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Page 1: No250 newslettr daily e-29_9_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )250( 2013/9/29

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

Tunnels in Joubar It was founded a tunnel of gunmen its length is 150 Meter its high is 1, 3 meter, it starts from one of the old homes and ends in the cem-etery of the Neighborhood, in addition to many tunnels their lengths are 10 meter un-der the general street in which there are anti- Shields devices their weights are between 30-40 Kilo Gram. Syrian Arab Army targeted many gunmen in the east of the hospital of Shourtaa in Harasta , causing the killing and injuring many of them. The army destroyed two cars loaded weapons and ammunition surrounding Al-Baharia Town, causing the killing and injuring of many

Killing of head of extreme Islamic Belgian Organization in Syria

gunmen. Official sources said that the army foiled an at-tempt of infiltration from sur-rounding the Mosque of Abo Bakar in al-Rehan Town to-ward the old street of Aleppo and smashed a headquarter of them in the farms of al-Eib in Doma Region including the weapons and ammuni-tion. The army killed gunmen

in the west of Sidnaya‘s City and smashed weapons and ammunition were loaded on two cars equipped with heavy machine guns. Three citizens were killed and 41others were injured because of a mortar was fired on the suburb of al-Majad in Adraa and Blodan Town in the countryside of Damascus.

On Saturday, one of the lead-ers of extreme Islamic Bel-gian Organization was killed-Ahmad Dekhadij- who was fighting in the ranks of ex-treme Groups. The Channel of RTBR said that this fighter is the fourth fighter who is killed in Syria.

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Page NO.2

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )250( 2013/9/29

Arab Killed.. Explosive devices in Homs

Killed persons and destroyed weapons in Aleppo

In Homs, the Syrian Army killed Muhammad al-Kourdy called “Abo Moaied “ , Walid Ibrahim Wahba and Shahera Issam al-Kady- the wife of one of Lebanese Salafi Ter-rorist , during their attempts to attack on the Neighborhoods of Bab al-Houd and Jorat al-

Unites of Syrian Army killed 13 gunmen in Salah al-Dein Neighborhood and others of the gunmen of Free Army in al-Anssary and al-Lermoun Neighborhoods and smashed a car loaded weapons and ammunition were

with the gunmen. The army targeted many gunmen near to the building of al-Ikarda on the road of Aleppo-Idleb and smashed a car loaded weapons and ammunition in al-Bab City.

Shayah in Homs. The army foiled an attempt of gunmen to infiltrate from the Village of Dar al-Kaberaa and destroyed their headquarters in the west of Khazan in AL-Dar al –Ka-beraa including non-Syrian gunmen. Unites of the army foiled an attempt of gunmen

to detonate 4 explosive de-vices in the countryside of al-mokharam, their weights are 300Kilo Gram. Many gun-men were killed because of an explosion of explosive device during its making inside one of their headquarters in Al-Waar Neighborhood in Homs.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )250( 2013/9/29

Snipers in the orchards of Hama

In the countryside of Idleb

Shooting from Turkey

A unit of Syrian Arab Army killed the members of armed group surrounding the air-port of Abo al-Dohor in the countryside of Idleb, inflict-ed them heavy losses and destroyed gatherings of the gunmen of Jabhat al-Nusra surrounding the mountain of al-Arbaaein and killed all

their members.

In Hama, a unit of Syrian Arab Army seized weapons, ammunition and communication

devices of an armed group in the orchards of al-Shareaa and arrested its members.

A source of units of peo-ple’s protection in Raas al-Ein City mentioned that three of its members were injured because of shoot-ing came from the Turkish lands when they were in a post of guard near to the boundaries , where they were moved to the hospital before they died because

of their injuries.

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The Syrian Interior Ministry announced that the Criminal Security Division in Damas-cus, in coordination with the Central Bank of Syria, closed al-Jazaeri and Partners Office for Currency Exchange over violating licensing laws. The authorities seized various cur-rencies in the Office, which is also charged of dealing in re-

mittances without license.

Page NO.4

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )250( 2013/9/29

Al-Moallem..Genève is for dialogue not to hand over the power

Lavrov: the Syrian “Opposition” owns

the chemical weapons and there are evidences to

prove that

Closure of al-Jazaeri Office for Currency


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed that the “opposition” in Syria possesses chemical weapons, and that there’s growing evi-dence proving that. Lavrov said that the sides supporting and sponsoring the opposi-tion are directly responsible for preventing the recurrence

of such acts.

Al-Jaafari.. the decision of Security Council prevents any unilateral act

Syria’s Permanent represen-tative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that the impor-tance of Security Council res-olution no. 2118 lies in that it returned the diplomatic pro-cess entirely to the Council and prevented anyone from taking unilateral action out-side international consensus. He said that after this resolu-tion, the US, Britain, France and others won’t dare use the language of military aggres-sion or intervention or hin-dering national consensus for any reason, as the resolution binds all sides to cooperate to implement it. He concluded

by saying that the govern-ments of Turkey, Qatar, Sau-di Arabia, France, Britain, the US and any others who violate the resolution will be held accountable by the Se-curity Council from now on.

Al –Moallem said that the Syrian Government is ready to participate in Genève for dialogue with national op-position not to hand over the power for any one. He said that” the conference of Genève can reach to a polit-ical program and a political work document and offer

them for Popular Referen-dum in order to let the Syr-ian People to decide their destiny; I cannot determine time for that, but as long as the United Nations and the Countries of Arab Gulf support the terrorist Groups in Syria, so the crisis will last.”

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