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誘答選項幾乎皆為三民課本中單字,而課本中亦有Word File單元,提供字根及字首補充,可拓展學生字彙量,對複合字也能推測文意。




第40-43題組探討「化學物質對海洋的汙染問題」,有毒化合物附著在塑膠表面,亦討論因為食物鏈而引起的汙染。三民版新課綱教材B1U6 The Real ‘Price’ of Plastic內容討論微塑膠造成的水汙染及海洋汙染。藉由學習課本內容,可讓學生習得相關概念。

第44-47題組探討「紐西蘭毛利人戰舞──哈卡舞」,哈卡舞於三民版新課綱教材B1U1 The First Day of School Around the World介紹,藉由學習課本內容,可讓學生發掘各國不同的文化。

三民課本針對閱讀技巧的訓練相當紮實,每課Reading Task引導學生讀課文、抓重點,並實際操作skimming、scanning等閱讀技巧,再長篇的文章也能快速掌握重點!Reading Map則幫助學生釐清文章脈絡。而Comprehension Check出題方向和用字也比照大考體例,學生在課本中就可以不斷練習。





本次考題為「校園安全」,可延伸討論校園霸凌的問題。本教材於B5U7 Words Can Hurt介紹言語霸凌的內容,其中於校園中發生的情境與學生相關度極高。學生可透過課本內容學習相關用字,並用於寫作情境中。







C 1. When John proposes an idea, people in his office always lend their support. He feels lucky to have ______ like them.

(A) villains

(B) executives

(C) colleagues

(D) intruders


(A) 惡棍 (B) 主管 (C) 同事 (D) 盜賊

【解析】( 本題可由people in his office對應到(C) colleagues。

( 本題也可由文意與常識判斷:John的提議總是得到同辦公室人的支持,推論他覺得有幸與這些同事們共事,故選(C) colleagues。

( (A) villain為本教材B2U3單字。(B) executive為本教材B5U3單字。字尾 “-ive”則於B2U10 Word File單元介紹。正解(C) colleague為本教材B5U1單字。(D) intruder為本教材B6U6單字。

【補充】propose an idea提議想法 come up with an idea想到主意

A 2. As last year’s MVP (Most Valuable Player), Joan is ______ to the basketball team. No other player can replace her.

(A) indispensable

(B) comprehensible

(C) affordable

(D) permissible


(A) 不可或缺的 (B) 能懂的 (C) 負擔得起的 (D) 容許的

【解析】( 由文意得知,Joan是球隊的MVP,地位無人可取代,由此推論她是球隊不可或缺的隊員,本題選(A) indispensable。

( 字尾 “-able”於B1U12 Word File單元介紹。(B) comprehensible為本教材B4U10單字。(D) permissible為本教材B3U10單字。

B 3. The researcher warned that the results of the study needed to be interpreted with ______ because the sample size was not big enough to make firm conclusions.

(A) metaphor

(B) caution

(C) enthusiasm

(D) impulse


(A) 譬喻 (B) 謹慎 (C) 熱忱 (D) 衝動

【解析】( 從文意得知,樣本數不足夠用來推論出堅定的結論,因此研究員警告要小心解讀結果,故選(B) caution。

( 本題也可由warn聯想到with caution。

( (A) metaphor為本教材B5U9單字。正解(B) caution為本教材B3U6單字。(C) enthusiasm為本教材B1U12單字。

【補充】with + N = Adv. 例:with caution = cautiously

C 4. Although the small group of soldiers was greatly ______ by their enemy, they fought with great courage and finally won the battle.

(A) initiated

(B) contradicted

(C) outnumbered

(D) triggered


(A) 創始 (B) 反駁 (C) 數目超過 (D) 引發

【解析】由連接詞although可知前後二句應為相反的意思。後句指出士兵展現勇氣贏得戰爭,回推前句應是表示一小隊軍人的人數遠不及敵人,寡卻擊眾,故由small group對應was outnumbered選出答案(C) outnumbered。

【補充】out + V可形成複合字:outstand突出、outreach延伸、outcast被逐出的人

D 5. Mr. Wise received an award for his ______ to the needy children and the elderly in the neighborhood.

(A) competence

(B) prospect

(C) momentum

(D) devotion


(A) 能力 (B) 前景 (C) 動力 (D) 奉獻

【解析】( 本題可從搭配詞devotion to選出答案(D),也可由文意推知Wise先生因為不遺餘力幫助鄰近地區的孩童與老人而獲獎,故選(D) devotion。

( (B) prospect為本教材B6U9單字。

【補充】( devotion to + N/V-ing:奉獻 ( = dedication to + N/V-ing)

例:Ms. Chen Shu-chu’s devotion to helping those in need has touched numerous people and won her much respect and praise.

( be devoted/dedicated to + N/V-ing:奉獻;致力於

例:Karen is devoted to the education of children from poverty-stricken families.

A 6. One simple yet good way to ______ your love for your family is to express it directly in words.

(A) manifest

(B) resemble

(C) execute

(D) instruct


(A) 表明 (B) 類似 (C) 執行 (D) 命令

【解析】( 從文意推知要表達對家人的愛,簡單的好方法即是直接以文字表明,故選 (A) manifest。

( 正解(A) manifest為本教材B5U10單字。(C) execute為本教材B5U3單字。(D) instruct為本教材B6U8單字。

【補充】此句的it代替前述的「your love」。

C 7. Cloning animals has been very controversial. Some people consider it a medical breakthrough, while others think it is ______ and should be prohibited.

