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November, December 2019 & January 2020 Volume 13/Issue 1 Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat 5780


In this issue . . .

Annual 50/50 Raffle Winners . . . . . . . 8 Bar Mitzvah of Nicholas Gatto. . . . . 16 Board Meeting Summary. . . . . . . . . 13 Candle Lighting Times . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chanukah Shabbat Dinner. . . . . . . .16 Chaverah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Congregational News . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Donations/Support Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 & 22 First Friday Shabbat Dinners . . . . . . 20 Food Drive Thank You . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Israel Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 JCC of LBI Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Legacy Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 L’Shanah Tovah Greetings . . . . . . . . 5 Mah Jongg & Canasta . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Membership Changes & Additions . . 4 New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Office Closing & Hours . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Road Trip - Presidents Message . . 3, 9 Shabbat Services Time . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Shabbat Dinners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 They Sat in the Back . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8 Women’s Auxiliary Mah Jongg Tournament – Save the Date . . . . . 5 Women’s Auxiliary News. . . . . . . . . . 7 Women’s Book Group . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Words from the Rabbi . . . . . . . . . 2, 16 Written in Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Yahrzeit Observances . . . . . . . . 14 - 16


From the Board of Trustees of

the Jewish Community Center

of Long Beach Island…

The Warmth of Joy Glow of Prosperity,

Sparkle of Happiness. May You Be Blessed With

All These and More.

Happy Chanukah

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Words from the Rabbi. . .

The next big Jewish holiday this year is Hanukkah, which begins when we light the first candle on the evening of December 22nd.

The symbols for our holidays tend to last for the entire period of the holiday. The Sukkah is up for all of Sukkoth. We eat Matzah during the entirety of Pass-over.

The candles on the Hanukkah Menorah are slightly different. Though we light them every night of the holiday, each candle only lasts for a relatively short portion of the evening. We light them one night, let them burn out, and then replace them with new, and more, candles the next night. It forms an interesting 8-day ballet.

The light itself has much symbolism. It is a reminder of God’s first proclamation in the creation story, “Let there be light.” It is a reminder of the oil that miraculously lasted for 8 days. It is a reminder of the fact that the light of even a small candle can eradicate darkness. It is a reminder of the requirement that we be a “light unto the nations.”

The fact that we let the candles burn out and then re-kindle new candles the next night, is a reminder that we need to be active and vigilant in our pursuit of brightening the world and making it a better place. Light is part of God’s plan. Miracles don’t happen alone. Darkness is not eradicated without help. The good in the world does not continue without being nurtured by us.

When you light the menorah, notice that, just like each of us, each candle may, at first glance, look the same but, upon closer examination, each one is, unique.

Like the candles, none of us will last forever, but we have the ability and responsibility while we are here, to brighten the world. The next day’s candles represent the future and that, too, needs to be lit. We also have the ability, and responsibility, to ensure that those future candles are there and that they will be lit to brighten the future world. When we pass our traditions diligently to our children and grandchildren, we help to ensure that those future candles will be placed on the menorah and that they will be lit.

The nightly kindling of the Hanukkah menorah is a reminder to us that we must be involved in our commu-nity and the world around us, and that we must pass our traditions to the next generations. The JCC is strengthened when as many of us a possible are active in building our community and maintaining it.

With the above having been said, spend some of Hanukkah on LBI. There is no denying it. LBI is beautiful all year round. For folks looking to be more relaxed or looking for a place that can nurture a spiritual side, there is no place like our Island’s 18 miles of lovely Atlantic coast. This makes the JCC a prime spot for any-one seeking to increase the joy of celebrating any holiday.

With this in mind, as we move deeper into fall and then winter, join us for services any Friday or Saturday that you are on, or near, the island. Join us for our two scheduled “Cholentfest” dates, January 25th and February 22nd. Both days are Saturdays. We will have Torah study and/or services and then have cholent for lunch. Join us for Shabbat dinners on November 15th (Thanksgiving dinner on Shabbat!), December 20, (Featuring Potato latkes), January 10th, February 7th, and March 13th. Dinner will be served at 6:00 followed by ser-vices and then dessert.

Over the winter look for the movies we will be showing on Saturday nights. Also, look for information on our TuB’Shevat Seder in February.

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Michael Babst President of the JCC of LBI


Spray Beach, NJ 08008

Phone: 609-492-4090

Fax: 609-492-7550


M, W, F 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Website: Email: [email protected]

Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Jay

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Babst

1st Vice President . . . . . . . Phil Rosenzweig

2nd Vice President . . . .Sherry Fruchterman

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ira Morgenthal

Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Debby Schweighardt


Jon Lombardi

Donald Paris

Stuart Pepose

Donald Pripstein

David Shatz Rob Van Naarden

Rose Valentine - Immediate Past President

Office Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Dinkfelt

Staff Member . . . . . . . . . Marybeth Krieger

Kitchen Manager . . . . . . . . . . .Susan Berbue

Custodian Staff. . . . . . . . . Tony DeGregorio

Road Trip

On Rosh Hashanah, and in my High Holiday ap-peal letter, I discussed why the congregations of some of our childhoods no longer exists; money. I would be re-miss if I did not stress again the need for financial gifts to the JCC. I must come to you now, with hat in hand, and ask if you are planning to give a High Holiday appeal, please give it sooner than later Each one of us must give what we can, whenever we can, to keep our dreams that we have for the JCC going forward for future genera-tions.

That being said, I asked the question on Yom Kip-pur, why people attended Yom Kippur services? A com-mon answer is that we gather because, as a community, we receive comfort, from each other in remembering the loved ones that we all have lost. It is our tradition; we share all of our simchas and sorrows as a community. I think back on Tevye, singing of our traditions in Fiddler on the Roof. Yes, traditions like going to cemeteries be-fore the beginning of the High Holidays to pay our re-spects to the loved ones that we have lost, or placing a small rock on the head or footstones of our dearly de-parted. At Yizkor, we remember the family members that we have lost. Some of those lost are recent, the wound still fresh, the pain so great we cannot compre-hend it all, some we just have to mention their names, and we remember them so clearly, everything about them and what they meant to us. We tell them how much they are missed, and how much we loved them. I guess we do it because we have always done it. Like when Tevye, our narrator, explains to everyone that we cover our heads as a sign of respect to G-d, then when he is about to explain why the 4 corners of our garments should have tzitzit. He says “I will tell you (a pause) I don’t know, tradition”. Could it be that simple? We re-member why we do certain things, and then we chalk everything else up to tradition. We, like other genera-tions, have been going to shuls forever. There is one tra-dition I would like to end. The three time a year Jew. Jews that show up at shuls, for Rosh Ha Shanah, and Yom Kippur. When do not return for another year? Like the swallows of San Juan Capistrano. We all know peo-ple like this, friends, family members, and possible our-selves at one time. They come to remember their loved ones, say Kaddish, and then move on, flying back to their

Continued on page 9

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Candle LightingCandle Lighting


Please Note: Times listed are for LBI

Friday Evenings

November 1st - 5:36 PM 8th - 4:29 PM 15th - 4:23 PM 22nd - 4:18 PM 29th - 4:15 PM


6th - 4:14 PM 13th - 4:15 PM 20th - 4:17 PM 27th - 4:21 PM

January 2020 3rd - 4:27 PM 10th- 4:33 PM 17th - 4:41PM 24nd - 4:49PM 31th- 4:15 PM

Saturday Morning Services

Torah Study - 9:00 AM Services - 10:00 AM


1st Candle Sunday

December 22nd, 5:26 PM

Winter Office Hours Winter Office Hours Starting Oct. 23Starting Oct. 23rdrd

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

9 AM to 1:00 PM

Office ClosingsOffice Closings The JCC of LBI will be closed

on the following dates: Thanksgiving

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2019 Christmas

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2019 New Years Day

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

MembershipMembership Changes and AdditionsChanges and Additions Winter Address ChangeWinter Address Change

Please contact the office if any portion of your Directory listing needs to be

corrected or added to or to change to your winter address.

