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_____1. I know what percentageof my current students scored pro-ficient or advanced on the 2010tests so I can determine growth af-ter the 2011 test.

_____2. I know that DESE expects75.5 proficient or advanced in com-munication arts in 2011 and 72.5in math. This is an increase in ex-pectation from 2010.

_____3. I know which students inmy classroom were barely profi-cient or almost proficient (on the

bubble) for tutoring/conferringpurposes.

_____4. I compared my students’SRI scores with their communica-tion arts M.A.P. to see if there is acorrelation or discrepancy.

_____5. I gave the math and com-munication arts inventory tests andcompared these scores to see if there is a correlation or discrep-ancy to their 2010 M.A.P.

_____6. After giving the mathand communication arts invento-ries, I determined specificstrengths and weaknesses of eachchild for tutoring or conferring

October M.A.P. Checklist Volume 5, Issue 2

TOSA TribuneOctober 2010

Nixa Public Schools

M.A.P. Checklist 1

RtI: Nixa’s Ahead of the Game


Differentiated In-struction Continuum


Visual Learning TrailIdeas for Reading


Visual Learning Trail

Ideas for Math


Inside this issue:


purposes. _____7. I administered and scoredthe beginning of the year writing in-

ventory to gather baseline data todrive writing instruction.

_____8. I gathered and analyzedthe data from district assessmentsand am using this data to drive in-struction.

_____9. I teach the written curricu-lum and have students write in allcontent areas.

_____10. Higher-order thinkingskills are embedded in all contentareas.

_____11. I am using the math ex-amples from DESE’s website for cu-mulative review.

_____12. I am using questions from

the Communication Arts Interpreta-tion Guide in my reading confer-ences.

_____13. I model mini-lessons withtargeted skills.

_____14. Students are given ampletime to practice targeted skills.

_____15. Cold assessments/formative assessments are used tocheck for mastery of targeted skills.

_____16. I collaborate with my col-leagues.

_____17. I believe that my studentscan learn and achieve at high levels. _____18. I build relationships withmy students and colleagues.

_____19. I have a positive attitudeand communicate that to my stu-dents.

*Items are NOT numbered by impor-tance. :)

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TOSA Tribune IntermediatePage 2

Not Differentiated Highly Differentiated

“One Size Fits All” Assessment Drives InstructionMultiple IntelligencesTiered ActivitiesLearning ContractsIndependent Study Flexible Grouping Anchor ActivitiesLearning Stations

Problem-Based LearningProject-Based Learning

If you could place a dot on the continuum reflecting your journey in differentiation, where would youplace it? To continue on your journey, reflect on your strengths before choosing an areain which to concentrate for improvement. Contact the education office if you’d like assis-

tance in any of the areas mentioned above.

*Modified from Staff Development for Educators (

Differentiated Instruction Continuum

More complex doesn’t mean more work, and fair isn’t always equal.

“In Tier 1 of RtI, the school must ensure that every student has access to rigorous, grade-level curricu-lum and highly effective initial teaching. Teacherteams should work collaboratively to define eachessential standard; deconstruct the standard intodiscrete learning targets (determine what each stu-dent must be able to know and do to demonstrateproficiency); identify prior skills needed to masterthe standard; consider how to assess students oneach target; and create a scope and sequence for thelearning targets that would govern their pacing.”

Buffman, A., Mattos, M., Weber, C. (2010). TheWhy Behind RTI . Educational Leadership. 68(2).

RtI: Nixa’s Already Ahead of the Game; We’re Doing What’s Best for Students

Check out this quote from a recent publication:

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N1A, N1C, N3C: In a classroom with rich anchor support, there can be little doubt as to whatlearning is under study and what students are expected to learn. Anchor charts are co-constructed with students, record and display new knowledge, have an organized appearance, match the learners’developmental level, support ongoing reading, can be added to throughout the year and should beeasily accessible to students. In addition to chart paper, capturing student learning through imagesleaves a powerful learning trail. What does the visual learning trail look like in your classroom?

A special thank you to Ms. Doty for allowing me photograph andshare the learning trail in her classroom at Espy Elementary.

Anchor Charts

Anchor Learning

(This photo is from Ms. Yen’s class.)