(A) legitimate

(B) inclusive

(C) unethical

(D) nonmilitant



(A) 合情合理的 (B) 範圍廣泛的 (C) 不合倫理的 (D) 不好戰的

【解析】( 由連接詞while得知前後句的意思應為相反。前句指出有些人認為複製動物是醫學突破,後句表示其他人認為應被禁止,由此可推論空格應選同為負面含義的字(C) unethical。

( (B) inclusive為本教材B1U11單字。正解(C) unethical為本教材B4U9單字。

【補充】此句中的. . . consider it a medical breakthrough與. . . think it is unethical中的it分別為受詞與主詞的功用,均是指cloning animals。

D 8. Animals that stay in groups are more likely to find food and detect danger than a ______ animal—multiple pairs of eyes are better than one.

(A) contagious

(B) rigid

(C) distinctive

(D) solitary


(A) 會傳染的 (B) 嚴格的 (C) 獨特的 (D) 單獨的

【解析】( 本題可從比較級more . . . than的結構得知此句在比較二種不同特性的動物。Animals that stay in groups可對應到multiple pairs of eyes,反推one pair of eyes應是呼應solitary animals,故選(D) solitary。

( 本題也可從文意推知,群居動物比獨居動物更容易找到食物與偵測危險來作答。

( 正解(D) solitary為本教材B5U4單字。

【補充】be likely to意為「可能」

B 9. On the first page of her new book, the writer ______ all the people who helped in the publication of the book.

(A) contemplates

(B) acknowledges

(C) inquires

(D) regulates


(A) 考慮 (B) 感謝 (C) 打聽 (D) 管制

【解析】( 從on the first page of her new book與all the people who helped in the publication可推測,作家在新書的第一頁向所有曾對書籍出版提供幫助的人表達感謝,故選(B) acknowledges。

( (A) contemplate為本教材B4U12單字。正解(B) acknowledge為本教材B4U9單字。(C) inquire為本教材B3U12單字。(D) regulate為本教材B5U2單字。

B 10. Due to the recession, it is not easy for people to get ______ paid jobs, even if they are highly educated and well-trained in the field.

(A) compatibly

(B) decently

(C) relevantly

(D) virtually


(A) 相容地 (B) 像樣地 (C) 有關聯地 (D) 幾乎

【解析】( 本題可由due to the recession推論,即使人們受過高等教育與受過專業訓練也不容易得到恰當薪資的工作,故選 (B) decently。

( 字尾 “-ly”於B1U1 Word File單元介紹。(C) relevantly為本教材B6U10單字。(D) virtually為本教材B3U2單字。

【補充】recession (n.)衰退 economic recession經濟衰退



第 11 至 15 題為題組

The Consumer Protection Act in Taiwan was enacted on January 11, 1994. The Act demonstrated the government’s efforts to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The Consumer Protection Commission, the current Consumer Protection Committee, 11 the supervisor and coordinator for the various consumer protection organizations that put this law into practice. In order to improve the well-being of consumers in Taiwan, the Committee advocates fair trade and 12 pricing for goods and services. The Committee also organizes educational programs to raise consumer awareness, and is active in assisting consumers involved in 13 with businesses or manufacturers.

Since its establishment, the Consumer Protection Committee has taken measures that emphasize product safety and sanitation. These measures also ensure that all labels and advertisements 14 to regulations. In addition, the Committee collaborates with various international consumer protection organizations to respond to problems involving cross-border trade and business. 15 its regulatory power and administrative resources, the Committee plays a crucial role in protecting consumers in Taiwan.



A 11. (A) serves as

(B) fights for

(C) persists in

(D) corresponds to

(A) 擔任 (B) 爭取 (C) 持續 (D) 相符…

【解析】( 本題測驗片語的意思。從for得知本句在說明消費者保護會的功能,推論委員會是擔任不同消費者保護組織的監督與協調者,故答案選(A) serves as。

( (C) persist為本教材B3U3單字。(D) correspond為本教材B3U3單字。

C 12. (A) prominent

(B) essential

(C) reasonable

(D) intensive

(A) 著名的 (B) 必須的 (C) 合理的 (D) 密集的

【解析】( 前句文意表示「為了改善消費者的福祉,消保會提倡公平交易」,由improve the well-being of consumers,推論委員會應很重視貨物與服務都要有合理價格,答案選(C) reasonable。

( 本題也可由搭配詞reasonable pricing的概念作答。

( (A) prominent為本教材B3U8單字。(B) essential為本教材B2U6單字。正解(C) reasonable為本教材B4U5單字。(D) intensive為本教材B5U9單字。

D 13. (A) references

(B) shortages

(C) purchases

(D) disputes

(A) 參考 (B) 短缺 (C) 購物 (D) 爭論

【解析】( 由文意「消保會積極協助消費者」可知是幫忙解決事情,空格應為與問題相關的字,因此選(D) disputes。

( 本題可由搭配詞的概念,依介系詞with確定答案為disputes。

( (A) reference為本教材B6U4單字。(B) shortage為本教材B2U9單字。(C) purchase為本教材B3U7單字。正解(D) dispute為本教材B3U5單字。

A 14. (A) conform

(B) conformed

(C) conforming

(D) to conform

【解析】由文意「這些措施確保所有的標示和廣告都符合法規」,可知本句在敘述事實,使用現在式時態,that引導名詞子句當ensure的受詞。在名詞子句中all labels and advertisements是主詞,本空格應填入現在式的主要動詞,故答案選(A) conform。

B 15. (A) From

(B) With

(C) Despite

(D) Beyond

(A) 從 (B) 有 (C) 儘管 (D) 超出

【解析】本篇文章主要在談論消保會的功能與運作,本句以with表示附帶的功用來概要重述此點為總結,因此答案為(B) With。


Scientific discovery can take various forms. One of them is “serendipity,” the luck of finding valuable things unintentionally. Serendipity was at work when Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the antibiotic miracle.

Fleming had long been known for having an untidy laboratory. One morning in 1928, this 16 proved very fortunate. It was his first day coming back to work after a long vacation. Before the vacation, he 17 in the sink a number of petri dishes in which he had been growing bacteria. While he was sorting through the long 18 dishes of germs that morning, he observed that some of the dishes were contaminated with a fungus, which had ruined his experiment. He was about to 19 the dishes, but he noticed that in one dish, the bacteria had failed to grow in the area around the fungus. This accidental finding gave rise to subsequent research that led to the discovery of penicillin—a drug that has since saved millions of lives.