Friday Night Friday Night ServicesServices Will Will

continue through the continue through the year year

at 8:00 PMat 8:00 PM

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Ann Newman & Family

Lenore & David Forsted

Nancy Young & Jeffrey Melin & Family

Fran & Sam Braun

Shelley Kreiger & Family

Diane & Barnett Hoffman & Family

Maxine & Don Paris & Family

Debby & John Schweighardt & Family

Debra & Phillip Belena & Family

Elyse & Stuart Pepose & Family

Debbie & Neil Falek

From our Family to Yours

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Let Us Never Forget…. October 27, 2018

“They Sat in the Back” BY HANNAH DANIEL, 10/24/2019 We sat in the back. We were 13 years old, itchy, tired, and we didn’t want to be there. We were anxious to leave our seats— we sat in the back to sulk, to count on our fingers how many more Saturday morning services we would have to endure before we could check the box for our b’nai mitzvot. We picked at our nails, but we sang the blessings because we loved them even still. The minutes limped along. We shifted in our dresses and our ballet flats that were getting a little too small. Our stomachs rumbled as we waited for kiddush and we sat in the back of the room. They also sat in the back. Our matriarchs, our door-holders, the ones who had prepared our kiddush that morning. The ones who knew the code to the building was the same year it was built, the ones who drove us to this service. They were the ones who sang in the choir, the ones who taught your children their aleph bets. They sat nearest to the entrance, the ones who walked with walkers. The ones who parked right outside the temple doors to rest their stiff backs on stiffer benches each Saturday morning. The ones who have seen their children and their children’s children through the sanctuary’s doors. They built this place up from the ground and they sat in the back. We did not want to sit in the front, where we might catch the eye of the rabbi, where God might see our lips stumble on our prayers. We sat in the back so we might easily slip out to use the bathroom, to get a drink of water, to check the broken clock in the hall. We sat in the back so that we could be the first to leave. They sat in the back because they arrived early. They were our living ancestors, our minyan makers. They sat in the back and they knew your name because they had been the first ones to welcome your family into the synagogue with a warm hug and boker tov.

Continued on page 8

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Women’s Auxiliary of the JCC of LBI

We are off to an excellent start – we have had a few executive board members

meetings since September. We will be holding elections for officers in the spring –

please consider your leadership talent and run for an office! Dues will be $36.00 for

2019/2020. There are several committees needing chairwomen and committee mem-

bers – this is a great way to engage with your fellow Auxiliary women, make new

friends and learn new skills!

Our next Auxiliary event is Sunday, November 3rd at the LBI Maritime Museum at

11:30 AM. Many events are in the planning stages. This winter we have had sugges-

tions for many enjoyable activities: a trip to the Jewish History Museum in Philadel-

phia for the Ruth Bader Ginsberg exhibit; a luncheon with an interesting speaker; a

pottery class; and a jewelry/ bead-it class; we need suggestions and assistance to get

us through the long winter! Once spring arrives our members have suggested a

Women’s Auxiliary walking group and a weekly pickle ball game group (not sure what

it is but always willing to learn and laugh) as well as educational speakers targeting

women’s concerns, etc. This summer, we are hoping to provide at our JCC Bazaar’s,

an enticing menu for breakfast and lunch; plans are being made for the Women’s

Auxiliary to sponsor a fashion show with local shops; host a Mah Jongg tournament,

expand our gift shop and a member/new member luncheon.

Please join us in planning and participating with the JCC Women’s Auxiliary! Upcom-

ing events and the Women’s Auxiliary meetings will be published in the future Bulle-

tins, Shabbat Reminders and Constant Contact emails. If you know any other woman

who may be interested in receiving this information, please call Jill Denker (973) 214-

2767 or [email protected] to have them added to the mailing list.

The JCC of LBI depends on its members to thrive. It is a mitzvah to have a sustainable

Jewish women’s presence on LBI.

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Thanks to all who partici-

pated in donating food for

our High Holiday Food

drive to help fill the local

pantries so they can con-

tinue to feed the hungry.

Maj Jong & Canasta

Wed. from 12:30 - 4:00 PM

“They Sat in the Back” Continued from page 6

50/50 RAFFLE Congratulations to our 2019

Raffle Winners: First Place: David Nelson

Second Place: Rhonda Lang Third Place: Richard Schey

The JCC community once again whole-heartedly supported this summer end fund raiser. After distributing the winnings and paying a few expenses, the JCC will realize a profit of $5,000.

Thank you to everyone who took a chance. As they say, you have to be in it to win it and our three lucky winners are all members of our JCC. Next year may be your turn!

We sat in the back; we wanted to leave. They sat in the back; they didn’t have time. The author would like to dedicate this work to Joyce Fienberg, Rose Mallinger, Richard Gottfried, Jerry Rab-inowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein, Irving Younger, and Melvin Wax. Hannah Daniel is a junior studying biology and creative writing at Carnegie Mellon University. Her po-em, “They Sat in the Back,” was the recipient of the first prize in college poetry at the 20th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Writing Awards.

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daily lives, remembering the tradition, but not the reason. Con-gregations need members, not just swallows. Please do not misunderstand me, I appreciate them, and en-

courage them to give, and give generously to us. But we need more and so do they. Is it possible they come because they like the felling of community, togetherness, or being with other Jews when we all ask Hashim to seal us in the book of life for another year? Could it be that My words were so interesting last year that they came to sit through them again? Whatever their reason, and yours for being here, I thank everyone for making the JCC your choice. But why for some is it the only time they are here during the year? We are here all year round. Why not be part of us all year round? As members maybe you can help me convince those of our neighbors and friends that they should join. Explain to them, that our modest dues are a small price to pay to be part of the JCC, let them know what we have to offer. What about our friends that say my chil-dren are all grown, I live in an adult community? Tell them to join the JCC and bring their children and grand-children here for the high Holidays. There is nothing that makes me feel better then hearing the sound of children in our shul, and what makes a grandparent feel better then presenting their grandchildren to the congregation on the High Holidays. I am envious of those that have been able to do it, and looking forward to when Irene and I can do the same. To those that say I have been there and did that, we should say do it again, now you have the time to give, if I had said that 6 years ago, I would not be writing this now. Those that say that I am retired, our response should be did you retire from your faith or stop being a Jew? I found that my faith gets stronger as I get older, I realize the importance of embracing Judaism, not running away from it. Whatever reason they have for not joining the JCC, I hope we can persuade them to re-think it. We need them and they need us. The JCC needs the support of the communities off the island, as much as those communities need us, as well as unaffiliated Jews on the island. Those that live on the island, and are not members need to support the only congregation on the island, regardless if you are conservative or not, we will be here to support them, when the need arrives. Our members that are here all year round need those non-members that live here all year round to helps us make the JCC more of a focal point in the winter months. Tell the non-member snow birds, they should join us and have another reason to come home earli-er, and extend the summer longer.

