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Page 1: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

No. 1March 01th - March 09th


Year X No. 010

This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in this report is obtained from different sources, including the evaluation made by our risk consultants. This report doesn’t warrantee any risk control. PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA., is nor responsible for the accuracy of the facts here described, the opinions or comments expressed in the report don’t express the company position.

Colombia Weekly Security Report

Page 2: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

2. High Level2. High Level

3. Medium Level3. Medium Level

4. Low Level4. Low Level

1. Critical Level1. Critical Level

HIGH ALERT LEVEL. It is used to indicate areas wth significant high thread such as points and sectors where actions, atacks and active presence from ilegal armed groups have been reported.

MEDIUM ALERT LEVEL. It is used in situations in which it is known the presence of armed illegal groups but under the actual analysis conditions, they are not perceived as a direct thread, there is no activity recorded and the zone is controlled by the Public Forces.

LOW ALERT LEVEL. The low level alert implies that the threads are valued as relatively identifiable, the zone feels normal and secure with a minimal risk level.

CRITICAL ALERT LEVEL. it is used to indicate the existence of emergency events that will require to be alert for terrorist and insecurity actions. The critical level is characterized by continued violent actions and active presence of groups outside the law.

Colombia Risk Colombia Risk Map Map


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(To visualize the alert state, Click here to show and Click here to hide)












Caribe Pacifica Orinoquia Amazonica Andina TotalA/Pcivil. 3 9 1 0 5 18

A/Fpública. 0 2 0 0 1 3

A/Infraest. 1 4 1 0 3 9

A/Narcotraf. 1 1 1 2 7 12

A/Gml. 7 14 5 7 11 44

Total. 12 30 8 9 27 86

Security analysis and projections:The most significant events in the past week focused on: • End of Cycle 33 - Ready to redact Agreement about Victims of the Conflict, this cycle was characterized by international participation and agreement pronouncement on the issue of demining.• ELN released in the town of Convention, Norte de Santander, four geologists whom they had kidnapped since last February 12, while they were doing their duties.• Government and indigenous, pending an agreement, conflict lies in the claims of the Nasa community, which has requested 20,000 hectares, 15,000 for repairing the slaughter of the Nile and 5,000 for other promises the National governmen had failed in past years.• Notice of strikes and protests nationwide including farmers, Truck Drivers, Unions among others.Analysis•With the demining agreement, achieved in the last round of talks in Havana (Cuba), and the announcement of the President Juan Manuel Santos, about suspending the bombing of FARC's camps for one month, as a gesture to de-escalate the conflict in the country, it could be said that an agreement of a bilateral ceasefire is not so far, which means the end of the conflict.•On the subject of demining, Colombia would invest $ 300 million of dollars to clean the territory of landmines, the experimental demining program around different regions of the country would start in the departments of Meta, Antioquia, Arauca, Norte de Santander (Catatumbo ) and this investment would be made for a period of approximately 10 years in equipping 10.000 to 12.000 men who will be in this “demining" in almost all departments, without discarding of having to prepare guerrillas to join this process. This will be done under the supervision of a team of two members of the government, two of the FARC and two representatives from the affected communities. In the last 25 years the mines have left 11,060 victims, 2,210 died. Among those affected, injured or dead-- there were 1,111 children, according to official data.•On the issue of bombing cessation to FARC's camps, opinions are divided nationally, while some are in favor because they consider it responds to the reduction of war in the country and trust between the FARC and the Government, other argue that this could strengthen the FARC even more and it does not have impact on the peace process. These decisions without making an agreement might endanger civilians where territorial control belongs to the FARC.•Similarly, the "Advisory Commission of Peace" was created which includes: Vera Grabe, former member of the M-19, Julio Roberto Gomez, president of the General Confederation of Labour, the former mayor of Bogotá, Antanas Mockus, Clara López Obregón, Mayor candidate of Bogotá, Former President Andres Pastrana Arango, among others.•As this occurs with the FARC, the ELN intensifies its attacks and kidnappings since last year "in order to appear strong in a peace process". Where if a deal with the government is reached, one of the issues on the agenda of negotiations will be the model of mining and hydrocarbons which they are historically opposed ".Projections03/16/15 The main unions of the cab drivers called a national strike to demand the regulation of illegal transport and the decree that organizes the drivers' social security.03/19/15 The oil workers in the country will join the 24-hour strike called by the Worker Union (USO). From that moment the protests could start, which unleash the announced national strike oil due to the crisis in the sector.03/11/15 The truck drivers' strike continuous, it has lasted for three weeks and according to official data it has left about $ 88,000 million pesos of losses.It is possible to see farmers supporting the strike of taxi drivers and truck loading drivers, Cesar Pachon, representative of farmers, said he will advance meetings with the several unions to find points of agreement.

