No, no interrupted Fagin. Tell him I need to see him immediately

He left the public house and continued to Bill Sikes house.

He found Nancy there, alone. Nancy was crying. Where are Bill and Oliver? Fagin shouted.

I dont know she cried. Fagin didnt believe her, but he left and went home. On the corner of the street, a dark figure came out of a doorway. It was Monks.

They went into Fagins house. They sat sown in a dark room, and spoke in low voices. Fagin told him about Oliver.

It was badly planned. Where is Oliver now? asked Monks.

I dont know. Perhaps hes dead

No! shouted Monks. I told you from the start, I dont want him dead. I know Olivers identity. I know who his parents were. I want to hurt him, but I dont want him to die.

Suddenly Monks jumped to his feet. Theres someone here! Monks said. They ran to see who it was, but they only saw the empty stairs.

It was your imagination said Fagin

I know I heard someone replied Monks, trembling

The two men searched the house, but didnt find anyone

CHAPTER TWELVE: Olivers Luck Changes Again

The morning after the robbery, Oliver woke up in a field. His left arm was covered in blood. He was trembling from cold and exhaustion and he was in terrible pain. He was very weak. With difficulty, he walked through the field towards the only house he could see.

He recognised the house. It was the house they tried to rob the previous night. He was terrified, but he needed help. He climbed the steps, knocked on the door and then collapsed.

A servant opened the door. It was one of the men who chased them the night before. The servant immediately recognised Oliver. Then a sweet womans voice said, Is the poor creature badly hurt?

Yes, Miss Rose. Hes hurt very badly replied the servant.

Wait one moment said Rose, while I speak to my aunt

When she returned, she told the servant to carry Oliver to a room upstairs. Rose sent another servant to get a policeman and a doctor.

The house belonged to an elegant older lady called Mrs Maylie, who lived with her adopted niece, Rose.

When Dr Losberne arrived, he went upstairs and examined Oliver for a long time.

Have you seen this thief? he asked the two ladies. I think it would be a good idea for you to see him. He is quiet and comfortable now. Theres no need to be frightened

When the two women saw the sleeping child, they were shocked.

I dont believe this poor child is a robber said Mrs Maylie. What can we do to help him?

When Oliver woke up, he told the doctor and the women his story. The two women decided to look after Oliver until he was better.

Dr Losberne went into the kitchen and spoke to the servants. The policeman was also there.

He looked at the servants. Tell me he said, Are you sure that boy upstairs is the boy who was in the house last night?

The doctor, who was respected by everyone, was very angry. The servants looked at each other. They did not know what to say.

Two men see a boy for one moment in the dark, in the middle of great panic said the doctor. A boy comes to the same house the next morning, and because he has hurt his arm. These men decide he is the robber. I ask you again, can you identify the boy?

The servants were so confused by the doctors angry words that they said they werent sure that Oliver was the robber.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Olivers new Life

Mrs Maylie, Rose and the kind Dr Losberne looked after Oliver until he was better. When he was stronger, he told them that he was very grateful and that he wanted to help them around the house.

You will have many opportunities to help us said Rose. We are moving to a house in the country and my aunt wants to take you with us. The quiet place and the pure air will soon make you better. And we will use you in a hundred ways. For now, you must sleep and get strong again

Oliver told his new friends about Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin. He was still worried that they had a bad opinion if him because he never returned from the bookshop. He wanted to see them and explain why it happened.

One day, Dr Losberne took Oliver to Mr Brownlows house, but he house was empty. They tried to find him, but his neighbour, said that Mr Brownlow left suddenly to the West Indies, with Mrs Bedwin and two servants.

Oliver was sad. Now he could never tell Mr Brownlow the truth.

Two weeks later, Mrs Maylie, Rose and Oliver moved to the house in the country. Three months passed. Oliver was now a strong, healthy boy. He worked hard around the house just as Rose said. Finally, Oliver was happy again.

Then, one morning, Rose woke with a fever. She was very ill and Mrs Maylie was afraid she would die. She gave Oliver a letter.

This letter is for Dr Losberne. He must come immediately. Im afraid of what might happen to Rose. Go to the market-town, and send this letter right away she said. Go, and hurry!

Oliver ran the four miles to the town. When he arrived, he was hot and covered in dust. He hurried into the post office and told the woman at the desk, Send this letter to Dr Losberne immediately. Its urgent!