Whatever reasons they may have had in the past not to become a member, please ask them to put those reasons aside and take the plunge. You and I know that we are a warm and friendly place, where eve-ryone is welcome. We have many things to offer a perspective member, avenues for socialization; A new and vibrant Women’s auxiliary that is looking to extending Mah Jong, and Canasta Wednesdays throughout the winter. The auxiliary is looking to have other events during the winter. We are looking to try the monthly movie nights, or game nights this winter. We have a group of men that are here all year round, and with a few more, we can possibly have a men’s organization take flight. We have our Chavarah, our friends’ group that got off to a great success at the end of the summer, that we want to keep going through the winter. We have our weekly services that need additional participants, so we can be assured that those needing to say Kaddish can do so.

We have much to offer to our future members. Regardless of what reason they choose we need their support. No congregation can survive without money and membership, they are the backbone of any good organization, the JCC is no different. In the appeal letter I wrote about the 800 congregations that an-swered a survey in 1965 and when the survey was asked again 50 years later, only 504 remained, 296 closed their doors forever. We can not allow that to happen to the JCC. With your support as a member, and our friends and families support, at least as a benefactor we can continue to provide the Jewish residents of Southern Ocean County, a place that they will always be welcome, a place to turn to for life cycle events, a place to come on those cold winter nights where the fire of friendship will help warm our collective souls. Tell those that are not members, that it is never to late, to start again. Give those you know that are not members, this note, hoping this will strike a chord with them.

For those of you that are traveling to your winter residences, my you have a safe trip, and we’ll see you in the spring. For those of us remaining here let’s hope our winter is mild, and we warm our-

selves with the fires of friendship at the JCC

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We are delighted to welcome six new pavers to our dedication entranceway. There is plenty of room for lots more! As you walk into our beautiful building along this walkway, you experience a meaningful reminder of the life and history of our community. There are tribute pavers, memory pavers, birthday and anniversary pavers, pavers that elicit happy memories and pavers that help us remember loved ones no longer with us. No matter what, it is wonderful and lasting way to share a piece of your family’s story with the rest of the JCC community.

Please consider putting in a paver in this coming year.

More information on page 21 and new information in the near future.

Legacy Planning

If you are planning to initiate or change your will or estate plan, please remember

and include the Jewish Community Center of Long Beach Island (JCC of LBI) as part

of your legacy. The monies can be used for a specific purpose as designated by you

or added to an endowment fund already set up to assure the ability to continue

providing a full-service congregation to serve the Jewish people of the area.

This legacy can be accomplished by a simple bequest in your will, by one of the al-

lowable charitable trusts wherein you get an immediate tax advantage, or through

life insurance.


Please check with your attorney or insurance agent. If you have any questions or

need additional information, please contact Don Pripstein.

Thank you

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New Members

We are happy to announce and welcome the following new members and welcome them into our JCC family

C h a v e ra h


11 East 19th Street

PO Box 665

Barnegat Light, NJ 08006

2 Fourteenth Street, Apt. 1112

Hoboken, NJ 07030

201 459 0025

CELL: 917 439 4012 Elliot

973 202 6394 Janet

EMAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]



102 E. Maryland Avenue

Long Beach Twsp., NJ 08008

100 Wilson Road, Apt. 17

Springfield, NJ 07081

CELL: 908 868 6247 Rennie

908 868 6246 Marcia

EMAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]


13 West 76th Street

Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008

CELL: 973 901 3808

EMAIL: [email protected]


165 E. 72 Street, Apt. 6C

New York, NY 10021

212 452 1936

CELL: 201 788 4176

EMAIL: [email protected]


1880 Pine Road

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

CELL: 215 264 6520 Warren

215 380 1850 Marlene

EMAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]



2 W. 3rd Street

Barnegat Light, NJ 08006

925 Dale Road

Meadowbrook, PA 19046

CELL: 267 495 7983 Jeff

267 992 4503 Nancy

EMAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]


2708 Bayview Avenue

Barnegat Light, NJ 08006

123 E. 37th Street, Apt. 14C

New York, NY 10016

CELL: 646 648 9961 Andrew

908 723 1740 Michelle

EMAIL: [email protected]



7 Middlexex Avenue

Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008

609 494 9016

856 Midland Road

Oradell, NJ 07649

201 261 3376

CELL: 201 410 2029 Roger

201 259 7106 Rima

EMAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]

Things have been very quiet with this group, preparing for the holidays won out over addi-tional functions these past months. At this time, we are researching several activities for the group, nothing cemented in stone but the ideas are flowing:

To receive the emails from this group, or even better, how about taking the lead and plan our next event, please email [email protected]

▪ Axe Throwing ▪ Trivia Night ▪ Progressive Dinner

▪ Game Night ▪ Movie Night ▪ Escape Room

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Thank You for Your Generous Contributions

Irving Maginsky by Sally Ger-stenblatt

Martin Reiff by Iris Glassman Irma Golden by Howard Golden Eli Golden by Howard Golden Sylvia Lefkowitz by Phyllis &

Samuel Sisenwine Alfonso Muscente by Suzanne

Geier Sara Jacobs Fink by Linda Marr Henry Levitt by Robert Levitt Charlotte Alban by Ellen & Mar-

tin Weinberg Karl Rebarber by Lynn Sherman Ike Saul Shapiro by Barbara

Hirsh Beatrice Smith by Peter Smith Helen Koseff by Diane Tucker Abraham Greenspan by Jerry

Greenspan Herbert Klosk by Ellen Oxfeld Eva Braun by Samuel Braun Stephan Gubar by Bentley

Gubar Sally Saginaw by Ellen & Sandy

Oxfeld Leon Isanuk by Barry Isanuk Doris Farin by Harold Farin Sheldon Shapiro by Karen

Buchalter Mildred Rosenthal by Susan

Karp Beulah Gubar by Bentley Gubar Fanny Troum by Dr. Lawrence

Troum Willy Hupert by Frieda Fuhrman Irene Schiff by Karen Schatz Harriett Kravetz by Arlene &

Fred Schragger Henry Schragger by Arlene &

Fred Schragger Ronald Dalin by Arlene & Fred

Schragger Leonard Einhorn by Dale Te-

beleff Lenore Traster by Alan Traster Freda Black by Barry Black Bertha & Arthur Landau by Bar-

bara Albu Lehman Lessie Markowitz by Diane

Tucker Ellen Rosen Field by Beth


In Memory:

Shirley Pollack by Dana Meyers Philip Gerstenblatt by Bernard

Gerstenblatt Rae Hochman by Martin Hoch-

man David Hochman by Martin

Hochman Nathan Dondershine by Debra

Schweighardt Sophie Cohen by Ted Cohen Louis Abromovitz by Nona Lev-

in Abrams Gertrude Gondelman by Steven

Gondelman Victor Zinn by Diane Tucker Billie Snyder by Dr. Robert

Snyder Ethel Kates by Deborah Smith Israel Gendel by Lisa Abramson David Dover by Jill Berson Raymond Berman by Stanley

