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  • Research ArticleObservation of Negative Magnetic Hysteresis Loop in ZnOThin Films

    Micah Haseman,1 Pooneh Saadatkia,1 David Winarski,1 Armando Hernandez,1 Matt Kusz,2

    Wolfgang Anwand,3 Andreas Wagner ,3 Sunil Thapa,1 A. M. Colosimo,1

    and Farida A. Selim 1

    1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA2Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA3Institute of Radiation Physics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany

    Correspondence should be addressed to Farida A. Selim; [email protected]

    Received 16 November 2017; Revised 6 January 2018; Accepted 14 January 2018; Published 10 June 2018

    Academic Editor: Eugen Culea

    Copyright © 2018MicahHaseman et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    We report on the observation of an unusual negative magnetic hysteresis loop in ZnO thin film codoped with cobalt and aluminum(Co-Al:ZnO), while other transition-metal-doped ZnO films, such as Cu-doped ZnO and Mn-doped ZnO, exhibit normalhysteresis loops. The unusual magnetic behavior is ascribed to the presence of double magnetic layers with different magneticmoments due to the change of structural defects across the film layers. Positron annihilation measurements confirmed thepresence of unique microstructural changes in the Co-Al:ZnO film. This study shows that defects in diluted magneticsemiconductors may induce not only ferromagnetism but also novel magnetic behaviors.

    1. Introduction

    The increasing potential of ferromagnetic materials as facili-tators of spin transport electronics and applications has led toa substantial growth in diluted transition-metal-doped mag-netic semiconductor (DMS) research [1–3]. Oxide-basedsemiconductors doped with small percentages of transitionmetals have shown great promise in spintronic applicationsby demonstrating room temperature ferromagnetism (FM)[4–6]. Dietl et al. initially predicted FM with a high Curietemperature (Tc) in p-type Mn-doped ZnO via local spindensity approximation [7, 8] while simulations by Sato andKatayama-Yoshida predicted FM in V-, Cr-, Fe-, Co-, andNi-doped ZnO, but suggested that Mn doping by itself maynot be sufficient to induce FM [9], a conjecture that has beensupported by local spin density approximation [10], B3LYPhybrid density functional method [11], and gradientcorrected functional density theory [12]. Experimental stud-ies on FM in DMS are often irreproducible and contradictory[13, 14], and the ambiguous nature of FM in DMS is

    obscured by the possible presence of transition-metal precip-itates or clusters and further complicated by the magneticdependence on growth conditions and postgrowth treat-ments [15–19]; this however indicates a strong correlationbetween intrinsic defects and ferromagnetism, a notion thatis supported by observations of ferromagnetism in undopedZnO [20, 21]. Due to this dubiety in ferromagnetic origins,a scant number of explanations have been proposed to inter-pret FM mediation and magnetic moment genesis, compli-cating the narratives of many magnetic phenomena.

    In this letter, we report on the measurement of anunusual negative magnetic hysteresis loop in an aluminum-cobalt-doped zinc oxide thin film. Unusual magnetic behav-iors such as reversed hysteresis have only been observed inrare cases that concern materials like GaAs-Fe hybridstructures [22] and Co-CoO nanophase systems [23]; how-ever, we are not aware of any reversed or negative hyster-esis in ZnO. We attribute the origin of such unusualmagnetic behavior in the current study to the presenceof film layers with different magnetic moments leading

    HindawiJournal of SpectroscopyVolume 2018, Article ID 3575917, 6 pages

  • to net antiferromagnetic behavior. Our current study ofmagnetism in TM-doped ZnO thin films also revealednormal FM in Mn- and Cu-doped ZnO; however, as Cu isnot a magnetic ion, it cannot provide the magnetic momentin the Cu:ZnO films. This emphasizes the crucial role ofdefects in producing and mediating FM in ZnO films. Thus,we performed positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS)measurements to give insight into the presence of intrinsicdefects in these films. The measurements revealed the pres-ence of adjacent layers with different defect structures inCo-Al-doped ZnO film which may lead to different magneticmoments triggering this unusual magnetic behavior.