Chance 20 , however, may not be enough to make key discoveries like this. The scientist must have a prepared and open mind to detect the importance of the unforeseen incident and to use it constructively.

科學上的發現可以分很多種。有一種是機緣巧合,也就是無意間有重要發現的運氣。英國微生物學家Alexander Fleming發現青黴素,抗生素奇蹟,靠的就是機緣巧合。



D 16. (A) merit

(B) opinion

(C) scandal

(D) disorder

(A) 優點 (B) 意見 (C) 醜聞 (D) 凌亂

【解析】( 前句提到Fleming的實驗室總是處於凌亂的狀態,本格呼應此點,描述「這個狀態」最終竟然導致幸運的結果,可知空格應為與untidy同義的選項,答案選(D) disorder。

( (B) opinion為本教材B2U10單字。正解(D) disorder為本教材B5U7單字。

B 17. (A) would pile

(B) had piled

(C) was piling

(D) might have piled

【解析】( 由文意得知,Fleming在長假前已經在水槽堆積了許多培養細菌的培養皿,本題語意「已經堆積」是比過去事情came back早發生的動作,故使用過去完成式had p.p.,答案選(B) had piled。

( pile為本教材B2U3單字。

C 18. (A) disabled

(B) excluded

(C) unattended

(D) misunderstood

(A) 無能力的 (B) 被排除的 (C) 無人照料的 (D) 被誤解的

【解析】( 本格位於名詞dishes之前,應是修飾dishes的形容詞。由前幾句得知Fleming剛剛結束長假回到實驗室整理,推知堆積於水槽的培養皿應久未受到照料,故選(C) unattended。

( (A) disabled為本教材B5U7單字。(B) excluded為本教材B4U5單字。正解(C) unattended為本教材B1U5單字。(D) misunderstood為本教材B2U12單字。

A 19. (A) toss out

(B) get off

(C) catch up

(D) carry on

(A) 丟棄 (B) 出發,離開 (C) 趕上 (D) 繼續

【解析】( 從文意了解,Fleming發現培養皿發霉長真菌,認為實驗毀了,推論他應該會想將培養皿丟棄,卻在此時注意到真菌周圍未長出細菌,因此答案選(A) toss out。

( be about to + V 即將要…

( (C) catch up為本教材B6U9片語。

A 20. (A) alone

(B) alike

(C) above

(D) ahead

(A) 僅僅 (B) 相似的 (C) 上面的 (D) 前面的

【解析】第一、二段主要描述Fleming發現盤尼西林的過程,雖然屬於幸運發現的結果,但作者在結論段發表感想,認為科學家必須有開放的心胸去查看預料之外的事件,可推論作者覺得僅僅靠運氣,難以有這樣的重大發現,故選(A) alone。




Robert Stroud (1890-1963) was an American prisoner who reared and sold birds and became an ornithologist while in prison. He became known as the “Birdman of Alcatraz.” Despite this 21 , he actually kept birds only at Leavenworth Prison, before he was transferred to Alcatraz.

Stroud is one of the most notorious criminals in American history. He was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death by hanging in 1916. His mother desperately 22 for his life. Finally, in 1920, President Woodrow Wilson changed his death sentence to life 23 without parole. But because of Stroud’s unpredictable and violent outbursts, the warden directed that Stroud be placed in a 24 unit to live out his sentence in total isolation.

While at Leavenworth (1912-1942), Stroud developed a 25 interest in birds after finding an injured sparrow in the prison yard. He was given a special right to 26 birds and maintain a lab inside his two prison cells. It was felt that this activity would allow for productive use of his time. As a result of this 27 , Stroud was able to author two books on canaries and their diseases. He had raised nearly 300 birds in his cells, carefully studying their habits and physiology. He even developed and marketed medicines for various kinds of bird 28 . Although it is widely debated whether the remedies he developed were 29 , Stroud was able to make scientific observations that would later benefit research on the canary species.

In 1942, Stroud was transferred to Alcatraz. He spent the next seventeen years there, but was not allowed to keep pets. While there, he wrote two more manuscripts, but these were never published because it was 30 by the prison authorities. In 1963, he died in a medical center in Missouri.

Robert Stroud(1890-1963)是美國的囚犯,飼養鳥類並加以販售,在監獄中成了鳥類學家。他被稱為「Alcatraz的養鳥人」。雖然21.綽號跟Alcatraz有關,但他其實只在Leavenworth監獄養鳥,之後才移監到惡魔島。




(A) keen

(B) breed

(C) release(D) banned(E) supportive

(F) imprisonment

(G) illness(H) separated( I ) nickname( J ) effective(K) pleaded

(L) privilege

(A) 熱切的 adj. (B) 飼養 v. (C) 釋放 v. (D) 查禁 v. (E) 支持的 adj. (F) 監禁 n.

(G) 疾病 n. (H) 單獨的 adj. ( I ) 綽號 n. (J) 有效的 adj. (K) 懇求 v. (L) 特權 n.