Page 3: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups

Caribbean RegionCaribbean Region


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Barranquilla (Atlántico)March 1st: Police conducted several operations in the ports of the two cities, in which they managed to seize 482 kilograms of cocaine..

La Gloria (Cesar) March 1st: An illegal group attacked the oil company infrastructure. The incident was registered against the Caño Limon-Coveñas oil pipeline, causing an environmental emergency as the crude spilled into two streams from the area.

Uribía (Guajira)March 1st: Army troops managed the freeing of the business man Luis Eduardo Zuluaga Duque, 55-year. The operation occurred in rural zone of the town.

Riohacha (Guajira)March 5th:Gaula-Magdalena group units managed to rescue safe and sound Mr.Lamberto Andrés Hernández Arenales, who was kidnapped since July 28th,2014.

Dibulla (Guajira)March 8th: Gaula Police members did an anti- extortion operation on 11ª Street, managing to capture in flagrancy Lizeth Katherine Rodriguez Salas, auxiliary pharmacist, as she was getting $400.000 pesos, product of an extortion to a farmer man from Dibulla.

Jagua de Ibérico (Cesar) March 1ST: Energetic and Road Special Battalion Nº 2 Troops allowed to locate a stash where terrorist hid war supplies and explosives, allegedly belonging to the ELN Jose Manuel Martinez Quiroz war front. The finding was managed at La Victoria, San Isidro.

Jagua de Ibérico (Cesar) March 1ST: Tenth Armored Brigade soldiers located a stash with explosives at La Victoria small town, San Isidro; allegedly belonging to the ELN.

Cartagena (Bolívar) March 2nd: Authorities discovered a ship which had the Chinese flag, besides explosives and ammunitions inside of it. The ship was on its way to Havana, Cuba

Achí (Bolívar) March 2nd: Army soldiers managed to capture alias ‘Flaco Pajon’, allegedly hired killers’ head and main extortionist of the Heroes del Sur Bloc from the criminal gang ‘Clan Usuga’.

Cartagena (Bolívar) March 5th: Colombian authorities broke up a trafficking drug net which had as operations center Bolivar department in the Caribbean region, from where drugs were sent to Holland through Venezuela and Curacao Island.

Montería (Córdoba) March 5th: National Patrol in coordination with the National Army broke up a building which was used by the ‘Usuga Trafficking drug clan’. During the raids, 10 people were captured and 20 40 mm grenades for MGL gun were seized at Lorica, Puerto Libertador, San Jose Ure, Tierralta and Valencia towns.

Providencia (San Andrés) March 7th: National Army and the Colombian Air Force managed to captured three individuals and the seizure of 119,21 kilograms of hydrochloride cocaine in the sea. The operation was done in the north of Providencia Island.

To emphasise this region of the country, the increase of extortion and kidnapping in the department of La Guajira, apparently acts committed by common criminals due to the lack of experience in managing this crime, as the authorities have attained the realese of two citizens who were kidnapped in the last months.Another scourge that is increasing is the proliferation of criminal gangs involved in the drug trafficking, looking for ways to get supplies and how to take drugs out to the Dutch islands (Aruba and Curacao) and Venezuela.Similarly, and after several months the Cano Limon Covenas oil, in the department of Cesar (La Gloria), is affected one more time allegedly by the ELN.

