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Page 1: Nurits Film3

Key Ideas for the Horror -group of young people are going to a market

-sunny day, place is crowded

Man, girl runs over the place into a guy with a suitcase, it breaks up and a bloody knife falls out unexpected.

-he kills teens on the market secretly.

-Some teenagers are going to a holiday house of a family

- the house wasn’t used for a long time and lies in the woods. Time after time, somebody from the family returns to the house, where everybody thought was dead. The teenagers recognize, they are in big troubles...

-A catholic family is moving to the old house of their grandmother.

-the house of the grandmother confronts them with the fact what religion has done (history shown in the house)

- The mother turns evil and shows off her bad side.

- Maybe Schizophrenic

- becomes a killer

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Treatment A group of teens decided, to go to the Saturday market. They are used to go there. But they do not know that the unexpected will come.


Teenagers: Killer:

-Lesley, 18 -Ivax

-Roy, 19

-Adam, 17

-Frankie, 18

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Main Characters

Lesley is 18, is the leader of the group, she is very intelligent, but a bit of a dreamer.

Ivax the Killer. He seems quite invisible but

he is very intelligent. He is emotional broken he is sick.

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The sunny day is representing the normality of the day. The film takes place in Copenhagen. Every Saturday, there is a huge market. And there are lots of tourists. It doesn’t have lots of locals. You can by lovely little accessories of Copenhagen. But for Lesley's clique it is a nice place to hang out.

Ivax lives in Copenhagen but not long time ago he lived somewhere else but nobody knows where. He comes and goes.

But mostly of time, he spends time in huge markets. To kill people and nobody can ever recognize it, because on markets there is always a huge crowd. He searches young teens, because they can’t control their fear….

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Lesley, Adam, Roy and Frankie are hanging out on the market. Lesley has something going on with Adam and Frankie is Adams sister and Roy has something going on with Frankie.

They meat each other on the river, Afterwards they are going to the market. On the way, because everything is so crowded, Lesley is crashing into a man( Ivax) and the bag breaks up and a bloody knife is falling out. Lesley excuses herself and the man is very friendly and says “no problem”. Lesley doesn’t make herself a thought, because she is to nervous because of the tragic around her and the man seems very nice even though she saw the knife.

In some kind of way the four teens have lost each other time after time, Roy and Frankie decided to go to the toilet. But to go there, they have to walk quite a lot because of the huge crowed. As soon they start to going, Ivax fallow them. Frankie is walking in front of Roy. Just before they reached the toilet, Roy has a knife….

Ivax is a killer. He is always going to markets on sunny days, that nobody can recognize who gets killed. He is used to go to the huge market of Copenhagen, because he was born in Copenhagen, so he knows every corner, even if there are lots of people.

He never knows who his next victim is, but mostly he kills teens because he hates them, because he could never be one.

As he stands in the corner of his favourite restaurant, and looks to the river, smokes his cigar he recognizes a group of teens. Before he kills them, he decides to give them a chance.

He fallows them. When they reached the crowd, Ivax is crashing into Lesley, the knife falls out….and Lesley sees it, but Ivax stays friendly and smiles at her. Like Ivax knew she would be to naive to recognize the danger. He found his victim.

He keeps track of the teens. A view time later, he fallows Roy And Frankie very closely….

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The Past of The Killer

Ivax, didn’t had a normal childhood. His father was Schizophrenic. He killed his own wife and Ivax saw everything, he never met other teens or children. But than Ivax killed his father and the feeling of killing him was satisfaction him. After that he staid 4 years in the house of his parents. He didn’t knew what he should do, because he was

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so confused and lost, because something was missing time after time, the feeling of freedom, to kill somebody like he killed his father. In this 4 years. He made a plan of how he can get this satisfaction again. And he thought about travelling around the world and find different victims. Some, who looked like his father, or like his mother. But he knew this is not easy, to just kill, so he decided where is the best place to kill. After 4 years of thinking, he decided to go away from this place and travel around the world killing people.

And he had a great idea. Who would expecting, that a killer would be on a sunny, lovely day market around to kill. So Ivax travelled from big markets to huge events, to kill.

But time after time the satisfaction wasn’t anymore so fresh as before, so he decided to go further. He want not to kill anymore men who did looked like his father, he decided to kill teens, because he wanted to take those years away, he never had…

And he hoped to get a bigger satisfaction…

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So Ivax is killing all the teens in the crowd. And nobody ever sees it, nobody ever hears it because they are too many people.

As all the teens are dead, except from Lesley, she runs into the middle of the market and shouts, but nobody can hear her because of the tragic and the music, we see a close up of her face, her fear, than the camera is going slowly away from her, we see the crowd and Ivax and than we hear a cry…

And we know Ivax killed her…and he will continue….

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The Idea of this Horror, should show a psycho back round of an emotional hurt child and how he starts to live his life, to think to get something which he never will have again. Killing his father and thinking the years will come back which the father took him away.

This Horror should be a bit unusual, because everything plays on a sunny, lovely day, and you would not expect, that a mentally ill killer is around. The horror should also be on the beginning not shown as a Horror.

Something is coming which nobody expects, and this also happens in real life….