I 21. Despite this 21 , he actually kept birds only at Leavenworth Prison, . . .,本空格在指示形容詞this之後,應填名詞。本格前句指出Robert Stroud在獄中養鳥、販賣鳥類並成為鳥類學家,被稱為「Alcatraz的養鳥人」。despite顯示出前後句文意相反,後句文意為「他實際上只在被送去Alcatraz前養過鳥」,反推本句應是「儘管有這個養鳥人的綽號」,他也僅在囚禁於Leavenworth監獄時養過鳥,因此正確答案是(D) nickname。

K 22. His mother desperately 22 for his life.,本空格在主詞his mother之後並且是過去的事情,應填過去式的動詞。從搭配詞plead for與文意「他的媽媽拼命地懇求饒恕兒子的性命」,可知答案選(K) pleaded。

F 23. President Woodrow Wilson changed his death sentence to life 23 without parole.,依據change A to B的句型,得知空格應該填入名詞。從文意Wilson總統將Stroud的死刑改判為終身監禁,加上搭配詞life imprisonment的組合,可知答案為(F) imprisonment。imprisonment為本教材B4U2單字。

H 24. . . . the warden directed that Stroud be placed in a 24 unit to live out his sentence in total isolation,本空格在名詞unit前,應填形容詞。本句前半表示Robert Stroud有無法預測的暴力情緒,後半部提到要將他完全隔離,可推知典獄長命令要將他關閉在單獨的牢房,故答案應選(H) separated。separated為本教材B2U2單字。

A 25. Stroud developed a 25 interest in birds after finding an injured sparrow in the prison yard.,本格位於名詞前,應填入形容詞,由文意Stroud在獄中發現受傷的麻雀後,開始對鳥類產生興趣,加上搭配詞keen interest的組合,可知選(A) keen。

B 26. He was given a special right to 26 birds and maintain a lab inside his two prison cells.,本格前有不定詞to,後有名詞birds,應填原形的及物動詞。從文意「他在獄中被給予特殊的權利飼養鳥類與維持實驗室」,判斷答案為(B) breed。

L 27. As a result of this __27__, Stroud was able to author two books on canaries and their diseases.,本空格前為指示形容詞this,可知本格應為名詞。由前面文意Stroud可以在監獄中養鳥與在實驗室研究,均非一般犯人被允許的事情,屬於特權,故選(L) privilege。privilege為本教材B3U10單字。

G 28. He even developed and marketed medicines for various kinds of bird 28 .,本空格前有介系詞of,應填名詞。developed and marketed medicines可與illness呼應,推知Stroud在獄中找到治療鳥類疾病的方法,得知答案為 (G) illness。

J 29. Although it is widely debated whether the remedies he developed were 29 , Stroud was able to make scientific observations . . .,本空格在be動詞were之後,應填形容詞,由連接詞Although得知二句文意應該相反,後句「Stroud能夠做科學觀察,對日後的金絲雀物種研究有助益」屬於正面意義,判斷本句應為負面含義:對於Stroud研發的治療法是否有效仍有廣大的爭議,得知應選(J) effective。effective為本教材B1U7單字。

D 30. While there, he wrote two more manuscripts, but these were never published because it was 30 by the prison authorities.,本空格前有be動詞was,後面接「介系詞by +名詞」的結構,推知空格應填過去分詞表示被動語態。由文意「Stroud後來又寫了二本手稿,但因為被獄方查禁,所以從來未被出版」,得知答案為(D) banned。ban為本教材B4U4單字。




Gladiators were combatants who fought against criminals, wild animals, and each other during the time of the Roman Empire. They were armed with deadly weapons and in most cases fought till either one of them accepted defeat or was killed. 31 Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and violent death. They crowded into the arenas to watch gladiator games, just like we watch football, baseball, and tennis matches today.

32 Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, and some were prisoners of war. Most of the others were volunteers, a group which once accounted for half of all gladiators. The majority of the gladiators were Thracians, Gauls, and Africans. These combatants were generally skilled fighters and were paid for their services. 33 All of the fighters, both male and female, were well looked after by their owners and rewarded after winning fights.

Roman historians sometimes called gladiators hordearii, a Latin term which means “barley eaters” in English. 34 Chemical analyses of the bones found in a gladiator graveyard indicated that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans. 35 In addition to a plant-heavy diet, gladiators drank plant ashes to fortify the body after physical exertion and to promote better bone healing. The diet that gladiators followed may be unconventional by modern athletic standards, but in the days of the Romans, this was the diet of heroes.

(A) Gladiators were recruited from different sources.

(B) The origins of gladiators were obscure and mysterious.

(C) Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal.

(D) There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests.

(E) Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public.

(F) Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters.





E 31. 本格後句提到羅馬人喜歡看見血與暴力的死亡,他們湧入競技場看比賽,可見羅馬人將觀賞競技視為一種娛樂。檢視(E)選項與後句的關聯,entertainment與enjoy對應,由選項文意(Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public.)可確定文意連貫,因此答案為(E)。

A 32. 本格後句的主詞為代名詞Some,回推本格的主詞應為可對應的複數名詞。檢視(E)選項與後句的關聯,Some與選項的Gladiators呼應,slaves bought from different lands、some were prisoners of war與選項的different sources對應,從選項文意(Gladiators were recruited from different sources.)判斷,可確定連貫,因此答案為(A)。

D 33. 本格後句指出劍鬥士不分男女都受到雇主的照顧,有特別提及女性劍鬥士,因此考慮(D)選項與後句的關聯,二句的females可對應,得知答案為(D) There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests.。

C 34. 本格前句提到劍鬥士素有「食大麥者」的名稱,後句說明研究人員對劍鬥士骨骼的化學分析顯示他們吃的食物有小麥、大麥和豆類,可推論「食大麥者」這名稱從字面上解釋劍鬥士的飲食,因此檢視(C)選項,this name與“barley eaters”可呼應,從選項文意(Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal.)確定連貫,故答案為(C)。

F 35. 本格後句表示,除了以植物為主要的飲食外,劍鬥士也飲用植物灰來強化身體以促進骨骼癒合,考慮同樣提及飲食的(F)選項。選項的little sign of meat or dairy products與plant-heavy diet可以呼應,推知(F) Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters.為答案。



第 36 至 39 題為題組

Early civilizations often built drainage systems in urban areas to handle rainwater that ran down the street during a storm. The Romans constructed elaborate systems that also drained wastewater from the public baths. However, as the population of the cities grew, the old drainage systems became overloaded. During the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing waste was added to sewage, which increased the need for more efficient sewage treatment. In the mid-19th century, the first steps were taken to treat wastewater.