When he finished at the post office, he ran into the street and accidentally bumped into a tall man.

Hah! shouted the man, looking at Oliver. What is this?

Im sorry, sir said Oliver. I was in a hurry to get home and I didnt see you

Curses on you said the man. What are you doing here? he shook his first at Oliver angrily and Oliver ran away. He was so worried about Rose that he forgot about the strange man.

At midnight, Rose was worse and Oliver prayed for her. Late that night Dr Losberne arrived. He didnt give them much hope that Rose would live.

However, the next afternoon Dr Losberne said that Rose would recover. Mrs Maylie and Oliver were very happy. Later that evening, Mrs Maylies son Harry arrived.

When he discovered that Rose was ill, he was very unhappy. Mother he said, Rose almost die, you know I love her. I want to be with her-especially when shes ill.

I know that you love her, Harry, and she deserves your love. But you cannot marry a woman like Rose. She is an orphan. Without our help, she would be a poor woman living in the streets. Society will not forgive you if you marry her. Mrs Maylie explained to her son.

Only a cruel man would think that, mother said Harry impatiently. No, mother, I have decided he declared. I will marry her. Please dont oppose me

I know Rose loves you said Mrs Maylie, but she may decide not to marry you, for your sake, not hers, I must go to her now


The little room where Oliver read his books was on the ground floor at the back of the house. One summer evening Oliver fell asleep there. He dreamt that he was in Fagins house.

He saw the old man sitting in his usual corner, talking to another man. It is Oliver. I know this boy. Fagin spoke aggressively in Olivers dream. Olivers fear woke him up.

But Oliver wasnt dreaming. There, at the window, stood Fagin and the man Oliver bumped into when he sent Mrs Maylies letter. The men stood there for a moment, then they were gone. Oliver didnt move for a few seconds, then he shouted for help.

Harry tried to find the men, but he didnt see anyone. It must have been a dream, Oliver he said.

Oh, no replied Oliver. I was them both, as clearly as I see you now

Slowly, Rose recovered. One morning, Harry found her alone and he asked her to marry him. Rose was very pale and had tears in her eyes. Mrs Maylie was right. Rose refused to marry Harry.

You cant marry me, Harry. I would give you a bad name and stop your progress in the world she said. It is my duty to prevent that. I love you, but I can only be your friend

I will ask you again said Harry. If your answer is the same the second time, I will accept it.


One day, the mysterious man called Monks, went to see Mr Bumble. Mr Bumble was now the director of the workhouse where Oliver was born.

I need information from you said Monks. As he spoke, he put some gold coins into Mr Bumbles hand. I need information about a workhouse boy, who was born here 12 years ago. He worked for an undertaker and then ran away to London

You mean Oliver Twist! cried Mr Bumble. I remember him, of course, he was----

I dont want to know about him interrupted Monks. I want to know about Old Sally. She was the woman who was with Olivers mother when Oliver was born

Mrs Corney was with Old Sally when she died, so she may have information said Mr Bumble.

The next evening Mr Bumble, Mrs Corney and Monks met in a house by the river. When they arrived, Monks asked Mrs Corney, Did Old Sally tell you something when she died?

Yes, about Olivers mother replied Mrs Corney. But what sill you give me for this information?

Twenty-five pounds answered Monks. Thats a lot of money for a 12 years old secret. He gave this money to Mrs Corney. She told Monks that Old Sally stole the gold locket from Olivers dying mother.

Do you have it now? asked Monks

Mrs Corney opened her bag, took the locket out and out it on the table. In the locket was some hair and a gold wedding ring with the name Agnes on the insides.

Why do you want the locket? asked Mr Bumble

Monks moved the table, and opened a door in a floor. Below them, they saw a river. Monks tied the locket to a rock and dropped it into the river.

We have nothing more to say now said Monks


The next evening, Monks went to Fagins house. Nancy was there to collect money for Bill, who was ill with a fever.

I want to speak to you privately Monks said to Fagin.

The two men went upstairs into another room to talk. Nancy silently climbed the stairs and listened to their conversation. Monks told Fagin about the locket. Now, nobody can discover Olivers identity he explained.

He said that Oliver was visiting London. He was staying in a hotel in the centre of town with two ladies and a gentleman.

