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Issue No.36

The month of Muharram signals the start of the

Islamic New Year and we thank and praise our Cre-

ator and Sustainer for this wonderful blessing. At

Boorhaanol we feel it is only right that due impor-

tance should be given to its inception, and we have

thus decided to delay the publication of our Eidul

Adgha Newsletter by a few weeks to this sacred


Fasting during this month is highly recommended,

with the 10th of Muharram being the most sacred

among all its days. Popularly known in Cape Town as

'Tiene Muharram', the day is traditionally marked by

voluntary fasting and the handing out of sweets to

the children. This spirit of generosity emanates from

a Hadith attributed to Rasulullah(pbuh), who urged

his ummah to be generous on that day, for Allah will

in turn increase their provision for the whole year.

We thus urge all Muslims to enthusiastically support

the Muharram March, organised under the auspices

of the Boorhaanol Islam Movement, in association

with the Tana Baru Trust, and which has grown from

strength to strength since its inception in 2013. At a

time when the Cradle of Islam is under severe threat

from gentrification, it behoves all Cape Muslims to

appreciate the massive sacrifices made by our fore-

fathers to establish the torch of Islam at the dark

and hostile tip of Africa. This year the march shines

the spotlight on these pioneers, and we urge all our

readers to be extra generous in supporting this

event. On the last page there is a window detailing

the various ways you can support this event.

Finally, may we wish all Muslims a 1440 filled with

barakah, ghayr, health and strength, and may the

Mercy of Allah protect our community, Insha-Allah.


September 2018Muharram 1440

Welcome to the New Year 1440


All praise and thanks is to Allah who has blessed us with

another year.

With the passing of 1439 H we are reminded of the fleeting nature of life where Allah says:

“Know that the life of this world is but play and amusement and adornment and boasting to one an-other and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion” Surah Al Hadid 57:20

Reflecting on 1439H the year that was, from the on-going bloodshed in Syria, Ye-men, Burma, Palestine and elsewhere, the Muslim lands seemed afflicted by an endless cycle of division, strife and violence. We also note the growing hostility against Muslims in the West, where we as an ummah find ourselves in unparalleled hardship and difficulty.

Muharram Message


1Boorhaanol Is lam Movement Newsletter Issue No.36 - Muharram 1440 - September 2018

P O Box 15291, Vlaeberg, 8018

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Locally we see the threats of external ideolo-

gies, sectarianism, poverty and crime contin-

uing to plague our community. In troubling

times like these we lower our heads and

raise our hands in istigfaar beseeching Allah

for His mercy, forgiveness and assistance.

And (Nabee Nuh) said, 'Ask forgiveness of

your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual

Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky

upon you in [continuing] showers. And give

you increase in wealth and children and

provide for you gardens and provide for

you rivers. Surah Nuh 71: 10-12

While we are saddened by our current state

of affairs, we know it is not from the sunnah

of the Prophet (s) to be pessimistic. With

every new Hijiri year we celebrate the amaz-

ing moment in our history when the state of

Madinah was established and for the first

time we as an ummah came together as one

people. Now 1440 years later we are an

extension of that tiny Islamic nation founded

by the Prophet (s) and his sahaba; and this

ummah will remain until the end of times.

We therefore put our yaqeen and hope in

Allah that with this new year, 1440H will be

a turning point for us as an ummah. We

believe firmly that the solution to all our

problems lies in our return to the Quran and

sunnah of the Prophet (s) and that with

every new day is an opportunity to renew

our relationship with Allah.

As Prophet Yacoub said to his sons:

“…and do not despair of relief from Allah;

surely none despairs of relief from Allah

except the disbelieving people." Surah Yusuf

12: 87

We pray Allah blesses us in the year to

come. May Allah alleviate the hardship of

those going through afflictions. May Allah

protect us, our families, our community and

the ummah. May Allah have mercy on those

who have passed on this last year and all

those before them Ameen.

“Allah and His angels send blessings on the

Prophet: O you that believe! Send your

blessings on him, and salute him with all

respect” (Surah Al Ahzab 56)

Allahuma sali a'laa Muhammad wa a'laa

aalihi wa sahbihi wasalam

From myself and the team at Boorhaanol

Islam we wish you a blessed new year…Kulu

a'am wa antum bi khair.