Berman Seymour Fruchterman by How-

ard Fruchterman Milton Schiff by Karen Shatz Rosalind Mularz by Brenda

Black Harrie Kronenberg by Lynn

Berman Alan Kronenberg by Lynn Ber-

man Richard Kaplan by Annette

Kaplan Jerry Gomer by Bunny Kauf-

man, Sherry & Howard Fruchterman, Judy & Ken Abend

Gertrude Lebovitz by Dr. Philip Lewis

Thelma Kalmeyer by Jill & Rich-ard Berson

Jeffrey Chairnoff by Hedda & Hugh Chairnoff

Hannah Esh Lowe by Susan L. Beekman

Howard Brody by Helene Gor-don

Adam Marc Kreiger by Shelley Kreiger

Esther Martin by Shelly Weisfeld

Lillian Cofsky by Stewart Cofsky

Milton Seavey by Steven Seavey

Shirley Halpern by Deborah Dobrow

Shirley Rogers by Zee Jay Greenspan

Get Well: Don Paris by Judy & Ken Abend

In Honor: In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of

Solly Schragger, grandson of Arlene & Fred Schragger by Diane & Barnett Hoffman

In Honor of the Wedding of Tyler Dratch, grandson of Phyllis & Sam Sisenwine, to Emily Sellman by Diane & Barnett Hoffman, Judy & Ken Abend, Sherry & Howard Fruchterman

In Honor of Sherry and Howard Fruchterman by Margie & Jeff Honickman

Mazel Tov the Van Naarden Family in honor of their new grandson, Isaac, by Sherry & Howard Fruchterman

Happy 90th Birthday to Joanne Levine by Judith & Don Pripstein

In Honor of the 5780 High Holi-day services and the honors given to Stu for blowing the Shofar and chanting the Sec-ond Day of Haftorah by Eve E. & Stu W. Lehrer

In Honor of Audrey & Marc Wisotsky by Lisa Cohn

In Honor of the High Holiday honor given to her by Arlene Silverman

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Deborah & Stuart Rabner Roslyn Kaplan Thank You to Rabbi Jay for Bar

Mitzvah training for Philip Rosen by Barbara Berman

In Memory of Jerry Gomer by Eileen & Dick Feldgus

Prayer Book: In memory of her mother Molly

Fingerman by Denni F. Koupf

Zena Jay Kiddush Fund: In Memory of our parents, Betty

& Robert Jonas and Blanche & Larry Zwillman by Jani & Andy Jonas

In Memory of Renee’s parents, Joe & Miriam Nudel by Renee & Frank Ward

Elyse & Carl Tepper

Cantor Fund: Jennifer & John Millner

Rosh Hashanah Bimah Flowers: Sherry and Howard Fruchter-

man Yom Kippur Bimah Flowers : Joanne Ramer & Oded Cohen

General Fund: Lisa Schlossman Morton Antkies Myron Hirsch Thank you to Leslie Dinkfelt for

helping them get tickets at the last minute to Yom Kippur services at another syna-gogue by Barbara & Jay Ber-man.

Thank you: Renee & Rob VanNaarden, Rose & Rudy Valentine and Sheri & Rabbi Jay for providing

meals for the hazzan and his wife

Justin Brasch & Juli Smith for opening their home for Haz-zan Zachmy & his wife Peggy to stay during the holidays

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September 10, 2019

Attendance: Present – M. Babst, S. Fruchterman, I. Morgenthal, D. Schweighardt, D. Shatz, R. Valentine, On Phone – L. Forsted, D. Pripstein, P. Rosenzweig, R. Van Naarden. Guest-Diane Buskirk

• Reports were received on Bazaar, Facilities rental, Membership, Cabaret Night, Pavers, Grant Re-quest, and the Office Manager’s report.

• I. Morgenthal gave Treasurer Report which included several projects he is working on to make the system more informative. Also discussed need for 2020 Budget info.

• R. Valentine reported that we have 50 unpaid members for this year. We hope to call each of them.

• A discussion was held on the logistics for the High Holidays. Fewer seats were sold this year and it is probably because of the late time of the year.

• Security was discussed. Vote passed to add an additional policemen for H.H. services. Still investi-gating programs to improve our security system.

• Approved hiring of someone to provide us with a new Website.

• Diane Buskirk reported on progress with the recently formed Women’s Auxiliary • Announced that our new Sukkah will be installed this weekend.

Congregational News of Note

Mazel Tov To: Suzie & John Geier on the birth of their granddaughter Frances Sophie Geier Mike Piscetelli on earning his col-lege degree Mike and Malenie Piscetelli on the marriage of Mike’s daughter, Eliza-beth Maxine & Don Paris on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Blake Ashton Paris Arlene & Fred Schrager on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Solomon Goluboff-Schragger Renée and Rob Van Naarden on the birth of their grandson, Isaac Leo Van Naarden, born to Courtney and Jacob Van Naarden

Phyllis & Sam Sisenwine on the marriage of their grandson, Tyler Dratch to Emily Sellman Barbara & Jay Berman on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Phillip Lester Rosen son of Ed Rosen & Stacy Berman Happy 90th birthday Joanne Levine

Ellen & Marty Weinberg on the birth of their grandson, Levi Mi-chael Weinberg to Scott & Jessica Weinberg Stan & Lynn Berman on the en-gagement their granddaughter, Dr. Grayce Selig to Dan Suher. Mazel tov to the parents, Sharon & Vincent Gatto and to the grandparents Ina & Ira Morgenthal on Nicholas Gatto Bar Mitzvah

Harold Farin on the marriage of his granddaughter and to Cliff Farin on the marriage of his niece, Nicole Farin to Alex Saltzburg. Nicole is a daughter of Jeff and Christine Farin Helyn & Mel Benjamin on the marriage of their grand daughter, Jodie Benjamin

Get Well Soon


Sol Karpman

Judy Abend

Don Paris


Art Schreer on the passing of his mother, Shirley Schreer

Adam Fishman on the loss of their mother, Hannah Fishman

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Friday, November 1st

HESHVAN 4 Francis August 4 Herbert Davis 4 Jane Hochberger 4 Ruth Maginsky 4 Will Roth 4 Albert Stuhl 4 Max Weinstein 5 Sylvia Greene 5 Rabbi Samuel Nunberg* 5 Shirley Rogers 5 Rose Rosenbaum 5 Paul Tanenbaum 6 Morris Balbresky 6 Abraham Heller 6 Denise Moss* 6 Doris Pashman 7 Samuel Chairnoff 7 Stephen Harvey Green-

berg 7 Rose Kotler 7 Eva Miller 8 Beatrice Brody 8 Philip Petter 8 Marvin Schub 8 Mary Sisenwine 8 Anna Stuhl 8 Francis Wallach 8 Arthur Wichman 10 Donna Greenberg 10 Joseph Hirschman 10 Harry Liebowitz 10 Minnie Miller*

Rabbi read on Friday, November 8th 11 Lillian Callet* 12 Klara Myers Furman 12 Herman Paris 13 Shirley Millstein Frucht-

man* 13 Ethel Salonsky 14 Matthew Muscente 14 Albert Rutman* 14 Norma Schey 15 Ephraim Baker 15 Moe Grossberg 15 Dorie Solomon* 15 I. Irving Weissler* 16 Sophia Fruchtman* 16 Nathaniel Lee Green*

16 Mildred Kader 16 David Litvin 16 Irving Traster* 16 Harriet Treatman 17 Sadie Rose Entin 17 Bernice Hudes 17 Saundra Opatosky 17 Julius Robinson* 17 Lauren Westlake