When they finished, Monks left and Fagin returned to the room. He looked at Nancy and said, Youre very pale. Whats the matter?

Nothing, replied Nancy, except sitting in this hot room, waiting for you. Give me Bills money. I want to go home. Out in the street, she sat down and for a few moments she didnt know what to do. Then she returned home to Sikes. Sikes saw the paleness in her face and the anger in her eye.

You look like a corpse he said. If you havent got a fever, theres something more dangerous happening. Now, give me my medicine.

Sikes drank his medicine and fell asleep.

Now I must find Oliver, Nancy said to herself.

She kissed Sikes and left the house. She ran through the streets to a rich part of London. There, she entered a small, family hotel. It was eleven oclock at night. She persuaded the porter to take a message to Miss Rose Maylie, who was staying there.

Tell her that a young woman wants to speak to her urgently said Nancy. I know she wants to hear what I have to say. Soon she was in Roses room.

Tell me why you wanted to see me said Rose. She spoke in such a kind voice that Nancy started to cry.

I am going to put my life, and the lives of others, in your hands said Nancy. I am the girl that took little Oliver back to the thief, Fagin, on the night he went to the bookshop for Mr Brownlow. She told Rose everything she knew.

I knew you were here because I heard a man called Monks talking to Fagin said Nancy. I also heard Monks tell Fagin that he would pay Fagin a lot of money if he took Oliver. Monks said that the proof of Olivers identity was in a gold locket, and that he threw it into the river. They both laughed, and Monks said that he had all of Olivers money. It is the money that Olivers father left for Oliver when he died.

Rose was shocked. What is this?

The truth! said Nancy. Then Monks said he wants to hurt his younger brother, Oliver! when Nancy finished her story, she had to go home to Sikes. Rose did not understand shy Nancy wanted to return to him.

I love him said Nancy. It is too late for me! If Fagin finds out what I have told you, he will kill me and Bill

But we need answers to this mystery cried Rose. Where can I find you again when it is necessary?

Will you promise to keep my secret and not to watch or follow me? asked Nancy

Rose promised. Nancy told her that every Sunday night, from eleven to twelve, she walked alone on London Bridge. Rose could meet her there.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Oliver Finds A New Friend

The next morning Oliver ran into Roses room. I saw the gentleman he cried. I saw Mr Brownlow! He has returned from the West Indies. He was going into a house he opened a piece of paper. This is where he lives!

Rose and Oliver immediately went to Mr Brownlows house. Rose said that she wanted to prepare Mr Brownlow for Olivers visit. They decided that first Rose would speak to him alone. She found Mr Brownlow with his friend Mr Grimwig.

I am here to speak to you about a friend of mine said Rose. His name is Oliver Twist

If you have evidence to change the bad opinion I have of the boy, please give it to me said Mr Brownlow. I tried to find him, but with no success.

Rose told the two gentlemen everything she knew about Oliver. When she finished, Mrs Brownlow wanted to see Oliver immediately. When Rose returned a few moments later with Oliver, Mr Brownlow called Mrs Bedwin to see him. They were both very happy to see Oliver.

I knew you would return! Mrs Bedwin exclaimed.

While Mrs Bedwin and Oliver talked, Rose and Mr Brownlow went into another room. Rose told him Nancys story about Monks. That evening, Mr Brownlow went to the hotel to talk to Mrs Maylie and Dr Losberne.

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Nancy Keeps Her Promise

Nancy was frightened. Fagin was a violent man and might hurt her, or Sikes, if he knew what she was doing. But she wanted to help Oliver.

On Sunday night when Nancy had to meet Rose, Sikes and Fagin were talking at Sikes house.

Nancy said she wanted to go for a walk. But Sikes locked the door and didnt allow her to go.

Im not well and I want some air said Nancy

So put your head out the window, Sikes replied.

Sikes pushed her into a chair. By midnight she stopped fighting.

Fagin walked home, lost in thought. He was very suspicious of Nancys strange behaviour. She often went out alone and she looked nervous.

The next morning, Fagin told the Artful Dodger to follow Nancy the next time she went out. Fagin wanted him to see where Nancy was going and what she was doing.