Wasalamu alaykum

Sheikh Muhammad West

MUHARRAM MESSAGE continued from page 1 ...

Notice of the

Annual General

Meeting of the


Movement to be

held in October

2018 will soon be

sent to all

members of the


Major changes to

the administrative structure of the Movement

have been proposed and the revised

Constitution will accompany the notification.

Members are urged to carefully scrutinise the

proposed changes and give their input in

writing to the Secretary, or from the floor at

the AGM.



Jumuah Collections at Masjied Boorhaanol Islam



1 000.00

1 500.00

2 000.00

2 500.00

3 000.00

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The annual Muharram March through the

streets of Bo-Kaap to inaugurate the

Islamic New Year, will this year be paying

tribute to the pioneers of Islam in this

country. These pioneers arrived here at

the Cape as political prisoners and slaves,

yet their unflinching commitment to their

Deen overcame overwhelming odds to

firmly plant the seeds of Islam at the Cape.

Thus under the theme ' Paying Tribute to

the Pioneers of Islam and their Countries of

Origin', the organizers have chosen to place

the spotlight on 4 pioneers

and 8 countries of origin.

The pioneers are Tuan

Guru, Tuan Sayed Alawie,

Sheikh Abubakr Effendi

and Tuan Nuruman( Paay

Schaapie ). The countries

are Indonesia, India, Sri

Lanka, Bangladesh, Yemen,

Madagascar, Malaysia and

Turkey. A big flag of each

of these countries will be

at the vanguard of a group

of children, each of which

will be waving smaller

versions of that flag.

Muslim United Nations

Thus a veritable Cape

Muslim United Nations

will be adorning the

streets of the Bo-Kaap,

and coupled with the sea

of white attire worn by the

kids, will provide a feast

for the eye. This will be

complemented by the

thikrullah that Gafith

Wafique Simon and his group will be

reciting along the journey.

A crowd of 1200 kids and 300 adults is

expected, with the attendance of many

orphans in the balance due to their lack of

sponsorship. An urgent appeal is thus made

to the public to sponsor an orphan for R80

(see page 12 for more details).

Tiene Muharram tradition

Tiene Muharram is all about treating the

kids, and this year the Nurul Islam Masjid as

well as the Bo-Kaap Daycare have come on

board to assist. Members of the Nurul Islam

Masjid in Buitengracht Str, the third oldest

mosque in the country, have very kindly

offered not only to staff the Goody Station

outside the mosque, but to procure the

toys to be handed out to all the kids. We

thank them warmly for this magnanimous

gesture, but warn them that they will have

their hands full in coping with the

enthusiastic crowd.

With the emphasis firmly on the kids, the

programme for them as they wait at the

Schotsche Kloof Primary School have been

considerably enlivened. In addition to a

Nasheeth group that will be providing live

entertainment, the children can look

forward to several lucky draws where big

prizes are up for grabs. More of these

draws will take place at the

Boorhaanol Centre after

they have completed their


Cradle of Islam

Staging such a massive event

comes at considerable cost

and while the spirit of

volunteerism still shines

brightly in our community

and many stalwart sponsors

have been the backbone of

this event, a large shortfall is

still anticipated. The Bo-Kaap

is the Cradle of Islam, and a

living showcase of the

history, culture and

institutions of the Deen.

However, its 10 mosques is

in grave danger of becoming

white elephants within a

generation if the current

pace of gentrification is

maintained. It behoves all

Muslims, in Bo-Kaap and

elsewhere, to ensure that

this does not happen by

supporting such events that will, inshallah,

trigger a collective sense of pride and

commitment in our culture and history.

Ultimately we do not want our own

children to be strangers to what once

belonged to them.

Muharram March Honours Pioneers of Islam

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For the past two years the Libyan Abduraghiem Al-Deraz and his adorable son Achmat, have crept into the hearts of the musallees at the Boorhaanol Islam Mosque in Longmarket Street, and it was now time to say goodbye.

