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Page 1: OF THE VILLAGE OF FOLSOM, East, Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and being more fully described






BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the Village of

FoIsom, State of Louisiana that

WH田R田AS, Ronald Egan, a PerSOn Of the fu11 age of m勾ority and a resident of

and domiciled in the Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, has been shown to be

the owner of the following deschbed immovable property situated in the Parish of St・


ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND, tOgether with all rights, Way,

means, Phvileges, Servitudes and appurtenances thereunto belonging or

in anywISe aPPertaining, Situated in Section 3, Township 5 South, Range

lO East, Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and being more fully

described as follows:

From the section comer common to Sections 3, 4, 9 and lO, Township 5

South, Range lO East, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, gO

South 89 degrees 57 minutes East a distance of 1491・89 feet to the point

Of beginning・

From point of beginning, gO North 23 degrees Ol minutes West a

distance of 703.5 feet to a point; thence go North 70 degrees 5O minutes

East a distance of625.29 feet to a point; thence go South 15 degrees 58

minutes East a distance of 2O9.56 feet to a point; thence go South 77

degrees 43 minutes West a distance of 166.34 feet to a point; thence go

South 12 degrees 54 minutes East a distance of 632.19 feet to a point;

thence go North 89 degrees 57 minutes West a distance of 351・90 feet to

the point of beginning・

Containing 7.753 acres・ All in accordance with map and plat of survey

by Lanier Land Surveymg, David D. Lanier, registered land surveyor,

dated May 25, 1999 and bearing number 2047・

WHEREAS, the above described immovable property is contiguous with the

municipa1 1imits of the Village of FoIsom,

WHERBAS, Ronald Eagan has petitioned the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to

annex the sutlject property into the Village of FoIsom and has requested that the

property be annexed with a zoning classification of "Residential" in accordance with

the Vi11age of FoIsom Zoning Ordinance, Section 18.22,

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Page 2: OF THE VILLAGE OF FOLSOM, East, Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and being more fully described

Ⅷ田REAS, the petition for armexation has met a11 requirements of law,

SPeCifica11y including Louisiana Revised Statute 33: 172, and the Mayor and Board of

Audermen of the Village of FoIsom consider amexation of the above deschbed

immovable property to beneficial to the Village of FoIsom,

WHEREAS, the petition for armexation was accompanied by the certificate of

the duly elected and qualified Assessor for the Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of

Louisiana, Showing the above deschbed immovable property and certifying the

estimated valuation of the immovable property for the year 1 998・

WHEREAS, the notice of the petition for amexation of the above deschbed

immovable property was duly given by publication on6 /24 7 /1 7 /81999, in the ’’St・

Tammany Farmer,” a weekly newspaper having general circulation in the Village of

FoIsom and the Parish of St. Tammany,

WH田REAS, mOre than ten days have elapsed since the date of said publication

and all public meetings and public hea正ngs required by law have been held,

BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the Village of FoIsom, State of

Iのuisiana that the above described immovable property be, and it is hereby,

incorporated within the municipal血nits and boundahes of the VⅢage of FoIsom,

State of Louisiana with a zoning class範cation of ”Residential. ’’

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a true copy of this ordinance be皿ed in the

COnVeyanCe reCOrds of the Clerk of Court for the Pahsh of St. Tammany to serve as

OCCaSion may require.

B田IT FURTHER ORDAIN田D that this ordinance sha11 take effect on and after

its promulgation.

Approved :


Page 3: OF THE VILLAGE OF FOLSOM, East, Pahsh of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and being more fully described


I, Joyce Core, municipal clerk, Certify that the above and foregoing is a true and

COrreCt eXtraCt Of the minutes of the regular session of the Board of Aldermen of the

Village of FoIsom held at the Town Ha11 in the Village of FoIsom, Louisiana on the 12th

day of July, 1999. Present: Marshell Brumfield, Mayor; Willie Richardson, Jr.,

Alderman; Gerald Sambola, Alderman, David Pittman, Alderman. All aldermen

PreSent VOted yea and there were no nays.

JOYCE CORE, Municipal Clerk

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