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Page 1: October2011

This Month

In History

A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of Andrew Wiley from Consumers Auto Warehouse

“I Specialize In Helping Individuals & Families Find, Qualify For And Own The Vehicle Of Their Dreams With Little Or No Money Down Even With Less Than Perfect Credit.”

Andrew Wiley - Automotive Transportation & Financing Expert | 1-540-213-0202 |

Halloween is celebrated in many

cultures on the 31st of October. The

roots of this fun evening for kids go

way back to the ancient Celtic festi-

val known as Samhain.

Ancient Celts believed that on Octo-

ber 31, the boundaries between the

living and the dead overlapped and

the dead would come back and

wreak havoc on the living, damaging

crops. People of that time would

wear costumes to ward off evil spir-

its and hold huge bonfires to attract

bugs and bats.

In England, the holiday also had cul-

tural underpinnings. The practice of

“souling” where poor citizens would

go door to door on Hallowmas

(November 1) to receive food in ex-

change for saying prayers for the


There is little reference to Hallow-

een in the United States until the

early 1900s when businesses and

local shops began offering treats for

children who visited their stores.

In certain parts of the country, the

night is known as Beggar’s Night.

More and more community events

are scheduled around the holiday

now to provide a safe and carefree

way to trick-or-treat!

2nd—Henry Ford intro-

duced the Model T (1908)

5th—The first radio broad-

cast of the World Series


7th—The first Continental

Congress met (1765)

9th—The Washington

Monument opened (1888)

12th—Robert E Lee died


20th—Senate ratifies Louisi-

ana purchase (1803)

21st—Thomas Edison in-

vents the electric light


27th—Dupont invents Nylon


28th—Statue of Liberty







Creepy Tales — Frontier Culture

Museum October 27-29

Darkwood Manor—Lurary, VA.

Weekend Nights in October

Back Home On The Farm—

Harrisonburg, VA. Now through

November 6th.

Page 2: October2011


Interesting Facts

You Never Knew

Always go to other people’s fu-

nerals, otherwise they might not

come to yours.

Yogi Berra

Women blink nearly twice as much as


In Kentucky, 50 percent of the people

who get married for the first time are


Kotex was first manufactured as ban-

dages, during W.W.I.

Einstein couldn't speak fluently when

he was nine. His parents thought he might

be retarded.

In Los Angeles, there are fewer people

than there are automobiles.

About a third of all Americans flush

the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

(Who studied this and why? LOL :)

You're more likely to get stung by a

bee on a windy day than in any other


An average person laughs about 15

times a day.

Research indicates that mosquitoes are

attracted to people who have recently

eaten bananas.

Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in

the air.

The average person is about a quarter

of an inch taller at night.

A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at

over 600 m.p.h.

If you think a bad credit report only costs you when you apply for a loan, think again!

Mistakes on your credit report could keep you from getting an apartment, nix your plans for a cell phone or even cost you a job. Your credit score can be used for car in-surance and health insurance too! So don’t let mis-takes on your credit report keep you from getting the good things in life!

Industry esti-mates put the num-ber of credit re-ports with mis-takes at over 80%. OMG! That is 4 out of every 5 credit reports! If you consider how many ways a bad credit report can impact your day to day life, this is something you should work on immediately.

Granted, many of the mistakes on credit reports are minor—like mis-takes in spelling, employment his-tory or addresses. But some are much much bigger and you can’t be sure unless you get a copy of your credit report.

Getting a copy of your credit re-port to review has never been eas-ier. You can just go to the website: and get a copy absolutely free. It is the law!

Around here, you should proba-bly start with pulling Equifax — it is the report most lenders in this area use. Try not to pull all three at one time — you get one free copy of EACH report per year, so you can get a different report every 120 days and be up to date all the time.

Once you pull up your report online, you can review the report for any mistakes that might be there. I tried it recently — my re-port showed my work address as my home address. One click and a few days later, voila! My report was fixed.

Even better, if you dispute an ac-count on your report and the com-

pany that holds the ac-count doesn’t r e s p o n d within 30 days, they are required by law to remove the account from your credit report!

If you are dili-gent, you can often boost

your score 50-100 points by disput-ing information you know to be incorrect.


If all this is TOO much for you to han-dle (hey, we can’t all be technologically advanced!) we can make it happen for you. Just call us and schedule an appointment to sit down with one of our finance pros. They can help walk you through the process, review your credit report, help you with the dis-putes and give you some straight up advice on improving your credit. We even have a free book that details all the secrets you need to move that score up! And this is a totally “no strings at-tached” offer. We won’t try to sell you anything or pressure you in any way. We figure by helping you today you may return the favor down the road. Call today to 540-213-0202 to get started on the road to better credit.