Sheikh Muhammad West even dubbed little Achmat the official mascot of the jamaah because everyone was so fond of the little livewire! Why not, for the little Libyan was the youngest and most regular of musallees at the mosque over the past two years.

Achmat stayed with his father Abduraghiem, and mother Fatima, who was doing her Masters in maths at UWC, in Longmarket St opposite the mosque. Their regular attendance for the waqts had resulted in Abduraghiem not only frequently leading the musallees in salaah, but being given a key to the mosque to unlock the door for


At a simple function held at the mosque on Monday evening, July 16, the musallees led by Yusuf Johaar and Aziz Esau, expressed their thanks and gratitude to the family before they returned to Libya.

It was a bitter-sweet occasion, for the family had become an integral link between the local Muslim neighbourhood and the Middle Eastern community in the area.

While Abduraghiem hardly spoke any English, his leadership role at the mosque attracted many Arabic-speakers to Longmarket St where they could practise many of their customs.

According to Aziz, Ramadan evenings were frequently spent sipping Middle Eastern and Turkish coffee outside on the stoeps in the street. Conversely, the Libyan family soon adopted the local custom of exchanging plates of cakes during the holy month.

This kind and inclusive Libyan family will be missed in the mosque neighbourhood, and we thank Almighty Allah for their presence and wish the Al-Deraz family barakah and success in the future, Insha-Allah, Ameen.

The monthly ghatamal Quran under the

auspices of the Bo-Kaap Council of

Masajid (BCM) was held at Masjid

Boorhaanol Islam on Saturday July 28,

after Eshaa.

Alghamdulillah, not only were two

ghatams completed, but a record

attendance of over 200 people created a

deeply spiritual atmosphere in the

mosque. The BCM had encouraged families

of deceased persons to mark their

commemoration with the monthly ghatam.

Some of the families who did so included :

Our beloved late Imam Abduragmaan

Bassier who passed away 14 years ago on

the July 24, Imam Erefaan Joseph who

passed away on the June 27 this year,

Rashieda Jackson on the June 2, Fatima

Hendricks on the June 1, as well as Gafsa

Allie, mother-in-law of Imam Faizel


The ghatams were also on the rugh of the

following people :

Imam Abdol Khaliel, Imam Sadien Jonas,

Imam Abdul Bassier, Imam Dr Saleh Adams, H

Dr Achmat Davids, Abdul Nasser Dramat, H

Rashaad White & wife Aunty Toemie, H Salie

Salie, H Fatima, H Mogamat, H Ismail, H

Shafick, H Hamza Khan, H Mareldia Bassier,

Imam Na-aym Moerat, H Cassiem & H

Koelsoem Ahmed (parents of Imam Amien –

Australia), H Gafsa Allie, H Ismail Doutie, H

Moegsien Taliep, Faroek Sakildien, Shamiel

Loubscher, Zulaiega Behardien, H Sukayna

Kamalie, Imam Naeem Manie, Cassiem Abdul

Razak Sungey, Gadja Rachmat Martin,

Rasheeda Jackson, H Mareldia Johaar, H

Fatima Hendricks, H Murida Cloete, Sh Abdel

Aziem (from Australia), H Achmat Dramat, H

Ebrahim Manuel, Abduragmaan Dramat, H

Latiefa Davids, H Zubeidah Abrahams,

Shamiel Marcus, Ismail Barnes, Fatima

Hafajee, Abdullah Joseph, Ismail Allie, Fatima

Karstens, Rashaad Karstens, Yagya Frieslaar,

and Gabieba Dramat.

The evening's programme consisted of the

simultaneous recitation of a single juz of

the holy Quran by individuals in the

mosque, then the traditional voorwerk, a

short lecture which was delivered by Imam

Shamiel Bassadien, and a closing dua.

The monthly ghatamal Quran was

introduced to the mosques of the Bo-Kaap

in 1994 by amongst others Sheikh Salie

Abadie, and its administration has since

been taken over by the BCM.