    2. Experimental Details

    Co-, Mn-, Cu-, and Al-Co-doped ZnO thin films weresynthesized via the sol-gel method on quartz and sapphiresubstrates. Zinc acetate dihydrate was the primary precursor,and 2-methoxyethanol and ethanolamine were used as sol-vent and stabilizer, respectively. Cobalt acetate tetrahydrate,aluminum nitrate, manganese acetate tetrahydrate, andcopper acetate were used to provide dopants for Co:ZnO,Al-Co:ZnO, Mn:ZnO, and Cu:ZnO. The solutions wereheated and stirred at a constant temperature of 60°C thencooled to room temperature and deposited onto clean, etchedquartz and sapphire substrates using the spin-coatingmethod. They were then placed in an oven at 120°C for 10

    minutes to evaporate the solvent. The process was repeatedfor each sample 16 times to obtain the desired thickness.The films were then annealed in air at 500 or 700°C to forma ZnO structure. More details concerning the synthesis ofZnO films by the sol-gel method and their structural charac-terization can be found in [24].

    Using a superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID), ferromagnetic behavior for 3% Mn:ZnO and 2%Al : 3% Co:ZnO on quartz substrates and 1% Cu:ZnO onsapphire substrate was recorded. Doppler broadening ofPAS measurements was performed using monoenergeticpositron beams in the 0.2 keV to 30 keV range at the positronfacility Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) inDresden, Germany. The 511 keV annihilation peak for eachbeam energy was recorded using a high purity Ge detector,and the S and W defect parameters [25] were obtained fromthe annihilation peak. The structural and optical propertiesof the Al-Co:ZnO sample, X-ray diffraction (XRD), andultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopic measurementswere carried out at room temperature.

    3. Results and Discussions

    Out-of-plane magnetic measurements due to perpendicularmagnetic field for Mn:ZnO and Al-Co:ZnO are shown inFigures 1 and 2, respectively, while Figure 3 displays in-plane magnetic measurements for Cu:ZnO [26]. No

    2.0 × 10−6

    1.0 × 10−6




    ent (


    −1.0 × 10−6

    −2.0 × 10−6−4000 −2000 2000

    Field (Oe)4000 60000


    Figure 1: Out-of-plane magnetic SQUID measurements at 10K for 3% Mn:ZnO with subtracted diamagnetic behavior of quartz substrate.

    1.0 × 10−5

    5.0 × 10−6



    ent (


    −5.0 × 10−6

    −1.0 × 10−5

    −1.5 × 10−5−4000−6000 −2000 2000

    Field (Oe)4000 60000


    Figure 2: Out-of-plane magnetic SQUID measurements at 10K for 2% Al : 3% Co:ZnO with subtracted diagmagnetic of quartz substrate.

    2 Journal of Spectroscopy

  • ferromagnetic behavior was observed in the 1% or 5%Co:ZnO films. In all cases, the diamagnetic behavior of thesubstrates was accounted for. The hysteresis loops inFigures 1 and 3 indicate the presence of ferromagnetism inthe Mn:ZnO and Cu:ZnO films. Although FM has been pre-dicted and observed experimentally in Mn:ZnO, a discordexists in the reported justifications [25, 26]. Likewise, the ori-gins of ferromagnetism in Cu:ZnO remain unidentified asneither Cu nor ZnO is intrinsically magnetic, meaning thatone defect type must exist to induce the magnetic momentsand another to mediate them.