Other interesting incidents were presented:

•Through a protest, community rejects antennas installation in the district of Barranquilla, Almendros neighborhood.•Protests in the Global Brokers Asociados SA. A group of people came to the Global Brokers Asociados S.A offices, investigated for alleged fraud to clients, who demand the return of their money.•The severe drought and wind gusts that occur in the region detonated conflagrations in rural areas of the capital of Cesar, where authorities report more than 30 hectares of vegetation consumed by flames.•Twelve vehicles with contraband gasoline were seized.•$ 45,000 million of DPS and Cerro Matoso for 4 municipalities.•Mayor of Cantagallo, south of Bolívar, was saved from riot in which they attacked his house and the municipal office.•The Mayor, Noguera, supports initiative of adding Palermo to Barranquilla.

Page 4: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

Pacific RegionPacific Region

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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Páez (Cauca) March 2nd: The Army reported that two members of the Military Gaula were injured after an attack of the FARC, in the middle of raids, in the area of Tálaga, rural area.

Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) March 8th: A member of the Navy was seriously injured when he stepped on an explosive device detected after a plantation of cocaine in the village of El Bajo Calima.

Morales (Cauca) March 2nd: National Army members captured an individual with hallucinogenic substances and supplies for the manufacture of cocaine in the department.

Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) March 2nd: Illegal Group incinerated three big trucks on Buenaventura – Cali road. The incident occurred in the area known as “Los Tubos" where heavy trucks were parked. The authorities do not rule out the fact is related with vengeance, since the drivers were not participating trucker strike.

Villa Gorgona (Valle del Cauca)March 07th: A group of people dug in one of the sections of pipe that carries drinking water, in the Florida Forest Park and they threw rocks and set fire to damage the building which was opened last Saturday.

Tumaco (Nariño) March 7th: The Special Hydrocarbons Operations Group through patrols around La Guayacana village, managed to locate a new illicit complex to treat hydrocarbon.

Alto Baudó (Choco) March 1st: Illegal group ELN released the mayor of Alto Baudo, it left him in an indigenous community, north of the town of Pie de Pato, for the same Baudo River. He spent the night there and is being moved to his town.

Cali (Valle del Cauca) March 2nd: Members of an illegal group killed the journalist Edgar Quintero, the incidents were presented in this municipality and are under investigation.

San Pedro (Valle del Cauca) March 2nd: Authorities of the department located the bodies of three people in the courtyard of a small farm, inhabited by a person with disabilities, who said did not know the victims.

Pasto (Nariño)March 2nd: A group of 20 foreign citizens, who entered illegally to Colombia through the Rumichaca International Bridge, were arrested on land transport terminal when they tried to make their transit to the north of the country.

Bajo Baudó (Choco) March 4th: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) today reported that 655 indigenous and African descent from Chocó department are refugees in a shelter because of clashes between the ELN and other "armed group" unidentified.

Iza – Paez (Cauca) March 4th: Mediation of indigenous leaders in Cauca Eastern allowed Harold Sarria, particularly Civil Engineer Contractor, to recover his freedom after being held by the FARC guerrillas.

Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) March 4th: Three gunmen killed a 22 year old man and wounded two other people including a minor. The incident was presented at the Citadel San Antonio.

Popayán (Cauca) March 6th: The social leader Liseth Montero said she was approached by two unknown men on motorbikes in Popayan, who identified her as a guerrilla member.

Quibdó (Choco) March 7th: Threats to Colombian officials do not stop and at least 200 of them have reported intimidation by illegal armed groups in the last two years. Chocó is the region with more risks for them.

Cali (Valle del Cauca)March 1st:Work intelligence by SIJIN units allowed the capture of alias Yaniher 'Man aged 19, who was one of the leaders of the criminal gang ‘La Empresa’ and also was captured at Napoles neighborhood on 5th street road 83rd.

Cali (Valle del Cauca)March 1st: CTI Technical Investigation members captured four people, including an active police officer and a former policeman, who were arrested. Apparently they are indicated of belonging to the criminal gang 'Los de todito', which operates in the neighborhoods Junín, Los Alamos and Sucre.