The BCM meets monthly to plan these and

other events, and the current office-

bearers are as follows:

Chairman : Imam Shamiel Bassadien

Vice-Chair: Hadji Taliep Salie

Secretary: Fuad Salie

Assistant Secretary: Farouk Kamalie

Treasurer: Faadiel Joseph

Assistant Treasurer: Prof Ebrahim Arnold

Fond farewell to Al-Deraz family

Record attendance at Boorhaanol Ghatam

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5 years ago ...................

The rapid growth of the Boorhaanol Movement in the mid-sixties resulted in the Imam formally addressing the

Secretary to request a discussion at the next meeting of several issues confronting the organisation.

“The more things change the

more they remain the same”,

is a refrain used to highlight

the enduring quality of

certain challenges in society

while that society has

undergone far-reaching

developments. This

correspondence written by

Imam Abdurahman Bassier 50

years ago, focuses on several

aspects of the Movement and

society in general.

First, the spelling of several

Arabic words written in

English has changed. The

words 'Islaam', 'Assalaamoe,

Aleikoem' and

'waragmatoellah' indicate an

Afrikaans language

relationship. Whether this

was Imam- or community-

specific will require further


Second, Imam was writing

this correspondence as the

official Imam of the 'Mosque

Boorhaanol Islaam', a name

that has also changed to

Masjied Boorhaanol Islam.

Third, he is voicing his

concerns on issues that the

current administration is also

grappling with, namely the

Trust, the status of the Boorhaanol Recreational Movement and

the adequacy and capability of the Committee to cope with its


Indeed, “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.” - Alphonse

Karr, French philosopher, critic, journalist (1808-1890).


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The impact that Maulana Ighsaan Hendricks, who was only 53 years old when he passed away on Friday the 10th August, 2018, had on people globally was reflected in the vast number of tributes that poured in for this humble human being.

He inspired so many with his passion for the Palestinian struggle for freedom, a cause he took up with all the oratorial, intellectual and emotional skills he could muster.

Maulana Ighsaan Hendricks raised the consciousness of all South African Muslims for the struggle. He was a beacon of hope for the Palestinian people who deemed him as their unofficial spokesperson to the outside world.

Like so many other prominent leaders that the Cape has produced, Maulana Ighsaan's parentage had entered the Deen and this, alongside his Khoisan ancestry, propelled him to promote non-racialism, reject faith intolerance and embrace cultural diversity.

The impact of acting on these values is not to be underestimated, for as the President of the MJC for 10 critical years of our coun-try's budding democracy, he contributed immensely towards harmonising attitudes,

removing prejudices and promoting equal-ity.

Maulana Ighsaan's legacy is that of justice and egalitarianism. However, let us not forget his thirst for knowledge and his sterling work in establishing institutions of ilm that will hopefully propel Muslims towards scholarship and thus meet the challenges humanity faces in the 21st Cen-tury.

One of his projects was his discourse of the Fiqh of Citi-zenship, where more atten-tion is vested in our South African identity, building this country morally, economi-cally and socially.

He said in the Kayfee inter-view last year, we must co-

exist with our fellow citizens without sacri-ficing our traditions, norms and Islamic identity.

As he so succinctly stated, the aim of the Shariah is not to develop an Islamic State, the aim of the Shariah is to develop good human beings and good Muslims.

We pray that Almighty Allah grant Maulana Ighsaan Jannatul Firdouz, and that the causes and values he stood for are upheld and developed for the benefit of humanity, Insha-Allah.

Maulana Ighsaan HendricksHero for the oppressed

6Boorhaanol Is lam Movement Newsletter Issue No.36 - Muharram 1440 - September 2018

An exciting online learning tool was

launched by the Digital Marketing Team of

the Movement on Monday August 6,

when the WhatsIslam programme went

live on WhatsApp and email.

The idea is to provide an interactive online

workshop so anyone with a smart device

can join in, be it from their home, vehicle

or work, on topics related to Islam.

As August was Women's Month, the topic

chosen was 'The Women around the

Messenger(s)', an exposition of the wives

of Rasulullah(s), as the first topic.