Rabbi read on Friday, November 15th 18 Steven Baron 18 Benjamin Cohen 18 Beatrice Plotkin Frucht-

man* 18 Mae Goldberg* 18 Abe Josephson* 18 Harris Weiner 18 Isidor Weisel 19 Vivian Chairnoff 19 Joseph Meshulam 20 Ada G. Bass* 20 Bertrand Berman 20 Joseph Levin 20 Bess Silver 20 Laura Ziegeler 21 George Medvin 21 Gilbert Tebeleff 22 Helene Geier 22 Martin Samwick 23 Elaine Cameron 23 Alex Hirsch 23 David Plotkin 23 Joseph Sherman 23 Max Silver 23 Manuel Smith* 24 Rhea Britz* 24 Gladys Krechovitz*

24 Abraham Lazar 24 Evelyn B. Sholin 24 Paul Starr 24 Jerome Szanger*

Rabbi read on Friday, November 22nd 25 Harold Eiser 25 Mildred Greenwald* 25 Ernst Halpern 25 Yetta Houzman 25 Glen Medvin* 25 Claire Seavey

25 Irving Shapiro 25 Eli Star, MD 26 Sophie Ehrlich 27 Nisson Ben-Avraham 27 Ida Koupf 27 Julius Rosenthal 28 Sidney Miller 29 Max Kincus 29 Ellis Levin* 29 Evelyn Smith 30 Rebecca Josolowitz

KISLEV 1 Wilbur Hait 1 Philip Josolowitz 1 Helen Pripstein* 1 Anne Reiser*

Rabbi read on Friday, November 29th 2 Arlene Britz* 2 Harriet Cohen 2 Julius Cohen 2 Fay Dreyfus* 2 Lenore Enteles 2 Florence Leistner 3 Ben Berkowitz 3 Joseph Kaplan 4 Ira Lee Herman* 4 Frank Mirrer* 5 Henry Avondoglio* 5 Rebecca Cohen 5 Dr. Milton Lowenthal 5 Julius Pashman 6 Milton Batoff 6 Sophie Brasch* 6 Lydia Davis 7 Dr. Seymour Cohen 7 Dorothy Labran 7 Ida Liebowitz 8 Vera Beebe 8 Harry Entin 8 Max Silver*

Rabbi read on Friday, December 6th 9 Harry Berkowitz* 9 Helen Berman 9 Leon B. Entin 9 Stuart Gussin 9 Stanley S. Levy 9 Abram Piwosky 9 Lilyan Strassman*

10 Milton A. Levine 10 Louis Young* 11 Donald Cohen 11 Dr. Joseph Evans 11 Rae Friedenberg 11 Rochelle Naftoly 11 Mortimer Nelson* 11 Cheryl Newman 11 Miriam Rebo 12 Irving Kanis 12 Chris Makos 12 Mildred Mashberg 12 Bertha Rothstein 12 Jeffrey Rudnick* 12 Murray J. Sklar 13 Henry Berman 13 Sylvia Gussin 13 Rae Konner 14 Neal Chilton 14 Rabbi Jacob Friedman* 14 Maxwell Kahn 14 Herman Pokras 15 Miriam Levine 15 Milton Luxemburg 15 Mindy Iris Morgenthal* 15 Anna Mott 15 Frieda Ross

Rabbi read on Friday, December 13th 16 Charlotte Frank 16 Jeanette Kaufman 17 Abraham Weissler 18 Alfred Berson 18 Pauline Kolsby* 18 Abe Morgenthal* 18 Lillian W. Pacharz* 18 Bertha Simandl 19 Albert Haas 20 Israel J. Cramer 20 Esther Gold Entin 20 Rachel List* 20 Jerome Polaner 21 Charles Farin 21 Houshang Golsaz 21 Henrietta Schocat 22 Robert Eisner 22 Benjamin Serepca*

An asterisk signifies a memori-

al plaque in the JCC of LBI


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Rabbi read on Friday, December 20th 23 Phyllis Schwartz 24 Albert Goldberg* 24 Emil Goldstein* 25 Charles Barsh 25 Helen Eisen 25 Ray Farin 25 Jack Newman* 25 John Patrician 25 M. Charles Ross 26 Saul Hurwitz 26 Leanore S. Klein 26 Jerome Odenheimer 26 Stella Pervin* 26 Temi Saivetz 26 Philip Schleifer 26 Samuel Tucker 27 Rachel Cherins 27 Herman Glassman* 27 Sol Grossman 28 Joseph Blumenthal* 28 Arnold Schwartz 28 Marcia Yankowitz 28 Shari Zalkind* 29 Stanley Antonoff 29 Nathan Shapiro 29 Harvey Sherman 29 Joseph Valentine*

Rabbi read on Friday, December 27th 30 Seymour Abend 30 Carl M. Cole 30 Michael Kaplan 30 Jacqueline Mogil

TEVET 1 Lorraine Liebowitz 1 Joseph Nakkab 1 Reba Papier 2 Sidney Fisch 2 Mark Goldman 3 Irving Butler 3 Mendel Fischer 3 Henry Gondelman 3 Ruth Moss 3 Dan Renzin 3 Ethel Snyder* 4 Louis Bass* 5 Leo Steinberg 6 Naomi Antonoff

Continued from page 14


6 Jerry Green* 6 Henry Herzig 6 Samuel Lisagor*

Rabbi read on Friday, January 3rd 7 Mary Berkowitz 7 Marilyn Morgenthal* 7 Samuel Rosenberg 7 Lena Scheer 8 Esther Ruta Mirrer* 8 Vernon Rosenberg* 8 Rosie Starr* 9 Rose Kleinfeld 9 Sarah Mizrahi 9 Robert Ian Stevens* 9 Jay Ungar 10 Susan Blumenfield* 10 Anne Galer 10 William Gordon 10 Samuel Horowitz* 10 Ann Kamler 10 Helene Lowenthal 10 Herman Marcus 10 Becky Reiff* 11 Alex Birnbaum* 11 John M. Furman 11 Eva Kaplan 11 Gertrude Rifkin

11 Larry Zwillman

12 Benjamin Goodman*

12 Joseph Martin*

12 Howard Paitchel

12 Bernice Shectman

13 Bertha Goldstein

13 Richard Kirsh 13 Hillary Levine 13 Joshua Scharf 13 Mildred Tittelbaum

Rabbi read on Friday, January 10th 14 Morrie Baker 14 Bonnie Joy Farin* 14 Sidney Gottlieb 14 Martin Kader 14 Solomon Rosenstein 14 Jacob Weill* 15 Frances Berson 15 Lise Polishook 15 Ethel Rosenberg

15 Sam Rosenberg 16 Florence Cohen Galer 16 Herb Morton 16 Phyllis Tanenbaum 16 Murray Weiner 17 Dora Chazin* 17 Samuel Cweibel 17 Mildred Epstein 17 Sydney Racusin 18 Paul Sidel 19 Ruth Albu 19 Sidney Bitton 19 Ruth Grossman 19 Julius Rapaport* 19 Janet Ronko 19 Sophie Silver* 20 Walter Blumberg 20 Rose Gerstenblatt 20 Evelyn Davis Kolsby*

Rabbi read on Friday, January 17th 21 Arnold Brasch 21 Rose Dondershine* 21 Margie Miller 22 Katy Poster* 22 Abner Silver*