Sewage or wastewater treatment in modern times is the process of removing harmful physical, chemical, and biological elements from wastewater and house sewage. The whole process starts with screening out large objects such as paper and wood, and removing heavy materials like dirt. The screened wastewater is then ready to go through a series of concrete tanks for further treatment. In the second step, the sewage passes into the primary tanks. Here, human waste, called sludge, settles to the bottom while oils and grease float to the top, where they are collected. At the same time, organic matter like eggshells or coffee grounds in the sewage is broken down into smaller substances. The remaining sewage then enters the secondary tanks for the third stage of treatment. The solids that were not treated in the primary tanks are removed here through decomposition, which digests the material. Then, the liquid sewage is filtered through sand. This filtering process gets rid of almost all bacteria, as well as other solid particles that remain in the water. Finally, the wastewater flows into the last tanks, where the chemical chlorine is added to kill the remaining bacteria. After the bacteria are destroyed, the chlorine is eliminated from the water, and the treated clean water is discharged into a river or the ocean.



B 36. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The elements of sewage.

(B) The treatment of wastewater.

(C) The history of draining systems.

(D) The ways to control manufacturing waste.


(A) 汙水的成分。 (B) 廢水處理的方式。

(C) 排水系統的歷史。 (D) 管控工業廢物的方式。


D 37. Which of the following is NOT a reason for developing more effective systems to deal with wastewater?

(A) Population growth.

(B) Increasing manufacturing waste.

(C) Overloaded drainage systems.

(D) Heavy rainfall due to climate change.


(A) 人口成長。 (B) 增加的工業廢物。

(C) 排水系統不堪負荷。 (D) 氣候變遷下大雨。


C 38. Which of the following can be removed in the primary tanks?

(A) Wood.

(B) Heavy material.

(C) Grease.

(D) Organic matter.


(A) 木頭。 (B) 沈重物質。 (C) 油脂。 (D) 有機物質。


A 39. What is the main reason that liquid sewage needs to go through sand?

(A) To eliminate bacteria.

(B) To drain water.

(C) To dissolve solid particles.

(D) To remove oil.


(A) 殺菌。 (B) 排水。 (C) 溶解微粒。 (D) 去油。

【說明】(A) 第二段的第九、十句指出,污水可透過沙的過濾而消滅細菌,可知答案選(A)。

第 40 至 43 題為題組

The planet’s deepest point is in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, which lies miles below the sea surface. According to a new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, even in this remote locale, creatures cannot escape pollution.

A team of researchers recently sent a remotely operated vehicle into the depths of the Mariana Trench. They found that extraordinarily high levels of forbidden industrial chemicals are contaminating marine life more than 7 miles deep in the trench. The small hard-shelled marine life that the robotic submarine brought to the surface was polluted with toxic chemicals, with toxin levels 50 times greater than those of the most heavily polluted rivers in the world.

These pollution levels were not the only alarming aspect of the discovery. The types of compounds found were all considered “persistent organic pollutants” (POPs), meaning they stick around in the environment for a very long time. Two of the most prevalent types are PCBs and PBDEs. PCBs were once used in many industrial applications, but were outlawed in the United States in the 1970s after being linked to cancer. Similarly, PBDEs were used in a wide range of products—from electronics to couch cushions. Neither chemical breaks down in the environment.

These compounds stick to the surface of materials like plastic. Many creatures mistakenly eat this colorful but toxic material, causing the POPs to build up in their bodies, lurking in their fat tissues. When these sea creatures die, their POP-riddled bodies sink to the ocean floor, where deep-sea marine life eat their remains. POPs are therefore transferred to other creatures along the food chain.

The Mariana Trench is many miles away from any industrial source. This suggests that these pollutants travel over long distances despite having been prohibited worldwide decades ago.

地球的最深處在太平洋的馬里亞納海溝,海溝跟海平面距離好幾英里。根據Nature Ecology & Evolution刊登的新研究,就連如此偏遠的地方還是有汙染影響生物。





C 40. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The decrease of polluted creatures in the food chain.

(B) Using remote control in research on marine pollution.

(C) Pollution of the deep sea by persistent toxic chemicals.

(D) Types of chemical pollution caused by industrial applications.


(A) 食物鏈裡受汙染的生物變少了。

(B) 用遙控方式來研究海洋物染。

(C) 持久性有毒化學物對深海造成的汙染。

(D) 工業化應用造成化學污染種類。


B 41. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “POP-riddled” in paragraph 4?

(A) Operated by POPs.

(B) Filled with POPs.

(C) Completed with POPs.

(D) Discarded by POPs.


(A) 靠持久性有機污染物操作。 (B) 充滿持久性有機污染物。

(C) 由持久性有機污染物完成。 (D) 被持久性有機污染物丟棄。


D 42. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) PCBs are often used in making electronic products.

(B) Chemicals washed down to the ocean stay on the surface.

(C) The deepest point of the Mariana Trench is free from pollution.

(D) A robotic vehicle was used to help study pollution in the Mariana Trench.


(A) 多氯聯苯常用來製造電子產品。

(B) 化學物質流入海洋會在表面漂浮。

(C) 馬里亞納海溝最深處沒有汙染。

(D) 機械遙控車被用來協助研究馬里亞納海溝的汙染。


A 43. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Marine pollution poses a threat to human health.

(B) Strict regulations are being developed to stop ocean pollution.

(C) PCBs and PBDEs become less harmful over long periods of time.

(D) Chemical pollution is more serious in rivers than in industrial areas.