This first course is presented on Mondays

and Wednesdays, lasting for 12 weeks,

and its format consists of a lecture by

Sheikh Muhammad West in the form of an

audio file as well as course notes in pdf

format sent via WhatsApp to those who


Participants familiarise themselves with

the content of the lecture and may then

post questions and comments via

WhatsApp or email for discussion by

Sheikh and other participants.

Registration is free.

New online WhatsApp Course

i The Women Around the Messenger (S)Sh Muhammad WestPart 10

WhatsIslamLearning via WhatsApp

Powered by Boorhaanol Islam


Learning via WhatsApp Powered by Boorhaanol Islam

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“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will

their blood, but what reaches Him is piety

from you. Thus have We subjected them to

you that you may glorify Allah for that [to]

which He has guided you; and give good

tidings to the doers of good.” (22:37)

On Saturday, 18th August 2018, a few days

before Eidul Adgha, Boorhaanol held a very

successful workshop at Boorhaanol House in

Bo-Kaap, whereby participants were

addressed by several speakers on the various

perspectives of Qurbaan.

It was emphasised that as the Qurbaan rite

involves the sacrifice of living creatures, it is

imperative that we ensure that the sheep

are at all times kept as comfortable as

possible. It is related from Abu Umama that

the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him

and grant him peace, said, "Whoever is

merciful even to a sparrow, Allah will be

merciful to him on the Day of Judgment."

It is for this reason that the Boorhaanol

Islam Movement this year has striven to

ensure the comfort of all sheep by not only

paying careful attention to the Shariah rules

and guidelines, but also consulting with the

SPCA and local legislation.


As Senior Inspector Theo Arendolf from the

SPCA explained, in the modern day we are

not always aware of what stressors we are

subjecting the sheep to. Taking sheep into a

new environment within close proximity to

each other, people, traffic and noise can

cause discomfort.

The workshop held at Boorhaanol House had

18 attendees and covered the topic, Ethical

Qurbaan in the Modern Day. The purpose of

the workshop was to serve as a reminder of

the Shariah guidelines and to highlight the

guidelines, legislation and regulations that

should be adhered to in modern day Cape


From the SPCA Inspector Theo's address

which highlighted the importance of taking

into consideration the comfort of sheep not

only on the days of Qurbaan, but also on the

days leading up to the Qurbaan, emphasising

that every attention should be given to the

handling, dietary, environmental and

healthcare aspects of the animals.

The NSPCA has published a document this

year entitled “Qurbani Animal Care Guide:

Guidelines for the Humane Transport,

Handling, Care and Slaughter of Animals”.

We encourage all Mosques and Qurbaan

organisations to request a copy of this useful

document by contacting [email protected].

Relevant Legislation

In terms of legislation and regulations, The

Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962, Meat

Safety Act 40 of 2000 and The Red Meat

regulations No 1072 of 17 September 2004

were highlighted as relevant regulations to

ensure compliance with when performing

the Qurbaan.

Spiritual Significance

H Achmat Bassier

beautifully outlined the

spiritual significance of

the Qurbaan, quoting

biblical as well as

Quranic references.

The principle that the

Qurbaan is not just “a silencing of the lamb”

but a sacred rite echoing Nabi Ebrahim's

immense sacrifice is paramount. He then

explained the Shariah guidelines that should

be adhered to when performing the



Br Kaashief Bassier then conducted a

demonstration, displaying the precise

techniques that should be employed to

ensure compliance with the Shariah and as

little suffering to the sheep as possible.

May Allah (SWT) accept all our efforts Insha-


Boorhaanol Holds Highly Successful Qurbaan Workshop

QurbaanWorkshop 2018

ETHICAL AND LEGAL QURBAAN IN THE MODERN DAY Report by Workshop Co-ordinator - Naasir Bassier

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The Boorhaanol Movement's Qurbaan Programme for 2018 went smoothly over the days of Eidul Adgha, as a total of 114 sheep were slaughtered on the area in front of Boorhaanol Centre in Bo-Kaap. We thank the Almighty Allah for making this all possible, for without His Will and Guidance, nothing whatsoever can be achieved.

Personalised Service

Our Qurbaan Programme is a personalised service that strives to balance and facilitate the tradition of dignified Qurbaan with the requirements of Shariah as well as local municipal, health and safety regulations. We work closely with the local SPCA to ensure that the transport, feeding, handling and slaughtering is done in conformity with regulations.