23 Sam Beckerman 23 William Carey 23 Laura B. Dicicco 23 Leo Labran 23 Melvin Margolis 23 Shirley Slomovitz

24 Beatrice Chazin

24 Jeanne Goldstein 24 Robert Heller 24 Edna Katz 24 William Markowitz* 24 Edward R. Spencer* 25 Rose Kanis 26 Betty Berger* 26 Ira Berger 26 Barbara Black 26 Bette Cohen* 26 Stanton Einhorn 26 Mark Fisch 26 Lenore Light 26 Albert Margent 26 Jean Schiller 26 Betty Glassman Sitzer* 26 Rebecca Weinstein 27 Beatrice Bernstein 27 Elaine Dover

27 Albert Fagan* 27 Barbara Frank

Rabbi read on Friday, January 24th 28 Helen Berman 28 Joyce Blumberg 28 Harry Jerome 28 Herman Meyer 28 J. Gilbert Sholin 29 Dr. Henry Abrams 29 Helen Cweibel 29 Estelle Gordon 29 Joseph Gross 29 Beatrice Koss 29 Richard Pacharz

SHEVAT 1 Harriet Blecher 1 Cantor Hirsch L. Chazin* 1 Harry Goldhammer 1 Marvin Kolsby* 1 Doris Luterman 2 Dr. Jack David Levy* 3 Erik Cameron 3 Perla Zavelson 4 Lillian Kenter* 4 Frieda Klein 4 Martin Nissenblatt 4 Mary Esther Sprague Ruoff* 4 Ben Scharf 4 Helen Tebeleff 5 Milton Elefant 5 Phyllis Greenfield 5 Henry Hirsh 5 William Jaslow 5 Jack Kaplan 5 Stella Schub 5 Joseph Stern 5 Arthur Sussman

Rabbi read on Friday, January 31st 6 Marvin Alexander 6 Romeo Dicicco 6 David Lipsitz 6 Bernard Matz 6 Esther Sheparde 6 Harold Simandl 7 Abraham Robin* 7 Todd Michael Spencer* 8 David Brill*


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On Monday, September 23, 5 of us (including me) met in the JCC Library to discuss Lilac Girls.

We had the pleasure of being led by Stacey Vreeland. (Thank you Stacey!) and enjoyed our time together

We will meet on Mondays at 10:30 AM, we chose the title of our next book and dates to meet in 2020 as follows:

Monday, June 15th: Monday, July 20 Monday, August 17 Monday, September 14

We need someone to lead our book discussion on all of the above dates. If you would like to lead our discussion on June 15, 2020 or on any of the

above dates, please contact me. Debby Schweighardt, 973-634-5349 - [email protected]



8 Donald Brill* 8 Isador Dalinsky 8 Henry Rosen 8 Peter Ungar 9 Erma Glass 9 Anna Gottlieb* 10 Edith Konner 10 Mina Rosenbaum

10 Joseph Rudnick* 10 Diane Rudoff 10 Mollie Segal 11 Robert Fischer 11 Sarah Ganek 11 Hannah Moses* 11 Max Rosenbaum


Nicholas lives his life by this ideal. Whether he is competing athletically, academically or in his everyday life, he always sets his sights on being the best. Now in 8th grade, Nicho-las is a high honor roll student who plays flag football, volleyball, and a Boy Scout with Troop 61, First-Class rank. Nicholas also volunteers locally with David's Dream and Believe.

Nicholas is both happy to spend time with good friends and on his own. He has a generous disposition, and is full of love for his family and anyone in his inner circle. Nicholas is truly 'one-of-a-kind' with a unique view on life, similar to his grandmother, Ina, and never ashamed to be himself. Nicholas has shown a lot of growth in his faith while prepar-ing for his Bar Mitzvah. With his grandfather, Ira, he spent the last year learning and preparing for this day. It has brought them closer, and strengthened his faith. Nicholas's Bar Mitzvah was held at the JCC on Saturday, Octo-ber 12th, congratulations to the Gatto and Morganthal fami-lies on this wonderful Mitzvah.

Chanukah Shabbat


Friday Evening, December 20th

Please watch for more details


Words from the Rabbi. . .

Finally, if you have an idea for a program, reach out to me or call the office. I am always eager to see what we might add to what we are doing.

Our Menorahs, when lit, remind us of past miracles. Staring at the flickering candles can transport us to happy holiday moments. This year, as we ponder the candles, let us view each new and unique candle as a person who can ensure that our community is strengthened, and let see in other candles, our children and grandchildren who will light the candles of the future.

Chag Urim Sameach (A Happy Festival of Lights)

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Explore Israel with The Jewish Community Center of Long Beach Island

Led by Rabbi Michael Jay August 2 - 13, 2020

(Draft: August 19, 2019; Subject to change)

Questions: Please contact Rabbi Michael Jay (973) 865-9534

Sunday, 2 August – Depart USA Monday, 3 August – Going up into the Land

• Arrive in Israel to be met and assisted by your ITC representative (today’s program depends on arrival time).

• Tour the alleys of Old Jaffa, the ancient port city once known as the Gate of Zion. Shekhiyanu-Welcome ceremony on top of Tel Jaffa overlooking modern Tel Aviv.

• Visit the Palmach Museum in Ramat Aviv to learn about the elite underground organization which played a critical role in founding the State of Israel.

• Check-in to the Dan Panorama Hotel on Tel Aviv's Mediterranean Coast.

• Welcome Dinner at Maganda Yemenite Restaurant

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv

Tuesday, 4 August – The Hebrew City and the Jewish State • Walking tour of historic "Little Tel Aviv" - Discover the quaint Neve Tzeddek neighbourhood that gave birth to the "first Hebrew city in

2,000 years".

• At Independence Hall relive David Ben Gurion declaring the new State of Israel.

• Hear about the establishment of Tel Aviv standing at the Founders' Monument on Rothschild Boulevard and see the Bauhaus architecture for which central Tel Aviv was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

• Lunch on own and free time to explore the Nachalat Binyamin Crafts Fair. While there checkout the nearby Carmel Market and bohe-mian Sheinkin Street – All three of these Tel Aviv icons meet at the "Magen David Junction".

• Travel to Rehovot for a guided tour of the Ayalon Institute – An underground bullet factory used by Jewish forces before the founding of the State of Israel.

• Free time to swim in the Mediterranean Sea and enjoy beachside promenade.

• Free evening - Information will be provided about local culture and entertainment venues.

• Dinner on own

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv

Wednesday, 5 August – Cradles of Jewish Civilization in the Galilee • Depart for northern Israel.

• Tour the ruins of Caesarea, including its Roman Theater, Promontory Palace, Hippodrome and Amphitheater.

• ITC Touch: Learn about a rabbinic debate over Jews attending gladiator games.

• OR: Guided tour of the former Atlit Illegal Immigrant Detention Camp where the British held Holocaust refugees, who tried to enter the country "illegally". Then board an “illegal immigration ship" to watch a multimedia presentation about the heroic pre-State immi-gration.

• Lunch on own.

• Tour mystical Tzfat's old synagogues and picturesque alleyways. Tzfat was the cradle of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) in the 16 th centu-ry. Judaism's Friday night service, Kabbalat Shabbat, and the hymn Lecha Dodi originated in Tzfat a that time.

• ITC Touch: Visit the studio of a Kabbalistic artist and hear how Jewish spirituality influences his work.

• Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee followed by a lakeside dinner at Decks Restaurant.

• Check–in to the Kibbutz Lavi Hotel on Kibbutz Lavi in the Galilee.