    The focus of this work is the unusual negative hysteresisloop observed in the Al-Co:ZnO sample (Figure 2). Treat-ment of the film as a simplified two-layer system, in whichthe bottom layer has a magnetic moment and coercivitydifferent from that of the upper layer, offers a possible

    explanation for the reversed hysteresis [27]. These magneticmoments are probably associated with different defects, theplausibility of which is supported by the unique behavior ofthe S parameter [28] in the depth-resolved Doppler broaden-ing of PAS measurements of the Al-Co-doped ZnO filmexplained below. Doppler broadening of PAS has beenestablished as an effective technique in identifying neutralor negatively charged vacancy-type defects in semiconduc-tors and dielectrics [28–35]. Due to a lack of positive ioncores, these vacancies form attractive potentials that trappositrons, resulting in characteristic changes in the measuredpositron annihilation parameters.

    The S and W parameters for Co-, Al-, and Mn-dopedZnO on quartz and sapphire substrates are shown inFigures 4(a) and 4(b) and are plotted as functions of incidentpositron energy and mean implantation depth. The

    2.0 × 10−6

    1.0 × 10−6




    ent (


    −1.0 × 10−6

    −2.0 × 10−6−8000−12000 −4000 2000

    Field (Oe)8000 120000


    Figure 3: In-plane magnetic SQUID measurements at 10K for 1% Cu:ZnO on sapphire substrate.








    Depth (�휇m)

    S pa



    Postitron energy (keV)0.5

    0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.19 0.57 1.76

    1 2 4 8 16 32

    1% Co: ZnO on quartz5% Co: ZnO on sapphire2% Al 3% Co: ZnO on quartz

    1% Co: ZnO on sapphire3% Mn: ZnO on quartz









    W p



    Positron energy (keV)

    1% Co: ZnO on quartz5% Co: ZnO on sapphire2% Al 3% Co: ZnO on quartz

    1% Co: ZnO on sapphire3% Mn: ZnO on quartz

    Depth (�휇m)


    0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.19 0.57 1.76

    1 2 4 8 16 32


    Figure 4: S parameter (a) and W parameter (b) of depth-resolved positron annihilation spectroscopy by Doppler broadening for sol-gelgrown transition-metal-doped ZnO thin films.

    3Journal of Spectroscopy

  • parameters S and W represent the fractions of positron anni-hilation with valence and core electrons, respectively, andprovide information about defect structures and densities.We obtain the S and W parameters, respectively, by dividingthe counts in the center of the 511 keV peak, and the countsin the wings of the peak, by the total counts. The attractivepotential induced by neutral or negatively charged vacanciesis likely to trap positrons at these defect sites, causing anni-hilation with low momentum valence electrons, leading toan increase in the S parameter and a decrease in the Wparameter. In Figures 4(a) and 4(b), positron annihilationat the surface of the films takes place within the first 10–20 nm (0-1.5 keV) and positron annihilation within the sub-strate begins near the film-substrate interface past 10 keV atroughly 270nm. The large variation in S parameter by pos-itron energy past 10 keV is due to positron annihilationwithin the substrates. The film of 3% Mn:ZnO was grownon quartz of nanocrystalline fused silica substrate whilethe other films were grown on sapphire or quartz of crystal-line silica substrates. This explains the higher S parameterfor the sample of 3% Mn:ZnO on quartz. Between theregions of 1.5 keV to 10 keV, positrons interact in the bulkof the films and the high S parameter in this region indicatesa high concentration of defects in all the films. The S param-eter of the Al-Co:ZnO replotted in Figure 5 displays anunusual behavior in which the initial decrease in the Sparameter, characteristic of compositional transitions (fromfilm to substrate for example), briefly plateaus near 5 keVand then increases until 8 keV before it tapers off as perusual substrate typicality. This behavior suggests a micro-structural dissimilarity between the Al-Co:ZnO film andthe other TM-doped films; it indicates film layers withdifferent defect types and may substantiate the above-proposed two-layer model for the negative magnetic hyster-esis loop measured in the Al-Co:ZnO film.