In addition we go the extra mile for the beneficiary by making it a meaningful and spiritually fulfilling experience. Bonding with your designated sheep is encouraged via interaction and feeding, while 7 minutes before the Qurbaan you have the option of interaction with your sheep via personal duas and prepping. You and your family have the option of rendering the 3 takbirs and/ or performing the actual slaughtering, as well as the duah thereafter. The Qurbaan meat will thereafter be cut and distributed to your specifications.

Amazing Team

To give effect to all these requirements and benefits, you need a group of dedicated and committed individuals. People who are

willing to sacrifice their Eid with their families for almost the entire day. People who are compassionate, who do not shy away from back-breaking or repetitive work. Almighty Allah has blessed the Movement with such a team and we want to thank all of them and their families for their sacrifices, love of His creations and dedication to the Movement.

It would be impossible to name all those who assisted and we render our sincere apologies to those who have been overlooked, but mention must be made of the following:

the Qurbaan Team under the leadership Ÿof Hadji Achmat Bassier and son Kashief with their team of 12

Ÿ the Skinning Team under Faizel Bassier who had a team of 4 people assisting him

Ÿ the Sheep Prepping Team under Isgak Abrahams who had a team of 4 people

Ÿ Br Reza of Security Wise who provided overnight security over the 6 days

Ÿ Farouk and Faheem Meyer of Farolink who kindly provided the refrigerated truck to store the meat

Ÿ Crown Butchery in Salt River who cut all the meat according to specs

Ÿ Achmad Kamalie of Udhiyah Livestock Merchants who supplied and delivered the sheep well before Eid

Ÿ the SPCA and City Health Inspectors who were present on both days

We also acquired a bigger marquee which

allowed a total of 114 sheep to be

slaughtered over the 2 days. Within 2 days of

the Qurbaan, the meat had been cut to

specs, whereafter it was parcelled and

delivered to its beneficiaries. May Almighty

Allah accept the noble actions of all those

involved and bless them and their families

abundantly, Insha-Allah.

Wonderful Qurbaan

Programme 2018Qurbaan

Programme 2018Offering personalised Qurbaan services on the days of Eid-ul-Adgha

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Our lives as parents, teachers, and

care-givers are guided by the flow of

Allah's Infinite Mercy. In light of this,

we proceed with our daily duties at

the school, knowing that it plays a

role in the whole of existence,


School holiday gems

So how have we been empowered by

this Infinite Mercy of Allah, since the

month of Ramadan to Eid-ul-Adgha to

the New Year?

· In the mid-year school holidays, we

took our learners to dig gemstones

at Scratch Patch, play on the

promenade in Sea Point, bounce at

Bounce World in Montague

Gardens and visit the Tana Baru.

· White House triumphed over Blue

House at our annual Family Fun

and Fitness Day. As usual the entire

hall was reverberating with cheers

as parents eagerly spurred on their

children in the races.

· As life goes on, it was also time to

say farewell to one of our long-






who is

taking the

next step in

her career,

Insha-Allah Ameen. Aaiesha joined

the Boorhaanol as a matriculant 6

years ago and completed two

diplomas in ECD while working

here. It is heart-warming to see the

young ones grow and then leave;

knowing, Alghamdulillah, we were

part of their unfolding journey.

· For Muharram we have been

getting ready to embark on our

annual Muharram March,

September 16, to share the spirit of

love in the Bo-Kaap community.

· We will be highlighting our

learner's skills in our Annual School

Concert on October 20. Our theme

for this year is “On the other side…”

Endless Love and Spiritual


We always strive to make the lives of

our learners as pleasurable, eventful

and filled with growth with every

activity and experience offered. All

the time being conscious that we can

offer this only as we are blessed with

Allah's guidance, a sign of Allah's

Endless Love for all!

Pre-school is an introduction to the

love of learning in all areas, Qurbaan

and Hajj rituals of love, goodwill and

growth in Allah-Consciousness. So we

see, our waking lives is a reflection of

our eternal spiritual unfoldment.