• Overnight: Lavi

Thursday, 6 August – Ancient and Modern Geopolitics and Israel's Finest • Learn about kibbutz life on a walking tour of Lavi led by a local kibbutznik.

• Walk in the lush Tel Dan Nature Reserve, one of the sources of the Jordan River, where you'll discover biblical intrigue and one of the oldest arches in the world.

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• Kayak down the Jordan River – Great way to cool off on a hot day.

• Lunch on own.

• Tour to the Golan Heights for a perspective on Israel's complex geopolitics as we visit former Syrian bunkers overlooking Israel and strategic Mt. Bental.

• Wine tasting at the boutique Bahat Winery on Kibbutz Ein Zivan.

• ITC Touch: Barbeque dinner with young Israeli soldiers who are giving some of the best years of their lives to the defense of Israel.

• Overnight: Lavi

Friday, 7 August – Across Israel: A Multicultural Jewish Society • Plant a tree in Israel in honor or in memory of a loved one.

• ITC Touch: Discover Ethiopian Jewish culture at the Germachin Center in Beit Shean. Hear a personal account of this community's modern day Exodus story and about the challenges facing the Ethiopian Israeli community today.

• Lunch on own

• Visit the ancient synagogue of Beit Alfa and ponder why its 1,500 year old mosaic floor features a wheel of the zodiac.

• Time permitting: Stop at the Qasr El Yahud Baptismal Site on the banks of the Jordan River, which in Jewish tradition is associated with where the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan and Elijah ascended to heaven in a Chariot of Fire.

• Continue south through the Jordan Valley and ascend to Jerusalem.

• Shehekhiyanu/Welcome ceremony overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem.

• Check-in to the Dan Panorama Hotel in Jerusalem.

• Free time to relax and prepare for Shabbat.

• Join hundreds of other Jews from around the world to Greet the Sabbath at the Western Wall. Option to pray together as a con-gregation at the egalitarian "Masorati Kotel", where men and women can stand together.

• OR: Attend Friday night services at a local Jerusalem synagogue.

• Festive Shabbat Dinner at hotel

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem

Saturday, 8 August – And on the Seventh Day… in Jerusalem • Shabbat morning services at a local Conservative/Masorati synagogue, followed by Kiddush and an update about the Conservative/

Masorati movement in Israel.

• Shabbat Lunch at the Fuchsberg Center for Conservative Judaism. Shabbat afternoon options:

• Walking tour to the historic Montefiore Windmill to discover the first neighbourhood built outside the walls of the Old City. Then continue to Ketef Hinnom, a First Temple period burial site where archaeologists discovered the oldest biblical text ever found.

• OR: Walking tour along the "Urban Line" the former Israeli-Jordanian ceasefire lines to hear about Jerusalem as a divided city be-tween 1948-1967.

• Havdalah with Rabbi Jay.

• Free evening - Information will be provided about local culture and entertainment venues.

• Dinner on own.

• Recommendation for the evening: Visit the First Station Compound, Jerusalem's restored Ottoman railway station turned restau-rant - cafe area.

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem

Sunday, 9 August – The Old City of Jerusalem – An Ancient Jewish Legacy Please choose one of the following ancient Jerusalem touring options for the group:

• Explore the City of David, including its ancient water systems (without getting wet!), as we use the Bible and archaeology to decipher Jerusalem's ruins and uncover chapters in the city's past.

• AND/OR: Discover the archaeological story of the Western Wall and episodes from rabbinic texts while standing where Jewish pil-grims walked 2,000 years ago at Robinson's Arch and the Southern Wall Excavations.

• Visit the traditional prayer area of the Western Wall.

• Walk through the Western Wall Tunnels to discover underground Jerusalem.

• Lunch on own in the Jewish Quarter

• Tour of Jewish Quarter including the Herodian Mansions, Broad Wall, Rooftops and Cardo followed by free time to shop and explore on own.

• Dinner on own in Mamilla Quarter

• Watch the Night Spectacular – Sound and light show at the Tower of David.

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem

Monday, 10 August – Masada and the Dead Sea: Freedom Fighters or Fanatics? • Set out across the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea region, passing en route Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

• Ascend Masada by cable car to tour the ruins of Herod's palace and the last outpost of Jewish independence.

• Swim in the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, at a local resort. The resort also has a fresh water pool and spa facilities. Massage and spa treatments available by prior reservation at own expense.

• Lunch at Dead Sea resort. Continued on page 19

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• Time permitting: Walk in Ein Gedi Nature Reserve opportunity to bath in waterfalls and hear how David hid there from King Saul.

• Free evening - Information will be provided about local culture and entertainment venues..

• Dinner on own.

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem

Tuesday, 11 August – Holocaust, Remembrance and Continuity • Guided tour of Yad Vashem Israel's national Holocaust memorial and museum, including the Holocaust History Museum and Chil-

dren’s Memorial.

• Lunch on own.

• See the world renown Chagall Windows at Hadassah Hospital.

• Meaningful visit to Mt Herzl Cemetery to discover chapters in the history of Israel while visiting the graves of Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, Theordore Herzl and Hannah Senesch.

• Multimedia tour of the new Six Day War Heritage Museum at Ammunition Hill, the site of the fiercest battle in the Six Day War.

• Free evening - Information will be provided about local culture and entertainment venues.

• Dinner on own

• Overnight: Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem

Wednesday, 12 August – Wrapping Up and Departure • Visit Yad Lakashish, a unique employment project helping Jerusalem's elderly, including a stop in its shop "where shopping is a mitz-

vah!Tour the Israel Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Shrine of the Book and the Model of Jerusalem in the first century. Free time to exploreadditional exhibitions on own – Recommendations: Modern Israeli art, Synagogue interiors in the Judaica sec-tion and the Archaeology Wing.

• Remainder of afternoon free to explore on own and get in last minute shopping.

• Late check out

• Farewell Dinner at Olive and Fish Restaurant.

• Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport – See you again soon!

• Thursday, 13 August – Arrive in USA

• Begin planning your next Israel trip with Rabbi Jay and ITC Tours!


“Land Only” Packages based on number of travelers staying at the following hotels:

Please see Terms and Conditions, page 6 Dan Panorama Hotel - Tel Aviv, Kibbutz Lavi Hotel – North, Dan Panorama – Jerusalem 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45+ $3995 3725 3595 3555 3485 3395 3355

Single Supplement: $1170 Third person adult in triple room: subtract $450 Child, ages 2-12, as third person in parents' room: subtract $530 Bar/Bat Mitzvah child as third person in parents' room: subtract $650 Third and Fourth child sharing room in quad with parents: subtract $230 Please Note: Rates are based on attached itinerary and are valid only for the dates specified in this itinerary.

Flights (NB: Airfares are estimates. Airlines begin announcing airfares 11 only months prior to flights. Final rates depend on when booked and contract received from the airline; fuel surcharges are subject to fluctuation; ITC can only hold group space up until 90 days before departure, after which air prices are subject to change; tour companies have only very limited control over group seating on flights.) Roundtrip Newark-Tel Aviv $1450-$1550 Please book directly with Tami in ITC’s NJ office: 800-2-ISRAEL, 973-535-2575.

Terms & Conditions

▪ The above rates are per person based on double occupancy.

▪ Prices are per bus and are based on number of full-paying travelers.