(A) 海洋汙染對人類健康造成威脅。

(B) 為了不讓海洋受到汙染,正在制定嚴格的法規。

(C) 隨著時間過去,PCBs與PBDEs會變得比較無害。

(D) 河川裡的化學汙染比工業區的還嚴重。


· 三民版新課綱教材「B1U6 The Real ‘Price’ of Plastic」內容討論微塑膠造成的水汙染及海洋汙染,與閱讀測驗第40至43題組主題相關。該課以塑膠垃圾隨著雨水最終流入河川以及海洋為例,說明家用產品所含的塑膠及微塑膠對海洋生物的汙染及影響。並於結論提出,人類應該在生活中落實「減塑」這樣的環保行動。

第 44 至 47 題為題組

The All Blacks, New Zealand’s national rugby team, is widely credited for bringing the “haka” to the world stage. Immediately before kick-off, the whole team will issue a warlike chant, stamping their feet, slapping their thighs, rolling their eyes, flicking their tongues, and making aggressive gestures in unison. This performance before each match, which is intended to heighten their morale and intimidate opponents, is a sight to behold. No other international sporting team possesses a pre-match ritual as powerful as the famed All Blacks haka.

What does “haka” mean? Haka is often thought of as a broad term for Māori war dances traditionally used to intimidate the enemy and prepare the warriors for battle. Most people believe it was performed either on the battlefield prior to engaging the enemy, or as the warriors were leaving their own village en route to a battle. But in the language of Māori, the word haka simply means a dance. The dance is accompanied by a chant that expresses emotions or tells ancient stories. While many haka should be performed by males, there are some haka that can be performed by anyone, male or female. There are even some women-only haka.

Thanks to the All Blacks, two of the haka have become widely renowned: Ka Mate and Kapa o Pango. The former was composed by a Māori chief in the early 1800s about how he outsmarted his enemies. It was first performed by the All Blacks in 1906. The latter was written specifically for the team in 2005. They are now performed interchangeably by the All Blacks.

Today, different varieties of haka are performed on various ceremonial occasions—from receiving distinguished guests to birthdays, weddings, or the funerals of chiefs and people of high status. Though the practice had traditionally been limited to Māori communities, it has now spread far beyond that. Māori and New Zealanders of European heritage alike view doing the haka with a sense of pride, both on the rugby field and outside it. The haka has become the most recognizable symbol of New Zealanders as a people.



多虧了黑衫軍,有兩個哈卡舞已廣為人知:Ka Mate和Kapa o Pango。Ka Mate由一位毛利酋長在1800年代初期創作,講述自己如何智取敵人。黑衫軍首次表演Ka Mate的時間是1906年。Kapa o Pango則是2005年專為國家隊創作的。這兩個舞蹈現在黑衫軍會交替表演。


D 44.Which of the following best describes the tone of this article?

(A) Cynical.(B) Humorous.(C) Pessimistic.

(D) Respectful.


(A) 憤世嫉俗的。 (B) 幽默的。 (C) 悲觀的。 (D) 表示敬意的。


C 45. According to the passage, for what purpose do the All Blacks perform the haka?

(A) To anger their opponents.(B) To gain public attention and fame.

(C) To boost their own spirits.(D) To show respect to their ancestors.


(A) 為了激怒對手。 (B) 為了贏得大眾注意與名聲。

(C) 為了振奮他們的精神。 (D) 為了對祖先表示尊敬。

【說明】由文中的is intended to與本題的for what purpose呼應,可確定本題答案在第一段第三句,黑衫軍比賽前會先表演哈卡舞,用意在提高他們的士氣以及威嚇對手,故答案選(C)。

B 46. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “practice” in the last paragraph?

(A) Sport.(B) Performance.(C) Competition.

(D) Occupation.


(A) 運動。 (B) 表演。 (C) 競賽。 (D) 職業。


D 47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) The traditional Māori haka is limited to use by male Māori warriors in battle.

(B) The original meaning of haka in Māori is a war dance accompanied by songs.

(C) The All Blacks have taken turns performing Ka Mate and Kapa o Pango since 1906.

(D) Haka are now used for important events by both Māori and non-Māori New Zealanders.


(A) 傳統的毛利哈卡舞只限於戰場中的男性戰士。

(B) 在毛利語中,哈卡舞的原意是有歌曲的戰舞。

(C) 自從1906年,黑衫軍就一直輪流演出Ka Mate與Kapa o Pango二種版本的哈卡舞。

(D) 哈卡舞現在被毛利人與非毛利的紐西蘭人使用在重要的大事中。

【說明】第二段末指出,有些哈卡舞不局限於男性,女性也可加入,故選項(A)為非。第二段提到在毛利語中,哈卡的意思是「舞蹈」,這種舞特別伴隨著表達情緒或敘述古代故事的吟誦,並非伴隨著歌曲,故選項(B)為非。根據第三段,Ka Mate在1906年首演,而Kapa o Pango則是在2005年才完成,故並非1906年就開始輪流演出這二種版本,故選項(C)為非。第四段的第一句和三句指出,毛利人和屬於歐洲後裔的紐西蘭人同樣將哈卡舞視為驕傲,在各種重要場合都會演出,故答案選(D)。

· 三民版新課綱教材「B1U1 The First Day of School Around the World」內容介紹不同國家的開學活動,其中課文舉例在紐西蘭,學生會在上學的第一天表演「哈卡舞」的戰鬥舞蹈,歡迎新生的到來。與閱讀測驗第44至47題組內容高度相符。

第 48 至 51 題為題組

In 2015, President Obama of the USA signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), replacing the Bush-era No Child Left Behind (NCLB) that had been in effect since 2001. This new Act provides states with more decision-making power regarding curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Below are some big-picture ideas influencing many states as they approach the assessment task.