The following Sunday night at 11.45, Nancy left the house quietly. It was raining and very dark and there were very few people in the streets. In the shadows, the Artful Dodger followed Nancy to the bridge. Rose and Mr Brownlow were waiting for her.

I dont know why began Nancy, but I am frightened tonight

The lady and gentleman spoke kindly and Nancy felt a little better.

We must find Monks to discover who Oliver is explained Mr Brownlow. If we cannot find Monks, then we need your help. We must tell the police about Fagin.

No! cried Nancy. He is a bad person, but I am bad too

However said Mr Brownlow, if you help me to find Monks, we do not need to go to the police

Do you promise Monks will never discover how you found him? asked Nancy.

Never replied Mr Brownlow. You have our promise

In a low, low voice, Nancy gave them the name of the public house where Monks went. She began to describe what Monks looked like. High on his neck there is

A big red mark, like a burn? interrupted Mr Brownlow.

Do you know him? asked Nancy

I think I know him he said. It must be him!

The Artful Dodger heard every word Nancy told Rose and Mr Brownlow. When the meeting on the bridge finished, he ran to Fagin and told him everything.


Two hours later, Fagin sat by the fire, absorbed in thought. Nancy is dangerous he thought. She must be stopped before the police take all of us

Some time later, Sikes arrived. Fagin looked at Sikes for a long time, unable to speak. Finally he said, If one of us, me or Charley or the Dodger, betrayed us, what would you do?

Id kill him! replied Sikes, loudly

Fagin asked the Artful Dodger to enter the room

Tell me about Nancy again, so Sikes can hear he said.

The Artful Dodger explained how he followed Nancy to the bridge. He heard her tell Rose and Mr Brownlow what she knew about Olivers identity. When the Artful Dodger finished, Sikes ran from the room. His face was red, he was furious. Fagin stopped him.

Be careful, Sikes. Be very careful what you do.

Sikes did not answer, and went out into the silent street. He ran home and opened the door quietly.

Nancy was asleep. She woke up and when she saw Sikes, she smiled at him, happy to see him. But when she saw the look on his face, she cried out in fear, Bill! Whats the matter?

You know, said Sikes. The Artful Dodger saw you tonight. He heard every word you said

Sikes hit Nancy very hard on the face. The blood came from a deep cut on her head and she fell to the floor.

She was very scared. She wanted to run, but suddenly she felt too weak.

Then Sikes came towards her again.

No, Bill, please dont cried Nancy. But Sikes didnt listen. He took a heavy stick, hit Nancy once on her head again and killed her.

The sun shone brightly the next morning and lit the room where Nancy lay dead. There was blood everywhere. Sikes threw the stick into the fire and changed his clothes, which were covered in blood. He took his dog, looked at the dead woman, then quickly left.

He did not know where to go. He walked and walked until it was dark. The picture of Nancy, lying dead, was a constant image in his head.

Everywhere he went, people were talking about the murder. After he walked for days, Sikes decided to return to London.

London is a good place to disappear in he thought.

Nobody can find me there. Ill hide for a week or two. Then, Fagin will give me some money and Ill leave England

But what about the dog? The police were looking for a man and a dog. Sikes decided to drown the dog, but when he tried to catch it, it ran away.

CHAPTER TWENTY: Another Meeting

Mr Brownlow found Monks the next day. He went to the public house that Nancy told him about, collected Monks and took him to his house.

You must tell us the truth Mr Brownlow said to Monks. If you dont, you will go to prison. I suggest you sit down.

Monks hesitated, but when he saw the angry look on Mr Brownlows face, he sat down.

This is horrible treatment from my fathers closest friend he said.

I am talking to you and not the police because I was your fathers closest friend Mr Brownlow replied.

But what do you want from me? asked Monks.

I want you to confess said Mr Brownlow. I know you have a brother he continued. I know that your father married a woman he did not love because of pressure from his family. I know that woman was your mother and you were their only child. I also know that your parents eventually separated

I dont know. Said Monks

Dont interrupt me. After the separation, your father fell in love with a girl from a good family. They wanted to marry

When your fathers uncle died and left him some money, your father had to go to Rome for it. But he fell ill in Rome. I know your mother went to look after your father and, of course, his money. Sadly, your father died in Rome. No one found your fathers testament, so you and your mother kept all the money.