    The XRD spectrum in Figure 6 indicates a polycrystallinestructure matching the hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO[26]. The peaks at 2θ=45.2° and 50.8° represent the (302)phase of AlO and the (201) phase of AlCo, respectively.These phases do not induce FM and thus cannot contrib-ute to the ferromagnetism in the films. Furthermore, theabsence of cobalt oxides and clusters in the XRD spectrumindicates no secondary magnetic phases in the films. Theoptical absorption spectrum for the Al-Co:ZnO films isshown in Figure 7 and indicates good transparency inthe visible range. The optical band gap can be estimatedfrom the absorption spectrum using a Tauc extrapolation[36, 37], in which the linear portion of αhv 2 versus hvis extrapolated to αhv = 0 to approximate the band gap,where α is the absorption coefficient and hv is the energyin electron volts (eV). For direct allowed transitions, theband gap of the Al-Co:ZnO film was 3.15 eV, which isconsistent with the band gap of ZnO. The presence oflayers with different defect structure did not affect theband edge of ZnO; however, it affects the tail of theabsorption curve as shown in Figure 7. It should be men-tioned that the ferromagnetic films were highly resistive;therefore, investigation of carrier concentration and typevia Hall effect measurements was not possible. This mayindicate that charge carriers are not the primary mediatorsof ferromagnetism in these samples. We anticipate thatmagnetic proximity effects that take place in heterostruc-tures with magnetic layers are responsible for the unusualnegative magnetic behavior.

    We should consider the possible role of grain boundarieson inducing FM, as our structural characterization of the sol-gel-doped ZnO films [24] indicates a small grain size of about20 nm. According to a previous work by Hsu et al. [38], FMoccurs in polycrystalline ZnO films at high grain boundarydensities. Another recent work revealed that ZnO films with







    2% Al 3% Co: ZnO on quartz

    S pa



    Postitron energy (keV)

    Depth (�휇m)


    0.00 0.10 0.29 0.54 0.86 1.22

    6 11 16 21 26

    Figure 5: S-parameter of PAS measurements for Al-Co:ZnO thinfilm.













    ) (0






    2�휃 (degrees)

    Al-Co: ZnO






    AlCo (201)

    20 30 40 50 60 70

    Figure 6: XRD pattern of Al-Co:ZnO thin film, indicatingpolycrystalline phases of hexagonal wurtzite ZnO as well as AlOand AlCo phases.

    4 Journal of Spectroscopy

  • strong texture have FM behavior whereas untextured filmsare nonmagnetic [39]. Two factors related to the grainboundaries may affect FM in our films. The solubility of dop-ant or impurity may increase with decreasing grain size inpolycrystalline films as the impurity dissolves in both thegrain boundaries and the bulk; this would enhance the con-centration of magnetic ions [18, 40]. The other factor is asso-ciated with the Co-Al:ZnO film as the codoping of ZnO filmscan induce defects in the grain boundaries which mayenhance FM in the films and affect their magnetic behavior.This represents another possible explanation for the unusualhysteresis loop in Co-Al:ZnO film.

    4. Conclusions

    Ferromagnetic transition-metal-doped ZnO thin films weregrown by the sol-gel method and investigated by magneticSQUID measurements and depth-resolved positron annihi-lation spectroscopy. High concentrations of defects wereobserved in all the samples, indicating the possible role ofdefects in inducing magnetic moments and mediating ferro-magnetism. An interesting, negative magnetic hysteresis loopindicating antiferromagnetic behavior was measured in theAl-Co-doped zinc oxide film and interpreted via a two-layer model where the film consists of layers with two differ-ent magnetic moments and substantiated by the uniquebehavior in the S parameter of the Co-Al:ZnO film arisingfrom layers with different defect structures. The XRD spec-trum verified hexagonal wurtzite ZnO structure as well asphases of AlO and AlCo which may produce various defectswith different magnetic moments, while optical spectroscopyindicated variations in the absorption tail indicating highdefect concentrations. Defects have been already predictedto be behind FM in ZnO and other DMS; however, this studyreveals that defects may also induce novel magnetic behaviorin DMS thin films.

    Conflicts of Interest

    The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


    The authors acknowledge receiving funds from the NationalScience Foundation under DMR 1359523 grant.


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