Patía (Cauca) March 4th: National Army troops succeeded the location of a factory complex were explosives were made. The events occurred in the village of La Planada at La Quebrada Oscura of the municipality.

Tumaco (Nariño) March 4th: National Army troops destroyed two explosive devices which were made by FARC terrorists.

Magui Payan (Nariño) March 1st: Combat Battalion soldiers did a registry operation which let them establish that inside of one of the classrooms at Institucion Educativa Eliseo Payan, illegal groups left an explosive device which had a 81 mm grenade.

Cali (Valle del Cauca) March 4th: National Patrol members dismantled six gangs committed to hired killing , during the operation they managed to capture 24 people, accused of several homicides.

Bordo (Cauca) March 4th: Task Force Apollo troops dismantled an ordnance factory belonging to the FARC, which worked in a humble house in the village of Santa Fe.

Ipiales (Nariño) March 6th: Pegaso Task Force Army troops and CTI members found 250 kilograms of aluminized ANFO and two handmade mortars, besides other stuff, hidden in a stash close to Ecuador border.

Popayán (Cauca)MarCH 8TH: Two allegedly guerrillas of the FARC who were infiltrators in the protests of Indigenous from the north of Cauca department, they were captured and put on charges of illegal transportation of firearm and rebellion.

Tumaco (Nariño) March 8th: The National Patrol’s Anti-Kidnapping and Extortion Group manages to capture LUZ QUIÑONEZ, 20 year old, in compliance with the order to capture issued by the Second Municipal Criminal Court with Tumaco Functions Control Guarantee, for the crime of extortion. The capture was performed on Estudiantes Ave.

Cali (Valle del Cauca) March 9th: A foreign citizen who was going to be used to pass 19 kilograms of cocaine into the United States, was arrested with two other people in central area of Cali. The procedure was performed in 2AN Avenue and 32nd street, San Vicente neighborhood.

Bordo (Cauca) March 9th: Army troops, Colombian Air Force coordinated with the National Patrol found a stash with weapons that apparently belonged to the FARC. There was found a machine gun point 50, which can be fired at 2 miles away, in Las Brisas. Village.

Bojaya (Choco) March 9th: National Patrol members killed José David Suarez, alias ‘El Becerro’, principal leader of the 57 th front of the FARC in that region, as he put resistance fighting with shots against public force in rural area.

Patía (Cauca) March 9th: Ground Combat Battalion No. 154 of Apolo Task Force soldiers located a stash belonging to FARC terrorists, where three long-range weapons and 17 supplier rifle were hidden.

Quimbayo (Cauca) March 6th: Illegal groups incinerated a public service bus, belonging to Expreso Palmira Company, on the road to Quimbayo in the north of the department. This incident caused to close the road for more than four hours.

This is one of the most complicated regions where the national government and the authorities apparently did not want to provide it the necessary importance, here a false security image is shown. The most common incidents are communicators' murders, gang warfare, assassinations, mass graves, clashes between ELN, FARC, "the Urabeños" and "Rastrojos", causing a number of displaced indigenous communities, threats of social activists and delegates from the ombudsman, regional and local government corruption especially in the department of Choco, which has causes at least 19 minors deaths because of lack of water treatment.To highlight the week, the release of two abducted (the mayor of Alto Baudo and a civil engineer) and constant demonstrations of indigenous from Cauca due to the possession of land.

Other interesting incidents were presented:

•Alias 'Becerro' fell dead, chief of the FARC's 57th front. This happened in a Police and Military Forces operation in Bojayá, Chocó. This is a hard blow to the guerrillas.•In Valle del Cauca 27 journalists have been killed since 1980.•21 people arrested for illegal mining in Valle del Cauca.•Thirteen women murdered in Cauca in the last three months.•Truckers in Nariño lose $ 16 billion daily due to the strike: ACC.•Demining, great news for Nariño.