▪ The tour selling price is based on a minimum number of passengers, as per above chart, and the above itinerary. If the total number of

participants falls below the minimum number used for the selling price, the selling price can be recalculated to accommodate a small-er number of tour participants. If the total number of participants should be fewer than 15, group rates may not be available through hotels, airlines, and tourist sites, resulting in additional expenses.

▪ Offer is for indicated or similar hotels, depending on availability; prices subject to dollar fluctuation.

▪ ITC pricing reflects a 4% discount for cash and checks. For credit card usage please add 4%. Continued on page 20

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▪ Single supplement applies only when a passenger is allocated a single occupancy room.

▪ Airline utilization & deposit requirements will be advised at time of confirmation.

▪ Price for airline seats are not guaranteed until airline receives seat deposits.

▪ To confirm your land and air arrangements, please forward a deposit of $1000.00 with the attached signed contract to ITC Tours.

This deposit is refundable less $500.00 handling fee up to 90 days prior to departure if trip is cancelled.

▪ For itineraries offering choices, the numbers of travelers choosing each alternative must be submitted by the tour leader to the ITC

office at least three months before departure.

All of this is Included in Your Tour

▪ Deluxe accommodation, as per your itinerary

▪ Touring and entrance fees, as per your itinerary

▪ Meeting & assistance by your ITC representative within the arrivals terminal at Ben Gurion Airport

▪ One of Israel’s finest English-speaking licensed tour educators (guides), to be with you for the duration of the tour and give insight

into this beautiful, spiritual land

▪ Deluxe air-conditioned, comfortable modern motor coach, featuring large panoramic windows, reclining seats, and foot rests

▪ Professional, safety conscious bus driver

▪ Professional ITC education director, to ensure an extraordinary Israel experience

▪ Professional ITC tour manager

▪ Snack and 1 small bottle of mineral water upon arrival in Israel

▪ Hostess at Jerusalem hotel, based on a minimum of 25 travelers

▪ Informative Israel sourcebook

▪ Porterage at airport and hotels

▪ Late check out on August 12

▪ Daily buffet breakfasts, five dinners (welcome, Decks, BBQ with soldiers, Shabbat dinner at hotel, farewell), and two lunches

(Shabbat lunch at Fuchsberg Center and Dead Sea lunch), as per itinerary.

Not Included in Package

▪ Visa & border fees (Not applicable to U.S. citizens).

▪ Items of a purely personal nature

▪ Private rooms for group meetings/meals at the hotel, unless specified in this offer

▪ Bus service on Shabbat

▪ Tips ($180 per person)*

▪ Speakers fees

▪ Insurance

▪ Fees for culture and entertainment activities not included in this offer. * Please note that this amount covers a basic recommended minimum tip for the guide, bus driver, and meal service staff at restaurants for the number of days the group will be in Israel. Travelers should feel free to add to this amount when in Israel, if they are so moved.

Important Information For All Travelers:

Please be aware that you may not fly to a foreign country if your passport has fewer than 6 months remaining. Be sure that your passport, and those of all members of your traveling group, has an expiration date that is at least six months later than your day of departure. If this is not the case, please take immediate steps to renew your passport!

Your Friends at ITC

First Friday Shabbat Dinners

Nov. 15, 2019 (Thanksgiving)

Dec. 20, 2019 (Chanukah)

Jan. 10, 2020

Feb. 7, 2020

Mar. 13, 2020

Dinner at 6:00 PM and services at 8:00 PM. We will Schmooze, sing, pray, Schmooze, learn, eat, and Schmooze some more. Please call the office 609-492-4090 to let us know when you will be joining us!

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We are pleased to establish the Zena Jay Kiddish Fund

in memory of Rabbi Jay's mother. Our Saturday morn-

ing kiddishes are not just a bite of gefilte fish and her-

ring. Our worship community enjoys this special time

when they can sit down to enjoy a Shabbat lunch and

share a table with others. It is a wonderful community

builder as well as an opportunity for sponsors to com-

memorate a special occasion, a yarhzeit or just to say

thank you. Donations can be sent to the office. In addi-

tion, contact the office if you want to sponsor a kiddish.

Please consider being a part of this campaign to supplement the clergy needs of our


This is a separate, voluntary commitment and is additional to your low annual dues obligation.

Chai Level: $1,800 over three years ($600 a year)

Double Chai Level: $3,600 over three years ($1,200 a year)

Triple Chai Level: $5,400 over three years ($1,800 a year)

We will, of course, be grateful for a gift to the fund at any time. Please go to the web site to download

the Kol HaKavod form:

or call the office for the form to be sent to you.

All donations will be anonymous.

A beautiful tribute card has been created using this beauti-

ful watercolor artwork by JCC of LBI former member, Pat


A tribute card is sent by the JCC of LBI to an honoree

when a contribution in made to the JCC in the person’s

honor. Please see the current list on 12.

The original art, a Hanukkah menorah, was a gift from the

artist and is framed and now hangs on the wall outside the

Library. We thank Pat for her generous contribution!

Each time you enter the front doors of the JCC of LBI you will pass the engraved brick pavers donated by members and friends of the JCC of LBI. Order forms are available on the JCC website:

4” x 8” bricks @ $150.00 8” x 8” bricks @ $300.00 (NEW SIZE)

Please contact Diane Hoffman to place your paver order for this Summer or with any questions: 732-742-2881 or [email protected]

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There are still High Holiday Prayer Books

and Chumashim available to be purchased

in memory or honor of someone or some-

thing. The cost of a Prayer Book is $72 each

and $120 for an Eitz Hayim Chumash.

The donation includes an affirmation sticker

in the book and an acknowledgement letter

or letters.

Join Herb and Selma z'l Shapiro to help

assure the continuity of our JCC, and our

ability to continue providing a full-service

congregation to serve the Jewish people of

the area.

A donation of at least $50,000 to the endow-

ment fund will allow the donor to name one of the funds as the donor wishes. All such name funds

will be joined together to be part of the endowment fund portfolio.

Judith & Donald Pripstein have joined the Shapiros with a $50,000 donation and have established

The Pripstein Family Endowment Fund.

All members are encouraged to help this important effort by contributing to this fund whether as a

specific named fund, or as a general donation.

Your gift to the fund can be sent to the JCC Office. Please mark your check accordingly.

TD Bank has a program offering an easy way for non-profit organizations to raise additional money. The bank will make an annual contribution to us based on the number of members with accounts there. Here is an opportunity to raise additional dollars each year with no out-of-pocket cost from any of us.

All we have to do is have our mem-bers let the bank know that they are JCC participants. The Bank will do the rest. Your privacy continues as is. The Bank will not divulge any individual member’s information to the JCC of LBI or anyone else. Please call your TD Bank office

and let them know that you are a JCC participant. Please register all of your personal accounts as well as your business checking accounts -- and please do it now, so that the Affinity Program for the JCC of LBI can commence.

These may be donated in honor of events, family, or friends, or in memory of loved ones. Yahrzeit

Plaques may be added to our Yahrzeit Board in the JCC of LBI Sanctuary. The prices, including

engraving, are as follows:

1st plaque $250 Bronze Leaf $90 Additional plaques Silver Leaf $125 purchased at the same time $225 Gold Leaf $180 Reserved $75

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ADS FOR THE 2010 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY All will be in black and white. Copy and payment may be sent to the JCC of LBI office Prices are as follows: $60 for a full page, $30 for a half page $15 for a 1/4 page or business card size

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