Recognising our purpose of becoming

purer channels of Allah.


May the new year be a good and

blessed year for you and your families

- may it be filled with all the barakah,

ghayr, love and all you desire. Ameen!

Kul lu ‘aam wa an tum bi ghair

Principal Nuha

boorhaanolnursery & pre-primary school

Report by Principal Manager Nuha Dramat

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakatu

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Our Imamat Team and Committee wish to

convey their sincerest condolences to the

families on the demise of their loved ones, and

apologize for unintentionally omitting anyone :

n Yaghya Adams (Pietie), Sussex Street, Woodstock – 16 June 2018

n Warda Schroeder (nee Ismail) daughter of Oesman Ismail), formerly of Signal Street, Bo-Kaap - 50 George Starke Street, Goodwood – 16 June 2018

n Mareldia Johaar (wife of Isgaak Johaar), 8 Morris Street, Bo-Kaap - 23 June 2018

n Hadji Gadija Davids (wife of Marghoom Abbas, 111 Wale Street, Bo-Kaap - 27 June 2018

n Faldielah Jaboodien (nee Jacobs) (Peppis), formerly of Longmarket Street, Bo-Kaap – 27 June 2018

n Imam Erfaan Joseph, formerly of Church Street, Bo-Kaap – 27 June 2018

n Rashieda Jackson (wife of Ebrahim Jackson), 63 Chiappini Street, Bo-Kaap – 27 June 2018

n Hadji Asa Gamiet (93 years), formerly of upper Bloem Street, Bo-Kaap – 2 July 2018

n Saiet Majiet (brother of Rushdie Majiet), Ottery Road, Wynberg – 17 July 2018

n Hadji Abbas Fredericks (son of late Hadji Mog Tape Fredericks), formerly of Lion Street, Bo-Kaap – 23 July 2018

n Imam Naiem Moerat (brother of Sh Mogamat Moerat, 50 Walmer Road, Woodstock – 26 July 2018

n Abduraghmaan Viljoen, 2 Moire Street, Surrey Estate – 29 July 2018

n Hadji Mymoena Kriel (Aunty Monie dressmaker), 2nd Avenue, Rondebosch East – 6 August 2018

n Hadji Mariam Abrahams (sister of the late Dr Abrahams, also known as Aunty Malaam), Chester Road, Walmer Estate – 8 August 2018

n Abdullah Behardien (brother of the late (Vettie), formerly of Lion Street, Bo-Kaap - 8 August 2018

n Maulana Ighsaan Hendricks (former President of MJC) of Oasis Road, Hazendal – 10 August 2018

n Aaiesha Jassiem (wife of late Sh Mogamat Tape Jassiem), 71 Leeuwen Street, Bo-Kaap – 11 August 2018

The Boorhaanol Islam Movement is deeply saddened

by the passing of one of the icons of our community,

Al-Marghoom Imam Erefaan Joseph. Imam Erefaan

has left a rich legacy not only in the Bo-Kaap where

he spent most of his life, but throughout the Muslim


While the exquisitely melodious voice of Imam Erefaan

has for many years tugged at the heart-strings of all

those fortunate enough to hear his athkaar renditions, it

was while his health was failing that this self-effacing

Imam of the Vos Street mosque in the Bo-Kaap was

laying his greatest legacy. When he was approached to

lend his advice to the producers of the Ramadaan

Recitals CD in 2013 and the 22 Short Surahs and Athkaar

CD in 2014, not only did he unhesitatingly avail his frail

presence to the whole process, but went out of his way

to assist the tajweed and pronunciation of all the

mosque groups who recited on the CDs. Such

inspirational leadership underlined the essence of this

humble man, who has spent his life as a servant of the


Born and bred in the Bo-Kaap, Imam Erefaan grew up in

a milieu where gadat was compulsory on a Thursday

night and Moulood and arwaag were the preferred

social engagements. At the age of 21 he joined the

Geiraatul Giesaan Gaatam Jamaah and remained a

loyal member ever since. In his early thirties he

started a thikr group amongst his own family and

friends and this jamaah had developed so well over

the years that they became the preferred choice of

most people including the radio stations and the

Ahlan Wasahlan Ramadaan programme.