Page 5: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

Orinoquia RegionOrinoquia Region

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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Puerto Concordia (Meta) March 2ND: Troops of the Jungle Infantry Battalion No. 19 General Joaquin Paris and Marines No. 32, in the area known as the Mielón found and destroyed two makeshift laboratories for processing cocaine paste.

Arauquita (Arauca)March 2nd: Soldiers belonging to the Moving Brigade Nº 5 found four(4) cylinders which had been set with explosives and gun machine, ready to be detonated when Army troops passed by or even to affect civilians who pass by the places.

Mapiripan (Meta) March 2nd: National Army troops found a clandestine hiding place which belonged to criminal gangs. The illegal store was located at San Ignacio village.

Mesetas (Meta) March 3rd: National Army troops manage to locate inside of a cave 10 meters deep a total of 23 bomb cylinders and two land-mine type Chinese hat.

Tame (Arauca) March 4th: Engineers Battalion troops Nº 18, General Rafael Navas, managed to neutralize an explosive device with high power, installed by guerrillas from the FARC’s 10th front on a secondary road which connects Los Andes and Flor Amarillo villages.

Vistahermosa (Meta) March 6th: Moving Brigade Troops Nº 12 located explosive devices bomb cylinder type which had been installed by FARC’s 27 Front on the road that connects other villages around.

Arauca (Arauca)March 2nd: Armed men, allegedly belonging to the ELN, made a truck driver to stop so that they could steal 14 motorbikes, which have as destiny an agency at Arauca capital.

Tame (Arauca) March 7th: An illegal group as they detected a National Army checkpoint in the place known as Y de Betoyes a few kilometers from the town, released Ernesto Garavito Castro, 64 year s old.

The agreement between government and the FARC about clearing landmines in Colombian countryside is good news for this region if it is taken into account, that apparently two departments will be involved in this program, Meta and Arauca.Under pressure by the police, an illegal group released Ernesto Garavito Castro on the road to the municipality of Tame.The criminal group ELN robbed again a truck which was carrying several motorcycles to Arauca, taking 14 bikes with them. The last month they had taken 19 motorcycles, later recovered in a timely reaction of the troops.

Other interesting incidents were presented:

•In Arauca was performed the first departmental council of Social Policy, 2015.•Municipality of Arauca gets high recognition for the care of victims.•Casanare stands out because of its assistance to armed conflict victims.•Summit of Indigenous Governors will be advanced in partnership with the Farmers Association of Meta, March 26th to 28th.•Chikungunya Prevention Week begins in Villavicencio.

Page 6: No. 1 March 01 th - March 09 th 2015 Year X No. 010 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in.

Amazon RegionAmazon Region

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)










Cartagena del Chaira (Caquetá)March 3rd: Military members from the Moving Brigade Nº 6 eradicated more than five acres of cocaine leaves handmade.

Puerto Asís (Putumayo) Marzo 4th: National Army Troops located and destroyed a big cocaine maker complex, belonging to FARC terrorists in the department.

San Vicente del Caguan (Caquetá) March 2nd: National Army troops neutralized two explosive devices at Perlas Bajo rural area.

Retorno (Guaviare) March 3rd: Army troops located a stash belonging to Libertadores de Vichada Bloc; inside of the stash there were found significant war supplies and the finding was registered in Puente Hobo sector of this town.

Puerto Caicedo (Putumayo) March 3rd: Special Aviation Division -Air Assault- troops captured the in charge of watching one of the largest specialized laboratories belonging to the 32nd Front of the FARC.

Florencia (Caquetá) March 4th: Police units destroyed under control an allegedly explosive device which had been left by a police station in Caqueta.

San Vicente del Caguan (Caquetá) March 5th: Ground Combat Battalion troops No.155 located two explosive devices known as landmines, installed by the guerrillas of the moving column Teofilo Forero Castro's squad. The incident occurred in the village Las Perlas.

San Vicente del Caguan (Caquetá) March 9th: Jupiter Task Force found five landmines, which were installed by guerrilla gang Teofilo Forero Castro from the FARC. The finding was recorded at El Pescado village.

