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  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    NURS 893 Qualitative Research


  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    At the end of the course, you will be able to:

    Analyze selected methods of data collection

    Analyze data analysis approaches

    Critique qualitative research studies

    Write a qualitative research proposal

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Course format

    Online course

    13 weeks10 modules 3 modules run over 2 weeks

    ContentText, video, readings, etc.

    ActivitiesSmall group, paired,

    assignments,discussions, wiki, etc.

    ReflectionCritical thinking

    questions,assignments, peer

    feedback, etc.

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Concept Map of NURS 893

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    Assignment 1: Research Question Development,Literature Review (10%)

    Develop a research question based on what is known and not known

    about a topic . Find five research articles and summarize using the Pinch table

    template provided.

    Your assignment should be 2-3 pages (maximum).

    Pinch template provided.

    Due: September 22, 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    Grant Proposal Presentation (10%)

    Share your proposal with your peers and develop a discussion to aidyou in the completion of your final proposal paper.

    You will prepare a qualitative research proposal presentation(approximately 15-20 slides) that is based on your grant proposal.

    The presentation will include the following sections: Background,Study Purpose and Aims; Methodological Approach; Sample; Setting:Data Collection Procedures; Data Analysis: Rigor: Human Subjects;Significance.

    Will also be posting presentation on discussion forum. Review 3 otherpresentations and provide feedback to your peers.

    Due: November 17, 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    Grant Proposal (30%)

    Write a grant proposal using guidelines from an external funding

    agency (Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation). Complete the cover page of the application form (page 1), the lay

    abstract (page 3) and the detailed proposal. Other parts of the

    application will not be submitted. As outlined in the application, the

    maximum length is 10 single spaced pages (excluding references).

    APA format will be used. Due: December 8, 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation



    Participation (30%)

    Your participation mark will be based on your engagement in the

    following activities: Small Group Methodology Review Wiki

    Discussion Forum Contributions (including Peer Feedback on

    Background Papers, Interview Guides, and Presentation)

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Group discussion forums

    In order to manage the number of posts you need to read and respond

    to, you have been randomly assigned to one of 3 groups for the

    discussion forums that relate to each module (including the peer

    feedback on Background Papers, Interview Guides, and Presentation)

    There is a general discussion forum for posts that relate to the entirecourse

    Please sign up for the Small Group Methodology Review Wiki of

    your choice

    i di i

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Managing discussions

    Use clear subject lines this lets people know the content of your


    Keep your posts clear and concise try to keep them to a maximum of200 words. Longer posts can quickly get overwhelming.

    Dont feel obligated to respond to every single post just as you

    wouldnt reply to every comment in an in-person discussion, you dont

    need to respond to every post in an online discussion.

    If someone asks a question about one of your posts, it is courteous torespond.

    Try to be timely with your posting always posting at the end of the

    week means that you are not really dialoguing with your colleagues.

    You can upload resources (papers, presentations, etc) or share links in a

    discussion post. If you do include extra material, its nice to provide a

    brief synopsis of what the resource is about and why it might beinteresting.

    Tone can be hard to read sometimes give each other the benefit of the

    doubt. And feel free to use emoticons happy faces, etc. Online doesnt

    mean impersonal its important to create a social and learning space.

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Save, save, save!

    Blackboard is set to time-out after a certain amount of inactivity, as a

    security measure.

    There is no warning for the time out when you go to use a tool, you will get

    a message saying that your session has expired and that you need to log in


    Blackboard does not register composing discussion board postings as

    activity it cant read this as site usage.

    To prevent losing a posting due to a time out error, there are a couple things

    you can do:

    You can compose your postings in another text editor (Word, note pad,

    or other) and then copy and paste them into a discussion message whenyou are ready.

    You can copy your text at regular intervals while you create your


    G i H l

  • 8/11/2019 Nursing 893 Orientation


    Getting Help

    ITS (Information Technology Services)

    Call: 306-966-4817 or 1-800-966-4817 (toll free in Canada) Available M-F (7am to 10pm), Sat (10am 6pm) and Sun (12-6pm)

    Discussion board

    The Questions and Comments board can also be used to post any

    questions you have about how Blackboard works, tips on using

    tools, etc.

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