Mr Brownlow paused and then said slowly, his eyes on Monks face, But before he went to Rome, he came to me.

I didnt know that interrupted Monks, surprised.

He gave me a painting of the girl he loved. He talked about the dishonour he caused this woman because she was pregnant. His plan was to get the money, then married the girl. He told me he changed his testament before he went to Rome. He wanted to give some of the money to you and your mother. But the rest of it would be for his future wife and child. He promised to write and tell me everything, but, of course, he never did.

Monks smiled in triumph.

When your brother said Mr Brownlow, going closer to Monks, When your brother, Oliver, was rescued by me from a life of

What? exclaimed Monks

Yes continued Mr Brownlow. Oliver recovered from an illness in my house. I saw that he looked like the girl in the painting Agnes, the girl your father loved.

You cant prove anything against me said Monks confidently. You dont know that a child was born. You cannot be sure Oliver is my brother

Youre right. Until two weeks ago I wasnt sure replied Mr Brownlow. But now I know everything. You see, I know every word that passed between you and Fagin. And now Nancy is dead and you are responsible.

No, no interrupted Monks, I know nothing of that

Then Dr Losberne entered the room very excited. The police arrested the man who murdered Nancy

And Fagin? asked Mr Brownlow

They will catch him

Mr Brownlow turned to Monks. Help us or they will arrest you as well said Mr Brownlow

Monks soon agreed and told them about Olivers true identity. He promised to give Oliver his inheritance.


In Fagins house, Charley Bates and the Artful Dodger were talking about Fagin.

They took Fagin this afternoon said the Artful Dodger. The crowd attacked Fagin when the police arrested him. They will hang him soon. I think we are all in danger.

Suddenly, Sikes dog jumped into the room through an open window. The boys ran to look for Sikes, but they didnt see him.

The dog is alone! Charley said

Then Sikes arrived. He looked pale and ill, with three days of beard on his face. No one spoke. Then they saw lights outside, and an angry crowd of people walking towards Fagins house. They wanted Sikes to be punished for killing Nancy.

Quick, give me a long rope cried Sikes. Ill use it to jump down and escape by the river.

On the roof he tied the rope round the chimney. Then he tied the other end around his waist.

Suddenly he had a vision of Nancy, dead, covered in blood. He screamed, then fell off the roof. The rope moved up his body, tightened around his neck and he died immediately.

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Oliver Learns The Truth

Two days later Oliver, Mrs Maylie, Rose, Mrs Bedwin, Dr Losberne and Mr Brownlow gathered at Mr Brownlows house.

A strange man was waiting in Mr Brownlows library, but Oliver didnt know who he was.

Soon, Mr Brownlow and the gentleman entered the dining room. Mr Brownlow introduced Oliver to the man. Oliver. This is Monks, your brother Mr Brownlow said

Oliver was shocked. It was the same man Oliver ran into at the post office. He was also the same man who stood at the window of the reading room with Fagin.

For the first time, Oliver heard the truth about his parents. They told him about the letter his father wrote to Agnes, the girl he loved- Olivers mother. They also told Oliver about the testament. His father gave 800 to his first wife and Monks. The rest of the money and property was for Agnes and their child.

When Agnes father discovered that his daughter was pregnant, he went to Wales with his children to hide his familys disgrace. Agnes ran away from home.

Mr Brownlow pointed to Rose and asked Monks if he recognised her. Yes, I recognised her replied Monks.

Mr Brownlow continued, When Agnes father died, Agnes younger sister was alone. The child lived on the streets. But one day a kind woman saw her, and took her home to live with her. The kind woman was Mrs Maylie and the girl was Rose

Oliver and Rose embraced with tears of happiness in their eyes. My aunt, my own dear Aunt! cried Oliver.


Rose and Harry Maylie married three months later. They lived in a quiet village. Mrs Maylie lived with them and passed the rest of her life there, peacefully and happily.

Monks took his money and went to America, after he spent the money, he returned to crime, then died in prison.

The Artful Dodge wasnt arrested because he told the police about Fagin. He started a business as an informer for the police.

Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver as his son. They moved to a house near the Maylies. Mr Brownlow filled Olivers mind with knowledge and grew to love him more and more.

Finally, the two orphans, Oliver and Rose, were truly happy.

They remembered their difficult childhoods and were grateful for everything they had.