Page 3: October2011




Get A Free Oil


Do you know of someone who is looking

for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to

upgrade their current vehicle?

Even if they have little money to put down

or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the

past… I can help them! Send them my way.

They’ll be glad you did and so will you!

Here’s why…

If you refer someone to me this month,

when we close the deal, I will give you $150

in Crow Club Rewards to spend here just

like CASH!

Andrew Wiley is an au-

thor and consumer advo-

cate. He has spent his life

fighting the negative

stigma that plagues car

dealers around the world.

He does this by fighting

for the consumer as a car

dealer that advises people and helps them

get the quality vehicle they want and de-

serve in an positive and safe environment.

Andrew Wiley

Auto Transportation & Financing Expert

Consumers Auto Warehouse

537 Richmond Avenue

Staunton, VA 24401


Tina Valerio

Amber Thompson

These fine folks who had purchased from us

before sent in their friends or family mem-

bers. Since we sold them cars too, we gave

Tina and Amber $150.00 on their rewards

card to use here for service or rental!

If we’ve done something to WOW

you, rate us online at Google and

we’ll send you a free oil change!

Duct tape is a wonderful inven-tion! Have you ever seen the Mythbusters where they make a boat out of duct tape. It seems like you can fix virtually anything with this silver sticky stuff.

Well, almost everything. If you keep a roll of duct tape in your car “just in case” you might need to re-consider your vehicle maintenance schedule. Maintaining your vehicle should involve a little bit more than duct taping leaks and changing your oil!

The biggest complaint we get in the service department is that vehi-cle maintenance is too expensive! Well, that’s at least partially true. Maintaining a vehicle is not “cheap” but NOT maintaining a vehicle is really expensive!

What do I mean? Think about your brakes — if you wait to re-place your brakes until they are “metal to metal”, you will probably need new rotors. That is going to double or triple your bill. Consider your tires — rotating your tires every other oil change can extend the life of your tires more than enough to pay for the rotation, plus it will give you a safer and more comfortable ride.

Often, people wonder what main-tenance is really necessary. Every manufacturer has their own sched-

ule, which we can provide you when you come in for service. But in general, here is what you should consider:








As you can see, every 30,000 miles

you should consider a pretty exten-

sive maintenance package. Some

vehicles also recommend replacing

your timing belt and water pump at

100,000 miles. Again, we can show

you the entire recommended service

schedule anytime at Warehouse Auto




Get an oil change, tire rotation, two new

wiper blades, BG battery service and a

free courtesy check.

All this for just $69.95

Save over $40!

Page 4: October2011




No one can forget that great 80s song

by Tommy Tutone. “Jenny, Jenny, who

can I turn to?” News stories at the time

showed people who unluckily had this

phone number were inundated with crank

phone calls.

But what if you could use that number

to your advantage? Virtually every major

retailer has a rewards or shoppers card that

gives you discounts on products. You will

see this at Food Lion, Martin’s, and even

CVS. But what if you don’t have your

card or don’t want to sign up?

Most retailers let you enter an alternate

ID—usually your phone number. Since

many people are loathe to provide their

own phone number. So, in almost every

area code and at almost every store, you

can just punch in your area code and 867-

5309 and you will still get the store dis-


Give it a try at the next store you go to

and see if it works. If it does, you can

thank that annoying song from the 80s for

saving you some cash!

October Dates In History

Halloween Through The Years

Credit Report Mistakes

Interesting Facts

Vehicle Maintenance Table

B ecause I’m an automotive transportation

and financing expert I can do things that

most other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping

individuals like you and families like yours for

years and you know I’ll do it for you.

Check us out online at

Search for our reviews online at Google and

At Consumers Auto Warehouse, we like to have fun and want to include you in our shenanigans. In October, we are having a carefree contest on our Facebook page. To enter, you just need to go to our Face-book fan page at Make sure you “like” the page first. Then click on the PROMOS link on the left. Upload your coolest Halloween photo. It could be you or your kids in a costume or something spooky your snapped a photo of. Then look through the entries and vote. Tell your friends to enter and vote for you as well! Anyone who is a fan of Consumers Auto Warehouse can vote. The winner on Halloween will get a brand spanking new Kindle courtesy of Consumers Auto Warehouse.

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