One important idea is flexibility. For years, states have used standardized K-12 assessments, similar to the SAT and ACT for college application, to measure student achievement. They are easy to use, but they fail to give a complete picture of how a student is progressing. Thus, states are rethinking one-size-fits-all standardized assessments and are instead considering personalized, student-centered assessments in schools. Obviously, the task is difficult and time-consuming. Fortunately, modern technology can help solve this dilemma. For instance, computer adaptive assessments can automatically adjust questions based on a student’s performances on the previous questions. This mechanism prevents the computer from giving questions that are obviously too easy or too difficult for the student. It thus allows teachers to quickly assess a student’s level of understanding and provide instant feedback to help in the learning process.

Another idea is multi-subject testing. Several states have started to incorporate subjects beyond the traditional math and reading items in their K-12 assessments. All 50 states include tests on science at least twice prior to senior high school, and some are now starting to include social studies, government, or economics. Some states are also moving toward assessing multiple subjects on one test, for example, reading and social studies.

A third idea is the emphasis on students’ learning process. In pursuit of a student-centered approach, many states are putting more emphasis on assessments throughout the learning process rather than on traditional end-of-year summative tests. Teachers are encouraged to accumulate data at different points in their students’ learning process. These data together present a more complete picture of a student’s learning.

The last idea regards the purpose of assessment. Assessment should be used to inform both teachers’ instruction and students’ learning. Teachers can modify their teaching based on students’ performance on tests; students can identify their own problems and make plans for improvement.






D 48. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

(A) Computers and Assessments

(B) The Four Components of ESSA

(C) Student-Centered Curriculum and Instruction

(D) From NCLB to ESSA, with a Focus on Assessment


(A) 電腦與評量

(B) 《讓每個學生成功法案》的四個要素

(C) 以學生為中心的課程和教學

(D) 從《沒有孩子落後法案》到《讓每個學生成功法案》,聚焦於評量


C 49. What does the word “dilemma” in paragraph 2 refer to?

(A) The choice between SAT and ACT.

(B) The choice between NCLB and ESSA.

(C) Whether or not to use student-centered assessment.

(D) Whether or not to replace computer-based assessment.


(A) 在SAT和ACT間的抉擇。

(B) 在NCLB和ESSA間的抉擇。

(C) 是否要使用學生為中心的評量。

(D) 是否替換運用電腦的評量。


D 50. Which of the following is an emerging new subject in the ESSA assessment?

(A) Math.

(B) Reading.

(C) Science.

(D) Economics.


(A) 數學。 (B) 閱讀。 (C) 自然科學。 (D) 經濟學。


C 51. If the following sentences were to be included in the passage, which paragraph should they go to?

One good example is that many teachers today are asking students to keep a learning portfolio, which is a purposeful collection of student works at different points of time in the semester. This portfolio exhibits students’ effort, progress, and achievements in one or more areas of the course.

(A) Paragraph 2.(B) Paragraph 3.

(C) Paragraph 4.

(D) Paragraph 5.



(A) 第二段。 (B) 第三段。 (C) 第四段。 (D) 第五段。





說明:1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題4分,共8分。

1. 早期的博物館只開放給中上階層,而且參觀者必須事先申請進入許可。


(參考句型:S + V + SC, + and + S+ V

(時態:談論早期的事情用過去簡單式,過去式的「必須」以had to表示

(中上階層 upper-middle class

( 申請許可 apply for entry permits

( 事先 in advance/beforehand


In earlier times, museums were only open to the upper-middle class, and visitors had to apply for entry permits in advance.

2. 現今多數人可以親自或透過線上導覽,享受探索文化珍寶的樂趣。


(參考句型:S + V + to + V + O


( 親自 in person

( 線上導覽 online guided tour service

( 文化珍寶 cultural treasures


Nowadays, most people can enjoy the pleasure of exploring cultural treasures in person or through online guided tour service.


說明︰1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。

2. 文長至少120個單詞(words)。


※ 三民版教材「B5U7 Words Can Hurt」內容介紹言語霸凌的情境以及其所造成的影響。本寫作題目為校園安全,而校園霸凌事件是其中一環,學生可藉由學習三民教材,同時習得相關的單字,並利用自己的經驗和看法發展一篇文章。


“California deadly school shooting.” “A criminal broke into a school to sneak shots of pupils.” . . . Such headlines of the past incidents probably still haunt many people nowadays, having caused wide concerns. Many parents and students are anxious that similar incidents may occur again. Actually, a school, in essence, should be a safe place that perform the function of education and provide shelter, since most students are too young to take care of themselves and hence are in need of protection. A school should also be a paradise where students can learn freely and gaily. However, the current situation is far from satisfaction. From time to time, campus security problems are reported, ranging from the break-in of ill-intentioned intruders, the unattended playground equipment likes slides or swings, the buildings windows with rotted bars, or even students of unstable mental status and the hostile climate that leads to bullying.


As a member of school, everyone on campus has the responsibility to maintain campus security. For example, schools ought to have equipment checked regularly, install surveillance cameras, keep the campus well-lit, and have guards increase the patrol trips, so that criminals or hostile intruders can’t possibly hide anywhere. Besides, teachers should always be sensitive to students’ mental status and create a friendly environment. As for students, we should always be watchful and alert to any change and report the unusual case, if any, to teachers or parents. It is also necessary that we be supportive and pay attention to the emotions and mental status of our classmates. Lastly, parents play an indispensable role in maintaining campus security. Parents should be sensitive to their children’s behavior and always keep teachers informed of any problem. With all these roles interwoven, campus security is definitely enhanced, providing students with a safe and friendly environment.