The combination of Imam's humble demeanor,

exceptional pronunciation and beautiful laagu had

endeared him to thousands of admirers over the years. In 2007 he was

appointed as the Imam of the Vos Street Masjid which he still faithfully

served despite suffering a severe setback to his health in 2011.

In paying tribute to his contribution as an Imam and love for his

community, the wonderful role he has played in the preservation of

athkaar amongst Cape Muslims, the courageous qualities he has

demonstrated despite his severe ill-health and the inspiring leadership he

manifested in ensuring that the athkaar of this generation of Cape Muslims

was recorded properly for posterity, we ask Allah Almighty to reward him

abundantly, to grant him Jannatul Firdouz and to place sabr in the hearts of

his family and congregation, Insha-Allah Ameen.

Imam Erefaan Joseph

10Boorhaanol Is lam Movement Newsletter Issue No.36 - Muharram 1440 - September 2018

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Congratulations to all our beginners and

intermediate students for passing their


We will be participating in the annual ISKA,

DESTINY tournament that will be held in

Stellenbosch on the 29th and 30th

September, 2018.

Wishing all our students well for the

upcoming tournaments, and thanking

parents and guardians for their continued

support and encouragement.

For any enquiries, please contact Shiham

Davids on Tel.073 150 4363 or Sensei

Samira on Tel.063 076 6950.

Wishing all our readers and their families

well for the new Islamic year.



11Boorhaanol Is lam Movement Newsletter Issue No.36 - Muharram 1440 - September 2018

The Publications Committee of the

Boorhaanol Islam Movement is trying to

collect a full set of newsletters

published by the Movement.

This will have many positive spin-offs


Placing the entire series on a digital Ÿplatform.

Making series of articles more Ÿaccessible

A few issues are still outstanding, and we appeal to anyone who has back copies to assist us:

Volume Number Year

4 2 1971

7 1 1977

7 2 1977

11 3 1978

12 1 1978

14 4 1981

18 3 1985

19 4 1986

20 1, 2, 3 1985

So if you had ties with the Movement in the 1970s and 1980s or know of family and friends who may have a copy, please phone the Boorhaanol office at

021 424 1864, or contact Hadji Taliep Salie at 021 424 9365.

Your efforts will benefit those who would like to reflect on years gone by; those who missed out the first time and future generations, Insha-Allah.

Urgent appeal for newsletters

from 1970s and 1980s

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Sunday 16 September 2018MUHARRAM MARCH

10h00-13h00Starts and ends at the Boorhaanol

Centre, Pentz Street, Bo-Kaap

Saturday 24 September 2018 (Heritage Day)

BO-KAAP HERITAGE FESTIVAL(see advert below) Starting at 7h30


11h45 - 16h00Joseph Stone Auditorium

Sunday 18 November 2018RAMPIE-SNY13h30-18h00

Masjid Boorhaanol Islam

Monday 19 November 2018MOULOOD-UN-NABI

Masjid Boorhaanol Islam



Hadji Taliep Salie (Co-ordinator) - Tel. 021 424 9365, 084 307 5204

Sheikh Muhammad West - Tel.021 911 2360, 082 785 0032

Yusrah Salaam (Boorhaanol Office) - Tel.021 424 1864

Nuha Dramat (Nursery School Principal) - Tel.021 423 7690

Masturah Adams (Social Welfare) - Tel.021 424 2759, 083 286 2480

M Saied Solomons (Masjid Chairman) - Tel.021 424-4629, 083 6280064

Abdul Muhaimin Bassier (BPDC Convenor) - Tel. 084 222 1308

Akbar Allie (Nursery School Chairman) - Tel. 082 962 8553

Sensei Cassiem Davids (Karate) Tel.021 423 7047

Isgaak Abrahams (Boorhaanol Centre Custodian) Tel.073 567 3073

NOTE: For any urgent or emergency matter, contact Hadji Taliep Salie at the above numbers and he will direct you further.


12Boorhaanol Is lam Movement Newsletter Issue No.36 - Muharram 1440 - September 2018