Pto. Inírida (Guainía) March7th: Troops from the Infantry Battalion Nº 45, General Prospero Pinzón, in coordination with the Navy and with the support of the National Patrol, succeeded in capturing a woman, accused of being part of terrorism supporting networks of the FACR’s 16th front, in the village of Barranco mines.

Besides the low crude costs which caused losses during 2014, attacks on oil infrastructure in Putumayo are added. In total, 66 attacks were recorded, especially in the Trans-Andean pipeline, Mansoya, OTA, OSO, and the arrest of 29 wheelers which alleged to be FARC's guerrillas, who opened the taps of the tanks for spilling oil on the floor causing an environmental impact to streams and rivers and to a municipal aqueduct, incidents recorded in rural municipalities of Puerto Asis and Orito. 54% of the department's economy derives from oil production and downsizing over three thousand jobs.

Other interesting incidents were presented:

•A geologist from Pereira was killed in Guaviare, the incident occurred when he left his office located in the Corporación Autónoma Regional of San José del Guaviare. This official was supervising situations related to illegal mining.•Demining in Colombia is a beacon of hope: Governor of Caquetá•The National Police through the Unified Action Group for Personal Liberty (GAULA), managed the release of a young high school student, who had been kidnapped under intimidation with firearms since last February 14th of this year.

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Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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According to the agreement in Havana, the favored departments about the demining program will be Antioquia and Norte de Santander (Catatumbo sector).Taking advantage of the peace process negotiations, criminal gangs try to take possession in different departments such as Risaralda, where criminal gang of the ridge is having territorial clashes with the band "Clan Usuga"members.

Other interesting incidents were presented:

•Huila be center stage in the festivity Boston Seafood 2015.•FARC has violated the unilateral truce in Huila.•More than 80,000 cases of Chikungunya estimated in Huila.•ELN released a geologist who was kidnapped in Norte de Santander.•The Electoral Observation Mission, MOE in Caldas, asked the National Electoral Council to review the reported cases of migration of voters in several municipalities of the department.•03/11/15 Riots due to truckers' strike in Duitama (Boyacá), after 15 days truck drivers' strike continuous.•2,000 emergency calls in Cundinamarca because of tremor, no injuries.•Finance of Cundinamarca Ministry will destroy 18,000 bottles of liquor.

Andean RegionAndean Region


INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)











Bogotá (Cundinamarca) March 1st:Bogota District Patrol reported about the seizure of more than 2 tons of marijuana and 500 kilograms of cocaine which suppose to get to the capital of the country.

Medellín (Antioquia) March 02nd: Dsitrict Patrol seized 495 kilograms of marijuana which according to the authorities belonged to Odin ‘La Union’, this occurred in a house at Guayabal neighborhood.

Rionegro (Santander) March 4th: Fifth Brigade troops, deployed around San Isidro village, reported the finding and destruction of a laboratory where alkaloid was processed by members of ’Caln Usuga’.

Zulia (Norte de Santander) March 4th: Police units managed the location and destruction of four cocaine processing laboratories, allegedly belonged to the illegal group ELN. The operations took place at Cerro Leon village.

Gama (Cundinamarca)March 6th: Special Energetic and Road Battalion troops Nº 13 found and destroyed under control a stash with significant amount of supplies used for drug processing at Siatala village.

Ituango (Antioquia) March 7th: Ground Combat Battalion troops Nº 104 which are deployed in the height sector known as El Torrente, they reported the finding and the destruction of 125 kilograms of cocaine leave, 13 ACPM gallons, 20 gas gallons and nine baskets.

Sardinata (Norte de Santander) March 8th: Third Brigade troops reported the finding and destruction of a lab in which alkaloid was processed; at El Boioso village.