1. 十題中考名詞三題(colleague、caution、devotion),動詞三題(outnumber、manifest、acknowledge),形容詞三題(indispensable、unethical、solitary),副詞一題(decently)。

2. 本次詞彙題幹敘述簡單,但測驗的目標字難度較高,十題都是屬於7000字範圍內五到六級的字。

3. 特別注意的是,今年的搭配字出現題數比往年少,以推論、文意理解題為大宗,大多仍需要靠字詞聯想答題,每題都有充分的提示,學生必須掌握線索作答,如同義字(people in his office→colleague、no other player can replace her →indispensable),對比、比較題(although與while)、搭配詞 (devotion to)、定義題(one simple yet good way is . . . )。

4. 建議學生平日在閱讀時,宜多加培養邏輯思考、推論的能力,在學習字彙時,可以連同意思相關的字一起背誦,以達事半功倍之效。



1. 第一篇文章說明臺灣消費者保護會的宗旨與功能,第二篇描述盤尼西林被意外發現的過程。二篇的難度中等,未出現艱深的字彙或專有名詞,但答題時需要仔細判讀文意、尋找線索,才能選出正確答案。

2. 十題中考字彙6題(12、13、15、16、18、20)、片語/慣用語2題(11、19)、文法觀念2題(14→現在簡單式時態、17→過去完成式)。

3. 總結來說,字彙考題都是考基本用法。有些題目掌握線索 (12:improve the well-being of consumers→reasonable pricing;16:an untidy laboratory→this disorder; 18、19、20:文意判讀、歸納)即可輕鬆作答。

4. 值得注意的是,今年的文法題僅有二題,測驗現在簡單式與過去完成式的用法,均屬於基本概念。由此可見,今年的整體趨勢仍然偏向閱讀文意的理解與推測。



美國罪犯Robert Stroud與鳥類研究。

1. 全文十二格都是實詞,有名詞、形容詞、動詞,今年未出現片語考題。




2. 本篇文章難度中等,本次未出現文法題,有些出現的字比較艱澀,如ornithologist、cells、physiology等,但不影響作答,學生只要善用善用技巧,大部分可從文意破解找到線索或依據推論理解作答。測驗題的搭配詞考題有22題(plead for)、23題(life imprisonment)、25題(keen interest)。

3. 與往年相同,本篇有兩個多餘選項,學生在作答時必須慎重篩選,並於平日多注意詞類的概念。




1. 學生可以從上下文意找出關鍵字來推論出答案。

(31) 關鍵字:空格後句的Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and violent death.

推論 → (E) Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public.

(32) 關鍵字:空格後句的 Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, and some were prisoners of war.

推論 → (A) Gladiators were recruited from different sources.

(33) 關鍵字:空格後句的All of the fighters, both male and female, were well looked after by their owners and rewarded after winning fights.

推論 → (D) There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests.

(34) 關鍵字:空格前的. . . a Latin term which means “barley eaters” in English 與空格後的Chemical analyses of the bones found in a gladiator graveyard indicated that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans.

推論 → (C) Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal.

(35) 關鍵字:空格後句的In addition to a plant-heavy diet, gladiators drank plant ashes to fortify the body after physical exertion and

推論 → (F) Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters.

2. 本次題目與往年相同,由前文或後文推測意思的題目均有出現,教師可以訓練學生加強閱讀理解文脈邏輯與連貫性的練習。



1. 第一篇講述現代污水的處理方式,第二篇探討馬里亞納海溝與海洋汙染,第三篇介紹毛利戰舞「哈卡舞」的由來與特色,第四篇說明美國《讓每個學生成功法案》的概念與訴求。

2. 主旨題(36、40、48)、細節題(37、38、39、42、45、50)、篇章脈絡 (51)、推論題 (43)、釋義題(41、46、47、49 )、作者態度語調(44)、皆屬於主流題目,平日學生應多加練習以熟悉答題技巧。

3. 今年仍舊以推論題居多,值得注意的是,第44題測驗判別文章的語調、第51題測驗篇章脈絡則出現新考法,學生只要能掌握各段的結構與大意即可輕鬆作答。教師可讓學生多做篇章脈絡的練習與判斷,並對閱讀的文章細節練習推論。



1. 第一句談論早期的事情用過去簡單式;第二句談論現在事實用現在簡單式。

2. 第一句可用S + V + SC, + and + S+ V的結構寫出。

3. 第二句依句意需要搭配連接詞S + V + to + V + O的結構翻譯。



Topic sentence:

“California deadly school shooting.” “A criminal broke into a school to sneak shots of pupils.” . . . Such headlines of the past incidents probably still haunt many people nowadays, having caused wide concerns.

Supporting idea:

Many parents and students are anxious that similar incidents may occur again.


Topic sentence:

As a member of school, everyone on campus has the responsibility to maintain campus security.

Supporting idea 1:

For example, schools ought to have equipment checked regularly, install surveillance cameras, keep the campus well-lit, and have guards increase the patrol trips.

Supporting idea 2:

Besides, teachers should always be sensitive to students’ mental status and create a friendly environment . . .

Supporting idea 3:

As for students, we should always be watchful and alert to any change and report the unusual case . . .

Supporting idea 4:

Lastly, parents play an indispensable role in maintaining campus security.


With all these roles interwoven, campus security is definitely enhanced, providing students with a safe and friendly environment.


1. 最近幾年的英文試題穩定度高,以中間偏易為原則。今年試題難度中等偏易,與去年相較,難度稍微下降。測驗的字彙程度平均,但比去年稍難,搭配詞的概念在今年較少,大部分的題目可靠字詞的聯想找出答案,有些難度比較高的字彙也不影響作答。另外,文法題的部分題數不多,只測驗基本的文法概念現在式與過去完成式,並以融入文意的方式測驗。

2. 選擇題:

(1) 字彙題題幹不長,單字多落在7000字範圍內,難度平均分配。大部分題目為線索推論題,可靠聯想與推論得到答案,若要得高分平時需多訓練閱讀理解、篇章脈絡與推論能力。

(2) 綜合測驗測驗重點包括單字、文法,片語用法則融入在題幹中。













(3) 文意選填的難度中等。利用線索或依據推論理解作答。


文長302字,主題為美國罪犯Robert Stroud與鳥類研究。





(4) 篇章結構的難度中等。











(5) 閱讀測驗

























1. 翻譯題:








2. 作文:














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