Cáceres (Antioquia) March 3rd: Combat Ground Battalion Nº 132 registered intense fights with guerrillas of the ELN’S Compañero Tomas Front, giving as a result the death of a guerrilla whose identity is still investigated.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca)March 6th: Still unknown illegal groups activated an explosive charge in Engativa locality on 67th Street 113 Road, the incident occurred in a warehouse , where apparently several public service buses (SITP) were kept.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca)March 8th: Illegal groups activated an explosive device, apparently black gunpowder on 40TH street 19th Road, in one of the Banco de Bogota offices. The incident did no leave victims, nether injured people, but it did cause damage to the financial Entity.

Tibu (Norte de Santander) March 8th: Vulcano Task Force troops managed to locate and destroy a place where they found an illegal connection for stealing oil, used by terrorists of the FARC’s Resistencia Catamtumbo bloc.

Cúcuta (Norte de Santander) March 2nd: Gunmen came to Miriam Sagayo Fernández’s farm and took her in a truck-624 plates with unknown destination. At the moment it is being investigated what happened in the Hurimaco sector.

Villa hermosa (Tolima) March 2nd: Police members managed the recue of three people, who were hijacked by criminals who pretended to be members of the illegal group ELN, at Mina village.

Anori (Antioquia) March 5th: Men belonging to an armed unknown group, murdered three miners, besides kidnapping a business woman committed to mining. This incident was registered at El Charcon sector , Liberia small town.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca)March 7th: Two men who were driving a car, clashed with guns to some people who were on the 77th Road 40b South Street in Kennedy, during the crossfire one man was killed and another was injured.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca)March 1st: Infantry Battalion troops Nº. 37 managed the capture of alias ‘el loco’, identified with the name of John Fredy Gutierrez, who worked as allegedly main chief of a hired killers, involved with selective murdering, stealing and drug trafficking in the locality of Bosa.

Yarumal (Antioquia) March 1st: National Army troops capture two individuals due to extortion charges as they were getting 10 million pesos from a farmer; they were members of a criminal gang integrated with the criminal gang ‘Clan Usuga’, involved in drug trafficking .

Cáceres (Antioquia) March 2nd: During some clashes between Nod Task Force troops against the ELN’s ‘Compañero Tomas’ front units, it was murdered an alleged member of this illegal group.

Garzón (Huila) March 2nd: National Partrol Units managed to capture three members of the FARC’s ‘Teofilo Forero’ moving column, suspects for the crimes of coordinating and making terrorists attacks as a way to extortion.

Baraya (Huila) March 05th: The National Army reported the locations and murdering of two allegedly subversive of the FARC, between there was alias “Cacerolo”, public order head leader and the 17th Front second in charge “Angelino Godoy” from the eastern bloc; the military operation occurred at Las Perlas village.

Pradera (Norte de Santander) March 5th: Moving Brigade troops Nº. 28 found a stash with warlike stuff belonging to the FARC’s Gabriel Galvis bloc. The finding was registered at Bolivar village.

Betania (Antioquia)March 5th: National Patrol units found a stash with explosives and ammunition at Travesias village, which according to the authorities, belonged to drug traffickers.

El Peñol (Antioquia)March 8th: Antioquia’s GAULA in coordination with the Specialized Judicial Police Direction against Organized Crime and the General Prosecution of the Nation, captured an individual identified with the alias of ‘El Tio’ or ‘El Padrasto’, La Esmeralda gang’ head leader .

Bogotá (Cundinamarca) March 8th:. National Patrol with the Chilean authorities’ support, located and captured Diego Alexander Chavez Morales alias ‘El Cabezon’ from the Usuga clan‘s member, in that country; he was involved extortion and selective murdering in the north of Valle del Cauca.

Carepa (Antioquia) March 8th: Military Gaula members of the Ninth Brigade CTI, captured alias ‘Fercho’, responsible of extortioning directly business men and drivers. The capture ocurred on 80th road 81st street at Centro neighborhood.

Urrao (Antioquia) March 9th: National Army troops captured three people, implicated with machinery used for illegal mining.

Medellín (Antioquia) March 7th: Military Gaula units and the Public Prosecution’s CTI managed the capture of alias ‘Juan’, allegedly extortionist of the criminal gang “Los Urabeños”, in La America neighborhood , western city.

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